Molding Clay

By Blake Dupont

Published on Jun 9, 2023


Clay managed to wake up before his coach did the day following the cemetery visit. Just as he had planned to. He managed to grab a few things from the compartment in his nightstand quietly enough to avoid waking the older man, and then carefully made his way to the bathroom. He closed the door softly behind himself before hitting the light. The boy then laid the contents of the nightstand on top of the counter.

What Clay had taken, was the pup gear Coach had gifted him with earlier that week. He fingered the collar lightly in his hand before looking in the mirror to watch himself put it on for the first time. The holes lined up well enough for it to be snug, but not too tight or loose. A perfect fit. The feel of the strap around his throat combined with the anticipation of what the boy had planned made his dick begin to stir. He moved the silver ring of the collar to rest below his Adam's apple. Next, Clay picked up the black box with the hood still unwrapped inside. He pulled it free of the cardboard and cellophane and snapped the snout piece to the main hood. He took a nervous little breath in and put it on. It took him a second to get it straight, but when he was finished, the boy was quite happy with how he looked in it so far. He could only hope Coach Duncan liked the way it looked on him too.

"It's Sir when in the collar, Clay." He reminded himself out loud in a hushed whisper. He didn't want to go forgetting the rule after all. When Clay was done admiring how he looked in his hood, he picked up the next item and stared at it with mild awe. He was really about to shove a puppy tail butt plug inside of himself. He gently grabbed the small jar of Vaseline from the counter. (Coach had suggested it as a good lubricant that didn't have any taste and that didn't leave their hands sticky the entire time they had sex.) Clay gently dipped the tip of the plug into the gel and twisted it a bit, effectively coating it with a layer halfway up. He used a finger to spread it around a bit better before grabbing another dab of the stuff with the same finger and bringing it down to his entrance. He smoothed the substance over the puckered skin and, once he had the outside coated, gently began to press the digit into himself. He felt himself give and the appendage began gliding in. He found there wasn't hardly any discomfort at the feeling. Though, that finger was far smaller than his Sir, so he grabbed some more lube and pressed a pair in the second time, working three in by the end. Clay was moving and twisting his digits while he penetrated himself so there was plenty to coat Coach's fat dick when the time came. He added just a bit more gel for caution as deep as he could manage before removing his hand. Clay was thankful to see that at least he was clean down there.

He brought the plug to his rectum and, with a deep breath, slowly spread himself apart with the silicone piece. He had to fuck himself gently with it a bit to take the plug. (Coach chose a larger one to help the boy accommodate to his size better when preparing.) After a few seconds of this, he pushed deep with a grunt and felt the widest part slip in, the rest being pulled inwards as he closed tightly around it. It was snugly pressing into his prostate as he clenched on it a few times to be sure it would stay. It didn't budge aside from wiggling a bit from the motion. Clay cleaned the excess lube from his hand with a rag before standing up and turning sideways a bit to admire the accessory.

A few days ago, Clayton Knotter was a virgin with no sexual experience aside from kissing a handful of girls. Today, he gazed at himself in his pup gear for the first time. From the hood, to the collar, to his tail, he loved the feeling and look of the costume already. (His now fully erect dick was plenty testament to that.) He wiggled his ass a bit to watch the tail of the plug happily wave around in return. He smiled beneath his hood, took one last view at the new, yellow and black pup in the mirror, and hit the lights. He gave his vision a moment to adjust to the dark before he opened the door slowly and made his way to his sleeping Sir's side of the bed.

Coach's awakening wasn't nearly as planned as the boy's had been, but he wasn't complaining. Then again, not many men would complain about waking up with a hot mouth wrapped around their tool. He bucked his hips lightly and let a moan out as his cock quickly began to come to life. He opened his eyes to watch his boy service his rod but was met with a pleasant surprise instead. The kid had donned his pup gear, and the eyes behind the hood bobbing on his tool shone with a bit of mischief and playfulness. Coach took a moment to admire how cute a pup his boy made and how wonderful he looked in his collar specifically, Then he reached a strong hand down to idly pet the kid's head while he worked at the shaft. Coach spoke firmly as he did so.

"Well, well, looks like a little puppy wandered into my bedroom in the middle of the night. Hey pup, you lost? Don't see a tag on that collar, so maybe you're just a stray huh? Don't worry pup, I'll give you a nice home. I couldn't just drop off such a good boy at the pound after all... Poor thing must be starving, Judging by the way you're slobbering on that bone down there, Huh? Well eat up pup, there's plenty more where that came from." As if to accept the offer of more bone, Clay brought his head down to take the pillar all the way down his throat to the thick base. He found he liked the feel of the snout extending from the hood, collapsing to press against his own nose as he went down on the man. Clay pulled himself off his Sir's dick and looked at him cheerfully, he wiggled his butt a little to convey he was indeed a very good boy and a very happy pup. Coach hadn't noticed the tail protruding from the kid's backside until he saw it wiggling in place. The sight made his Manhood jump in response.

