Momma Loves Her Girls

By Stephanie Kildore

Published on Sep 14, 2006


The following is a story about a lesbian sexual encounter between a college freshmen and a much older woman. It is entirely fictional, and if this sort of stuff bothers you then don't read it. Please feel free to send any feedback to as it will help me to become a better author.

Momma Loves Her Girls Part I By Stephanie Skildore

For Samantha Rice this was a time of mixed emotion. Summer vacation had ended, but her freshmen year of college was about to begun. Samantha was an attractive girl with bright green eyes and long thick, semi-curly brunette hair which she highlighted with a few well placed streaks of dark blonde. Having spent much of the summer in the family pool meant she had a healthy natural tan, and the chlorine had helped to lighten her hair a bit. She was a very petite girl, and really looked more like a high school freshman then a college freshman. She had a sweet little round ass, well curved hips, stood about five foot three, and wore an a-cup bra.

Driving along the highway on her way to college in her new car, a gift from her father, the eighteen year old was completely lost in thoughts of times gone by and the times to come. As the radio played softly she reached over to the passenger seat to check her directions.

Suddenly two loud bangs pierced the night air. The teen struggled to regain control of the car. Slowly she brought down her speed until finally she was completely stopped on the side of the road. Taking a moment to collect herself, she opened the door, allowing the warm summer's night air to touch her skin. As soon as she stepped out she saw the problem. Both of her left side tires were completely flat.

"Damn it!" she screamed out into the empty night. Reaching back into her car she grabbed her purse and pulled out her cell phone, only to see that she had no service.

She sat back down in her car, it was a highway, albeit a rather empty one, but she knew someone would eventually be along. After several long minutes she got up and began to pace along the side of the wounded vehicle. After several more minutes she could see a pair of headlights in the distance. She knew she wouldn't have to do much to get attention. After all, being summer she was dressed in a pink tank top and very short, tight jean shorts. She pulled her hair back into a pony tail and stood by the side of her car.

"God, I hope it's not a pervert," she said to herself as the lights grew nearer.

In time she could hear the rumble of a diesel engine, and it was definitely slowing down. The teen could feel her heart beat just a little harder. She was a lone teenage girl, and it could be anyone behind the wheel of the rig. She reached for her purse which contained a can of mace. Finally the truck halted about twenty feet behind her car. Fear raced through Samantha's body as the door opened.

"You need help missy?" called out a woman's voice.

"Yes, oh thank god you came along." Samantha was relieved, never had a woman's voice sounded so good. "I've got two flat tires, and no cell phone service."

"Yeah, this part of Pennsylvania is pretty remote, I'm Gillian, but everyone calls me Momma."

Gillian, a.k.a. "Momma" stood almost six foot tall. To Samantha she looked to be in her mid to late fifties. She had curly salt and pepper hair, though more salt then pepper. She kept it very short and was wearing a rather greasy hat. Cowboy boots, jeans and a flannel shirt with no sleeves made up Momma's outfit, and a tattoo was clearly visible on her right arm. She was heavier woman with a large chest, and looked like the type of person you wouldn't want to mess with.

"I'm Samantha, but you can call me Sam," replied the teen as extended her hand.

"Well, nice to meet you, Samantha, I like that name."

"Thanks, you think you can help me?"

"Sure," said Momma with a smile. "I'll give you a lift to the next town, you can call for help there or I can drop you off at the sheriff's office."

"Thanks, I really appreciate your help."

"No problem, hop on in."

Samantha pulled her keys from her car and then locked it. Walking up to the rig she reached up for the door.

"Here missy, let me give you a hand," said Momma as she walked up behind the teen. Opening the door the older woman placed a hand on Samantha's ass, boosting her into the truck.

"Thanks," said Samantha feeling just a bit uneasy about Gillian's touch.

"Pleasure's all mine."

Samantha closed the door and reached for the seatbelt as Momma walked around to the other side of the truck. The older woman wasted no time climbing in. With a release of the brake and a shift into the gear the eighteen wheeler began to role.

"So how's a pretty little thing like your self come to be out here this time of night?" asked Momma.

"Well I was heading to college, my parents are meeting me there with most of my stuff. I left late because I was saying goodbye to my friends."

"I see, kind of dangerous a good looking girl like you all a lone like that."

"Yeah, I was really nervous when you first pulled up. I was afraid of some creep trying to attack me."

