Modern Man Meets Primeval Man

By Whipp Livingston

Published on Jun 23, 2012


Modern Man meets Primal Man Part 7 By: Whipp Livingston

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Tony was enjoying his time away from the cave and from Luke and the others. For as large as the cave was, somehow it seemed smaller now with the additional six modern cavemen that Luke had and now they were all strong strapping men. As much as Tony loved being with Luke and the two sons he had with Roc and Zor, he wanted a place of his own, just for him and Roc to live in.

The time he was spending away with Roc was incredible. He was glad that Roc had taken him away from everything and everyone. He was happy to be miles and miles away from all the ruckus of home life at the cave. The lean-to they were sharing along the riverbank just added even more contentment and satisfaction to Tony. Even though they had been away for one day, he was not ready to go back to the cave.

On the first full day of being there, Roc and Tony started their day off with a repeat of the night before and then afterwards Roc went off to hunt in search of food while Tony stayed behind for rest and relaxation and for a few laps in the river.

Little did they know the whole time they were there, they were being watched by another caveman, an older caveman that was much larger and broader than Roc. On the first day they were there, the old caveman followed Roc as he was out hunting for food and upon catching up to him, the old caveman knocked Roc out cold for several hours and made its way to the hut where Tony was savagely fucked into a whirlwind of passion.

After several hours of pure raw animalistic sex and satisfying its sexual appetite several times and releasing several torrents of its seed deep into Tony's ass, the old caveman went on his way with every intention of returning for more. The old caveman made its way back across the river to its dwelling where it had a clear full view of the hut, Roc and Tony.

Within the distance and a short time later, the old caveman watched as Roc fucked Tony into an oblivion of passion. The moans they made were making the old caveman aroused and he wanted to join them but chose to watch them instead. The old primate watched as they changed positions and the newer creature was on top and was bouncing up and down on the cock it was riding and he took this vision into his mind for the next time he would be with the new creature. The sounds they were making only assured the old primate that they were enjoying each other as he listened closely and intently.

Chapter 7

"Awe fuck, Roc," Tony moaned in pleasure.

He had his hands braced on Roc's furry body, bouncing up and down on his thick and long primal cock that was deep inside his ass. His head bobbed with his movements as a look of great enjoyment was on his face. His face covered with sweat, his eyes closed and the sounds of his pleasure escaped his throat. He would occasionally lick his lips, tasting the salty perspiration that lingered on them and smiling with extreme pleasure.

Roc moaned with desire as he held firmly onto Tony's waist, moving along with every down thrust. He loved the way his cock felt inside Tony as it glided in and out, feeling every muscle contract around his cock as it was bringing him closer and closer to that moment of pure, ecstatic pleasure.

"Oh yeah! Oh fuck yeah!" Tony chanted as he was on the edge of no return. "I'm cumming! Fuck I'm gonna cum!" he repeated over and over, grasping his cock into his hand and began pumping his cock as he rode out his pleasure and came hard and fast across Roc's furry body.

Along with Tony, Roc shouted out his pleasure. "Me a cumma! Me a cumma!" he shouted as he felt his primal cock thicken and swell inside and sent blast after blast of his primal seed into an excited and happy Tony.

Tony sat down hard once he felt the first blast of cum enter his ass. "Fuck yeah!" he shouted, "Aww fuck! Oh yeah, that's it, Roc. Yeahhh, fill me with your cum!"

Tony clenched the muscles in his ass and milked Roc's cock for all its worth as a steady stream of cum flowed freely and deeply into him nonstop for several minutes. Then Tony collapsed heavily onto Roc and was enveloped into his furry arms as they kissed fervently. Instantly Roc had Tony on his back, thrusting his cock deep inside several times. They kissed passionately as Roc kept moving in and out giving short quick jabs into his modern lover till his cock was drained of its primal seed.

As they lay there, Tony reminds himself of what had happened that morning with the older caveman and wondered if he would ever see him again. He figured there were other cavemen around somewhere and never knew when he would see any. But he sure was caught by surprise when he thought Roc was waking him up with a quick fuck only to look over his shoulder to see a totally different caveman. As he drifted off to sleep he smiled contentedly as Roc pulled him closer into him and held him close.

