Molding Clay

By Blake Dupont

Published on Jun 6, 2023


Coach walked into the kitchen with the boy in tow to grab some water while he processed the request. Coach had to be sure he'd just heard that correctly. The kid wanted him to take his virginity? To be honest, every fiber in his being wanted to jump on that train as quickly as possible, but instead, he needed to know that the boy knew what he was really asking for. The coach turned and took Clay's hands in his larger ones as he spoke, gently rubbing his thumbs up and down the back of the kid's own.

"Clay... I'd be happy to be that person for you, but are you certain that you're ready for that? It isn't exactly a big deal to lose your virginity, but in a very big way it also is. I mean, and this isn't even me being cocky so much as honest, you've seen my size... It's gonna hurt no matter how gentle I am. I know it probably seems silly to be cautious, considering what we've done already, but it's different. Someone's first time matters. I don't want you to regret that yours was with me someday." Clay listened to the man quietly. He was appreciative of the gesture, and he honestly did weigh the advice Coach had just given him, but he KNEW he wanted this. He KNEW he wanted him.

"If you don't want me to regret my first time, Coach, then I guess you'd better make sure it's pretty great then, huh?" Clay couldn't help but smile at the man after he said that, maybe because it was fun to challenge his mentor a little. Coach simply couldn't resist smiling at the remark either. Challenge accepted.

"I'll do my best kid." Coach brought their entwined hands up to his lips and gave the boy's a light kiss before standing up, pulling Clay up with him as he did so. He looked the boy softly, a faint smile on his lips, and spoke again.

"Well, shall we?" His head motioned towards the bedroom as he asked his question.

"After you, Coach." The kid didn't need to tell him twice. Coach Duncan, surprising Clay entirely, released his hands, bent down just a little, wrapped his arms around the boy's waist, and, (quite literally,) swept him off his feet. He adjusted the kid's weight just a bit so he was now holding him bridal style, his powerful forearms supporting him by the bend of his knees and on his back, a hand grasped over one shoulder for grip. Clay instinctually flailed a bit and moved his arms to hold himself up, clamping himself tightly around the coach's neck. Not that Coach minded at all, he simply looked down into the eyes of his boy and kissed him gently in his arms.

When they withdrew from the kiss, Coach turned and started down the hall, holding his precious cargo tightly against his wide chest as he did so. When they reached the room, he gently laid the boy on his back with his knees up and on the bed. The bigger man scooted himself on the bed immediately after, right between the kid's legs. He slid his knees forward, parting the boy's own as he did so, until he leaned forward and rested his elbows on either side of the boys shoulders. The coach's crotch was now pressed against the boy's butt and his body pressed lightly on his own. His head hung above the kid's, staring intently down at him. Clay realized he'd stopped breathing for the last few seconds. Coach gave him a moment to catch that breath as he whispered to the kid.

"Before we get naked and too worked up, What position do you want to be in? I want this to be perfect for you kid." Clay's heart was beating out of his chest at that moment, he felt like it was all he could hear as the man above him patiently waited for an answer.

"I can't think of anything better than looking you in the eyes like this, Coach..." It was the truth. The kid was positively star struck in this position, his view of the rough, powerful man above him gazing down so tenderly towards him encompassed every desire he could think of and even more that he couldn't. He wanted that man inside of him, there wasn't a single doubt left in regards to that.

Coach smiled down at the boy, lowered his face closer to his own, and gave him a gentle kiss on the bridge of his nose before leaning back up on his knees. The man was still in his T-shirt, cargo shorts, and tennis shoes from the day, but not for much longer. Slowly, almost too slowly for the impatient boy beneath him, the man crossed his arms downwards in front of his shirt. He gripped the hem on the bottom with both hands, and, quite magnificently so, peeled the tight shirt off and up his bulky frame. The kid was getting a mesmerizing view of his abdominal, shoulder, and pectoral muscles flexing powerfully with the twisting motion as he removed the cloth. Clay didn't think he could ever get tired of watching that man take a shirt off. Coach Dunc. paused for a second to look back down at the boy and smirked a bit at the expression he saw on his face. He was clearly doing a fine job making it amazing for the kid already.

