Molding Clay

By Blake Dupont

Published on May 31, 2023


Clay could only struggle to remain upright after his release, his shaky hands now clenched at the front of both of the coach's thighs to support himself, his forehead resting slightly below the right side of Coach Dunc's hip. The kids breathing was labored and heavy, his face flushed a bright red beneath the layer of sweat that had formed during his unexpected climax moments before. Between that and the relentless workout he'd received only a short time ago, He was positively spent. And Coach knew this.

The coach let the kid rest for a moment, Giving him time until his heavy breathing had returned to a more normal pace, and the shakiness in his hands subsided to a slight tremor. He had kept one of his hands on the top of the kids head as a show of affection and to help keep him steadied. He began rubbing his fingers through his hair a bit as he finally spoke.

"Gotta admit kid, that was one of the hottest things I think I've ever watched. Never seen someone get so worked up on my scent that they jizzed their literal shorts, untouched at that." He smiled warmly as he finished.

Clay pulled his head from its resting place on the hip and looked up to meet the coach's gaze, his flushed cheeks returning to their natural color some. Coach could see it in his eyes as the euphoria faded, his logic was returning to him and there was worry growing as well as Clay let his gaze drop to the floor. Coach slid his hand down from the kids head to gently cradle the bottom of his cheek. He moved his hand up so the kid was once more meeting his gaze before he spoke.

"I want you to know you have nothing to be ashamed of Clay, your reactions are perfectly normal for any guy your age, I'll admit it was definitely unexpected, but it's clear to me it's something you truly enjoyed, and you wouldn't be the only one that enjoyed it," His smirk had returned, but with a new kindness in his eyes that coaxed a smile from Clay's face that he couldn't have hidden from the older man if he had tried. Clay desperately wanted to say something back to his coach, but couldn't find any words that seemed to match how he felt at the moment, so instead, Coach took the reigns on doing the talking.

"So, about those showers?"

The way he said it sounded less like a question and really more like a suggestion to Clay, But he still managed to get his thoughts under enough control to simply nod twice. Coach Dunc offered his hand to the kid and he took it, using it to brace his weight against as he was pulled to a standing position. He wobbled in place after he was upright again, still a bit dizzy from everything, but Coach quickly moved his hands to his waist and lower back to support the kid.

Clay again glanced up to stare into the older man's eyes and Coach held the gaze. They stayed like this for only a few seconds, but it was long enough for Coach to finally give in to the one desire that had been at the forefront of his mind throughout this entire morning's events.

He leaned in and kissed the boy.

It was now nearly 2 p.m. on the first Saturday of Spring Break, Clay's "Community service," was now over, and he was walking a few paces behind his coach, heading to the older, black, GMC pickup truck belonging to the man. If he was completely honest, he very much pondered just walking home, but quite frankly, he was exhausted.

The events of the past two days had taken their toll on the kid, And at this point of physical and mental exhaustion, he could no longer keep them from rolling around his head like loose marbles in a bucket.

His dickweed father, the workout, the cleaning, the walking, the fact he just rubbed his face on another man's crotch and buttered his fucking shorts, and, (of course,) The everlasting problem he seemed to have with not getting enough damn sleep!

"And the kiss too though..." One of the marbles rolling around his head seemed to carry this thought to the very front of his mind, He wanted to scream.

To say the least, Clay wasn't doing the best job of hiding his conflicted emotions at the moment, and it wasn't hard for Coach to see that.

He realized exactly what was going on when he saw the way the kid flinched when his lips touch his own. He mistook Clay's forwardness with the shorts, and his eagerness with the jock, as experience. In truth, he now realized that was definitely the first time that kid had done anything even close to what just happened in his own office. And he regretted the way he handled that situation now, as the kid was even more uncomfortable because of it.

They reached the pickup and hopped in, Coach cranked it up without much trouble, the radio was off and the silence was making them both uncomfortable. So Coach decided to speak first while the truck was still idling in the high school parking lot.

"Look, kid, I'm sorry about what just happened in there, I didn't mean to pressure you and certainly wouldn't have said some of the things I said if I knew you were a virgin... you just seemed so eager I didn't stop to even ask if it was al..."

Clay interrupted with a quickly strewn together, "What makes you think I'm a virgin?"

The question kind of surprised Coach, but he just answered honestly and seriously while finally getting the kid to make eye contact with him for the first time since the kiss.

"Clay, it's OK if you're a virgin all around and it's OK if you are just a virgin with men." Coach punctuated his sentence by placing a hefty hand on the kid's shoulder.

Clay held the eye contact and his emotional dam started cracking just enough to continue the conversation to where it needed to go.

"I've kissed a lot of girls... well, not a lot, a lot, but like 6? Maybe 7? And I enjoyed it, I didn't hate it. But I never wanted it to go farther than that and just didn't get the hype..." He paused and looked back at his lap before continuing, in a much more quiet tone, probably more to himself at this point.

