Modern Man Meets Primeval Man

By Whipp Livingston

Published on Nov 30, 2011


Modern Man meets Primal Man. Part 5 By Whipp Livingston

As grown men, Maks and Storm were covered with a fine layer of black primal hair from head to toe, a mixture of Tony and Roc. Jaks and Thorn were covered with a fine layer of a lighter brownish color; they were a mixture of Luke and Zor. The young men stood very tall at six foot eight inches although Maks was the tallest at seven foot four inches. Their bodies were slightly longer in length, they're shoulders broader, thick and immense with protruding muscles they received from working hard in the primitive land with their fathers and brothers. Their arms and legs were long and thick as tree stumps and their cocks were even bigger than their cavemen fathers. They spoke clear and plain as their modern fathers had taught them and they were very intelligent and very handsome. Lastly, the one main thing the young men shared with their primitive fathers was the unwavering desire and ravenous appetite for sex.

Chapter 5

It was another bright sunny morning in the land of sixty five millions years into the past. Luke and Tony with their sons and also the cavemen were working the land outside of their natural habitat when they heard a screeching howl from the sky. They looked up to see a pterodactyl plummeting towards them and they all started to run towards the cave.

They all made it to the cave while Roc, being the strong and brave caveman he was grabbed his club and swung it at the flying reptile as he began to fight the winged creature. Then Zor jumped in and the cavemen fought together as they began to get the upper hand of the flying beast when a second pterodactyl came out of nowhere and snatched Zor into its claws and carried him far up into the sky.

"Oh my fucking God, another one got Zor. We have to do something," cried Luke as he watched from the opening of the cave as Zor was being carried away.

"What the hell can we do?" Tony screamed. "The ape men know what they are doing. And just look at Roc, he's getting the upper hand."

"Well I just hope Zor is going to be all right," Luke prayed. "I hope he will be able to kill that thing before it kills him."

From a distance, they watched the flying pterodactyl high up in the sky as Zor was still fighting for his life when the creature lost its grip and Zor cried out loudly as he was falling towards the earth. Then the bird swooped down quickly and raised its head towards the falling cave man, opened its wide snout and snapped its jaw shut as it swallowed Zor whole.

"Oh my God no, Zorrrrr!!!" Luke screamed at the sight of his caveman lover being eaten alive.

Roc gradually was backing his way into the cave clubbing the huge winged reptile. The four younger but mature sons of Luke and Tony had already been clubbing on the huge bird as well and trying to keep it from entering the cave dwelling. There was five of them beating on the pterodactyl till they killed the beast and suffering only minor scrapes and scratches. Then for the next several weeks they mourned the loss of their beloved caveman, Zor.

After the fifth week, Luke said sadly, "I really miss Zor."

"I miss him too," Tony replied just as sad. "He sure knew how to fuck my ass good and raw."

Luke chuckled at the thought. "Yeah he sure did. I'll never forget when he popped my virgin ass. It was fan-fucking-tastic." Then he thought of Roc. "You know Roc is taking his death harder than I thought he would. You think he will ever be the same?"

"I don't know Luke," Tony said, concerned as well. "It'll just take some time I guess."

Just then Thorn came into the cave. He was standing outside the cave listening as Luke and Tony were remembering Zor and talking about Roc. Even he too was missing his primitive father and he also was worried about his primitive uncle.

"Hey, Uncle Tony," Thorn said coming into the cave and speaking perfect American English and giving his best handsome smile he continued on. "My brothers asked if you would go out and join them in the water. Uncle Roc is out there too and he seems kinda lonely even with my brothers out there with him."

"Sure thing," Tony said as he gladly rose from the cave floor and grinning broadly. "I know how to cheer up the ole ape man."

"Tony, don't push him too hard," Luke said.

"I won't," and Tony left the cave.

Thorn then turned to Luke. "Dad, what's going to happen to Roc now that Dad is dead?" Thorn asked as he spoke of his caveman father Zor. "I mean, Dad was his brother and he is the only primate left now."

