Momma Loves Her Girls

By Stephanie Kildore

Published on Oct 27, 2006


The following is a story about a lesbian sexual encounter between a college freshmen, a thirteen year old girl, and a much older woman. It is entirely fictional, and if this sort of stuff bothers you then don't read it. Please feel free to send any feedback to as it will help me to become a better author.

For those who didn't read Part I or simply forgot what Samantha looks like here is an excerpt from the first Part which you really should read if you have not already. ************************************************************ ****************************** Samantha was an attractive girl with bright green eyes and long thick, semi-curly brunette hair which she highlighted with a few well placed streaks of dark blonde. Having spent much of the summer in the family pool meant she had a healthy natural tan, and the chlorine had helped to lighten her hair a bit. She was a very petite girl, and really looked more like a high school freshman then a college freshman. She had a sweet little round ass, well curved hips, stood about five foot three, and wore an a-cup bra. ************************************************************ ******************************

Samantha could feel her heart begin to race a bit as she pulled into the parking spot. It had been a little over three months since she had first, and last, traveled the remote Pennsylvania highway. This time she was heading home for Thanksgiving.

The teen took a deep breath as put her car in park. Nervously she opened the door. Locking her car she looked to her left, where she saw a very familiar looking tractor trailer. Though she could not see the driver through the darkness there was little doubt in her mind. As she took her first steps toward the rig she could her diesel engine rev just a bit, removing all doubt from her mind.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Samantha said to her self. With each step towards the rig the teen could feel her heart beat just a little faster as adrenaline flowed through her body. Finally she stood at the door of truck and slowly reached for the handle.

"Hey Sweetie," called out a familiar voice.

"Hey Momma," replied the teen as she pulled herself up into the cab.

"You changed your hair."

"Yeah, I let it go back to being straight, which is how my hair is naturally."

"It's a bit lighter too."

"Yeah, my roommate and I dyed our hair, I kinda like it, I mean, it like took me a while to get used to it but.."

"You're so cute when you're nervous," interrupted the large trucker.

"Yeah, I was talking kind of fast."

"Let's take a ride Samantha." Momma released the brake, and the tractor trailer began to role forward. "I've thought about you quite a bit since our little encounter."

"I've thought about you too Momma," replied Sam as she unzipped her heavy winter coat.

"I'm so glad you met me tonight, I've got something very special planned for you. I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it as much as me."

"Can, can I talk to you Momma?" asked Samantha in a hesitant voice.

"Of course sweetie, you can tell your Momma anything."

"I've thought a lot about that night, I mean, I've never been so afraid in my life, but, I mean here I am again. I."

"Your fear helps to turn you on," replied Momma. "The way I see it, you're the good girl type. You liked that I force you to do things you'd never do."

"How did you."

"Sam, I've picked up a lot of girls on the highway, and I've learned a lot about different personality types."

"So, I have to know, am I.."

"Sam, every one of Momma's girls is special to Momma. You though, you are very special to me, which is why I've planned something so special for you tonight. Still nervous?"

"Well, yeah."


The rig only traveled a few miles down the road before turning off the highway, and into what looked like an abandoned lot surrounded by woods. In the distance Sam could see what looked like a small cabin thanks to the lights of the rig. As they drew closer Momma slowed the truck, finally stopping directly in front of it.

"Welcome to my place sweetie."

Momma's place was a modest log cabin. There was a large porch that spanned its entire length, and several stone chimneys. From two of the windows Sam could see a faint light.

"Do you like the outdoors Samantha?" asked Momma as the two walked up onto the porch.

"Yeah, I mean, I've sort of been raised outdoors what with the horses and all."

"Good, because once the summer weather returns, we'll be spending some time together in these woods." Suddenly Momma took a hold of Samantha's arms, turning the teen to face her. "And you sweetie, will not be allowed clothing in my woods."

"Yes Momma."

Releasing one of Samantha's arms the trucker pushed a key into the door of the cabin and turned it. With a smile, Momma guided Samantha inside and flicked on a light.

The air inside was very warm, causing the teen to sweat almost immediately under her thick winter jacket. The interior had a rustic, yet surprisingly refined feel. This did not seem like the home of a trucker to Sam, or at least not what she imagined one to look like. The floor was a highly polished hard wood with several animal skin rugs. There were also several skins on the walls. There was a couch and a coffee table, a small fireplace crackled across from them.