"Not like what just happened back there... Coach, I've never felt that wonderful in my entire life, Nothing has ever seemed as important and right as what you just let me do after you caught me with those shorts and I.. I.. loved it." His voice started getting shaky by the time he reached that last part. "I loved the way you smelled, I loved the effect it had on my head and body, and I even loved the way you talked to me while I was doing it.... I can't believe I just said that out loud..." And that was what finally made the emotional dam burst into fresh tears. Finally admitting that truth out loud to someone else.

He liked men.

Coach knew it was a risky move on school property, but he didn't give a shit about the rules right now, He remembered what it felt like to tell someone for the first time, And he pulled the kid in for the biggest, tightest hug he could manage. He held him until Clay's sobs subsided.

Once the embrace was over, Coach simply asked him how to get to his house. Clay answered, his tears now drying, and they pulled out of the parking lot.

They made small talk for a few minutes as he drove Clay home, just anything to fill the silence and maybe help calm the kid's nerves... but Coach had one more thing to say though. And after a sew seconds of thinking on the best way to say it, he simply stated the facts.

"I know your dad is abusing you Clayton."

Clay's eyed widened and his head spun as the question caught him completely off guard, still, Coach continued now that he had his attention.

"You don't have to answer, you don't have to confirm or deny it, But I want you to know you are more than welcome to stay at my place for a bit if you need. I have an extra bedroom and an office, even a pretty comfy couch to boot," he paused there for a moment to let the kid process, then he added, "Promise I won't pressure you into anything else. If something sexual happens, you'll have to be the one to initiate it. Do we have a deal, Clay?"

Clay definitely did NOT want to go home and be around his father like this, but he also was wary of Coach's offer, It seemed too good to be true. But he decided a moment later that he'd rather take a chance with Coach than his father, so he accepted.

A few minites later and Clay was in his room, he had packed four changes of clothes, his toothbrush, his deodorant, his phone charger, and a few other random things he thought he may need. He managed to fit it all in 2 old backpacks, one had a broken strap, but they got the job done. Luckily for him, his dad actually seemed to be out of the house completely right now.

"Something good for a change," he thought to himself. He grabbed the bags, zipped down the hall, and out the front door back to the waiting truck. He had considered leaving a note stating he'd be with a friend the next few days, but he didn't really expect his father would notice he was even gone, so he decided against it.

Clay was nervous and noticeably quiet for the ride back to Coach's house, But when they pulled up, he was rather impressed with the three bedroom two bath brick house. Coach explained he'd nabbed a great deal during the last housing market crash but that was a little beyond Clay and his exhausted mental state at the moment.

When they walked in, Coach asked what he wanted to do first. He wanted to sleep, but considering he forgot all about taking a shower after the kiss in the locker rooms, he figured he'd start there. Coach nodded

He led him through the living room into the hallway to the right, they passed two doors on the right, but turned left into the master bedroom at the end of the hall. Clay was now very impressed.

The room was a darker, chocolate color, the trim, flooring, and, furniture all Cedar wood. The bed in the center had a headboard to match, with a thick brown leather padding on the front. Coach led him in another few feet and opened the door to the bathroom.

The bathroom was mostly tile, a large stand up shower with double spray heads on either end and a built in ledge as a bench took up nearly half of the bathroom. The toilet was on the far side of the room, a double sink on a cabinet with a huge mirror above it dividing the sections.

"Here, this one is the better shower," Coach spoke enthusiastically while looking at Clay, smiling just a bit as he did. He turned the handle and the water flowed from the left shower head.

"Thanks Coach." Was all Clay seemed to have left in himself as a reply back. Coach only nodded and left him to it, shutting the door behind him. Clay exhaled deeply, then stepped forward into the stream and let the hot water pour over his aching body.

When he emerged from the bathroom, his body was glistening the way youth tends to. With the grey towel around his waist, and his hair messy, (Coach thought it was honestly pretty damn adorable the way it poked every which way,) He asked coach where he could sleep.

Coach motioned to his own bed first, letting him know that was an option should he choose it. He also reminded him he could have the spare bedroom or the couch if he wanted.

Clay didn't turn down sharing the bed with the larger man, He really didn't say anything at all, only removed his towel and walked to the side of the bed that appeared to be the vacant side.

Coach didn't even try to keep from staring at the clean pair of tighty-whities the kid had on beneath his towel, he felt himself stirring at the sight of that cute butt and package wrapped so neatly in the cotton white briefs. Clay pulled the sheets back, climbed in the bed, and finally let the back of his head rest against the pillow as he surrendered to his exhaustion and mental overload. He was out within 5 minutes.

