Money, Beauty Or Love?

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Oct 8, 2006


MONEY, BEAUTY OR LOVE? by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written on February 19, 1995 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Gardner Rust


"MONEY, BEAUTY OR LOVE?" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 4 - Charles and Earl: 3 to 2

Richard decided to try with Charles as his third attempt, while Patrick thought to try with Earl. They had to wait until mid January for Charles to be back. Richard planned to attend the campus festival with a gay friend who was a History professor at that university, and to hook the boy on that occasion.

The festival was lively; there were hundreds of people. At once, Richard started to look for the boy and finally saw him. With his gay mates he had organized a stand to advertize the University Gay Alliance. They were selling hot dogs that they called "hot dongs" because were made with a bun in the shape of an ass into which was inserted the sausage in a clearly allusive fashion.

Richard approached the stand and amusedly asked Charles, "How much for one of your hot dongs?"

"From half a dollar up, everything is welcome - to finance our association," the boy answered.

So Richard pulled out a one hundred dollars bill. "Is this enough?" he asked with a smile.

"Good heavens! I would say you deserve a giant hot dong... do you like big ones?"

"Well, I sure don't want one that's too small!" Richard answered with a laugh.

Charles choose the bigger one and gave it to him, "So then, what d'you think of this? Is it good enough for you?"

Richard took it, looked at it, then said, "I'd possibly prefer yours."

"How do you know? You could be disappointed," the boy answered laughing.

"How much do I need to offer you to try it?" Richard asked with a sly smile.

"Oh, a large quantity of money!"

"A trip somewhere? A one month trip?"

"At least around the world and two months long," Charles answered jokingly.

"Good. What's your name?"

"Charles Bauer. And yours?"

"Richard Stewart."

"With a T? That Stewart? The plastics tycoon?" the boy asked with an amazed expression.

"The same."

Richard's friend called him to introduce him to a friend, so the man left the hot dog stand, thinking to be back later. But when at last he managed to free himself and went again to Charles' stand, the boy was no longer there. He asked about him and was told he was somewhere on campus, because he ended his shift. Richard looked for him but in all that confusion he was unable to find him.

So he looked for his friend, the professor, and asked him for a kindness, "There is a modern literature student here, a freshman whose name is Charles Bauer. Can you find his data for me?"

"Really this is reserved information, but... what data do you need?"

"Birthday, address, and his class schedule."

"Alright, tomorrow I will send them to you by fax. But only because you are a dear friend and I trust you."

As soon as Richard received the data, he immediately booked the tickets for two people for a first class cruise around the world, starting from Boston and ending in San Francisco. He then booked the trans-continental train from San Francisco to New York, breaking the travel with some stops, to have one more week of journey.

Then, when he received the tickets, he went to the campus entrance to wait for Charles.

Charles recognized him at once, "Oh, Mister Stewart! How come you are here again?"

"The other day we were calling each other by our first name..."

"The fact is that... I can't remember your name," Charles said, slightly embarrassed.

"Richard, my name is Richard. I came to meet you. Do you have five minutes?"


"Here, this is for you." Richard said giving him an envelope.

"For me?" Charles asked looking at the bulky white envelope where his personal and family names were written. He opened it and started to check its contents. "Is this a joke?" the boy asked.

"Not at all. In five days we will sail. You only need to take with you the passport. No luggage, I'll provide for everything you need."


"It's not exactly two months as you asked, but almost. The day after tomorrow we will go together to buy your clothes and suitcases, all you could need - I'll provide everything, of course. Then we will go to Boston with my Ford, my driver will take us there, and we will go on board."

"But... mine was just a quip."

"I took it for a suggestion. Did you change your mind?" Richard asked.

Charles looked again at the tickets, at the bookings. "What if I say no?"

"I don't mind, you can just throw them away." Richard answered quietly.

Charles looked again all the papers, one by one, lingering to read the cruise program. Then he noticed that the booking for a first class cabin on the ship was for the most expensive luxury suite, in both their names. "Will we sleep together?"

"Of course. Does this possibly bother you?"