"I was going for a rich man's hunting cabin sort of look," laughed Momma.

"I see that," replied the teen as she slipped off her pink winter boots. "I guess I wasn't expecting this, I mean not that.."

"Shhh, no one ever does. Now, I'm going to be right back, while I'm gone, I want you to be a good girl and take all your clothes off."

Sam watched as older woman left the front room, which she assumed to be the living room. Dropping her jacket to the floor the teen reached down and opened the top of her jeans, which she promptly pushed down. As she pulled the clothing from her body she could feel a rush of both fear and delight. The two emotions mixed to arouse the teen as she peeled off her sweater.

Momma was not all that attractive by any stretch of the imagination, but after their first meeting even the idea of simply being exposed to such a controlling woman excited the teen. Reaching behind her self Sam unlatched her bra, and allowed the garment to join the rest of her clothing. She then paused for a moment, and briefly brushed one of her nipples with her own fingers. To her surprise her small nipples were already quite stiff, despite the warm cabin air.

Finally she pulled down her panties, exposing her fully shaved sex to the air. Already she could feel a slight dampness between her legs. Now fully naked and awaiting the return of Momma, Sam walked over to one of the rugs. It was a bear skin rug, and the fur felt good on the bottom of her feet.

"Ah, there's my sweet little Samantha," said Momma's voice as she reentered the room dressed only in a blue robe. "I just love those little perky breasts of yours."

Samantha Blushed a bit and looked momentarily down at the floor. She could feel herself becoming even more aroused and fearful all at once.

"Now, look up, keep your arms at your side Samantha. Good girl. Amanda, come here sweetie."

Sam's heart instantly tripled its pace. She had no idea that she would be meeting another person. Would it be another trucker like Momma, or another girl she picked up?

"Wow, she's pretty," said a young voice.

"Samantha, say hi to Amanda. She's my niece, but she also calls me Momma."

Samantha stood in stunned silence for a moment. Amanda was a pretty girl, but was far younger than anything Sam was expecting. She stood just under five feet tall, and had long sandy blonde hair. Her dark brown eyes seemed to study every inch of Sam's body. Sam couldn't really guess her age, but the young girl was completely flat chested. She was dressed only in an oversized t-shirt.

"Hi," said Sam, embarrassed that she was so exposed to such a young girl.

"Hi, I'm Amanda."

"Amanda," said Momma as she and the young girl approached Sam. "Amanda here has reached a very special age. Go ahead sweetie, you can tell Samantha."

"Um, okay," replied Amanda. "A couple weeks ago I got my first, well, you know. And I told Momma, I call my aunt Momma, I know it's kinda confusing."

"When she told me what a big step she had taken toward becoming a woman, I invited her to spend a couple nights with me," interjected Momma.

"Yeah, she started to tell me about how certain things would feel really good now, and then."

"I showed Amanda how wonderful the world of love-making can be, and told her how some women like me enjoy being with both boys and girls."

"Yeah she like told me that she knew a really pretty girl and told me that she wanted me to be with you so I could." Amanda paused, "what was it you said again?"

"I want my pretty little niece here to experience all that life has to offer," said Momma. "And I thought to myself what a wonderful experience you would be for her, and she would be for you."

Sam stood in stunned silence. The first encounter with Momma had pushed the boundaries of sexuality far beyond what the teen had ever expected, but this, this simply obliterated them. Sam didn't know what to say or do. She could feel Amanda's eyes carefully examining every inch of her fully exposed body, barely noticing the smile on Momma's face as she did the same.

Returning the younger girl's gaze Sam couldn't help but to think that despite her age she was still a very pretty girl, reminding her of a younger version of her self. Finally she built up the courage to ask the only question she could think of.

"How, how old are you Amanda?" asked Sam.

"I just turned thirteen last week," Amanda smiled. "Momma was right, you are really pretty. I hope I'm as pretty as you someday."

"I think you're pretty too," replied Sam.

"Amanda sweetheart," interrupted Momma, "take your shirt off so Sam can see just how pretty you are."

