Molding Clay

By Blake Dupont

Published on Jun 30, 2023


Clay followed Alan to the front door when they arrived back at his place. Alan unlocked the door and the two moved inside. Clay was carrying the bag he'd brought his pup gear to the shop in earlier that same day, only this time, It held most of what had been added, save for the shorts. Clay proceeded to the guest room while Alan went to fix himself a pre game drink. Clay had found the room empty, but the chest Coach had loaded up into the truck last was open and displaying all kinds of different gear, Most of it looking untouched for quite some time to the kid. He assumed his Sir was still in the bathroom preparing, So he set his bag on the bed and moved to the door before knocking lightly. He received a response quickly after.

"I'll be just another moment, pup. Go get yourself ready. Wait in the bedroom with the door closed behind you when finished. Sit with your back to the door, Eyes forward. Leave your collar off, but nearby. Notify me when you're ready." Clay knew his Sir wasn't always one for theatrics, but also knew that the training for the past few days all came down to this moment. The first time meeting his handler should be done right. He simply replied with a "Yes Sir," and proceeded to the bedroom to obey the command. He stripped down to nothing, inserted his plug, and began to dress himself fully in the pup gear, save for the collar as commanded, Which he placed on the bed. It took him about seven minutes to gear up fully, (The tail was a bit trickier to get through the hole in the shorts than expected,) before letting out a cheerful "Arf," to signal he was ready and in position. He heard the door to the restroom open and anxiously awaited his Sir. Like a good puppy.

Rusty was finished dressing already, but gave the kid the command for two reasons. The main one, was he wanted the first time his pup saw him as a handler to be done right. The other, was just plain procrastination. He had quelled most of his inner doubt, but the finality was setting in. The time was now... Daddy Duncan would remain buried no more. He eased and sorted his thoughts a while longer before he heard an "Arf," from the next room over just a few moments later. He took a deep breath, spared one last glance in the mirror, and proceeded to meet his eager puppy.

When Coach arrived at the door and opened it, He took a moment to appreciate what he saw. His pup was obediently sitting just as commanded, decked out in the new and old gear alike with his back to the doorway. His head was straight forward. Rusty couldn't help but relish how delicious the pup looked, from the snug harness, to the little silicone tail protruding happily from the hole in those tight ass shorts. The sight wasn't lost on his tool either as he felt it begin to stir, bulging nicely in the pocket of his denim jeans framed by the chaps. (Then again, if you had some sexy ass puppy boy kneeling obediently in front of you, you would probably sport your own arousal.) Coach took two steps forward and lightly closed the door behind him before approaching his pups backside.

Clay heard the faint click of the door behind him and knew his Sir was now there. Every muscle in his body wanted to spin around and greet his handler, but he made himself fight the urge and simply continued to look forward. It seemed unfair really, to stare at a simple wall when he knew there was a stud behind him, but he also knew his patience would be rewarded. His thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of a large hand resting lightly on his shoulder and a deep voice accompanying it.

"Good evening, pup, you're looking quite nice in your gear. Andy did well. I hope you're enjoying the feel of it as much as I do the sight?" Clay almost replied with a "Yes Sir," but caught himself in time and thought back to his training, Instead he replied with an enthusiastic short bark. (A single one meant yes.) He felt the older man's hand raise up just a bit and pat his shoulder some before he continued.

"Good boy. Are you ready for tonight?" Again, the pup replied with a singular bark.

"Good, that makes two of us... Alright then, pup, presenting position, eyes to the ground. Close them when you're done. You will follow these next few commands precisely. You will take no liberties with them. Only do as I say, nothing else." Clay, the good puppy he was, happily obliged the man by leaning forward on his hands and bending his elbows so his front was lowered while his rear was upright. He locked his gaze to the floor directly beneath him and closed his eyes. He heard the stud moving from behind him to stand in front. He was pretty certain he could get away with a peek without his Sir catching on, considering his face was hidden like it was, but he wouldn't chance it. He enjoyed being obedient far too much to do that. The next command came shortly after.

"Open your eyes, but keep your gaze down."

Clay eagerly did just that, and was greeted with the sight of one freshly polished combat boot beneath his gaze. He could even make out the distorted, light reflection of his hood staring back at him. He gazed down at the leather beneath him for a moment before his Sir decided he'd admired them from that angle long enough.

"Here, let me help you get a closer look." Clay felt his Sir's other boot pressing lightly on the back of his head at that remark, pushing it down until the snout of the hood was barely pressing against it. The faint smell of polish and leather invaded Clay's nose. Something about the scene and the presence of his master's boot on his head made his own arousal begin to grow. His Sir spoke again.

"Do you like my boots pup? I cleaned them up just for you." Clay replied with his single bark again, He found he strangely did like them.

