Money, Beauty Or Love?

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Oct 2, 2006


MONEY, BEAUTY OR LOVE? by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written on February 19, 1995 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Gardner Rust


"MONEY, BEAUTY OR LOVE?" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 2 - Earl and David: 1 to 1

Richard started with Earl, and Patrick with David. It was October 12th, 1980.

Richard stopped to fill his tank at Earl's gasoline station, but another boy came to serve him. Richard asked him to check the oil level, the tire pressure, and the battery then got out from his Ferrari. As if he was loitering, he went near Earl who was washing a car.

"A nice day, isn't it?" Richard asked.

Earl raised his eyes, saw Richard, who was dressed with real elegance, and noticed that the car near the gasoline pump was a Ferrari. "Yes, a fine day... Is that your car?"


"A really great car, isn't it?"

"Not bad. But I rather like my Rolls. I use the Ferrari only when the weather is fine like today."

"Are you passing by?"

"No, I live close by. Do you know where Beaulieu Villa is?"

"The villa on the river? Does it belong to you?" Earl asked widening his eyes.

"Yes. Well, have a good day," Richard said satisfied with his first encounter with the boy. He had two months time; he wanted to take it slowly, and on the safe side.

A few days later he went back, with his Ferrari, to fill the tank.

Earl at once went out with a wide smile, "Full tank, sir?"

"Yes, thank you. Can you also clean the windscreen, please?"

"Certainly, sir, with pleasure. Also today with your Ferrari."

"Yes, the weather is fine. Moreover the Rolls is being serviced."

"A black one?"

"My Rolls? No, gray-blue. The Buick is black."

"How many cars do you own, sir?"

"Well... seven. Do you know that the overalls fit you nicely?"

"Fit me?"

"Yes, the blue makes the fairness of your hair stand out and the green of your eyes," Richard said with a smile.

"Thank you... you really are elegant. I bet you wear only expressly made clothes."

"Yes, certainly. I have them tailored in Italy."

"In Italy? Do you go to Italy often?"

"Yes. But if I want a new suit, I call the stylist here. This one was made by Versace."

"Never heard of him, but the suit is really fine."

When Richard went again to the gasoline stand, he was in his Buick.

Earl recognized him and went to serve him. "God morning, sir. Full tank?"

"Yes, thank you. What's your name?"

"Earl, sir."

"A nice name. My name is Richard. How do you do."

"How do you do," Earl said, giving him his hand with a firm grip that Richard liked very much. Their eyes met for a moment, smiling. Richard paid, thanked and greeted him with a "See you soon."

When he went back to the gasoline stand a few days later, the boy greeted him with a merry, "Good morning, mister Richard!"

"Morning, Earl. Fill up, as usual."

"Sure, mister Richard, immediately."

"How old are you, Earl?"

"Nineteen, sir."

"Wonderful age. Do you have a girlfriend?"

"I? No, sir!"

"That's odd, such a handsome boy as you."

"I don't want to be tied up. I'm still young," the boy said, unaware that Richard knew he was gay.

"You are right; yours is the right age to have fun, isn't it?"

"Sure, sir..."

On the following visit, Richard asked Earl if he felt like taking part in a barbecue he was having in his villa.

The boy widened his eyes, "You really mean it, mister Richard? But I... I don't even have suitable clothes."

"Oh, it's just an informal occasion - you can just wear jeans. Are you free Saturday afternoon at six?"

"Yes, mister Richard... if I really can be your guest..."

"Sure. Here, this is the invitation card - you have to show it at my villa's gate to the watch-men or else they won't allow you in. So then, I'll be waiting for you next Saturday."

"Thank you very much, sir, you are very kind, sir," The boy said with a broad smile, slipping the invitation card in his overalls pocket.

The party was informal - Richard had gathered his friends, men and women, artists and actors. When he saw Earl coming, looking around with a somewhat lost expression, he went towards him with a wide smile.

"Hi, Earl! I'm glad to see you... come..."

"Mister Richard, thank you for inviting me... I didn't have anything better, I wore the newest jeans I have..."

"Don't worry, you are splendid. And please, don't call me mister or sir, but just Richard. Agreed?"


"Oh, come, I'll introduce you to some of my guests," he said and introduced him to famous actors, painters, friends, saying always, "... and this is Earl, a dear friend working on the oil trade..."

Earl asked him amusedly, "the way you introduce me, they would think I am a rich oil baron. If they ask me what I actually do..."