"I don't know son, we just have to be there for him," Luke answered his adult son. "And besides Thorn, you and your brothers are half primates too, so don't forget that."

Thorn snorted out a chuckle. "How can I forget, every inch of my body is covered with hair even my cock and balls are hairy mutha fucka's."

"Yes indeed they are," Luke said as he gave his gorgeous son the once over. "And you also inherited their endowment as well."

"Endowment, Dad?" Thorn asked, confused never hearing that word coming from his dad before.

"I'm referring to your cock. It is well hung," Luke answered and then sat up from leaning against the cave wall and reached out and gently grasped Thorn's elongated cock and gently pulled Thorn to him causing Thorn to step closer to him.

"This cock is magnificent son." Luke proudly exclaimed while stroking his son's cock. "You should be proud to have inherited such a trait from Zor. Although you are slightly larger than he was. When I wrapped my fingers around his cock they barely touched and now touching yours my fingers only go half way round. You are much rounder than he was."

"Yeah but Maks has all of us beat. His cock is even longer and rounder than the rest of us," Thorn added. "The first time I let him fuck me my hole stayed open for several days."

Luke's eyes went big with surprise as he knew that Maks was quite enormous. "You let him fuck you with his almost seventeen inch cock? My God son, I hope he didn't hurt you with that thing."

"At first it did hurt, but after a while I enjoyed it," Thorn said with a sly grin. He moved closer to Luke as his cock was directly in front of Luke's face and he was already hard and hungry for sex.

Luke laughed as he stared up at his son. "I bet you did you horny little fucker."

He pressed his nose into Thorn's crotch and breathed in his scent and found the scent of his son intoxicating. He grasped Thorn's cock and slowly stroked it in one hand and cupped his huge hairy balls with the other. The heft of the ball sac was great as it held two plum size nuts filled with its seed and aching for release. Luke stuck out his tongue and began lapping at the hefty hairy balls, bathing them with his saliva. He opened his mouth and took one plum size nut and letting it roll around inside his mouth, coating it with his spit, and then doing the same to the other.

Occasionally he would spit out a lose hair or two from having the ball sac in his mouth and continue sucking and lapping at the immense ball sac. He even managed to take the whole thing into his mouth, stuffing it full as his cheeks puffed out.

"Oh fuck Dad, it's been a while since we did this," Thorn said erotically.

"Mmhhmmm," was Luke's only reply with a mouthful of hairy balls.

Luke let the ball sac fall from his mouth, panting heavily and staring at the large one eyed monster cock that was directly in his face. He stroked Thorn's full massed elongated fifteen inch cock swiping the head with the tip of his tongue, tasting the juice that was bubbling up from its sac. He wrapped his lips around the head of the cock and started taking it into his mouth and vigorously began sucking on it.

"Oh fuck yeah, that feels real good," Thorn grinned, swept up in the feeling of want and desire. "Yeah, oh yeah, suck that cock daddy."

Thorn kept his immense hairy hands on the back of Luke's head and pushed more of his cock into his mouth. Once he felt it hit the back of his throat, he kept on pushing, stretching his throat wide. Luke kept a firm hold on his son's hips as he felt the muscles in his throat opening up to the massive intruder. The more Thorn pushed the more Luke's mouth widened and his jaw ached from the pressure of being stretched wide open.

Finally, Thorn had his cock buried in Luke's mouth, all fifteen inches of it. He was still for a moment as Luke let his throat become accustomed to being stretched. Slowly, Thorn began to pull out, but quickly pushed back in as he slowly began to fuck Luke's throat.

"Mmmm. Ahhh. Ohhhh." Thorn moaned with pleasure. "You want that cock, Dad? You want me to fuck your mouth?"

"Mmhhmmm," Luke gladly moaned his answer with a mouth full of cock as he breathed through his nose.

He dutifully sucked on the immense cock that was being rammed down his throat. He reached for his own hard cock and began stroking it. He breathed deeply through his nostrils, taking deeper breaths when Thorn would pull out and then quickly ramming back into his mouth.