The next day started out as usual for Tony and that was a quick fuck from a horny Roc. Then they spent most of the morning gathering fruits, berries, and nuts as they hunted for food to keep stock for the next couple days.

The whole time they were hunting they were unaware of the presence of the old caveman as it followed them, watching their every move. The old caveman, wise beyond its years and very intelligent, moved swiftly through the trees as it swung from tree to tree, vine to vine quickly and quietly.

It was late afternoon when Roc and Tony decided to head back to the lean-to. They were in no hurry as they took their time heading back and strolling along, walking hand in hand. Several times they stopped just to let the beautiful scenery of the prehistoric land sink in and to watch from afar the different sizes and types of the dinosaurs that co-existed right along with them. Tony found it fascinating and was enjoying himself as Roc showed him many different things he hadn't seen before.

The old caveman was close behind and very quiet, its eyes kept an intent stare on Tony as it stood on a branch high up in the trees watching them. It stroked its elongated cock anxious to satiate its ravenous sexual appetite once again with its newly found friend. It was in desperate need to breed this new creature it was longing for once again. Then the old caveman grabbed hold of a thick long vine attached to the tree it was standing in, ready to swing down and capture Tony and carry him off.

It watched as Roc turned his back and Tony stood a few feet away as they both were picking fruits and berries. Tony was in his own little world as he was picking berries when all of a sudden he was swept off his feet and lifted high into the air and he let out a holler as the old caveman snatched him up into a firm hold and swinging to another tree in the far distance.

Roc looked up just in time to see Tony being carried off and disappeared into a group of trees as the older caveman moved quickly from vine to vine. It wasn't long till they were completely out of sight. Roc had stopped running after them when he could no longer see them and went back and picked up everything he dropped and made his way back to the lean-to with an armful of fruits, berries, nuts, and a huge grin on his face.

Swinging from vine to vine, tree to tree, Tony kept his eyes tightly closed and held onto the old caveman for dear life. They were chest to chest and he had his arms and legs wrapped around the old primate and kept his head firmly against the furry chest. At first he was afraid to open his eyes but he slowly began to open them as together they swung freely on the vines and he felt a warm breeze blow over them till finally they came to the old primate's cave.

The old primate had let go of the thick tree vine and dropped to the ground, landing on its own two feet right in front of the entrance of its dwelling. Tony went to stand down when the old caveman heaved him back up into his arms and cupped both his ass cheeks into his large primitive hands and carried him inside.

"I can walk," Tony said.

But the old primate gave an abrupt grunt to quiet him as he carried him to a thick bed of moss and lowered him down placing its weight on top of him. Its enormous hardened cock was already pressing against the puckered anal ring of Tony's ass and was ready to fuck him hard and long.

"Guess I can't say no to you should I big fella," Tony said to the caveman who was hovering above him. "Are you going to rape me again with that huge piece of primal meat?" and realized he had just gave the most ridiculous line ever as he felt the enormous cock poking at his ass.

He braced himself, forcing himself to relax and allowed his head to fall back into the soft luscious mounds of the green moss. Then he felt the imminent pressure of the enormous cock slowly pushing its way inside him and spreading him wide open.

"UUUGGGHHH!" Tony groaned through clenched teeth, squeezing his eyes shut and arching his neck, feeling his ass spreading further apart till finally he couldn't stand it anymore and screamed out and hearing his own voice echoing inside the cave. The feeling of the huge primal cock sliding into him and stretching him further apart was excruciatingly pleasing to him.

"Awwww fuck! You're splitting me in two with that monster cock of yours!" Tony seethed, moaning loudly as the all too familiar feeling came back to him.

Eager and ravenous for sex, the old caveman sensed when he had enough of his organ inside. He pushed forward in one long brazen thrust and had all of its twenty inch primal cock deep inside Tony, sending him over the edge. Then it leaned forward and began moving in and out with slow strokes, watching with pleasure the expressions on Tony's face. Tony had his head tilted back his eyes tightly closed, panting and moaning as the old caveman picked up its pace and was thrusting harder and deeper into him.

Tony felt the caveman's breath on his neck and then its mouth as it was kissing and licking at his throat. The pace of the old primate quickened as it kept a steady rhythm of pounding his monstrous cock in and out. The thickness and length of its cock was an incredible feeling that drove Tony wild and the friction between them was just as hot and fiery as before.