"You just answer that you oversee the distribution system, then you change the subject, saying something like 'we are here to have fun, not to talk of work' right?" Richard answered, laughing softly. Earl also laughed and nodded. At times Richard parted from him to greet a newcomer or to talk with another guest, but he often went back to Earl and talked with him for a long while.

At a certain point he asked him if he wanted to visit his villa. "Oh yes, I would like that very much!" the boy answered.

Richard guided him through the various rooms on the first floor, then led him up the wide stairway to the second floor, where the bedrooms were. He showed him the guest rooms, than his own bedroom with his private bathroom.

"My god, your bathroom alone is as wide as all my small apartment! How beautiful it is! And what a wide tub!" the boy said, admiringly.

"Would you like to use it? There is also the hydro-massage in it..."

"It would be great..."

"Then take a bath."

"Now? I don't think this is the right time, with all your guests around..."

"Well, later, when they leave. You have the time to stop here longer than the others, don't you?"

"I'm completely free, but... I don't want to bother you."

"No, no, don't worry - I'll tell the personnel to prepare the bath, later. You'll see what a great pleasure it is..."

"I can guess. It has to be like being in a pool," the boy merrily said. They went again downstairs.

Around eleven the guests started to leave. At midnight Richard said to Earl, "so then, if you want to go upstairs... the bath is ready for you."

"Thank you, but my last train is at one 'o clock..."

"Don't worry, I'll have my driver take you home. Or else, you can sleep here - as you saw there are plenty of rooms. Here, you can use this bathing robe afterwards. You had better not dress back immediately, you should allow your skin to perspire after a good bath," Richard said leaving him alone in the wide bathroom.

While the boy was taking his bath, Richard undressed and put on only his gown. He set diffused lights in his bedroom, a soft, low music as a background, fixed some drinks and waited. When Earl come out from the bathroom, wrapped in the soft white bath-robe, Richard gestured him to sit near him and gave him a glass.

"So, then, did you enjoy it?"

"Splendid, a wonderful sensation," the boy said taking the glass and raising it in a toast towards Richard. "Don't you too take a bath, Richard?"

"Later. I would have liked taking it with you, but I didn't know how you would have reacted," the man said looking at him with a smile.

"There was room enough for two..." Earl said.

"Wouldn't you feel ashamed of me?" Richard asked.

"No, why? After all we both are men, aren't we?" the boy quietly answered.

Richard nodded smiling, then murmured, "That's a shame, then. You should have a very good body, you... I would have liked seeing it..."

Earl looked at him as if studying him, but said nothing. Richard put down his glass and offered a cigarette to the youth.

"Yes, thank you," Earl said taking one.

Richard lit it and Earl put his hand on the man's hand as he held the lighter. Their eyes meet again.

Richard whispered, "You are terribly handsome, Earl, did you know that?"

"Thank you."

"Stop here, tonight, please?" he asked putting away the lighter and leaning his hand on Earl's thigh.

"Here, with you?" Earl asked almost with emotion.

"I would like that, yes."

"Alright," the boy whispered.

Richard's hand moved the boy's bath-robe aside and leaned on his bare thigh, in a caress, then started slowly to move up between Earl's thighs. The boy shuddered, but didn't move. When Richard's hand reached the naked and half-erect cock of the boy, Earl gave a slight start.

"I like you so much, Earl," Richard murmured, bending on the boy, to kiss him.

Earl slipped his hand under the man's gown, caressing his chest, returned the deep kiss, then murmured. "Take me in your bed, Richard..."

The man made him stand up, untied his robe and made it slip away from his shoulders, pulled off his gown and pushed him to his wide bed. Now Earl was fully aroused. Richard went on top of him, embracing and kissing him, brushing his erection against his body - he would have liked taking the boy at once, but he wanted to conquer him. Thus he thought mainly of giving him pleasure. He was not really used to that; he usually took what he wanted, without caring very much about the other, but Leonardo da Vinci's drawings were a temptation to him - they were worth a change in his habits.

Earl was incredibly turned on, and, filled with desire, tried to penetrate Richard. The man for a moment stiffened and was about to tell him that that was not allowed, but then again, thinking to his bet, resigned himself even to that and let the boy have his way. Earl bustled for a while trying to push it inside, but with little success, as Richard was too tight. When Richard gave him the lube tube, Earl did his best, thoroughly lubricating the man's hole until he could start to penetrate him a little. But he was so excited that he came at once moaning and panting aloud.

"I'm sorry... I was way too excited..." the boy murmured in confusion.

