Money for College / Street Hustler

By Homer's Odyssey

Published on May 9, 2006



Well Dudes, if you don't know me, then here is the skinny. I write true stories (at least they are 98% true and I have lived every hot and horney minute of them. If you write I'll send you the complete list of my autobiographic series of stories.

Now for the warnings and disclaimers. First, if you are reading this where it is illegal for your county, shire. state or country leave now before you get hooked. Come back when you are of age and then enjoy. Like I said, the story is true and only the names of the characters have been changed to protect the guilty.

Dudes, for the most part the characters in this story practiced safe sex but, sometimes things got away and even though I try, putting on a condom, that is slow and cumbersome to the flow of the story. The word is, be safe and always wear a condom or don't put your cock into any unprotected holes and don't let anyone else put his cock into any of your unprotected holes.

For the fun of it, I am including a short quiz. If you get it right I'll send you a list of my Nifty stories. Even if you don't get it right I can be persuaded to spill the beans and send you a list. Just send your answer to Homer's Odyssey . The quiz is that at the University of California at Berkeley campus there is a Campanili. It is a copy of a Campanili in Italy. Which City in Italy is where the copied one is. Is it Milan, Florence, Venice or Pisa? Should be easy for you Berkeley Golden Bears.

This story is not copy righted, who in hell would want to copy right this any way. if you are going to use, copy or plagiarize this, go ahead and see if I care!


My story begins in the second year of college. I had just lost both of my parents in an auto accident and was finding that going it alone without financial support was just not going to work. I was down to three packages of top raman and half a dozen packages of Macaroni and cheese. The rent on my slum of a room was paid through the end of the semester, but I could die there without food.

So, I thought over my options and they were slim to none. I frantically applied for student loans. I searched for jobs that would let me continue at school and I considered throwing myself off the Golden Gate Bridge.

One thing though that kept running through my head. There was a place about five blocks from campus where dudes hung out and solicited for Gay male sex. I was 19 then and looked pretty good. Maybe I could pick up enough cash by selling my bod to stay in College. I had done some male to male sex and it didn't bother me getting my cock sucked or maybe even doing a little sucking myself.

After three miserable meals of macaroni and cheese in a row, I made up my mind to see what I could do at the hot boys meat market. I put on my tightest jeans and a tank top and set out for the street where I had seen the action.

Now uncut Dudes from time to time I'll let you in on some important stuff that you may not know. Uncut dudes, I'm cut myself and pack almost 6 1/2 inches when hard.

At the time of this story most college dudes who were gay were giving it away so the competition was fierce if you wanted to get paid for sex by a gay student or University faculty member.

When I got to the street on Shatuck Avenue, things seemed to be moving along smoothly. About eight guys were looking for action from the passing cars. One guy seemed to be running the operation. If a car cruised by slowly, he would give a nod to one of the dudes and that guy would go over to the car and make his pitch. Before the guy would get into the car, the street boss came over and got the license plate number and said something to the guy or guys in the car. This was early days for mobile phones or cell phones. Then it was wait for the next car or guy who might show up. It was well organized and I figured I would have to get permission from the street boss before I could work that spot.

I walked over to the street boss, and when he wasn't busy, I asked him about how I could get in on the action. He told me that if I wanted to work that corner and join the group, they had several rules that I would have to follow. Also the rules would protect me as well. I would have to wait my turn, but that would not be a problem, especially on weekends when the traffic for hot bods was fast. Next, the charges were pretty well standard. $50 if the John wanted to suck me off. That was cheap, because once you came, it was a while before you could get hard again. $100 if the guy wanted you to suck him. And sucking the John was up to you. If the John wanted to be fucked in his ass, then it was $100 for a short time. If the John wanted to fuck you or spend all night with you then it was $200 plus tips!

You paid the street boss 25% for keeping track of you so the Johns didn't harm you. The street boss kept track and if you were overdue with a John he would get in touch with the cops with whom he had an arrangement. The cops would put out the word to look for the car and if you went to any place with the John the street boss would keep track of that and if you were not back when and where you were supposed to be then the street boss would put that word out also.

It was all pretty cut and dried. The street boss got his cut and he was supposed to watch and protect you. the street boss was a hunk and occasionally he would do a trick himself. Then he turned his watching duties over to a big football player who was also on the meat rack. The street boss told me that if he found that I was any good in bed, they would let me join the action. he said that they closed up at 2 AM and then he would take me to his place for a try out.