"Good. I did miss a spot on the toe though, perhaps you could get it for me?" Though it was worded as a question, Clay knew it was far from a request. It was an order. The idea of boot worship never really seemed like something he'd enjoy, but it wasn't exactly a hard limit by any means. He lowered his head, pressed his snout a little more into the leather, and extended his tongue. The polish didn't have as bad nor as strong a taste as he expected, Probably due to Rusty's thoroughness when removing the extra. After the first initial taste test, he began to quicken the pace, lapping at the smooth leather while the weight of his Sir's other boot on his skull gently coaxed him on. Coach Duncan watched on in contempt as his obedient pup submitted to his whim. He let the boy get a few more licks in before he removed the boot from the back of his head and ordered him to stop.

"Bring your head up slowly, keep your eyes forward, you are not to look above my waistline. Understand pup?" Clay once more agreed, and slowly raised himself on his arms and brought his snout up his Sir's powerful legs to rest against the open crotch area of the chaps. (And oh, how he relished the sight of those chaps running down the muscular thighs beneath.) He found his patience was growing thin, as the urge to take a complete look at his handler battled against his will to obey. His will held for the moment.

"Enjoying the view?" Rusty had that usual, "In control," smirk on his face as he spoke down to the kid, but not for much longer... For some reason Clay himself couldn't really explain, A quick response flashed across his mind... He couldn't have stopped himself from saying it in a teasing voice if he had wanted to. Which to be honest, he didn't.

"Looks alright to me, but doesn't mean you're the right handler for me yet." The words surprised Clay almost as much as they did Rusty. Almost.

Did that actually just happen? Rusty was speechless as he thought to himself. (Clay would never admit it, but he felt a jolt when he managed to break the man's confidence for a moment.) He didn't really know how to feel about it yet. At first there was the initial flash of anger at denying him his control, but that was snuffed out quickly enough by the fascinating realization of what exactly was happening...

The pup side of Clay was becoming a bit of a brat. That alter ego was finally forming. And maybe... Even a hint of dominance? Rusty gazed down at the pup, still obeying the command and keeping his eyes on the "Prize," Never moving an inch since delivering the blow. He could see it, give the boy 5 years and some workouts... He's could be one hell of a top. Maybe an Alpha pup or a Dom even. That fire he had buried was gonna burn through some boys one day. He smiled at that thought, and leaned himself back from the pup a bit before he answered calmly down to him,

"Yeah, you're right.. maybe I'm not the handler for you... How bout you look me in the eye and tell me that again though." Clay cautiously brought his gaze up the man's torso, the rippled flesh contrasting against the vest made his heart flutter a bit. He finally managed to lift his gaze away from the abs enough to see his Sir's head, and involuntarily let out a little whine. That Officers cap looked hot as fuck! Hell, the whole picture did, it was a scene right out of one of those old leather magazines Clay had seen once or twice. The large man just towered over him with his arms crossed, glaring down sharply at the boy. His eyes seemed to pierce through Clay's entire core. The pup knew that look... Coach was asserting his dominance. Not that Clay would expect anything less after that kick to his ego.

"Well, I'm waiting, pup. Tell me again how you don't think I'm handler enough for you." It was a dare. Coach Duncan was testing his bravery. A bravery that Clay found awfully hard to locate when he was on his knees staring up at the rugged, Alpha before him that was merely toying with him. They both knew who was going to be in charge tonight... Clay bowed his head and let a submissive whine out. He raised his left hand and placed it on the coach's right knee. (Permission to speak.) Coach wasn't quite satisfied yet though. He looked forward to the time he would meet the pup's dominant side, but tonight wouldn't be that night. Tonight, the pup belonged to his handler, and that brat part of him needed to be tamed for it.

"OH, so NOW you ask for permission to speak? Funny, would've sworn a pup such as yourself would've been trained better than that. Maybe you aren't ready for this after all... Go ahead though, speak for me, pup." Clay did a moment later, his head still down in the submissive gesture as he told the man what he wanted to hear.

"I'm sorry Sir. I guess I was feeling a bit too cocky. Please let me be your pup still... I want to walk on my leash beside you, for everyone to see that I belong to you... And I can prove it!" Clay reached into his tight pocket and pulled out something small and silver. He held it up for the man to take. Rusty accepted the token with a bit of curiosity before he realized what he was looking at. It was a pup tag. It had the name "Pup Phoenix," printed across the front. He thumbed it over and found there was another inscription in small lettering on the backside, One that not only satisfied his dominant side, but flooded his caring side with warmth too.

"Property of Daddy Duncan."

"The only one who's commands I obey."

Rusty had the biggest smile on his face, backtalk or no, He was honored and privileged to have such an amazing pup. He set the tag down beside the collar, and clapped his hands twice. (Signaling a pause in their play.) Clay looked up as he heard the command, a bit puzzled by it. He expected his Sir to run with the apology, but a break instead? It wasn't often Coach would let an opportunity to mentally punish him like that slip by. He received a little more explanation shortly.

"Phoenix huh? I like it. Solidifies your rebirth no doubt... It suits you, Clay. Hell, the whole damn getup suits you. I can't recall ever knowing a more sexy looking pup, and I mean that. The attitude is new, but I think we will have some fun with it, in time... But you flatter me with this tag. You didn't have to do that you know? It's alright if you want to experience things with other people too, Hell, you're barely 18, you still got a whole lot of living ahead of you, and I'd never be so selfish to deny you your youth. I want you to experience all life has to offer, whether it is as Clay or Phoenix, or with me, or somebody else..."

