Molding Clay

By Blake Dupont

Published on Jun 18, 2023


Coach Duncan awoke Friday morning feeling relaxed and refreshed. He let a powerful stretch course through his body as he laid cozily beneath the bedding before turning his attention to the boy lightly snoring beside him. It was a sight and feeling he didn't think he'd ever get enough of. Clay was curled up into a very loose ball, his hair was messy and his right leg poked from the sheets in lazy contrast. Coach could only smile at the warmth the sight brought him. He sometimes still felt it was all somehow only a dream, but here this beautiful, sweet kid was, still laying beside him. He pulled himself closely to cradle the boy's body against his own, and worked his arms around Clay's chest before pulling him tightly against his form.

Clay awoke to the feeling of strong arms squeezing his frame with a tight hug. The force of the embrace even made two bones crack along his spine behind his ribcage. He let out a slightly disgruntled groan in protest of the sudden awakening before he simply basked in the security of it all, letting his Coach just hold him snugly. Nevertheless, it did bring a smile to his face. Being held by his Sir always brought a smile to his face. So in a raspy voice of one who had just woken up, he mumbled quietly to the rugged man behind him.

"Mornin', Sir." Coach responded first by adding a little squeeze to his hold before greeting the kid.

"Good morning' boy, sleep well?" Clay only nodded lightly and grunted as he let the sleep begin to leave his body. He took in a deep breathe and exhaled while his body awoke, relishing the feeling of his lover speaking softly into his ear all the while. Coach continued.

"Well, today's the day. Still up for it?" Clay grunted in response once more. He was more than ready, He had been looking forward to it all throughout the pup training they had done on Thursday and Friday. Tonight, he would finally get to show off some of that training. He shifted his head back to lightly nuzzle into his Sir's neck in a show of affection. He may have been eagerly looking forward to tonight, but for now, He didn't want to move from his position for anything in the world. He breathed in heavily, let out a sigh of contentment, and cleared his throat before he spoke.

"I love you, Coach." Both of their hearts still surged when they said that.

"I love you too, Clay." Coach accented his statement by bringing his firm tool to rest against his boy's ass, to rest where it belonged. He briefly tightened his embrace into a squeeze once more. They stayed like that for another few minutes before Coach let loose his hold, kissed the boy on his cheek, playfully swatted the kid's ass once, and sat upright to get the day started.

After a quick breakfast and their workout, the pair had loaded up the truck with two suitcases and one of Clay' backpacks. When they finished, Clay waited in the truck by his Sir's request as the older man went back in for the last thing to bring for the weekend. Coach Duncan entered his closet and gazed at the medium chest hidden on the left side of the floor. It had been six years since he'd last opened it, and it felt surreal and dangerous as he approached it. A heavy layer of dust had settled on top from the lack of use, He brushed some of it off, reached for the latch, and opened it. The contents were all still there... just as he had left them. Nostalgia and lingering hurt flooded through his veins as he eyed the leather gear he'd abandoned so long ago. He would mess with it later, for now, He closed the lid and snapped the latches back into place before he carried the trunk through the house and placed it in the bed of the pickup. And the two were off.

The drive went smoothly enough, they made good time and only stopped once for fuel and a drink before they arrived at Alan's house, just a little over two hours later.

Ms. Kathleen Skipper, the miserable bitch that she was, had spent most of Spring Break in parent-teacher conferences, explaining in explicit detail to said parents how their various teenagers were letting themselves, (And herself,) down, and simply weren't trying hard enough. How any excuse was only an excuse and not an acceptable reason to fall behind in their schooling... Even going so far to suggest the lack of a good Christian role model was to blame. In her mind, she was doing the lord's work. Never mind the audacity it takes for one to state that a student attending a grandparent's funeral wasn't a valid reason to ignore their homework... I'm certain you won't need much more detail to discern the type of person she is, so for now, I'll leave it at that.

Kathleen was leaving a church bake sale Friday afternoon that she herself had organized, (and contributed FAR more time and effort into than the other twelve people in her opinion,) When she came to a stop at an intersection. She was casually humming along off-tune to a song on the radio when she spotted the familiar black GMC pickup driving into her line of sight on the highway before her. She smiled to herself as the driver came into sight.

She had decided years ago that Rusty would be hers. She had made pass after pass at the man and was frustrated when she was shot down time and again. She thought she understood the reason he had though. She was simply too intimidating. She was strong, beautiful, clever, successful, and the happy housewife type. (Her own words...) So it only made sense the man believed himself to never have a chance. Even still, she persisted. Only this time, as her object of obsession came into view, she noticed his right arm was stretched out and resting lightly on the shoulder of.... Another man?!? She leaned forward to try and get a closer look, but couldn't tell who it was riding shotgun beside the man. Had it not been for the traffic, she would have adamantly pursued the truck, possibly even crashed her car into it. The pair in the truck never even noticed her.

