Modern Man Meets Primeval Man

By Whipp Livingston

Published on Sep 16, 2012


Modern Man meets Primeval Man Part 8 By: Whipp Livingston

Chapter 8

"Um, Roc we have company," Tony stated in a low voice and wondering why he was there and if the old caveman was going to hurt either one of them.

Roc turned his head and looked over his shoulder to see his caveman father standing over them and he smiled. He lifted himself off Tony as he went to his knees, keeping his cock still buried inside him as the water met its waist and began talking to his father in their own primitive language.

"I was wondering what was taking you so long, Pop's." Roc said to the old primate in their own language.

"I was watching you fuck him. You did well my son," the older caveman spoke in his deep and rough voice.

Tony glanced at the two cavemen with a confused look on his face as they spoke in their own language and wanted to know what they were saying. He also realized they knew one another as they continued to talk.

"You ready for some more ass, Pop's. It's all nice and wet for ya," Roc said as he pulled his cock from Tony's wet and slick ass.

"Uh Roc, what's going on? Who is he?" Tony asked insistently, but was ignored by Roc as he pulled its primal cock from him.

Once Roc moved, the old caveman quickly took his place between Tony's legs ready to push the head of its hard, thick, and lengthy primitive cock into Tony. Tony knew once again he had no choice but to give into their passion and let them fuck him. In fact he had enjoyed being with the older caveman so much so that he found him to be as sexually ravenous and exciting as Roc.

Tony felt the weight of the old caveman coming down on him and the old caveman rested heavily but comfortably on top of him. Tony became fixated on the pair of eyes staring back at him and he sensed something more in them. He wanted to look elsewhere but couldn't as the old caveman's eyes were on his as if he was being drawn into a realm of passion, want and desire.

In complete confusion as to what was happening to him and why he could not take his eyes off of the old caveman's stare was something that was beyond his control. His mind slipped further, deeper into that realm of passion that he could no longer control his desire so much so that he needed to be taken wholly and sexually. His mind was completely overwhelmed and instantly he knew what he wanted, what he needed. And what he needed was sex, pure unadulterated animalistic primal raw sex.

When the old primate sensed he was in complete and utter control, it aimed its monstrous cock at its destined position and slowly entered Tony's upturned and puckered anal ring. Feeling the head of the cock moving into him and stretching him wide, Tony moaned low and deep. He throws his head back into the water, feeling the monstrous cock moving further into him.

"Ohhhhhh fuuuuck!" Tony moaned in a long drawn out low tone, feeling his ass opening wide as the primal cock was moving into him.

The primate lifted its body and took a firm tight grip on Tony's ankles and spread his legs wide and began moving in and out with slow strokes as water splashed between them. The old caveman moved with a quicker stride as he plunged in and out.

Tony could feel the immense intrusion as it stretched him wide open and feeling every inch of the monstrous cock piston in and out of him. The old primate kept a firm grip on Tony's legs, this time they were hugged against the old primate's hairy body, its arms tightly around them as it moved in and out with a quick and steady rhythm.

Roc knelt down just above Tony's head and watched with enthusiasm. Tony raised his eyes, seeing the huge, firm and low hanging balls covered with a layer of brown stubbly hair as the skin was barely noticeable through the dark hairs. He slightly raised his head and began lapping at them feverishly, coating them with his spit and taking each one into his mouth and sucking on them one at a time. Occasionally he would spit out a loose hair and continue rolling them around inside his mouth.

Tony reached up and grasped Roc's hard and hairy cock into his hand and began pumping it as he lavishly coated the huge nut sac with his spit. He tipped his head back a little and began licking the soft head of Roc's cock, tasting the remnants of its seed from its earlier tryst and licking his lips. Then he opened his mouth wide, taking Roc's cock into his mouth and began sucking on it causing Roc to leave out a soft moan.

Roc enjoyed the pleasure he was receiving and he began swaying his hips back and forth as he slowly fucked Tony's mouth. The old caveman watched with enthusiasm as its own cock was moving in and out of Tony's ass with a steady rhythm.