He unbuttoned his cargo shorts next and let them slide down his thighs to rest on the bedding, revealing he was already pretty damn hard underneath his jock to the kid. He leaned once to the left and then to the right, unhooking both knees from the shorts and then pulling them off completely, throwing them to join the shirt on the floor. Coach rested his massive hands on the boy's knees after he had disrobed near fully. The kid was just in basketball shorts and his underwear beneath, so it didn't take the coach long to shed both layers from the boys waist. His fingertips lightly grazed the skin down the boy's thighs as he did so, emitting a shudder from Clay, who was now completely naked, on his back, and staring up at the most erotic sight he'd ever seen in his life. So far anyways.

Coach hooked his thumbs on the elastic band of his jock, never breaking eye contact with his boy, and slowly eased it down, his thick cock was being revealed centimeter by centimeter as the fabric slid silently over the tool. Clay was helpless to not watch. Eventually, the plump head popped free of the band and stood at full salute, pointing cheerily at the boy's face, seemingly in anticipation of what was to come. Clay swallowed nervously.

The larger man hooked his hands under the boy's knees and gently lifted his rear end up while pulling the kid back, bringing the cute little ass to rest on his chest, slightly below his chin. He moved the kid's legs to either side of his head, partially flashed that sensational grin of his to the boy, and lowered his face.

Clay audibly gasped and instinctively clutched his hands at the bedding below, unconsciously bracing himself with a fistful in each. His legs tightened around his coach's neck as a warm, wet tongue gently and thoroughly lapped at his hairless, exposed ring. The coach was keeping his tongue flat at first, licking up the boys crack in steady rhythm, savoring the sweet flavor as he coated the flesh in his saliva. Then, seemingly out of the blue, he hardened it, defining the tip into a point, and pressed into the ring. Coach's tongue became the first thing to penetrate the virgin ass he was now feasting upon. And Clay almost busted right then and there.

"Fuck! Jesu-a-aah! Coa-!!" Clay was failing to form any words as the intruder continued its steady, thorough task. He felt like his eyes were going to cross and his dick erupt on his chest from the pleasure. His hands clenched and unclenched helplessly as he was shown no mercy from the wild muscle. Coach began to dip his tongue in and out of the boy's hole now, cupping it with spit before forcing the lubricant a few inches deep in the kid's tunnel. Clay's toes were curling in response to the latest motion. Coach didn't let up for the next few minutes, ignoring the squeals and squirms of his boy beneath him as he continued feasting on the puckered, untouched asshole, shifting the motions of his tongue constantly.

Clay had began to give up hope that he'd survive the sensational lapping, but eventually, the relentless rimjob did stop. Coach lowered the kid's ass back down, practically having to pry the boy's legs off of his neck to do so, and let his pulsing length slide eagerly up the boys crack, following the groove between the cheeks as his own spit slicked it up. Eventually the head pushed his hanging balls up and out of the way as it caught the from the back while gliding across its course. To be honest, Coach had completely forgotten about getting lube, so he had to be sure there was plenty of spit deposited to do the job. He was confident he'd forced enough up inside the boy from his efforts just now, but he knew the kid would need to prepare him also.

Coach sat up off his legs and back to his knees, and slid himself backwards, stepping off the bed to stand up straight. The boy looked at the man a bit confused at first, but Coach told him to turn so his head was hanging off of the bed. The kid obeyed and got into positon quickly enough. Coach stepped forward until the tip of his raging manhood pressed against the boy's lips. The kid didn't need any coaxing to open his mouth up, allowing the hot pillar of flesh to spear passed his lips.

Coach was gently gliding his cock in and out the boy's mouth, only pushing a few inches in at first, slowly gaining a little ground with each press forward. Clay was feverishly swirling his tongue around as much of the girth as he could manage as the coach did so. When Clay felt the man pressing against the back of his throat once again, he did as he was taught the previous night and swallowed, letting the head push passed the ring leading to his throat. He found the dick was a little easier to handle at this angle, and it didn't take long before Coach's swinging, musky ballsack started gently clapping against his nose and eyes. He'd swallowed the entire dick again, focusing on breathing in the heavenly scent when he had a chance and doing everything he could manage with his mouth and throat to stimulate pleasure for the rod as it rocked in its place down the tight passage.

