Monica & Saleslady

By Col.Brewster

Published on Sep 8, 1996



From!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!news-master!!Macvsog Mon Sep 9 20:57:02 1996 Path:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!news-master!!Macvsog Newsgroups: Organization: Concentric Internet Services Lines: 295 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

I did not write this story!


Monica and The Sales Lady

"Her name is Allison, and she has the longest legs! And not

only that but she crosses them just like you taught me to cross mine,

and once while she was talking to me she laid her hand on my thigh,

really high up and squeezed it real sexy like, and it was all I could

do to keep from falling in her arms, cause she had these big..."

"Monica!! Whoa!! Slow down! I want to hear all about it, but

you're talking so fast I can't get it all!"

"I'm sorry, I guess I'm still excited....but if you had been

here you would understand...Oh, I can't wait for you to get home!!"

"What time did you tell her to come?"

"I told her you'd probably get home around 6:00 and I asked her

to come for supper around 7:00. You didn't mind my inviting her to

come back did you?"

I smiled warmly at the enthusiasm and excitement that I heard in

Monica's voice. The Allison she was so excited about was a lady who

had come to the door selling life insurance. Monica's training

allowed her to let lady salesperson's in the house as long as they

were attractive and not accompanied by a male. It also encouraged

her to determine if possible whether or not the sales lady might have

any interest in the things we were interested in, and if so to try to

set up a meeting with me if possible. Thats exactly what she had

done, and it pleased me to see her so excited about it.

"No dear, thats exactly what you were trained to do. You did

well. Now tell me once more what this Allison looked like."

"Well, she is really tall...she must be around 5'10" or maybe

even a bit taller...she had on high heels so I may be over-estimating

her height just a little. She has light brown hair, not too long,

and green eyes. She was dressed conservatively, very business-like

in a skirt and blouse. But I could tell she didn't have on a bra

under her blouse by the way her nipples pressed the front of the soft

material out. When she sat on the couch she crossed her legs and

then tucked the ankle of her right leg back under the ankle of her

left leg...just like you showed me...and slid her supporting foot

back at that angle that makes legs look so know what I


"Was she wearing stokings?..or could you tell?", I asked.

"I really tried to tell, but it was difficult. She had on

either stockings or pantyhose one, but I'm not sure which." I heard

a small laugh come across the phone lines. "Maybe she'll wear the

same skirt and blouse tonight and you can find out for yourself."

Chuckling, I replied, "Yes, or perhaps I'll make you find out

for me."

"Yesssss, MASTER!, whatever you say!", she giggled into the


"Did she say anything to make you think she might be bi?"

"Well, it wasn't so much what she said as it was the flirty way

she said everything she had to say. She did say that I was very

attractive and that she loved petite women. Then when she rose to

leave she put her hand on my thigh, very near to my crotch and

squeezed it quite hard. I didn't want her to move it, but I wasn't

sure whether to say anything or not."

"I think you did everything exactly right, precious little slave-

slut! I can't wait to get fact I may come home just a bit

early to help you get ready. This could be a fun filled night."

After we hung up I made a call to the Chamber of Commerce to

check on the insurance company that this lady supposedly worked for.

It was a well known company and she was listed as their sales

representative for our area. She worked out of Chatanooga, Tenn. and

came through our area once every three months they said.

Finally around 5:00 I got caught up enough that I could leave

work. When I got home I heard the shower running and slipped into

the bathroom quietly to find Monica laying back in the tub with her

eyes closed. She had the Shower Massage showerhead in her hand and

was letting the warm water pulse against her spread open cunt. It

had almost gotten to the place that there wasn't anything that Monica

did anymore that she didn't do in some kind of sexually fulfilling

way. I loved it.

I slipped back out just as quietly as I had entered and slipped

out of my clothes and into the nice navy smoking jacket that Monica

had given me for Christmas the year before. I took the white silk

wrap-around gown that I had given her out of the closet and laid it

on the bed. It was a very pretty gown, quite short, but still very

attractive on Monica. I found the white slippers with the very high

heels and laid them beside the gown.

I was in the kitchen fixing a screwdriver for her when I heard

the water finally stop. I made the drink stronger than necessary,

but then she expected the drinks I fixed for her to be that way. I

held the drink out to her as she came through the bathroom door

rubbing her still hard nipples with both hands.

"Oh!!, you scared me, you silly! When did you get home?"

I smiled at her and kissed her gently on the mouth. "I've been

here for a while. I saw you were, ahem, "busy" in the bathroom and

decided to give you some privacy."

With an embarrased giggle she sipped the strong drink and

replied, "Yes, I was sort of "busy", wasn't I? I'm afraid I stayed

in there too long, I've not even started supper yet."

"I called for some supper to be delivered when I saw that you

hadn't started anything yet. It should be here shortly. In fact, I

think I hear a car in the driveway now. Here...slip a towel around

you and go open the door for the delivery boy."