With a smile Amanda reached down and grasped the bottom of the oversized shirt. Sam couldn't stop herself from watching as the younger girl slowly exposed her own body from the bottom up. Though the room was lit simply by a dim lamp and the fire place she could see that Amanda's sex was covered only by a very fine peach-like fuzz. Next to be revealed was Amanda's hips which had a cute little curve. Like Sam Amanda too seemed to have flawless skin which sported a faded tan.

Slowly but surely the shirt continued to rise finally revealing Amanda's chest. Under the shirt Amanda looked completely flat, but with the shirt gone Sam could see that the young girl's light pink nipples had just begun to puff out. Finally the shirt was completely off. Amanda held it at her side for a second, but then dropped it to the floor. With a slight push from Momma Amanda turned around to show Samantha her backside, and to Sam's surprise young girl seemed to have as perfect an ass her. Another push and Amanda turned to face Sam once more.

"You see Amanda," said Momma, "Samantha here is, unlike me, a very petite girl, so she has small breasts, but they are still very pretty."

"I thought all girls got hair on their pussy, how come Sam has none?"

"Well Samantha shaves hers."

"Why do you shave yours Samantha?"

"Well," Sam paused for a moment in thought. "A lot of girls shave because most guys and some women think it looks prettier."

"Oh, okay," replied Amanda.

"Alright," said Momma as she began to push Amanda toward Sam.

A part of Sam wanted to look away, but she couldn't. The sight of the Amanda's naked body seemed to mesmerize the teen. All at once Sam felt fear, confusion, conflict and arousal. Her fear was of the unknown, as well as a fear of Momma. Despite already having been with Momma once she was dominating woman, but this fear served to feed her arousal.

Samantha's confusion came from her sense of conflict. What Momma wanted her to do would obliterate what the teen thought of as the lines of sexual right and wrong. Then again, so too did her first encounter with Momma, and she had voluntarily come back for more. On top of all hat the sight of Amanda's naked body seemed to add fuel to Samantha's already growing fire.

Finally the two naked girls stood toe to toe and Samantha found herself looking directly into Amanda's curious eyes. It was then that Sam realized that once more she was under Momma's spell, and there was nothing she could do but give in.

"Embrace her Samantha," Momma softly whispered, "kiss her."

Sam brought her arms to Amanda's side, placing her hands just above the young girl's hips. As she did so Amanda did the same. Standing only five inches taller than Amanda Sam simply had to look down as Amanda looked up, causing their lips to touch ever so lightly.

"Kiss her again Samantha," Momma ordered softly.

Again their lips touched, but this time, almost as if acting on instinct, the two girls opened their mouths as their lips touched. Unable to resist Sam pushed her tongue into Amanda's mouth. Being far more experienced Sam dominated the kiss.

"Good, good," said Momma as she opened her robe. "I'm going to enjoy this, you're both such good girls."

Finally the two girls broke their kiss, but continued to hold on to each other.

"Amanda sweetheart," said Momma who was now just as exposed as the other two girls. "I want you to touch Samantha's breasts."

Momma knew how much Sam enjoyed having her breasts touched, and Sam knew that she knew. Amanda slowly brought up her right hand, and gently brushed her fingers over Samantha's hard nipples.

"You're nipples get hard too?" asked Amanda.

"When I'm really turned on they get hard, and when I'm cold too," giggled Sam.

"Mine get so hard sometimes that they hurt, but I kind of like it."

"So do mine," replied Sam, "and I like it too."

"Mine are really hard now like yours, do you like them being touched, `cause I do."

"I love it," Sam smiled. Unable to hold back Sam raised one of her own right hand, and softly glided her fingers across Amanda's budding left nipple. In doing so a thrill shot through her body. From within her she could feel her a sense of deep desire burning ever brighter.

"Amanda," said Momma softly. "I want you to suck Amanda's nipple, just like I taught you.

Amanda nodded her head, and then looked back up as Sam with smile. The young girl slide her right hand Just beneath Samantha's left breast, pushing it upward just a bit while at the same time lowering her head.

"Oh god." whispered Sam as she felt Amanda's lips on her areola. Inside the young girl's mouth Sam could feel her nipple hardening even more. As Amanda began to suck she flicked the nipple with her tongue.

