Moniques Husband

By moc.loa@noinimoDzraL

Published on Oct 10, 2023


This is for you gents who wanted to know the details regarding Monique's husband, Richard, getting his fine cherry ass deflowered (nifty bi/adult encounters section). Thanks for your lusty E-mail's, guys.

So it's another sunny, warm, summer Sunday afternoon in San Diego, California USA and I've just gotten back from the gym workout with my buddy Mark. My pussycat Cleo meow's a greeting as she winds herself around my ankles. I toss my gym bag onto the sofa as I wonder what kind of trouble I can get myself into this afternoon...

My mind's eye travels back to the evening my babe'o'licious gal pal Monique showed up with her new stud husband, Richard. During the course of the evening's events she had pantsed her husband and had me spank his exceptional arse cheeks and hole. He got hard over my attention and she proudly had waved his big uncut fuck stick in my face, and that of my buddy Steven. "My hubby's got a nice one," she boasted while jacking his baby maker. Just old and new friends getting to know each other, you understand.

I'm already charged up. This day, after lifting weights and polishing off the workout with a good steam room session with those naked and hard fucking horny body blokes at the Bally's Holiday Health Spa. Damn. The local news weatherman Mitch D. was sitting right by the front of the steam room with a mouth watering 9" (no lie) uncircumcised hardon as I made my nude entrance.

Well, what was a pushy fucker such as myself to do but plant my sweaty rump down right next to that handsome, blue eyed, fudge packer. Yeah, I knew through the grapevine that he's "married" to some twink.

All right! He's got a salt and pepper fur covered chest and one fine bod. I notice that the five other dudes on the three tiered benches are stroking themselves or each other in the dim, hot, steam filled room. The randy blokes pound their puds, and one good looking lucky dude's dick is getting a primo suck job, as I look back to Mitch in his million dollar azure eyes. I go for it and reach my hand over and shove my fuck you finger right up his suprisingly receptive ass.

"Oh yeah," his vocalization resonates around the acoustically magical space as he pops his wad so quickly I barely have time to get hard, much less off, myself. What a sweet asshole, I think, as I finger fuck his prostate gland to his climax. Wow. I extract my paw from his bunghole and reach up to rub his spicy smelling sperm into his hunky hairy he-man chest just as my buddy Mark walks in, giving me an, "oh no not again," admonishing glance. He looks around and notices several of the other guys in the foggy "audience" spunking their loads over the obscene display. I grasp Mitch's still turgid cum covered cock glands and work his foreskin up and down a coupla times quickly just for good luck. Mark frowns as his own penis begins to erect. Hypocrite!

All I could do is innocently shrug my shoulders as I rub Mitch's combined ass juice and spooge into my mustache, inhaling deeply, proceeding to lick his essences from my fingertips. "Let's go get a drink," Mark huffs, grabbing my arm, as he hustles me out of the steam room and into the showers. I notice Mark is as aroused as I am as he lathers up his smooth buff Germanic bod across from me under the hot spray of the shower, cascading down his pretty boy self.

We towel off and dress quickly as I try not to obviously notice the parade of male pulchritude exposed in the locker room. Don't you just love the way all men, str8 or gay, get off on strutting their stuff, guys! I see Mitch standing naked under the wall mounted blow dryer as his eyes connect with mine with an "oh, no I just possibly jeopardized my public persona and career," wide eyed moment of terror. I give him a 'not to worry' wink, with a crooked smile. His pecker still looks puffed up and quite huge. I never see him at that gym again.

"Cummon Mark. Let's go to 'The Hole' (a bar located across from the Marine Recruit Depo-MCRD)," I beg as we pile into his Buick Riviera. "It's Sunday afternoon beer bust."

"No way you slut puppy," he rejoins. "I've gotta get home to my hubby." "Fine, I Hurrumph. It's the Caliph, then." Married folks, just no adventure! We laugh about the Mitch episode over two cocktails at the sugardaddy bar before Mark drops my ass off at my Hillcrest condo on Florida St. on his hasty way home to pork his husband, Don's, butch beefy ass.

It's about 4:00pm as the cat loudly draws my attention to her empty food dish. So I fill her up with her favorite Science Diet pellets and I notice the red blinking light on the answering machine. Remember answer machines? I punch the message button as Cleo lays her tail flat on the floor and hunkers down to devour some good grub.

