Mom Knows Best

By Stephanie M

Published on Jan 16, 2002


Title: Mom Knows Best 9/? Author: Stephanie M Fandom: BSB/Nysnc Pairing: Nick/Justin Summary: Nick and Justin discover that sometimes your mom can know you better than you know yourself.

Jimmy thanks for your constant support. Lee, thanks for putting up with being my sounding board and listening to my rants.

As everyone seems to be doing this here are some stories I recommend in no particular order:

Lance's Story

Nick and Ashley

Shining Star

Tales of a Superhero Boyband

The Lottery Winner

The One

Alone Together

Where Do We Go

Part 9

Nick looked over at Justin and wondered just how they were going to keep their relationship a secret from their friends. It was hard enough to stop himself from touching Justin when they were in public, he didn't like the thought of having to pretend with their friends as well.

"Quit brooding," Justin said as he read his book.

Nick retorted quickly, "I'm not brooding, I'm just thinking about stuff."

"Yeah, right (!) If it bothers you so much we can tell them." Justin said not wanting Nick feel uncomfortable with their friends.

"I think we have to while we're on tour. Can we just keep it a secret until then?" Nick said as he wrapped his arms around his lover's waist.

"If that's what you want, babe. We should tell our groups together, I don't think I can do it without you." Justin replied leaning against Nick.

"We'll tell them together," Nick said with a smile.

"No more talking about coming out," Justin said as he closed his book.

"What do you want to talk about then?" Nick teased, already knowing where they were heading.

"No more talking period." Justin answered as he pushed Nick down on the sofa and started kissing his way down Nick's neck.

Nick shivered as Justin slowly unfastened the buttons of his shirt gently tweaking a nipple while sucking and just nipping the other one. Justin simply looked up at him and smirked.

"I thought we were going to take this slow." Nick commented not sure whether he wanted to kiss Justin or kill him for putting him in this position.

Justin grinned, "We are, I won't even touch below your waist."

Nick sighed, "Why doesn't that make me feel better?"

"Maybe you read my mind?" Justin said with a laugh.

"Okay, you're in charge, baby." Nick said with a laugh.

"Of course I am, love. Now close your eyes." Justin instructed grinning when Nick did so with little more than a mischievous grin.

Justin quickly moved the rest of Nick's shirt out the way and looked at the man in front of him, completely at his mercy. He felt humbled by the complete trust and faith Nick had in him, he only hoped he could live up to Nick's expectations.

<Beep, beep, beep>

Justin snarled as he picked up the phone, "What do you want!"

"You okay, Curly?" Lance asked wondering why the young singer sounded so mad.

"I was busy doing something important. What's up?" Justin replied as he sat back watching Nick put his shirt on.

Lance said quickly, "I just wanted to tell you that a friend of mine is flying in tomorrow night and ask if we can meet up on Sunday?"

"Sure, what time?" Justin said wondering why Lance sounded so strange.

"Around 13:00 at Paris Café?" Lance replied, looking through his organiser.

"Fine with me, everything okay?" Justin said concerned.

"Everything's fine. I want Backstreet to meet us as well. I've already phoned Kevin and told him about the meeting but figured I should call everyone separately so that no one forgets. Do you have Nick Carter's phone number?"

"I'm at Nick's. We're working on a couple of songs so I can tell him." Justin said, not wanting to get interrupted again.

Lance said apologetically, "Oh God, I'm sorry for interrupting you. I know how much Josh hates it when he's trying to write."

"That's okay, it's hard but we're getting there." Justin replied mentally groaning at his words.

"I'll see you later. Don't forget Paris Café at 13:00 on Sunday." Lance said ending the call feeling a little calmer now that he had spoken to his friend. ******* "Everything okay?" Nick asked seeing the worry in Justin's eyes.

"I'm not sure. Lance sounded like he's been crying," Justin said as he moved onto Nick's lap.

"I'm sure he'll come to you if he needs any help." Nick said trying to cheer his boyfriend up.

Justin said absently, "Yeah. We have to meet him at the Paris Café at 13:00 on Sunday. He wants Backstreet and Nsync to meet up for some reason."

"Any idea why?" Nick asked wanting to know if it was possible Lance knew about them.

Justin said with a grin, "He probably just wants us to get together so we can become friends, our groups don't really spend much time together. I'm still mad that he interrupted us."

"I'm kind of happy that he interrupted us. I want to take things slow, I don't want to spoil our relationship cause we rushed." Nick said looking into Justin's eyes.

Justin pouted, "I guess you're right, but I can't help it if you're so irresistible."

"Think of it this way, it will make our first time so much better if we wait." Nick said knowing it would be difficult to keep his hands to himself.

Justin pleaded, "But we can still make out and stuff, right?"

"Yeah, I just don't want us to make love until we are both ready." Nick said gently cupping Justin's face.

"You're right, and we've got forever." Justin said with a wide grin.

"God, AJ was right, we are sappy!" Nick said as placed his head on Justin's chest.