Momma watched with delight as her niece suckled the eighteen year old. Taking a few steps forward she placed one hand one Samantha's ass, and the other on Amanda's. All the while Sam continued to fondle Amanda's chest.

"Amanda," said Momma, now rubbing the asses of both girls. "Take your other hand gently squeeze Samantha's other tit."

Amanda seemed all to eager to comply. She rapidly brought her left hand to Samantha's right breast, giving it a gentle squeeze. As the young girl squeezed Sam let out a soft moan.

""Tell me Sam, do like touching Amanda?" asked Momma.

"Yes," replied Sam softly. "Her nipple is so hard, but her little areola is so.."

"Soft." Momma then turned her attention to the younger of her two prizes. "That's it Amanda, Sam's moans mean you're making her feel very good. Now, stop sucking her for a moment, I want you to lick her breast."

Amanda hesitantly pulled her lips from Samantha's aching nipple, but then quickly extended her tongue. Pushing Sam's breasts up bit more Amanda started with the bottom and worked her way up. When she reached Sam's nipple she almost seemed to smile.

"I liked that," said Amanda, "I like touching her breasts Momma, and I like sucking her nipple."

"I'm glad to hear that. Do you want Sam to suck your nipples?"

"Yes," smiled the young girl.

"Good, lay down on the floor, Sam, I want you to get on top of her."

Sam found herself incredibly eager to obey Momma's demand, and so too it seemed was Amanda. Both girl's dropped to their knees as they smiled at one another. Amanda then lay back on one of the bear skin rugs, her arms at her side, her legs separated but only just a bit.

"Good, now Sam, get on top of her, and suckle her."

Sam pushed Amanda's legs further apart and scooted her body up so she was kneeling between them. Leaning forward and downward at the tame time she brought her face to Amanda's budding chest. Unable to hold herself back Sam allowed her tongue fall from her moth and lick Amanda's left areola and nipple. She then did the same to the right.

Momma watched with delight as Sam seemed to be losing all control of herself. After licking both nipples a second time Sam pressed her lips to Amanda's body. With her lower lip just below the areola and the upper lip just above it, Sam began to suckle the young girl.

"That feels really good," purred Amanda. "Oh my god, it makes my nipple hurt so much but I really like it.

Sam found herself sucking harder and harder on the young nipple. Even if Momma were to leave Sam wouldn't stop. She had loved suckling Momma, and when in college even found herself fantasizing about doing it to some of her classmates, but this was different. Amanda was so young and tender, as well as so beautiful, that Sam found herself praying that the moment would never end.

Momma knelt down next to the two girls, and reaching forward began to fondle the right side of Amanda's chest, still covered in a fine layer of Samantha's saliva.

"Good girl Samantha, now sit up, come on sit up Sam."

Sam was slow to obey Momma, she desperately want to continue suckling Amanda, but finally she broke away, and sat back up in a kneeling position between Amanda's legs.

"There's so much I have planned for the two you," said Momma as she brought Amanda up to her knees. "Now both of you, suck your Momma's nipples."

Both girls leaned forward, Amanda watched Sam place both hand s on the bottom of Momma's large left breast and lift upward, she then followed suit with the right.

"That's it, suck them, good, oh you're such good girls."

"Momma," said Amanda as she pulled back for a moment. "I, I like sucking your nipple, but I like Samantha's even more, please don't be mad."

"Oh of course I'm not dear. I knew you would. I really like being with Samantha too."

"Thanks for being cool about it," replied Amanda as she returned to sucking Momma's large nipple.

"Well Amanda, do you want Samantha to make you cum?"

"That'd be pretty cool" replied Amanda as she released Momma's nipple a second time.

"Good, I'm going to let her in a little bit, but not just yet. Now lay back down on the floor sweetie."

As Samantha continued to Suck Momma's left breast Amanda lay back down on the floor. Momma smiled at both girls as she pushed Sam back.

"Lay down next to her Samantha."

Sam gave Momma's nipple a kiss, and then stood up. She took about three steps, knelt on the floor, and finally lay next to Amanda.

"Sam, Move over a bit, so I can sit between you."

Sam and Amanda smiled at each other as Sam moved her body. Momma stood up for a moment, but only to kneel once more between the two girls. Lowering her hands she began to fondle the breasts of both girls as they lay on either side of her, Sam on her left, Amanda on her right.

