Molding Clay

By Blake Dupont

Published on Jun 13, 2023


Coach Duncan was chatting with Jackson and Trevor in the living room while Clay and Alan spoke outside. He figured they were having some private conversation, and while he was curious as to what they could be talking about, he let them be. Instead, he learned a bit more about the young fiancés across from him. They were passing through the area because Jackson had an art show the past week that Alan had attended with them. Trevor was a hairdresser, even pointed out the cliché himself when he told the man. He learned quite a few other small details about the pair, and found they were both likeable young men. Not to mention made a cute couple to boot. After about ten minutes, Clay and Alan opened the patio door and came strolling in. Alan sat in the recliner near the young couple, Clay came to rest by his Sir's side. Coach Duncan absent-mindedly laid one arm over the boy's shoulder and pulled him closer to rest against his body in a snug embrace. The five spoke on all sorts of random topics and current events for quite some time. Eventually though, Alan set his plan into motion.

"So, Rusty, Clay and I were talking about some of the wild days we used to have in our home bar and he was wanting to see it for himself. There's a big blowout happening this Saturday for the end of Spring break, think y'all could make it?" Coach wasn't quite sure how he felt about that... He really didn't think he'd ever go back after what happened the last time. So he turned to the boy under his arm and asked him.

"You sure about that, Clay? I mean, it can be a lot to take in." Clay knew the man was looking for an excuse to not go, Alan expected as much, but Clay wasn't going to let himself be that scapegoat.

"I think it would be fun, Coach. Plus I can't think of anyone I'd like to experience my first bar with more than you. I know I won't be able to drink or anything, but I'd like to see what gay life in the big city is all about. Please Coach? Can we go?" Clay put some extra emphasis on his "Please." He was really trying to butter his Sir up. But even that wouldn't prevent him from trying to find a reason not to go.

"I'd like that, boy, but what about us? We can't exactly risk being seen together before you graduate, and it's only two hours away... A party that size definitely runs a risk of bumping into somebody who could recognize us. I just don't see how it's worth jeopardizing everything when we could just wait a few months for you to graduate." Alan had completely forgotten about that factor. He cursed himself silently at his mistake, thinking his plan may not work after all... Clay though, was quick to offer a solution, a solution only Coach and himself would've even known about.

"That's an easy one, Coach! I'll just wear my pup gear the entire time. Nobody would ever know it's me under there!" Alan wanted to kiss the boy for coming up with that clever little solution so quickly! He hastily agreed that the logic was sound though instead. Coach was clearly still hesitant, but either he'd have to agree to it at this point, or admit he was really just afraid to go back... He let out a defeated sigh before he spoke.

"Fine... We can go..." His boy beamed up at the older man when he yielded. Alan silently exhaled a breath of relief. Coach had a sly thought cross his mind though, So he continued his statement with a devious smile.

"One condition though, Clay... If you're going to be my pup in public, You'll have to learn to act the part. I won't have you on all fours the entire night or make you drink from a bowl, but you WILL need to do some training. You're going to have to learn some commands, You'll be on your leash some of the time, and you're going to have to choose your pup name so I can tag you." Clay didn't mind the sound of that, So he happily accepted the terms. Coach glanced towards his old friend sitting with a contempt smile on his face. He was certain Alan had something to do with this, not that it mattered anymore. The deal was already sealed.

The five stayed in the living room talking for another hour or so before Trevor and Jackson excused themselves to get some sleep for the drive tomorrow. Coach Duncan showed them to the spare bedroom before he returned to Alan and Clay. It was getting a bit late, so he told Clay to head to the room, He wanted to speak with Alan alone for a moment before he would join him. Clay nodded and turned to Alan, telling him "Goodnight," before heading to the back room. When Coach heard the door close, he turned back to Alan, who still had a smug look on his face.

"I hope you know I realize what you're doing?" Coach Duncan accented his question with a raised eyebrow. Alan only smiled, closed his eyes for a moment, and let his head rest back before he answered coyly.

"I've no idea what you mean, Rusty. Just helping the kid experience some life while he's still young." Coach simply rolled his eyes at the feign of ignorance.

"Riiiigght, well, hope you enjoy sleeping on the lumpy couch, Would you like a longer spoon to stir that pot with next time?" Coach tuned and walked to his bedroom where his boy waited for him. Alan simply smiled to himself and basked in his victory.

When Coach walked into the bedroom, the kid was nowhere to be seen. He assumed he was probably removing his plug finally. He was correct, and a few minutes later, Clay emerged from the bathroom stark naked. Coach eyed the beautiful boy hungrily as he made his way to the bed.

"Everything come out all right, boy?" Clay nodded and spoke to the man as he climbed into the bed with him.