Luke had years of practice when he was with the cavemen and learned rather quickly to breathe through his nose and knowing when to take a breath. Luke wasn't sure how much more his jaw could take from the pounding he was receiving when Thorn yelled out.

"Awww fuck, Dad, I'm not gonna last."

Thorn kept a steady pace as he fucked Luke's throat and feeling his balls tighten and his seed being pulled from its region. Luke felt the enormous cock swell in his mouth.

"Here it comes, Ahhhh fuuuck it's cumming<" Thorn bellowed.

Instantly, Luke felt a warm sensation fill his stomach as Thorn shot forth a copious amount of cum all over his stomach.

Slowly, Thorn eased his large cock from Luke's throat but was still cumming copiously as he let just the head of his cock in Luke's mouth and allowing Luke to taste it. Luke lost count after he felt six hot blasts of cum hitting the back of his throat and swallowing every bit of cum that Thorn produced.

"Fuck that was awesome," Thorn panted, looking down at his dad.

Luke beamed with pride at his son and pulling him down onto the cave floor in front of him and kissed him deeply as their tongues toyed with each other.

"I certainly hope it doesn't mean we are done, does it?" Thorn questioned, not wanting to stop and wanting to do more to satiate his appetite.

"Not at all son, not at all," Luke grinned as he stood up and moved to the moss bed.

"Not here, Dad. Let's go deeper into the cave," Thorn suggested.

In the meantime Roc, Tony and the three other young modern cavemen were swimming and splashing each other in the cool waters of the river. Roc felt less lonely from missing his primal brother and concentrated on having a good time with his family and knowing they loved and cared about him.

Luke and Thorn made their way to the deepest and farthest part of the cave till Luke realized they were on the other side of the cavern. Here the cave floor was completely covered with soft luscious green grass and they could also see the back entrance of the cave and having an almost clear view of the outside. They could hear the nearby waterfall where Luke often took his showers.

Thorn dropped to the soft floor of the cave, lying on his back with his arms bent and folded with his hands tucked beneath the back of his head and looking up at the arch ceiling of the cave.

"Ahhhh, I love this area of the cave."

"It is nice. It's been a long time since I've been back this way," Luke said as he lies down next to Thorn. He too had his arms bent and his hands behind cupping the back of his head.

Within a matter of seconds, Thorn was sitting between Luke's legs which happened to be slung over the upper half of Luke now as he suddenly had his tongue buried into Luke's upturned puckered anal ring, noisily, hungrily, and ravenously eating him out making his man pussy slick with spit and fingering him at the same time.

Luke was thrashing his head from side to side, moaning his pleasure as he was filled with passion as he felt the stimulating sensation of having his ass being eaten out. "Ugghh fuck Thorn! Yeah! Oh that feels good!" Luke panted urgently. "Fucking eat my ass baby!"

Thorn kept up his enthusiasm a little bit longer, then he lowered Luke's ass and pointed his stiff, hard, cock at the spit covered hole, pressing agonizingly against Luke's upturned hole and began pushing the head of it in.

"Uggghhh fuuuck," Luke yelled as the thick cock stretched his fuck hole extremely wide to accommodate such an enormous girth.

The more Thorn pushed his cock forward, the wider Luke's ass opened up. It took several minutes till Thorn had his cock fully embedded inside Luke's ass. He leaned forward, holding himself up by his strong muscular arms and looking down into his dad's eyes.

"How's it feel?" Thorn inquired breathily.

"Feel's awesome son, now fuck me good and hard," Luke demanded.

Thorn began to move slow, dragging his thick cock in and out of Luke in slow motion. Luke could feel Thorn's cock pulling his insides outward with each withdrawal, then feeling it being pushed back in with every inward thrust. Gradually, Thorn picked up his pace and they both moaned fervently enjoying the instant gratifying pleasure to each other.

"Aww fuck you're so fucking tight," Thorn said with enjoyment. He lifted his fury body from Luke's, holding his legs up and out and watching his cock thrusting in and out.

"Fuck me! Fuck me harder son! Show me what you got," Luke yelled.