The water around them splashed against them with their movements. For the cavemen, the water only made them stronger and vibrant. But for Tony . . . it was going to be a life altering experience for him and for the better. He would become one of them and the ultimate soul mate for Roc.

Tony focused on Roc's cock and sucked it hard and fast, deep throating as much as he could in the position he was in while the old caveman was fucking him hard. The sounds of his pleasure were muffled as he gulped down and was sucking on one cock filling his mouth while another was drilling his ass deep and hard.

It wasn't very long till Roc began filling Tony's mouth with a long steady stream of hot molten cum. And when he came in Tony's mouth a steady roar filled the air from both cavemen as the old caveman filled his ass with its own hot molten primal seed. Tony's moans were muffled as he felt his insides being filled from both ends with their seed. The cavemen kept their cocks intact till they had dumped the last drop of their primal seed into Tony.

The excitement of the two primates filling him with their primal cum at the same time was exciting for Tony and without even touching his own cock, he came hard and quickly, shooting his load into the water.

Instantly, Tony was on all fours. Standing behind him was the old caveman. The old caveman thrust forward, sinking his monstrous cock deep inside, impaling Tony to the hilt causing Tony to cry out in a state of passion.

"That's it big guy, give it to me just like that," Tony begged.

Tony reached back, gripping the old caveman's hips and began to push back against him, drawing the monstrous cock deeper, further into him. The old caveman clamped his huge hands on Tony's shoulders and started driving, pumping in and out of him, sinking into the heat of its desire.

Roc stood in front of Tony, towering over him, pointing his cock directly into Tony's face. Tony gazed up into the dark eyes that were smiling down at him. Tony smirked and opened his mouth and took the head of the primitive cock into his mouth once again without even hesitating for one second. Roc's cock was hefty, hairy and incredibly hot. Tony found it often wonderful to suck on such a great cock and found it tasteful, satisfying and rewarding in the end.

Their Tony was on his knees, as he was sandwiched between the two cavemen. He had a firm grip onto Roc's hips, bobbing his head back and forth sucking on the primal cock. His back was arched and his ass was pushed back as he was enjoying being savagely fucked by the old caveman, and he was enjoying the gratifying pleasure from both primates. It was as if he could not get enough of the two cavemen and he never wanted it to stop.

Grunts, groans and sounds of pleasure came from the three of them. The old caveman plunged in and out of Tony's ass with vigor, urgent to submit a hefty sizable amount of primal seed into him. Roc, himself was on the verge of filling his mouth with yet another hot load of spunk.

Roc was the first to cry out and held Tony's head firmly against him, burying his nose in the coarse hairs around the base of his primitive cock. Tony felt the hot blasts of cum spewing out and down his throat and into his gut. As Roc's cock kept spewing its load into his mouth, the old caveman slammed its cock deep inside him and blasted his insides with even more primal cum.

Throughout the evening and into the night, Roc and his caveman father took their turns taking advantage of Tony, filling both orifices and supplying an ample amount of primal cum every time. By the time they were spent and exhausted and had given all the primal cum they could supply, the bloodstream in Tony's body was going through such a quick and drastic change that his appearance had already started to transform him.

As he was lying there between the two cavemen, Tony took notice that his body was changing. He was shocked and confused as he could not figure out what was happening to him. Sounds came from his body as the bones in his limbs were stretching several inches. What hair he had on his body was spreading like wild fire, covering every inch of him. He rose from the ground, holding out his arms, watching them with wide eyes as they distended further out in front of him. He felt a stirring in his groin and he looked down, finding his cock thickening and lengthening. He reached down and took his cock in his hand; it was covered with a fine layer of dark hair. With his other free hand he reached further down and cupped his balls, even they were completely covered with hair and felt the heft of them, finding his balls bigger and heftier.

Roc and his caveman father grinned at one another and then back to watching Tony changing his appearance right before their very eyes. They were happy and satisfied their plan had succeeded as they took a modern man and made him into a primitive caveman such as themselves.