Coach was enjoying the treatment, even more so enjoying watching the outline of his cock as he stretched the throat around it, but getting a blowjob wasn't why he was here tonight. It was about preparing the kid. So he slid his hips forward and held his cock in place, buried to the base in the boy's mouth, whose jaw was pried open as it struggled to accommodate something that size. Before Clay started choking too much, Coach had leaned forward across the kid's body and grabbed the boy's ass with his hands. He pulled the ass towards his mouth as he curled the boy up to reach it. Clay did choke when he felt the tongue suddenly press into his ass again. He choked and sputtered and gagged on all 9 inches of Coach's cock as it was held firmly down his esophagus. The older man must've left it there for at least 30 seconds while he viciously assaulted the boy's sweet hole once more as roughly and thoroughly as he could manage. Clay was about to panic as what little breathing he could do around the large tool wasn't providing nearly enough oxygen to his body, all the while his coach was driving immense pleasure through his backside, but The older man released the boy's rear and let it fall back to the bed before he slid his hips backwards and let the kid take in a huge breath of fresh air. The coach looked down at the watery eyes and spoke empathetically.

"I know you probably want to rest after that, but this spit's all the lube we've got right now kid, so we can't waste the time and let it dry." His voice shifted to his cocky one just a bit as he flashed the kid a smirk.

"Get back in position boy, it's time you get dicked down."

Clay was so high on the euphoria from the events so far that he almost didn't process what the coach told him, but he did, so he sat up and moved back to lay in the center of the bed, his knees parted and raised. His coach threw one of his own knees up and pulled his weight back on the mattress, climbing in position between Clay's spread legs, lining himself up with the boy's prepared, awaiting entrance. He grabbed the kid's hips from both sides and pulled him backwards, propping the tip of his shaft up gently against the kid's virgin, lubricated ring. Clay had suddenly began to shake lightly out of either nervousness or anticipation, quite possibly both.

"You ready Clay? We can still wait if you feel you need to." Coach's offer warmed the boy, but he was determined. Nerves or no, he was taking that fucking dick tonight.

"I'm ready Coach Duncan, make me yours." Coach leaned forward and gave the boy one final kiss, shifting his hips as he did. He pressed forward with his tongue and his waist at the same time, and he managed to pierce both of the kid's entrances simultaneously for just a brief second. Clay ended the kiss as he clenched his eyes and jaw shut, letting out a painful hiss though his teeth as he did so. His hands instinctively came up to press firmly against the coach's hairy chest to brace himself and keep him from pushing in. Not that he needed to stop him, Coach Duncan stopped himself as soon as he felt the head slip inside the warm, unbelievably tight entrance.

Coach didn't move for over a minute aside from planting tiny kisses over any part of the kid he could reach without causing the boy more discomfort. He whispered for Clay to breathe in with his nose and out through his mouth in between doing this. Clay listened eagerly, anything to ease that pain shooting up from his freshly stretched asshole. After a few more seconds of deep breathing, the sharp clenching pain seemed to subside some. Coach actually felt the kid's ass relaxing around his head now, and, after making sure the kid had his eyes locked with his own, he began to very slowly press forward again, squeezing his shaft deeper into the burning hot flesh while watching the kid below squirm and whine below his gaze to accommodate his Sir's fat dick.

Coach managed to get about three inches in the boy before eliciting a particularly sharp and pained gasp from him. Coach had found the prostate, but Clay wasn't feeling any pleasure yet.

"Yellow! Unff... Goddammit you're huge Coach..."

The older man just smiled at the remark a bit and again eased up on his assault, pausing to give the boy's body time to adjust to his intrusion. He pressed a light kiss on the boy's left nipple as he patiently waited, fighting every urge in his body to just ram the damn thing in. He replied to the boy's words after.

"I am pretty big, but it's really just that ass of yours is so tight kid." He brought one of his hands up and cupped the kid's cheek gently as he spoke. Something that made the warmth spreading through Clay intensify even more. His cheeks were flushed a crimson red, and a light coating of sweat was appearing over most his body. His death grip on the tool loosened again. This time, the coach grabbed the kid by the ankles and lifted his legs up to rest them on his broad shoulders. Coach Duncan leaned forward and slid his hands underneath the kids shoulders, clamping on both so he had a better grip on the boy. The kid's knees were now pinned to his chest and the smell of the coach's own sweat was drifting to his nose from the mans intoxicating armpits. Coach Duncan locked his lips against the boy's and moaned into the kiss with him as he slid another three inches into the tremendously tight, protesting ass.

