Monster Boys

By David Everson

Published on Jan 22, 2001


Monster Boys by David Everson

Note: this is a work of fiction, inspired by the film FRANKENSTEIN AND ME,Copyright 1996 by Trimark Films. If you're a fan of classic horror films, grew up in the seventies or are just an admirer of beautiful and sexy boys, you'll like this movie. The actors who play the parts in this story-Jamieson Boulanger(Earl), Ryan Gosling(Kenny) and Ricky Mabe(Larry)-are all heterosexual and do not engage in the acts described here. Whip out your dick and enjoy!

Young Earl always had an active fantasy life. He would imagine his brother, his cousin Kenny and himself in action against the screen's mightiest monsters-Frankenstein, the Mummy, the Wolfman and Dracula. In his fantasies, he was always the hero who rescued the damsel in distress and did what was necessary to destroy the evil forces arrayed against the world for all time. It was exhilarating and liberating-he felt control in a way he couldn't in real life, especially since the untimely death of his father.

Lately Earl was having different kinds of fantasies. They started one afternoon when he was at the local drugstore reading the latest issue of FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND. While looking at the newest issue of his favorite mag and poring over the pictures and articles about Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi, his eyes were diverted to a different magazine. On the cover was a shirtless blonde boy wearing only a pair of briefs and a smile. The magazine's title was JOCK.

Earl couldn't really explain the feelings he had while looking at the boy on the cover, but his 4" pecker started to swell in his shorts and he had a funny feeling in his stomach. Trembling, he looked around to see if anyone was watching him and when he saw the coast was clear, he stuffed the mag inside of his shirt and hightailed it out of the store. Being an honest kid, the next time he was in the store he stuck a five dollar bill he received from cutting his neighbor's grass on the counter to cover the cost. He didn't want to steal-but he was too embarrased to let anyone see what he was interested in.

When Earl got home with his prize, he ran up the stairs into his room. His little brother Larry saw him and said "Why are you running Earl? What's the matter?" Earl murmured "I don't feel good. I'm going to take a nap". He locked the door and Larry banged on it. "Earl, it's my room too! Let me in!" Earl yelled "Leave me alone! Go down stairs and watch tv!" Larry pouted but eventually went downstairs and did turn on the tv and watch Three Stooges reruns.

Earl nervously pulled the magazine out from underneath his shirt and looked at the cover again. He panted as he studied the beautiful blonde boys deep blue eyes and well combed hair; his eyes went down to the boys perfectly developed chest with brownish tanned nipples and a beautifully sculpted belly. And then his eyes met the white Calvin Klein briefs that had a big lump in the front. Earl started to breath heavier and knew that, inside the magazine, he would probably see what was underneath those cotton briefs.

Earl had seen pornography before; his friend Ray at school had some interesting magazines he swiped from his older brother. They had pictures of girls with their legs spread, and sometimes there would be a guy putting his cock in the girls mouth or in her cunt. Earl would pore over these pictures, but he always found himself more interested in the guy doing the fucking rather than the girl getting fucked. One magazine was all about anal sex, and he would look fascinated at the giant cocks opening the asshole of pretty girls and thrusting inside of them. Earl was most fascinated with these because he realized something-boys had assholes too.

As Earl looked over the magazine, he was delirious with lust and excitement. He read erotic stories that detailed sexual acts between members of the male sex. One story dealt with cousins who explored each others young male bodies. Earl was fascinated, and then moved on to what he really wanted to see-the boy on the cover naked. He found the pictorial-the first picture had the boy on his bicycle, shirtless and wearing cutoff denim shorts. As the pictorial went on, the boy had the cutoffs down and a patch of gorgeous blonde hair worked it's way down his belly. Earl's hands trembled as he turned the page and knew he would see complete nakedness soon.

At last-the boy with his shorts and underwear around his ankles, his hard big dick standing erect with a shiny wetness. Earl looked down at his own shorts and realized he would find more shiny wetness there. He was about to jack off when he realized why he was so attracted to this boy-he bore more than a striking resemblance to his blonde cousin Kenny. He thought of the story about the cousins having sex with each other and hit on a plan.

Excitedly, Earl called his cousin Kenny on the phone. "Hi Earl" Kenny said, happy to hear from his cousin and best friend. Earl, trying to hide his delirious excitement said "C'mon over Ken. It's so hot today. We can go swimming!" Kenny answered "I would love to but I don't have a clean bathing suit. And you know the lifeguard doesn't allow denim shorts because the color runs off in the water". Earl answered "I have extra Speedos from gym class. C'mon over and I'll lend you one". Kenny agreed and started on his bike to his cousin's house.