"What did you guys do to me?" Tony wanted to know.

Roc rose to his feet. "Made you like us. You caveman now," Roc spoke in his broken native accent.

"Wha . . . wha . . . what?! You . . . you . . . you made me like . . . like . . . this. I'm a . . . I'm a . . . I'm a fucking caveman now, but . . . but how?" stuttered a shocked and surprised Tony.

"Water change you," Roc pointed to the water, and then he reached down and took his primal cock in his hand. "Cock change you. Fill you full with seed," he said slowly.

The look on his face was of astonishment and shock. "Okay, so you're telling me that fucking me in the water and the both of you cumming inside me is what did this?"

Roc nodded his head. "Yes, water has special power to help make happen."

"Wow! I fucking can't believe this! This is too fucking weird!"

Tony paced back and forth, scratching his temple, not sure if he had liked what they had done. What if he wanted to go back home, he thought. Well he knew he couldn't do that now or ever. He would always be a caveman and he could never go back to being himself ever again. Somehow the realization of being a caveman sunk deeper into his mind the more satisfied and content he was becoming.

As the weeks passed, Tony was stripped of every modern way of living as he became more attuned to his primitive lifestyle. He finds that his newly caveman lifestyle is no more different than his modern way of living. The transformation hadn't made him a total idiot as it had not erased all modern knowledge, at least not yet. He would be able to understand what used to be his own language but his speech would be much slower, deeper, and thicker and eventually he would lose all modern knowledge all together.

The old caveman had become a part of their daily lives and settled in quite nicely with Roc and Tony. He settled in so perfectly that Tony had given the old caveman a name and it suited the primate rather well, Captain; but he called him Capt for short.

As the days passed, Tony was becoming more comfortable with the way things were turning out for him. In fact he was enjoying every minute of being a caveman that he couldn't wait to get back and surprise Luke. He knew Luke would no longer recognize him.

The thought of Luke made him acutely aware that it was the first he had thought of him for more than a week. Tony was completely unaware that Roc had went back and informed Luke that Tony was not even close to coming back yet that he still needed time away. As long as Luke knew that Tony was with Roc, he knew he was in good hands and was not worried.

Tony was standing by the water's edge when he was deep in thought about Luke. Then he looked down into the water and for the first time he saw himself as a caveman. He hadn't realized just how much he had changed and he liked what he saw staring back at him through the reflection. Hell he more than liked what he saw, he was stunned at how well he looked as he examined himself.

He knelt down getting a closer look as he took a finger and traced the outline of his face. His beard had become thicker and his cheeks were fuller. He traced his mouth with a finger and finding even his lips had become fuller as it looked as if his mouth had filled with air and pushing his lips outward. He noticed the bare skin around his eyes, cheeks and nose and even his mouth. The hair on his face was fine and thin especially around his mouth, unlike the rest that was completely covering his body and it was a dark brown in color, almost black like.

As the day draws near and the sun is setting, Roc decides it is time to return to the cave where Luke and the others dwell. Capt would join him as they take charge of what used to be there's. Roc knew what he was doing. He had already took one modern man and turned him into a caveman and he had one more to go, but he had something else in mind for Luke, something that would benefit him and all walks of primal life.

The following day, Roc and Capt quietly rose with the sun as to not awaken a sleeping Tony. The two cavemen journeyed through the trees, swinging from vine to vine moving swiftly so they could arrive quicker and faster to the cave where the others resided.

For the next couple of hours the two cavemen moved closer and closer towards the cave where Luke and the others were. As they got closer, they could hear the sounds of the young cave dwellers, Roc pointed out to Capt which ones they would take back to the Primal Waters and the ones they would leave behind. They watch as Luke then came into view as he spoke to his brood of six, as Roc was informing Capt that he would take care of Luke.

Capt set his eye on one that was closest to him. It was Suco and he was unaware of Capt's presence when Capt snuck up behind him and snapped his neck like a twig without much resistance from Suco. Capt quietly moved onto the next two Staks and Accua as they too fell to the ground dead as Roc took care of his grandsons one by one, taking the lives of Axs, Koks, and Balla.

