Mom Knows Best

By Stephanie M

Published on Mar 12, 2002


Title: Mom Knows Best 12/? Author: Stephanie M Fandom: BSB/Nysnc Pairing: Nick/Justin Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction and is does not imply anything about the sexuality of the celebrities mentioned herein. Just call it a product of an overactive imagination. Status: WIP Summary: Nick and Justin discover that sometimes your mom can know you better than you know yourself.

Part 12

Ben sighed; he hated flying but couldn't let his friend suffer alone. Like the fact that he was falling in love with Jamie didn't figure into his actions at all! He quickly walked off the plane and started towards Customs before he could get there he was stopped by a young woman.

Smiling the woman said, "Excuse me, Sir. I'm with airport security, and I have a message for you. Jamie asked if you would go to the private waiting area. He left a note for you and said he'll be along in a couple of minutes."

"Thanks, can you give me the note?" Ben answered smiling as he took the piece of paper and ran his fingers across it.


There's some group arriving and the airport is going to be chaos. Knowing how much you hate enclosed spaces; I've arranged to meet you in the VIP area.

Love, Jamie

As she directed him towards the room, the security guard couldn't help but wonder about the mysterious Jamie the attractive man at her side was supposed to meet. This Jamie obviously wielded a lot of power if the way the airport had quickly complied with his requests was anything to go by.

"Hi, I'm Ben. Don't worry I won't be here long." Ben said politely, feeling people staring at him.

A tired looking brunette said angrily, "What's this idiot fucking doing here? This is supposed to be a restricted area!"

A slightly annoyed blonde replied with a sigh, "Quit being such an ass, Jacob."

Ashley just looked at the stranger, who looked like he had just walked out of a movie screen. Ben was about 5ft 10" with brown hair down to his shoulders and a bronze suntan. He was dressed in tight black jeans and a figure hugging emerald green tank top, but what was most stunning was the black wire framed sunglasses that only served to create an air of mystery.

"Get the fuck out of here now! Or I'll call security and remove you." Jacob said invading Ben's personal space.

Ben was starting to annoyed with these self-centred morons, the day had been bad enough. He really didn't need this right now. Before Ben could do anything the door creaked open and a hyper man quickly hugged him.

Thinking his friend was a lot cuter than he had imagined Lance said, "Benny! Sorry, I wasn't here to meet you! How was the flight? These people aren't causing you trouble are they?"

"It's okay, nerve-wrecking and no," Ben answered with a wide grin.

Lance sighed, "I really tried to get here on time but I got had to fill in a pile of paperwork so you could wait here. Ready to go?"

Ben replied with a smirk, "Yeah, I can't wait to get to bed."

Lance bounced on his heels excitedly, "I moved the bedroom round to make sure it gets the most positive energy."

Touched at how much trouble Lance was going to for him Ben said softly, "You didn't have to do that, darlin'. Jamie, can we get going? I hate airports."

Lance quickly picked up the small case at Ben's feet and led the way out of the room his arm around Ben's shoulders. As they walked Lance talked animatedly about just what they would do now that Ben had arrived.

Trevor asked the room in shock, "Did we really see that?"

"Yeah. Got to admit that Ben's cute," Ashley said thoughtfully.

"That accent is great! There's nothing like a sexy Irish accent," Dan said with a dreamy smile.

"Don't even think about going after Lance Bass' lover. We already have enough problems with the other boybands as it is," Erik said with a laugh.

Ashley said hopefully, "You sure it's his lover? Ben could be his cousin or something."

Jacob said sarcastically, "A cousin that calls him darlin'? Yeah right (!)"

Dan wondered aloud, "He's so cute, what's he doing with Lance Bass?"

"I mean it, behave when we see them. I don't think Lance will like you drooling all over his man," Erik said firmly hoping they would pay attention to him.

Dan asked the question that had been bothering him, "What's the deal with the glasses? "

"Maybe he has to avoid being recognised. He could be a model, he's attractive enough," Jacob commented smirking at the incredulous looks his friends gave him.

"You're gay?" Ashley questioned in shock, why hadn't Jake told him?

Jacob winked, "Bi, it's a recent thing. I met this guy at a party and the rest is history!"

"Who did you meet?" Ashley asked excitedly.

"Just a guy," Jacob answered with an enigmatic smile.

"Enough of this, let's just get going." Erik said as he spotted their bodyguards heading back in. ******** "So when are we meeting your friends?" Ben asked as he fastened his seatbelt, thankful that Jamie was as kind as he had imagined.

"Tomorrow, at 13:00 in a little café. Thanks again for coming here," Lance said as he drove, sneaking looks at the other man.

"You needed me," Ben simply said with a grin.

"What do you want to do tonight?" Lance asked as he pulled up to his home.

