Molding Clay

By Blake Dupont

Published on Jun 5, 2023


Clay awoke in the middle of the night, surprisingly so considering everything that had happened in a single day before. He could feel his coach behind him, snuggling him closely. His warm breath lightly tickling the back of his head, a steady, even rhythm. It seemed the man could put a smile on his face even while he slept. He didn't want to move for anything in the world, But the pressure in his stomach was going to force him to. The kid really had to take a piss.

As gently as he possibly could, He started to move his coach's hefty arm off of his hip, The older man grumbled lightly in his sleep at the movement before rolling over to face the other side of the room, effectively freeing the boy. Clay pulled the corner of the bedding down, and, as lightly as possible, got out of the bed and stumbled to the bathroom, His body protesting from the strenuous activity it had yet to fully recover from. Bodily protest or not, he had made it and closed the door behind him quietly, fumbling around for the light switch in the dark before his fingers finally managed to brush over it. He turned it on and went about the business that had brought him there shortly after.

After he had finished, he turned to the sink and began running water to rinse his hands off, glancing in the mirror as he did so. His reflection showed him his own eyes that seemed tired and satisfied from the earlier events... Not to mention a mean case of bed head too. He finished washing his hands, dried them on a nearby hand towel, flicked the light switch back off, and opened the door to the bedroom. He shuffled groggily back to the warm and cozy bed he was sharing with his coach and returned to his side, careful not to disturb the older man.

He managed to lay on his back without eliciting any response or movement from the coach, and gently laid his head to rest back on the feather down pillow. The events of the previous day played in his head, from the locker room, to dinner, to his coach's magnificent orgasm that he gratefully swallowed down. Even to the events afterwards.

Shortly after Coach blew his load down the kid's throat, he had reached down and picked the boy up, placing him on the bed. After he made sure it was fine, he removed Clay's underwear. He took the boy's own 6 inch throbbing dick into his mouth expertly. Coach had very much known what he was doing, and in less than a minute, Clay had reached his climax, depositing his own jizz into the coach's mouth. Afterwards, he laid panting heavily as he bathed in the afterglow of receiving his first blowjob. (However briefly his unexperienced body had lasted.) The older man, now taking on his gentle tone again, spoke softly to the kid.

"Not bad for your second load today Clay, not bad at all," He punctuated the remark with the smile that stole a bit more of Clay's heart every time he saw it. Coach glanced up and down at the panting, naked, and spent boy sprawled out on the bed before him before continuing,

"Looks like I made quite the mess, how about we hit that shower? For real this time?" Clay nodded in agreement, too out of breath to do much more than that. Coach patted his thigh twice before offering his hand to help the kid sit up.

The pair made their way to the bathroom, Coach turning on the shower heads for both walls this time. He stepped under the stream of water coming from the left before he motioned Clay to the right. Clay took his place under it, The hot water soothed his aching muscles and washed some of the stink off of him. The latter part made him feel a bit sad for some reason. Coach grabbed a black bath sponge from a hook on the wall and let the water soak it thoroughly. He turned to add some body wash to it before he reached forward and gently began scrubbing the kid down. He was smiling at him as he did so before speaking.

"Let's talk Clay. A lot of things just went down in that bedroom, and I need to know that you were alright with them." He never broke eye contact.

"Coach, it was a lot... but I meant what I said earlier, I like the thought of being yours, I like you teaching me about sex, I like learning about some of the kinks I never expected I'd enjoy, I like how you make sure I'm ok afterwards... But more than anything, Coach, is that I REALLY like just being around you... This has been one of the best days I've had in a long time, and I believe I will always look back to this night and be happy I experienced that stuff with you. I know you worry for my well being, but I really do enjoy the things you do to me, I like it when you degrade and punish me, I like it when you order me around... And I liked taking anything that monster between your legs put down my throat Coach." Clay didn't lie about one single part. Coach Duncan only listened to the kid intently, kneeled down, and continued scrubbing the boy's lower body as he talked.

