Molding Clay

By Blake Dupont

Published on Jun 3, 2023


"Is my new little plaything ready to start worshipping this dick?"

"Fuck yes, Goddamn Sir, PLEASE!" Clay was begging, laying down the rules eased any of the reservations he still held, and any it may have missed were swept out the door by the degradation anyways. Clay really was eager to start, His underwear were badly tented in anticipation, And his mind was buzzing at the treatment, He would quite literally jump off a bridge if this man ordered him to right now. No such order came.

"Save the begging for when you're begging me to stop, bitch. Though I am glad to see you're embracing the fact that you're nothing more than a thing I get to abuse." Coach grabbed a fistful of the kids hair and pulled his head backwards, his blinded face now facing up towards the man, Coach grinned menacingly and continued his verbal assault,

"Now open that pretty little mouth wide for Daddy, He wants to see your tongue."

Clay obediently complied, parting his jaw as wide as he could manage for his Sir, Even going so far as to extending his tongue out and below his bottom lip.

Coach smirked and leaned in closer to the boy's face, steadying it by the handful of hair, and inhaled deeply before spitting in the agape mouth, ordering the kid to swallow it. Clay graciously obliged, swallowing the fluid as if he hadn't had any liquid in days.

Coach straightened back up and released the kid's hair, patting it lightly after and coaxing him with a "Good boy," eliciting a smile from the bitch. Coach then kept true to his earlier promise, and brought the kid's face forward, Planting the boy's nose firmly against his trimmed, fragrant pubes, gripping the back of the kid's head and grinding it in. The base of his massive dick was being squished against the kids closed lips as he did so, The head hanging down below his chin, squirting a dose of precum onto the boy's more smooth chest.

Clay didn't know how to react, the smell assaulted his senses just as before, but coming from something pulsing and warm made it amplified. He took a heavy breath in and shuddered, moaning as he exhaled. Coach was right, It was even better from the source. He took another hefty whiff and instinctively let his lips part, His tongue sneaking out and daring a quick lap at the exposed, engorged flesh pressed against his mouth. He was in awe at how simultaneously salty, bitter, and strong it tasted, And was only beginning to process that he had just licked another man's junk for the first time before he received another slap to his face from the coach. Only this time, it wasn't so light. He cried out from the shock of it.

Coach smacked him with enough force to cause him to lose balance, Clay worried he may fall, his reaction time was lacking considering how unexpected it was and how the blindfold kept him from seeing it coming, But Coach Duncan quickly prevented that by snatching ahold of his hair with his large hand, letting out a feral growl as he did so. The kid knew he had fucked up, but didn't know how. Coach had no problem spelling it out for him.

"YOU DON'T GET TO TASTE MY DICK UNTIL I SAY YOU CAN TASTE MY DICK YOU STUPID FUCKING FAGGOT!" He was yelling down at the kid, Clay flinched a bit at the loud tone, but Coach only continued his verbal assault,

"AND QUITE FRANKLY, I HAVEN'T EVEN DECIDED IF YOU'RE WORTHY OF DOING SO!" Coach released the kid's hair as he finished. Clay moved his hands in front of him to balance himself on the floor, afraid he may fall, But was unexpectedly met with Coach's foot on his chest, shoving him backwards. He landed flat on his back, He could barely keep up with how fast things were moving, But his dick was still aching for release because of the abuse. That ache would be denied for now.

The coach planted his foot firmly on the kids chest, glaring down at his bitch. He was about to speak before the kid beat him to it.

"I'm so sorry Sir! I don't know why I did that, I just loved the smell and couldn't resist it. Please let me make it up to you Sir, I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to you." His voice was shaky and laced with panic, but that only added to the effect it had on the older man. Coach pressed his foot down on the kid's chest a bit harder and leaned forward on it before he answered him.