She let out a screech of frustration, the man was a damned SODOMITE!!! She felt disgusted at the realization the one she had been chasing after rejected her because he was some disgusting abomination! A heathen that partook in sinful pleasures! It was no wonder he had turned her down, there was nothing wrong with her! It was HIM who was wrong! Well, she would NOT stand for this. Some twisted faggot would NOT continue to be allowed around the children in her town!!! They may begin to think that that type of behavior was acceptable! The Supreme Court decision be damned! She wouldn't allow those innocent children to be corrupted by his perversions! She gripped the wheel of her car so tightly that her knuckles were turning white as she sped off towards her home to begin working on a solution to be sure that THING... That... That... ABOMINATION, would never work in a school again!

Alan greeted his guests for the weekend cheerily at the door. He showed them to the spare bedroom and even helped them grab their luggage. After they were settled a bit, the three moved to chat for a while in the living room area before Coach finally set his own plan in motion. Alan was prepared for it, him and his old friend had a few texts about it the day before.

"Alright, Clay, I'm going to start preparing for tonight. I've arranged a little something for you to do with Alan while I take some time to do so. Bring your pup gear. You alright with that?" Clay looked puzzled by this, but he agreed anyways. He knew his Sir wouldn't put him in a bad position, and he trusted Alan also. So the pair left the man to his preparations as they drove Alan's car towards whatever Coach Duncan had planned.

After Coach had watched them leave, he went back to the guest room and, once again, opened the chest for the second time in years. He lightly ran his fingertips over the leather gear inside before unpacking a few items and laying them on the bed. He began to carefully plan his attire for that evening. When his selection was made, He moved the items to the bathroom along with some leather conditioner and an old rag he had stored away in the trunk. The lack of use had left some of the material a bit firm, but it was nothing the man couldn't fix with a little elbow grease. He set a chair in front of the mirror and began his work of polishing the smooth material, letting his mind drift over the memories attached as he did so. For now, we leave him to it.

Clay and Alan arrived at a small shop hidden in the industrial district roughly 15 minutes after leaving the house. Clay wasn't sure what to expect before the pair got out of the car and went inside. He was pleasantly shocked at what he saw, the place was crammed full of different gear, toys, and accessories. Some of it he knew and recognized from his research, others, He hadn't the faintest idea of what they would be used for. The best part of it all, though, was the enticing aroma of raw leather that completely engulfed his sense of smell. He didn't know what his Sir and Alan had planned, but he was happy he had agreed to come so far. He followed Alan to the counter where a bulky, ginger man who looked to be in his mid twenties had his back turned to them. Alan taunted the man a bit.

"Damn, not even a hello? Sure is hard to find good, respectful service these days..." The man never turned around as he answered.

"Look here, old man, if you want a nice, respectful, shopping experience, you certainly wandered into the wrong place. It's alright though, it's probably just your dementia setting in." The man finally turned to face the pair as he finished his little jab at Alan, He had a cocky smile plastered on his handsome face and one hand on his hip as he did so. He glanced quickly at Clay then came from behind the counter to give the older man a tight hug. Alan gave him a little pat on the shoulders before he released him and spoke his own comeback.

"Oh, Andy, no matter how old my mind gets, I could never forget you... Regardless of how hard I may try." They were both smiling, so Clay assumed they didn't actually hate each other. Apparently insulting each other was how Coach and his friends all said "Hello," to one another. Speaking of Hello, the man named Andy turned his attention to Clay, looking him up and down studiously with his bright green eyes before he leaned back against the counter, crossed his arms, and spoke to the boy.

"So... You're the kid that's somehow managed to coax Daddy Duncan out of retirement huh? Gotta say, I'm impressed at that feat. Though it's not surprising, a little young hottie like yourself could definitely persuade me to do a couple of things I wouldn't tell my dear old Ma about." Andy never stopped staring at Clay while he spoke, even as the boy blushed beet red at the compliment, more red than Andy's thick, neatly groomed, facial hair. He did manage to stammer out a little response to the flattery though.

"Haha... Thanks man. You're pretty sexy yourself." It was the truth. Andy wore black ripped jeans that seemed a little too snug in the crotch, a very tight tank that flattered his defined physique nicely, a black leather ball cap backwards over his fiery, curly, hair, and a polished pair of black combat boots on his large feet. His left eyebrow had a spiked piercing that matched the silver of two small rings near the middle of his right ear. All three complimented the dog chain around his neck. He was a stud that oozed confidence, that's for sure. He smiled at the shy praise the kid had given him.