That was the deal and I could take it or leave it. Most of the dudes were good looking college boy types and I did fit in with my looks and trim bod. I waited for the street boss and observed how things went down.

Uncut dudes and all others who have never worked the street, there are four parts to this story. I made it with over one hundred dudes while I was hustling and for this story I picked four of the episodes that still linger on my mind. Each episode would stand alone and if you are stroking you could wait for the last episode where Jake and I took on two hot nineteen year old freshmen. Now that has been clarified lets get back to the story.

A little after 2 AM the street boss, his name was Jake, beckoned me over and we got into his Toyota and drove to his place in West Berkeley. He put his hand on my thigh as he drove and squeezed a couple of times. I got real hard and as he stroked up my thigh he said that he was real horney and his roommate had gone out of town for the weekend. He said that ordinarily he got his rocks off once a day, but it had been four days now since he had any action. He had unzipped my trousers and we barely made it up to his front door before he was stripping us both. He unlocked the door and practically dragged me into the house. As he closed and locked the door he pulled me into him and started sucking face. His tongue caressed my tongue and he pressed his bod against mine. About the only thing that was holding my jeans up was my hot hard cock. He pulled me over to a couch and continued kissing and pulling my jeans down.

As we were laying on the couch he had my jeans down around my ankles and was tugging at my white jockey shorts. As he stripped me, I was so hot that I was frantically tugging at his clothes. We were both quickly naked and pressing the lengths of our bods against each other. He was whispering in my ear "I am going to fuck you and suck you for as long as we both can stand it. Then I am going to shoot my wad into you and cream your ass until my jizz pours out of your tight ass hole. Oh, Baby give me your bod and I'll make you come and come until morning!" First he sucked me and told me to suck him. His lips pressed my cock as I sucked him. Then just before I was about to shoot he pulled away and straddled my bod while he gently slid his ass hole onto my raging cock. He rode me a couple of strokes and then I shot and shot until I thought there was nothing left to cum. He lifted my legs onto his shoulders and slid his own hot cock into my ass. At first it hurt a little but as I got used to it, I began to get hard again and felt like I wanted him to fuck me for all night. He kept a steady fuck pace for at least fifteen minutes before I felt his jizz dripping from my sweet asshole. I blew again and this time my cum was all over his belly. We were both moaning and groaning as we prolonged our pleasure by squeezing our softening cocks against the naked flesh of my ass hole and his belly.

When we had come down from the jazz high, Jake whispered in my ear "God, that was good! If you fuck like that and let the customers fuck you like I did, you are going to have to beat them off with a stick. Lets go into the bathroom and take a shower. Then we can rest a little and get back at it before morning."

We went to his big shower and both got in and started playing with each others bods. He soaped me and I soaped his belly and his crotch. I kissed his cock and he was hard again. He tried to push me away, but I grabbed the cheeks of his ass and pulled his cock into my waiting mouth. Of course he came and I got my first ever mouthful of cum. I swallowed some and it wasn't bad. When we had cleaned off again we dried each other and headed to his king size bed where we tucked into a naked spoon. I whispered "did I pass?" and he whispered back "you're going to be our $100 minimum cock boy. I am going to have to watch myself that I don't use up all of your horney time!"

We slept and at about 8 AM we woke and began playing with each others bods. We 69ed for about a half an hour before we shot into each others mouths. he was an ace cocksucker and I tried to imitate what he was doing to my cock. After we shot again we hurried to the shower where we washed each other. This time we got dressed and Jake drove me back to the campus where I had a language class. Jake asked me if I had a good time and of course I did. I could have begun it all over right then and there, but it was daylight and there were students all around hurrying to class. Jake took a $100 bill out of his wallet and handed it to me. He said "see you tonight at the corner?" I took the bill and nodded. I was not going to have to eat anymore of the Top Ramen or macaroni and cheese.

Uncut dudes, you can take a break here if you want. there are three more hot sexy times so if you can hold out there will be plenty of times to get your rocks off. I'll just give you time to get your cocks ready and then you can choose which of the next three parts you want to blast off into. Uncut Dudes, getting ready is like taking your lube and spreading it around your cock. If you spread it gently it will enhance the sensations of your hand stroking your cock.

My first trick and John were with a thirty or so year old professor or teaching assistant. He was driving a compact and was wearing a tweed jacket without a tie. He had horn rim glasses and looked real cool. His hair was light brown and his eyes were blue. He was sort of slim and he smelled of after shave. Bruit, I think.

