Molding Clay

By Blake Dupont

Published on Jun 2, 2023


Clay awoke from his nap a little over 4 hours after he'd laid down, his aching muscles protesting stiffly as he stirred. At first he was a bit disoriented, but soon recalled the events that had taken place earlier that day and remembered exactly where he was. He was in Coach Duncan's bed.

He sat up, the sheets falling from his chest to rest in a bundle on his lap, stretching his arms upward and releasing a silent enough yawn. He had to admit, he was worried earlier that Coach may have tried to make a move on him as he slept, but his fears seemed to be for naught, He was alone in the bedroom, And he felt as refreshed as a 4 hour nap could make you.

Clay threw the sheets away from himself, swinging his legs over the side of the bed to stand up straight, eliciting another full body stretch that made him grunt a bit as he felt 2 bones crack in his back as he did so. He considered putting some shorts on, but assumed that coach wouldn't mind him in his underwear considering he'd seen him after his shower. Not to mention the events in the locker room... So he made his way to the bedroom door, opening it once he had reached it. He was immediately greeted with the smell of some delicious food being prepared in no doubt what was the kitchen, His mouth watered as he realized how hungry he actually was now. He made his way down the hall towards the kitchen and that delightful smell to see his coach shirtless in his shorts and tossing something in a skillet over the stove burner. There were some diced veggies in a few bowls on the countertop.

Coach hadn't heard the kid stirring nor had he seen him until he was only just a few feet away, stopping to lean in the doorway before he had snuck up too close to the man, his left hand sheepishly holding his right arm as he looked at his chef for the evening. Coach simply saw him and smiled, his eyes again flicking down briefly to take in the sight of those briefs snugly encompassing the kid's waist before moving back to his eyes, still showing some signs of the sleep he'd just awoken from moments before. He spoke cheerily,

"Evening kid! Hope you like tacos?"

Clay smiled and nodded once, his stomach letting out a faint gurgling noise as if to clarify he indeed very much liked tacos.

"Glad to hear it, dinner's almost ready! It's not often I get to cook for company anymore and figured you'd enjoy it," He finished the sentence with a broad, dazzling smile. Clay felt that bubbly feeling again at the sight. Coach motioned towards the small table between them and Clay took his seat.

The dinner was either incredible, or Clay was simply that hungry, but he suspected both were equally plausible. He had 4 tacos himself, the coach felt a bit of pride that the kid seemed to enjoy them so much. When they had each finished, Coach took both of their plates and set them in the sink. He returned to the table and took the seat nearest Clay's own, sparking up the conversation exactly as he had planned to earlier.

"So I want to talk to you about a few things... firstly, I hope you will keep what happened today between us, I rather enjoy my job, but if you can't, I'll respect that."

Clay had no problem keeping it their secret, to be fair, He was still a bit ashamed of his actions and thought he may die of embarrassment should they ever become public knowledge. Coach continued after Clay assured him he didn't plan on telling anyone.

"Well, with that out of the way, let's talk about another thing," He paused and took a deep breath in before continuing, "I find you very attractive Clay, I'm gay, and I want to do things to you that could probably make a nun faint, but I need to know how you feel about it all? How do you feel about me?"

Clay felt a bit shocked at first, but hearing his perfectly built coach profess he was attracted to his own scrawny self was quite flattering, and the bubbles intensified as he thought on it for a moment before giving his answer.

"As I'm sure you know Coach... I've never really done anything with another boy before. I think I kind of hid those feelings for most of my life, and it scares me to think about how everyone would treat me if they found out.. "

Coach nodded in understanding as the kid continued,

"But what happened earlier was the best thing I've ever experienced, I think I like you as well Coach, and I wouldn't be opposed to seeing what else I may like also... but I really don't even know how we'd go about finding that out."

Clay's hands were now clasped between his knees, his gaze unfocused as he stared down at the table before him. He jumped a little as his coach leaned towards him and placed one of his large, rough hands on his exposed thigh, mere inches away from his underwear. He looked at the coach whose own eyes were sincerely looking back at his own.

"May I kiss you?" He asked.

Clay's breath caught in his lungs as he ever so slowly closed his eyes and nodded once again in agreement. He felt some of the coach's weight shift onto his thigh as he leaned in.

Coach Duncan's lips met his own, But this time the shock of it all didn't cause him to flinch and withdraw as it had the first time. Instead he held his lips to the older man's, Coach began to part his slowly and Clay mimicked what he did, unconsciously bringing one of his clasped hands to gently rest on the man's sculpted pecs. They both began to move their mouths more fervently, grinding the pink flesh together before Coach worked his tongue into the kid's mouth, Clay let it pass through and began intertwining his own with the intruder.

They continued for what felt like hours, But in truth was probably more close to 30 seconds, pulling away after and staring deeply into each other's eyes as the euphoria began making Clay's head swim, He had just kissed another man and thoroughly enjoyed every second, there was no denying he DID, in fact, like the coach also.

