Monastary ritual

Published on Sep 6, 2022



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I had been taken prisoner in the middle of the night, stripped naked, and carried shoulder high to the basement chapel. There I saw the ordained members of the order, all naked with masks covering their faces. I knew those bodies intimately. Each one had interviewed me when I arrived at the remote monastery in Scotland. All of my worldly goods had been taken away and I wore the brown habit of a novice. At bedtime even the habit had been taken away. I slept in the nude in my small cell. Now I was to face the ordeal to prove my worthiness to become one of them.

My body was placed on the ornate stone altar illuminated by tall candles. Oil was applied to my most intimate places. It soon warmed me and I had desires like I had never before known. The abbot walked to the altar and blessed my naked body. He turned to address the assembled order "Brothers, here tonight we have a man who wishes to join in our sacred order. He will undergo the ritual and if he succeeds become one of us. Do you accept him?" There was a murmured agreement from the assembled monks. I was taken down from the stone altar and knelt at a cushioned bench as if in prayer. The abbot moved to my rear. Two of the monks pulled my ass open for his inspection. He muttered " Yes, a true male for our ordeal tonight." I felt oil dripped down my ass crack and moaned. The abbot moved between my outstretched legs, his hard cock at my hole's entrance. In a loud voice he proclaimed "Let him receive the first of our gifts." I felt the sharp pain as he thrusted into my offered body. I remained silent despite the pain. Holy water was sprinkled over my body as the abbot pumped over and over again until he screamed out "It is done my brothers! Let us all offer him our gift."

The monks lined up at my welcoming orifice. Each one was hard and appeared larger than I remembered. I took each of their gifts saying "Thank you brother for honoring me." As the last one finished giving me his gift, the abbot said "Brothers, he has accepted our gifts. Let us go to feast and gvie up to him our own bodies to confirm him." I was pulled to my feet and followed the line of monks up to the refectory where a meal waited. I sat on a raised platform during the meal. One by one each monk offered me his most secret place to bless with my tool of love.

I had been taken prisoner in the middle of the night, striped naked, and carried shoulder high to the basement chapel. There I saw the ordained members of the order, all naked with masks covering their faces. I knew those bodies intimately. Each one had interviewed me when I arrived at the remote monastery in Scotland. All of my worldly goods had been taken away and I wore the brown habit of a novice. At bedtime even the habit had been taken away. I slept in the nude in my small cell. Now I was to face the ordeal to prove my worthiness to become one of them.

My body was placed on the ornate stone altar illuminated by tall candles. Oil was applied to my most intimate places. It soon warmed me and I had desires like I had never before known. The abbot walked to the altar and blessed my naked body. He turned to address the assembled order "Brothers, here tonight we have a man who wishes to join in our sacred order. He will undergo the ritual and if he succeeds become one of us. Do you accept him?" There was a murmured agreement from the assembled monks. I was taken down from the stone altar and knelt at a cushioned bench as if in prayer. The abbot moved to my rear. Two of the monks pulled my ass open for his inspection. He muttered " Yes, a true male for our ordeal tonight." I felt oil dripped down my ass crack and moaned. The abbot moved between my outstretched legs, his hard cock at my hole's entrance. In a loud voice he proclaimed "Let him receive the first of our gifts." I felt the sharp pain as he thrusted into my offered body. I remained silent despite the pain. Holy water was sprinkled over my body as the abbot pumped over and over again until he screamed out "It is done my brothers! Let us all offer him our gift."

The monks lined up at my welcoming orifice. Each one was hard and appeared larger than I remembered. I took each of their gifts saying "Thank you brother for honoring me." As the last one finished giving me his gift, the abbot said "Brothers, he has accepted our gifts. Let us go to feast and give up to him our own bodies to confirm him." I was pulled to my feet and followed the line of monks up to the refectory where a meal waited. I sat on a raised platform during the meal. One by one each monk offered me his most secret place to bless with my tool of love.

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