Mom Knows Best

By Stephanie M

Published on Jul 1, 2003


Title: Mom Knows Best Part 19 Author: Stephanie M Fandom: BSB/Nsync Main Pairing: Nick/Justin Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction and is does not imply anything about the sexuality of the celebrities mentioned herein. Once again, this story is fiction, i.e. not true. Just call it a product of an overactive imagination. Status: WIP Rating: NC-17 Summary: Nick and Justin discover that sometimes your mom can know you better than you know yourself. Previously:

Lance told JC that he could understand the way the older man had treated him and that he was still angry but felt they could in time return to their old friendship. Lance stated that he didn't hate anyone he had broken up with apart from Kevin. JC and Lance agreed to give Ben a warning as to what Kevin was like before there was a chance of Ben and Kevin dating.

The eleven friends found out the article published by Harry implied Nick and Justn had lied at the press conference and were in a relationship. After the article implied Kevin and Ben were sleeping together Kevin announced he was bisexual and that Kristin would use his supposed relationship with Ben in the divorce.

Ben admitted his friend Leon was possessive of him, wanting to know who he spent time with and why. After Ben told the singers that Leon had stalked him on occassion, Kevin was worried as to the danger the man present to Ben who dismissed the concerns saying Leon loved him.

Part 19

Ben smiled to himself as they walked down to the beach. He loved the soothing feeling of the sun caressing his face. Inhaling the salty air Ben wondered exactly what was going to happen in the future. Sure Johnny had promised to look into getting him a record deal but he didn't think that it was going to happen. He could sing but his voice was hardly amazing like some of the artists currently dominating the charts.

"Ben, do you want to sit down now?" Kevin asked gently ignoring the looks the rest of his friends were throwing his way. He was just looking out for Ben because the man had helped him come to terms with his past and the present. Who cared if Ben was beautiful both inside and out? Or that his feelings for Lance weren't as strong as he professed them to be? Lance had always been a dream of his, the thought of Lance had kept him from losing it when the weight of his marriage felt unbearable.

"That would be nice. What's it like out?"

Kevin looked around. "The sky is a clear light blue but to the west it changes into a bright pink. The two colours have swirled together to create a majestic violet colour, it looks like something you would see in a movie."

As Kevin gently directed him to the waiting towel Ben took the chance to ponder the older man's words. Kevin's description called up images in his mind and for a second Ben actually felt like he was seeing the sky again.

"There are few people who can give such a emotive description of anything as mundane as the sky. What is everyone doing?"

"Howie, Joey and Chris are arguing about what station they want on the radio. Nick and Justin are walking towards us laughing about something. AJ and JC seem to be discussing something serious. Lance and Brian are sitting beside us soaking up the rays."

"That reminds me, sunscreen! Can someone put this on me?" Ben said as he reached into his backpack feeling around for the bottle he knew was in there.

"I'll do that, Ben!" Lance said giving Kevin a warning look. With a smile he continued, "Just turn over and I'll do you."

Placing the cold liquid in his hands he gave it a chance to warm up before gently placing it on Ben's shoulders. He grinned at his best friend's shiver, working quickly he massaged it into the skin noticing the scars on Ben's back. Lance heard the dark haired man gasp when he reached them, drawing the attention of Kevin, Nick, Justin and JC who looked at them in shock. The faint scars covered the upper part of Ben's back, they were clearly made by a knife, the cuts were too sharp for it to be anything else.

Feeling the eyes on him Ben said quickly, "How bad are they? Sarah says they are not obvious but I feel a though I may as well be wearing a sign."

"They're not bad. How the hell did they happen?" JC said reassuringly.

"A gift from an former boyfriend," Ben said slowly.

Justin snarled, "SHIT! Did you press charges?"

"No, I didn't feel strong enough to do it."

Needing more information so he could alert the bodyguards to the danger the man posed Kevin asked gently, "What was his name?"

Remembering the good times they had shared Ben gave a bittersweet smile, "Andre Wilson and he was an artist. He always called me his muse. Now to change the subject, I'm going to call Leon. Can you get my phone from my pack?"

JC carefully went through the bag until he found it. "Here you go."

Switching it on Ben dialled the number of his friend's home knowing Leon would be awake. He smiled when he heard the sleepy request to say who was calling, "Its Ben, you lazy lout!"