Taking the lives of the six young adult modern – primate cave dwellers was much too easy and quiet for the two largest of the cavemen and they were proud of the accomplishment they had made. With the six of them out the way there would be less time and less intrusion from them.

Afterwards, Roc went in search of Maks who already knew everything. Nothing was kept secret between the primitive father and son. Besides, Roc needed Maks to keep his eye on things while he was gone and to make sure the younger ones did not go astray.

Roc watched Maks from afar as he was working alone sharpening tools. He was remembering a time long ago when he had taken his sons; Maks and Jaks to the Primal Waters to enhance their lives as natural primitive cavemen. He encouraged them to let the powers of the water take over them and make them strong and powerful as all cavemen and to let it bring them anything they desired, which by the way worked highly in their favor.

After a few moments, Roc approached him and spoke in his native tongue. "Hello son."

"Hi pops," Maks answered in his deep baritone voice as they both spoke in their primal language as Roc had taught him well.

"I trust you kept my word and not mentioned any of my plans to the others?" Roc asked in a firm tone.

"I have kept your word and said nothing," Maks replied. "I am as anxious as for all this to happen as you are, father. They have not a clue what is in store for them. So how did things go? Were you able to change him?" Maks asked concerning the transformation that Tony went through.

"Son, I can't tell you how much he has changed. He is one of us now."

Maks gave a look of excitement. "Wow! I can't believe it happened so quickly. So what do you want me to do now?"

"That is why I am here. Your grandfather came with me and we took care of the six younger adults ourselves. They are no longer with us, the fewer of them the better. I want you to take Jaks and move our things to the other side of the river where Tony is but to the northern cave, the one that I have shown you before."

"Okay pops, I can do that but what about Luke. Are you still going through with the plans for him?"

"Yes," Roc answered with a grin. "I have something extra in mind for him, something that will benefit all of us, especially you son since you have taken him as your own."

"That is good to hear. Do I get to know?" Maks asked with a raised brow.

"Not yet my son, you will know soon enough."

"Okay," Maks said to him and then he thought of his grandfather. "Where is grandfather?"

"He is taking care of Thorn and Storm as we speak," Roc answered.

"What is he doing to them?" Maks said, getting defensive as he was prepared to defend his brothers if he had to. He would do anything to protect his brothers.

"Don't worry he is not going to hurt them. We are taking them with us. I told him to knock them out, gag and bound them. They don't need to know what is going on," Roc explained. "Now it's time to go."

Maks went to find Jaks and they did as Roc had asked them to and moved everything to the north side of the cave at the Primal Waters and stayed there as they watched Tony from across the river. As they watched, Maks seen his grandfather returning to an unsuspecting Tony. He watched as his grandfather knocked him out and carrying him off, knowing exactly where he was taking him.

After Capt left with an unconscious Tony, Maks and Jaks both took their caveman father's advice obediently and went into the primal waters. Roc had explained to them that the primal water was to enhance their caveman features. They would barely have any noticeable traits of their modern fathers as they were now completely and wholly primitive cavemen.

In the meantime Roc had gone to the caves and found it empty. He immediately went to the cave wall where the remote control was. He knew the remote control would lead the modern men back to their modern era. He snapped it in half and was breaking it into pieces when Luke came into the cave.

"What are you doing?" Luke yelled. "That was my and Tony's way of going back home. You fucking idiot, how the fuck can we go now?"

Luke knelt down as he began picking up the broken pieces, hoping he would be able to salvage what he could find and put it back together.

"No go back," Roc roughly spoke and pulled Luke to his feet, squeezing his arm tightly. "You . . . him . . . mine," Roc seethed.

"Let go of me," Luke glared at Roc.

"NO!" Roc growled. "MINE!"