"I'm glad that doing it with me arouses you so much."

"But you... it was so difficult... you are not used taking it there."


"So, why..."

"Because I like you too much, Earl, and I wanted you to be happy."

"But you didn't still cumm... how do you like to?"

"Whatever you like will be good for me."

"Do you want me... giving you head?" Earl hesitantly asked.

Richard nodded. The boy crouched between his legs and started to lick, suck, caress and finger the Richard's penis, until he could give the man satisfaction.

Richard thought that it was better than nothing, but said, "Thank you, Earl, it has been so beautiful. I like you very much."

"I too like you. Do you want us to meet again?"

"With real pleasure, Earl. When can you come again?"

"Anytime after work. I get off work at 7pm."

"Then, tomorrow at eight? You can have supper here with me, then stay here."

"Really? Already tomorrow?" the boy cheerfully asked.

"If you want, if you can. Do you by chance already have another engagement?"

"No no, I'm free. I'll willingly come."

"Listen, Earl, would you like sleeping here, this night?"

"Here with you?"

"Yes." Richard said feeling an accent of hope in the boy's voice, even if he thought that he would have preferred to sleep alone.

"Yes, thank you," Earl happily answered.

The boy came again on the following evening. They ate together and after the supper Richard gave him a little box, "A small present for you."

"For me? What's it?"

"Open it."

Earl opened the box - it contained a Rolex. "For me? But it is worth a fortune!" the boy exclaimed, unbelieving.

"You are worth a lot more. It's just to tell you how glad I am having met you."

"But you spent too much!"

"To me it's peanuts, don't worry. Are you happy?"

"Happy? Overjoyed! Thank you, Richard."

"Not at all," The man answered.

Earl stood up, went near him and embraced and kissed him with passion. "Will you take me upstairs, Richard?"

"Do you want me?""

"So very much... don't you want me?"

"Yes, certainly. I did nothing but think of you, today. And feel here, what effect you have on me..." he said leading his hand between his legs.

Earl caressed his basket and smiled, pleased. "Then, take me upstairs," He murmured excitedly.

They first took a bath together, then Richard led him to his bed and they started making love.

Later Richard had him accompanied home by his driver, and summoned in his room one of his waiters to be able to give vent to his yen, in his way, taking him for a long while, with real gusto. Meanwhile he was thinking, "Before the two months' end, I will have the satisfaction of fucking also that cockerel - he has a really nice little ass and if I'm not wrong, he should still be a virgin. I'll fuck him then tell him it is over..."

They met often, and Richard loaded the boy with presents and let him make love in his way. Earl unaware, he recorded their conversations. Until, towards the end of October, the boy said, "I love you, Richard... I'm yours, you know?"


"Do you doubt it?"

"But I would like taking you..." Richard said, caressing his small ass.

"I... I never took it, before. But you too didn't and yet let me take you... so, if you want... I am ready," The boy said.

Richard made him assume the position, lubed his hole for a long while, then tried to penetrate him.

Earl grimaced with pain, but didn't escape him. Richard was even more aroused from the grimaces of the boy, and the thought he was about to take the cherry of a nineteen years old boy pleased him. With a set of determined pushes, he penetrated him and started to pump inside him with vigor and gusto.

"Do you like it?" the man asked him almost with sadistic pleasure.

"I love you, Richard..." the boy murmured.

When at last Richard got his orgasm, said, "I'll call Jose to see you home. Dress up."

"Can't I stay with you, tonight?"

"No, not tonight. Tomorrow morning I have to wake up early."

"I'll go out with you..."

"No, my boyfriend is coming to fetch me, I don't want him to see you here," the man lied.

"Your... boyfriend?" Earl asked, lost, "You didn't tell me you... I thought..."

"But I never told you I didn't have one."

"Yes, it's true, but..."

"Earl, we are two adults; we are no more just kids, isn't that so? I liked fucking with you, but now it is over, be aware of this."

"Yes, I see... I understand..." Earl said, dressing in haste, so that Richard wouldn't see that he was about to cry.

Richard took the internal phone and called Jose. Before he arrived, Richard went to take a bath and on the door he left the note: "Good bye, Earl", then entered leaving him alone to wait for the driver.

On September 12th, Patrick went where David was drawing with his colored chalk on the pavement, in front to the Modern Art Museum. For a long while he observed the thin but more than desirable youth.

Then, noticing his hat on the pavement contained some coins, he went there and with a five dollar note in his hand, said with a slightly embarrassed air, "I would like to give you a dollar. As I have just this money I can't give you more... can you change it?"