Leon said excitedly, "BEN! I called your sister but she wouldn't tell me anything. What are you doing in Florida?"

"I'm staying with some friends and I had a job interview."

"Are you staying with Jamie?" Leon asked accusingly, saying the other man's name with a sneer.

"No, I'm in a hotel. Anyway its none of your business." Ben answered with his eyes closed as he relaxed against the rocks.

Leon shouted, "So you say. I opened the magazine to find Kevin Richardson fucking draped all over you like a cheap suit! Why the hell is he hitting on you, did you tell him you were available?"

Angry at the accusation Ben snarled, "Kevin was not draped all over me, he was giving me a hug. What I do and with whom isn't your concern. We've had this talk before, Leon."

"I'm only looking after you, Ben. You need someone to protect you. I don't want some slut all over my man." Leon said while stabbing the picture of Kevin and Ben embracing with his pen.

Ben sighed at the man's words he was tired of hearing them. He didn't want to hurt Leon but he couldn't take it anymore. "Leon, I'm not a possession. I am a man with my own identity, thoughts and feelings."

"I thought you cared about me. You said you love me."

Ben swallowed nervously at the anger in his friend's voice as he said, "You are a good friend but we're not going to become anything else. I won't be involved with someone who's trying to control me."

"You need me, Ben. I know we are fated to be together and one day you will know that too, Ben." Leon said pain colouring his voice as he slammed the phone down.

"I take it the call didn't go too well?" Lance asked seeing the blind man's dejected pose.

Ben said ruefully, "You could say that. Leon was pretty angry that Kevin was draped all over me like a cheap suit to use his words. I told him that Kevin wasn't doing anything of the sort and that he had no right to dictate how I run my life. He thinks we are destined to be together. Luckily we've had new locks fitted back home."

"You think he's going to hurt your sister?" Kevin asked alarmed at the thought of the woman alone and vulnerable.

Ben shook his head, "No, he'll be fine after he cools down. My sis can take care of herself."

"I hope you're right. Want to come for a walk with me, Ben?" Lance said giving JC a meaningful look, it was time to tell Ben some truths about Kevin.

Ben nodded, "It sounds great, Jamie."

"It's a plan, we'll go and get some ice creams." Lance said putting one hand on his friend's arm, leading the way.

As the pair walked away Kevin felt a surge of jealousy, how dare Lance just come over and take Ben away? He was going to discuss everything over with Ben, he had so much he wanted to know about his friend. Kevin ignored the part of his mind insisting that it was Lance he was supposed to be jealous over. He couldn't be jealous of Ben, when he looked at the brunette his first instinct was to protect and nurture. He had told Ben he was in love with Lance but did he really feel that way? Was he in love with the Lance Bass that existed now or the Lance he had created in his mind? ******* "Lie down babe and I'll put some lotion on you." Justin and seriously waiting until his lover did so to straddle Nick's waist loving the sparkling mischief in the older man's blue eyes.

"What are you going to do to me now you've got me at your mercy?"

"Make you tremble underneath me of course." Justin said in a no nonsense tone.

Throwing one hand over his head like a damsel in distress Nick said melodramatically, "Ravish me then, you brute."

"I didn't say anything about ravishing." Justin admonished as he attacked, tickling his lover mercilessly delighting in the resulting giggles.

Feeling a part of his anatomy stiffen as Nick trembled enticingly below him, Justin focused on the most disgusting thing he could imagine to dampen his arousal, Lou in a bikini. It worked like always causing Justin to smile widely as he squirted the lotion on Nick's chest smoothing it into the skin making a serious effort to keep it short. Knowing if he concentrated on the feel and sight of Nick's body, Justin kept thinking about the upcoming tour.

"Just, ready to do my back now?" Nick asked when his boyfriend moved off him he took that as an affirmative. Lying back down he waited for Justin to continue, giving a satisfied sigh when the blonde did.

Howie was watching the pair in confusion, they were seriously in lust if not love. Maybe Justin wasn't as bad as he thought? If Nick was involved with him then it was obvious that there was more to Justin than met the eye.

"What's got you so worked up, Howie?" Chris asked while watching Howie watching the lovebirds.

"Nick and Justin seem happy together. As Nick's friend I should be happy for him and get to know Justin."