"You said earlier you knew my dad was a prick to me... You're right, he is. He degrades me too. He orders me around too. He calls me a faggot too. He smacks me when I fuck up too... But what he's never done is actually let me know he cared about me. He's never made me feel safe. Never made me feel appreciated... Not like you do Coach..." The kid's voice trailed off at the last part, and unsurprisingly, Coach saw he was starting to cry. The older man set the sponge aside and stood up, He pulled the kid into a tight embrace and simply let him cry it out, Clay shakily clutched the man while he just stood there and let the tears fall, washed away with the rest of the water.

Coach believed this was probably another first timer for the kid, The first time he really got to vent those feelings to another person, so he knew the best thing he could do for him was only listen and hold him tight, letting him know he was there for him. The kid's sobs began to die down, and coach loosened his embrace, instead moving his hands to hold the kid by both of his arms, tilting his head down at him. He gave the boy a gentle kiss on his forehead before he finally did speak.

"You don't realize how happy I am to hear that kid. I know I can be pretty rough during play, but those kinks and sessions won't define how I feel about you. You need to know that playtime is only playtime, and, unless you request it, outside of it I will NEVER harm you or make you feel unworthy of love... And that includes loving yourself too boy..." The words weren't lost on Clay. He appreciated them more than the coach could ever know. Coach spoke again.

"But I really do like owning you kid, You need to know I'm enjoying our time together too, and I can only hope you'll let me continue to do do. If you'll agree to be mine, I promise I'll make sure I will live up to the title of your Sir. I'll keep you safe, I'll ensure your needs are taken care of, and I'll care for you deeply in any way that I'm able... I'll probably still slap you around in the bedroom sometimes. Though, only IF you're alright with it boy, all that stuff is fun for me, but it's not something I'm gonna require from you. I'm fine with simple, sweet, passionate sex too. Clay managed to get his emotions in check as his coach spoke to him, Finally allowing himself enough breath back to reply.

"I'd very much like that coa... I'd very much like that Sir... MY Sir." Clay leaned forward and planted his lips firmly on the coach's own.

Clay's thoughts of the previous day were disrupted by his Sir stirring in the bed beside him, rolling over and staring at the kid peacefully.

"You ok?" Even in the darkness, Clay knew he was giving him that smile he had come to adore.

"Absolutely Coach." Clay turned on his side and slid back under the sheets to be met with one his coach's bulky biceps reaching over his chest and pulling him back against him. His own naked form was cradling the kid's.

"Goodnight, boy."

"Goodnight, Sir."

Clay's thoughts didn't disturb him for the rest of the night as he peacefully faded off into a deep sleep, being held so tenderly by the man he had grown so fond of within the events of a single day. The first Saturday of Spring Break.

Clay awoke quite a few hours later, slowly coming to life under the bundle of covers. His body was still sore, but he felt comfortable enough considering everything. He glanced over his shoulder at the coach's side of the bed finding it empty. His disappointment was evident upon his face. That was, of course, before he noticed the note on his nightstand.

"I had a few errands to run. I'll be back before you miss me too much kid! See you shortly. Figured you would appreciate sleeping in. Help yourself to the fridge, and make yourself at home. If it's not too much trouble, I'd like you to dig a little bit into the bdsm world online. Try to find out some of things you may want to try and eliminate things you definitely don't . There is an actual test to see where you align with certain kinks. I'd like you take it, and send me your answers when you're done. Consider it your homework. It'll help me understand what you are and are not into so I can be a better Sir for you. I've listed my number below, message me if you need anything or have any questions!

"P.s. Enjoy your present, I left it incase you miss me." -Coach Dunc.

The note made clay smile, But not nearly as much as Coach's present left beneath it. The jockstrap from last night was folded neatly in two, clearly left so Clay had something to sate himself with. It was simple, but appreciated. Clay indulged himself with a few sniffs before reaching for his phone.

He took the man's advice and researched more into the kink world,. Nearly two hours later, he had a pretty good idea at what some of his hard limits would be, as well as a better grasp on his roles. He was astonished by some of the things he'd researched.

Clay had started with the basics; rope play, piss play, degradation, (Both physical and mental,) and then moved on to some more obscure ones, like pup play, fisting, and even primal hunter/prey. He was keeping a list of the good and bad, in the end, he had learned a lot about himself.