Sam continued to stare at Amanda, watching Momma fondle the young girl as she too was fondled. After a minute of so Momma's hand's slide down the bodies of both girls.

"You're both so wet," said Momma as she covered the sex of both girl's with her hands. "So wet and warm."

"Momma," moaned Amanda as one of Momma's finger's slide deep within her tiny body.

Sam simply moaned as she felt her own body being penetrated. So hot was the fire within her that Sam pushed her body against Momma's hand.

"Momma, Momma," Amanda continued to moan.

Sam thought Amanda's moans would drive her insane, with each passing moment she wanted the young girl more and more. Without even thinking Sam brought her hands to her chest and began to fondle herself.

"That's it girls, just let it happen," said Momma.

Samantha pulled her left arm from her body and reached toward Amanda, grabbing the young girl's hand and squeezing it. It was then that Momma slowed and finally stopped, with her fingers buried deep inside both girls.

"Alright girls, get up, and follow me." With that Momma pulled her fingers from her two prizes and stood up. Reaching down she helped both girls to their feet. As she walked ahead of the two girls Sam took Amanda's hand.

"Hey Sam," said Amanda, "I like being naked with you."

"I like being naked with you too," replied Sam.

Momma led the two girls to the bedroom. In the bedroom there was a far larger fireplace, a large bed, and a set of shelves on which Samantha could see virtually every sex toy she could think of and then some.

"Amanda sweetie, get down on your knees and bend over the bed."

Amanda looked up at Sam, giving her a quick kiss. Letting go of Samantha's hand the younger girl took a few steps forward and dropped to her knees. Finally, she laid the upper half of her body face down on the bed.

"Samantha," said Momma in a somewhat stern tone.

"Yes Momma."

"I want you to eat her little ass."

Sam looked down at Amanda, then thought about how it felt when Momma had eaten her ass. After a brief moment she knelt down behind the young girl and placed her hands on the cheeks of Amanda's firm ass, and pushed them apart. Leaning forward Samantha extended her tongue.

"How does that feel Amanda?" asked Momma.

"It's really different, but kinda cool too."

This was a new experience for Sam as well. Slowly she swirled her tongue around and over Amanda's puckered little rosebud.

"That's it Samantha get it good and wet. Good, good girl, alright Sam, that's enough, bend down over the bed next to Amanda."

As Sam did what she was told she turned her head to look at Amanda, who was also looking at her. Again the two girls smiled at one another.

"That was kind of weird," said Amanda, "but you can do that to me again, I really like you Samantha.

"Samantha," said Momma, "reach back and spread open your sweet little ass. That's it good girl."

Sam continued to smile at Amanda as held the cheeks of her own ass apart, waiting for Momma's tongue. Suddenly Amanda's smile turned to a grimace and the younger girl began to groan. Looking back Samantha could see Momma kneeling behind the two girls, pushing a long thin dildo into Amanda's ass.

"Samantha don't you think Amanda has a cute ass?" asked Momma as she pulled back on the dildo.

As Sam opened her mouth to reply she felt an object press up against her own rosebud. Whatever it was it was well lubed and easily pushed inside her body causing her to wince. Momma had done this to her before, but this was a far larger dildo than last time.

"That's it," said Momma. "Oh god it pleases me to see two such pretty young girls doing such a dirty thing."

Sam grunted and groaned loudly as she felt the larger object push inside her. Amanda seemed to do the same, though the dildo being pushed into her ass was far smaller. Pain mixed with pleasure for Sam, she hoped the same was true for Amanda, but couldn't really tell.

"Oh yes, all pretty girls need this," said Momma as she pushed and pulled the dildos at a slow but steady pace. "Yes, not too often, but every once in a while all you pretty girls need this."

After two or three intense minutes Momma gave both girls one final deep push before pulling the dildos from each of their asses. She then bent down kissed each of the girl's raw holes.

"Good," said Momma as once more she sank a finger into each of the girl's damp pussies. "It's time the two of you pleasured your Momma now a bit."

Momma rose to her feet , walked around the bed and climbed on. Laying face up her body seemed to ooze out to the side.

"Get up girls. Amanda come here on the bed, I want you to suck my nipples again. Samantha, eat my pussy."

