Mom Knows Best

By Stephanie M

Published on Aug 4, 2002


Title: Mom Knows Best 14/? Author: Stephanie M Fandom: BSB/Nsync Pairing: Nick/Justin Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction and is does not imply anything about the sexuality of the celebrities mentioned herein. Once again, this story is fiction, i.e. not true. Just call it a product of an overactive imagination. Status: WIP Summary: Nick and Justin discover that sometimes your mom can know you better than you know yourself.

Kevin looked over at AJ with a small smile; the younger man had been there ever since Kevin had appeared outside AJ's door in a wreck. In the two days since the meeting where Lance had come out Kevin had only spent a few hours alone. It felt as if AJ really understood and Kevin needed that more than anything else.

"What's wrong?" AJ asked not taking his eyes away from the road.

Kevin blushed quickly searching for something to say, "Nothing. I was just wondering what we're going to do about Nick and Justin."

AJ said thoughtfully, "They love each other and nothing we can say or do will change that. It makes sense in a way, the two heartthrobs of the groups getting together. This way they don't have to worry about someone trying to use them for their fame."

"Yeah. They're lucky though," Kevin said wistfully.

Kevin thought he and Kristen would be together forever but he was wrong. He could clearly remember having doubts on their wedding day. He had put it down to wedding day jitters. What he remembered most of all about that day was thinking that AJ looked gorgeous before reminding himself of an oath he made privately years ago, don't ever have sex with your band-mates.

Intruding on Kevin's thoughts AJ asked, "You think we should call D again?"

Kevin said with a sigh, "There's no point, he won't to listen to anyone. He won't answer my calls and Nick said JC's doing the same thing with Nsync."

AJ nodded and headed towards the studio. Thinking back to their hotel room AJ wondered if he should get another room for Kevin before they headed to Orlando but shrugged away the idea. Kevin would need someone there, and AJ was more than willing to be there for the older man. He had always wanted to help when Kevin was upset but too often the man had insisted that he didn't need anyone, that he was the strong one.

AJ said seriously, "Think we should give Nick and Justin another talk on being careful?"

Kevin shook his head, "They know, I think they just lost themselves in the moment."

"It must be nice to do that. I don't think I've ever felt that way," AJ said in a wistful tone.

"Yeah, I hope they can get through Ben's appearance."

"I still think you're wrong about him being Nick's ex." AJ said making Kevin roll his eyes.

Kevin had spent the last two days trying to convince AJ that Nick and Ben had been involved. AJ refused to believe him, insisting that they would have seen some sign.

"I'm not. God, the tour will be a disaster if Nick and Justin break up!" Kevin said as he opened the door. ******* Nick looked at his lover and smirked, Justin looked like he wanted to deck JC. A sentiment Nick could understand. He wondered what they were going to do about JC and Howie when they were on tour. It didn't seem fair on the fans to have the groups arguing this way.

"So how do you feel about the latest rumours about you and Justin, Nick?" Carson asked going straight for the throat.

Nick smiled, "I don't really think about them. Its something we're used to, people can think what they want."

"Interesting. What does Britney think of the rumours, Justin?" Carson asked trying to get some reaction from them.

Justin said with a shrug, "She doesn't care about them. None of us do, rumours are part of the business."

"What's planned for the tour?" Carson asked getting away from the taboo topic.

Lance grinned as he answered, "We're going to do a couple of numbers together and there are some original songs."

"You should hear the ones TimberNick wrote, they're great!" AJ said enthusiastically, elbowing Nick at the same time.

"TimberNick?" Carson questioned in confusion.

"He means Nick and I," Justin answered with a smile looking at Nick for a second before both burst into laughter.

"So is that your writing name?" Carson asked smiling at them.

"No! Its just a nickname." Nick answered for both of them.

"A rather unusual one, seeing how it combines both your names." Carson said giving them a pointed look.

Justin shrugged, "We've got unusual friends. Its because of the rumours and because we've have been hanging together a lot while we're writing the songs."

"Now we've got some questions for you from the audience." Carson said turning to a nearby tall redhead girl.

The girl blushed, "I was just wondering if you were planning on doing any solos, Lance."

Lance thought about the question before saying. "Not yet, but the arrangement of show hasn't been finalised."

"I was wondering what you all think about the stories your fans write about you." A teenage boy about seventeen asked, his voice carrying through the studio.

"They're interesting." Kevin said honestly.

Chris nodded, "Yeah. In a way it shows how much our fans care about us."

JC smiled at the audience, "I like that our fans care about us so much, that they care enough to imagine how we would behave in different situations."

Carson asked wanting to regain control of the show, "So when is the first tour date?"

"Three weeks today in Orlando -" Nick said not reacting when Justin interrupted him.