"Oh you're gonna make it up to me alright, bitch, You're gonna make it up to me right the fuck now." Coach released the kid from the weight of his foot and ordered him back on his knees. Clay practically scrambled to please the man, resuming his kneeling position as quickly as possible. Coach reached down and snatched the kid's face upwards by his jaw, his powerful hand clenching Clay's face roughly, his bruise from earlier screamed in protest but Clay didn't dare make a sound.

"Open that fucking mouth back up, boy, you want to taste the damn thing so bad I'll give you something to taste."

Clay did, and was quickly surprised by something warm, thick, hard, and leaking being pressed about an inch inside his parted lips. Coach had just stuck his dick in his mouth without warning, And all the kid could think about was the smooth texture and salty taste of the precum that dribbled on his tongue. He wanted so badly to rub his tongue against the throbbing head, but restrained that urge as to not displease his Sir once more. Coach spoke slowly and deeply, driving the kid mad with how sexy and terrifying it all sounded,

"I'm going to make this so extremely simple that even a dumb slut like yourself will comprehend it, Close your lips tightly around my dick, But don't move an inch aside from that. You're going to feel something in a moment, And I don't really care how you will handle the thought, What I DO care about though, is you not spilling a single Goddamed drop, Or I WILL BEAT THE EVER LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU BOY! You'll have a long walk home and you'll be making it naked as well. Do you understand me? You drink down every drop and you thank me for it when you're finished."

Clay could only assume the coach was talking about his cum, And he figured it was possible the man was as worked up as he himself was, (He hadn't realized Coach had busted a load in the shower while he slept,) So he thought it was a safe assumption. He would eagerly accept his punishment, letting Coach Duncan know he understood, His words muffled slightly by the hefty cockhead lodged between his lips.

"Yes Sir, not a single drop will be wasted Daddy. I promise I'll be a good boy and take it all down." Coach only replied with a "Humph, we'll see..." Before releasing the kid's jaw and moving his hand to grab another fistful of his hair.

Suddenly, Clay felt something hot coming from the slit of the head in his mouth, but to his shock and horror, Quickly realized it wasn't his coach's load. Coach Duncan was PISSING in his mouth! The idea almost made the kid gag on the spot, it was just such a dirty act! Even though his time to decide was running short as his mouth began to fill, He still was conflicted, But the last thing he was going to let himself do would be to disappoint the man towering over him again, So he accepted his fate and began to swallow. Coach reached down and pulled the bandana from the kid's eyes. He was originally going to wait until the kid had his cock buried balls deep down his throat before removing it, Making the first time truly seeing his size to be as he was pulling it free from the base of his skull, But he decided the kid should be watching what he was doing to him now.

Clay was momentarily blinded by the light as his blindfold was removed, His eyes quickly gained focus though and the first think he saw was the longest, fattest fucking dick he'd ever imagined, or at least, the base of it and the length leading up to the part where it disappeared into his mouth. He couldn't help but to stare at the monster currently giving him a drink and he started becoming a little more enthusiastic about what was happening at the sight of it.

Either Coach hadn't pissed all day, or Clay simply never thought about how much a man could piss at one time, But it seemed no matter how many gulps he had taken, there was always another filling his mouth again just as quickly. Another thing that surprised Clay was, as he continued guzzling, He was actually starting to enjoy the act now. The piss had a familiar musky smell much like the jockstrap held, but it was far more rich, far more encompassing, far more personal. He found he could even smell the stout liquid, though he hadn't spilled any, And his thoughts wandered to how a dog pisses on a favorite toy to mark and claim it. His coach was no dog, but a big bad wolf instead, Though in Clay's mind, He was definitely a toy being marked, A bitch being claimed as the alpha wolf's property, And his euphoria at the thought sent him to moaning once more between gulps, A sound that pleased his coach who was admittedly thinking he may have pushed the kid too far with this action.