Thorn leaned forward again, this time with Luke's legs thrown over his shoulders and was slamming his cock harder and faster. He watched as Luke's head was thrown back, arching his throat and noticing the clenched jaw and his eyes squeezed tightly shut.

"Yeahhh! Ohhhh yeahhh! Fuck me, Thorn! Fuck that ass!" Luke cried out in passion.

"Turn over onto your belly," Thorn demanded as he pulled out.

Luke did as he was told and once on his belly, Thorn grabbed his hips and roughly pulled him back into his groin. Luke was on all fours. Without any hesitation, Thorn drove his cock deep into him causing Luke to cry out as he began to powerfuck Luke into oblivion.


His eager eyes nearly popped out of his head as felt the monstrous cock sliding in and out of him and hitting his prostate with a vengeance every time. Thorn would pull out leaving just the head of his cock intact and then slamming it back in with all his strength and power. He did this over and over as Luke's cries of passion only encouraged him even more and driving into him with an overwhelming fiery heat of passion.

After some time passed they're pace slowed and their bodies were soaked with sweat from the fiery passion between them. Then they returned to the former position facing each other and kissing and pawing wildly at each other. The friction between them and also from Thorn's furry body was driving Luke crazy with passion as he panted heavily and he knew he wouldn't last.

"I'm cumming Thorn! I'm cumming!" Luke cried out and shot forth a large amount of cum between them as it smeared in with their sweaty bodies.

"Yeahhh! Fuck yeahhh! Gonna . . . Gonna . . .," Thorn chanted with each thrust and feeling the muscles in Luke's ass tighten around his cock and began milking him. "UUUGGGHHH!!!"

"UUUGGGHHH!!" Luke cried too, feeling a long steady stream of hot semen filling him deeply and copiously as he felt every blast of cum that shot forth inside him, and the amount being distributed was overwhelming.

Thorn crashed heavily onto Luke, wrapped his arms around him and instantly rolled him over, causing Luke to sit straight up. In this position, Luke could feel every inch of cock that was inside him and it felt long, thick and hard as it almost reached into his stomach. The feeling was intense and he began riding his son's cock and moaning with a fiery passion. The expression on his sweaty face was of pure ecstasy, desire and enjoyment; his head tilted back, his eyes closed, and his mouth gaping opened as he moaned his pleasure. He gladly bounced up and down on the immensely thick cock that was deeply embedded inside him, milky his cock for all its worth.

Over Luke's shoulder, Thorn noticed a large silhouette standing not far from them and he could tell it was Maks. He had been watching them for a short while and was stroking his lengthy and immensely thick cock. Luke was lost in lust and desire to even notice Maks was even there. Maks was the largest of the young modern cave men. He was one of Roc and Tony's sons. He stood at seven foot four inches tall and built like a giant with muscles protruding everywhere and his cock was much larger, larger than any normal human being. The head of it was of natural skin color while the rest was covered with dark hair, his balls hung heavily and the size of a grapefruit holding plum size nuts. Thorn knew from firsthand how much semen Maks was packing and it was more than a lot and he loved having Maks fuck his ass.

Luke, still oblivious of Maks' presence, stooped down to kiss him and pushing his hips back and forth. Thorn held Luke in his thick, hairy arms, kissing Luke wildly. When his cock slowly began exiting from Luke's hole. Maks moved quickly between Thorn's legs and without looking Luke reached behind for Thorn's cock and grasped Maks' cock instead, guiding it back to his hole.

Maks gave a slight push into Luke's ass, causing Luke to cry out in passion. He was pushing more into him as he stretched the hole even wider than what Thorn did. It wasn't until Luke felt a set of hands touching and kneading his ass cheeks when he turned his head to see who was behind them when he came eye to eye with Maks and the expression on his face changed from lust to almost fear like and he eyed the largely rounded forearm sized cock entering him.

"NO!" Luke shouted. "I can't take your cock Maks, it's way too fucking big and you'll split me in two with that thing."

"Dad, look at me," Thorn said, turning Luke's head by the chin. "It's okay, really," he insisted.