He drove around the block twice and the second time he slowed down and beckoned for me to come over. Jake went over and said a few words and then the dude talked to me. I asked him if he was there for action and he said yes. He said he wanted to suck me and how much would that cost. I had discussed the prices with Jake so I repeated what Jake had told me, $50 if he blew me and $100 if he wanted me to blow him. The dude said that he just wanted to get my cock in his mouth and give me a blow job.

I slipped into the passenger seat and the dude drove around a couple of blocks until we came to a dark dead end street where he stopped. He took out his wallet and handed me two $20 bills and a $10 bill. I asked him if he wanted me to undress, but he said, "no, just unzip and scoot your trousers down and I'll do the rest!" I did as he told me and as he was taking off his horn rim glasses, I was scooting my trousers and jockey shorts down to my knees. I turned a little towards him and spread my legs a little. He bent over, put his face on my pubes and started licking my cock. I was instantly hard! (Remember uncut dudes, 6 1/2 inches of hard cut cock!) I took hold of his bobbing head and groaned as he pleasured me. First he licked my shaft and then he sucked my cock into his mouth. His lips covered his teeth and the smoothness of his lips were like a glorious hole in which my engorged cock was feeling wonderful. He pulled back for a moment and asked me if he could swallow my cum. What a silly question? I wanted to have him suck every drop of my cum and keep sucking until the sensation of my cock shooting was finished. I groaned "Yes" and he went back down on my dripping pre cum cock. I pulled him off a couple of times to give me a chance to pull away and not come right away, but finally we both were too hot to delay any longer. I hadn't realized, but while he was sucking me, he had also been stroking his own cock. When I shot, he wasn't but a second or two after me. My cum went down his throat but his was all over his trousers. He lay on my crotch and moaned and groaned. Finally, he sat up and drew my face to him and kissed me on the mouth. Strictly not in our agreement but I did get to taste my own cum in his mouth. He got some tissues from a Kleenex box and wiped his own cock. Then we both zipped up and drove back to the street corner and the rest of the guys. As I got out he said "thanks a lot, maybe we can get together later and do this again! What nights are you here." I told him "I am here most every night, but if you want me, you should set it up the night before and make a date to make sure I'll be here."

It worked out, and Gary came around about every other week to suck me off. Jake made him pay another $25 because Jake said that just getting a blow job slowed me down for the rest of the night. If I was lucky I could usually get hard for one more trick on the nights I got an early Blow Job from Gary.

Well uncut and cut dudes, are you with me so far? Two more experiences before you need to shoot and cream. Have fun!

The next John I want to tell you about was named Bobby. He was in his senior year and just a bit of a horses ass until I got him in bed. Yeah, he turned out to want an overnight and we got together about every week and a half after that until the end of the semester and he graduated with a degree in psychology.

It started one night when this late model sedan drove up the street and parked. A youngish guy got out and walked up to where we were. He sized us up and then talked to one of our guys and was directed to Jake. He talked to Jake for a while and Jake called me over. He introduced me to Bobby and said that Bobby was interested in an all nighter. Bobby had picked me out for the one he wanted and was that alright with me? Bobby was about five foot eight inches and just a little bit on the chunky size. He wasn't fat but his arms and thighs had a lot of flesh and muscle on them. He was cute in a babyish way and looked naive as hell.

I told them "Sure, what is the deal?" Jake said "Bobby has a motel room down on University Ave. near the freeway, and he wants you to spend the night with him there." I said "That's cool, but I don't want any S&M or dominating shit!" Bobby cut in and said "No way man, I just want some gentle sex and I like to get fucked!" Jake nodded and I said "That's cool then and the price is $200 with Jake taking $50 now." Bobby and Jake talked a little more and Jake wound up telling Bobby that I was to call Jake at home at 2:30 and 11:00 at Jake's place and if I didn't call Bobby could expect the whole weight of the Berkeley Police Department on his ass. Bobby paid Jake the $50 and we took off in Bobby's car.

