Molding Clay

By Blake Dupont

Published on Jun 12, 2023


Coach had his boy tenderly clean his Manhood for about three minutes as he basked in his glorious afterglow. If he was to be completely honest, He was already plenty satisfied enough... Only wanted to savor the sweet control just a little longer before handing it all back to the boy. He felt accomplished at his total conquest of the kid below him, but he knew he'd have to help him transition back from the pup mindset after such a savage fuck. Coach started this by exhaling a deep breath, and then slowly pulling his tool free from Clay's mouth, petting his head lightly for a moment.

"That'll do, pup." His voice had lost any traces of the aggressive tone, and now he spoke with a gentle, soothing one in its place. Clay had closed his eyes and was simply letting his used body rest some as the older man caressed him. Coach's tender affections stopped for a moment as he reached to grip the base of the hood, peeling the sweat soaked material free from his boy's head. He saw Clay's face was flushed a scarlet color from the exhaustion he was no doubt feeling. Coach began running his large hands through the boy's damp hair, letting the kid know he appreciated his efforts and getting some cool, fresh air to his head. He moved his fingers to the back of the collar and unlatched it, pulling it free from the boy's flesh, Effectively signaling the end of the older man's control. Coach once more continued his affections, rubbing his rough hands over his boy's back and shoulders for a few minutes more, assuring him he was safe, attempting to calm any lingering uneasiness the kid may have felt. When he felt Clay had regained control of his trembling body and began to come out of it, Coach began to speak again.

"Are you alright, Clay? Did I push you too far? I know that was a lot for you." The questions came off as sincere to Clay. He knew the man had just pushed him passed his point of comfort, and even knew that he inflicted unnecessary pain on his body, which he set a hard limit on... Still though, once again, He loved everything his Sir threw at him... And Coach knew that too.

Somewhere deep inside Clay, a masochistic seed had been planted a long time ago from some really shitty childhood trauma the boy had endured. Something that made him want to take any beating thrown at him and come back out on top, just to prove he could take it, That he would NEVER give up... But the physical pain... The sexual pain... It was nourishing that seed, and it was breaking through years of carefully, self-crafted walls put up around the things he didn't want to see... The most painful kinds of things... Only this time around, He was learning how to take the pain, learning how to process through it.. Clay kept his eyes closed as he answered his Sir between heavy panting.

"Coach... That was intense... It was painful as fuck too... At first... But I'm OK. I accepted I had a rough time in store when I put that collar on, So I'd say I'm doing alright... I just... Wasn't expecting that much... Aggression... I think I just need some time to rest for a moment... Is that alright?" Coach understood. He didn't blame the kid one bit. He just simply held Clay's head with both hands, leaned down, and planted a long kiss in the center of the boy's forehead. He released him and spoke quietly.

"That's more than alright, Clay, That's perfectly fine. I'm right here if you need me. I'm going to grab us some water, you rest up for a moment and we can hit the shower after, alright?" Clay nodded his head once in confirmation before his Sir turned and left him to process some more.

Clay did what he could to calm the marbles rolling around upstairs once again. His body was well beyond sore... His insides felt hot, his muscles felt weak, his eyelids felt heavy, his skin felt soaked in potent sweat, and his head felt like it would detach itself and float away like a balloon at any second... But he had enjoyed it. It felt right, being used so thoroughly. That feeling encompassed his being as much as his Sir's body had encompassed his own when he pinned him down so easily. When he fucked the very fight out of him, one brutal thrust at a time. Clay released a powerful shiver as he came to terms with the truth. He'd just been painfully fucked stupid by that man... And he loved every second of it. He heard Coach's footsteps approaching from down the hall, and he finally opened his eyes while adjusting his head to watch him as he entered.

Coach knelt beside the bed and offered the boy some water, Clay managed a few, cool swigs and found it did ease his stomach some. Afterwards, Coach set the bottle aside, and stood back up to gently climb into the bed with his boy. He began to softly caress Clay, moving his hand up and down the kid's back from between the boy's shoulder blades, down to the base of his spine. He asked him another question as he did so.

"Think you're able to make it to the shower right now? It'll help." Clay released a heavy sigh and began picking himself up reluctantly. A wave of dizziness swept his vision as he did so, forcing him to stop and brace himself as he made it upright. Coach saw the trouble, and quickly lent one hand to his shoulder for support. When Clay had steadied, He released him and moved off the edge of the bed, coming to stand in front of the kid. Coach wrapped both of his strong arms around the boy's waist and back, leaning over him as he did so. He tenderly lifted the tired boy from the bed. Clay managed to wrap his legs around his Sir's solid hips as his arms clung to the man's neck. Coach pulled the boy's torso in closer to his own. Clay, in turn, let his head rest on the man's powerful shoulders as he gently cradled him. Coach kissed his boy on the head before he began walking with him towards the shower.