Charles looked at him and said, "No. Do you always do this when you like somebody?"

"No. But for you... You wanted a trip around the world but there were no cruises lasting two months; the longest one was for forty-five days, but with all the rest we will reach the two months."

"And you say you will offer me all I would need for the trip?"

"Yes, sure. You can choose what you like in the shops you like. I see you wear only designers clothes, and you like Italian fashion as I do. We can go at the top boutiques, I want you to get the best you can find here in New York, from shoes to underwear, a complete wardrobe. I have open accounts at Moschino, Nikos, Armani, Versace, Valentino, Missoni... and others. You can freely choose anything you want to have with you."

"And all this just to make love with me."

"I'm not trying to buy you, if this is what you think. I just want to make you happy. I like you a lot."

"You know how to tempt a boy, you! But you don't even know me."

"You don't know me either. This trip can be the occasion for us to get to know each other."

"Two months in the same bed... what do you want from me?"

"That one day you will tell me you desire me."

"And if that doesn't happen?"

"It's a risk I'm ready to take. Until then... I will not touch you, no matter how difficult that is for me."

"You are ubelievable, Richard! I'm tempted to accept."

"So, then, accept - you have nothing to lose, have you?"

"No, that's true."

"So, then, do you accept?"

"I think I will."

"I'll come here the day after tomorrow to fetch you, then. Nine o'clock a.m. right here. Take with you just your passport and what you wear, nothing else."

"The camera?"

"No, we will buy that also, the best on the market."

Charles was ready at the appointed time. Richard took him to the various boutiques and shops and Charles chose everything he desired. When he couldn't decide between two pieces, Richard just told him to take both of them, without batting an eye. He also bought him a set of suitcases in pearl-grey leather, where he settled all the purchases, and at last they were ready to start the trip. Jose drove them to the pier. After they boarded the beautiful ship, they were led to the suite. It was composed of four cabins - one with a king-size bed, a drawing room, a living room, and a wide bathroom, all luxuriously furnished.

After the ship left the port, they started to explore it. They had lunch, then went to the pool, and later to the gym. After the supper at last they hit the bed. After switching off the light, they talked for a while, then Charles stretched out a hand and caressed Richard's chest through the pajamas.

"You really want this?" Richard asked.

"Sooner or later it has to happen. I might as well find out how it is to make out with you," Charles answered slipping his hand under the pajamas to caress the man's bare chest.

"You're already aroused," Richard noticed caressing him between his legs.

"I saw you today at the pool - you are well built."

"You are too. May I switch on the light? I would like to look at you."

"No, not yet; possibly the next times, Richard; for now let's do it in the dark."

"As you like."

They gradually undressed each other. The boy was kissing and licking him all over his body. At first Richard did the same with some gentleness, but then had the feeling that the boy liked being touched with some roughness. He tried - he bit one of his nipples almost to the pain threshold and Charles moaned, seized by pleasure, "So... yes..." he said and clung to him with passion. Richard started again to manipulate, grope, squeeze, nibble and bite him and Charles seemed more and more excited.

"I want you!" the man said with hoarse voice, trying to put him in position to be taken.

"No, wait." The boy moaned, but without really opposing.

Richard immobilized him - if Charles wanted, he really could free himself easily, but, continuing to repeat "no... no..." the boy let him procede. It was like a game, a very exciting game. Richard folded the boy under himself and started to penetrate him.

The boy moaned, "Oh my god! What are you doing to me? You're strong... you're a real male... Ohhhh... Richard... noooo... you are... Oh my god, it's so big... so hard..." the boy panted.

Richard was keeping his wrists immobilized at the sides of the head, while pushing inside him. Charles was girdling his waist with his legs pulling him to himself, denying with his whole body the "no... no..." he was repeating with an excited voice. Also the easiness with which the boy was receiving him inside his channel showed to Richard that the boy was well used to it...

When he was all inside the boy, Richard left his wrists and started to over-tease the boy's nipples, while the boy girded his neck with both arms and squeezed against him. Richard French-kissed him and started to move inside him in rhythm, with strong pushes. Charles moaned and wriggled happily. Richard liked more and more to fuck him and pistoned into him with a will.

