Molding Clay

By Blake Dupont

Published on Oct 23, 2023


Rusty barely had time to grasp what Clay had just done as the handcuffs clicked shut around his left wrist. His eyes flew open quickly as his gaze came to rest upon the delightfully mischievous looking puppy straddled over his waist. The one that was staring back down at the man with a cockiness so sudden, that it seemed to come from nowhere. The older man found it impossible not to smile in anticipation at such an excitingly unexpected sight. His puppy, however, did have a few things to say first before he secured the other wrist.

"Hey, Sir. Is this ok? May I restrain you? I just wanna try being in control for once... I hope you're ok with it? We both know there's no way I could ever physically dominate you with strength alone... So I figured I could use a little help... I just want to see you squirm a little bit this time around... I want to work your body with everything I have while you lie there helpless to stop me from doing what I want..." The pup was asking permission. The coach internally smiled a bit, at least he'd properly taught him about consent, but there were a few other things to consider here. He'd let the pup have his way, he was excited to see what he could do, but that would come after a teaching moment... So the man feigned concern for a second.

"Uhh... Clay... I don't have the keys to these cuffs anymore..." The coach had to really struggle to keep his laughter under control as he watched the pup panic above him.

"Oh fuck! Oh shit! I'm sorry! Uhhhh, what do we do?! Do we cut them off? I'm so sorr-" The pup was cut off as the older man couldn't contain himself anymore, and bellowed heartily beneath him as the pup realized he had been tricked... again. Clay wasn't as amused by the joke as the man he was perched over was, and accented that annoyance with a furrowed brow, crossing his arms over his chest as he let out a "Humph," while his Sir kept on laughing for a moment longer. Clay picked back up as the laughter died down.

"So I'm just gonna assume this means you DO have the keys?" The coach gave the kid a wink before he answered with a smile.

"Yes Clay, they're in the chest... but that's something you should ALWAYS confirm before you use locking restraints on somebody. Now what have we learned?" Clay huffed once more before answering with a sly smile.

"That I'm in love with an asshole? Or that you're nearly twice my age but definitely the bigger child at times?" Clay was being a little petty, but in truth, he definitely got what he should've from that exchange. That panic he had felt could've been a very real situation. The coach simply replied in the same joking, sarcastic manner Clay had used.

"Ouch, that really hurts, Clay. I think you're getting the hang of this degradation thing." Clay got a little more flustered at the teasing, here he was trying to be the dominant one, but his Sir was still getting the better of him verbally... and they hadn't even started fucking yet. So he rolled his eyes, and swung his leg over to fetch the cuffs key. When he did, his Sir sat up a bit to address a few more things before he could resume his position.

"Always keep the key in easy reach, You can place it on the nightstand. Sorry for the trick, just want to make sure I'm teaching you the correct way is all." Clay simply smiled a bit as he laid the key down on the small brown nightstand, turning to his Sir after and asking if there was ANYTHING else he needed to do first. He wasn't actually expecting an answer.

"Actually, yes. Let's discuss the role you're wanting to experience first. You want to be the dominant partner this time, does that mean you're wanting to top? If so that's fine, if not that's fine too, but you should know I'm not the best bottom. Being a Dom bottom is definitely a possibility for you though, just so we are clear from all angles." Clay was a bit taken aback by the question.

"I... I don't think I want to top you yet Coach... I like being the one you bury yourself inside of too much." Clay felt a bit embarrassed by admitting that, but it did manage to spark back up the sense of arousal in the room. The older man smiled and nodded in agreement as he replied.

"I like being the one that gets to bury myself inside you also, Pup. Next question, do you want me to resist you, and do what ever I can to fuck you back? Or do you want me to submit to you and lie still as you do the work?" Clay felt himself blush a bit as he considered both possibilities equally. In the end, he decided it would be more fun to watch his Sir struggle beneath him, so he told him just that, eliciting a smirk from the older man, who was already planning his own reversals for the boy.

"Alright, one more thing... do you want me in gear? Or butt-ass naked? Pup's choice." Clay wasted no time answering that one.