Earl was nervous. He didn't know if his plan would work. Kenny had a girlfriend and often regaled Earl with tales of his sexual prowess. Once Kenny's story got the two so hot they beat off together. But Earl was sexually attracted to Kenny-he had gorgeous blonde hair, a thin but well sculpted body, a hot ass, and a winning smile. Girls went nuts for him. Earl went nuts for him too, and during that one jerk off section, he got off on Kenny's naked body, not his story. But he was afraid to let Kenny know that. He hoped that at least he would get to see his cousin naked. Kenny was two years older than Earl, but he was still interested in the same things. But he was at the age he wouldn't admit it to kids his own age-only to his younger cousin.

While waiting for Kenny, Earl looked at himself in the mirror. He took a speedo out of his drawer and looked at it. How he loved to see his classmates in them, their hot ass cheeks peering out of the bottom. He pulled his shorts down and looked at his swollen cock. He admired himself-he had dark hair and big brown eyes. His lips were full and sensual, and he had a very nice body. His chest was smooth and hairless; his belly was boyish but flat, and he had an ass shaped like the hearts he saw on a valentine's card. His penis was about 4 inches when stiff, and completely bald and hairless. He implicitly knew he was gay-and wished Kenny was too. He wanted to be not only his cousin's best friend, but his lover.

He heard Kenny enter the house and quickly put his tight bathing suit on. He looked at how exquisite the bottom half of his body looked in the purple bathing suit and hoped Kenny thought so too. He pulled another Speedo from his drawer-a white one-for Kenny. Kenny knocked on his bedroom door and Earl gulped. He opened it.

"Hi cuz" Kenny said, looking tanned and gorgeous in a tight white tank top and a pair of jean shorts. Kenny looked at Earl's body, glorious in his tight speedo, and said "Have you been working out? You look real toned". Earl blushed at the compliment and said "I do a lot of swimming in school". Kenny said "Well, swimming's the best exercise. You had a little belly last time I saw you"-he placed his hand on Earl's stomach. Earl shivered in delight. Earl laughed and said "Yeah, the swimming got rid of it. In a couple of months I'll have those dents you have on your tummy!" Kenny smiled and lifted his tank top up over his stomach and admired his well defined abdomen. "Yeah, you'll be a looker like me!" he giggled.

Earl blushed, thinking to himself how much of a looker he thought Kenny was. Earl handed Kenny the white speedo. Kenny unembarassedly pulled down his shorts, revealing no underwear. Earl tried not to stare, but he looked at Kenny's pubic area-clean, with a small light patch of blonde hair over his gorgeous 5" prick. Kenny laughed, saying, "Whatcha ya lookin' at, cuz?" Earl said, "Oh, I just wanted to see what Karen sees every night!" Earl knew that mentioning Karen might get the subject focused on sex, and that would be an advantage.

Kenny laughed as he pulled the white Speedo up over his hardening cock; he said "Karen's been at her grandma's house for the last week, so she hasn't seen anything lately". Then he said with a slight hint of lust in his voice "But you wouldn't believe what we did before she left". Earl shook his head and said "What?" Kenny said "I put my dick in her asshole". Blood raced to Earl's already excited prick. He said, in a hushed and husky voice "What did it feel like?"

Kenny started to breath a little heavier as he described it. "It was so tight and warm. She squealed a little bit at first, but then moaned. I kept pumping her asshole until I shot some cum into it. It was so tight it didn't take long". Earl nonchalantly rubbed his crotch and said "what's better, an asshole or a cunt?" Kenny said in a low throaty way "an asshole. It's so tight and almost sucks on your dick while you fuck it". Earl could see Kenny's cock growing and throbbing underneath the very tight white speedos.

Breathing heavy and barely audible, Earl said "Would

you want to see what my asshole feels like?" Kenny said "Excuse me?" Earl said, a little louder, "Do you wanna fuck me in my asshole?" Earl put everything on the line; he knew that this might be a turning point, and Kenny might not even stay friendly anymore after this suggestion. But he was so fucking horny he didn't care. Kenny gulped and said "Earl, would you like that?" Earl didn't answer-he pulled his speedos down over his gorgeous bottom, then he put his hand on Kenny's swollen crotch and started to rub it.

Kenny moaned a little and said in a low voice "Remember when we jerked off together? I shot cum because I was looking at your ass". Earl grinned and kept pumping Kenny's crotch. He answered "And I got off because I was looking at you nude". The two boys kissed, and Earl said "I've been dreaming of this". He pulled the JOCK magazine out from under his pillow and said "I bought this because the boy on the cover looks like you". Kenny's dick stiffened even more when he saw the magazine, knowing what pornographic delights lay beyond it's cover. But he decided to focus on the real life pornographic delights he was about to experience-the horny mag could wait.