Scat, blood, needles, fisting, and unnecessary pain seemed to be the main ones on his "Abso-fucking-lutely NOT," list. He didn't feel he'd have to dig much deeper than that for his coach to know what he'd placed as off limits. A literal vice around his balls did NOT sound like an enjoyable experience to the kid. Chastity on the other hand he was intrigued by. The thought of being forced to rely on Coach Dunc to receive his pleasure was pretty kinky sounding to the boy.

Some of what he did want to try threw him off guard him a bit. Things he'd never even considered or imagined doing that coaxed quite a reaction from his buried dark side he was slowly uncovering. One, for instance, was pup-play. He'd watched a few short clips of boys on all 4 in their hoods, tails, and on their leashes while they performed various acts for their Sirs. (Though he learned shortly enough that they were referred to as "Handlers," in this case.) He wasn't sure why it spoke to him, but he knew he'd want to try it. Perhaps he merely appreciated the way the handlers gave orders, some of them even trained their "Pups," with hand signals.

Another thing that deeply caught his attention was bondage. He liked the idea of being tied up and helpless at his Sir's mercy, having all control stripped away from him... But even more surprisingly, he liked watching the subs secure their doms also, taking control of the situation and riding them for all they were worth. He wasn't sure if Coach would let him have that kind of control, but he figured there was no harm in asking.

Considering his reaction to the jockstrap the previous day and night, He immediately knew armpit worship was something he was going to love, hell, body worship in general. Especially since his Sir had such an amazing body to do so with. He relished the thought of getting to bury his face in the sweaty flesh anywhere on his coach!

He already knew what other things he liked and most of them could be wrapped up as degradation. Verbal, spit, humiliation, some light slapping, hair pulling, and, of course, piss. All things he'd already been exposed to, So he took another whiff of the jock and moved on to the test.

There were roughly 70 or so questions on the test covering much of what Clay had just researched. He tried to answer honestly and the results didn't surprise him too much. He ranked high as a sub, slave, pet, brat, switch, urinal, both rope bunny and rigger, experimentalist, age player, and primal prey. He scored far lower on the dom, master, handler, tamer, hunter and sadist side of things. He wasn't sure how accurate the test really could be, but It seemed to be close enough. He screenshotted the results, attached his list of interests and limits, and he messaged it to his coach as instructed. A few moments later, his coach replied.

"Good boy, I skimmed over it a bit and I have some ideas. I'll review everything more thoroughly and get back to you. I should be home in roughly 2 hours or so. Send me your favorite color also, I'll need it for something. Hope you're enjoying your lazy day kid. "

Clay first answered the coach with "Yellow," and since his task was now finished for the time being, he laid backwards on the bed and let himself drift back to his sleep. His mind was swirling and processing the information he'd taken in until he managed to slip under for what only seemed like a few minutes. He was awoken by Coach Duncan pressing a gentle kiss on his lips a little over two hours later. The kid woke up to a smile, and a question.

"Afternoon boy! Did you enjoy your rest?"

"Absolutely, didn't realize how tired I really was I guess." He punctuated this remark by sitting up and stretching his arms and arching his back into the air, releasing an enormous yawn as he did so.

Coach eyed the arched back mischievously for a moment before he turned his attention back to the kid's eyes.

"I've got you a few things... I figured they would help. I'm setting some restrictions and rules in place, kid. They aren't only for you though. You up to having that conversation right now?" The older man raised an eyebrow and a white plastic shopping bag as he ended that question. Clay was still caught up on "I've got you a few things." His mind curiously wondered about that part... He didn't mind talking to the man first though. He liked talking to Coach.

"Yeah Coach, what's up?"

"Well, lets start with this..." The bigger man pulled something from the bag, something that made Clay's heart and dick flutter simultaneously. Coach was holding a black leather dog collar with a stripe of yellow trim sewn into both sides. It had a silver "D," hoop secured in the center that matched the buckle on the end. Clay was eagerly waiting for the explanation. He didn't wait too long either.

"I reviewed your research and test results thoroughly kid, and I must admit I was rather impressed. I did see one issue though, you don't want any unnecessary pain. Did the hard slap last night cross that border too much? Same for pushing you over with my foot and placing my weight on you? I need to know this kid."