"Gear. Or at least the chaps and boots... I've been unable to think about too much else aside from how fucking sexy you looked tonight with them on." That statement was flattering enough to make Rusty's heart beat a little faster. So he stood up from the bed, and slowly removed his boots and the chaps, the jeans following suit. He fastened his chaps back in place afterwards and returned his boots to his feet. He removed his hat, his vest, and the armband from his wrist and set them aside, He knew they would likely be damaged during this roll in the sheets if he left them on.

Clay was watching intently as his Sir finished shedding what was needed. The boy couldn't help but marvel at how damn hot it all was. From the polished boots encompassing his large feet, to the tight leather running from his muscular calves up to the sculpted thighs, to the thick member and the low-hanging swingers being beautifully displayed where the material gave way. Fucking Hell, that man was a magnificent sight to behold, and Clay felt like an especially lucky pup to have it all to himself. Clay snapped back to reality as his Sir spoke once more.

"OK, pup, I'm all yours. I'll move where you want me, I'll take whichever position you want me to take, and I'll allow you to restrain me with anything I have available in that trunk. Cuffs, straps, rope, whatever. Your choice... However... I'll only remain compliant until you give the greenlight for the play to start, when you do, I'll do everything I can think of to free myself. Should your restraints hold, you'll get to play with me and have your way as long as you wish... Puppy's personal chew toy, so to speak... But should they fail and I free myself..." The coach's facial expression shifted to a predatorily frightening one as he spoke this last part, His voice calm, clear, and laced with his sadistic hunger. "I'm going to force you back into submission, use your own restraints against you, and mercilessly fuck you until you either say your safeword, or cry for me... And Clay... I am REALLY looking forward to licking those tears off such an adorable face. "

Clay felt the heaviest, most icy chill roll down his back as he listened to those words, all while staring back into those soul-piercing eyes that still managed to make him feel like a tiny little rabbit being hunted by a wolf... But even so, he wasn't backing down. Tonight, he was going to tame that wolf, or simply become it's dinner trying.

"Sounds like we have ourselves a deal then, Sir." Clay closed the gap between the two, and lightly brought his hand up to rest on his Sir's chest as he circled it twice before he ever so slightly began to push. The coach, holding true to his word, did not resist, and let himself fall backwards onto the bed once more. Clay took his time admiring the man as he made his own decision about his gear. He decided he wanted to do this without his on, it just seemed like the right call this time, so he reached up and pulled his hood off. His handler only looked on in silent compliance. Just as he promised. Clay then dropped his shorts and stepped out of them, along with his shoes and socks. He (Very carefully,) pulled on his tail until it popped free, and did a quick check to be sure everything was still fine back there before pulling his harness up and over his shoulders. Then he turned his attention back to the awaiting older man. Clay decided he'd keep the collar on, as he didn't see it getting in the way like the rest of the gear could've tonight.

With the preparations completed, he once more took a hold of the cuffs still hanging from the older man's thick wrist, looped it through the iron trim atop the headboard, and fastened them to the other arm. The coach only sat idly propped against the headboard, his arms raised above his head where his boy had secured them. Clay moved back to the trunk, and after a moment of digging, came back into his Sir's view with a set of leather-bound shackles joined together by about two feet of chain, and another few feet of rope. Clay closed the shackles around the top of each of his Sir's hefty boots, drawing the two locking straps down as tightly as he could manage. He then took the rope, looped it through the chain between the shackles, and secured one end to each corner pole of the footboard. The older man could bend his knees some, and move his legs from side to side, but wasn't capable of much else at the time. Clay, however, wasn't quite satisfied yet, and felt there was need for a finishing touch, so he moved to his Coach's discarded jeans, plucked the yellow bandana from the back pocket, and brought it back up to his Sir's mouth. The boy paused for a moment, before he leaned in to sweetly kiss his handler's lips one last time before they started. Clay broke the kiss a moment later and pulled himself back, bringing the cloth to his Sir's lips as he did so. He told the older man to open his mouth, and he complied. Clay tied the bandana around the coach's head, covering most of his mouth by doing so, before he moved back a few steps to admire his work. It wasn't the most aesthetic looking job, but he felt confident it would hold the powerful man well enough. The boy moved closer to his Sir once more, and leaned in to softly speak to him before things officially got started.