Sam stood up and watched Amanda climb onto the bed and then on top of Momma. Laying down on top of the large woman the young girl seemed to gladly suckle the old truck driver. Climbing onto the bed herself, Samantha positioned herself between Momma's legs. Remembering what Momma had done to her, Sam began by licking the outer wall of Momma's large labia. Covering Momma's pussy was a thick bush, but that didn't seem to phase the eighteen year old as her tongue made its way to Momma's swollen clit.

"That's it Samantha, good girl, oh you're a natural sweetie."

Finally Sam pushed her tongue inside Momma's worn pussy. Its juices tasted good to her as she lapped at Momma's inner walls, she even felt some dribbling down her chin.

"Good, good, that's it Samantha, push your face hard against me, yes. I want you inside me Samantha, oh how I want you inside me."

Taking the hint Samantha brought up her arm. Sliding in first two fingers and then three, she turned the attention of her mouth back to Momma's clit.

"All of Samantha, come on, fuck me with fist of yours."

Sam raised her head, and pushed the remainder of her fist inside Momma.

"That's it Samantha, come on, push as deep as you can, yes, yes that's it. Harder, come on Samantha harder. Yes that's it faster dear!"

Samantha pumped her fist as hard and fast into Momma's soaking loose pussy as she could. She desperately did not want to disappoint Momma.

"God yes!" the old woman screamed out with a triumphant shake that caused Amanda to role off her. Momma lay there for a moment as Samantha pulled her first from her body. Finally the large woman sat up, and smiled at both girls.

"Momma, did you have an orgasm?" asked Amanda.

"Indeed I did, now, its time to make you two cum." With that Momma swung round her legs, nearly kicking Samantha, and stood up off the bed.

Unable to resist the opportunity Samantha crawled up the bed to Amanda and rolled over, pulling the younger girl on top of her. Amanda smiled, and then pressed her lips to Samantha's. This time the kiss was a little less one sided, with Samantha teasing Amanda's tongue down into her mouth. As the kiss drew on Samantha slid one of her hands down Amanda's back to her ass.

Momma watched for a moment, but then turned her back to them, and began the process of selecting a strap-on. After a few seconds she spotted one that she felt would be perfect. It was long, thick and made of purple jelly- rubber. Overall it was just about the same size as the one she had used on Samantha the first time.

"Alright Girls," said Momma, "I'll let you have each other soon enough, but not just yet."

With a nudge from Momma Amanda reluctantly rolled off Sam's body. Momma then helped Sam up off the bed, but placing her hands on the teen's shoulders, pushed Samantha down onto her knees.

"Show our little Amanda here how you suck cock," said Momma in a firm tone.

Sam looked back at Amanda who was now sitting on the bed to get a better view. Extending her tongue she returned her attention to the task at hand and licked the entire under side of the pseudo-phallus. Opening her mouth Sam took in as much as she could without gagging herself.

Amanda watched with wonder as Sam sucked Momma's strap-on. With one hand Sam began to stroke the exposed part of the shaft, with her other hand she cupped one of her breasts.

"That's a good girl Sam. Amanda, come her sweetie, get behind Samantha, as close as you can. That's it, good girl, now reach around Sam, and fondle her."

"I like touching her Momma," said Amanda as covered Sam's breasts with her small hands. "Her boobs are small, but they feel really good to touch."

"I'm glad to hear that, and I think Sam is too."

Momma was right, but Sam was in no position to vocalize that, she was now taking the strap-on deeper and deeper into her mouth. She was fast becoming lost in the moment, and Momma knew it.

"Now Samantha, I've already explained to Amanda how a girl can fuck another girl with a strap-on, so I want you to turn around and get down on all fours."

Taking the strap-on deep into her mouth one last time Sam slowly pulled back, giving Momma her most seductive look, which pleased the old woman greatly.

"Amanda I need you to back up," said Sam as she turned around.

"Now Amanda sweetie I want to watch closely."

"Is she still a virgin Momma?" asked Sam, bending down into a doggie-style position.

"No, I'm not, do like to be fucked?" asked Amanda as Momma placed her hands on Samantha's hips.

"Yes," Sam moaned in reply as Momma as felt the tip of the dildo lightly touch her moist womanhood. "Oh god," Sam groaned as Momma slowly pushed the strap-on into her.