"Hey Lars," comes the baritone voice from the tape. "It's Richard, Monique's husband. The wife's outta town and I was just wondering if I could come over and hang out with you this afternoon?" Well, hot dang. The late afternoon's looking up just as I was about to surrender to the notion of throwing on my come fuck me duds and head on over to Pec's Leather Man's Bar (just one block from my Florida St. home- gotta love San Diego, gents).

The studly dumbo neglects to leave his phone #, of course, and I about break my wrist as I tear through my everything drawer filled with scraps of paper on which tricks, friends, and bill collectors calling numbers are written. I had long ago stopped including Monique's phone # in my address book as she moved all too often. Bingo! I hoped it was still current as I dialed the man back.

"Lars!" Rich ejaculated enthusiastically over the phone. Caller ID was still a new thing at that time. "Richard" I returned. "What's up, dude?" I knew exactly what was up on my end at that moment. My throbbing man hungry cock! "Monique's cable is cut off and I was wondering if I could come over and watch the big game. She's outta town," he says. Does (then) president Clinton piss in the oval office's potty room, I'm thinking? "Sure bud, cummon over. I've got brews and steaks for the grill. You know my address." "Thanks Lars, be there in about twenty minutes." Rich hangs up and I proceed to run around and make my bachelor pad presentable for company in the time allotted.

My cat Cleo gives me a knowing look as I suddenly feel guilty about my anterior motives. "What the heck," I think as I tell her out loud that she knows what daddy likes. "Fine" she telepathically blinks and sulks off to her favorite hidden napping lair. I barely have time to brush my teeth and douche my ass (always be prepared is my motto) as I hear my buzzer from the gated entrance downstairs. "Cummon on up Rich," I tell him over the intercom as I buzz him in.

What a sight for sore gonads greets me as I open the door to him standing there in his seductive male perfection wearing a white ribbed tank top and blue jeans. I'm about 5' 10" and blonde/brown, hair hairy chested, with a neatly trimmed beard and mustache, 185 lbs. and good-looking enough to have an always full dance card. Richard stands about six foot with wavy longish black/brown hair and large dark eyes which penetrate to one's soul. I reckoned him at about 200 lbs. with a nice dusting of dark fur over his outstanding pecs, earned through hard manual labor. Handsome and lean and mean looking in his blue jeans. Prime breeder material!

He grasps my hand firmly in a warm fist as I notice what looks like a bottle encased in a brown wrapper in his left hand. He follows my eyes to his welcome offering. "Tequila. Jose Cuervo," he expounds as he raises the prize in his hand with a big grin and a toss of his comely face. How very Southern California of him. "Welcome, my friend" I say as I pull him into a comradly bear hug. "So Monique's outta town, then" I redundantly inquire breaking the electrifying contact. He smells good. Freshly washed with just a whiff of aftershave. No foo foo perfume to mask his man musk. "Yep. Left me high and dry," he returns as he tries to look disappointed.

"Get yourself a puppy, Rich. They stick around and are always obedient" I kidded him as I ushered him onto my balcony. I saw him give me a quizzical sidew ays glance as I walked back to the kitchen to retrieve the shot glasses and Corona's. I supposed he was wondering why I was only wearing standard brief white boxer underwear and nothing else. As I returned with the goods I added "pretty warm this evening, isn't it?" "Yeah, you look comfortable, Lars."

"Dude, make yourself at home too" I say almost to eagerly. Again he makes his patented sheepish face and I ask him "what's the deal you going commando under those jeans?" "Naw. Like last time I was over. I'm just wearin' a jockstrap. Didn't count on you getting me out of my pants so fast, " he informs me with a look that would melt butter and a deep lusty laugh. "Hey, I like my guests to feel at home. And I already know you look great in that jock, Rich," I challenged. "Go ahead and get comfortable, pal. It's private up here." I poured us up our first two shots of Jose as he lit a cig and paused to consider the situation.

"Well, if you don't mind. And I quess since you've already seen it. Gonna mention this to Monique?" He suddenly looked like a deer trapped in headlights. "Who me? Not a chance, pal." He held my eyes with a steady gaze as we lifted our shot glasses in a secretive salute. I arose to get us two more Coronas and there was no missing the erection in my boxers which I about touched his lips with as I retrieved his empty. When I returned with fresh icy brews there was Rich looking awfully comfortable wearing a crisp white Bike jock, a devilish grin, a wedding ring and nothing else.