"Hey Coach? Just wanted to say thank you, for an amazing time out, for making me meet the pack, and even for right now, for letting me try my hand at dominance. Thank you for being there for me in every way I ever could've imagined... I love you... Now, are you ready to begin?" The older man smiled brightly beneath the bandana and winked at his boy. "I love you too, and yes." Somehow, Clay caught the sentiment, so he moved back a few paces, took a deep breath in, and exhaled before speaking a single word, staring at his captive with contempt amusement. "Greenlight."

Clay was a bit taken aback as the older man abruptly surged forward, the cuffs cutting the motion short, ceasing the man's first attempt at escape effortlessly. Clay knew it was part of the role his Sir had taken on, but the deadly look the man had donned as he menacingly glared at his captor almost seemed frightening. Clay, however, wasn't backing down, but he did briefly hope that the restraints would hold. He knew an absolutely savage fuck was coming for him should they fail. Instead, he moved forward, and rested one hand on the straining giant's chest before he calmly spoke.

"Struggle all you wish, but you're my captive now, and I don't plan on releasing you anytime soon... So do us both a favor, accept your fate. Yield your body, it's no longer yours, and there isn't a single thing you get to do about it." The older man's arousal stirred as his boy spoke. He hadn't expected Clay to be so verbal about this situation, but he welcomed it. Clay noticed the swelling tool, and took on a teasing tone as he continued.

"So, you enjoy being my little play thing huh? That'll make this all easier..." The boy began to lightly and ever so slowly trace his hand down the man's chest, circling his navel once before continuing down, following the happy trail further to the light bush, where the heavy tool eagerly awaited some attention. For now though, it would be denied, The boy had some teasing to do first. Clay brought his face down to the man's stomach, and began lightly sniffing at the skin, almost as if he were testing the scent of a candle. He took it a step further and gently extended his tongue to softly caress against the fuzzy skin with the wild muscle. This action was met with another struggling motion, as the subject of the bodily worship thrashed once more, arching his back off of the bed completely for a moment. The boy ignored the vain attempt at freedom and simply continued giving his attention, slowly bringing his face lower, and lower until he could smell the light sweat of the older man's pubes. Clay inhaled deeply, and relished how enticing it all was before he made eye contact with his quarry once more, speaking out after in a slow, dark, and taunting tone.

"Awwwe, does the poor little prisoner want his freedom? What's wrong? Scared of a little attention? Well, here's a question... What are you gonna do about me doing... Oh, I don't know, this?" The boy extended his tongue once more and began lapping slowly at the base of his Sir's cock. Coach could only shudder as his boy so intimately began tending to his aching dick. In truth, he was absolutely loving that this side of Clay was showing itself. It had been quite some time since he last had his control stripped away, and he found he had missed it more than he realized. However, Clay was being just a little too mouthy, and the Sir sated that thought by thinking of all the ways he'd get to punish his cocky little puppy for mouthing off so much once he could manage to free himself. And he knew it was only a matter of time before he found his means to escape.

Clay, unbothered by his Sir's scheming, only continued giving his attentive care to the man's body. He slowly began working himself up the impressive shaft, getting closer and closer to the leaking slit as his mouth affectionately worked the tool over. He kept on with his gentle teasing until he finally reached the head of the spear. He tilted his head, lightly braced the tip against his tender lips, and opened his mouth a bit as he exhaled a breath of warm air over the shaft... Right before he pulled away from the piece entirely. The older man attempted to ram the damn thing in, but the boy was too quick, so he only flailed in place with what little room his hips had to work with as he dry humped into the air where the warm mouth was only moments before, letting out a groan of frustration as he missed his mark. Rusty had to give it to the kid, that was one hell of a tease.