"Well," replied Gillian with a smile, "it's a good thing for you Momma happened a long. Good thing for me too, it's nice to have company."

"Is that a bed back there?" asked Samantha as she looked behind her seat.

"Yup, this is a sleeper cab, I got satellite TV, a bed. This rig is really like my home."

"Well I bet you've seen some interesting things, traveling like this."

"Oh yeah, I've seen things. Only once in a while do I see a girl as pretty as you though."

"Thanks," replied Samantha with a blush.

"How old are you missy?"

"I just turned eighteen last month."

"Got a boyfriend?"

"Not right now," Samantha replied. "How about you?"

"Ha, never a steady one. No, I take what comes my way, guess that just makes me an old slut," answered Gillian with a laugh.

"I see."

"Oh relax a bit, spend a few years in one of these you'll get a foul mouth too."

"Yeah, I guess"

"Yup" said Gillian as she pulled a cigarette from her pocket. "I've been around, men and women."


"Oh yeah, you can't limit yourself girl, you gotta at least try it all."

"How far is the next town?"

"You are a pretty little thing too, I bet you enjoy your sex though, the cute looking ones always do."

"Maybe I can get signal here," replied Samantha as reached for her purse.

"Never been with a girl then have you?"

"No, can't say I have."

"Well, now's as good a time as any." Gillian began to down shift and the rig slowed.

"Look, I've got to get to college, I mean tomorrow is a really busy day for me."

"Now there's plenty of time for that."

Samantha's heart doubled its pace. Fumbling, the teen dropped her purse spilling its contents all over the floor of the truck. With the truck moving ever slower and slower she reached for the door, but as she pulled the handle upward nothing happened.

"Pull all you want, it only opens from the outside. I told you, Momma takes what Momma can get, and you're quite the little prize missy."

"Look please, just let me go I won't tell anyone," pleaded the teen as the truck rolled to a stop."

"Shush now, Momma's gonna take good care of you Samantha."

"Please, I don't...."

"Now girl before I'm done you'll be begging for more." Gillian unlatched her seat belt and leaned over, grabbing Samantha's wrist.

Fear consumed every fiber of Samantha's being as Gillian began to tug at the young girl, undoing her seat belt as well. There was no way out the passenger side, and no way through Momma.

"Please, please let me go," begged the teen.

"Oh don't worry, Momma always let's her little ones go, but its time to put you to bed."

Sam tried to pull her arm from Gillian's grasp, but the older woman was far stronger then the teen. Suddenly it dawned on the frightened girl that Gillian was in complete control. Reluctantly she released her grip on the functionless door handle.

"Now that's a good girl. Come on, let's get you back here."

Samantha said nothing as she felt herself being pulled into the back part of the truck. It was a cramped space with blue padded walls and just enough room to fit the bed. A flat screen TV hung on the wall towards the foot of the bed.

Gillian sat down on the bed, pulling the teen into her lap. Samantha could feel the older woman's chest pressing against her back as a set of hands began to rub her stomach.

"Now, be a good girl and don't you resist your Momma."

With that Sam watched as Gillian's hands slid beneath the bottom of her shirt. Slowly the rough hands passed over her stomach and naval. The older woman almost purred as her hands worked up the teen's trembling body. The young girl's arms at her side Sam contemplated one last escape attempt, but something held her back, fear mostly, but there was something else, a faint whisper of a feeling, as if a tiny part of her was suddenly curious.

"Peel off that little top of yours sweetie," whispered the older woman.

Not wanting to anger her captor Sam brought her hands to the bottom of her shit, and in one swift move pulled it up and off her body, exposing her white bra. Instinctively she dropped the shirt to the floor, and placed her hands back at her side.

"You're such a good girl, and such a pretty one too," said Gillian as she eased her hands across the thin garment. "A front clasp, well, let's just get the unhooked."

"Gillian, please...."

"Now now, you be a good girl and call me Momma."

Sam couldn't even blink as Momma unlatched the front clasping bra. A deep sense of vulnerability overwhelmed the young girl as the warm night air graced her now exposed breasts. They remained so for only a moment though as Momma's hands quickly covered them.

"Your tiny little breasts feel so good to my hands Samantha," mused the older woman as she gently fondled the young girl.