Earl looked at Kenny's sweet body through the tight speedos and said "Those are small for you. Why not take them off?" Kenny pulled his speedos down and his hard 5" prick, glistening with pre-cum, darted out. Earl put his hand on it, feeling the wet tip and Kenny said "If I fuck you up your ass, we'll need some lotion or something". Earl went over to his dresser and got some Jergens hand lotion. He squirted it on his hand and then started to lather Kenny's cock up with it. Kenny moaned in blissful pleasure, knowing that he would soon have his stiff prick inside of Earl's beautiful boy ass. Earl too was excited, and loved the way his cousin's hot cock felt in his smooth hand, lotion dripping off of it. Earl then squeezed another bit of lotion into his hand, and his hand made it's way to his butthole. He rubbed the lotion up and down the crack, making it slick and slippery, in anticipation of the warm slab of flesh that would soon be wedged there.

Earl got on his bed on all fours, his asshole and buttocks glistening in anticipation. Earl wondered what it would feel like-he once wedged one of his brush handles into his anus, and it felt good despite the coldness and hardness of it. He knew that a nice silky piece of boyflesh would feel much nicer and be much more welcome in his asshole. Kenny's shiny smooth cock was engorged with pleasure in anticipation of the fleshy delights of Earl's round, firm bottom. He got on the bed behind Earl and lined up his cock to the asscrack.

Kenny, shaking, said "It's going to go in now". Earl closed his eyes and waited for the sensation of boydick entering his anus. Kenny slid his dick into the crack, the glans rubbing against twin mounds of boyflesh. He moaned as his hard cock entered Earl's sweet rectum. Earl, his system in slight shock, squealed slightly momentarily. But as Kenny's dick made itself at home in his body, he started to ease up and enjoy what it felt like. And in a word, it felt AWESOME!

Kenny was extremely horny but was concerned for his cousin. He said "Can I start thrusting? Are you ok?". Earl just said huskily "please fuck me". Kenny, in heat, started to thrust his cock into Earl's tight anus and pumped in and out. His girfriend's asshole wasn't so taut and warm; indeed, Kenny never ever felt such complete ecstasy in his entire life as he did at this moment. He looked down at Earl's ass, which was moving all around and humping. Kenny knew that this moment wasn't going to last. His balls were filling with thick cream and soon that cream would be all over Earl's insides.

Earl's body was in complete bliss; he knew not only that he was gay, but that he liked to be on the receiving end. He still thought he might like to try fucking Kenny's ass someday, but right now he was completely content with letting his own insides being explored by a cock. Earl thrust his ass into Kenny's pelvis, hoping to get every bit of Kenny inside of him. Kenny started to move faster and in a frenzy.

He started to moan and said "Oh, fuck, Earl, I'm going to come!" Earl's ass tightened, knowing that the more he grabbed onto Kenny's cock with his anal cavity, the greater his orgasm would be. Kenny's cock felt the grip of Earl's anus and started to shoot gobs of hot white semen into his rectum. "Oooooh, fuck, yeah!" Kenny said, his body shaking with orgasmic waves. White cum dribbled from Earl's asshole as he started to collapse onto Earl's back, his cock sliding out of Earl's sweet bottom.

Earl turned around, his cock purple and raging; Kenny took some of the cum from Earl's asshole, and rubbed it all over Earl's raging cock. He jacked up and down on it, and Earl started to moan, "Oh fuck yeah!" His own cock produced boyjism and it exploded all over Kenny's hand and Earl's belly. He moaned as waves of orgasmic delight accompanied his cock's spasms. Kenny took the cum and placed it on his lips. His tongue darted against his lips and enjoyed the sour but yummy taste. The two boys, sweaty and exhausted, crawled under Earl's blankets and cuddled. Earl looked into Kenny's eyes and said "Can I be your boyfriend?" Kenny, confused but happy, said "Yeah, we can be boyfriends". The two kissed, youthful love overwhelming their feelings. Then Earl heard a slight sound outside his door. "What was that?" he said to Kenny. Kenny rubbed Earl's belly and said "your imagination. Don't worry".

Unknown to them, Earl's little brother Larry was outside the door, peering through the keyhole. His pants were down around his ankles and he was rubbing his sweet little dick, wondering if he could join his brother and cousin in their fun game next time.

To Be Continued?

Next: Chapter 2

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