Mom Knows Best

By Stephanie M

Published on Jan 1, 2002


Title: Mom Knows Best 7/? Author: Stephanie M Fandom: BSB/Nysnc Pairing: Nick/Justin Disclaimer: See part 1 Summary: Nick and Justin discover that sometimes your mom can know you better than you know yourself.

Part 7

"You okay, Nick?" Brian asked into the phone, wondering why he hadn't seen Nick the day before. It was almost as if Nick was avoiding him.

"Yeah, I'm great. How's Leigh?" Nick asked as he traced patterns on Justin's stomach.

"She's great; we're going to go shopping later. Do you want to come?" Brian replied eager to spend time with his best friend.

"Nah, I've got other plans." Nick answered, smiling at Justin as the younger man woke up and looked up at him adoringly.

"Oh. You ready for the press conference?" Brian said worried that he wasn't going to be there for Nick.

"Yeah, can you do me a favour? If Howie calls can you tell him you haven't spoken to me?" Nick said not ready to talk to Howie. He was angry and wasn't sure he would be able to stop from losing his temper if he spoke to Howie.

Nick couldn't forget the hate and disgust in Howie's voice when the older man had asked if he was worried about people thinking he was a "fag." He hated that word; it made being gay sound so sordid and dirty.

Brian was confused at Nick's behaviour, "Why don't you want to speak to Howie?"

"He said something that upset me. What do you think about the article?" Nick said, wanting to know how his best friend felt about the chance of him being gay.

"It's stupid and unbelievable. As if, you could be gay! Never mind dating Timberlake, I know you've got better taste than that." Brian laughed, he heard Nick talking to someone and listened in his curiosity peaked.

"Stop that, love." Nick said laughing, as he partially covered the mouthpiece.

"I've discovered your secret now, Nicky." Justin said as he gently touched Nick's ticklish spots.

"Stop! Stop please love, just let me talk to Bri." Nick said smiling as Justin stopped giving him a mischievous smile.

"Nick...Nick you there?" Brian asked, wondering just who Nick's latest girl was.

"Sorry about that Bri, I just wandered off for a minute." Nick said quickly, hoping Brian hadn't heard him talking to Justin.

"That's okay. I'll talk to you later." Brian said quickly, intending on phoning Kevin and finding out if his cousin knew about Nick's latest girl. ******* "That wasn't fair, Just." Nick said as lay back down and glared at his boyfriend.

"Well, life isn't fair. How was I supposed to resist when I saw you lying there?" Justin said pouting.

"Time?" Nick asked not wanting to move until they had to.

Justin looked up at the clock, "Six. Just why did Brian call so early? We could have stayed in bed for another thirty minutes at least."

"Probably to get me up. I'm normally late for everything." Nick said apologetically.

"Oh, you think we can share a room on the tour?" Justin asked as he got out of bed, knowing he needed to start getting ready.

"I hope so, I'll talk to Kev and see if I can sort it out." Nick hoped that Kevin would let them, and that it wouldn't cause to many strange looks from their friends. ******* "Now that we're all here we can start the press conference. Nick and Justin are going to read a statement and then answer some questions." Kevin said as everyone looked at him for direction.

"We would just like to say that we are shocked by the article in the National Enquirer. We were at the show to perform as a favour to a friend of ours." Nick said looking straight ahead.

"We are not now nor have we ever dated each other. We are just friends." Justin finished with a grin, while his heart screamed for him to reveal the truth not to deny their love.

A bleach blonde man asked, "What to you have to say about the reports of you two having an intimate meal at Lorena's the night of the concert?"

"We were just having something to eat before our performance to discuss the song we are writing together." Justin answered calmly.

"Is this song going to be on a Backstreet album or an Nsync album?" A woman with a strong Scottish accent asked.

"That hasn't been decided yet. The song is still in its planning stages so that isn't one of our main concerns." Nick answered thinking on his toes.

"Susan Ellis from MTV, I have a couple of questions. Why are you writing a song together? You are rivals and enemies." A gothic looking woman said, looking at them in confusion.

"Despite what everyone thinks we are not enemies. While it may be true that our groups are rivals we are friends and felt that, a joint song would be a good idea. We have similar styles and ideas." Nick answered feeling Justin grin beside him.

"Our groups are going to perform a joint tour in six weeks; the song is just a way for us to show that we are not at war with each other. Even if this idiot keeps dissing my clothes." Justin finished with a laugh.

"I didn't diss your clothes, I dissed both our clothes." Nick retorted with a grin.

"Yeah right (!) You just don't want to admit I have more style than you." Justin said forgetting their audience.

"In your dreams, Just. You can never look as good as me." Nick answered quickly, thinking that Justin looked better than he did.

The press couldn't help but smile at the playful banter, something they had never imagined they would see. The two groups had denied that they hated each other but had never really been seen acting friendly together-unless you counted Nsync's support of AJ's rehab.

"So are either of you gay?" A pushy British reporter asked, sure that the pair were hiding something.

"No we're not." Nick answered for both of them.

"Okay one last question and then we've got to go." Kevin said, thinking to himself that the questions were getting a little close to home.

"What do the rest of your groups think about the rumours?" The British reporter asked again, ignoring the glares from the rest of the reporters.

"Lance and Chris aren't bothered by them, JC and Joey thinks its ridiculous." Justin said, thinking over his friend's reactions.