We drove half way down university Av. and pulled into a motel parking lot where Bobby shut the engine off and we got out. The motel was four star and looked very good. Bobby had his room key so we crossed the lobby and went right up. I had a jacket that covered my tank top so I didn't look to disreputable. Bobby hadn't made any moves so far and I was beginning to wonder. I needn't have worried. When he locked the door and set the security chain he said "Lets get naked! I've been thinking of this all day. It's my twenty fifth birthday and my folks gave me enough money for us to have a ball." He went to the bed and started taking off his jacket, but before he did I called to him that he should let me undress him. "I want to pleasure you as I undress you and I want you to enjoy this birthday like you never had sex with a man before." He moaned and I went to him by the bed and started with his jacket. Then I unbuckled his trousers, pulled them down and pushed him back on the bed. He helped with his shirt and I soon had him down to a pair of light blue boxers. He was trying to get to my clothes. I had taken my jacket off when we first got in the room so I let him unbutton my jeans and pull them down. Both of our cocks were hard and only his boxers and my jockey shorts separated our bods. He had a lot of muscle and his pecks were well developed. His thighs were about the size of car tires and his butt was straining at his boxers. I was standing over him at the side of the bed. I slowly slid my jockeys down my thighs and stood there with my 6 1/2 cut cock sticking straight out.

He reached for my hard cock as I bent over and pulled his boxers down over his gorgeous ass. I started thinking, "I am going to fuck that ass silly! Oh yeah, I'm going to stick my hot cock into that sweet rose bud".

When I had his boxers down, I straddled him on the bed and squeezed our two cocks together. My cock is relatively thin and I'm proud of the helmet. His was about half again as thick as mine and looked gorgeous. I was just glad that he wasn't going to try to put that tool up my own ass! I gently squeezed and stroked our cocks until I had him moaning and groaning.

He sat up and pulled my bod back with him as he lay back. We ground our bods and pelvises together. I felt our cocks grow harder and harder. he pulled my head down and started sucking face. Then his tongue was in my mouth and playing with my tongue.

Suddenly he stiffened and groaned "oh my God! I'm coming, I'm coming! Oh shit, I'm coming! I didn't want to come this soon. Oh shit, forgive me! I wanted us to play for a long time, and here I am coming! Oh!! Oh!" I kept kissing him and whispered "It's O.K. baby! We've got all night and I can get you hard again if you let me!" Our bellies were dripping his cum and we were a mess. Finally he calmed down enough to start kissing me again. We kissed for a while and then when I could stand it no longer we got up and went into the big motel shower. We played around in the shower and he started to get hard. I went down on my knees and started sucking his cock to complete it's hardness. When it was sticking out from his bod I quit and made him accept me drying him off. I made a game of it and stroked his cock to keep it hard for the next part of our love making.

Also, Uncut Dudes, I had promised Jake to call him! So, I went back into the bedroom pulled the sticky sheets from the bed, replaced them with some dry towels and called Jake. He asked how things were going and I told him "no fucking yet but that is next on the agenda. Wish you were here, but we will just have to try to get along without you. I'll call in the morning at about 10 AM when we are about to leave. Stay cool, Jake, and I'll see you tomorrow night!!"

Bobby was splayed out on the bed playing with his cock! I asked him if he was ready for me to fuck him. I was hard and had not had a chance to get my rocks off yet. Bobby was hot and got into a doggie position right away. I climbed on his back and began feeding him my slim 6 1/2 inches. He gasped and said "That feels so good! Oh, dude, feed me all of it! Your cock is so slim and just fits in my hole! Oh baby fuck me hard with that tool of yours. I want more and just keep rubbing my love nut!"

We fucked! It seemed like forever! I had a lot of practice by then so I could keep going for a long time without coming. Finally though, I could feel that I was going to shoot or explode. And , explode I did. I had not had a chance before but when I creamed this time I filled Bobby's ass with cum cream. It was dripping down between the cheeks of his ass and onto the towels I had placed on the bed. I kept pumping him until my cock got soft. Then I scooped up a couple of towels and wiped us off. Then I collapsed beside him and he murmured that he wanted me to fuck him again when I was hard.

We played with each others bods and especially my cock. He whispered in my ear that he loved me and wanted me to live with him in his apartment. (Uncut Dudes, it was mostly after sex talk but it was nice to hear.) He was fisting my cock and stroking it. And, I was beginning to get all 6 1/2 inches hard again. It felt so good again and I could feel Bobby's cock growing hard too.

Bobby said " lets do it! This time I want to look at your face while you fuck me. I want your cock so far in me that it will be like we are joined together." With that, he rolled over and spread his legs. I climbed onto him and got between his legs which he put on my shoulders. I slid my cock into him and could see his smile of pleasure as I began to slide in and out. (Uncut dudes, he was good! He would open his ass for me to plunge in and then he would tighten his sphincter muscles when I pulled almost out. God, it was good. I'd never had such great action before. He squeezed when I pulled back and opened up his love canal when I thrust into him.