Clay smiled below his hood as he heard his Coach speak. When he said stuff like that... that's when Clay knew he really was the perfect Sir for him. How he can be so domineering and yet so caring at the same time was beyond the boy.

"I appreciate that, Coach, but for now, I think I only want to be your pup, nobody else's... Fuck you look so hot... I'd like to keep experiencing things with you for now if that's alright?" Coach smiled down at the pup, it definitely was alright. He brought his attention back to the tag and collar on the bed. He snapped the ring of the tag around the collar and held it horizontally in front of him. He motioned for Clay to stand, and the kid complied.

"So, you ready for this Clay? I think we will have a fun night. I know I'll enjoy showing you off for sure... Are you ready to be my pup? Completely and fully mine? His confident smirk was back and bigger than ever. Clay happily replied with a "Yip!" before he moved his head forward to present his neck to his new handler. Rusty once again placed the collar snugly around the boy's neck and fastened it shut, only this time, It was now bearing the tag which declared the pup as belonging to him. The deal was sealed. Pup Phoenix was his now. Coach smiled and held his right fist outwards. Clay immediately recognized and obeyed the first command he had learned. He sat.

Rusty extended the first two fingers from that fist and spoke one word, "Leash." Clay jumped to his feet and moved across the room to his backpack, where he pulled the leash from inside before returning to again sit in front of his Sir. The leash was folded up and held lightly in the boy's mouth as he proudly sat looking up at the giant. Coach Duncan took the leash, patted the boy's head softly, and clipped it to the collar. He then held one finger pointing straight up and Clay got to his feet. The older man led Phoenix by the leash out the door, meeting back up with Alan in the kitchen. Alan took a quick look at the pair and smiled heartily before he spoke.

"Well, looks like everything still fits you well Rusty. How's it feel to be back?"

"Honestly, it feels good, and very nostalgic... But also a little sad, like I knocked more than just some dust off this old leather... Regardless, I'm here and have a responsibility as a handler to this pup now. Thanks for getting him taken care of for me." Alan understood what the man meant, he was finally letting the past go. He was glad to hear it.

"Any time, besides, you should thank Andy. He's the one that did the shopping." Coach let out a small laugh at that comment.

"Oh I'm sure he did a lot more than just pick out some gear, I believe he inflated my pup's head so much, that I'm surprised the hood still fits. Hahaha!" Alan just smiled knowingly and tended to the rest of his drink before he asked the pair if they were ready. They were.

It was only a ten minute drive to the bar, but to a nervous Clay, it felt like hours. He was really about to do this... That thought had his anxiety soaring, but the fact that his Sir would be there with him kept it from getting too out of hand. Whatever the night held, they could handle it. The car pulled to a stop in one of the few open parking spaces left in the crowded lot. Rusty told Alan to go ahead, that they would catch up shortly after. The older, short man nodded and went to the front door and disappeared into the club. Coach and Phoenix were still waiting beside the car before the handler turned to speak to his pup one final time before they went inside.

"Well, here we are..." Coach had spoken with a soft tone and a caring look upon his face.

"Yeah, here we are." Clay was trying to hide his anxiousness in his voice, but failed miserably. The older man still appreciated the effort the boy was making though. He remembered the fear and excitement of visiting your first gay space all too well.

"If you don't want to be on your leash you don't have to, Clay." Rusty was giving the boy an out if he wanted it, but Clay was already too determined to back down.

"No, I want everyone to know that I'm the luckiest pup in there! We need to make an entrance after all, it is the first time you've been back since everything happened after all..." Rusty smiled at the kid, and pulled him close for a moment. He lifted the hood just enough to plant a sweet kiss on the boy's lips before returning it to its place. He unlatched the loop on the right side of his chaps that held the leash, and once more fastened it to his pup's collar. He turned and held his right arm up, letting the leash fall over his right shoulder. It was leading to the collar of the pup following closely behind him. They made their way to the building, and joined the awaiting crowd inside... And to the awaiting events of that night that neither of them would have ever predicted.

Alright guys, sorry for the delay! Been super busy with work and fundraisers lately, so haven't had as much time to put into this story as of late. Still actively working on it when I can though. It didn't help that I scrapped and rewrote this chapter 3 times also... I'm still not entirely happy with it, but it'll get me where I need to go. The next 2 chapters will be of each pov in the club, Clay's, and coach's. I appreciate the support and patience y'all!

As always, reviews and feedback are encouraged. Thanks for your continued audience! Support your servers!

(I also wanted to not two discrepancies. I've since revised chapter 1 to accommodate them, but they have to do with timeliness. Clay is not 17 and a Junior, but 18 and a Senior. It will be relevant to change with where I'm taking the story, that's the thing about writing chapter by chapter, you dont always know exactly what setup you need. So if you can look the other way I'd appreciate it! Thanks guys!)

Next: Chapter 15

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