"Oh, Richard... stronger... bang me... make me feel you like me, I'm yours... fuck me... Ohhhh, so... so... How good, Richard... you are a real male, you..." the boy moaned enraptured.

Richard was strongly aroused; he was liking that boy a lot, the way he allowed himself to be taken exalted him and the more he hammered in him with vigor, the more Charles seemed to enjoy that intercourse.

"I like you, Charles... you're mine!"

"Yes... go on, harder..." the boy begged, wriggling under him with increasing passion.

Richard was incredibly excited and, suddenly, with a set of determined strokes, came inside him moaning aloud all of his intense enjoyment and feeling as well the jets of warm liqueur shooting from the boy's penis, imprisoned between their bellies.

"Ohhh, Richard... I'm... coming..." Charles panted tossing under him.

"God, how much I like you!" sighed the man abandoning himself to the shuddering body of the boy.

"Yes, it has been wonderful; you are a real male. This will be a wonderful trip."

"Sure, with you it will!" Richard said, satisfied.

"Can we sleep so? Naked?" Charles asked, caressing the man's body.

"Sure," Richard answered kissing him and slipping on his side. They fell asleep, but during the night Richard woke up filled with desire and took him again, to Charles' great delight.

All the journey long, they made love, and not only at night. At times, during the day, Charles looked at him with open desire and asked him to go to their suite, where they made love with the usual vigor and passion. The boy, docile, yielded to all the desires of the man with full participation.

They were visiting Bangkok, when Charles said, "I have never met a man like you. The way you make love to me drives me crazy. Would you have me as your steady boyfriend, Richard? Even after this splendid journey is over?" the boy asked, his eyes shining with desire.

Richard really liked the boy very much, but he had still two trials to do to win the bet, therefore he was somewhat disconcerted.

Charles felt his hesitation and asked, a little worriedly, "You just wanted to amuse yourself during this trip..."

"No," Richard answered sincerely. "It's just that, after this cruise, I will be very busy for some four months - previous commitments. We cannot see each other for four months."

"Four months? But afterwards?"

"Then, if you would wait for me... I would like you to come to live with me."

"Are you telling the truth?" Charles asked, brightening.

"I'm telling you the truth: I like you very much, Charles. I would be happy if you were my boyfriend. But... we will talk of that after the four months are over. So you too will be more certain about what you are feeling for me."

"So, then, after mid July?"

"Yes, after mid July - if you still want to be my boyfriend, I will be happy."

They ended the journey without losing a single occasion to unite passionately and they parted with the promise to meet again four months later. Charles was happy, as also was Richard, who felt he fell in love with that boy who was so passionate and so submissive to all his desires.

On January 15th, Patrick passed at the gasoline stand where Earl worked. He approached the boy and asked him if he could use the toilet. Earl said yes and gave him the key.

Patrick remained inside the toilet for a few minutes, to justify his request, then went out and gave the key back to Earl. "Thank you. I really needed to relieve myself. You have been really kind."

"Well, it was nothing much," the boy answered looking at him with some interest.

Patrick said goodbye and went away. But the next day he went again to the gasoline station with a beautiful apple that he gave to Earl to thank him for the previous day's kindness.

"You didn't have to do that. I did nothing special." Earl said.

"Well, you've been kind, and... it is also a pretext to see you again," Patrick said looking at him with clear desire.

Earl understood what he meant and seemed slightly hesitant, embarrassed.

"What's your name?" Patrick asked him.

"Earl... and yours?"

"I'm Parick. What time do you end your shift?" he asked with a smile.

"At seven pm."

"Unfortunately I work at that time. I would have liked going to have a beer together."

"Ah... yes... I would too. When are you free?"

"In the mornings."

"I am too. Up to lunch time."

"Then, tomorrow we could have lunch together."

"Willingly - there is a pizza shop there, you see it? We can meet in front of it around noon."

"Alright," Patrick said.