We were both grunting and growing as my fuck pace increased! "Oh fuck me deep! Just ram that wonderful tool in all the way! Oh, I love it in my ass!" Bobby almost shouted. Then he said, "Oh, jeeze I'm coming again! I'm coming!" And he sure did. I could feel his cum on my belly and that set me off again. I was creaming his ass hole while he was pouring his man juice onto my belly. We were both almost shouting as we reached our cum climax.

He brought his legs down and rolled over keeping my cock in his ass. He was dripping on the few towels left and I just kept my cock in his ass hole as we came down from fuck paradise! .

We lay that way and I soon drifted off to sleep with my cock buried deep in his ass hole. When we woke we were laying side by side and with one of my legs draped over his pelvis. I groaned and that must have wakened him. We got up and went to the shower where I soaped and scrubbed him. Then he went down on his knees and started to suck and lick my cock. We both knew that this was going to be the last time for the session so we tried to make it last. When I got too hard he would slow down and even rim me before he went back to having my cock as far down his throat as he could get it. Finally it had to happen. I shot into his mouth and he shot onto the shower floor. After that we dried off, dressed and we drove back to my place where I told him that he could call me and we could make arrangements for him to come to where I lived and we could get it on. That way he could save the price of a motel and only have to pay for my time. He slipped me an extra hundred as we sat in his car and I reached over and pulled him to where I could kiss him.

Well Uncut dudes, This is the last episode and if I were you, which I am not, I would lube up and get ready to shoot the moon. This is the story of a foursome episode with Jake and me and two hot 19 year old university freshmen. Are you ready?

One evening at about midnight a convertible drove up to the corner with two good looking and young guys in it. One dude got out while the other double parked. He went directly to Jake and they talked for a couple of minutes and then Jake waved me over. Jake said "this is Dan and he and his partner in the convertible want you and me for an all night foursome. Just horseing around and lots of sex. They have been scoping

us out and want you and me. What do you say? They are willing to pay $300 each for us to spend the whole night with them. Are you with us?" I took a look at the dudes and the convertible. The dudes were fresh scrubbed, blond and young hunks. The top of the convertible was down and it looked like a sweet set up. I nodded yes and we walked over to the car. Jake called his alternate street boss over and told him to mind the store. Jake said that he and I were going with these dudes back to their apartment and would not be back that night.

I climbed into the front seat of the convertible and Jake and Dan got in the back seat. Dan introduced me to Ted, who shook my hand and neatly drove us away. As we turned the corner I felt Ted's right hand on my left thigh and he said, "I'm hot for some good sex and having a naked good looking dude like you in bed with me." I returned the favor and groped his crotch and squeezed his cock. I said "Dude I am going to give you the best time you have ever had in bed with a guy!" I turned around for confirmation to Jake and found him already tangled around Dan.

It didn't take us long to get to the dudes' apartment and we were soon out of the convertible and into an elevator to the tenth floor of the building. When the door opened on their apartment, the view was spectacular. There it was San Francisco bay and the Golden Gate Bridge, all lit up. The apartment was a dream. White carpets and off white furniture. Dan brought out a drinks cart and asked us what we would like to have. Both Jake and I refused and said that alcohol sometimes

inhibited sex and we wanted them to have a great time with us. Dan poured himself and Ted small shots of brandy and said "let's get naked and get acquainted with each other. I thought that Jake and I would start together and you two could find out about each other. There is no reason for us not to swap or just get it on with which ever of us we want. Jake tells me that he has had it on with Rod and Rod is one of the hottest guys on the street. But however it goes, lets all get naked! Uncut Dudes, Yeah, my name is Rod! I don't advertise that much but if you write me I will sign off as Rod.

Well Dan and Jake helped each other out of their clothes and Ted started undressing me. I helped him but concentrated on getting him out of his clothes. First went the jackets. Then we unbuckled our belts, unzipped our trousers and let them fall to the floor. My Boxer shorts and Ted's bright red thongs were next. Then we were in each other's arms on the floor. We tangled our bods and pressed our pelvises and cocks together. Ted was as slim as me and we both fitted comfortably pressed together. Then Ted twisted around and started giving me head. I returned the favor and we did a 69 for about ten minutes. Then I heard Dan say "lets all go to the bedroom where we can do each other. I looked up from Ted's cock to see both Jake and Dan standing looking down at us. Both were hard with their cocks sticking straight out of their bods.