"Ahhhh, oh fuck. Fuck! I'm gonna cum!" Tony cried out as he felt the orgasm taking over his body and came hard between them.

Then the old caveman made a low guttural sound and began pounding even harder and left out a roaring growl that filled the cave. It slammed its cock deep inside as it exploded with more than an ample amount of its seed. Then the caveman crashed on top of him as its primal cock twitched and throbbed till its balls were empty.

The old caveman wrapped its arms around Tony, keeping its cock deeply embedded inside him and turned to its back. On instinct, Tony sat up, straddling him and firmly setting his weight down on the old primate's cock and he froze. He couldn't move as he felt the hardness and thickness of the primal cock in his entire body.

The old caveman took a firm hold onto Tony's waist and began moving his hips up and down, causing Tony to bounce on his long cock. A few more strokes and Tony was forced out of his frozen state and he shook his head to clear his mind as he slowly began to bounce up and down, feeling the mighty organ moving throughout his entire body.

"Awwww fuck!" Tony moaned out loud. "Oh my fucking God your cock is fucking huge! I can't take it anymore. Uuuggghhh fuck! Stop, fucking stop," Tony cried out even though he couldn't stop himself from bouncing up and down.

The caveman answered with a roar and a hard thrust upward. Its hairy muscular body tensing as his biceps protruded immensely. The caveman drew its legs up bending them at the knees, driving his immense cock deeper into Tony with harder and deeper thrusts and driving Tony wild with lust and desire.

"Yeah! That's it, don't stop. I don't want you stop. Yeah! Oh yeah! Fuck me!" Tony chanted, feeling another orgasm rising up through him. "Fuck yeah! I'm gonna fucking cum again. I'm gonna cum you fucking horny beast!"

Tony wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand as he was bouncing up and down; his cock spewing its load all over the caveman. He moved swiftly as he felt the primal cock growing inside him, and then feeling it explode inside him once again, sending a torrent of its seed into him nonstop.

"Fuck! Oh fuck!" Tony shouted. "Wow! You sure cum a lot don't you big fella. Oh fuck yeah! I can feel your seed filling me up big time," Tony happily announced as he felt his gut filling up with the hot molten primitive seed.

As the sun was setting Roc was already at the lean-to. He was lying on the moss bed with his hands behind his head linked together and his ankles crossed, listening to the near distant sounds of sex and pleasure coming from across the river. The smile on his face broadened into a devious grin knowing who the other caveman was and knew from the sounds of it that the other caveman was having the greatest time of its life satisfying its sexual pleasure. He only wished he could be there to watch and then join in on the fun but he knew Tony was in good hands and would be fulfilled in more ways than one.

As the night progressed, Tony spent his night being royally fucked by the amorous oversexed caveman till finally it stopped to rest. Exhausted, Tony was grateful and relieved that the old caveman had stopped and gave his ass a much needed rest. His insides were stretched and his gut full of primal cum. He lies there motionless as the old caveman kept an arm and a leg around him to keep him from getting away. Tony couldn't get away fast enough if he wanted to anyway. Every muscle in his body ached and with barely a slight move or shift he made took every effort for him.

Just before sun up, the caveman awakened and was ready for more sex. He had Tony on all fours, his primal cock aimed for his stretched hole once again and shoved half its cock inside, causing Tony to cry out.

"AWWWW FUCK!" Tony cried out. Then in one quick move, the old caveman shoved the remainder of his cock deep inside and his eyes all but popped out of his head as the old primate slammed his cock in hard.

"Fuck! Easy ya big ape," Tony cried out once again.

The old caveman tightened its grip onto Tony's waist, pressing inwardly as its hairy crotch was nestled tight up against Tony's firmly rounded ass cheeks. The caveman then withdrew almost all the way out and then slamming his cock back in hard repeatedly, causing Tony to shout out each time with eyes wide open as he felt each thrust slamming into him.

Tony felt the monstrous cock opening his hole wider and slamming past his prostate. Each thrust became harder. He could feel the long thick monstrosity of the primal cock sliding in and out of his already cum slicked hole. The enormous cock moved through him with more ease as he was enjoying the hard fuck and began bucking back against him as the muscles in his ass tried to squeeze the lengthy cock and was enjoying the pounding rhythm as he tenaciously met every thrust.

