Mom Provides A Halloween Treat

By Shay ...

Published on Oct 10, 2002



(this is a work of fiction depicting sexual situations...if that offends you, or if you are under 18, stop here. Otherwise, enjoy.)

This story is dedicated to J. You've been such a good boy, Momma has made up a nice bedtime story for you!


by Shay

Jules had always worshipped his mother Jenna. She had raised him alone, and had always seen that he had the best life she could provide for the two of them. Maybe she was a little overprotective of her only child, but Jules always loved being close to his Mom, and comsidered her his best friend. Truth be told, he deeply wished he could be exactly like her.

Jenna was pretty, with stylish medium length brown hair, and sparkling green eyes full of fun. Jules admired her taste in clothes--she always looked so put-together and beautiful to her son. He loved to just watch her expressions as she went about whatever she was doing; her animation and enthusiasm for whatever she undertook was contagious. Jules also just loved her physical grace. he loved just watching her do something as simple as reaching for the television remote on the coffee table. Her bracelets would make a gentle sound together and catch the lamp light as her slender fingers grasped the controller. Her face would show her usual expectation of something wonderful, though there was usually just the usual dreck on tv. That was the thing about Jenna, she could make the most ordinary situations seem fun and full of promise.

Even though Jules was now thirteen years old, he still loved it when she would smile at him and give him a hug and a kiss. He was in heaven if she would let him be in her arms, resting against her, loving the soft feel of her pretty sweater, the lovely scent of her fragrance that she wore. At an age when most boys couldn't be seen with their Moms, Jules made no bones about the fact that he loved spending time with Jenna, going shopping with her or to the movies or anyplace.

Jenna felt lucky. When her friends' kids were driving them crazy with snotty or dangerous behavior, her Jules seemed intent only on pleasing her. She was well aware that her son would eagerly do anything she might ask of him. He acted almost as though...almost as though he were IN LOVE with her.

"Well? What of it?" she would think to herself happily. "What's wrong with that, if he's a little bit in love with me? I think it's sweet."

The truth was, Jules would fly to the moon if she asked it of him, or at least he would try his best. Seeing her pleased and smiling at him gave him a feeling he wouldn't trade for anything. So, he helped her around the house, kept her company and carried things when she went shopping, and made her little gifts and wrote her sweet notes telling her how great he thought she was.

Not that Jules wasn't interested in girls his own age. In fact, he spent a fair amount of time mooning over the pretty blonde girl Shannon, who was in his class at school and lived right next door. He would sadly watch her come and go, never getting more than rolled eyes from her if she was alone, or giggles if she was with her girlfriends. Not that Jules was a geek or anything, he wasn't. Shannon just didn't seem interested somehow. But that didn't keep Jules from dreaming about her in bed at night, remembering how beautiful she looked in her cute clothes, with her hair clean and shining, and her sexy feminine walk that just hypnotized him. It was a bittersweet feeling.

One evening as Jules lay with his head in Jenna's lap, she paused in stroking his hair and asked him if anything was wrong.

"You seem so distracted, honey," she ventured gently. The silky sound of his mother's beautiful voice always got to Jules. He absolutely loved the sound of his Mom's voice. He turned his face up to look at her. The lovely roundness of her breasts near his face made him feel safe and also made him admire her, and want to be even closer to her.

"Oh. Mom, it's just Shannon."

"Shannon next door,huh? I could tell you were noticing her a lot, honey." His Mom always seemed to be one step ahead of him. She traced her perfectly manicured finger along his hairline. "You like her." It was a statement, not a question.

He sighed and snuggled in closer to his Mom. "Yeah, I do. I'd love to be with her, to spend time with her and know, kiss her and ..."

"Make love with her," Jenna prompted softly.

Jules was surprised, but not surprised. His Mom was always straightforward, in her wonderful, gentle way.

"Yeah. But....she's not interested." A thought came to Jules then, an irrational thought he had had many times and couldn't seem to put aside. He thought to himself, if I were beautiful and feminine like Mom, Shannon might want me then. If I could offer her the same wonderful, soft, sexy, beautiful things she has to offer, herself, then....

"It's funny, Mom," Jules began.

"What is, honey. Tell me."

Jules had always shared everything with Jenna, and this was to be no exception. "Well...I not only want to be with Shannon...I want to be LIKE her, too."

"What do you mean?" urged Jenna softly. But she knew.

"Oh Mom, I wish I could have long soft hair like she does, and look like her, and just be girls. Girls rule, I admire them so much...that sometimes I want to be one.' He looked shyly and unsurely up at his Mom.