Coach released the kiss and began pulling his tool out of the slimy hole about four inches before running it back forward again, this time, the kid did feel a pulse of unbelievable pleasure shoot from his prostate in bolts of electricity, forcing a whine and a shudder from the boy. He felt his coach press a bit further than last time, but found the ecstatic jolt to his prostate masked the pain from the stretching quite well. The older man continued this pattern, gripping the boy's shoulders firmly and grunting softly as he continued sliding his thick manhood back and forth into his tight, virgin bitch. He glanced down at the kid and saw he was looking on in awe as the fat dick would slide out of him just to be pressed back in. The kid had adjusted pretty well by this point as only barely over an inch remained of the member before he'd have taken it all. Coach slid his tool back out one more time, shifted his gaze to watch the kid's eyes, and slammed forward a bit more roughly than he had been, feeling himself spear through the flesh entirely, planting his sweaty balls firmly against the boy's smooth, adolescent ass. Coach couldn't help but relish the pained look on the boy's face a bit as he pulled the kid onto his length by his grip on the shoulders. The dominant man held pressure on his hips and grinded them against the entrance, ensuring the kid would adjust to his full length and couldn't try to squirm off of it. He leaned his head forward and lightly latched onto the kid's ear with his teeth as he did so, effectively rendering him to remain completely still while his asshole accepted its fate.

The kid was trapped beneath layers of flexing muscle and pierced entirely by the throbbing monster. His coach's beard stubble prickled his neck as his beefed up arms pulled him tightly against the muscular build, the boy's own arms and legs clenched tightly and helplessly around his Sir's neck and shoulders. His own erect cock was being squished by the coach's abdomen... Clay felt more exposed, vulnerable, full, and helpless than he ever had in his entire life... And he loved every Goddamned second of being pinned underneath his Coach, entirely at his mercy. He felt his body adjust to the final bit of girth and he felt the coach let off of his hips a bit. Coach Duncan Released his ear and looked him passionately in his eyes before he finally spoke.

"That's my boy... Yeeaahhh... You took all of Daddy Duncan's dick boy, you know what that means?" Clay looked questionably up at the man before he continued.

"It means that ass belongs to me now bitch." Coach unexpectedly slid his member out a good several inches, cocked his hips, and slammed it back balls deep into the kid. Clay let out a cry of pleasure and pain as the hefty nuts slapped against his ass, but the older man didn't let up. He kept on repeating the motion, long dicking the boy with measured thrusts and the bitch simply clung tightly to him, along for the ride.

As much as Coach loved seeing the kid pinned underneath him, taking his dick roughly, he had to switch things up a few minutes later. The man wanted the first time to be absolutely perfect for the kid after all. He slammed his dick home once more and surprised the boy as he picked him up and leaned back, the boy was now propped up and facing the man while sitting on his lap. Coach moved his rough hands to hold the kid's hips as he began picking him up. He pumped the girthy tool as deeply as he could in the boy who was now riding him. Coach paused momentarily and pulled the boy into another passionate kiss before he broke away and resumed his thrusting.

Clay was in absolute heaven. All the pain he had to endure to get to this point was more than worth it. He had expected to enjoy it in a submissive sense, the way he enjoyed being bossed around, or being forced to choke on a dick, but he never would've imagined immense pleasure such as this. The older man was hitting all the right spots and it was enthralling the boy from somewhere deep inside himself. Both parties were coated in sweat now, and Clay couldn't resist the smell coming from the rough man's armpits any longer. So as his coach pumped his dick into him, he crushed his nose between his bicep and pec, inhaling the peppery musk before letting his tongue come out to worship it. The intoxicating scent began to make Clay buck his hips in time with the coach's thrusts. Moaning into the crevice of the hairy armpit as he did so.

The coach noticed the boy's nose and tongue pressed against the slimy flesh and removed his hands from the boy's ass, the Coach adjusted their position on the bed a bit before he leaned back, letting the kid straddle the top of him as he placed his thick arms behind his head. His musky armpits were now on full display for the boy, who wasted no time burying his face in the first one. Clay instinctively kept pushing his hips back on the fat dick while the coach thrusted it into his ass from beneath. All the while the kid grinding his face into the heavenly smelling stink of that crevice. He could feel the damp hairs protruding from the pit smearing the sweat all across his face as the scent flooded his sensory department. He wanted to bathe himself completely in that musky, intoxicating fluid as wave after wave of euphoria washed over him from both his head and ass. Coach Duncan thought it was the hottest Damned thing he'd ever seen.