Roc pulled Luke hard into him, bear hugging him tightly and kissed him hard, taking Luke's breath away. Luke struggled to free himself and when he did, Roc clubbed him over the head, knocking him out cold. Then he threw Luke over his shoulder and hurried off towards the woods to the other side where he had taken Luke and Tony once before, to the Pool of Life. Hurriedly, he made his way with quick strides as he took a short cut through the woods to get there and making perfect timing.

The Pool of Life still look the same as it did before, but more luxurious and fuller as the luscious green grass surrounded the pool and the variety of full blooms of wild flowers scattered throughout the rock formation. The long cascading waterfall was even more breathtaking as it poured into the river basin and making a loud rushing sound.

Roc knelt to his knees and carefully lowered Luke off his shoulder and cradled him in his arms. He lovingly looked down at the unconscious modern man, brushing the hair away from his face. As he studied Luke's face, he heard a noise and looked up to see Capt with Tony knocked out and slung over his shoulder.

The last time Roc had brought the modern men to the Pool of Life he would not allow them to stay in the water for too long. He did not want them to lose all masculinity, but this time it was different. He knew what he had to do in order to make the primitive land their permanent home forever.

Roc and Capt spoke very little as they placed Luke and Tony into the shallow end of the water. Their bodies were completely submerged with the exception of their faces. While unconscious their bodies began a change within and on the surface as they went into a complete effeminate transition as their masculinity was diminishing entirely. From this time on they would become a woman in a man's body and would be able to do all things a woman could do.

After twenty minutes in the water Luke began to stir as he was waking up. He groaned and was rubbing his head where Roc had clobbered him and he noticed he was up to his neck in water. He went to get out of the water when Roc pushed him back down.

"Be still," Roc said in barely a whisper and Luke obeyed without a word. He was too dizzy to even want to move and his vision was just a little blurry. So he leaned his head back and rested.

After enough time had passed, Roc helped Luke and Tony out of the water. They were both fully awake now and their headaches were gone. They couldn't have felt more relaxed or rejuvenated as a sense of giddiness had overwhelmed them. Luke and Tony even looked at one another, but in a different light. It was as If they never knew each other and had never been long time friends. They were complete strangers.

"Come," Roc said in his deep voice, and they followed him obediently without hesitation as he lead them back to the Primal Waters.

The Primal Waters would now be there permanent home. Never again would Luke and Tony ever return to where they made their home. They were going to a newer home, to a newer and bigger cave. There were two caves along the river of the Primal waters. One was occupied by Captain. It was small enough just for him and one other caveman. The other cave was not far and it was larger and spacious to house a very large family.

When Roc and the others reached their new home they were met by Maks and Jaks and their two brothers; Storm and Thorn. While Roc was gone with Luke and Tony, the four brothers spent a few hours swimming and splashing in the Primal Waters. They knew the water would not hurt them but enhance their primal ways of living for the better.

Luke walked ahead of Roc and stood at the water's edge watching them. Roc walked quietly up behind him and picked him up and threw him into the water. Tony followed suit as Roc threw him in right after Luke.

"Start breeding boys," Roc shouted out to the four cavemen.

"We're going to have us some actual cavemen now with those two bitches." Roc said turning to his father.

"You done me proud son," Capt said to him. "We could have kept those other six but this is better. We will have a fresh start and we will enjoy breeding those bitches and make more of us."

"Well I'm just glad I came and talked to you. I had a feeling they wanted to go back to their future and I couldn't let that happen. Besides it was fun watching them change before our very eyes," Roc stated. "Taking them to the Pool of Life was a great idea the first time, but this time they won't know what hit them when they realize we took their manhood completely from them and they are going to be our breeding bitches from now on."

"Ahhh yes," Capt sighed happily. "It is the life of the caveman to live a sexually ravenous life and breed their bitches as they make more cavemen like us. It was fun making those modern men into what they are now."

Roc and Capt sat at the shore and watched the others having their sexual fun with Luke and Tony and listening to them crying out as each caveman had their way with them. Luke who was not a caveman just yet screamed with passion as Maks fucked his ass into oblivion while Tony was given the same treatment and screamed just as loud with the three other cavemen fucking him into a whirlwind of fiery hot passion.