The four of us went into a large bedroom where the major piece of furniture was a super king size bed. Ted and Dan were all over us. This time Dan put his head to my crotch and started sucking. Jake was rimming Dan with slow slips of his tongue. I put my head into Ted's crotch and started sucking and licking his cock and balls. Ted was dripping pre cum while I pressed my cock where Dan had me deep throated.

Then Ted wanted us all to do a fuck daisy chain. I was to fuck him, Dan was to fuck me and Jake was to fuck Dan. We were to switch around every so often and the first dude who came was to be fucked by the other three. I was going to win this contest in a breeze. Jake hadn't had a lot of action lately and Dan and Ted were pretty naive for prolonged

fucking. We lay next to our fuck partner and began pressing our cocks into our fuck partner's ass hole. I slipped my sweet 6 1/2 inches into Ted and I felt the firm 5 inches of Dan's cock seeking entrance into my rose bud. He slipped in like we were made for each other. As I shoved into Ted, Dan would almost pull out of me. Then as I pulled back from Ted's sweet ass hole Dan would press into me. Jeeze, it was great. Our cocks were lubricated by our pre cum and slid easily into each other. I didn't think any of us would last very long. But before anything happened Ted spoke up and said lets switch. Went we switched, I felt Ted's cock slip into my hole and then I found Dan's rose bud hole and we were off again. Suddenly I felt Ted flood my hole with fuck cream. He was moaning and groaning and saying "oh shit, I'm coming! I'm coming! Oh shit, Rod, your hole is so great. I want to fuck you deep! I'm going to plough you deep! I love it ! I want to keep it deep in your ass hole all night!"

The other fucking slowed down and Dan laughed and said It looks like Ted is going to be our pussy boy! Who wants to fuck him first? How about you, Jake? How do you want him, doggie style or legs spread over your shoulders?" "He doesn't have to let me fuck him" Jake said. "We're here to pleasure you guys and unless Ted really wants to get fucked by me, then we should just skip him and you guys could fuck me. I'm hot for it, and would give you all a hot ride. Dan agreed reluctantly and Jake got into a doggie position on the bed. Dan was the first. While he was fucking Jake, I climbed on him and put my cock into his ass hole. It was a bumpy ride but Dan seemed to love it. I was sliding in and out of him while he was ploughing Jake. The three of us were making like we were the same bod. My balls were slapping against Dan's balls and his balls were pressing against Jake's. We were almost screaming and then it happened. Dan came first in Jake's ass and I came right afterward. Dan had been fisting Jake's cock and when Jake felt Dan's cum shooting in his ass hole, Jake shot all over the sheets and bed.

We all just lay there and nuzzled each other and groaned until we had come down from our fuck fest. Then Dan took us to a large bath tub where we all got in and soaped and played with each other until we were mostly hard. The tub was the size of a medium Jacuzzi and we were soon sucking each other. Ted sat on the edge of the tub and let Jake suck on him. Dan was leaning against the side of the tub and his cock was just out of the water where I could put my mouth onto it and suck and lick. Again Ted came first into Jake's mouth. He pulled himself onto the edge of the tub and motioned for Jake to impale him with his cock. I was still sucking Dan's cock! Jake was still fucking Ted and Dan had my head firmly pressed into his crotch. As I sucked Dan, I watched Jake shoot into Ted's ass.

Dudes, it went on like that for almost all night and when the sunlight hit the window it found us back in bed in a tangled in a mass of bods. Mostly we were laying cock to cock. Mouths were around available cocks and even some cocks were laying at the entrance to love rose buds. We came together for one more orgasm and then Jake and I went to the shower and cleaned up. We dressed and when we went back to the bedroom Dan was standing there naked with $600 and a shit eating grin on his face. He gave the money to Jake and pulled us both into him and said "that was a wonderful night! WE both want you dudes to come back! We'll give you a ride by when we get another $600 together. Is that O.K. with you?" We kissed him back and Jake said "sure, and next time we'll cut the price in half. We used the dudes telephone to call a taxi and get back to Berkeley. Jake took me to his place where we crashed.

Dudes, that is about it for this time! I think I had about 100 tricks on the street and another 50 or so phone call requests. I learned a lot and probably could have earned enough to see me all the way through the University. But, I needed moor time than standing on the street corner, to get good grades. I still did tricks occasionally but more for my own sexual release than for the money.

Like all of my stories, this one is 98% true. and if you remember, where is the Italian Campanili, Milan, Pisa, Venice or Florence? E-Mail me at

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