Mom Knows Best

By Stephanie M

Published on Jan 6, 2002


Title: Mom Knows Best 8/? Author: Stephanie M Fandom: BSB/Nysnc Pairing: Nick/Justin Summary: Nick and Justin discover that sometimes your mom can know you better than you know yourself.

Part 8

Justin quickly moved to catch Nick, as the blonde almost fell to the floor in shock. What where they going to do now? It was a disaster!

"Er...Hi?" Nick aid with a grin, hoping to defuse the tension. It didn't work.

"Don't hi me. What are you doing with him?" AJ hissed, didn't they realise what this was going to do to their groups?

"We're dating. I love him and he loves me." Nick stuck out his chin defiantly; no one was going to take Justin from him. Not when he'd just found the other part of his soul.

"Oh, you do realise what this is going to do to our careers if this gets out?" AJ said, running out of steam when he saw the way Justin was looking at Nick.

"We're not going to let it get out." Justin said quickly. He was surprised at how calm AJ was, he didn't seem bothered by the fact that they were gay.

"Look, you can't even manage to keep it a secret from your own friends. Anyone else know?" AJ said as he sat down, smirking when Justin sat down with his head on Nick's shoulder.

"Well, we didn't think you were just going to walk in." Justin said hotly, there was no way he was going to sit there while AJ took Nick from him.

"Our moms and Kev." Nick answered his question, grinning at the way Justin was defending them.

"Your moms? How did they find out?" AJ just hoped they hadn't walked in on them like he had. Even for the most understanding mom that would probably be too much.

"They set us up on a blind date," Nick laughed at AJ's shocked look.

"So, I guess they're okay with it." AJ said half to himself.

"Yeah, mom was practically jumping for joy when I told her that their plan worked." Justin smiled at the memory.

"What are these?" AJ picked up the notepad and quickly read the songs looking at them in worry, "You're breaking up?"

"No." Nick and Justin shouted in anger.

AJ gestured to the song, "But this song is all about breaking up with someone."

Nick said quickly, "It was about a guy I went out with years ago."

"You still have feelings for this guy?" Justin's eyes pinned Nick to the spot.

"I'm going to get a drink." AJ said, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Nick pleaded, "Of course not! I love you, Justin."

"Sorry for getting so jealous. I just don't want to lose you." Justin gently kissed his Nick.

"You won't lose me. You're not going to get rid of me that easy, Justin Randal Timberlake." Nick said sincerely.

"You promise?" Justin said, his eyes shining with hope.

Nick said seriously, "You and I forever, Justin."

"You and I forever, Nick." Justin repeated his eyes sparkling with unspent tears.

"God, you two are so sickly sweet, it's disgusting." AJ said with a smile.

"You're just jealous that you can't find someone as wonderful as Justin." Nick said with a laugh.

Laughing out loud AJ thought, `Maybe you're right.'

"You going to tell the others?" AJ asked wanting to know if had to keep it a secret.

"No, we want it to be us for a while." Justin answered looking at Nick and remembering Nick's fear that Howie would desert him.

"I guess I could help you keep it quiet. What did Kev say?" AJ knew that Kevin's opinion was important to Nick.

"He told us that if we ever need someone to talk to he's there and warned us to be careful." Nick answered; he couldn't believe how cool Kevin had been about them.

"I'm here if you need to talk as well. Have you talked to D, yet?" AJ asked, the other man had asked him to make sure Nick wasn't in a mood with him.

"No, and I don't want to." Nick said stubbornly.

"You're going to have to talk to him sometime." Justin reasoned, not liking the thought that he was coming between Nick and his friends.

"I know but not yet." Nick said making it clear that the subject was finished.

"I guess I'll get going and give you some alone time together." AJ said standing and looking at them giving them a fake smile.

Justin exchanged a quick look with Nick, it just didn't feel right to leave AJ alone when the other man was obviously unhappy.

Justin offered, "Why don't you hang out with us?"

"Yeah, I want to see if you can beat Justin at the Nintendo." Nick said eagerly.

"I guess I could stay a while. You don't mind do you?" AJ asked pleased that he wouldn't have to spend another day alone.

Justin said with a friendly grin, "Of course not." ****** "I won again! I'm so the best!" AJ yelled in triumph, as Justin just rolled his eyes.

Justin said with a smirk, "Yeah, and you're so modest."

"You're just a bad loser," AJ said smirking at the younger singer.

Looking up from his drawing pad Nick said, "God, you sound like five year olds."