Coach Duncan hadn't pissed in about 4 hours, right after his shower, So the stream was definitely a long one by any measure, Especially considering it was being slowed by his erection, But as all good things must come to an end, His flow had finally began to die down until only the last of the stream remained. Coach suddenly pulled out of the boy's mouth, Causing the kid's current half mouthful to spill out of his mouth to drip down his chin, Some following the curve of his neck down to his chest while some of the larger drops fell from his chin to splatter lightly on his lower stomach, And even saturating his tighty-whities, Yellow stains forming where it was absorbed into the cotton fabric.

Coach took his erect, spurting cock and let the tip rest on the kid's forehead, The last few drips of hot piss dripped down the boy's face now. Coach took his left hand and smeared the boy's face, rubbing his discharge into the young skin, Wiping the remainder of the piss on his hand off in the faggot's hair when he was satisfied. Clay was a complete, reeking, drenched, piss-stained mess now, And he loved every aspect of it. As did his coach, who looked down at the bitch who now smelled of his scent.

Clay somehow managed to remember he was supposed to be thanking the coach for his punishment, so he did, quite honestly at that, looking up towards the man,

"Thank you for such a gracious gift Sir."

But he froze in terror as the coach replied with something that made him want to cry in hopelessness, a frightening scowl plastered on his face,

"You spilled a lot more than a drop faggot, guess you know what that means..."

Clay scrambled to come up with words to defend himself, Panicking at the thought that, even after all that, He had still not done enough. He honestly even began to feel a bit betrayed, Knowing he had kept it all down just as he was ordered until the man decided to pull out mid gulp without warning, But before he could make sense of or speak on any of that, Coach stunned him with a deep, hearty, sincere laugh that seemed to come from nowhere, The scowl he was wearing immediately fading to the look a child may bear after playing a mischievous prank.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, hahaha! But that terrified look on your face was so damn priceless hahahaha! I couldn't resist kid." Clay did not seem nearly as amused.

He kept laughing for a few moments after, Before finally looking back to the kid and saying, quite truthfully, with a gentle smile,

"You made your Sir quite proud boy, You handled your first drink of piss like a total champ kid, I just couldn't resist getting a little on the outside of your body too. I know that was kind of a big leap for you, But I hope you're comfortable with what just happened?" Coach was momentarily back to showing his kind side to the boy, and Clay appreciated that among all the nasty and rough stuff he'd been eduring, truth is, It made him know without a doubt that the coach DID in fact give a shit about him, Something he didn't feel most people felt at all. So he told the coach exactly how he was feeling.

"Honestly Coach, it mortified me at first, It disgusted me when I realized what was happening, But I didn't want to displease you so I followed your order, And I am very glad I did. It was pretty damn kinky and hot once I let it happen. I told you already, I'm open to explore what I may be into and this seemed to only prove that you're a pretty good mentor. So really, thank you... But not gonna lie, you just scared the living shit out of me when you mentioned me spilling more than a drop Coach, But it made for a good laugh so I guess I'm very much ok with that too" Clay beamed up towards the older man for a few seconds before he carried on, blushing lightly,

"And the piss made me feel like I'm yours, I know that may seem strange, But I can smell you all over me and feel a part of you sloshing around inside me, And it feels safe, Coach. It feels right... I like the idea of belonging to you..."

Coach's cock, which had relaxed some during the prank, Immediately started stiffening back up at hearing that. The adorable fucker actually wanted to be his property? His trademarked shit eating grin returned to his face before he answered the kid.

"Well fuck Clay, I REALLY like the idea of owning you." Their eyes locked and the bubbles were flooding both of them, now more heavily than ever. Coach bent down and kissed the boy passionately once more, The stench of his own piss on the kid intensifying the sensations. They kept at it for over a minute, The coach reaching a burly hand behind the boy's neck and bracing it, Pulling him even closer before it was finished. But Coach Duncan still had some unfinished business with the boy.

"So, where were we? Oh yeah," His predatory look intensified as he continued, "You were just about to get face fucked by some prime Coach dick huh?"