"Here ya go sport" I hand him his next brew and comment favorably on his undergear. "Yeah Monique told me you like seeing a blokes hard asses framed in a jockstrap." That's my girl and how right on she is. "When's the big game on," I inquire? "Let's skip it. Much too nice outside. Don't you agree?" I Do agree. And after shooting the breeze some more I ask Richard to get us another round. There's only a moments pause before he stands to retrieve my empty then turns placing his naked finely furred cheeks in my face to pick up his own empty. "Mmmmm that looks good enough to spank" I say out loud as I feel the palm of my right hand begin to heat up. He only turns his face to me, cheeks reddening. You guess which ones. My eyes burn into his melons as he saunters away. Double dog dang!

"You hungry yet" I ask following him inside? "Huh?" He looks up distractedly as he's once again bent over looking into the fridge, thrusting those tasty looking globes in my direction. "Hungry-you-yet?" He blinks and kids me he "thought I said horny." "That too stud," I kid him back. "Say, you wanna order delivery. Much too warm out to grill." I speed dial up Mt. Etna's Pizzeria and place the order. Then I get the bright idea to pop in a video my friend Ken in San Francisco had sent me. It was titled "Cop Spank" starring Ken, of course, in a cop uniform as he administers harsh discipline to some very bad tough customers. Richard really gets into watching the action as he leans over the counter. Sounds of smack smack smack and moaning boys fill the room as I slide up behind Rich and lightly brush his rump with my right palm. "Mmmmm..." he intones as I suddenly land the first blow. "Ouch." He bucks but doesn't budge." Smack smack smack reverberates around the room as I reach up and twist his nipples. "Oh, yeah" he groans as I land some more well aimed blows. He surprises me by reaching back with booth hands and spreading himself wide open. Now we're talking. Smack smack smack. He's laid his chest down on the counter as I slow down on the abuse long enough to rub circles around his pink pucker with my thumb. I hear no objections as I sink it upto the first knuckle. He wiggles it around and starts humping back as his head pops up. Smack smack smack "bad boy" I bark as I push him back flat with my left hand. Smack smack smack I get three more in as the buzzer goes of alerting us the delivery man was down stairs.

"Break time. Let him up. You pay him Rich. I gotta take a wicked piss. Here's twenty-five bucks. That'll cover the tip." I sense his dilemma as I walk away, evilly leaving him to answer the door in his obvious state. Ain't I a stinker? And I know that the cute Italian delivery boy is gay. Of course Richard doesn't know this and is thinking that he's gonna look like a perv to the kid. Good. A little humiliation with dinner hits the spot! I drain the weasel, which takes awhile since my aching cock needs to deflate enough to let flow. Yeah, my bad boy's been boned for well over an hour at this point. I return just in time to witness the wide eyed stare the swarthy teen was giving Richard's ass, covered as it was with bright red palm prints. Richard treats me to a 'if looks could kill you'd be dead meat' expression on his handsome face. But he carries on like a trooper. What a guy!

He hands the kid his money and the lad hesitates, staring down at Richard's packed jock pouch. "Sorry, Antonio. He's mine, all mine," I echo the very same words Monique had said in this room just a few weeks ago. I slam the door in the blinking buffoon's' face and bust up laughing. "You fucker" Rich bellows as he rushes over and slams my back against the door. Man he's sweating and his chest is heaving as he turns the tables on me and holds me in place with an Iron Grip. Mmmmm... now I'm getting manhandled. "Fuck you, asswipe" he bellows but I can't stop laughing only making him madder in his embarrassment.

"Relax shithead. Antonio's gay and you just made his day and mine too by the way. You loved it too." I reach down and grab his erection for emphasis. He freezes for a moment to take it all in, looks down at my hand on his hard Johnson, and suddenly busts up laughing himself. One more "fuck you, Lars" outta him and releases his hold over me. "Fine Rich," I tell him as I drop my underwear to the floor and turn to rub my big smooth asscheeks all over his package. He reaches around to twist my nipple and pull me back against his hard hairy chest. "You gay guys are really fucked up. You know that." Another wave of laughter rolls outta him and bangs his hairy pecs against my smooth back as he bites down on my neck. "Yeah, and I'm the worst of the lot" I come back at him as he reaches down and tentatively runs his hand over my once again erect member. "So I see" Rich responds as he grabs my nuts hard! OUCH!

Grrrrr... Well that's all for now Gentle Readers. Maybe next time around we'll get to the really good part! In the mean time I hope you enjoyed this installment and true tale from Lars. Hey, it was the gay '90s...

Next: Chapter 3

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