To her surprise Sam felt no urge to cry, in fact, her only real emotion was fear mixed with a strange sense of curiosity. Despite appearances Gillian had an amazingly light tough. With a sudden rush of blood Samantha could feel her nipples responding to the situation, a fact not lost on the trucker.

"I think you like being touched this way, don't you Samantha," said Gillian in a whisper.

Sam didn't know how to respond, on the one hand the fifty something year old woman was violating her, but on the other hand her own body seemed to be giving in. With her nipples now fully erect Sam could almost feel a slight tingle from between her legs.

"I can feel them tiny little nipples of yours Sam, oh they're nice and hard."

"Please, I..." Sam paused as the older woman gave her tipples a light pinch. "I'm scared."

"Its okay to be scared, I'll take good care of you though, just be a good little girl and do as I say."

Sam sat in silence. With each passing moment Gillian's hands felt better and better on her exposed breasts, in fact, they were starting to feel incredible. Though still terribly frightened a part of the teen didn't want the trucker to stop. Her body having completely betrayed her, Sam could feel all her desire to resist fade away.

"Samantha, undue those shorts of yours sweetie."

Sam brought her hands to her lap, unzipped her fly, and then undid the button. All the while Gillian continued to fondle her.

"You're such a sweet thing, I'm going to enjoy you so much, and Momma's gonna make sure you enjoy this as well."

Sam couldn't help but allow a soft whimper escape as Gillian once more gave her nipples a gentle pinch. Suddenly Gillian withdrew her hands from Sam's chest.

"Stand up Samantha."

Again Sam obeyed, rising to her feet as best she could in the space that she had. Gillian reached up, and placing a hand on either side of the teen's waist pulled down the girl's shorts, as well as her panties, to her knees. With a gentle tug the older woman pulled the teen back into her lap. This time though only one of her hands came to Samantha's chest. With the other Gillian rubbed the teen's stomach, slowly edging her way downward.

"Shaved," Gillian commented as her hand pushed between Samantha's legs.

Sam tried to open her legs but having her shorts at her knees stopped her.

"You want this to happen now don't you Samantha."

"Yes," the teen moaned without even thinking. Sam couldn't see the broad smile filling Gillian's face, neither could she believe how easily the unattractive trucker had seduced her.

"Excellent, be a good girl and push those shorts down. That's it, now slide them off your feet and kick off your shoes."

Having followed the older woman's instructions Samantha now sat completely naked, save for a pair of short socks, in Gillian's lap. Instinctively the young girls opened her legs, effectively straddling the trucker's upper legs.

"Good girl, you make Momma proud," said Gillian as her hand once more covered the teen's sex. "Oh very nice," she whispered. "Completely shaved, and so very wet."

"Momma," moaned the teen as Gillian's middle finger pushed into her moist slit. Samantha closed her eyes as she felt the finger push inside her, all the while Gillian continued to fondle her right breast with her other hand.

"That's a good girl, now aren't you sorry you tried to run away?" asked the older woman in a surprisingly seductive tone.

"Yes," moaned the teen.

"Now Samantha, I said to call me Momma. Now does Momma's little girl wanna cum?"

"Yes Momma," Samantha moaned without hesitation.

"Say it Samantha, I want to her you say it."

"Momma I wanna cum."

"Excellent, you belong to Momma now." With that Gillian pulled her hands from the teen's tormented body. "Now get up so momma can get up."

Samantha stood back up. Her fear was now a simple nervousness, her curiosity, now stronger then ever, mixed with desire. Gillian stood up, and then turned the teen to face her taking a moment to study the young girl's body. Samantha could feel herself blush as the older woman gave an approving smile.

"You are such a pretty little thing, such tiny nipples and areolas." Gillian reached up with both hands gave each of Sam's nipples a slight squeeze. "So firm and perky, no tan lines, you sun bath naked. Now sit down on the bed. Good girl. Now, lay back a little."

Samantha laid her back flat on the bed. As she did so she could feel the older woman pushing her legs apart. It was then that the young girl saw the mirror on the ceiling. She watched as Momma rubbed her inner legs.

"Oh god," moaned the teen as the older woman covered her sex with her mouth. She could feel Gillian's tongue slide circle her outer labia.

Gillian took hold of Samantha's hips as she pushed her tongue into the young girl. Sam could hardly blink as she watched the reflection of the older woman devouring her. It was obvious that Momma was well practiced as Samantha could feel her long tongue seemingly hit all the right spots and snake into her body at just the right pace.