Jenna just smiled warmly at her son, and stroked his face and said, "I know, Jules. And I can tell you something else about girls...we know when a boy adores us. And the difference between rude staring and genuine admiration. Do you think I don't love the way you always look at me as if I were made of honey and sunlight?"

Jules looked away and smiled, then looked up at his Mom again. "I love you, Mommy!"

"And I love you."

"I wish...I wish that I could be exactly like you."

Jenna couldn't speak. She just leaned over and hugged and gently kissed her child.

The next day, while Jules was at school, Jenna took her lunch break to stop by the local mall and pick up some things for Halloween. A store called Hart's Desires had a gorgeous display up, with grinning jack-o-lanterns, cloth ghosts being blown about by a fan, and all sorts of orange and black gew gaws. Jenna walked slowly through the aisles, looking at costumes and decorations. Her face was lit up, her usual ability to take great pleasure in little things evident in her expression.

Eventually, she found herself standing near the check out, looking at the impulse items stacked there. She looked up and found herself looking into the face of a lovely young woman with caramel skin and wise dark eyes.

"Hello, love," she said.

Jenna was speechless for a moment. The young woman was dressed in all black, from her ribbed turtleneck sweater to her jeans to her boots, which Jenna saw when she stepped out from behind the counter. This woman was absolutely combustible. It wasn't so much her physical beauty, although she was attractive, as it was her presence. She looked only about twenty, but gave off the sense of being timeless.

"Your face is happy, but your heart has a care," said the young woman, looking deeply into Jenna's eyes.

Jenna thought about pretending not to know what she meant, but found herself saying, simply, "Yes. How did you know that?"

"I suppose," said the young woman, smiling impishly, and adopting a sudden accent, "it must be because the blood of gypsy queens flows in my veins."

"Oh! Well...Your Majesty!" replied Jenna with a laugh and a mock curtsey. They were alone in the store.

"I am right , though, about this care, yes love?"

"Yes," whispered Jenna. What was it about this young woman, she wondered. If she told me to kneel to her right here in the store, right now, I believe I would, she thought wildly.

The girl traced Jenna's soft cheek with her fingers, trailed them down her sensitive throat, then placed her small hand over Jenna's heart, a much too intimate gesture for a stranger to make. Yet, Jenna made no move to stop her.

"There is one who lives here," said the young woman, in her soothing way. "And that is the one you worry for."

Jenna managed a nod.

"Woman," the salesgirl said as sensuously as warm dribbling honey, " you have the power to change everything...your woman's heart knows how to set everything right." Her hand moved in a slight circle, gently, against Jenna's sweater. She felt her nipples harden.

The girl held up her left hand and showed Jenna the ring that she wore. The gem began to swirl as if it were alive, and suddenly, Jenna was seeing Jules walking down the hallway at school, hands in pockets, being bumped by someone rushing past. He turned to look, and seemed to look straight at his mother, standing there in Hart's Desires with a young woman's hand over her heart.

"You created this person that you love as you love your self," said the young woman.

Jenna cleared her throat and said, shakily, "Well, I had some help!" It sounded lame and untrue.

"No, love. You know that isn't true. Your child came from you, and you alone."

"That's impossible."

"No, love. It is simple truth." They locked eyes a moment. Something gave way inside Jenna.

"Yes," she acknowledged. And she knew in her bones that it was true. Just as she had always known it.

The young woman's delicate, knowing hands widened their circle and caressed Jenna's breasts. She stood with her back to the entrance, so no one coming in could see her touching Jenna.

"Take your child back, now. You must make him surrender to you utterly. Trust you, utterly." She caressed Jenna's excited nipple with her thumb and finger. "You know how to make him surrender completely to your will. Don't you, Jenna?"

Jenna was aroused now. "I couldn't do...that," she pleaded.

"As you wish," said the girl, and turned away, leaving Jenna standing there, breathless. She returned behind the counter and seemed to busy herself with paperwork.

Jenna stepped up to the counter on shaky legs. "It would be wrong..."

The young woman's gaze was level and peaceful. "Would it, love? You know in your heart what's wrong is not the thing I have suggested. You can heal this hurt...forever." She showed Jenna an innocent looking packet of Smiley Pumpkin Faces.

"Have him eat the Smileys," said the dark-clad young woman, smirking.

"What?" Jenna would have thought she'd been made a fool of except for her deep sense that this woman would not do that.

"Then, do what we have talked about." With that, she leaned across the counter, took Jenna's beautiful face in her hands, and kissed her full on the mouth. Her lips were soft, her tongue, knowing. Jenna melted completely and knew what she had to do. Behind them, a cloth ghost spun in the air. There was no fan, There was no string.