"I don't know Thooorrrnnn," Luke began to speak and his eyes went big as he felt his ass being stretched beyond belief. "Ughhhhhh, ohhhhhh my fucking God it's huge!"

"Come on Pops," Maks chimed out. "You can take it," and pushing more of his cock into Luke's ass.

Luke gritted his teeth and his eyes were tightly shut and watering as he felt his ass stretching wider.

"Ughhhhh! He's not gonna stop till he's all the way in isn't he?" he groaned.

"That's right Pops," Maks said deeply, grinning, "you're gonna take my fucking pole and you're gonna fuckin' love it too ole' man."

It took some time but Luke remained intact as he felt more of Maks' immensely thick cock sliding deep into him and the more Maks pushed inward the wider Luke's man pussy stretched. He was glad he wasn't taking both of their cocks in him then he would be worried that he would be split in two.

Luke panted heavily as he felt his insides shaping and reshaping as the massive mound of hairy dark meat pushed onward stretching his hole extremely wide to accommodate him. Maks gave a snicker and then in a quick motion he buried his almost seventeen inch cock in all the way.

"UUUGGGHHH!!!" Luke bellowed.

"You got all me in you now, Pops," Maks grinned.

Luke groaned. "Just take it easy there Maks. I'd still like to enjoy sex ya know."

"Don't worry Pops, you'll be fine," Maks said in his deep voice and began to move in and out.

Maks began to move in and out. Luke moaned, panting heavily as he felt his man pussy being stretched beyond belief. The whole time Luke was hoping it wouldn't last long and everything would be over soon. In the meantime, Thorn had moved out from under Luke and was stroking his own cock in Luke's face. Luke smacked his lips several times and opened his mouth and began to lick and suck on Thorn's big cock.

"Ooohhh yeahhhh!!" Thorn smiled happily. "Yeahhhh suck that cock." Thorn wrapped his hands behind Luke's head, sifting his fingers into his hair and forced his big tool down his throat.

"Ummpphh!!" Luke gasped around the hard cock that was in his mouth. He could feel him ramming his cock into his open throat with deep, strong thrusts while Maks slowly pushed in and out, taking his time to slowly stretch his hole out of shape and pulling his thick cock out till only the fat round bulbous head remained inside, then slowly sliding the entire thick veined length cock back inside him. With two cocks shoved into him from both ends, Luke was impaled with thirty two inches of hard, thick, enormous cocks inside his body.

Maks placed his hands on Luke's shoulders and began moving at a quicker pace, having shaped Luke's man pussy to fit his monstrous cock and beginning to slide through him with more ease and at a faster pace, adding friction with each stroke and Thorn kept a steady pace at fucking his throat.

With his face buried in Thorn's groin and Maks monster cock buried deep in his ass, Luke moaned and groaned through muffled cries of pleasure he was receiving from the two of them, enjoying every minute of it. He was turned on from the heated passion that he began to move along with them, furthering his erratic, throbbing hunger for both cocks.

Finally, Luke was unable to concentrate with the monstrous cock up his ass and he pulled his mouth from Thorn's cock as he grunted and groaned out loud and stroking Thorn's cock. Maks kept fucking him, sliding his monster cock in and out of his overly stretched hole. His climax reached its boiling point and he came shooting long ropes of cum to the cave floor.

"Fuck Maks, ughhh. I don't know . . . ugh . . . how much longer . . . ugh . . . I can take . . . uugghh . . . that big cock!" Luke whined. "Ugghhh, ugghhh! It's so fucking, ughhh, so fucking big . . . ughh, you're stretching my puss so wide." And he went back to sucking on Thorn's cock.

Thorn grabbed the back of his head and pushed his cock deep into his mouth once more and started fucking with quicker strokes and listening to Maks.

"You want it . . . you want my big load," Maks yelled loudly and belligerent as it echoed through the cave, panting heavily.

"Mmmhhhmmm!!" Luke begged with a mouthful of cock.

Maks gripped his shoulders, slamming his cock into him harder and faster while Thorn was on the verge of losing his own load.