Justin said enthusiastically, "It'll be great to play in our home town!"

"Sounds great!" Carson said as the show cut to the advertisements.

The groups thanked Carson for the interview before leaving the studio for to the airport as the groups were all going to Orlando for the next the next week for interviews. Lance, Kevin, AJ, Nick and Justin were in the first car while the others drove behind them in the second. They all agreed it was probably a bad idea for the gay members of the groups to be that close to Howie and JC, it was safest for everybody that way. Nick couldn't help but feel sorry for the others who had to put up with JC and Howie.

"Are you going to tell the others about you two?" Kevin asked the cuddling couple.

Nick nodded, "After we've finished rehearsals so we can make sure the fans get a decent show. It wouldn't be fair to them otherwise."

"Does JC know that Nick is staying with you?" Lance asked worried as he imagined the older man's reaction.

Justin sighed, "Yeah. He's not happy about it. He told Nick to stay away from me."

"I need to talk to Johnny about getting Ben onto our floor." Lance said absently.

"Why?" Kevin questioned worried, thinking about the possibility of Nick and Justin breaking up like he feared.

Nick answered with a sigh, "Oh, he's coming on tour for a while. He's just lost his job and could do with a break."

"How did that happen?" AJ questioned shocked for when he had met the man years ago Ben had seemed to be the man who took his responsibilities seriously.

Lance blushed, "My fault. I called him and said I needed his help. He came here for me and his boss wasn't happy."

"He's gone back to sort everything out with his sister. She'll take care of everything after he comes out."

"What does he do?" Kevin asked wondering if they could get the man a job. That way he could make sure Ben kept away from Nick and Justin.

Justin smiled, "He worked in the morgue writing up the reports but he has gone back to see a modelling agency. With his looks he shouldn't find it difficult to get a job with them."

"How are you doing Kev?" Nick asked worried about how Kevin was coping after Kristen's betrayal.

"Okay. Luckily I haven't been alone through everything. I filed for divorce yesterday." Kevin said smiling at AJ and missing Justin's questioning look at Nick.

"Who's joining us later?" Nick said changing the subject.

"As for as I know it's O-Town and Britney. Have you told her about you two?" Kevin said carefully.

Justin shrugged, "Not yet. She won't care."

Kevin didn't say anything taking the younger man's word for it. He guessed Nick and Justin must have talked about it because Nick hadn't freaked like he had expected. He knew Nick tended to be pretty possessive about his partners; they all were in a way. ******* "Hey, Benny. How did it go?" Sarah asked as she picked up her phone with a grin.

Ben smiled, "Okay. Jaime is apparently Lance Bass out of Nsync and I met up with Nick."

"Oh. You going to be okay with seeing Nick? I know how much you loved him." Sarah asked concerned.

Ben shrugged, "Nick's with someone and he's happy. Anyway, Jamie is who I'm interested in."

"Is he as nice as you thought?" Sarah asked seeing the need to change the subject.

"Yeah. He even said I could sleep in his room if I was worried about being in a new environment. I told him about what happened with Kay, he was a little mad and I think he's felling guilty. I'm coming back home in a couple of days and then we can join them on tour if we want."

Sarah smirked, "That sounds interesting. I think I'll stay here. You go and have a good time, you've still got da's money if you need it."

Felling the watch he was wearing Ben grinned saying, "I will. I've got to go, we're about to go to Orlando were I'm going to hang with them. Jamie got a few bad reactions so I think he needs me around as a friend not a love interest."

"Okay. Be careful and call me if you need anything. You know Lance might not need a lover for a while."

"I know. See you, sis." Ben said hanging up the phone and waiting expectantly.

"Hey Benny!" Justin shouted excitedly as they walked into the VIP room of the airport to find the man waiting.

"Hi J. We should go. The plane will ready in a couple of minutes." Ben said with smile.

"How are you? Not worrying about the flight?" Lance said putting an arm around the older man's shoulders.

Ben smirked, "What's to worry about being in a piece of metal thousands of feet in the air? How many times have I told you that if God meant for us to fly he would give his wings?"

"Just what I didn't want to hear!" Brian said with a groan, he hated flying at the best of times.

"The plane is ready, gentlemen." A young woman said walking into the room and leading the way out.

The eleven boarded the plane with Lance, Ben and Brian sitting together so that they could keep Howie and JC away. The pair still treated Lance coldly and no one could be sure how they would react to Lance being so close to Ben. Opposite the three Nick and Justin sat with Chris who was immediately put on his headphones. Kevin and AJ sat together talking quietly amongst themselves causing Joey with was sitting with them to feel like a third wheel. JC and Howie were sitting at the back where they couldn't see Lance, which had been a deliberate move on the behalf of their friends.

End Part 14

Next: Chapter 11: Mom Knows Best 1 15

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