Coach spoke in a very calm and orderly voice,

"I hope you enjoyed that as much as I just did," When Clay made it evident he had, the rugged man continued, " Good, want to take this to the bedroom? Maybe explore what else you like?"

Coach Dunc led Clay by his hand back toward his bedroom and to his bed, Sitting the kid down on the edge while he squatted to be level with him, He spoke again and asked what the kid wanted to try first.

Clay mulled the thought over for a moment before he replied,

"Well, would you be alright with cuddling for now? I want to know how it feels to be held by you Coach, it that's OK with you?"

Coach replied with a "Yes," Standing back up to tower over the kid for a moment before moving to the other side of the bed. He removed his shorts to reveal the same jock from earlier beneath them, (Coach had a plan and reason for wearing that again,) And, after letting the kid take the image in for a moment, crawled into the bed beside him. Clay rolled over so his back was to his teacher, his nerves almost getting the better of him, He knew he wasn't brave enough to slide back against the man, So he took comfort when he felt a steady hand slowly make its way over his body, stopping to rest on his waist.

Coach Dunc closed the distance between their bodies mostly, and, eliciting a surprised "Eep!" From the kid, Quickly pulled Clay's ass back to rest firmly against his package with his powerful arms. He felt his crotch resting against the kid's ass, nestled snugly, and gave him one singular grinding motion first up, and then back down the crack before resting it, The fabric of his jock pressed firmly against the kid's tighty-whities. Coach then moved his fuzzy chest to rest against the kids back, his beard stubble was planting itself tightly against the kids neck as he did so. He brought his legs up to cradle the curve of the kid's own at first, then slung the one on top slightly over. His muscular arm released the kid's waist and, instead, extended over the kid's chest to cradle his entire body. His hand stopping mere millimeters from the kid's throat. His other arm was flexed at the elbow as he shifted the kid's weight to rest his head on the bulging bicep, Giving Clay a faint smell of his coach's armpit.

Needless to say, Coach was making it clear he didn't want to let the kid go anytime soon, And between the feeling of being trapped so wonderfully in his mentor's embrace and the feeling of the older man's package swelling against his ass, Clay felt more safe, secured, and even more happy as he could ever remember.

"Does it feel as good as you had hoped?" The coach asked honestly after they had settled into their positions.

"Fuck yes," Was the kid's only response, and it made Coach's restrained package stir up in excitement. Soon, he had a full blown erection wedged between them, still trapped uncomfortably in his jock. He began grinding it against the boy's ass once more, holding the kid's body tightly to his own as he did so, and then he stopped. He couldn't let himself lose control.

"I want you to know this is amazing, but I need your permission for something... May I remove my jockstrap? I can't take much more of the damn thing rubbing my junk raw."

Clay's response was such a quiet whisper, Coach had to strain his ears to hear it, nonetheless, He heard the kid emit a faint and squeaky, "Yes."

Coach wasted no time, in one quick motion, he had pulled the musky jockstrap to his knees while he held his weight up to do so, then pulled both his legs free. He quickly took his position of cradling the boy once more, but this time his cock stood at full glory as he planted it snugly back to rest along the base of the boy's ass crack, roughly 2 inches of it went passed the kid's underwear waistband and was squeezed between the bodies against Clay's spine, A slippery glob of precum leaving a wet mark against the boys flesh. Clay gasped audibly at the feeling of his coach's now bare cock against his back, And the realization of how big his coach was down there set in. Certainly bigger than his own equipment.

Coach figured since the events in the locker room earlier, His next planned move would be accepted without much protest from the kid. He was correct.

Coach Duncan moved his arm back across the kid's chest, only Clay didn't realize he held something until it was pressed firmly against his nose and mouth by Coach's strong hand. Clay never saw what it was, but knew instantly It was that same, ripe jock that had made him worship his coach's bulge only hours earlier. He audibly moaned into it as he was floored by the assault on his senses, He instinctively bucked his hips against the Coach's swollen member as he did so. Coach's plan had worked, And he simply held himself firm while the bitch next to him squirmed in delight at the sensation of what the coach was doing to him.

Coach let this continue for around a minute before pulling the jock away, a look of visible disappointment replacing the ecstatic moans that were escaping the kid's throat only seconds before. The kid only turned his head back some to look at his coach with his pleading eyes, But the coach met the look with words instead.

"Good stuff huh? Normally I'd change into a fresh pair after a shower, But figured you'd appreciate me wearing them a bit longer. I do have a suggestion for you though, How about you get a whiff straight from the source? If not that's alright, I'll make myself be content with watching you practically devour my jock in that case." Clay noticed Coach's voice was taking on a hint of that degrading tone he had used earlier when he had him on his knees in his office, But he didn't care right now, If Coach wanted him to smell him, he'd just fucking smell him, He didn't see how anything with a scent as captivating as that jock could be matched, But he'd humor the older man and make that comparison himself. He lustily agreed.

Coach pulled himself away from the kid's body, shifted back to his side of the bed, and stood up. He figured he'd see how well the kid followed orders since he knew he reacted well to verbal degradation already, So, still facing the wall and away from the kid, He barked something over his shoulder that made a chill run down Clay's spine, penetrating even the lust he was feeling from his coach's aromatherapy.