Clay thought back to the events, He admitted the slap was a little too much. The light ones were hot, but the big one hurt and even scared him a bit... He did enjoy the man pinning him to the ground with his foot though, so he told the coach just that. The coach responded, closing his eyes as he did so.

"I see... Thank you for telling me that Clay, I won't do it again unless you ask me to. Don't be afraid to disappoint me by using your safewords. I'm more disappointed in myself for not restraining myself more, and the thought of you not saying anything when I cross a line, than I ever would be at you for speaking the truth." Coach opened his eyes and smiled at the kid before he brought the conversation back to the collar in his hand.

"So, pup play huh? I'm a bit surprised to hear that, but I definitely don't mind brushing up on my handler skills for you... But that's actually not what this collar's main purpose is, though it will help when that time comes. If you aren't wearing this collar, I won't be aggressive and you don't need to call me Sir, this rule is for both of us... I forget you're still just a kid, and I don't want to overwhelm you to satisfy my own needs. You've had enough abuse in your life already that you didn't get a say on..." Coach let his words trail off as the kid thought about what he said.

"So when I want you to be kinky and dominate me, collar on? When I need you to be kind and gentle with me, collar off? I like that idea Coach, I like that a lot." Clay smiled as he genuinely felt moved by the action. The man was giving him all the power, just as he had told him a dom should for his sub. Coach leaned in and kissed the boy's forehead before he continued, grabbing another item from the bag.

"Now THIS is strictly for pup play," The coach bore his devilish grin as he held up a black box with a picture on it. It was a picture of a neoprene pup hood, Black with yellow features. The kid actually blushed a bit at the thought of wearing it for Coach Duncan, but coach simply set it aside on the bed and pulled 2 more things from the bag. The first one was a black rubber butt plug, but from the end of it extended a long tail shape, Clay had recognized it from some of the clips he watched earlier. His blushing cheeks continued to turn brighter shades of red as he glanced to see what the last item was. It was a leather leash, about 3 and a half feet long in length, with the last 6 inches being made of metal chain with a hook on the end. Clay had to prevent himself from moaning a bit as he pictured himself on all fours kneeling in the pup hood, his face pressed against his coach's crotch, inhaling deeply. The man naked aside from a Jockstrap. He imagined his collar being tugged tightly towards the package by the leash in one hand with his Sir's other beefed up arm propped up on the back of his head, holding it firm.... His rubber tail lightly bouncing a bit from the force.

Coach was loving the sight of the blushing, beautiful boy thinking all kinds of dirty thoughts about using the gear, but he set the items aside and placed his hands on the boy's thigh now instead.

"So what do you think kid? I have some other gear we can use for other things if you'd like, but these I wanted to get especially for you. I figured if being my pup is something you enjoy the idea of it was worth exploring and more than worth the money. If you decide to pursue the pup life further and even choose a pup name, I'll have you a tag made. Sound good?" It seemed like such a strange thing to speak so openly about to Clay. Still, he was glad and thankful he had a Sir that would help him explore even parts of himself such as this. He leaned forward before he answered, his hands moving to hold the larger ones on his lap as he did so.

"I think I'm so lucky that you are the one I get to have teach me about this stuff." Clay went in for a kiss, and he wasn't denied one either. He spoke again afterwards,

"Thank you for supporting my interests, and for giving me some control with the collar Coach. It's put me at ease and also helped me decide something. Something important." The older man cocked his head slightly to the side and with a questioning glance asked,

"Oh? And what have you decided Clay?"

"I want to submit to you fully Coach. I trust you to be gentle with me. I want you to take my virginity."

Well, There you have it folks. Buttsex is next chapter. I didn't mean to give some of y'all whiplash with the extremes in the last chapter compared to this one, just wanted it all laid out on what this story will entail from here, saving you the time of continuing only to find out if it was too much. You'll see the relationship really start to grow healthily from this point. Just had to get everything set up and show a few more cards. As always, I love hearing the feedback y'all give me. It helps me balance the story and keeps me motivated to continue it. Not to mention it makes me feel pretty proud that I'm writing something and people are liking it. Thank you!

Next: Chapter 8

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