He let the boy continue to soak that smell into his face for a while before he felt the kid tightening up, nearing his climax. Coach wasn't quite finished with his bitch yet though, and once again shifted positions.

Clay felt the powerful body sitting back up and disdainfully removed his face from the captivating pit, now coated heavily in the smell. Coach Duncan told him to lay on his back, and as the boy did the man stood up, bringing his ass upwards as he shifted positions. Coach continued to stand, dragging the boy's body backwards with him while he did. When only the kid's shoulders remained on the bed, the older man began to lean forward, bracing himself with one muscular arm against the headboard. The kid let his arms and legs fall over his head, he braced himself against the bed with his hands and shoulders in return. The boy's ass was now pointing straight up while his dick was pointing towards his face beneath, his piece oozed a line of precum that landed on the kid's own lips. The Coach's dick was still lodged inside of him. Coach began pounding the kid straight down into the bed at this angle relentlessly, offering no sign of slowing down or mercy and he assailed the boy's prostate with everything he had, his own climax building rapidly from the motions.

At this point, Clay could only struggle to hold his position as the thick pillar of flesh ravaged his entire body. He felt a familiar tingle where the dick was destroying his ass and he made the mistake of clenching down tightly. The contraction forced the pressure inside of him to boil over, and with a euphoric yell, he came harder than he ever would have believed possible, firing 6 spurts from his member in rapid succession. Two of the jets landed in his open, screaming mouth, only intensifying the feeling as he tasted his own discharge. The remaining shots simply painted his face with his own seed. The coach, who had been watching all of this intently as he thrusted madly into the boy, couldn't have resisted reaching his own orgasm at that point if he had wanted to. The magnificent show and the tight clenching sensation from the kid's own climax was far too much stimulation.

When coach climaxed, before the kid had even fully finished his own, he did so with a triumphant, deafening, primal roar. He increased his speed as much as he could as his balls contracted and smacked against the smooth ass loudly. He felt the first few powerful jets fire and it almost seemed as though they had vibrated the kid's guts on impact. He clenched his muscles, slammed one final time brutally into the boy, and held himself down into the ass with all the force and weight he had, his member coating the boy's intestines as his legs shook from the powerful climax. Clay was nearly being folded up by the pressure as the man forced him to take what he was giving, his own muscles pushed back against his Sir's, sealing the throbbing cock as deep as possible for a few moments.

Coach let himself collapse on the kid as his orgasm subsided, his cock still buried deep into the taken flesh. Both were trembling from the sheer thought of it all as they made eye contact once more. Coach leaned down and gave his boy a passionate kiss, taking the kid's jizz off of his own face and forcing it back into the boy's mouth, making him take all of the discharge before finally breaking away and sitting back. He gazed possessively down at the spent kid and, donning his devilish smirk, spoke deeply down at him.

"NOW you belong to me boy. I've claimed you with my load, and there's no going back. I hope you enjoyed that dick, cause you'll be serving it for a long time bitch." Clay loved that entire statement.

"I'm yours to do with as you please Sir, only yours. Use me however you feel." He could only pant and stare lustily back at the man who just fucked his brains out.

"Good Faggot, now let's get cleaned up." Coach slowly began pulling his spent cock out of the boy's hole. When it popped free, he climbed to straddle the kid's chest, placing his swollen member at his boy's mouth once again. The kid parted his lips and let his master push it down his throat once more, carrying the taste of the man's load and his own insides across his tongue. He sucked and cleaned it graciously, feeling it harden back up at the treatment. He blew the man for quite a while until he felt the balls on his chin contract and he was gifted with a second load down his throat.

Needless to say, Clay' first time wasn't "Pretty great," as he'd tasked the coach with earlier. It was fucking perfect.

Whew I think I kept a perpetual boner for 6 hours while writing that. Hope y'all enjoy it! I always love hearing the feedback guys! It only takes a minute to let me know your thoughts, and it drives me to write this more and more when I see that people enjoy it! Support your servers! Ch. 9, coming soon!

Next: Chapter 9

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