"Well thanks, cutie, now, lets get right down to it! So, Rusty told me a little bit about the plans y'all had for tonight, and it's my job to get you properly equipped for it. If I remember correctly, You're wanting to go in full pup gear huh?" Clay only nodded lightly, still a bit stammered. Andy never lost a beat.

"Nice! Bet you're a cute ass puppy... Let's get you geared up! You have a collar, tail, and a hood already from what I gathered. Go ahead and put them on and strip to your undies. You don't have to worry about the plug for now, there's a dressing room in back if you need it." He motioned over his shoulder towards a curtain in back with a thumb." Clay nodded and went for it. He stripped to his tighty-whities as was requested, and put his collar and hood on before stepping back out. He was met with Andy's eyes gleaming with delight at his attire.

"God damn boy! WOOF! How'd that lucky bastard manage to find you first?" Clay sheepishly brought his arm to rest on the back of his head in embarrassment at the compliment. Andy never let up.

"You fill out them snug ass undies well too, kid! I'm gonna have fun dressing you, though not as much fun as undressing you would be... And a yellow puppy at that! You dig the kink? Or just the color?" Clay was positively swimming in the heat from the comments.

"...Both?" Andy's eyes beamed even more at that answer. Alan intervened before he got too carried away.

"Alright, alright, you're gonna smother the kid with attention, Andy. Remember why we are here still? Or you just gonna hit on him the whole time?" Andy looked towards the older man and rolled his eyes and muttered something about a "Spoil sport," Before bringing his attention back to study Clay, His gears were visibly turning while he did so.

"I think I know which direction to take you, follow me, kid!" Andy grabbed a cloth measuring tape from behind the counter. Threw it over his shoulders, and guided Clay towards a wall with an assortment of leather pants and shorts. He stopped and squatted down in front of Clay, bringing the tape off his shoulder and speaking to him before continuing.

"I'm gonna have to get a little close and personal here, but I assure you, we respect consent in this place. You alright with that?" Clay nodded down at the stud below him. Andy wasted no time bringing the tape around the kid's waist first, then moving to measure the top of his thigh where his leg poked out from his underwear.

"28 inch waist. Nice. I should have a pair here that will fit you perfectly. They may be a little tight around your legs, but it'll make that cute little butt of yours pop!" Clay was pretty sure if embarrassment could kill, he'd have dropped dead by now. Andy selected a pair of black leather shorts from the wall and passed them to Clay. They were rough leather, unpolished from what Clay gathered. He liked the feel of the thick material. He inspected them further and saw they had a fold hem sewn on the bottom of each leg hole and a nice little spot in the front to hold his package neatly in place. More surprisingly though, he found there was a slit on the back where his asshole would be. It didn't take him long to realize it was to allow his tail to protrude. He looked back towards the man in front of him to see him motioning to the dressing room. Clay obliged.

He closed the curtain behind him and removed his underwear. He stepped into the shorts and pulled them snugly up. He found they really were a tight fit as he struggled to button them and get his package to sit comfortably. When he had though, he looked at his reflection in the mirror and smiled at what he saw. They really did fit him perfectly, his ass looked great! More so though, he smiled at what he had finally noticed. His Coach's workout routines were working. Where his stomach was once simply flat, he now had hints of abs showing through. His shoulders and arms showed definition of the tight muscle strands that peeked below his skin. He was looking hot... Like, REALLY hot, especially in his gear. Clay smiled once more at the yellow pup staring back at him in the mirror and exited the changing room.

"Nice! Knew they'd work!" Andy couldn't resist complimenting his work so far. Clay didn't mind at all.

"Alright, was trying to place you in either a vest or a harness, but I think the harness will suit your form better, kid." Andy held up a simple black harness with yellow piping on the sides to Clay before removing it from the hanger. He moved to place it over the boy's head before he fastened it snugly in place. Clay caught a glimpse of himself in a mirror on the wall and smiled at the way it really did compliment his build. Andy spoke once more after.

"Damn, I'm good! Alright kid, we need something to tie it all together... OH! I got it!" the stud moved back towards the counter and slipped his hand inside the display case. He returned with a black leather band that had the same piping as his collar and harness, and fastened it on Clay's right wrist. Like everything Andy had chosen so far, it fit perfectly. Clay felt good in his outfit, he felt confident. Though, that could just be from Andy stroking his ego. Andy wasn't quite finished though, and asked a question pertaining to the final touch.

"Alright kid, I think you're ready! One more thing though, you decide on your pup name yet?" Clay turned back towards the man. He had thought heavily on this subject for the past few days. He thought about how the gear made him feel. He thought on what seemed to fit him. He thought about how far he'd come in only one short week. He thought of the Sunflowers his mother loved so much, and how they mimicked the sun itself. He thought of the rebirth he'd felt the last few days. He thought about his Sir... And he spoke aloud, clearly and confidently, the name he had decided on.