Clay looked on in delight as he successfully dodged the man. He enjoyed having him so worked up, so he figured he may as well continue teasing him. Clay moved his body in between the man's leather-clad legs, spread them a bit, and brought his mouth back down to the man's groin. This time, he focused his mouth on polishing that beautifully hefty ballsack attached behind the intimidating rod. Clay deliberately took his time tending to them. He focused on the left one first, suckling the appendage gently as he savored the salty taste. When he found that flavor had faded from his efforts, he moved to the next. He spent around fifteen minutes catering to that magnificent set of nuts as his Sir could only helplessly squirm in place. That is, until another deviously sly thought flashed across his mind, so he released the sensitive flesh, and moved his head even lower, spreading his Sir's knees apart until they reached the end of the available slack. The coach could only watch on in anticipation as the boy brought his head lower and lower as he approached the man's entrance.

Clay had never tasted an ass before, but he couldn't imagine why he shouldn't have tried it sooner once he had. As his tricky tongue made it's first swipe across his Sir's puckered hole, he immediately fell in love with the taste of that man all over again, only in a brand new way. It had an unexpectedly sweet taste, which when paired with the salty, peppery musk he was inhaling, made for the most stimulating symphony to his senses. He shuddered out a breath at the sheer intensity of it all, as a massive chill drove it's way through his entirety, before the boy hungrily dove right back in, full speed ahead. He was eager to begin really feasting on such a bountiful spread, and Rusty found he was the one left breathless for a change as he did so.

The coach never would've imagined that the submissive boy he'd found innocently sniffing at his gym shorts a week ago would've ended up here, trying to bury his face into his ass clean passed his ears, but here he was, and he couldn't have been more thankful for it. He hadn't been licked down there for years, but he was quickly reminded of how God-damned amazing it had felt. Clay took a particularly deep lap that pierced his ring for a moment while his nose drove up into the coach's heavy sack, and the man found himself straining vainly in his bindings once more. His breathing was uneven as he struggled to keep his moans in check, the boy was tearing through his headspace and thoughts just as surely as his muscle was tearing through his own entrance. Rusty didn't understand how the kid could be so fucking good at what he was doing, since he had no experience, but as he hazily gazed down at the boy from his own overwhelming pleasure, he understood why.

That wasn't Clay anymore, at least, not in that state. Anything and everything Clay may have been before he started in on his Sir's backside was gone, replaced by a ravenous animal that had been starved for weeks. An animal that only relied on instincts, that had given into primal thoughts and tendencies, and tossed away any notion of rational thinking. Clay was entirely swallowed up by his sexual high, completely enslaved by his task... And Coach Duncan almost climaxed right then and there at how amazingly hot his boy looked as he struggled to bury his face even further.

As much as he had hated to, the older man knew he'd have to stop the boy after a few minutes had gone by, if not, they both could end up getting too worked up and finishing prematurely. So despite the holes that Clay's tongue was punching through his logic, he thought of a way to bring the kid back just a little, or so he had hoped. He shifted his legs down as close to the bed as he could manage, and he wrapped his muscular thighs around his boy's head as he began to squeeze. At first it seemed it would only rally Clay on, happy to have some assistance for burying himself in his task, but after about 30 or so seconds with no air, he was finally forced to withdraw, his head snapping up to scowl at the Sir for his interruption. Rusty barely had time to take in a small breath in reprieve before the boy leaped forward, wrapping one hand tightly around the older man's throat as he climbed on top of his Sir while he looked down upon him with a lust-filled stare.

Rusty hadn't the slightest clue where in the absolute fuck this primal aggression had been hiding in that boy, but he wished it would show itself more often as Clay first tightened his grip further, then shifted his hips back, sliding through the copious amount of precum the man had deposited onto his own stomach during the firm tongue lashing the boy had given him only moments ago. The coach felt the boy's crack, still lubed from the tail plug earlier, slide over his swollen tool as he began to rock in place over it, forcing even more pre from the source as it squirted out onto the boy's skin, easing any friction between the pair. Clay held his grip to steady himself while he used his Sir's rod to grease himself up a bit further before coming forward a bit, cocking his own hips, and sliding back once more. The engorged head of his Sir's cock caught in the dip where the boy's tunnel had been practically begging to be pierced. And so it was.