"Momma," Samantha moaned as her back arched. As the young girl placed one hand on the top of Gillian's head she brought the other to her chest and began to fondle herself. A long tortured moan escaped from the teen, followed by another. Deep from within the eighteen year old could feel a wave of pleasure and desire beginning to build.

Sensing this, the trucker slowed her pace, she had no intention of letting the young girl cum so quickly. Withdrawing from her tasty prize Gillian stood up, and reached for the top button of her own shirt.

Samantha pushed herself up with her arms and watched as Gillian undid the buttons of the flannel shirt one by one. Once the last button was undone the trucker opened her shirt revealing a large black bra and a rather pale body.

Reaching behind herself the trucker unclasped the garment, and allowed it to fall to the floor. Sam glared at Gillian's now bare breasts. Their massive size caused them to hang a bit low. She had two enormous light pink areolas topped off with equally impressive nipples.

"Suck on your Momma's nipple."

Slowly the teen sat up. Gillian took a single step forward bringing her breasts to the teen's face. An intense curiosity consumed Samantha as she reached up with both hands, cupping the underside of Gillian's left breast.

"It's so soft," mused the young girl.

"Well we can't all have perfect little tits like you now can we," smile Gillian. "Now come on, suck my nipple."

Samantha leaned forward opening her mouth. Placing her lips to the areola she flicked the semi-erect nipple with her tongue, and then gently began to suck.

"That's it, try to get more in your mouth. Good girl," Momma encouraged. "Oh you make Momma so happy.

Her curiosity satisfied Samantha now found the moment to be incredibly erotic. Opening her mouth wide she drew in as much of breast as she could, sucking harder and harder. As Gillian relished the moment she reached down to her waist and unzipped her pants.

"Suck the other one sweetie."

Samantha reluctantly pulled herself from Gillian, only to greedily consume the trucker's other nipple. With a smile Gillian unbuttoned her jeans, placed her thumbs underneath the waist, and pushed them downward.

"Alright Baby girl, pull Momma's pants down."

Samantha continued to suckle the old nipple as she reached out and pushed down on the pants. Once the jeans were down Gillian lifted first one leg and then the other. With a slight kick the pants were gone.

"Now Samantha, put your hand between my legs."

Sam ran her fingers down the trucker's round belly until they made contact with a thick forest of hair causing her to pause.

"Go on little girl."

"I'm sorry," said Samantha finally pulling herself from Gillian's breast. "I wasn't expecting...."

"I never cared much for shaving, so I never do. Now put your hand on my pussy."

"Yes Momma." Samantha pushed on, running her fingers through the think course hair. She could feel the butterflies returning to her stomach, this was after all a whole new experience for her.

"Did you like sucking my nipples Samantha?"

"Yes, I can't believe it but, I did," responded the teen without hesitation.

"I knew you would."

Finally Samantha's hand reached Gillian's moist sex. She feel the damp hair brushing the sides of her hands as her fingers lightly glided over the older woman's folds.

"Put your fingers in me Samantha," said Gillian as took her own left breast into her hand.

Samantha trembled as she pushed one of her fingers upward. To her amazement it slid in with incredible ease.

"Honey, Momma's done a lot of things, it's gonna take more than one finger, now come on, slide it all in."

Samantha put her fingers together and pushed. With little trouble at all the teen soon found her entire hand enveloped by the older woman, its warm moist confines seemed as if they could handle even more.

"That's it, push in as far as you can, good girl. Now pull your hand down until only your finger tips are in me, now push back in. Keep doing that Sam, just a little a faster now. Good girl."

Samantha settled into a steady pace. With each pass she felt herself getting a little braver. As she continued the teen felt an uncontrollable urge to resume sucking the older woman's nipples, an urge which resisted for only a moment.

"Oh that's it Samantha, oh yes," Gillian moaned as the teen both fisted her and sucked her right nipple. "Come on, fuck me harder Samantha, that's it faster, oh yeah."

Samantha pumped her fist as fast as she could. Listening to the older woman moan, and sucking on a nipple only added to the teen's own desire. With her free hand Samantha reached down and began to rub her own sex.

"Yeah, that's it." Gillian reached up with her own free hand and pushed against the ceiling of the truck. "Fuck!"