"Phoenix. Pup Phoenix." Andy smiled.

"I can dig it. Let's get you a tag made. This is on me, by the way, as a thank you for getting that grumpy ass Sir of yours back in the saddle. Plus, a welcome to the community." He walked Clay to a small kiosk with an assortment of different tag styles. Clay chose a silver one shaped like a bone. Andy let him type the name and inscription on the back before the machine whirred to life and went to work.

When it fell out of the bottom, Clay picked it up and clasped it tightly for a moment. He looked towards Andy once more and held the tag for him. This time though, Andy shook his head.

"That right belongs to you or your Sir, pup. Your decision." Clay understood, and placed it in the shallow right pocket of the shorts. With their work complete, Alan pulled a card from his wallet and proceeded to pay for the items. Clay almost had a heart attack when he saw the price... Alan assured him his Sir had insisted on buying it all though. They were preparing to return to the car when Clay stopped himself. He turned to Andy, leaned upwards, and gave him a huge hug around the neck. Andy smiled and hugged the kid back.

"Thank you. This was an amazing experience! I see why Coach asked you to help! I feel... Comfortable." Andy broke the embrace, let a gentle smirk cross his face, and replied.

"Good. You deserve to feel comfortable. You look hot as hell... I'll see you later tonight, Phoenix. It was my pleasure to meet you and gear you up. You're always welcome here." The new pup bid the flattering ginger farewell with a hushed "Arff," And headed back with Alan to his place as the sun began to set.

Coach Duncan spent over an hour in that bathroom cleaning up his leather. He tediously cleaned and conditioned every inch masterfully. (He knew quite a few boot-blacks in his day that taught him a thing or two.) It was more than just knocking the dirt off an old vest to Rusty though, It was carefully reviving a part of himself, One he had never wanted to see again just a few short days earlier. He understood why it made him sad though, It was letting those painful memories finally be put to rest. It was the closure the whole thing brought... The closure he wasn't sure he even wanted...

He finished the hat he'd just been buffing and set it to the side. He looked down for the pile to his right and realized he had just finished the last piece he needed for tonight. He had been so in his own head, That he just went on autopilot while he cleaned and thought about the past. But it seemed the time for reminiscing was over now... Rusty stood up to admire the finished product.

"Still got it." He spoke only to himself, but it made him feel a bit better about the whole thing. He pulled his shirt off and picked up the first piece, a leather vest. (Given it was still Springtime in Texas, He definitely wasn't wearing his jacket in that heat.) The vest was mostly black, with a dark blue trim around the edges and the arm holes. It was mostly standard issue, aside from the large white rectangular patch on the back which read "Daddy Duncan," in matching blue lettering. The sides of the vest below his arm were expertly cut away long ago and stitched up, Those seams were secured to four shining chains on each side that connected the material instead. It was a gift from a friend long ago. He put the vest on solemnly and his skin burst into chill bumps where the cold metal met his ribcage. It seemed the thing still fit him as well as it used to though.

He picked up a pair of leather chaps and pulled them over his dark blue jeans next. He fastened the front first and adjusted the backs before he zipped them up on each side. They were simple black chaps, but the emphasis they put on his crotch was absolutely perfect. There wasn't a loose bit of denim anywhere down the line as they hugged his muscular thighs wonderfully. He stepped into his boots next. He opted to wear his leather pants with the knee high boots, but decided he'd keep it a little more casual instead (It was Clay's first time getting to see him like this after all.) So he placed his feet into the large black combat boots, and bent down to lace them up the front. He put a square knot in each and tucked away the little remainder of the laces before pulling his chaps over the tops.

Rusty took a small leather band and placed it around a loop on his chap's right side. He had a use for that later. He reached forward and picked up his peaked, black, officer's cap with a line of blue on it, and placed it firmly on his head. Afterwards, he grabbed a cuff similar to the one Clay had just unknowingly purchased, only blue trim instead of yellow, and placed it on his left wrist. The final pieces were two bandanas, He had plenty to choose from, but he again opted for simplicity tonight. Rusty took the dark blue one and the yellow one, It signified the connection between him and his pup. (In addition to just being two things he flagged normally anyways.) He managed to straighten them out enough with some help from the dryer earlier and now had them both folded neatly. He placed them in his back left pocket before he turned to look at his reflection.

It was like looking into the past... But Rusty was determined to live in the present tonight. He adjusted his hat a bit and heard a car door shut outside. His pup was here. It was almost time... He let his restless mind clear and composed himself a bit before he would meet his fully fledged pup. Before the pup would finally meet his handler.

Reviews always appreciated. Please leave feedback so I can better my writing. I can't fix a problem I don't know about. Support your servers and sites! Thanks guys! Love hearing from you all!

Next: Chapter 14

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