He managed to turn both shower heads on with one hand, still cradling Clay with the other. He stepped them both into the warm stream, and took a seat on the tile bench. Clay relaxed into his lap, his head still cozily pressed into the nook of the older man's neck with a folded leg on each side straddling his Sir as the water rained down over them peacefully. Coach had no intention of making the kid move anytime soon either. He simply rested his head back against the wall and closed his own eyes while his arms closed snugly around Clay, He brought his left hand up to support the back of his boy's neck while doing so. They stayed holding one another like that for over 12 minutes under the perpetual, soothing water. It was bliss.

Coach hated to ruin the moment, but he knew he'd have to move eventually. So he gently spoke down to the boy.

"Think you're alright to stand now?" the running water and the closeness to the man had definitely eased Clay's condition, so he nodded and began to slide his legs free before stepping down on the tile floor. His body held this time. Coach followed suit, taking his hands into his own as he stood tall in front of the kid and stared down into his eyes. Stared at the beautiful boy that had only moments ago surrendered himself fully to him as the water forged streams down the kid's body. The sight was driving him crazy, He couldn't have resisted bending down to kiss him once again if he had tried. He released Clay's hands after and brought his own around to rest on the kid's ass. Using one forefinger, he firmly tapped on the plug still sealing his seed inside the kid three times, causing Clay to jump a bit.

"Do you want me to remove this now? It will be easy to manage in the shower. " Coach cocked his head lightly and raised an eyebrow to a questioning stance as he spoke.

"I... kinda like it there right now Coach. Give it a little longer?" Clay blushed a bit as he admitted that, with a sheepish smile crossing his face. Coach only nodded once in understanding and released his boy.

"Will do Clay, you let me know when and if you want help. For now though, I have to start preparing for our company tonight. You can help or stay here and unwind a bit longer, it makes no difference to me." Clay simply gave his own nod, and reached to turn the shower nozzle to the "Off," position.

A few minutes later, the pair was dressed. Coach went to fetch some dinner ingredients from the store while Clay straightened up the bedroom and bathroom from the roll in the sheets earlier. When Coach returned, Clay was just finishing his task, So they took a short nap together before Coach taught him how to make spaghetti from scratch later that evening. (With plenty of gentle touches, kisses, and affections in between.) Around 7 P.m. their guests had arrived.

Clay watched as his Coach answered the door, where he was greeted by an older, heavy set man in square framed glasses with a scruffy, long, and mostly white beard. Behind him stood two guys that seemed to be in their early twenties. The older man spoke first.

"Rusty! It's been too long my friend! Good to see you, stud!" they went for an embrace the way old friends do when they haven't seen each other in years. When they released and Coach had returned the sentiment, He turned to Clay and held a hand in his direction before he introduced the boy.

"Alan, this is Clay. Clay, this is an old friend of mine, Alan." Alan moved passed his Sir and came to greet the kid, Clay started to extend a hand, but was instead pulled into a firm hug by the man.

"I don't know who the hell you're calling old, Rusty. You're no young buck yourself anymore." He laughed a bit before releasing his greeting embrace, and pulled back to hold a hand on each of Clay's shoulders as he got a good look at the kid.

"Very nice to meet you, Clay! Glad someone is around to keep an eye on the grumpy asshole behind me!" Alan flashed a broad smile at his remark. Clay liked the man already, He seemed to be the kind of person who was always a pleasure to be around. Alan turned and introduced the two younger men with him to the pair. Their names were Jackson and Trevor.

Jackson was taller, and seemed to be the older of the pair. His skin was beautifully dark and his grip quite firm as he extended his hand for a shake. He appeared to be the athletic type. Trevor, who was Jackson's fiancé, was about Clay's own height, and seemed to be of the nerdy, gamer sort. Clay and Coach Duncan greeted them both respectfully before the group of five moved from the entryway to settle around the pre-set dining table. Coach began to serve the guests and Clay a healthy portion before preparing his own plate and joining the rest to dine. The conversation between bites was a lively one, partly due to Alan constantly cracking cheesy jokes at Rusty's expense. Clay was enjoying learning more about his Sir from the jolly old friend of his. When the group had all finished dinner, they moved to the living room to wind down from their drive. Except Alan, he was going to catch a smoke. Clay saw an opportunity to speak with the man privately, so he elected to keep him company while he did. Alan only smiled and said he'd be glad to have him. The pair stepped into the backyard and took a seat at the metal patio table under the awning.

The air was surprisingly cool for that time of year. The stars were beginning to peak through the vast, dark blue as the last few rays of sunlight slowly faded from view. Alan brought a cigarette from a pocket on the front of his shirt, lit it, and exhaled a small puff of white smoke before relaxing back into his chair. Clay only watched on before the man began to speak, keeping his eyes forward to watch the beautiful Texas sunset.

"I'm sure you have some questions, Clay, and I'd be happy to answer many of them... but first I need you to know something." Clay eagerly listened as the man continued after another puff from his smoke.

"I am so very grateful that you're here... Rusty may seem tough and invincible at times, but he's far from it. Before you came along, he shut himself away in a very dark place for a very long time... It's the reason he moved here six years ago... To escape something painful... Somehow though, you've managed to bring him back from that darkness. You probably didn't even realize this, but you're healing him, Clay." Alan turned his head to face the kid with a serious look when he finished that sentence. Clay was simply surprised. That was one thing he never expected to hear, but he only held the eye contact, waiting for the man to continue. He didn't wait for too long before Alan took another drag and resumed.