Right as his boy was just starting to penetrate himself on his tool, Rusty thrust upwards with all the room he had, which resulted in burying about half his length into the kid. Clay let out a sharp hiss at the forced entry, but kept on pushing back. Rusty felt like Clay was going to pinch both of his heads off, (One with his hand, one with that tight ass,) if he squeezed any harder. The coach shifted his knees as far forward as possible just before the boy had come to rest on his hips. He was still marveling to himself at just how well his boy could take a fat dick in his ass as Clay began grinding his own hips, finally loosening the grip on his Sir's throat as he let his head fall backwards, releasing a soft moan at the feeling of fullness his Sir was providing him.

Clay steadily picked up his pace, riding the stallion beneath him as the sexual energy coursed through his body, magnifying his mentality. He continued his bucking, and slid more and more of his Sir's throbbing pillar out of himself each time before slamming back down on it. Once he reached a steady, long-dicking rhythm he was satisfied with, he spoke down to the man.

"I hope you're ready to be a good, and long winded little captive... Because I'm feeling pretty God-damned insatiable tonight..." The coach just smiled around the makeshift gag. If the boy wanted more... Well... He had prepared for that. The older man waited for his boy to raise forward before dropping his knees flat, letting Clay unexpectedly come down full force on the inch or so of his dick that his legs had kept out of him so far, bottoming himself out on the rod's entirety. Clay let out a startled grunt as he took the last, hidden part of the tool, stopping completely as his rhythm was shattered and a fresh bit of pain shot up his spine. Rusty only smiled as he managed to break his focus, and used that time to pull back some before thrusting back up into the horny little slut as he heard him moan in delight. Clay started meeting those thrusts, and the two adopted this new tempo for another few minutes as they fucked each other into euphoria.

Eventually, Clay took control once again, and stopped meeting the thrusts. Rusty gave him a slightly puzzled look before he watched as his boy shifted his weight, and spun himself on the meaty shaft into a reverse cowboy position. Clay picked up where he had left off, his Sir's phallus now beating up on the other side of his guts as he whined to himself in delight.

Rusty was absolutely loving this new position, and simply watched on in satisfying marvel at how amazingly hot his boy's ass looked as his dick ripped through it, leaving it gaping, wet, and sloppy. Just like he liked it. He frustratingly jerked at his confines once more, but was pleasantly surprised as something came loose and fell on the pillow from where the cuffs were attached. The rugged man looked over, and realized it was a screw from the iron trim. He cautiously looked at his boy, who was still facing away from him and still far too preoccupied fucking himself to notice what had happened, so the coach looked back towards the trim, and began to push a bit. He found what he was hoping for a moment later, the screw must have came loose from his snatching, and the piece where it attached to the headboard could be pushed up now. Which also meant the chains of the cuffs could slide under. He had found his escape, though unexpected, and he nearly chuckled at how easily he was about to flip the script on his poor, unsuspecting boy. It was time he paid the puppy back for those taunts, and it was Clay's turn to be held captive, rendered helpless, and at his Sir's complete mercy.

Clay was steadily bouncing on his coach's lap, staring down at the beautifully bound and polished boots as he did so. He was completely engrossed in his work as he cherished the feeling of power that stemmed from using somebody else's body as he saw fit... Far too engrossed to pay any attention to the sound of handcuffs sliding under the bed trim... Far too engrossed to notice the larger man quietly reaching for the key and placing it in his mouth, where the bandana had been removed... But not too engrossed, to where he couldn't feel the sudden and unexpected feeling of a cold chain around the front of his throat, and two hands on the back of his head, pulling him backwards against the same man he was only just now realizing had freed himself.