He felt it had almost been too easy to hook Earl, how the boy at once accepted to meet him again. Anyway, so much the better - evidently the young man was interested in him. The following day he went to the pizza shop about fifteen minutes in advance, but Earl was already there waiting for him. They sat inside and asked for two pizzas and a liter of beer.

"How old are you, Earl?"

"Twenty-one. And you?"


"I thought less than that."


"No, so what? You simply seem younger. What do you do?"

"My job? I'm a dishwasher; not such a good job."

"Well, does it give you a living?"

"Being careful not to waste money, yes. I don't complain, even if it doesn't allow me a great life. Do you like your job?"

"Yes I do. I wouldn't like working behind a desk or in front of a machine pushing knobs. And then, at times, I also get good tips."

"Unhappily with my job I never see a tip."

"I see. What do you do in your free time?"

"I go to the library or to a museum - all free things," Patrick said with a bashful smile.

"And how do you amuse yourself?"

"Strolling, talking with a friend, window-shopping or touring department stores and dreaming. Again all things free of charge."

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Earl asked, looking directly at him.

Here is the crucial question, Patrick told himself. "No, and I never wanted one," he answered quietly.

"You neither?" Earl asked, continuing to stare into his eyes, while biting a piece of pizza, then continued, "That's why I wanted to live alone."

"I don't understand..."

"Well, you know, my parents continued to insist - when will you get a girl, when will you have a family. I wanted to be free, I wanted to take home a friend without problems."

"Problems?" Patrick asked, pretending he didn't understand.

"Well, you know, there are times when one can desire to be in total freedom for a while with a friend, relaxing a while together, having some intimacy, you understand?"

"Yes, sure. Even amusing themselves for a while, together," Patrick encouraged him.

"This also."

"Things that, when one lives with his family, one cannot do."

"Exactly. And also, if I wanted to spend a night at a friend's place, it was a problem. Asking him to spend a night at my place, then, was an impossibility. Now, on the contrary..."

"And... do you have many friends?" Patrick asked.

"Friends... common friends, I have enough of those; but intimate friends... not at this time."

"Don't you miss them?"

"Rather... and you?"

"I also am without close friends at present. That's why I desired to get to know you," Patrick answered.

"Then... we can meet again," Earl proposed with a sweet smile.

"I'd like it a lot," Patrick answered.

"Would you like coming to see where I live?" Earl asked.

"Today it would be somewhat difficult - in a while you have to start working and I will end my work very late."

"Tomorrow morning? If I give you my address, would you come to see me?"

"Willingly. What time?"

"What time do you wake up?"

"Around eight, usually."

"And how long would it take to come to my place?"

"Write your address here... I think that around nine thirty I can manage to be at your place, before ten, anyway."

"Good, I'll wait for you at ten o'clock, then. But if you're able to come earlier, it will be even better."

"I'll do my best, Earl - I long for tomorrow morning."

"So do I."

On the following morning, Patrick reached Earl's house at nine; he intentionally woke up at seven.

Earl was still wearing his pajamas, but welcomed him with a wide smile, "Did you find my place easily?"

"Yes. But... were you still in bed?"

"No, I had a shower, then breakfast and was about to dress up. If you wait just a moment, I'll change," Earl said, pulling off the pajama top and exposing his bare chest.

"You don't need to dress, you can stay as you are, can't you?" Patrick said getting near him and taking the top from his hands, to make him understand that he should remain bare chested.

Earl smiled and asked, "So?"

"Yes, so." Patrick answered brushing his hip.

"And you? Don't you feel hot?" the youth suggested, raising his sweater a little in front.

"Yes," Patrick said.

"Pull it off, then. Or rather, may I pull it off?"

"Yes," Patrick answered raising his arms.

Earl slipped off the sweater but, when it passed over Patrick's head and was still rolled up around his arms, he seized Patrick by his hips pulling him to himself and kissed his lips. Patrick kissed him back then finished taking off the sweater. Earl started to unbutton his shirt while Patrick caressed him between his legs, feeling the erection that he seized through the light fabric of the pajamas trousers.