"He lost somebody important to him, and he blamed himself for it. I've seen that man give and take literal Hell, but when that happened? It wounded him deeply. So deeply that I was afraid he'd simply draw into himself and hide away for the rest of his life... And he did... Until you, Clay. I've seen the man I knew resurfacing tonight, So thank you, for being the light to guide him out of his darkness. For giving him somebody to care about once more. For, quite possibly, saving his life." Clay looked on stunned. Coach was the one who saved him... Not the other way around... Clay couldn't even save himself from his shitty dad, let alone save a man as strong as his Sir. Alan interrupted his swirling thoughts.

"Don't discredit yourself, I can tell that's what you're doing. I wouldn't just tell you what you wanted to hear. Rusty needs you, Clay... And he cares about you... More, I think, than you'd let yourself believe." Clay could only blush and look down at that statement as his heart fluttered in his chest. He wanted to believe it, but wasn't sure he could. What could Coach Duncan really love about him? He wasn't the cutest, he wasn't the smartest, he didn't even have that great of a body... He only added extra weight to the man's already heavy load... He considered telling Alan he must be mistaken, but decided against it for now. He did have one question that now seemed more important than the others on his mind though, so he did speak about that.

"You said he lost someone dear to him? Will you tell me what happened?" Clay brought his gaze back to the gentle, older man's own before Alan told him a little about it.

"I won't go into too many details, you'll have to ask your Sir for those." He shot the kid a knowing wink before he continued.

"But his name was Jason... He was Rusty's partner in crime way back when... And his lover too. Rusty and him had a mostly normal and healthy relationship, but Rusty had an appetite for the darker pleasures that I'm sure you've been acquainted with already." Clay knew exactly what he meant. He had the plug still buried in his ass to prove it. Alan took another hit from his cigarette before he finished his story.

"So, Jason began to dabble in things. At first it was so he could keep up with Rusty, though Rusty himself never asked him to make that change... But gradually, he became addicted to the rush. He was losing control, He began actively seeking more and more powerful thrills... Eventually, it reached a point that Rusty couldn't accept anymore... Jason began using heavy drugs to give him that rush. He became addicted... When Rusty found this out one night, He confronted him and tried to intervene... It escalated far too quickly, and Jason punched him... Rusty couldn't hold back his anger when he did... He was already so hurt and angered by what he felt he had pushed Jason to do that he just snapped... They beat the hell out of each other in the middle of our home bar before anyone of us could finally break them apart. We managed to convince Rusty to let Jason leave, and he stayed at the bar to drown his sorrow in whiskey that night... He got a call roughly three hours later... When Jason left the bar, he went to his dealers house... That's where some friends who went to check on him found him at... The needle was still sticking out of his arm... He overdosed and died that night, Clay... And the "Daddy Duncan," We all knew and loved died with him." Alan crushed his cigarette out with a heavy sigh as he finished his story.

Clay could feel the sadness in the air as he tried to process it. He'd lost his mother six years ago from an overdose as well. He knew that pain... He knew Coach Duncan must have been suffering in silence all of this time also... But the one thing he never even considered, was that while his coach was healing his pain, He was in turn healing his Coach's. If Alan had known of Clay's mother, he would've pointed it out to the boy. But for now, it was left unsaid.

"I'm only telling you this story to shed some light on the unbelievable thing you've managed to do for my old friend, Clay, You're helping him let go of the guilt he's carried since that night. Truly, thank you for that. He is happy, and that is one of the two things I believe we all deserve, happiness and love." Alan passed a sincere grin at the kid as he spoke.

Clay let that thought sink in, and for a reason he couldn't explain, (He simply trusted the old man,) He told Alan something he had only told his deceased mother so far.

"I think I'm falling in love with him..." Clays eyes widened as he realized what he'd just said, he quickly turned to the older man to explain himself, but he was simply met with a knowing grin.

"I know, it's pretty easy to see, Clay, and I'm glad. As I said, everyone deserves love and happiness... He's falling in love with you too, you know? But I'd suggest you wait a little longer before you tell him that. Let him get back to his old self just a bit more." Clay's head swirled at the possibility that his Sir could actually love him back, but it didn't sway his question.

"And how long will that take?" Clay's tone revealed a bit of hopelessness at the idea of waiting for something he'd possibly never hear. Alan donned another smile, But this time, it was far more mischievous.

"It could be tomorrow, it could be in ten years, it could be never, nobody really knows, Clay... But I have an idea to try and help him overcome the guilt of his past, though I'll need your help to do it. Would you like to hear it? I'll even give you some tips to rock his world with in bed if you hear me out?" Clay agreed, and he intently listened to the man as he explained his plot to the younger boy across from him.

Clay learned a lot about Coach Duncan that night, maybe more than he had wanted to, but what he had heard gave him hope. A hope that the man he was falling in love with could care for him in return, that there really could be something more there. And hope, as we all know, can be quite motivational.

Next: Chapter 12

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