Coach stopped and admired the playful pup in his gear for a bit longer before sitting up in bed and gently patting his left hand on the blanket, motioning for the pup to join him. The yellow puppy eagerly hopped in place on the bed, and stood on all fours as his tail simply kept on wagging. Clay remembered some tips from the online clips he'd seen, so he tried to keep his actions as puppy-like as he could. (Including little to no talking.) He leaned his head forward and placed his snout at the man's armpit, sniffing lightly a few times before pulling his head away and tilting it just a bit. His wagging speed increased at the whiff of Coach's smell.

"Oh, you like that pup? Well, sniff away." Coach folded his arms behind his head and let the pup get his fill on whatever he wanted to sniff at. The pup definitely did, he continued to sniff and lick all over the rough and muscular body for the next few minutes. Eventually, he sniffed his Sir's crotch again and, playfully, lowered his upper body and stuck his ass in the air. His plug waved happily to the coach in his play bow position before throwing his head back and letting out a little bark for the man. Coach thought it was adorable how eager his puppy was being, and as he saw no reason to deprive the pup, He patted the boy's head a bit before more before climbing on his own knees to tower over the enthusiastic kid before speaking in his dirty voice.

"I'd be happy to play with you pup, but in this house, I'm the Alpha. You want me to breed you like an alpha breeds a bitch in heat? " Clay simply let out a cheery yip, and turned his body so his ass was presented up to his Sir. His tail lightly tapped against the Larger man's stiff dick as he did, eliciting a smirk from the Coach before he slapped his ass hard, praising the pup afterwards.

"Good boy, you know your place, huh pup? You're just the Beta bitch, made to obey the Alpha." The boy looked back at the coach, his eyes gleamed with lust at the comment from his Sir. His gaze seemed to be begging for his Alpha to just take what was his already. To make sure the point got across, he let out an adorable whine and wagged his tail even more. He didn't have to beg for long before the coach seized a hold of the tail. Coach Duncan began twisting and tugging lightly on the protrusion, Clay let his head rest on his arms while the man ran sparks of pleasure through his body with the motions. When Coach was satisfied the kid was stretched and lubed well enough, he began lightly tugging at the plug until it pulled free with a tiny pop. The pup below him barked happily at the action.

Coach ran his large hand around the part of the tail that was planted inside the pup to pull the excess gel from it, working the lube around his tool afterwards. When he was finished, he brought his hips against the boy's own and began lightly grinding his girthy piece up and down the prepared crack, letting it collect a little more lube from the action before letting the tip press threateningly against the puckered little ring and speaking to the submissive puppy below. He couldn't prevent a sadistic grin from forming at the thought of what he was about to do.

"Hey, pup... Do you know how an Alpha fucks his Beta puppy bitch?" Clay looked back at his Sir and tilted his head lightly in a questioning motion. He didn't wait for long to get an answer.

"Ruff." Coach's sadistic smile intensified briefly at the corny joke before gripping the boy's ass firmly in his giant hands, and slamming all 9 inches into the howling slut beneath him. Clay felt like he was just ripped apart as his face was buried into the bed from the force. He let out a pained and muffled scream from the sudden entrance, but his Sir was already withdrawing in preparation of burying his bone in the pup once more. Clay would've probably yelled his safe word, but the brutal treatment he was receiving made him incapable of thought or rationality. Instead, he only hollered again as Coach Duncan once more rammed his fat, eager cock as far up his faggot's hole as he could.

Coach relentlessly continued breeding his pup, fucking him hard, aggressively, and by pulling out to the head before slamming his entire length into the whining bitch every time. It had been a long time since he relished the feeling of brutally hurting a boy with his dick, and since he didn't hear a "Red or yellow," he wasn't going to ease up either. He was finally using his faggot the way he wanted to use him since he had first caught him sniffing those shorts in his office. Complete and total, primal domination.

Clay' eyes were stinging with the threat of tears as all he could do was sit there and take the abuse his Sir was dishing out to his poor body. Every thrust into his ravaged asshole sent a new wave of agony shooting up his spine. His Sir's arms tightly pinned him in place while his hefty nuts smacked painfully against his own. Clay wanted to beg the man to stop, but a voice inside himself simply wouldn't let him. It reasoned with him as he took the assault.

"Don't you dare think of denying your Sir what is his by right. You put the collar on. He OWNS you Clay, and he is finally taking what is his. So you just stay there like a good bitch and thank him for every painful inch."

Clay felt the first bit of pleasure finally begin to break through the pain at that internal pep talk. His screams slowly dying off to be replaced by moans of pleasure. The discomfort was still very much there, but it somehow made it even better. He released the bedding he was clutching with his right hand and brought it down to his own throbbing, neglected cock. He only managed two pumps before Coach intervened.