"Alright bitch, this is the part where you come get back on your knees in front of me where you belong, But keep your damn eyes closed until I tell you otherwise faggot, don't want you spoiling my surprise."

Clay couldn't begin to even fathom the reason why, but when Coach Duncan started demeaning him and referring to him as a bitch or a faggot, His dick jumped, his heart skipped a beat, and his breath would catch in his throat... But he loved hearing it every fucking time. He'd come to know the coach to be a generally kind, caring, and overall good man throughout the time he spent with him today, but when they were like this, hot, horny, and alone, He would shift gears. It was like all of a sudden he was this menacing, intimidating man that only wanted to watch others struggle under his boot. No, Clay didn't entirely understand it yet, but He was learning how his body and mind reacted to it. He was finding he quite enjoyed being the one the older man placed his boot on. So without so much as a thought of ignoring the order, Clay stood up, closed his eyes, and placed one hand on the footboard to guide him to where his coach was waiting for him. Where he was waiting for his "bitch."

Clay had made his way to where he believed the older man stood and stopped. He moved his hand forward and felt it land on the man's chest and knew he was close enough, So he got down on his knees, keeping his eyes closed as he was instructed. Coach patted Clay's cheek lightly before he spoke to the kid once more in his authoritarian voice,

"Good boy, now, wait there. I'll be right back." Coach crossed to room to his dresser and opened the top left drawer, removed a black bandana and returned to stand behind the boy on his knees. He folded it twice and placed the fabric around the kids eyes, tying it snugly in place behind his head, effectively blinding him. He returned to his previous position, His girthy length mere inches in front of the kid's face, And he again spoke sternly.

"I assume you know what is coming next, I also assume this means you consent to it, But I need you to know a few other things, I get off on ordering boys around. I get off on dominating other people. I get off on verbally and physically degrading faggots like yourself, using them for all they are worth. I have many kinks kid, and some of them you may not like. I want, no, I need you to comprehend that I understand and accept that reality, I know you are new to everything and I don't want to make you uncomfortable or to feel pressured by my orders, So I'm letting you know now, before we continue, that in reality you are the one who is very much in control."

Coach gave the kid a moment to process what he just said before he continued his speech. Clay was listening intently to the man who's orders he'd obeyed without question multiple times already, feeling a bit relieved at what he was hearing.

"If at ANY time, you need me to slow down or back off, simply speak the word, "Yellow." I'll always honor it. And should you find you want me to completely stop what I'm doing, then it's "Red." Once more, I will never betray that lifeline. If you are gagged and cannot speak, a triple tap with your hand will suffice. These are what we refer to as "Safe words," We put those in place to be sure I never get too carried away, to make sure you are comfortable and consenting at all times, Because that, my sweet boy, is what it's all about. Do you understand? Repeat those words back to me."

"Yellow is slow down, red is stop. Seems simple enough Coac-"

Clay's sentence was interrupted by a light smack to his cheek, leaving him at a loss for words, wondering exactly why the hell Coach just slapped him? Coach answered that unspoken question soon enough.

"I've told you once already, boy, Coach is fine outside of play, but alone, it's "Sir," though I'll also accept "Daddy," got it bitch?

Clay only nodded in acknowledgement, and he was met with another light slap, this time on his other cheek.

"I asked you a question faggot!"

"Yes Sir!" he was feeling a bit embarrassed by the treatment, but his cock was apparently loving it, it leaked with precum as the punishment was administered. Coach replied with a "Good boy," before continuing,

"The last thing I need you to understand is inside this bedroom and during our play, I call the shots, My needs come first, and You are mine to do with as I please unless I hear a safe word dropped, Or if you designate something as a hard limit. We will discuss those further another time... But I need you to know that outside of play, I will always respect you and will never do anything to humiliate or degrade you unless you request it. This is my job as a Dom. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir."

The coach placed his hand lightly on the boy's chin and pulled his face upwards, leaning down to plant a soft kiss before praising the kid with another "Good boy." Now that that was out of the way, the fun could begin.

"Back to the task at hand then, boy, I've blindfolded you because you haven't seen how big my tool is yet, but you'll be able to feel how big it is soon enough, Just not with your hands, those are forbidden to touch me or yourself with until I say otherwise, If I choose to allow it at all that is... So, I'm gonna ask you one more question, And you make damn sure you answer it truthfully, understood?

"Yes Sir."

Coach Duncan leaned in towards the boy, moving his own face so that his lips were almost touching the kid's left ear, and whispered ever so softly,

"Is my new little plaything ready to start worshipping this dick?"

As you can see, we are getting to the good parts. I wanted to put them In this chapter, but I wanted it clear even though Coach likes rough sex it's still a healthy start to a relationship and he still cares about the kid. I couldn't fit it all in this one, so you'll have to wait for the next for the good stuff to really start. ;)

Feedback, suggestions, and reviews are always welcome guys! Thank you. Chapter 6 coming soon!

Next: Chapter 6

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