Sam could feel Gillian's entire body shudder as the older woman pushed down on her fist. At the same time she could feel something warm and wet running down her arm. She paused, holding her fist deep inside the woman.

"Good girl," said Momma after taking a moment to catch her breath. "Alright sweetie, pull your fist out of me. That's it, nice and slow. Good girl. Now, taste your hand, taste me Samantha."

Samantha brought her hand up to her lips, she watched for a moment as it glistened in the soft light. Sticking out her tongue she really didn't know what to expect and was surprised by the myriad of flavors that greeted her.

"Good girl, now stand up."

As Samantha rose to her feet Gillian knelt down. The teen smiled as the older woman flicked both of her nipples with her tongue. Momma opened her mouth wide covering Samantha's entire right breast. Placing both hands on the teen's ass the older woman began suckling the teen.

"Oh god Momma," moaned the teen. Sam loved having her chest teased and the trucker was very good at doing just that. The teen cooed and moaned as her desire reached dizzying heights.

"You like that, and I love how obvious you make it," said Momma as she transitioned to the other breast.

"Yeah, it just feels so good," the teen half moaned.

Gillian sucked the let breast even harder, and then returned to the right, only this time drawing just the nipple into her mouth.

"You have such tasty little breasts Samantha," said Gillian, "I could do this for a very long time." With that the older woman released the teen and stood back up.

"Why did you stop?" asked the teen.

"Cause Momma's gonna make her baby girl cum now." Gillian turned to the side, opened a small drawer, and pulled out two objects.

"Are those what I think they are?" asked the young girl.

"Two dildos," replied Momma, "This bigger one is a strap on."

Sam watched as the trucker slide the straps up her legs and tightened it to her body. It was larger then any guy she had ever been with, and looked surprisingly real to the teen. The other dildo was just as long but not as thick. It was a simple silver shaft with a tapered end.

"Tell me Samantha, do you like to be fucked?"

Sam looked down at the floor.

"Well, do you?"

`Yes," she whispered.

"Of course you do, now get down on your knees and suck it."

Sam knelt down and grasped the base of the strap-on with her hand, opening her mouth she allowed a generous portion of the phallus to enter her mouth. It was painfully obvious that the teen had sucked cock before.

"Good girl, I knew you had naughty side. Tell me, have you ever been fucked in the ass?"

"No ma'am" replied the teen quickly as she pulled back.

"Good, turn around, and bend down over the bed so I can eat that sweet little ass of yours."

Samantha turned, her fear rushing back to her as she bent down over the bed. Gillian pushed the teen's legs apart. The young girl braced herself as she felt Momma's hands push her cheeks wide.

The teen cooed as she felt Momma's tongue make contact with her tightly puckered rosebud. She could feel the older woman trace a steady circle, pushing on her ever so slightly. It was an alien sensation unlike any she had experienced before. With a little more pressure Gillian's tongue pushed just inside.

"Momma that feels so weird but I like it," whispered the teen as her body relaxed. "Oh my god that feels so cool."

"Perfect," replied Gillian.

Samantha felt one last very sloppy lick across her tight whole as Gillian took her hands off her ass. After a momentary wait she feel a warm slippery object push up against her.

"Now Momma got this good and wet for her little girl, just like I got that little ass of yours wet." With that, the trucker began to push.

"Oh god," groaned the teen as the dildo pushed inside her. "Oh god it...oh fuck."

"Such language from Momma's little girl, it's just a little dildo."

Samantha could feel the dildo pushing ever further into a part of her body never before penetrated. Despite the pain she made no attempt at resistance.

"Just a little deeper now, that's a good girl."

"Shit, oh god," Samantha growled.

"There," with that Gillian began to pull the dildo back, bringing it all the way to the tip before pushing it back in.

This time Samantha let out a long steady moan, with the third stroke some of the pain subsided. With the fourth stoke she could feel a pair of fingers against her sex.

"Momma," Samantha moaned as Gillian pushed two of her fingers into the teen's sex.

"A dildo in your ass, my fingers in your pussy."

Never had pain and pleasure mixed so well for Samantha as did now. The older woman was now double penetrating her, and it drove the teen wild. Once more she could feel a pressure from with in, her desire soaring ever higher and higher she began to push against Gillian's fingers as well as the dildo.

"Tell me Samantha, do want Momma to let you cum?"

"Yes," the teen half moaned half screamed. "Momma I wanna cum, please Momma."