"We're in love so we're allowed to be sappy!" Justin declared as he picked up his book.

Nick asked looking up at Justin adoringly, "Read to me?"

"Whatever you want, love." Justin said as he turned to the start of the Harry Potter book and started reading aloud.

Halfway through Justin's voice started to go so Nick took over. Justin was amazed at the way Nick was reading to him, giving each of the characters a different voice. Nick's captivating voice made the story come alive. ******* "Kev, are you okay?" AJ asked as he opened the door of his hotel room to find the older man swaying slightly with tears streaming down his face.

"Can I come in?" Kevin asked ignoring AJ's question.

"Sure, Train." AJ helped Kevin to one of the chairs, kicking the door behind him.

"I'm sorry for coming here but I needed someone to talk to." Kevin said staring down at the floor.

"It's okay, you know I'm always here for you." AJ vowed as he just held his friend.

"I was supposed to be in a meeting for a couple of hours but the guy's wife went into labour so it was cancelled. I went home and I found Kristen fucking some guy, she said she loved him." Kevin said before breaking into tears.

`That slut, how could she do this to him!' AJ thought as he held his friend, rubbing soothing circles on his back, something his mom had done with him whenever he was upset.

"Did she see you?" AJ asked wanting to know if she was going to be hassling everyone.

"No, she was looking at him the whole time. I just ran out the house and drove here." Kevin replied looking up at his friend.

Thinking carefully AJ said, "Okay, you're staying here until we figure out what to do about her. I'm staying here for a couple of days before going back to Orlando, you can come back with me."

"Thanks Alex." Kevin said softly losing all strength as the full impact of what had happened hit him.

AJ swallowed, "Let's get you to bed, Boo."

AJ carried Kevin to the bed and gently undressed him, placing him inside the covers. He looked down at his friend shocked at how vulnerable and lost Kevin looked. He quickly found his and Kevin's cell phones and switched them off; the last thing he wanted was for Kristen to call. Placing a Do Not Disturb sign on the door, AJ quickly got into the bed tightly holding onto his suffering friend.

"Thanks for being here, Alex." Kevin whispered as he cried feeling safe as AJ held him. ******* Hours later, AJ gently sneaked his way out of the bed. He looked down at Kevin and sighed, he had never seen his friend look so weary. At least he could make sure Kevin was looked after while he was healing from Kristen's betrayal. Picking up his phone he moved over to the other side of the room, so he could talk without waking up the sleeping man.

"I can't meet you tonight, I've got to look after a friend," AJ said lowly into the phone.

Sara said whined, "But I haven't seen you in months and you promised."

"I'm sorry but I'm can't let him down." AJ said knowing he could never leave Kevin when he was in so much pain.

Sara replied, "I've had enough of this. If your friend means so much to you then why don't you date him? We're over."

Before AJ could reply all he could hear was the dial tone, Sara had hung up. He could understand where she was coming from but felt angry that she didn't understand that his friends were important to him. He couldn't let one of his friends suffer alone, that would be against his very nature. ******* JC was looking at the phone in a mix of confusion and worry, Lance had just informed him that Backstreet and Nsync had to meet at the Paris Café on Sunday. That wasn't what worried him; it was how Lance had sounded. It seemed almost as if Lance was hiding something from him? Which was stupid, right? Lance would never hide anything from him; he was one of Lance's best friends.

JC couldn't help but feel thankful that the whole mess about Justin and Nick dating was finished with. As if Curly could be gay! No friend of his would ever be gay!

`I know how to spot a fag a mile off anyway,' JC thought to himself with a grin.

Tomorrow he would call Nick and warn the younger singer to keep anyway from Justin. That way they could make sure that there were no more rumours and he would have his best friend all to himself. ******* "I like this. Us being together without having to worry about someone spotting us." Justin commented as Nick started the soft music.

"Yeah, if only we could always be like this." Nick sighed as he tightened his hold on Justin. There was no way he was going to let anyone take Justin away, not even his friends.

Justin looked at Nick anxiously and said, "Would you come back to Orlando with me? I want to introduce you to my brother. Hopefully it'll go okay, I still haven't told him I'm gay yet."

"I'd like to meet him. He'll be okay with it, don't worry." Nick gave a quick grin.

Justin laughed, "Not to totally spoil the moment but can we get something to eat?"

"I can cook unless you want to order in. It'll take me about an hour but it'll taste great." Nick gave a cocky grin.

"Sounds great, I'm sure anything you make will be wonderful." Justin said sincerely, besides how bad a cook could Nick be?

"You're going to give me a really big ego with all these compliments." Nick said as stood, gently kissing Justin's lips.

"Get into that kitchen and make me soothing to eat!" Justin said trying to be serious but ruined it by grinning.

"Sir, yes Sir." Nick said with a quick salute as he walked out to the kitchen.

`You're really trying to make this hard on me aren't you?' Justin thought as he willed his erection to disappear. ---------- End part nine.

Next: Chapter 7

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