"Uuuggghhh! Uuuggghhh fuuuuuuck!" Tony yelled with every thrust and every pull. "Yeahhhh! Fuck my ass. Ooohhh yeahhhh! Fuck me ya big ape!"

The old caveman realized from the sounds that Tony was making he was enjoying it. The caveman reached up with both hands taking a firm hold onto Tony's shoulders and using the strength it had, started slamming into him even harder. The only thing on the old primate's mind was to breed and to breed copiously and wholesomely as it pounded away furiously and speedily. Then the old primate groaned with anticipation as the heat inside him was growing quickly and he growled deeply, slamming his furry hips forward as its monstrous cock erupted.

Tony cried out in passion as he felt the monstrous cock shooting thick gobs of hot molten primal cum deep into him and filling his gut with more than an ample supply. The old caveman gave short hard jabs as its primal cock kept spewing its load deep into Tony. Time passed as seconds turned into minutes as the old caveman continued filling Tony's ass with its primal juice as it had done more than a few times that night.

The old caveman was spent and completely exhausted as it had satiated its ravenous sexual appetite. It had given all it had and its primal seedlings were now on its way to its victory, conquering and winning triumphantly in more ways than the old caveman realized. When the old caveman fell into a deep sleep from pure exhaustion, Tony managed to get away and left the cave.

The morning sun was out and rising as he roamed the wooded area and from the morning light he noticed where he was. He was directly across the river and could see the lean-to and Roc. He had no idea he was this close to the lean-to and he wondered if Roc had even heard them inside the cave.

Slowly, he submerged his stiff joints into the water and swam across and stumbled his way up to the lean-to and fell onto the soft green moss bed exhausted and stiff. He reached across and lightly shook Roc awake.

"Roc, wake up."

Instantly Roc sat up and could tell from the look on Tony's face that he had a rough night but was glad to see Tony was unharmed.

"You okay," came Roc's deep voice.

"Yeah," Tony replied. "I'm okay. He fucked my ass all fucking night. I just need to get some sleep for now. I am so fucking tired."

He lies back and stretched out on the soft bed of moss of the lean-to and soon enough he drifted off to a deep and sound sleep. While he slept, Roc crept quietly out of the lean-to and walked to the river's edge. He gave a shrill of a whistle and turned quickly to make sure Tony was still sleeping and sure enough he hadn't stirred an inch from the loud whistle. Tony was out cold.

Roc scanned the area across the river and within minutes the old primate came into view as he swung across on a vine and landed on its feet right in front of Roc. Instantly they began speaking in their own tongue as they walked to the river's edge and away from Tony but close enough that they can watch him sleep.

"He is sleeping now," Roc said to the old caveman in his own primitive tongue.

"Very well, the sleep will help enhance the change," the caveman replied.

"He said you fucked him all night long," Roc stated with a grin, thinking of all the fun he missed.

"Oh yes I did," the old caveman grinned and was filled with pride. "I enjoyed fucking his ass and he loved my fat cock in his ass. I had him screaming and begging all night long. A few more times with him and he will be one of us. The more we fuck his ass the quicker the change and not only that, it gives us added pleasure for our own enjoyment and satisfaction."

"Oh there's no doubt about that, Pop's. He does have a nice piece of ass and will take my cock anytime I want to fuck him," Roc said as a fact. "You think this gonna work, Pop's. Can we make him like us?" Roc wanted to know.

"I have done this many times before. Don't worry son, trust me, I know what I'm doing," the old caveman assured him. "Not only will he become one of us he will also reproduce for us a multitude of other cavemen like us."

Roc stared at Tony, watching him sleep and they kept their voices low.

"Before I brought him here he was acting strange, like as if he wasn't feeling wanted. He's happy when he's with me cause I'm always fucking his ass. But it's like he wants something more and I think this is just the right thing for him. I heard him tell the other modern he was thinking of going back to modern time. I fucking won't let that happen. Then I thought about you and about this water and what it can do and I thought it was the only way to keep him here with me."

The old cave man shifted as he kept an intent stare on Tony, wanting to go to him and fuck him some more. "Boy, I cannot get over how much fun I had fucking him. I even surprised myself at how good it felt to actually fuck since I hadn't fucked in ages."

