Mom Knows Best

By Stephanie M

Published on Mar 11, 2002


Mom Knows Best 11/? Author: Stephanie M Fandom: BSB/Nysnc Pairing: Nick/Justin Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction and is does not imply anything about the sexuality of the celebrities mentioned herein. Once again, this story is fiction, i.e. not true. Just call it a product of an overactive imagination. Status: WIP Summary: Nick and Justin discover that sometimes your mom can know you better than you know yourself.

Part 11

Kevin looked around the room in shock, why was he in a hotel room? He froze as images of the previous day flooded his mind, how could he have been so blind? Why didn't he see Kristen wasn't in love with him or that she was cheating on him?

"Kev, I've called for some food. I figured you could do with something to eat," AJ said as he walked into the room fresh out of the shower.

"I'm sorry for using you as a pillow last night. Thank you for everything," Kevin said, he honestly didn't think he would have coped if AJ hadn't been there for him.

"I'm always here for you, bro." AJ said with a grin as the older man walked into the bathroom.

Kevin simply smiled his first sincere smile since discovering his wife's betrayal. That was one thing he loved about his fellow Backstreet Boys, they had a bond that went beyond friendship and even family.

<Ring, Ring, Ring>

"Yeah?" AJ picked up the phone as he opened the door and his bodyguard wheeled in the food cart.

"It's me, why didn't you call me yesterday?" Howie said determined to find out why his friends were ignoring him.

AJ answered with a sigh, "I was going to but something came up. Nick's okay, he'll talk to you soon."

Remembering the worried call from Brian Howie asked, "Did Brian call you, yet?"

"Nah, what's wrong?" AJ wondered if Brian had found out about Nick and Justin.

Howie sighed knowing AJ wouldn't take his news well, "Kev's missing. He didn't get home after a meeting yesterday and Kristen's worried. She's already checked all the hospitals. We're all going to search for Kev, call as soon as you have any news."

"I'll call you as soon as I have anything," AJ said quickly before ending the call.

Kevin walked in the room, wearing a robe; he didn't have any clean clothes to wear. Not that he felt like getting dressed; all he wanted was to wallow in bed for the rest of the day. He started placing food on a plate, not wanting to discuss what had happened until he had too, the pain was too fresh.

AJ sighed as he sat down knowing Kevin wouldn't like what he had to say, "We may have a problem. Kristen phoned Bri and said that you're missing. He and the others are out looking for you. We have to phone them and let them know that you're alive and safe at least. Ya know what Rok's like, he's probably thinking the worst."

"I'll phone him later but what if he asks about Kristen?" Kevin said feeling lost, for the worst time in his life he didn't have control, didn't know what to do.

AJ said thoughtfully, "You may have to tell him, but we'll all help you. Ya know that."

"I guess." Kevin answered as he picked up the phone and dialled his cousin's number.

"Yeah?" Brian said distractedly busy trying to think of places Kevin could be.

Kevin said apologetically, "Bri? It's me, I'm sorry for worrying you."

Brian said angrily, "Sorry? I've been worried sick, and as for Kristen..."

Kevin snarled, "Don't ever mention her again! I got home early from my meeting yesterday and found her having sex with some guy in our bedroom! She said that she loved him!"

Brian offered in shock, "I'm so sorry Kev. You want me to come and stay with you a while?"

"I'm staying with AJ then we're going to Orlando after the interview. You know about the meeting at the Paris Cafe tomorrow."

"Yeah, I'll be there. I'll call the others and let them know you're okay. If you need me just call." Brian said getting the idea that his cousin wasn't going to discuss what had happened with him, anyway. ******** When they finally surfaced for air Justin asked, "If JC's like this when he just thinks we're friends, what'll happen when we tell him we're in love with each other?"

"Honestly? I don't know but maybe he'll come round. He loves you so he won't do anything to hurt you," Nick said hoping he sounded more confident than he felt.

Justin commented, "Ya really think so? It looks like our relationship is going to cause us some problems with our friends."

Nick grinned, "Maybe at first but they'll come round, they're more than just friends they're part of our family. They'll soon see that love is love, and should be cherished no matter what form it takes."

"That's beautiful, Nicky." Justin said wrapping his arms around Nick's form.

"Thanks, babe. Look, we shouldn't just wallow here, feel like going out?" Nick said trying to shake of the depressing mood.