"Amanda, this is called doggie-style. When I let you're uncle fuck you that was missionary." As Momma spoke she pushed the fake cock further and further into Samantha's body. "Tell Samantha Sweetie, its okay you can tell her things."

"Momma had my uncle come over and he fucked me," said Amanda. "It hurt at first, but then I started to like it. By the time he was done it felt really really good."

"It can feel so good," moaned Samantha. "Oh god it can feel good."

"That's my good little Sam," said Momma who was now pulling back. "You see Amanda, Sam loves to fucked, like most her girls her age she loves it." Suddenly Momma thrust forward, causing Sam to moan loudly. Reaching forward Momma grabbed Sam's hair and pulled the teen's head back. "Don't you Sam. Remember the in my truck, I want you to say it to Amanda now. Say it!"

"Oh god Amanda, I love." Sam moaned, taking in a deep breath before finishing her sentence, "I love to be fucked. Momma, oh god."

"Listen to her Amanda, doesn't she sound so wonderful, each push and pull brings her more and more pleasure, you remember don't you?"

"Yes Momma, she really seems to like it."

Momma settled into a hard fast rhythm, and deep inside Sam could feel her body preparing to cum, causing her to make the most primitive of sounds. Amanda, still kneeling at Samantha's side, watched in amazement.

"Momma, Momma please," begged Sam as sensed the old woman's rhythm slow.

"Now Sam, before I let you cum I want to show Amanda another position." With that Momma pulled the strap-on from Samantha's pussy, and stood up. "Get up on the bed, face up, with your leg's hanging off." The old woman took a step forward as she spoke and reached down towards Amanda. "Get up Amanda, come on, I want you on the bed too, I want you to fondle Samantha while I fuck her."

Sam opened her legs wide as she lay back on the bed, giving Momma plenty of room to kneel between them. Amanda hoped up onto the bed beside Sam, and eagerly reached for the teen's chest.

"Mmmm," Sam moaned. "I like being touched by you Amanda, your hands feel so good on my body."

As Momma settled between Samantha's legs she eased the strap- on back inside the teen's wet pussy. There was no slow start up this time though, Momma pushed the dildo deep inside the teen and then quickly pulled her hips back, only to thrust deeply once more.

Overwhelmed with sensation Sam felt as if her entire body would soon cum. Feeling Amanda's hands gently rub her aching nipples as Momma ravaged her sex with the strap-on was almost more than the poor girl could take. After only a minute or so her back was fully arched, and her hands clawed at the bed sheets.

Samantha had lost every last shred of control as she groaned, screamed, and moaned wildly. The dildo felt as though it was filling her entire body and yet she craved even more.

Momma could sense this and so for a second time the old woman stopped. Sam wrapped her legs around the old woman, and squeezed in vain attempt to allow herself to cum.

"Look at her Amanda, she wants to cum so bad. I'm going to stop now though."

"Why Momma?" asked Amanda.

"I think its time I let the two of you make love."

A huge smile filed Amanda's face. Sam relaxed her legs allowing Momma to pull away from her still hungry body. Momma walked around to the other side of the bed, slipped off the strap-on, and then lay down on her side facing the two girls.

Sam slowly sat up and looked at Amanda. Her face was quickly consumed with an almost wicked smile. Amanda leaned over and kissed Sam on her right nipple.

"Lay down Amanda," said Sam.

As Amanda laid down Sam climbed on top of the young girl, and kissed her hard. Sam had been brought to the edge twice and not allowed cum. On top of that, Amanda's young body was just too irresistible to the eighteen year old. Breaking the kiss Sam lowered herself a bit, kissing Amanda's neck, then her shoulders, until finally she reached Amanda's chest. Momma watched with delight as Samantha licked Amanda's areolas.

"You're so pretty Amanda," said Sam, who then kissed each of Amanda's nipples. "You're just so..cute, I." Sam didn't finish her sentence, instead she began to suck Amanda's left nipple.

"You're pretty too Sam, I really like you," Amanda said closing her eyes. "I like being touched, especially by you."

As Sam sucked on Amanda's left nipple she rubbed the young girl's right nipple for a moment, but then slide her hand down Amanda's body.