Jules arrived home in a sad mood because Shannon had ignored him again today, despite his attempts to talk to her. But his spirits lifted when he saw his Mom's car in the drive, and he walked in and smelled something baking. She was licking chocolate batter off her fingers when he walked in and kissed her hello.

"Wow, Mom, it smells great...what is it?'

"Halloween cupcakes! And I'm putting these dopey Smiley Pumpkins on them," she said, laughing. He loved how his pretty Mom got a charge out of the silliest stuff. he smiled adoringly at her and then went upstairs.

When the time came to open the package and put the pumpkin faces on the icing, Jenna tore open the bag and orange sparks flew in all directions. She gingerly took out a pumpkin face and her eyes got big as she saw ITS eyes glowing!

"Hoo boy," she said. Then she placed the Faces on the cupcakes. After a few minutes, the glowing stopped.

Jenna watched closely that evening as Jules ate several of the cupcakes, to no apparent effect, except that it made him sleepy. So sleepy that she had to guide him to bed at eight o'clock.

She tenderly steered him into HER bedroom. He was too sleepy to even notice. She laid him down on the bed and undressed him, then undressed herself, and got into bed with her child. Her body was soft and warm. She lay gently on top of him and his eyes opened in dreamy surprise and wonder. She smiled reassuringly and kissed him lightly on the lips. Then she guided his unresisting hand to the fullness of her breast.


"Shhhh. Relax, honey. Leave everything to me. Do you trust me? Completely?"

"Yes, Mom!"

"Good, sweetie. Just give yourself over to Mommy. Let Mommy make everything all right." She kissed him and began moving against him. He helplessly wrapped his arms around her and yielded to her. She became wet quickly and rubbed herself against him, but did not take him inside her. He began to moan with pleasure and kept telling Jenna how much he loved her. She shifted so that she could whisper in his ear as she moved on top of him.

"Give yourself to me, Jules," she softly urged her only child. "It's time to come back to Mommy. You're helpless, so helpless...and it feels so good to let Mommy take over once and for all....Jules, honey....there is no part of you that you can call your own...all of you is under my loving control. Feel the pleasure building as you surrender to me, honey. You can no longer resist at all...."

Jules's eyes were closed and he was moaning, "Yes, Mom, oh yes, I'm totally yours, I always have been, oh Mom, you're so beautiful!"

She lifted up just slightly, so she could move her nipples against him as she rubbed her sex against her son. "Are you mine, Jules...ALL Mommy's?"

"Yes! Yessssss!" He was near orgasm with his Mom.

"Open yourself to me....give in completely...lose yourself in me...."

Jules was lost in profound ecstasy underneath his Mom. He sensed something very powerful flowing between them. It filled him, electrified him, he felt his very soul opening to her at her slightest whim. He felt an incredibly powerful force gathering within him, about to come rolling through every fibre of his being. He didn't care. He welcomed it. He was entirely hers. He began to come.

She heard herself saying, "Good girl! Good girl, Jules! Mommy's very own girl, that's right, let it come..." At her words, Jules went into an ecstatic frenzy, bucking underneath his Mom, screaming that he loved her, that he was hers, that he was her girl.

They lay quivering and out of breath for several minutes. Then, Jenna raised up and looked into the smooth face of her child. Her breath caught in her throat. Then she smiled and, trying to contain her excitement, took Jules's hand and guided it along her child's body. Jules was now smooth. Two small but perfectly shaped breasts graced Jules's chest. She guided Jules's hand between his legs....but he was no "he" anymore. She was now Jules for Julie. She had transformed into a beautiful young girl.

"Mom?" she said, and her voice was high and clear.


"Thank you! This is what I've always wanted and you made it happen somehow...I love you so much!"

They lay together talking and kissing all night. They would never sleep together again. But their love would be unbreakable and strong as they became mother and daughter from that day on.

3 months later....

Jenna sat at her kitchen table, positively glowing, as she watched Julie and Shannon walk hand in hand, smiling and chattering, on their way to the den to watch a "chick flick." She reached out and took her lover's hand, lifted it to her lips and kissed it tenderly. the ring on her lover's finger always drew her eye, and she kissed that too.

"I love you, my Gypsy Queen," she sighed, obviously meaning every word.

"You'll make me blush, corazon," the dark woman said.

From where Jenna sat, both her lover's pretty smile, and all their futures, looked bright and lovely, like the snow outside their cozy home.

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