"Yes Sir! Still pretty tender down there, but I managed to clean up some." Clay moved to cuddle next to his Sir, but was stopped by a firm hand. He looked at the powerful man next to him, Who signaled with his finger for the boy to roll over on his stomach. Clay gulped a bit, not sure if he could handle another fuck right now, He was still very sore from the beating he'd endured earlier... But he obeyed the command nonetheless. Coach Duncan stood up off of the bed and undressed himself before he moved to straddle the boys ass, his dick was in a chub state as he laid it across the boy's crack. Clay silently prayed he would be more gentle this time.

Coach Duncan didn't plan on fucking the kid again though, he was sadistic, but he wasn't unnecessarily cruel. Instead, he brought his hands to the boy's shoulders and began firmly massaging the tired muscles. He figured his boy could use some pampering after what he'd put him through. So he silently continued kneading the aches and knots from the boy's body as his mind wondered on all the things that could go wrong on the trip ahead. He worked on everything from his back, to his arms, to his neck, even working the abused cheeks before moving to his legs. Clay relaxed into the treatment when he realized his ass was being spared from another beat down at the moment. When his coach had finished, He stretched across the boy to tightly cradle and pin him into place once more with his powerful body before he began whispering softly into his ear.

"Feeling better? I'm sorry I was so rough on you earlier... I can't stop myself sometimes, kid." The amazing feeling of his Sir's weight above him was perfect after the full body rub down. He simply nodded once before he answered.

"I'm feeling pretty great, Coach, and it's alright about earlier, I'm just happy you enjoyed it. I understand you like some rough stuff, but that's why we have the collar, to manage when it happens right? So please don't apologize for using me to take care of your needs. I honestly loved it, Sir, or I would've stopped you." Coach responded by grinding his cock against the boy's ass once, surprising Clay just a bit.

"Do you think you really could've stopped me? If you'd have spoken your safe word I would have, but that would be me stopping myself. You were powerless to stop me, Clay... And I don't mean to sound controlling when I say that, I just need you to realize I won't be able to keep you from it... Eventually, I'm going to push you too far." Clay had to think deeply about a reply to that, but he felt he could sum it up pretty easily.

"I trust you, Coach. I don't think you'll ever push me too far... And if you do, we will figure it out." Coach lowered his voice to reply, Clay thought he heard a hint of sadness and anger hidden in the words now.

"And if I chose to bury myself inside you right now? Would you stop me? Would you still trust me?" Clay tensed up a little at that statement. The man had always given him a choice... But Clay didn't know if he would stop him or only submit. It would be painful... but would he endure it just to please his Sir? He thought he would... More importantly, why was his coach asking him this? What was he getting at? Clay decided he'd just ask that instead of beating around the bush.

"Coach? What's going on? What are yo- ahh!!" Clay's question was cut short, His Sir was pulling his hair back HARD. The older man held his position and leaned back into the kid's ear, He shifted his weight so his elbow was painfully pressing into the boy's spine.

"This is what I am, Clay. I enjoy hurting people. I enjoy hurting YOU!" He pulled harder, eliciting a pained grunt from the kid before he moved his other arm from Clay's back to snatch a hold of his face by the jaw, He was squeezing it roughly. He spoke slowly now.

"I enjoy causing you pain, Clay. I hate that I'm like this, but it's something I can't shake, no matter how much I try to run from it. It's never going to stop while you are with me either, I will lose more and more control until one day I go too far and REALLY hurt you... When even a safe word won't save you... Will you then still want this? Will you still want the pain that comes from being with somebody like me? When I selfishly take from you more than you want to give, will you STILL want me to be your Sir? When the only thing that can get me off is abusing you... When it only satisfies me briefly before I crave more? There is no end to this that I think you'll enjoy, Clay... Monsters like me don't get happy endings... We only get what we take from others." Coach slid his now fully erect dick roughly against the boy pinned beneath him to prove that his words were truth. The only thing that really sated his lust was hurting the boy. Clay felt the sting of tears again, but not from the physical abuse... It was deeper than that.

"Yes... YES I WILL!" Coach released the kid and snatched him by the wrists, He pinned them down beside the boy's head. He shifted his position off of the boy as he adjusted his shaft until the head was positioned at Clay's entrance. Clay felt a rush of panic, but he wouldn't surrender. He knew what the man was doing. He was purposely trying to push him too far, to scare him off so he didn't have to be afraid of losing somebody else that he cared about. Clay wouldn't accept that.

"I've told you already, SIR, that I'm not going anywhere! I don't care if you use me for whatever dark desires you have! I don't care if it destroys some part of me... that part is weak anyways... I've been hurt plenty before, I've already experienced WORSE pain than anything you could ever do to me... AND I'M NOT FUCKING AFRAID OF THAT PAIN!!!" Clay had finally tapped into his inner fire upon saying that last part, So he did something that chilled his Sir to the bone for years to come every single time he thought of it... Clay braced himself, and he pushed himself backwards, slamming onto his coach's tool fully... And he never made a sound, though it was quite painful... He had a point to prove... He knew pain, and he knew he could survive it.