Ben said softly, "Can we talk? Can I ask you a question?"

Worried Lance said quickly, "Sure, what's wrong?"

"I just wondered why you're living in LA now? You said that your home is in Orlando."

"It is, but for my job I have a small place here. It's small and with two bedrooms but it's great!" Lance explained with a grin.

Lance quickly got out of the car, and moved round to the passenger side, taking Ben's arm he led the way to the apartment. The two men walked in silence, not feeling the need to make small talk.

"This is totally weird seeing how this is the first time I've met you but can I touch you?" Ben said nervously as Lance pulled him down to sit beside him on the sofa.

"Sure, all you had to do was ask." Lance replied, taking Ben's hand in his and putting it on his cheek.

Ben smiled in thanks and slowly ran his fingers over his friend's face, committing the details in his memory. He smiled unable to believe Jamie was so considerate; few people could be bothered to make the extra effort with him. He had basically three real friends that he could confide in, and trust absolutely. Jamie was perhaps the most important of these friends, the fact that Jamie was allowing him to map his face made Ben's heart flutter.

Bens sighed, "I know we planned to go out tonight but I'm still exhausted after working that 12 hour shift at the morgue."

"Rough night?" Lance asked putting an arm around his friend's shoulder.

"Yeah, and Kay wasn't too happy about my little vacation."

"Oh, you've still got your job, right?"

"Yes, of course." Ben lied through his teeth, not wanting his friend to feel guilty.

I hate to do but can you show me where the bedroom is? I'm going to collapse if I don't get some sleep soon!"

"Your room is just next door to mine. If you need me for anything, just call." Lance said as he took Ben's hand and led the way to the bedrooms.

"Oh, wait a sec. Feel the door in front of you!" Lance said excitedly as they stopped outside the bedroom door.

Ben laughed a wide smile on his face as he felt the words Ben's Room on the door in Braille. He had never thought someone he had only just met would do such a wonderful thing, actually consider his feelings and go out of their way to make him comfortable. It was weird how something so small could mean so much.

Ben said happily, "You don't know what this means to me!"

Lance shrugged, "It's nothing, I just thought it could make everything easier for you."

The pair continued their journey into the bedroom, Ben carefully noting just what direction he was walking and how many steps there were to the bed. As he felt the bed bang against his knees he sat down waiting for Lance to join him.

"You going to be okay, in here? I mean if you want to you could share my bed with me?" Lance said feeling a blush form on his cheeks.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Thanks for doing this, Jamie." Ben said lightly kissing Lance on the cheek.

Lance stood with a sigh, "I'll go now and let you sleep. I've left a small list of just where all the rooms are from here it's on the small cabinet to your right. Your case is next to it."

"Don't worry, I'll be okay. Night Jamie," Ben said with a grin hugging his friend tightly then, hearing the door close as Lance walked out the bedroom.

Ben quickly undressed and curled up in the covers, sighing when he inhaled the faint scent of Lance's cologne. *********** The Next Day *********** Nick smiled at Justin as the younger man drove towards the small Paris Café. He knew his boyfriend was convinced that the meeting was just about the two groups getting together to talk but something felt wrong about that idea.

Nick was abruptly shaken from his thoughts when Justin stopped the car just a couple of minutes walk from the meeting place. As the couple headed towards the café, Nick noted that Kevin's car wasn't there making him worry.

Looking at the occupants of the room, Nick stopped in shock as he spied a familiar face. It was Ben the first person he had met who told him it was okay to be gay. He was shocked to see that Ben had his arm around Lance's shoulder, did that mean they were a couple?

"Benny? I can't believe you're here!" Nick shouted in excitement as he hugged the older man.

"Nick? It's been a long time, how's everything?" Ben said with a welcoming smile.

Justin glared at the stranger who was hugging HIS Nick; he couldn't repress the surge of anger and jealousy. How dare this man try and take away something that belonged to him! Nick was his and there was no way he would let Nick go without a fight.

"Great. Can I talk to you later?" Nick said seeing that Justin was getting a little jealous.

"Sure!" Ben said knowing that he couldn't get caught up with Nick right now. He was there to help Lance, not to renew old friendships.

Moving back to Justin, Nick placed a discrete hand on his boyfriend's back seeing that the younger man was angry and jealous.

"You don't have to worry, babe. I love you," Nick whispered not wanting anyone to overhear the conversation.

"I'm not worried. I just didn't like him touching something that belongs to me," Justin whispered moodily.

"Belongs to you?" Nick asked in a mix of desire and amusement.

Justin realised that he was getting a little possessive and that it might turn Nick against him. With a nervous smile Justin said quickly, "Nick, I"

Nick smiled seeing the panic on Justin's face, "That's kind of sweet, babe. Just remember that means you belong to me!" It actually turned him on to see Justin's possessive side, he wanted to belong to Justin and wanted the younger man to belong to him. ******* "Can I have your attention?" Lance asked, standing in the middle of the room, thankful of Ben's arm around his shoulder.