"MMMMMMM!! MMMMMMMM!! MMMMMMMMMMM!! Luke grunted and groaned with every inward stroke as Maks and Thorn both were throwing their weight into their thrusts, fucking him harder and faster.

"Here it comes!! It's cumming!!" Maks and Thorn both roared simultaneously as their hips slapped into Luke repeatedly, then slamming into him once more and they kept a firm hold.

"UUUGGGGHHHH!! FUCK YEAH!!" they shouted together, bucking their hips wildly and holding onto Luke as they blew their load right into him.

"MMMMMMMMMM!!" Luke cried out with them, feeling their monstrous cocks pump and pulsate inside him, while they each filled his gut with an abundant supply of hot, smoldering cum from each end.

Thorn eased his cock out of Luke's throat allowing him to taste the sweet nectar while Maks kept his cock planted deep inside him for several minutes as he proceeded to empty a hefty load. Thorn then shifted his legs and sat down as Luke stroked and milked his cock, licking and sucking at the sensitive head dripping with more cum.

Maks fell forward, pinning Luke beneath him, his cock remained deep inside him as it convulsed and emptied till the throbbing subsided. After he gave up the last of his seed, Maks remained hard and banded tightly in Luke's man pussy making a nice snug fit.

"You can take your cock out now, Maks," Luke suggested.

"Nope, I'm good," Maks replied. "It can stay in till it softens."

"And how long will that be?" Luke scoffed.

"As long as it takes," Maks answered with a sneer.

There was a reason Maks did not want to pull out just yet. He could feel his bladder filling up and once the pressure was more imminent and pressing he let loose a fluent stream into Luke's ass. Luke instantly felt his insides begin to warm and his stomach distend beneath him.

"Are you fucking pissing inside me?" Luke exclaimed.

"Yep. I am," Maks grinned as he let continued with a steady stream.

With the length of Maks cock and being deeply embedded inside Luke, the piss had no place to go but into Luke's stomach. Maks pulled him into a tight embrace and leaned back, pulling Luke with him as Luke was now sitting on his cock.

"Holy fuck!" Thorn yelled out with amazement as his gaze instantly went to Luke's stomach. "Look at that!"

Luke's stomach had definitely distended from the over abundance of piss Maks produced. With a finger, Thorn poked Luke's belly and it jiggled, making a waving sensation and causing Thorn to laugh.

"That is fucking weird but awesome," he said staring at Luke's belly. "Hey, I got to take a piss too, lemme in their Maks."

"Are you fucking kidding me, Thorn," Luke yelled. "Once he pulls out, it'll all be coming back out."

"I don't think so, Dad," Thorn grinned deviously. "He's so deep in you, I'm pretty sure it'll stay in there."

When Maks pulled out not a single drop of piss escaped from Luke's chute. Without hesitation, Thorn guided his cock to Luke's man pussy and shoved his cock in all the way, causing Luke to give an outburst of moans. Then Thorn pressed his pubes tightly against Luke's ass and let out a torrent of piss right into him.

"Oh my fucking god," Luke moaned, feeling his insides filling up with even more piss while Maks and Thorn watched Luke's belly with amazement as it ballooned up even more.

"That is so fucking cool," Thorn said with an amazed expression on his face.

Jaks and Storm were roaming the cave when they heard the commotion and ran quickly to see what was going on and upon entering they were shocked at what they saw.

"Hey guys what the fuck is going on in here?" Jaks questioned his brothers.

"Nothing really, we were fucking Dad and now we're filling him up with our piss," Thorn said with a big grin as he was finishing up. "Look at his belly," Thorn pointed at the swollen abdomen.

"That's just from you?" Storm said with amazement, staring and becoming aroused at the sight.

"No, it's also from Maks too," Thorn chuckled.

"Holy fucking shit," Jaks burst out and laughed. "I got to have some of that."

"NO!" Luke shouted. "I feel full enough as it is."