Coach only stared down at the boy in shock... His attempt to scare the boy away had backfired. It was him who was afraid now, afraid he'd just pushed the kid too far... That he'd made somebody else he cared for do something stupid in an effort to please him. There was clear panic in his voice when Coach managed to finally get a response out.

"WHAT THE FUCK, CLAY! Why would you do that? I don't need you to hurt yourself for me! That was stupi-" This time, it was Clay who cut the man off.

"IF THAT'S WHAT IT TAKES TO BE WITH YOU... If enduring pain is what it takes, then I'll deal with whatever pain I have to... It's far easier to manage than the pain of being alone for all those years..." Clay's voice was cracking, He let his tears fall silently as he continued.

"Coach Duncan, I don't care... I don't care how fragile you think I am... I want to be with you in any way I can... No matter the cost. I want to be yours and only yours... And if that means this is what it takes... THEN SO BE IT!" The boy rocked his hips forward once and slammed back on his Sir's manhood as hard as he could. He was about to pull forward again before his coach grabbed his hips and held firm, stopping the kid from doing it again.

"STOP IT CLAY! I don't want to hurt you! That's the whole fucking point! What are you trying to prove by this? What are you trying to say?"

"THAT I LOVE YOU, COACH!" Clay let his head hang down when he'd finally let that confession come forth from his lips. Coach was taken aback by that response. It numbed him. He wondered if he'd even really heard it, or only hoped that he had.

"I love you, Sir... And I think you'll put my needs above your desires... You did just stop me didn't you? You didn't just fuck me back, You stopped me because you knew it was painful... So that proves you have more restraint than you thought right? That proves that this entire thing isn't totally batshit crazy and doomed to end in disaster right? Please don't push me away, Coach... You're the one thing in my life worth holding on to... You're the one thing that makes all the pain tolerable." The tears were falling freely now. He'd promised himself he wouldn't cry anymore, but it was a promise he simply couldn't keep. Some things were worth the tears.

Coach Duncan didn't just hear what the boy spoke, He felt every single word deep within himself. The kid was right, here he was buried balls deep in the boy and he never once even considered fucking him, Only worried for his well being. It was all just a bluff... A bluff the boy had called him on. A pang of guilt flooded over him. What lengths his boy had to go through just to make an old fool like himself see what was already clear... They needed each other... They loved each other... And it was all worth ANY risk of pain... Coach pulled himself free from the boy before he gently reached down to place a hand on one shoulder before he spoke.

"Clay... Please, look at me." Clay did, he turned his head over his shoulder to look back at the man he loved with a bleary-eyed, sad look. His cheeks were flushed and fresh tears were still streaming down the rosy flesh. The knife of guilt still buried in the coach's gut twisted at the sight. He couldn't help from asking himself why he had to push the boy this far to see something he should've already known. Clay was in love with him, and he loved the boy back.

"I'm sorry I'm such a stupid fool, Clay. I'm sorry this is what it took for me to see that... But most of all, I'm sorry that I couldn't let myself admit this sooner. I love you too, Clay. That thought just scared me, I didn't want to love you back because I was afraid you'd run from me when you saw what I really am... I was afraid of that pain... I'm not as strong as you are... I couldn't stand to face the thought of it... Again." Coach closed his own eyes as he admitted that fault. He was so terrified of losing someone else he loved, that he had tried to push him away. He didn't know what he'd ever done to deserve it, but he was proud to have such a strong boy proclaim his love for him. Clay saw he'd finally managed to break through Coach Duncan's walls. He had finally admitted his feelings, and his Sir finally stopped trying to save him from the same fate that Jason had.

"I know about what happened, Coach... I know about who you lost... I'm sorry you went through that, but that wasn't me. It isn't fair for you to treat me like it was either... I love you as you are... All the good AND the bad... And NOTHING, pain, sex, darkness, or otherwise, can change that, Coach... As long as you'll let me, I want to be yours. Whatever that entails." His tears were drying. He drew strength with those words from an inner fight he never even realized he had. A strength his Sir had released. Coach could only speak what he felt at that moment.

"I truly don't deserve you boy... But I promise you, I'll NEVER try to push you away again. I don't think I'll ever be able to give you what you really deserve in this life, but I swear I'll never stop trying. I'll love you for as long as you'll let me."

Coach Duncan leaned forward and kissed the boy passionately, more so than ANY sex could ever compare to. For what felt like the first time, Coach Duncan could actually taste the boy's fire, his love... And it burned him in every way he could imagine, both pleasurably and painfully, through his body, soul, and most of all, that heart he'd tried to lock away. The boy was his, and he was the boy's entirely.

Hope y'all are enjoying it. The plot is about to start thickening from this point on. I hope you'll continue to join me on their adventure. Thank you, so very much, for sharing this experience with me and for the amazing reviews on it all. I look forward to hearing more from you all.

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Next: Chapter 13

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