"What you drawing?" AJ asked, pulling the pad out of Nick's hands.

"Just a portrait," Nick said quickly looking at Justin who just smiled at him knowingly.

"Can't you think of anything but Justin?" AJ said as he threw the pad at Justin in disgust.

"This is great, Nicky," Justin said as he looked at the picture. It was so lifelike and made him look so sensual.

"You think so?" Nick looked met Justin's eyes shyly.

"Yeah, although I don't look anywhere near as sexy as that," Justin said with a laugh.

"You're the most attractive and sexy person in the world!" Nick said, losing himself in Justin's eyes.

"Anyone want something to eat?" Justin asked as he pulled away from Nick's bewitching eyes not wanting to make AJ feel like a third wheel.

"Yeah, have you actually got anything edible in?" AJ said looking at Nick.

After thinking a few minutes Nick said, "I've got cereal."

"I guess we're going shopping then," Justin said with a grin.

"Who's car do you want to take?" AJ asked, it didn't really make much sense for all of them to drive.

"We can take mine," Justin offered as he grabbed his leather jacket.

"Don't forget these!" AJ said as he threw the others a baseball cap.

"God I hate wearing these!" Nick grumbled as he put his on. ******** Meanwhile Lance was talking to one of his closest friends; and they'd never even met in person, although they spent hour talking on the phone. All he knew about Ben was that he was 24, lived in Boston and had just come out.

Ben had become his closest friend, the one person to whom he confessed everything, apart from his identity. As far as Ben knew his name was James and he worked for a record company; all of which was true even if he did miss out a few details.

Ben said worried, "Jamie, what's wrong? You're quiet even for you."

"Nothing and everything," Lance said with a sigh.

"That tells me a lot (!)" Ben replied quickly making Lance grin.

Lance said thoughtfully, "Some said that J was gay, the others didn't take it too well."

"What do you mean didn't take it too well?" Ben asked a sick feeling in his stomach.

Lance replied pacing, "They acted fine when he was with us but as soon as he left Joe and Josh started making jokes and saying that they didn't want someone who was gay on the road with us."

"Oh, and you're afraid they'll do that to you if you come out to them?" Ben knew it was always a possibility.

Lance sighed, "Yeah, I mean what if they hate me? I almost told Josh I was gay a couple of days ago but I chickened out at the last minute."

Thinking back on his own experiences Ben said, "I'm probably the worst person to be asking for advice since my coming out was a disaster. But if you're living a lie that you're not really living."

"So I should tell them?" Lance asked, he wanted to tell his friends but he was just afraid that he would loose them.

As he sat down in the chair Ben said, "That's really your choice. I'm here if you need someone to talk to, I know how hard it is to come out to your family. You want me to fly out and give you some moral support?"

"You wouldn't mind?" Lance asked hopefully, he didn't think he could cope alone.

"Of course not. Wait a sec, Jamie." Ben replied typing on his computer, within minutes he had booked a flight.

"You don't know how much this means to me, Ben. Don't worry about somewhere to stay-you can stay at my place. I'll meet you at the airport, okay?" Lance said feeling a little happier.

"My flight will arrive in LA at 11.15 tomorrow night. You sure it's no trouble, me staying with you?" Ben said not wanting to make his friend feel uncomfortable.

"Positive. Now I'll finally get to see if you're as grumpy in the mornings as you always say." Lance laughed, feeling more at ease than he had been for days.

"I'll wear a Robbie Williams T-Shirt so that you recognise me. I'll have go, got to tell my boss I'm taking a little vacation. I'll see you tomorrow!" Ben said hoping he wouldn't get fired over this.

"Okay, see you tomorrow. Hope everything goes okay!" Lance said putting the phone down with a grin. ******* "I'll have to go. I'm supposed to meet Sara." AJ said with a grin as he looked at the clock.

"You wanna hang tomorrow? I feel like going shopping." Justin said with a maniacal gleam in his eye.

"You always want to go shopping," Nick gave Justin an indulgent smile.

"Your point being?" Justin asked bored.

"Nothing, just stating a fact." Nick answered rolling his eyes.

Pleased that Justin was being so friendly AJ said, "That'd be good, I need to get some clothes for touring anyway."

As he let AJ out Nick said, "We'll call you tomorrow, then."

"Okay. I'm sorry for being such an ass earlier," AJ said as he left the house.

"That's okay, it was a shock. I understand that," Nick said as he hugged AJ.

Next: Chapter 6

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