Rusty pulled Clay firmly, but gently enough that the cuff chains around his throat wouldn't hurt him too badly. The boy never even had time to react before the man had already leaned back and pulled him flat against him chest. The larger man started turning the pair on the side before Clay realized what was happening and fought to maintain the control he was enjoying so much. He stuck both of his arms out to the side to try and stop the man from rolling on top of himself, and it worked, and it gave him a few seconds to struggle back against his former captive, but in the end, it was Rusty that won that struggle. He pulled his hips back a bit, used his grip on the boy's head to add some force to the motion, and slammed himself back into his soon-to-be bitch hard enough to make Clay's strength buckle for just a moment from the blow to his prostate. But that moment was all his Sir needed to flip him over, place his weight on top of him, and effectively pin him in place, right where he belonged, snugly trapped under Daddy Duncan's weight with his painfully thick shaft buried balls deep in those guts.

Clay cried out as the man roughly crushed him against the bed with another wicked thrust, accenting that he was back in charge. Clay probably would've panicked over losing the wager, had he not been so worked up already. So instead, he surrendered the control, and just let the man do what he did best, fuck him stupid... And that's exactly what the older man started doing. As Rusty held the boy down with his elbow between thrusts, he took the cuff key from his mouth and fumbled to unlock his left hand. He managed to do so, and then brought the open end of the cuffs to his boy's collar, clicking it around the built in D-ring. The Sir smiled at his makeshift leash before roughly bringing his hips down one last time, savoring the pained moan of his boy once more as his larger nuts harshly smacked against the kid's own. He then propped himself back up on his knees, his right arm pulled the captured boy up by the cuffs now attached to the collar. Rusty continued to lean back, keeping his boy's ass pulled firmly on his dick while he reached to unlatch the cuffs around his legs. When he had finished, he leaned forward once more and placed his free hand on Clay's hips while he released his pull on the cuffed one just a bit. He leaned closely into his trapped prey's ear, slowly and deliberately traced his tongue over the kid's lobe once, and whispered quite cynically,

"Now... Weren't you JUST saying something about feeling insatiable tonight?" There was a deafening pause for a split second, but Clay wasn't giving up his previous dominance without a fight. So he struck back. Hard.

"Yeah, good luck fixing that, RUSTY." The coach let out a single quick scoff, and Clay had just enough time to smile in anticipation as the absolute dickdown he had just bought a one-way ticket to began. The older man had been listening to that mouth run a little longer than he had cared to at that point, and decided he was going to keep good on that promise earlier. He was going to rut around in this fucking bitch until the sun came up if he had to.

Clay was loving the way he was feeling as his coach tried his best to split him in half. It wasn't just the brutally intrusive feeling of every glorious inch being savagely driven home again and again, it was also the headspace, the raw sexual hunger from earlier that fueled his desire to be dominated so wholly by that man. He wanted everything his Sir had to give, and he wanted his fat, boy-breaking rod to keep fucking hurting him. He felt a surge as the larger man rammed himself in once more, and realized he was about to climax. The coach had felt it too, as his boy clenched tightly around his tool, but he was just getting started with this brat tonight, and he wasn't getting off that easily. He pulled the boy upright by the collar, and spoke in such a threatening voice, that Clay had no doubts as to how serious he was being.

"I swear to God, Clay, if you bust a fucking nut before I say you can tonight, I'll lock your cock away in a cage until you graduate." The ruthless man pulled back until his entire dick came free, and then forced it back inside within a second, simultaneously bringing his left hand down sharply on the kid's ass cheek as hard as he could muster, showing the boy's flesh no mercy. Clay cried out from the force of the blow, as he struggled to catch himself from tipping over the edge, now terrified that that he couldn't resist his impending orgasm. His mentor seemed unfazed by his dilemma however, and simply continued his work towards his goal of making the boy cry, or quit.