David looked up at him, from head to toe, almost evaluating him, then said, "Sure, but if that is all you have, it is possibly better for you keep it for youself..."

"Oh well, I have a job and at the end of the week my boss will give me my pay. I can give you a dollar and I willingly give it to you."

"Alright, thank you. Here is the change," the youth said with a broad smile. "What do you do?"

"I'm a dish-washer."

"A dish-washer? A fine man like you? Why such a job..."

"It earns me a living, it's better than nothing."

"I bet I earn more here drawing on the pavement. I'm not rich, not at all, but... Are you sure I can keep your dollar?"

"Yes, sure. I like how you draw very much. You are a real painter, yes?"

"No way. I'm only able to do copies, and not even very good ones. I miss originality, or else I would not be here. If I were a real painter I would sell my paintings. But I'm only able to do daubs; nobody would buy, this... What's your name?"

"Patrick, and you?"

"I am David. How do you do? Listen, it is almost lunch time - are you game coming to eat a hamburger with me? It's on me."

"You are kind. I will come willingly, but only to keep you company - I can eat for free at the restaurant, I don't want you to spend money for me."

While David was eating, he asked Patrick if he lived by himself.

"Yes, alone."

"Oh, the same here. Don't you feel lonely, at times?"

"Well, rather, but I can't help it. And you?"

"If I feel lonely, I look for company."

"A friend or... a lover?" Patrick asked him with a smile, using on purpose those neutral terms.

David smiled, "Both, according the situation. Do you have a girlfriend?"


"So handsome a man? It's rather odd."

"Possibly because I'm too poor. Anyway, sincerely, I don't miss one. I never dug girls very much, you know?"

David looked at him with interest, but said nothing. Then he said, "You are so handsome, it doesn't matter that you are poor. Money is not everything in life."

"When one has it, it seems so," Patrick answered with a smile.

"You could be a model. You also have a beautiful gait. You never thought of it?"

"At my age?" Patrick asked, laughing.

"You are still young, and if you cared some more for your appearance, you could seem even younger. How old are you?"

"Thirty-three. And you?"

"Twenty-two. That's curious, three-three you, two-two I, and one-one is the difference," David noted with a smile.

"Yeah, it's right that the one-one is what counts..." Patrick answered.

"But you have something I don't have - beauty."

"Why, you too are a handsome boy!"

"Do you think?" David asked looking at him again with intensity.

Patrick asked himself if David would take the first step or if it was up to him to take it.

When the youth ended eating, they went out, "What do you do, now?"

"In a while I have to go to the restaurant. It takes me about an hour to get there, and I have the shift from three to eleven,"

"An odd shift. Is it by chance a twenty four hours reastaurant?"

"Yes, you are right. And you, what do you do, now?"

"I'll go back drawing, to earn some more money. As long as the weather is fine I have to take advantage of it. When the weather's bad, there's no work," David said cheerfully, shaking his wooden box of colored chalks.

As they said good bye, David said, "If the weather is good tomorrow, will you pass by to see me? I'm always there, where you saw me earlier."

"Yes, I'll came with pleasure. Bye, David, thanks for your company."

"Thanks to you," the youth said, and Patrick went to take the underground train to reach his work place.

Good, the first contact was made and it was evident that David was attracted to him. He had just to give him some time and, if the youth didn't take the first step, he would do it.

On the following morning Patrick went in front of the Modern Art Museum around ten o' clock. David was already there, drawing. They greeted each other and Patrick sat on the pavement's step looking at him draw. From time to time some passerby stopped to look, and some of them threw some coins in David's hat.

"That's nice, what you are drawing," Patrick said.

"It's a Cezanne. Do you like it?"

"Yes... who's Cezanne?"

"You don't know fine arts?" David asked, looking at him.

"No," Patrick lied. Then asked, "Don't you get tired always squatting in this way to draw?"

"Well, a little. At times I could really use a good relaxing massage."

"I can do massages," Patrick said.

"Oh, then I should invite you at my place once."

"Do you live far from here?"

"With the underground it is just twenty minutes. And you?"

"Ten minutes by bus from here, if it's not rush hour."

"Why do you pass by here?" David asked him.

"Yesterday it was just a chance. Today I came expressly to see you."

"For me?"

"Yes. I have nothing to do in the mornings, so... Yesterday I felt good with you, I like you."

"I too like you. I'm pleased you came here just for me. Listen, I need to stretch my legs a while, do you feel like walking for a bit? Anyway, at this hour, when there are so few passersby, I gather little money."