"So do Bri and Kev. I haven't talked to any of the others about it." Nick flashed the grin that sold millions.

"Thank you all for coming." Kevin said as he led the two younger singers out the room. ******* "Kev, will you come back to my place? We want to talk to you about something." Nick pleaded, with a grin.

"Sure, I told you I'm here for both of you. If you need my help at any time, just call." Kevin said, laughing at Justin's look of surprise.

"You know we'll have to be a little more careful in future." Justin commented to Nick as they fastened their seatbelts.

"I'll definitely have to stop the looks I give you." Nick said sounding a little disappointed.

"Yeah, but you can look at me all you want when we're alone." Justin said quickly, not noticing the way Kevin's eyes widened.

"So your mom's set you up?" Kevin asked with a grin.

"Yeah, mom said she thought Nick would be perfect for me. She was right." Justin leaned over to grab Nick's hand.

"If only all parents were so easy going with their gay kids." Nick said remembering what he had heard from some people at the GLB.

Kevin stopped the car and wondered just how the pair had gotten so lucky to have such supportive parents. He only hoped that their groups would be as supportive, he couldn't help but think there was going to be trouble.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Kevin asked as he sat down on the armchair opposite the couple. He wondered what it would be like for them when they had to stop being so affectionate; they were already sitting on each other's laps.

"It's about the tour..."Nick began but didn't know how to continue.

"We were wondering if you could fix it so we can share a room." Justin finished.

"You already are, Jive figured that if you two were in the same room together you could bond." Kevin said laughing at the look of shock on their faces.

"They won't change their mind cos of the article, will they?" Nick asked nervously.

"I don't think so. You know Brian called me and asked what girl you're seeing." Kevin said conversationally.

"He must have heard us this morning." Nick said anxiously.

"This might be a good thing. Why don't you say that you're seeing someone called Justine Thompson? That way you can still phone me and he won't bat an eyelid at you calling someone Just." Justin said with a triumphant grin.

"And we need a girlfriend for you after the flowers. You can say you're dating someone called Nicola Harris and her nickname is Nikki." Nick grinned it was close enough to the truth to work.

"Yeah, and they are best friends, that'll work if anyone sees us together." Justin finished.

"That could work and it's not too complicated." Kevin commented amazed at how fast the pair worked out a cover.

Nick said, "Don't say anything Kev, we'll answer any questions."

"That way you aren't too involved and you can deny knowing anything about our girlfriends." Justin finished with a snicker.

Kevin said, "Thanks. You do realise that you'll have to write a song now, right? I'll have to go I'm supposed to meet my darling wife for shopping."

"Bye, Kev." The pair said in unison.

Kevin hugged each one before leaving, giving Justin a card with both his numbers on it. He had meant it when he had told the pair he would be there. He laughed he had just go his first son in law. ******* "Any idea what we're supposed to do for a song?" Justin asked grinning at the look of confusion on Nick's face.

"No, I could kill Kev for putting all this pressure on us." Nick complained.

"It's alright love. How hard can it be?" Justin said ignoring the glare Nick sent him.

"You do know you just jinxed us, right?" Nick said with a laugh.

"Think of it this way, this song gives us the perfect excuse to spend time together. Besides, if it's good the others will leave us alone to let is write." Justin kissed Nick's cheek as he looked around for a pen and paper.

"Here you go." Nick said as he reached over to his backpack and took out a pad of paper and a pen.

Five hours later they had a rough idea for two songs and even some words. They read over the songs and grinned at each other.

Embrace The Night copyright Stephanie Macura December 2001

To the world we're only friends, No one looks behind the masks, No one sees the love we share, But they wouldn't understand us.

Away from the harsh spotlights, We are free to be ourselves, To kiss and caress free from fear, Away from the world of pain.

(chorus) So come to me in the night, Just wait until the sun's gone from the sky, In the night we can love each other, Let's embrace the night. (end chorus)

I know it hurts to hide our feelings, But I'll do anything to be with you, I'm willing to be your secret lover, Until the day when we can be free.

Lets spend just one night together, Just the night...please don't turn away, Can't you see my love burning bright? Spend this time with me until the morning light

(repeat chorus x2)

It's Over copyright Stephanie Macura December 2001

We once spent hours just talking about nothing, Now you won't even say two words to me, But I can see the truth in your eyes, We're just not meant to be.

I'll always care for you but I don't love you, I can't handle all the arguments, I'm tired of all the pain. We just hurt each other.

(Chorus) Can you see that we've reached the end? We don't love each other, It'd be wrong to stay together. We both know it's over. (end chorus)

Can you see the only answer is to break up? I can tell you feel the same by the look in your eyes, It needs to be done now before we hate each other.

Can you see what this is doing to me? So I'm saying those two little words, Words we both know are true, So I'm telling you it's over.

(repeat chorus)

"You know the second one is kind of depressing." Justin commented looking at Nick in askance.

Nick grinned, "Yeah, but we needed something depressing to go with the other happy one."

"Think the others will believe us if we tell them that we working on them for weeks?" Justin said with a grin.

"I hope so, I can't write anymore." Nick said with a sigh.

The doorbell rang, causing the pair to look up. Neither could be bothered moving, they were too comfortable. Justin was idly playing with Nick's hair as Nick's head lay on his chest.

A man shouted in shock as he walked in and saw the pair, "What the fuck?!?"

Next: Chapter 5

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