"That's a good girl," replied Gillian as she slowly pulled the dildo and her fingers from the teen.

Once again Samantha felt something press against her, only this time it pressed against her wet pussy.

"No," said Gillian, "Now, I think I want to see your face, role over."

Samantha rolled. In the mirrored ceiling she could see herself laying face up side ways on the bed with her legs completely off, exactly how she had been when Gillian ate her. With time Gillian brought her entire body between the teen's legs.

"Keep your eyes open, I want you to watch yourself as I fuck you."

"Yes Momma," Samantha replied as Gillian pressed the strap-on against her a second time. This time though Gillian pushed. "Oh god," the teen cried out.

"That's a good girl, nice and wet, oh you want this so bad."

Samantha had never taken anything inside her body quite as large as the strap-on, but Gillian went slowly giving the teen's tight pussy a chance to adjust. Still, Momma had teased her body so much that feeling the strap-on fill her body almost came as a relief, and the teen let out a loud moan.

"You like to be fucked Samantha, I want to her you say it."

"Momma," Samantha moaned as the strap-on pushed ever deeper.

"Come on, say it," barked Gillian.

"Momma I like to be fucked. Please Momma..."

"That's it Samantha let me hear you beg."

"Please Momma fuck me," the teen cried out in desperation.

"Good girl." Gillian pulled back slowly, but pushed back in at a quicker pace.

Samantha's moans grew louder as she watched Gillian fuck her in the mirror. The older woman was fucking her hard, pushing deeper then anything had ever gone inside the young girl. Without even thinking Samantha brought her hands to her chest and began to fondle herself.

"You little girls are so pretty when you're being fucked. Look at yourself."

Sam could only moan in reply as her back arched hard. A broad smile covered Gillian's face she watched the teen loose the last bit of control over her body.

The wave within Samantha had climbed impossibly high and seemed to keep climbing, the teen panted, moaned, and screamed, throwing her arms to the side she clawed at the sheets of the bed. Finally with a loud scream the wave crashed and Samantha's body shook violently.

"Shhh, that's it, that's a good girl."

The orgasm had been so powerful that Sam could feel tears running down her face. Gillian pulled the dildo from the teen's body and backed up.

"Well, that's one, now for the second." With that Gillian lowered her face to the teens quivering groin.

Samantha whimpered as for the second time she felt Gillian's tongue push inside her. This time though Gillian was being far more aggressive. Sam turned her head to the side, she couldn't help but smile feeling relief from the first orgasm, and the birth of a second. This time the teen didn't even try to control her self allowing the moans to escape freely as little by little her strength returned. Steadily the wave built until the teen experience a second albeit less powerful orgasm.

Samantha now felt as if she were in a dream as she lay on the bed. Without saying a word the older woman rolled the young girl over.

"Just one last time sweetie," said Gillian."

"Oh shit," moaned the teen as for a second time she felt the smaller dildo penetrate her ass.

Gillian pushed the thinner phallus as deep into Samantha's ass as she could, and with a flick of an unseen switch it began to vibrate.

"Momma, what...."

"We're just gonna keep that in your pretty little ass while I fuck you one last time."

A long moan emanated from the teen as the trucker pushed the strap-on into her raw pussy.

"That's it sweetie, just relax and let Momma fuck that pretty little body of yours."

Samantha moaned louder then ever at the intense sensation of being penetrated in such a way. As before the older woman was fucking her pussy hard, but having a vibrator so deep in her ass at the same time seemed to bring things to an entirely new level. Soon enough Sam could feel a third wave of desire come to life. Clawing at the sheets the teen groaned, and growled as Gillian reached forward and grabbed her pony-tail.

"You belong to Momma now sweetie, and I think you're going to be a good girl for Momma, oh yes I do."

Gillian's words barely registered with the teen as her internal wave grew higher and higher. With one last long stroke the trucker watched as the teen body convulsed with a third orgasm.

After a couple of minutes Gillian pulled back from the teen's body, pulling out both the vibrator from the young girl's ass as well as the strap-on. She rolled the young girl over and turned her body so that she was laying lengthwise on the small bed.

Later the next day Momma dropped the teen back off at her car, which now had two new tires. As she got to her car door Samantha turned and looked back at the rig. Deep down inside, she new she would travel this stretch of highway as often as she could.

Next: Chapter 2

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