She gave me that "You're something, aren't you?" look, but

obediently wrapped the small towel around her and opened the door for

the teen-age delivery boy. I didn't have to watch to know what

effect she would have on him. She told him to please put it on the

dining room table for her since she couldn't let go of the towel, and

turned her back giving him a good view of her cheeks as she came back

in to get the money to pay him.

"Is it the kid with the big one?", I teased.

"Yes, you devil, and its even bigger than usual now...must be

the towel."

"Well, too bad we've other plans, he could stay awhile...maybe

another night."

Grinning a big sexy grin she took the money from me and paid the

boy off. I heard him whistle an appreciative whistle as he walked

away from the door toward his car.

"I think he heard us talking", she said with a smile, "his face

was a beet red when I walked back in and gave him the money."

Together we set the table in the dining room and no sooner had

we finished than the door-bell rang once more. This time I did the


" must be Allison, the insurance lady that Monica was

telling me about. Please, come in."

"And you must be Mr. Wade. Monica was so kind to invite me for

supper, I really didn't expect that...she's a delightful woman."

"Yes, she is delightful in many, many ways!" I said as I ushered

Allison into the dining room. Monica was certainly right about

Allison looking like something we'd be interested in. She wasn't the

kind of woman who struck you right away as being beautiful, but she

had an air about her which told you there was alot there both to look

at and to learn about. She was quite attractive.

"I hope you'll forgive the casual way we're dressed. We enjoy

the privacy of our own home and usually wear something comfortable

when we are here."

"Oh, no...thats just fine. I dont' blame you, I don't wear much

at home either, frankly."

"Well, we certainly want you to make yourself at home while

you're with us", I said with a mischievous grin as I pulled out the

chair for her.

Dinner was fine under the circumstances. I knew that Monica and

I were anxious for it to be over with, and I got the impression that

Allison felt the same way. Finally we were all through and we

retired to the living room.

Monica and I exchanged smiles as Allison seated herself in the

same manner she had earlier in the day. This time I seated myself on

the couch next to her and Monica sat in the straight chair opposite

us. I gave Monica the code to open her legs and smiled to myself as

she sat open legged in the short gown. Her pussy was plainly

obvious, but the look on her face gave not the slightest hint that

she was aware of it.

Allison obviously had on the same outfit which Monica had

described. I could see her nipples plainly through the material of

her blouse, but it was very difficult to detect any garters through

the tight skirt. She began her presentation as if there was nothing

at all else on her mind, although I caught her glancing up often and

looking between Monica's legs. Each time she did I could detect a

nervous twitch of her eyes and watched as she swallowed hard before

speaking again.

Several times she laid forms in her lap and on two or three such

occasions I reached to her lap and took them to look at for myself.

In doing so I was soon able to brush my hand against her thigh enough

to tell that she did in fact have on a garter belt under her skirt.

Her nipples grew harder and harder behind the blouse until they were

literally poking out through the silky fabric.

"This is an unusual question, I'm sure, Allison", I said, "but

I've always wondered what the answer is. Is there a clause in

insurance policies which gives the company an out in the event that

the insured dies while engaged in an unusual sexual activity?"

Allison brightened and smiled warmly. "I guess that depends on

what you mean by unusual...just what do you mean by that?"

"Well, you see Monica is a rather unusual woman. By that I

mean that she has needs which are somewhat more....well, I mean she

often has to be....I guess what I'm trying to say is that..."

"Pleassse, please, Mr. Wade...feel free to say exactly what you

mean to me, I'm a big girl, and I've seen it all, I assure you!"

"Well, ok then...Monica is a slave-slut, Allison. Its not

unusual at all for Monica to be involved in group sex situations with

both men and women, and believe me, sometimes they can be very

physically draining. I've just often wondered what would happen as

far as insurance is concerned if she had a heart attack or something

under such circumstances."

Recrossing her legs and sliding her skirt higher on her full

thighs, Allison rubbed her hand along her calf sexily as she answered

my question. "Well, thats really a very good question, and its the

kind of question that more people should ask. Luckily for you, I

know the answer", she smiled broadly. "For insurance purposes a

heart attack is a heart attack unless it can be proven that the

insured suffered a self-induced heart attack as a way of committing

suicide. There is no case where an insurance company ever tried to

prove someone attempted suicide by fucking themselves to death."

While she had been giving her explanation to me, I had given

Monica the hand signal which indicated that she was to rub her legs.

I had displayed the signal long enough that the signal had

additionally informed her that she was to also touch her pussy.

Allison saw her hand moving on her legs out of the corner of her eye

as she spoke and when she had completed her answer focused her eyes

directly on Monica and watched calmly as her hand moved to her pussy.

Monica had now laid her head back and closed her eyes and

without any further instruction from me was now also rubbing her

breast with her left hand inside the gown.