In a short time they both were naked, one in front of the other; then Earl, caressing him, said, "You are so beautiful! Come to my bed," and steered him to his small bedroom. He gently pushed Patrick on the bed, climbed to his side, embraced and kissed him, full of desire.

Patrick knew, thanks to Richard's account, that Earl liked to be a top. He didn't mind this at all, but he too would like taking the youth. Before Earl tried with him, therefore, he started to tease his anus with a finger.

Earl didn't withdraw, but turned so he could rummage between Patrick's cheeks with his fingers. Doing so, each of them found the other's penis in front of his face and, instictively, united in a passionate sixty-nine, continuing to tease each other's anus. Both were incredibly aroused. Earl turned again to kiss Patrick deeply.

Patrick, after a long and passionate kiss, with a voice hoarse with desire, murmured, "I want you, Earl. I want you!"

"I too want you."

"I know, but later. Please, Earl... please..."

The youth nodded in assent and spread wide his legs, offering himself with a smile. Patrick kneeled between his thighs, raised them and Earl with his hand directed the hard member to his anus, while with the other hand caressed his testicles. "But... go smoothly - I'm not yet fully used to it. I still feel some pain."

"But do you like it?" Patrick asked, starting to push very gently.

"Sufficiently, but then, I like you. Aaah! Go slowly..."

"Yes..." Patrick panted, trying to hold back the desire that would have pushed him to penetrate the boy in just one stroke.

While Patrick was opening his way very carefully and slowly, he was caressing the boy trying to arouse him as much as possible.

Earl made a slight grimace.

"Am I hurting you? Do you want me to stop?" Patrick asked.

"No, don't worry."


"I'm trying. Don't worry, it's OK, really," Earl panted.

Patrick started again to push and finally he was totally inside him. He then started to file his hole gently and strongly at once, until he felt that Earl was beginning to feel intense pleasure. He then let himself go and took him more vigorously, enjoying the tight and hot channel that had entirely accepted his tool.

When he finally reached his orgasm and unloaded in him, drawing a breath, he asked, "Did I hurt you?"

"No, not so much, and I enjoyed it a lot."

"Now, if you want to take me..." he sweetly said.

Earl smiled and prepared himself to take him. Patrick welcomed him inside without a problem and the youth, incredibly aroused, started to hammer inside him with gusto. Patrick liked it; it made him think of a wild colt. The boy had a blissful smile while taking him. At last they relaxed, panting, sated.

"I loved it a lot, Patrick. Will you come again to see me?"

"Yes, willingly. I too enjoyed making love with you."

They met almost every day. Earl was visibly more and more fond of Patrick, who was sorry that after all he was just using the boy to win a bet. Patrick actually liked the youth, though not enough to make him his boyfriend. Therefore he tried to see that Earl didn't become too attached to him, all the while keeping their relation going. In a sense, it had all happened too fast.

Patrick was feeling more and more ill at ease and was counting the days until the two months were over. Earl felt that something was troubling Patrick and asked him what was up. When there were only ten days left to mid March, Patrick told him he didn't feel so sure he really wanted to have a steady relationship with him.

Earl nodded, "Yes, I was feeling it. I probably pestered you too much, because I like you a lot. I had to understand that it was not possible that a beautiful man like you was really interested in me."

"No, Earl, you have no reason to reproach yourself. I'm happy I met you, but..."

"You don't want to see me any more?"

"No, no, we can meet again. Just, you see, without any commitment. I don't feel like making it permanent."

"Yes, I understand. Alright. But I like you too much to give up meeting with you."

When on March 14th Patrick met Richard, the latter was satisfied: he had been successful in three encounters out of three. He still was one score ahead of Patrick. When Patrick told him about Earl, Richard laughed, "You are way too romantic. What does it matter to you!"

"You talk like that, meanwhile you've found your Charles. You like him, and he's waiting for you. But I'm sorry that Earl was falling in love with me, just because of our bet, our games."

"If you want, you can admit defeat."

"No, at this point I'm in the game and I'll play it, but I'm not really proud of what we're doing. I just hope to be able to show you that money isn't everything or even the main thing."


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 5

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