After a few more rough hilts from those powerful hips, Clay really began to sweat. He drew into his own mentality as he tried to contain his climax. He thought of how crushingly overwhelming his Sir could be when he wanted to be, and how amazingly encompassing it felt right now. He thought about his attempt at dominance just a short while ago, and how pointless it all seemed... He told himself there was no dominating a man like this... Certainly not by someone his size... He was foolish to even try... He knew where he belonged, right here, under his Sir's presence. That's where boy's like him belonged, on the fat fucking cocks of real men like Coach... His thoughts were running wild now, lost in his glorious euphoria as he kept thinking to himself while his Sir viciously took what belonged to him. You should be honored to take such an amazing dick Clay... You should be honored that a true Dom like him would even give you the time of the day... And that's what he is, Clay, a true Dom... A Dom you should never stop serving in any way he saw fit... So let him use you. Let him own you entirely. Let him call the shots from now on. Let him keep fucking all of the pain away with his own pleasurable variety, and let him lock you away if he wishes... It doesn't matter... Just give in, submit to his will. It's your purpose in life now. He is now entirely, and forever your...

"Master." Clay moaned the word out loud as his Sir brought forth another ravaging thrust to tear through his little faggot's hole, causing him to tense up one final time as he surrendered in his battle, and shot his load so hard, that it splashed against the headboard with a "Thunk."

The coach was taken aback as his boy suddenly called him a title he never had before. More so when he jizzed clear across the bed when he fucking said it, but the sound of it caressed something deep down in his darker side once he'd heard the boy moan it out, and it fueled his sadism even more, As he pulled himself free from his cozy, sloppy little hole. He got off of the bed, pulled the boy's head by the leash even as his orgasm continued, and he crammed his dick as far down that throat as he could manage, relishing the sight of his bitch as he desperately cleaned it off down to the base, the sticky, translucent mess that was matted to his bush from the fuck covered the boy's face as he worked, but he never once slowed down. Not even as it began building up and rolling down his chin in streams. Not even as his own climax faded. Rusty wasn't sure what had happened while he was fucking his slut to make him so desperate to please, but he wasn't going to idly wait and let it pass by, so he began to speak in a very menacing and taunting voice. A voice Clay found he had loved.

"You just couldn't control yourself, huh? You just can't help but bust when I fuck you like that huh faggot?" Clay pulled free from the dick just long enough to say "Yes Sir," before he greedily plunged back down on that tool he now lived to serve. The older man continued, intrigued by this wave of submission. "You still fucked up though, boy. I hope you didn't enjoy playing with your dick, because its mine to control until I see fit. You understand me?" Clay repeated his motion, pulling free and replying with his "Yes Sir," before he went to working that glorious rod once more. Rusty couldn't believe it, the kid didn't give two shits about chastity anymore... He was just trying to service him... Even after he just came... Rusty smiled down victorious at his boy as it dawned on him what had occurred. He had finally done it, he had managed to conquer him... Make him submit entirely... And he hadn't even came yet...

The older man pulled himself back to the task at hand, and ordered his boy to stop. Clay obediently removed his head, and looked up at his Master with shining eyes, eager to please, his heavily blushing face still covered in the mess he'd been tasked with cleaning up. The dominant man again reached for the key, and this time removed the handcuffs from both himself, and Clay's collar. Rusty then ordered the boy on the ground, and Clay obeyed without hesitancy. In truth, the older man was simply testing his luck. So he ordered the pup to clean his boots. Clay brought his face down, and began tenderly licking at the shiny black leather, and he was being thorough... He even curled around it a bit as he cleaned every single inch, nearly worshipping the damned thing. Coach ordered him to lie on his back, and he rolled over like a well trained dog. The Sir picked up the same boot the boy had just cleaned, and placed it on his chest. He leaned forward and shifted just a small amount of his weight on it as he did so, speaking down to the boy in the same stern tone as before.

"Do you like being under my boot, boy?"

"Yes Sir." The coach raised an eyebrow before he asked another question.

"And why is that, boy?"

"Because it's where boys like me belong, Sir, Under the boots of real men." The older man couldn't hold back his smile at those words if he'd have wanted to. Wherever that brat from earlier had gone, he was nowhere to be seen now. No, it seemed his boy desired to be a slave, and for tonight, he would be. The bigger man removed his boot from the small chest, and knelt down beside him, his towering cock throbbing impatiently above the boy's face. Clay simply eyed the impressive tool and let himself drool over the fact that something that size could fit inside himself as he waited like the obedient boy he was before his coach spoke.