"No wonder you had so many loads of seed to fill him up so many times," Roc grinned widely and then chuckled. "You've been saving up for years, Pop's. Good thing I brought him to see you without him knowing it."

"I am too, son," the old caveman replied. "Hey, um, when he awakes, make sure he goes into the water that will help speed things up quicker."

"I was thinking the same thing, Pop's. I thought since the water will not harm me but will work in my favor and enhance the change quicker that I would fuck him in the water," Roc stated.

"That's a splendid idea, son. I don't know why I didn't think of it myself," the old primate lit up with anticipation.

"I figured the quicker to get it done the faster he will change," Roc added.

"Son, the powers of that water is incredibly awesome and will work wonders as we fuck him in it. For ages that water has only done great things to improve our primitive lives. We are the last of our kind and this is our only way to make sure there will be others to carry on our legacy."

"That is just what I plan to do," Roc agreed. "That is why I took him and the other modern to the Pool of Life so that they can reproduce more cave men."

As Tony slept for hours, the father and son cave men were setting up their plan to make the modern men in their own image. They knew that the water would forever change the modern man and that their seed would help more than change them completely but also would stimulate the creation of more primal life. Then they spoke of Zor and of his death.

"Now tell me which one of my sons made the decision to take these modern men to the Pool of Life?" the old caveman asked with a broad grin.

"I did, Pop's." Roc replied. "I wanted to make them fertile and have our offspring. They had no clue what the powers of the Pool of Life held for them and what their fate would behold. That night when we took them back to the cave, we both fucked them hard and fast as we each had a turn at them. They grew large and plump as they realized their fate of child bearing and then later between my brother and I, we had four sons. Both modern men gave birth to two boys. I had a son from each one as well as my brother."

"Well done my son, I taught you well," the old cave man smirked. "You're just as devious and secretive as I to have come up with something as genius as that."

Roc gave a devilish grin. "What can I say Pop's, I take after you. Hey, you should know by now that when I want something I get my way and it doesn't matter how it gets done just so it does."

"That's the only way to be," the old primate agreed.

As the sun was setting, Roc went on to tell his father what the younger cave men had done to Luke and how he had given birth to six sons fathered by all four of them and that three of them belonged to Maks. As Roc caught his father up on the details and how the modern men came to their land sixty five million years into the past, Tony began to stir.

"Ahh, our modern is waking up my son. Take him to the water and fuck him, fill him with your seed and when you are done I will join you," the old cave man instructed and quickly made himself scarce as Roc watched him hide behind some trees that were close by.

Tony stretched his limbs as he lies there, softly moaning from his slumber and yawned as he became more awake. He turned to see Roc staring at him and smiling and he smiled back at his caveman lover. He hadn't noticed at all that his own body was changing only that he felt more rested and relaxed more than ever.

Tony rose to his feet and as he stood, Roc noticed the transformation had already begun. The hair on Tony's chest and stomach had already spread considerably over his body to his shoulders and arms. His eyes had sunken but not by much and his face was fuller and so was his beard. He stretched his arms up over his head and let out a contented groan as Roc could not take his eyes off of him as he found Tony even more irresistible than before.

"How you feel," Roc spoke deep in his broken accent.

"I feel great," Tony beamed. "I can't believe how good I feel after that little bit of sleep I had. It did wonders for me."

"Yes it did," said Roc as he grinned and gazed at Tony as he could not control is sexual appetite for him any longer.

Tony sensed what Roc was thinking as he seen the primitive cock between his legs began to grow and thicken and he couldn't help but feel the need to have Roc inside him. He sauntered his way towards Roc and was stopped just before he reached out to touch him.

"Turn 'round," Roc said, making a circular motion with his finger.

"You want me to turn around?" Tony asked, wondering where that came from.

Roc nodded his head and Tony slowly turned around. Roc noticed Tony's entire backside was covered with a fine layer of dark hair and he went to reach out to touch him when Tony turned to face him.

"Is everything okay?" Tony asked in a confused way, as he was not aware that his body was changing.

"Yes and you look good-a," Roc smiled and pulled Tony into him and began kissing him passionately.

"Mmmmmm," Tony cooed as he wrapped his arms around Roc's neck and was pulled into him hard and the kiss deepened. Tony moaned softly as he wanted Roc just as much as Roc wanted him.