Coach smiled at the sight of the kid bundled cozily in his bed, flicked the light switch to off, and took leave to take his own shower... And to take care of his own neglected manhood.

Rusty quietly closed the door separating his bedroom and bathroom, careful not to wake the sleeping teen in doing so, And began to strip his clothes off.

His powerful arms gripped the bottom of his shirt and pulled up, the muscle around his waist and along his ribcage leading to his powerful back flexed magnificently as he pulled it over his head, tossing it to the floor. His hands went to his waistline, His thumbs curling into the elastic waistband of both the gym shorts and the jockstrap beneath simultaneously, near the "V" that outlined his treasure trail below his sculpted abs. He first brought his right leg out and freed the left after, now standing in his full naked glory, his neglected cock and swollen balls swung loosely as they were finally freed from their confines. The scent of his own warm, ripe, sweaty loins wafted through the air. The thought of the kid on his knees again eagerly inhaling it again ran through his mind, stirring life into his thick member.

Coach Rusty Duncan was blessed below the belt. His dick was cut, and just barely under 9 inches when he was hard. The more impressive part of his beautiful tool though was the girth of it. It was 2 and ¾ inches straight across from side to side, with a large, bulging vein running along the right underside that gave it a breathtaking cherry on top. Many men would fall at his feet just for a chance to taste it. Many men had.

He was becoming more and more erect, letting his thoughts wonder at all the things he wanted to do to the boy in tighty-whities sleeping in his bed only meters away in the next room over. A bead of precum oozed from the slit, the first dose of many before he would finish. He was fantasizing about the kid as he gripped the base of the member, beginning to pump his hand, building friction as he progressed.

He focused first on the unshakeable primal desire he had to simply return to the bed and force himself on the kid, to take what he wanted, to make Clay submit to his will. To positively break him. But he knew he couldn't never stand to live with himself if he did, So instead he let his thoughts wander to other fantasies while his stroking picked up some pace.

He remembered the kid begging to smell his jock earlier and dreamed of the kid again with his face buried against his skin, only this time his nose was being crushed into his pubes, his fat dick stealing any room meant for oxygen away from him, watching the kid struggle for air, trying to pull away as he was helplessly held in place to choke on his tool. He knew he'd let him have some air before too long, but only long enough to jam his cock back into the rear of the kid's skull, He could almost imagine the shock on the kids face when he gave him a good slap in the face and let loose a hot stream of his piss down his gullet. He clenched his jaw at the image and Quickened his pumping from base to tip. The pre now drooling down in a continuous river before reaching his hand, catching it in its motions.

The image that finally brought him to his climax though was even more brutal and detailed so very vividly in his mind. Clay was face down on the bed, his arms bound behind him from elbow to wrist, Coach's own soiled, dirty jockstrap shoved in his mouth as a makeshift gag. His cheeks and face a scarlet red with lust, his eyes watery and full of tears of exhaustion while a heavy sweat glistened and dripped down his entire body, completely saturating the area around him with the fragrant fluid. His legs were spread apart and also secured with the thick rope, the knots drawn so tightly against his young flesh that it was turning red, appearing it would burst against the restraints, but never gaining more than an inch of movement. The kid's own manhood was pointed down and throbbed longingly for attention, denied any release unless the coach decided if he could have it, The only sensation it would receive would be the feel of his new Sir's heavy balls slapping against it vigorously while the kid writhed in his restrains helplessly as the man in charge took his ass without mercy and without restraint.

He could feel his climax building and imagined pounding his load into his moaning, submissive bitch, marking that faggot as his property, breeding the boy and bending him to his whims, breaking his will, reminding him of his only place and purpose in this world... to be planted firmly underneath his master's weight, only serving as place to stick his hung cock whenever he felt like it...


Coach Duncan fired off 5 powerful shots of premium jizz across the bathroom floor and wall from the tip of his dick, another 3 spurts followed after the initial waves had been released, the mental images he'd conjured up making him flex every muscle he had while his orgasm finally began to die down, The last bit of cum oozing down his length over his clenched fist towards the base of the member.

He released his rigid cock and caught his breath, using a towel to clean up the mess he'd just made. He looked at himself in the mirror as he winded down from the high and thought to himself how there was no way the kid would probably be down or consenting for even half of that stuff... but he didn't see the harm in dreaming. He turned towards the shower and turned the nozzle to the right, jets of water once again raining forth. He stepped inside and the water rippled down his sculpted body. He thought on it as he let the water simply cascade over his form and then, a few minutes later, concluded he'd find out what the kid was up to explore, and he'd make sure it was unforgettable for him.

His smirk returned. He thought he had left his years as a Dom behind him, but this kid had rekindled that spark with a single whiff of his jockstrap, And Coach Duncan would admit he wanted this boy to submit to him completely by choice in every way he could imagine.

Next: Chapter 5

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