Amanda let out a soft moan as she felt Samantha's hand brush over the peach-fuzz like hair that had started to cover her own sex. Samantha stroked the outer walls of Amanda's labia for a moment, but then allowed one of her fingers to slide inside Amanda's dampness.

"Samantha," whispered Amanda as she felt Sam's finger sink into her body.

Sam sank her middle finger as deep into the young girl as she could. It amazed her how incredibly tight the young girl's pussy was, but what also amazed Sam was how wet Amanda was. Knowing that Amanda had other treasures to offer, Sam reluctantly pulled herself from Amanda's swollen nipple, but not without giving it one last kiss.

"You are so pretty," said Sam who then kissed Amanda's other nipple. The eighteen year old kissed the first nipple once more, then kissed the center of Amanda's chest. Sticking out her tongue Samantha lowered herself further down Amanda's body, licking a trail to the young girl's pussy.

"How does she taste?" asked Momma.

Sam only moaned in reply. She had tasted the juice of Momma's pussy and liked it, but Amanda's seemed especially divine. Sam pushed her mouth hard against Amanda's crotch as she lapped every inch Amanda's moist slit.

Amanda's back now arched as Sam's hands probed their way back up her body until they reached her tender chest. Amanda brought up her own hands to hold Samantha's against what would one day be her own breasts.

"Sam, Samantha," said Momma softly.

"What?" replied Samantha, somewhat annoyed at the interruption.

"Don't let her cum yet, let her enjoy your body too."

Sam gave Amanda's pussy one last kiss, and then kissed her way back up Amanda's body until the two were face to face once more. Again the two girls kissed.

"Amanda," said Sam, "I'm gonna roll over, I want you to get on top of me and do the same things to me that I just did to you."

"Okay Sam."

Sam rolled over and Amanda wasted no time climbing on top of her. Although Amanda was not as smooth in her motions as Sam had been Amanda eventually brought her mouth to Sam's stiff nipples, causing Sam to both smile and moan with approval. Amanda licked and kissed both breasts thoroughly before finally focusing her attention on Samantha's right nipple.

Reaching up Sam took a hold of Amanda's right arm and gently guided it downward. Taking the hint Amanda sank her middle finger into Samantha's body.

"Amanda, oh my god sweetie," moaned out Samantha. "Alright, alright sweetheart."

Amanda knew she was doing something right, so she sucked Samantha's nipple a little harder, and pushed her small finger a little deeper. Samantha took pleasure from Amanda's actions for a moment longer, but she had been teased enough. In one deft move the eighteen year old rolled the younger girl onto her back and sat up. She smiled briefly at Amanda, and then smiled at Momma.

"Amanda, this is called sixty nine," said Sam much to Momma's surprise. "I'm going to get on top of you so that you can eat my pussy while I eat yours."

"Okay, sounds kinda cool," replied Sam.

Sam positioned herself over Amanda. Amanda in turn placed her hands on either side of Samantha's lower body. As the younger girl raised her head to bring her face to Samantha's pussy Momma grabbed a pillow and placed beneath Amanda's head.

As both girls began to lick one another they also both began to moan. Sam desperately want to both cum, and to make Amanda cum. She was aggressive in her motions.

Amanda struggled a bit, not really all that sure of what to do. Although Momma was the only woman Sam had ever been with she had been eaten out by guys, and had a pretty good sense of what to do. Amanda was a fast learner though, and soon began to copy what she could feel Samantha doing. Soon both girls began to moan as they pleasured one another.

Sam having been brought to the edge twice already was the first to cum. As she did so the eighteen year old let out a loud guttural moan of both relief and pleasure. Suddenly Amanda let out a loud shriek. Her body shivered as a new wave of juice oozed into Samantha's mouth, which she greedily consumed.

Kissing Amanda's pussy lightly one last time Sam climbed off of the young girl and turned her body around to lay beside her.

"That felt so good," Amanda said as a tear ran down her cheek. "It felt so good."

"I'm glad to hear you say that," replied Samantha as she put an arm around Amanda. Sam held the young girl for a moment, kissing her softly on the forehead and cheek. "Momma, will see Amanda again?" Sam asked as continued to caress the young girl's body.

"Oh yes," said Momma, "you most certainly will."

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