Roc scooped Tony up into his arms and held him chest to chest. Tony wrapped his legs around Roc's hairy caveman body and looped his arms around its neck and they kissed wildly and passionately. As they kissed, Roc made his way to the river carrying Tony in his arms and into the water. When Roc thought they were deep enough, he lowered them both into the water as it covered the lower half of their bodies.

Then Roc pulled Tony hard into his groin as they lay there in the water, lips locked, tongues thrashing, sexual tension arising. Then Roc took a deep breath without breaking the lip lock and sucked the wind right of Tony and into him, causing Tony to become dizzy with the passion they both felt for each other.

Tony gripped Roc tighter, feeling his cock rubbing against the hard, hairy, and wet belly of his caveman lover. He sucked the air right back out of him while he probed Roc's throat with his tongue. They kept it up pretty well when they both were becoming dizzy and broke the kiss as they both gasped for air.

Tony panted heavily as he clung to Roc who was holding him close to his body. Below the shallow surface of the water he felt his caveman lover's cock prying between his ass cheeks and poking at his pink puckered rosebud and started pushing its primal cock into him.

"Ohhhhhhhhh!" Tony let out a low moan of absolute pleasure as his ass was opening up to the massive cock as it slipped into him with ease. "Yeah that's it, put that big cock where it belongs Roc," he whispered in Roc's ear.

In one quick motion, Roc slammed his cock all the way inside, causing Tony to squeal with delight. "Awwwww! Ohhhh yeah! That's it ya big ape, fuck me!"

Roc began moving with slow strokes, dragging his thick cock in and out of Tony, gradually picking up pace as they both moaned with a fiery passion, enjoying the gratifying pleasure they were sharing.

"Ohhhh yes! Fuck me Roc! Fuck me hard!" Tony pleaded, as his need to be fucked was the only thing that only mattered to him at that moment.

Roc leaned forward as their lower bodies were completely submerged now and their upper chests and shoulders were exposed to the cool air. Water splashed everywhere as Roc started slamming his cock even harder into Tony with quick strokes. He watched as Tony threw his head back into the water arching his throat screaming with absolute pleasure.

Tony's cries of passion only enticed Roc on even more as he drove his primal cock into him with an overwhelming heat of desire and passion. The friction between them was driving Tony crazy and his orgasm was taking control over his body. He hadn't expected to cum so soon but it was tough to hold back when the passion between them was extremely hot and wild.

"Ugh Fuck! I'm cumming! I'm . . . ," Tony didn't even finish his words when his cock exploded and is seed dispersed into the water between them.

Roc did not let up as he savagely fucked Tony hard and fast, feeling his own orgasm rising to its peak. He growled deep and throatily, driving into Tony even harder and he slammed his pelvis into him and his primal cock erupted sending its seed deep into him at a steady rate filling Tony up with a copious amount of primal cum.

"Oh, oh fuck! Yeah fill me with your seed, Roc! Oh it feels so good!" Tony shouted out as he felt his insides filling up with the warm milky fluid of primal seed.

Roc pumped his cock slowly in and out as his cock kept spewing its seed into him till finally his nuts had emptied completely and he collapsed heavily on top of Tony and they kissed deeply and passionately.

Their lips parted and they panted heavily as Roc stared down at Tony with a big grin. Then Roc let out a shrill of a whistle as he called for his cave man father, startling Tony with the loud and abrupt noise. Tony wasn't sure why Roc had done that but then he really didn't care either. He was just happy and pulled Roc into him and wrapped his arms around him, holding him close to his body and closed his eyes to the evening sun shining in his face.

Suddenly a shadow was cast over them and Tony opened his eyes to see where the shadow was coming from and instantly came face to face with his sexually ravenous captor from the night before.

"Uh Roc, we have company," Tony stated in a low voice and wondering why he was there and if the old cave man was going to hurt either one of them.

Roc rose to his feet as he stood there with water up to his calf and moved aside while talking to his father in their own primitive language.

"His ass is all ready for you Pop's," Roc said to the old primate in their own language.

"Ahh, yes! With pleasure my son," the old caveman said jovially and knelt down between Tony's legs and spread them wide open, ready to fuck once again.

Please leave your comments at ?.. Thanks Whipp Livingston

Next: Chapter 8

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