"Puppies don't beat off." He snatched the boy's wrist free from his stroking and the kid's other hand supporting him through the assault and pinned them forward above the kid's head with his right hand. Clay's body shifted forward with the movement and his back arched in what Coach would've described as "Magnificently." Another fresh jolt of pleasure bore its way through the pup as the adjusted position gave his coach more access and room. Clay's face was now crushed into the sheets as the dominant man's body was stretched across and pumping into his own. Coach shifted his free hand and moved it under the kid's chest. He lightly tickled the boy's skin as he moved it up and ever so close to his throat, tightly latching on to the flesh above the collar. Clay felt the older man's thumb and forefinger focus the pressure where his jawline met his earlobes, and a rush swept through the pup as he was now being pulled back against the savage, long dick strokes. He even started pushing back on them himself.

Coach squeezed the kid's neck for over 45 seconds as he pounded his way near a climax, The sound of his hips slamming into the faggot increased in speed for a few seconds before he removed his hand from the boy's neck and used it to shove his face down into the mattress. His bitch's muffled moans at the treatment and the incredible friction on his fat, daddy dick were what pushed him over the edge.

"Here it comes, puppy boy, Alpha is officially bout to breed his bitch in heat." Coach reached his peak while he was howling loudly in victory. He never slowed down his pumping as he bred the hot, wrecked hole. In fact, Clay would've sworn he had only sped up as he hosed his burning guts down with even hotter spunk.

Clay patiently waited for his Sir's rough fucking to slow, (He knew his orgasm had to be finished by now,) and it did for a moment... Soon though, he was back at full speed and full size, ramming the boy with sheer ferocity once more. Clay didn't understand how, or why he would still be going at him after a nut like that, but Coach continued anyways.

"Any pup of mine better nut from his Alpha's treatment, I won't be stopping till you do, faggot." Coach was loving his second wind too much to stop just yet, but he did give the kid some extra simulation by stretching him forward fully, and pinning his encompassing body over the smaller one, his violent treatment forcing the boy's shaft to be fucked into the bedding beneath. Coach was really grinding that prostate with everything he had now as he rendered the pup completely immobile and helpless to stop him. Clay felt himself tipping over the edge at the complete and total domination by his Sir.

When Clay came. It was also with a howl, but more of a whine too. His face was drenched in sweat beneath the neoprene hood and it burned at his eyes, but that only made it more real. More powerful. He trembled and squirmed beneath his master's weight as the assault only continued on his poor, battered body. Coach was still fucking him like this, whining and pinned into his own mess, for another 7 minutes before he approached his second load. Clay simply surrendered to his fate. This is what he was when he wore the collar, his coach's bitch... And that meant Coach Duncan could rough fuck him with his massive dick however, whenever, and for as long as he saw fit. Clay shuttered in ecstasy as he felt the powerful hips slam into his hole once again after that thought.

Coach had moved his phone closer to reach from the nightstand earlier, before he stretched the kid completely flat. Coach leaned his body up some and pulled the kid back into doggy style before he finished. He grabbed the phone with one hand and turned the camera on, switched to the video recorder, and pressed start. He recorded what happened next as he adjusted the camera to show different views of his fat length, soaked in his own previous load ramming tip to base into the abused boy hole. He brought the camera up along the pup's body to capture the defeated, submissive, and surrendered state he was in as his master broke him more with every claiming thrust inwards.

Coach finally reached his second orgasm inside the boy, and made sure to record that too as he shot two spurts inside him before pulling out completely. He let another two bursts splash against the gaping entrance for the camera's benefit, and then pushed it back in to the base as he let himself finish. When he pulled back out slowly, he watched in delight at the amazing way his loads were flowing out with his movements. He used the head of his battering ram to scoop up what he could that leaked out, and push it back even deeper than before, hilting himself fully and eliciting a weak man from his pup each time. He did this for roughly a minute before he was satisfied enough, and he pulled out of the boy, a slurping, suction sound highlighted his final exit. Clay fell forward wordlessly with a quiet thud on the bed when his Sir finally released him.

Coach moved himself to his own nightstand and brought out an even larger butt plug than the tail, and, bringing it back to the kid's ass, began to shove it in place, spreading the used flesh once more. Clay was still in the same position he'd fallen into earlier as he just yielded and let the entry happen. Whatever his master wanted to do, he could just do at this point. The plug popped into place, locking the loads nicely into the pup. Coach smacked his ass hard, and got up to stand at the foot of the bed where his boy's head was. He pointed his deflating manhood at the pup's maw, and the kid simply moved his head forward and obediently began to clean his Sir off. Coach grinned down at his accomplishment.

He had done it... He had conquered the boy completely... and the kid let him do it. He never uttered anything close to a safe word... From now on, when that collar was on, He was entirely his plaything. The coach smiled at the thought, something told him the kid would elect to wear it more often. He turned his head back to watch his bitch gently cleaning the sticky mess off of the tool that had just broken him. Coach sighed in contempt.

As always guys, comments and feedback are appreciated greatly! Thank you!

Next: Chapter 11

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