Capt gave a devilish grin. "They are having much fun with them."

"Yeah they are," smiled Roc.

"Come on Pop's, let's join Maks and fuck that bitch and make him scream even more."

"You're on," Capt cheered as they both made a bee line towards Luke.

Maks roared as he was releasing his fourth load of primal seed into Luke who was clinging to him and screaming for him not to stop when Roc and Capt approached. Satiated, Maks pulled his empty primal cock from the depths of Luke's ass and then gave it a quick smack of satisfied enjoyment.

Luke gawked at the size of Capt's cock and felt intimidated by its size. He took a huge gulp of air into his lungs as he looked over his shoulder and braced himself as he was about to take the largest cock he ever saw up his ass. He wasn't even going to stop the old caveman from shoving its cock inside him. Somehow he knew it was his place and his duty to service the old caveman and would enjoy every minute of it.

Capt pointed his cock at the already cum-slicked hole and slightly pushed his cock inside, causing Luke to cry out.

"Ahhhhhh fuck yes! Oh yes!" Luke cried out. His voice had changed from the deep masculine tone he had to a more softer feminine tone.

Capt stretched Luke's man pussy wide as he pushed more of its primal cock further into him. Luke cried out as he felt his insides expand as the monster primal cock snaked its way inside him and then in one long thrust Capt pushed the rest of its twenty inch primal cock deep inside him and slowly began to fuck Luke into a fiery passion of lust and desire.

Maks watched his caveman grandfather fuck his lover. Watching the expressions on Luke's face made Maks horny and needing Luke once again. He walked right up to Luke, shoving his cock in his face. Luke smiled and eagerly took the primal cock into his mouth. Maks made a soft groan as Luke was sucking on his cock and took a firm grip on the back of his head and was pushing his cock into his throat and began to fuck his mouth.

"Oh this ass is great," Capt said between thrusts in his primitive language.

"It's better with two cocks," Roc sneered.

Capt gave a nod to Roc to join them and Roc knelt down and slid beneath Luke who was on all fours. Roc shifted into place beneath Luke and pushed the head of his cock inside to join Capt's.

Luke's eyes widened as he felt the second cock entering him and his cries were muffled from the invasion of Maks cock in his throat. All three cavemen began fucking him incessantly. Capt and Roc moved in and out with a steady pace and staying in sync with each other as both their cocks were pounding away at Luke's stretched hole.

Luke didn't feel any pain but the pressure was unbearable and he had come twice while the three cavemen ravaged him sexually. He heard Maks groan and then was instantly rewarded with several hot blast of primal cum into his gut and kept his cock in his mouth till he was completely drained.

It wasn't long till Capt and Roc growled deep and slammed their cocks hard into him and then they shouted out their passion as they both came together and flooded Luke's insides. To Luke, it felt like buckets of liquid was being poured into him. He came again and he felt dizzy with passion as an over abundant supply of primal seed was flowing through his insides and to its destination.

The primal cocks remained deeply embedded inside Luke as their seed spewed into him nonstop till they were both completely satiated. Once they were done, the cavemen exchanged places with the other trio who were fucking Tony.

By morning, both Tony and Luke were unaware that the insides of their bodies had taken on a transition wholly and completely. They would forever have both male and female organs but would be more female then they would realize. The potent primal seedlings were already on their mission as they went on the attack and began procreating as life began inside their now transitioned and wholly fertile bodies.

The Pool of Life and the Primal Waters had extended their lives for many many years as Luke and Tony had lost all senses of their modern knowledge including their language. They would continue living their lives as cavemen/cavewomen, reproducing offspring for their six ravenous sexually craved cavemen.

In modern time the cabin where Tony had secluded the time machine everything was bulldozed over and a development was built. Now there would be no signs of the time machine nor Luke and Tony as they were declared dead several years before.


I am ending the series Modern Man meets Primeval Man here. I hope you all enjoyed the story. Please leave your comments at . Thanks Whipp Livingston

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