"Would you like something to drink, Allison?", I asked with a


Without taking her eyes off of the busy little slut who was

performing for her, Allison replied breathlessly, "Yes, that would be

nice...a good cold strong drink would be very nice."

I took my time in the kitchen fixing the drink. I knew that

Monica would not stop playing with herself now unless I told her to.

I also knew that Allison would not stop watching her.

What I saw when I came back into the living room proved me right

on both counts. Monica's robe was now completely open, revealing

her small sexy body. Her left hand was pinching and pulling at the

nipple on her left breast while her right hand was busy pumping two

fingers in and out of her dripping wet cunt. She had slid down on

the chair now until her pussy was right at the edge of the seat, and

her head was still laid back and her eyes closed tightly.

Allison had pulled her dress up to her waist and was slumped

down on the couch. Her eyes were fixed on Monica and both hands were

playing in her shaved and naked fuck hole. She didn't even look at

me as I entered the room.

Sitting beside her, I lifted the glass to her lips and watched

as she sipped from it thirstily. She still made no sign whatsoever

that she was aware of my presence. Moving her drink to my right

hand, I began to unbutton her blouse with my left hand, not stopping

until I had it completely unbuttoned and had pulled it back to the

sides to reveal her hard nipples and full breasts. Having done that

I began to play with her nipples with the fingers of my left hand,

pinching and pulling at them, twisting and turning them like radio

knobs. She had two fingers from each hand inside her cunt now and

was fucking herself with the same gusto that Monica displayed across

the room. I began to talk to her in a soft sexy voice.

"You love watching her, don't you, Allison?....You love

watching the hot little bi-slut fingering her dripping wet fuck hole,

dont' you?....Look at her nipples, Allison, don't you wish you were

sucking on them now?....think how good her juices must taste...think

how good her mouth would feel sucking on your naked fuck

you want to eat her Allison? you?....crawl to her, you dirty

little cunt sucking tramp, crawl to her and suck her juice into your it now!!!"

She fell forward immediately to her knees, crawled across the

carpeted floor, and pressed her mouth tightly against Monica's wet

cunt. She slid her arms under Monica's trim thighs and pulled her

pussy into her face with her hands.

Meanwhile I moved behind her and slid her tight skirt up over

her ass. Slipping off my robe, I stroked my cock once or twice and

then knelt behind her. I rubbed the head of my thick fuck meat in

her sloppy wet slit and then began fucking her as her mouth worked

noisily on the slut cunt in front of her. Monica grabbed her head

in her hands and pressed her mouth even more tightly against her

trembling pussy.

I began pumping my cock in and out of Allison's hot cunt,

grabbing her by the hips as I stroked my meat into her. When I had

established a nice comfortable rythym, I moved one hand to her ass

and began pressing a finger against her asshole. Realizing that I

needed lubrication, I slid my hand up Allison's back and past her

head to Monica's cunt and slid my finger in between Allison's bi-slut

mouth and and the juicy dirty tramp fuck hole on which it sucked.

Coating it quickly with the juice that Allison so obviously

hungered for, I moved it back to her ass and slid it quickly into her

tight little shit-hole. Her hips really began moving now as she

fucked herself back and forth on my thick cock and on my finger that

was moving in and out of her chute.

Monica began to moan softly, and her breathing began to come in

gasps. I knew her orgasm was beginning and wanted Allison to come

with her. I picked up the pace of my assault on her holes and was

rewarded by a continually more frenzied movement of her hips. When

Monica's ass began to lift from the chair and thrust itself into

Allison's face, I felt Allison's cunt and asshole both clench

noticibly. The small of her back started dipping and rising in time

to the fucking of my cock in and out of her hole and I heard a deep

scream begin in her throat, muffled only by the jry

strong crotch and moved through the juice and cunt to her own lips and escaped

strongly now. Her whore hips bucked high and strong as my cock

began spewing hot wet fuck into her. She jerked from the waist back

and thrusted outward from the waist up, both ends fucking, one end

taking, the other end giving. Suddenly her whole body locked up,

tight as a drum, and then just as suddenly she went limp, falling on

the floor. My now soft cock slid out of her hole and Monica was

forced to release her head from her grasp.

Rolling Allison over on her back I checked her breathing to make

sure she was alright. I'd seen a similar response to orgasm before

with Donna, so I knew she had just momentarily passed out. She

stayed out longer than Donna had, however, and it was nearly five

minutes before she came to. By that time Monica had knelt beside her

also, partly out of concern for her safety, and partly out of

gratitude for the orgasm she had just helped her achieve.

When she did come to we all smiled at each other and hugged

warmly. It had been a very pleasant and exciting introduction for

us. Monica had been right about Allison, and I was proud of her for

being able to tell. How right she had been we wouldn't know until

later on. But we all knew then that there would be more times for

us in the future, and we were glad. Boy, were we glad!

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