The kid nodded in anticipation at the sound of that. He didn't believe for one single second he could swallow that beast though. Maybe Coach could pick up on that thought.

"I'm gonna let you take it at your own pace, Get as far as you can so I can judge how rough to be. I'll give you what advice I can offer as you progress kid." He moved his hips forward a bit as he stated this, Nodding at the boy to show his permission.

Clay returned his sights back to the monstrous, throbbing tool dangling in front of his face impatiently, And for the first time, He had a moment to take in how beautiful the thing really was. He admired every glorious inch, every bulging vein, And even spared a few moments to study his coach's hefty set of swingers attached to the base. Let's simply say the nuts matched the bolt quite perfectly for now.

Clay rested his hands on both of the coach's powerful thighs, He steadied himself against them and adjusted his position so that he was level with his task. He closed his eyes and inhaled once before opening them and exhaling first, Then ever so slowly moving his face forward, Closing the gap separating him and the thick appendage. He continued until he felt the very tip of the head gently touch his lips, His nose was perched right above it, And he inhaled the familiar scent once more before finally parting his lips and taking the intrusion inside his mouth.

Clay had to open his jaw pretty damn wide to allow it, But he managed to slide the first 3 inches to the back of his throat easily enough, His tongue darting at the soft flesh on the underside of the dick as he did so. He felt it glide between his cheeks as he added just a bit of suction to his motions. Clay began to bob his head, slowly at first, His eyes locked down in a stare as a portion the girthy length disappeared and reappeared from his own mouth. He felt like he could watch that point of view for days, But also knew it would take more than that to please his coach, So he took it in another inch farther until he felt it activate his gag reflex.

Coach was patiently letting the kid adjust to something he'd never done before, Fighting his urges to take control as he made himself sit back and enjoy the show. The kid wasn't doing too bad, He already knew to move his tongue as he worked it Around the cock it seemed, Only real thing lacking so far was the ability to deepthroat it, But Coach knew it was only a matter of time before he got that one down. Still, he did say he'd instruct the kid...

"You're thinking about it too much boy, Just let it happen naturally. Angle can be everything, So tilt your head back just a bit more to help you manage the girth. When you feel it pressing against the opening to your throat again, Push on it a little, You will gag some, But just focus on breathing in when you do. Once you manage to suppress that reaction a little better, Make a swallowing motion instead of the breath in. Trust me kid, it'll work, It's not as impossible to take as you may fear it is." Coach patted the kid's hair lightly and let his hand rest there afterwards, Moving it in time with Clay's own motions.

Clay wanted to make the man happy, And he wanted him to know he could please him when needed to be pleased, So he followed the guidelines his coach mapped out for him. First adjusting the angle, allowing his coach more room, Next mastering inhaling when he wanted to gag from the pressure, and, finally, Swallowing the head when it reached his throat. Clay was almost shocked to see it really had given way some, Feeling his air intake close off a bit as another inch managed to bury itself past his lips. He pressed forward a little more and managed nearly another inch before he felt the pressure in his esophagus as his coach's dick began wedging itself in, Cutting off his air supply completely.

Clay backed off of the slippery cock again and repeated the steps, Finding the need to manually swallow less and less imperative as his muscles took to his rhythm and began contracting on their own. He had managed to swallow even another inch by this point, But he could feel the effect it was taking on his throat as it was stretched tightly around the older man's monster, A dull ache seeming to begin where the head was lodging itself. He nearly abandoned hope for getting the last two inches or so down as well... That is, Before Coach decided he could use a little "Push."

The rugged man had been watching the kid take his advice and found he was progressing rather quickly, Plenty of experienced cocksuckers had failed to even get that far in the past, But he knew the kid could handle it at this point, He seemed to be a natural born dick guzzler, So the next time the kid let his cock's head glide into his throat, He forcefully pulled his bitch forward by his hair, Sinking himself home, His heavy nuts coming to rest against the boy's chin.