Sighing Justin said, "Yeah I guess, we won't get much downtime once we start the promotional stuff. Feel like coming back to my place? We hang out there for a change, you never did get to look around properly."

"Sure, your mom gonna to be there?" Nick asked with a mischievous grin, he knew his own mom was probably busy gloating over bringing the two of them together.

Justin smirked, "Yeah, but she'll leave us alone. She understands that we won't be able to spend a lot of time alone once we start the tour."

Nick looked at Justin in alarm; he hadn't considered that. Nick said sadly, "You think so? At least we're sharing a room, so we can sleep together. I'm sure Kev and AJ won't mind covering for us at first."

Trying to cheer his boyfriend up Justin said quickly, "And it won't be forever. I mean we're going to tell the guys soon after we start the tour, right?"

Nick swallowed and hoped Justin would agree with him, "We've got just over five weeks before we start the tour, so we should tell them before we go. That way we can work though any problems before we go on the road, and it won't spoil the show for the fans."

"Good idea. What if we tell them in a couple of weeks? After we've started rehearsal?" Justin said with a grin.

"Yeah, that'll be okay." Nick said as he tapped Justin's arms lightly, to signal the other man to move.

"I'll go shower and you can make breakfast!" Justin said with a laugh, as he stood pulling Nick up after him.

Nick said arching an eyebrow, "You do remember my attempt at cooking last night?"

"Yeah, stick to something simple!" Justin answered kissing Nick lightly before running into the bathroom.

"Something simple, he says! You can't any simpler than lasagne and I messed that up!" Nick said with a groan as he walked to the kitchen.

Justin just grinned hearing Nick's loud complaints, he jumped into the shower and waked quickly, ignoring the erection that was making itself known. For some reason, it didn't feel right with Nick just downstairs, unbidden the thought came to his mind, that maybe he should ask Nick to come up and they could jerk off together.

"You okay in there, babe?" Nick shouted from outside the bathroom.

Justin replied quickly, "Yeah, I'll be out soon." ****** "You look great, honey!" Nick said as his boyfriend walked in the room wearing jeans and a red shirt.

Justin said with a grin as he sat down, "Thanks, I hope you don't mind me borrowing some of your clothes. Want to pack a bag? That way we can stay at my place for a couple of days."

"That'd be great. We still going back to Orlando after the interview on Tuesday?" Nick asked as he served Justin breakfast, grinning as he fed Justin each spoonful.

Swallowing his mouthful of food Justin answered, "Yeah, as long as nothing comes up."

Justin decided to follow Nick's lead and slowly fed Nick the pancakes, stopping to give Nick a kiss after the older man finished each mouthful.

Justin laughed as he pushed the plate away, "The others are never going to believe I actually talk before breakfast."

Nick stopped to think for a second, "Oh yeah, I heard about that. What can I say? It must be my wonderful personality."

"It's not your personality I'm interested in," Justin leered, pulling Nick onto his lap when the other man stood to collect the dishes.

Nick flashed a teasing grin, "What is it then? My car? Or maybe my taste in clothes?"

"It's your wonderful eyes. Your devastatingly addictive mouth," Justin said kissing the other man's eyelids and lips softly.

Grinning he continued, "I love the way you seem to glow when you look at me, the way you think of me before you, the way you are constantly aware of me, my thoughts and feelings."

"You're everything to me, honey. Don't forget that J-love, okay?" Nick gently kissed Justin, groaning when he felt Justin's erection jut against his crack.

Justin said with a groan, "I think you should get off my lap now, babe. Otherwise nothing is going to stop me from taking you here on the table."

Nick just smiled in understanding and started to collect the dishes. He loaded them into the dishwasher and turned around. Smiling Nick said quickly, "I'll go and get ready while you phone your mom. It's not polite to just walk in without warning her, even if it is your place."

"Sure babe." Justin said with a fond smile as Nick left the room. ******* Picking up his cell phone, Justin quickly dialled his home number wondering if his mom would be offended if he asked her to go back to Orlando. He loved his mom but he wanted to make the most of his downtime left with Nick.

"Mom? It's me. I just wanted to tell you that Nick and I are coming back to my place for a couple of days." Justin said as he heard his mom's distinct voice.

"Thanks for telling me. Have you eaten? I can leave some breakfast for you," Lynn said with a grin.

"That's alright, Nicky made breakfast." Justin said wondering how to voice his thoughts.

Lynn said looking at her organiser, "I'm afraid I won't be able to spend any time with you. I've got a meeting with Tranquil in half an hour and my plane back to Orlando leaves at 12:00."