Taking a deep breath, Lance looked at his friends and prayed they would accept him once they knew the truth.

Confident and calm not showing the panic he held inside Lance said, "There's something I need to tell you, I'm gay."

"Stay away from me you fucking fag!" JC shouted as Lance worriedly looked at him.

"You're what?" Chris shouted in a mix of anger and shock.

"A fag? Oh great," Howie said his words full of disgust.

Knowing how much courage it took to say those two words Justin smiled, "Thanks for telling us, I know it was hard for you."

AJ said sitting down, "That's nice. Can we get something to eat?" He didn't care about the sexuality of his friends; all he cared about was that they were happy.

"I'm here if you need to talk," Nick offered admiring Lance's strength, knowing himself how hard it is to tell people you care about, for fear they would reject you.

"I take it you know that you have to be careful?" Kevin said knowing how damaging it could be for Nsync.

"That's fine with me," Brian said with a grin.

Angry that his friend had kept it a secret Joey said, "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"I was afraid that you would hate me. I thought that you would look at me differently. I was worried that you wouldn't take it too well."

"I wonder why (!)" Justin said sarcastically glaring at JC.

Smiling AJ said, "Now that we've talked about that, why don't we all just relax and get to know each other."

"I'm not staying here with that pervert!" JC shouted before angrily leaving the café, slamming the door after him.

"Neither am I!" Howie said not looking at anyone in the room.

"Do you want to come back to my place and we can talk about it?" Justin said with a quick smile at the clearly upset Lance.

"That would be great! Is it okay if Ben comes as well?" Lance said relieved that some of his friends weren't angry with him.

"Sure. Come on, guys!" Nick said and the four left quickly. ******* "Did anyone else find that a little strange?" Joey asked the room at large, wondering why Nick had just invited himself and why Justin had let him.

Brian said quickly, "Yeah, and they drove here together."

Remembering his promise to the young couple AJ said quickly, "They were up all night working on the songs they're writing. Nick told me that they're having a few problems with them."

"Just how does Nick know this Ben?" Chris asked wondering if Lance was dating the stranger. He wanted to make sure that this Ben wouldn't take advantage of Lance.

"They met in Ireland. Ben hung out with Nick for a while." Kevin said wondering about the nature Nick's relationship with Ben. He didn't think Justin would be too happy if Ben was Nick's ex-boyfriend. ******* "You okay, Jamie?" Ben asked feeling Lance tense suddenly.

Lance sighed, "I was just thinking about what my parents are going to say."

"Not everyone reacts like my family did. Don't assume they'll hate you," Ben said comfortingly.

Lance didn't say anything, thinking to himself that maybe he should listen to Ben. His friend had been right before.

"You planning on coming out to your boss as well, Jamie?" Ben asked wondering if he should stay in LA longer.

Justin laughed, "His boss?"

Lance glared at Justin and said to Ben, "I've got something you have to know."

"You can tell me anything, I'm always going to be here for you." Ben said feeling the small shakes wracking his friend's body.

Lance asked, "You know who Nsync is?" At Ben's nod he continued, "I'm in Nsync, my full name is James Lance Bass!"

"Yeah, right. Whatever you say!" Ben laughed amused at his friend's idea of a joke.

Asking himself why it was so hard for Ben to believe Justin said, "Don't you believe your own eyes, Ben?" He stopped speaking when Nick shook his head and Lance glared.

Ben laughed, "I'm blind so in this case my eyes wouldn't be much use."

"Oh, I'm sorry for saying that," Justin said with a blush.

Ben said quickly, "Don't worry about it. It's not something you can see just by looking at me. Most people think that the shades are part of my image."

"Where are you staying, Benny?" Nick asked as they drove wondering just why Lance had decided to walk.

Ben grinned, "With Jamie, I'll have to go back to Boston in five days."

Nick asked in confusion, "Since when did you move to Boston?"

Ben gave a rueful smile as he said, "Since I was kicked out the house. I came out to my ma eight months ago. The next day she had the priest give me a talk on sin. When I told her that there was nothing she could do to change me she kicked me out. I moved over here about a month after that."

"I tried calling you but your mom said that you didn't want to speak to me." Nick said carefully not wanting to upset Ben.

Trying to explain Ben said quickly, "She's convinced that my association with boy-bands made me gay. She wouldn't let me talk to anyone else from the music industry. She deleted all the numbers from phone, address book and my computer. I lost your number and couldn't convince anyone that I really knew you so I couldn't get your new number."

"I guess that explains it." Nick said with a smirk.

Next: Chapter 10

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