Clay's hands clenched against the man's thighs as he was unexpectedly forced to swallow the entire length, His nose was beginning to run and his eyes watered from the gagging. His stomach instinctively convulsing in an attempt to dislodge the intrusion blocking his airways, But the coach only held him firm. Play time was over, The kid was given his slow start and training wheels, But Coach Duncan was done babysitting now. He let Clay's hair go, And the kid quickly pulled off the dick, gasping for air. He had only managed a measly two breaths before his Sir roughly gripped both sides of his head in his calloused hands and brought it back forward, This time taking the entire length from tip to base in one swift motion, The coach's balls slapping audibly on the boy's chin this time. Clay struggled, choked, and made some squelch-like sounds, But never once did he consider wanting the man to stop. Not that Coach would have for anything aside from the safe word.

Coach consistently sped up his bucking motions, Each time pulling out until the tip nearly left the boy's lips before mercilessly slamming it back in. The kid was becoming a steady stream of noise, tears, and snot, And they both fucking loved it! Coach couldn't help but to degrade his slut a little, after all, it's what he was made for,

"Yeah, swallow that dick like a good fucking cocksucker boy. Bet you never imagined that this was your purpose in life, But that's what Coach Dunc is here for faggot, Somebody has to let little punks like you know where they belong, Wrapped around some fat, daddy dick!"

Clay let Coach have full control, Surrendering his own will to the man's needs. His body cried out for oxygen, But he knew Coach didn't give a shit if his faggot could breathe right now or not. Clay felt every powerful thrust in what felt like the middle of his chest, And he knew Coach Duncan was right, This was his purpose. This was why he was put on this earth, To serve as this man's bitch, To submit to his whims, To gladly offer up anything he could to bring even the slightest amount of pleasure or amusement to his Sir. Clay knew where he belonged alright, But more importantly, He was embracing exactly WHOM he belonged to. He was Coach's possession now, And he knew he would be for a very long time.

Coach's thrusting increased to hectic and blurred motions, His balls were beginning to tighten up as they slapped the boy's chin hard, And his cock was aching for release as it repeatedly buried itself in the wet, hot, fleshy tunnel of the faggot on his knees. He was close, And as he saw no reason to keep himself or the kid waiting, He let out a deafeningly primal roar as his nuts contracted and he slammed his entire length as far down as it would go. He felt wave upon wave of his jizz paint the throat of the boy beneath him. The throat of HIS boy now.

Clay hadn't been experienced enough to feel the orgasm coming, So he could only hang on during the assault as his throat felt like it would be ripped open from the manic thrusts. Choking as the coach slammed it down the final time before he felt something begin to coat his esophagus. He knew his Sir had climaxed, And the boy was honored by this thought. As he should be.

Coach held his erupting tool down the kid's throat long enough to let four healthy spurts of cum shoot into his belly, Then he pulled back roughly halfway, His head springing from the throat as it continued firing the last of his seed over his faggot's tongue. He couldn't let the boy get away without tasting it after all, He'd need to get used to the taste, He'd be doing a whole lot of sucking on his Sir's dick from now on after all.

Clay' taste buds reeled from the potent flavor, both musky and rich. He savored the gift from his Sir and the flavor burned itself into his entire being, He would never forget how his Daddy's first load had tasted so wonderful, Partly because it sealed the deal, He had taken a piece of the man inside himself, no, Had taken the man's very life filled essence itself, And it would always be there inside him somewhere. Always a reminder of who's property he now was... His Coach Duncan's.

Writing an entire chapter as a sex scene was a little difficult, But I'm happy with it. Wanted to add a bit more at the end, But I liked the finality of that sentence, So I'll cover it with the next chapter. As always support your servers, And your feedback is always appreciated. I love hearing how much you guys enjoy this story, makes it worth continuing!

Also, please note this story will have between 20 - 30 chapters by the end if all goes to plan.

Next: Chapter 7

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