Joey interjected, "I think so, we're going to get to know Nick properly. JC will probably want to make sure he's good enough for Justin."

"What do you mean by that?" Brian growled angry at the insinuation that Nick wasn't good enough.

Joey explained, "Nothing, but C tends to be a little overprotective. He didn't let Lance go on dates with anyone unless he could chaperone."

JC blushed knowing he couldn't tell them the truth. He had only been so protective of Lance because the blonde meant so much to him. Even when he hadn't admitted his feelings, JC had know that Lance was perhaps the most important person in his life.

Chris laughed, "Not that anything would happen in light of Lance's sexuality."

"So you think the puppies look good together?" AJ drawled amused at the thought of JC interrogating Nick over his intentions towards Justin.

Kevin admitted, "They do actually. I realised that right away."

"How exactly did you find out about them?" JC asked suspiciously having noticed the relationship between the pair had come as no surprise to Kevin.

Kevin admitted, "I went to Nick's so we could discuss the Enquirer article. While we were talking Justin shouted a question out to Nick calling him babe. They told me they were seeing each other and I agreed to provide them with a cover story if they needed. They look happy together, so they should be together. Happiness is fleeting."

Justin looked up hearing the phrase Lance had used was there more to Kevin and Lance's relationship than he knew? Taking a deep breath he asked carefully, "Who told you that, Kevin?"

Kevin shrugged, "No one. Its what I told an ex of mine once, its true though. Most of the time people are just comfortable not happy."

"That's a sad way of looking at life." JC said softly even knowing how much Kevin had hurt Lance he still felt sorry for the Backstreet singer. What kind of life did Kevin have if he spent most of his life unhappy? ******* "What's wrong, Jamie?" Ben asked softly as the pair walked in silence, he knew his friend wanted to talk to him about something important.

Lance decided to just come out with it, "I need to tell something important. Kevin Richardson was my first boyfriend. We were together for years but we broke up."

"I know. He is the Scott from your emails, right?"

"NO! Where did you get idea from?" Lance asked aghast.

Ben explained, "His middle name is Scott and I know you dated. Kevin told me about it last night."

Lance shook his head frantically, "Kevin's middle name is Scott but he wasn't the one I was talking about. By Scott I meant JC, he's the one I'm in love with."

"Oh. So what do you need to tell me about Kevin?"

Before his best friend could interrupt Lance said, "I know you two aren't dating but if you are heading in that direction then you need to know what Kevin's really like. We broke up because he wanted children and he wanted someone he could date openly. He said that he couldn't be with me because he would miss out on them."

"He's not like that now." Ben said seriously not wanting to tell Lance the real reason Kevin had broken up with the blonde. Kevin had told him the truth in confidence and he wouldn't betray his friend like that.

"He might not be but I just wanted to warn you. I don't want you to be hurt by him. You deserve someone who loves you."

Ben shifted nervously, "There's only one person who loves me and that's Leon. I thought I loved him but being here...getting away from him has made me realise that it was an infatuation. Sarah was right, she was always telling me I wasn't truly in love with him."

Lance hugged his friend saying reassuringly, "I know there is someone out there for you. As much as I hate to say it Kevin does care about you, it obvious in the way he acts around you and how much he watches you."

"He's a friend, I feel like I have known him years instead of days." Ben said half to himself.

Lance looked out at the ocean, "That's good. I guess we should go back to the others now. I just wanted to give you a heads up. I didn't want you to get involved with Kevin without knowing what he's capable of."

"Thanks for looking out for me, Jamie." Ben said seriously as they started walking towards their friends. ******* Leon Golding couldn't believe what that slut Kevin had done, steeling Ben from him. He knew the blind man was his and that they were supposed to spend the rest of their lives together. His only option was to go to Orlando and show Ben that he was the only one the younger man was supposed to be with and woe betide Kevin if he got in the way.

Going to the computer he opened his browser going straight to the airline's website, booking a flight for Orlando in two days time. Two days was plenty of time to plan his reunion with Ben and just how he was going to prove his devotion in a way no one could ever doubt.

End Part 19

"You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can't, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world... The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way ... people look at reality, then you can change it." -- James Arthur Baldwin (1924-87), American writer, critic

Next: Chapter 16

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