Justin said with a grin, "That's okay, we can talk another time. Can Nick come back to Orlando with me?"

Lynn said quickly, "Of course, I take it he's staying with us?"

"Yeah, I'm going to tell Jon about us." Justin said nervously.

Lynn said confidently, "Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be okay with everything."

"You think? I mean it can be a little much to take in so young."

"Trust me, Jonathon will be fine. He just wants to see you happy, and he'll be overjoyed to have someone else to play the Playstation with, he's gotten a little tired of beating you." Lynn laughed as she remembered the way Justin had pouted at his last defeat at his brother's hands.

Justin said with a laugh, "Thanks for reassuring me. Nick said that it'll be okay but I couldn't help worrying."

"See, I told you he would be great for you." Lynn said with a knowing grin.

"Maybe I'll learn to take your advice more often. See you mom!" Justin said ending the call, knowing his mother would have to leave soon for her meeting.

"Take care, love you." Lynn said ending the call. ******* "Want to go to the beach later? We'll be okay as long as we're careful." Justin asked his boyfriend who was wearing a shirt and a pair of jeans.

"Yeah, that might be fun." Nick answered placing a small backpack on the floor as he quickly put on his trainers.

"Think we can hide out from everyone for the rest of the day?" Justin asked as he also put on his shoes.

"Not sure but we can try. What did your mom say when you told her we're going back to your place?" Nick asked curiously.

"She said that she's sorry but she won't be able to spend time with us. She's got a meeting with a new group and then she's got to get her plane back to Orlando."

"You okay with that?" Nick asked knowing that he didn't like it when he missed seeing his family.

"Yeah, I'll see her when we go back to Orlando." Justin said standing up.

"Why don't we take your car? It makes more sense seeing how it's just the two of us." Nick said picking up his cell phone and giving Justin his.

"Okay." Justin replied walking outside with Nick, both of them wearing baseball caps. ******** "What do you want to do now?" Justin asked after he had finished the tour of his house.

"As long as you're with me, I don't care." Nick said with a laugh.

"Can we go to bed for a couple of hours?" Justin asked, while pulling Nick towards the bedroom.

"Seems like you've already made your mind up, love." Nick commented with a grin, he didn't object mainly because he was tired.

Justin just smiled and quickly undressed as they walked up the stairs. He threw his clothes on the floor and ignored Nick's appreciative grin. He knew that he was acting a little stupid but it was the first time in years he could relax and be himself. Before he had always been afraid that if he showed who he really was people would find out he was gay and hate him.

Nick smiled as he walked to the bedroom at a more sedate pace to find Justin naked sprawled out on the bed watching him like a hawk.

"Nicky, don't come any closer. I want you to strip for me." Justin said running his eyes over Nick's body.

"Whatever you want, love." Nick said with a flirtatious grin, which widened as Justin switched on the stereo and Madonna's Vogue blasted out.

Nick started to undress slowly moving to the music. As he took off each article of clothing he threw them to Justin. As he unfastened the zipper of his jeans, Nick smirked seeing the erection his boyfriend was sporting. Nick stood there in his underwear wondering what he should do now. Working on instinct, Nick pushed his boyfriend down on the bed and took the erect cock in his mouth.

Running his tongue down the length, Nick took the throbbing cock into his mouth. He bobbed up and down, gently squeezing Justin's balls at the same time. He was addicted to the taste of his lover, loving the flavour that was uniquely Justin. He grinned as Justin thrust into his mouth, whimpering and moaning.

Feeling Justin about to come, Nick reached up and squeezed his lover's nipple hard. Justin came with a loud moan and Nick eagerly swallowed every drop, sucking until his lover's cock was limp. Letting the cock fall from his mouth, Nick roughly pulled Justin into a kiss, letting the exhausted man taste himself.

"That was great! What about you?" Justin said as he regained the power of speech.

Nick smiled, "Not something we have to worry about. I came just from feeling, and watching you cum. You were so breathtakingly beautiful when you came."

"Wow! Can we sleep now?" Justin said pulling Nick on top of him.

"Yeah, love you." Nick said as he pulled the covers from the floor where Justin had thrown them earlier.

"Love you, too." Justin said with a smile, loving the feel of Nick on top of him.

Nick just smiled relishing the feeling of Justin underneath him. It felt strangely comforting to know that Justin was underneath him, safe.

Next: Chapter 9

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