"On your stomach, slut. I'm gonna fuck you into the floor. You still owe me some tears if I remember correctly faggot. Don't you disappoint me." Clay frantically rolled over for his Sir, desperately doing anything to please the man before he spoke his answer back, though it seemed like the boy was begging, something the older man loved to hear.

"Please, fuck me to tears, Sir. Make me hurt, make me bleed if necessary... Slap me, degrade me, use me as you see fit... Fuck, shove your fist inside of me if you have to, just, please... Don't stop until I satisfy your needs, Master, that's all that matters. " The coach just whistled at such a submissive answer before he spoke again.

"Fine. I'll do what I want. If you want me to stop, use your safewords, they are still there if you need them." The larger man moved to his boy's backside and pulled his ass up into the air while he kept his face shoved into the floor. He then stood up, and placed one boot on the side of Clay's head, applying light pressure to the rosy cheek with it as he leaned over and stuck two fingers into his bitch's gaping, stretched asshole, still as sloppy as the way he had left it. He brought up his other hand, and placed another two digits inside of the boy. He worked the four fingers a bit deeper inside before he started pulling on the kid's walls with his hands, forcing the abused hole open even wider as his boy cried out below. The coach gave him a small twist with his boot before he removed it completely. He continued to pry apart the sweet, ravaged entrance with his fingers. He positioned himself behind his bitch as he lined his massive dick back up with the tunnel once more.

With his fingers still inside, he began to insert his manhood between them, stretching the kid more than ever. Clay felt like he was about to tear in half, but he only whined below his Master's abuse. It didn't matter what it took, he would give the man what he desired. Suddenly, Rusty forced himself in nearly all the way down and started jackhammering the boy's ass with frantic force, feeling his dick glide over his fingers as they were pressed further into his little cumdump's walls. He eventually removed them, and actively tried to break Clay apart as he relentlessly hammered into his flesh once again, the wet, squelching noises only urged the man onward as he fucked the boy with everything he had. Clay felt as if his back were about to snap in half as he was bulldozed into the ground, but still, no tears. So the coach resorted to more direct measures.

Rusty unexpectedly stopped, pulled himself free with a particularly wet sounding noise, and ordered Clay on his back again. Clay obeyed, and the man rushed to plunge his girth back into the boy's bruised and battered ass. He picked up his speed again as he heavily sweated above Clay, who actually found he enjoyed the beads of the salty, musky stuff dripping down upon him. He felt privileged to be gifted with his Master's scent after all. The coach kept adamantly fucking the kid for a few moments, then suddenly, reached forward and slapped him across the face. Hard. Clay cried out in shock, but never complained, So his Sir did it again, this time striking the other cheek. He fucked that boy on the floor for roughly 10 minutes, slapping the piss out of him every so often. Eventually, Clay's eyes filled with tears from the force of the blows, and they finally fell from the corners of his eyes. His Master was pleased.

Rusty saw he had finally managed to break the boy, so he picked up the pace, thrusting as quickly as he could into the crying little bitch while he leaned over him. The Sir commanded Clay to open his mouth, and naturally, his little slave did. He spat a huge wad of his saliva down his slut's throat, and slapped him one more time for good measure before he felt his climax finally climb up to near completion. He increased his hammering to a pace as fast as he could manage, and leaned over his boy , grabbed him by his throat, and finally tasted those sweet, masochistic, boy tears... And shortly after, he unloaded into his good little slave's ass, flooding his guts with the gracious gift of his seed... The seed of a true Dom planted firmly inside a ravaged boy. Just as it should be.

I know, I know, it was long... And may have gotten a bit sadistic... but hey, hope y'all enjoyed it... Just don't get too used to chapters this long. Plenty more coming soon y'all. Please email me your thoughts? I'd greatly appreciate it, makes the 8 hour chapters worth it. Support your sites!

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