"Sure, with pleasure."

David gathered his chalks and set them in their box. Then he picked the coins from his hat, took it up shaking it vigorously to dust it, then gestured to Patrick, "In that direction there is a small public garden. Let's go."

"Okay," Patrick answered. They walked side by side, talking of this and that.

At a certain point David asked him, "Don't you have friends with whom go out?"

"No, not many.- I've just lived here for two months and have that job. Before I worked in the villa of a guy, I did the cleaning. I got fed. But then I decided to change my work. I worked for twelve years in that villa."

"Didn't you like it?"

"At first I did, but then... well, some problem arose."

David understood he didn't feel like talking about that, so he changed the subject. But he was looking at Patrick with evident interest.

So Patrick, at a certain point asked him, "Why do you continue looking at me in this way?"

"Because you are beautiful. Does it bother you?"

"No... no no."

"I like you, and I think that you should have also a fine body."

"Do you want me to pose for you?" Patrick asked, pretending not to understand.

"I'm no painter, I told you," David played down, then added, "I simply like you. Even if I am not an artist, I am sensitive to beauty. And you have a sensual beauty. I think I am not the first to tell you so, am I?"

"No, that's true, you are not the first," Patrick said, looking in his eyes.

For a moment David held the man's glance, then, lowering his eyes, said in a murmur, "I feel attracted to you."


"Yes. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I think I do."

"Does it bother you?" David asked, for the second time.

"No, it rather pleases me. I too... I too feel attracted to you," Patrick answered.

David looked again at him and his eyes shone. "Are you serious?"

"I'm more than serious, David."

"Then... would you come at my place, now?"

"With pleasure," Patrick answered, almost astounded it had been as simple as that.

David merrily guided him to the underground. Along the way they spoke little. But they looked at each other and now Patrick could read desire in the youth's eyes. They went up to David's home. It was a studio on the sixth floor. A wide mattress lay on the floor in one corner, a small stove in another corner, a shelf filled with books, a table and two chairs, and drawings hung on all the walls.

As soon as they were inside, David put the chalks box on the table, turned towards Patrick, took him lightly in his arms and caressed his body through his clothes.

Then he asked, with emotion, "May I kiss you?"

For an answer Patrick embraced him pulling him against himself and French kissed him. He felt David's erection pushing against him.

Patrick also became aroused. "Undress me, David," he whispered.

"Yes..." the youth said with emotion, and with trembling hands, started to unbutton Patrick's clothes. The man followed suit. In a short while they both were completely naked.

David was turning around Patrick caressing lightly all over his body, admiring him. "God, aren't you beautiful!" he whispered, then stopped in front of him and suckled at his nipples.

Patrick panted, "Oh, David, I like it," and caressed him.

David bent to lightly lick his belly, his sides, then lowered more, kneeling in front of him as if in prayer. He licked the inside of his thighs, his testicles, then the shuddering rod, until he made it all slip between his lips into his hot mouth, and started to give him head with sheer passion.

"Oh, Dave! Oooh.." Patrick moaned while his companion, with both hands cupped on his butts, kneaded them, continuing to suck him with gusto.

David parted from him, pulled him to the mattress where they laid down and started again making love. Patrick thought that he was not bad at all - and he was earning his first score even more easily than he thought, and in a very pleasurable way. They made love for a long while, with calm passion. David from time to time stopped to admire him, as one admires an art work, and also this gave pleasure to Patrick.

After that time they met rather often. At times it was David who went to Patrick's small room, at times they didn't make love but went around together, as David said he also liked just being near him. Patrick felt he was somewhat boring, but he pretended it was not so - he had to earn his point at all cost. David still had to ask him to become his steady lover, and when he did, Patrick could then get rid of him.

They met for a little more than a month and finally, on the afternoon of November 5th, after they made love at David's home, the youth asked him to move to his place - he wanted them to live together. Patrick then answered him that he was sorry, but he didn't want to be bound with anybody. David felt rather bad, but didn't raise any fuss.

He simply asked him, "Therefore you are not interested in carrying on this relationship?"

"I like you, but... no, David. I really don't feel like it, I'm sorry."

"I see... I hoped it would be different. I deceived myself... so much the worse."

So they parted.

Patrick and Richard met. Each of them told the other how things went and concluded that they both earned their first point and were even. Then they prepared for the second round. Richard decided to try immediately with David, while Patrick decided to try with Charles.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 3

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