Jaks and Storm had become aroused watching and they too wanted to satiate their appetites. When fully aroused, the young, virile and fertile modern caveman were fully hung and fully loaded. They all had long, thick, hairy cocks like their caveman fathers and were proud to be so well endowed.

"Where are Roc and Tony?" Luke yelled.

"They're down by the river fucking around," Jaks replied with a grin. "They will never hear you all the way over here on the other side."

"Yeah, not with the way they're going at it plus they will be doing it for awhile," Storm added. "Besides we can have our own little fun right here," said Jaks as he stroked his elongated cock and he and Storm moved towards Luke.

"I said no!" Luke yelled as he tried to get away, but Maks and Thorn held him down. "Boys, let go of me," Luke grunted as he felt the weight of their arms holding him down and too exhausted to even fight them off.

"Let him scream all he wants, besides I got something here to shut him up," Jaks says shaking his already hard, thick and long cock.

Maks and Thorn held Luke down as Jaks hovered above him, dangling his cock in Luke's face.

"Open your mouth fucker," Jaks swore.

Giving in to his command, Luke opened his mouth. Jaks grinned deviously, guiding his long thick hairy cock between Luke's spread lips, forcing his meaty cock down into Luke's throat.

"Uuummphh!!" Luke gasped once again, as his lips wrapped around the hard and hairy cock in his mouth. He could feel Jaks ramming his open throat with deep, strong thrusts. He could hear the other's cheering Jaks on, telling him to give it to him good.

Jaks held his upper body up with his huge hairy arms as he was fucking Luke's throat with steady strokes and ramming his cock back and forth, force feeding Luke every inch on his modern primal cock. Luke could barely keep up with the insane pace as Jaks thrust his cock in and out of his mouth, his lips turning in and out along his long hard shaft. After a time he held his mouth open, allowing Jaks to fuck his throat as deeply and as hard as he wanted to.

"Shit man, no use in letting his ass go empty too," Storm announced and got down on his knees behind Luke, placing the head of his thick and hard hairy cock at the puckered hole and with one thrust he shoved his cock straight into Luke's ass, bottoming instantly.

"Mmmphhhmmmm," Luke let out a muffled scream with Jaks cock in his mouth.

Once again he was impaled with cocks but this time it was over twenty-seven inches, a little more than five inches less then what he had with Thorn and Maks. Storm showed no mercy as he slammed his fourteen and a half inch cock into Luke's ass, fucking him deep and hard. As the two of them ravaged his body, Luke was not sure how much more he could take. His jaw and mouth ached from being stretched wide open with Jaks thirteen and a half pole in his throat. After a few minutes of relentless thrusting, he felt Jaks cock swell and stiffen in his throat then felt the warm jets of cum shooting directly down the back of his throat.

"Yeahhh! Ugghh fuck yeahhh! Gonna fill your fucking mouth," Jaks roared as he pressed his groin into Luke's face, grinding his hips and holding still as he released a torrent of his hot seed down Luke's throat, making short quick stabs as he moved his hips back and forth.

When he felt his mouth filling with Jaks' cum it wasn't long till Storm started to cum in his ass and he could feel his thrusts slamming into him as Storm speared him with his enormous cock. Suddenly Storm rammed his cock into him and held it there as he shot forth a hefty load. Luke felt his cock swell and throb inside him, then felt it start to pump fresh seed into him.

Storm moaned and groaned out loud. "Fuuuck! Yeahhh! UUUGGGHHH FUCK!"

"Trade me places," Jaks ordered to Storm, "I want a piece of that ass now."

They traded places and before Luke could object, his mouth and ass were filled once again. Storm moved his hips back and forth as he fucked Luke's throat and pumping Luke's mouth steadily. Jaks slammed his cock in and out of his ass like a pile driver ramming it in deep and then grinding his hips and then pummeling his ass again with hard, quick stabs into his gut.

The whole time Luke took the brutality well. He was used to this kind of treatment with Roc and Zor but now he had four of them that were using him for their own sexual pleasures and heightening the thrill of excitement. His ass was full of cock as Jaks fucked him deep and hard, jabbing his dick deep into his gut and pounding his ass with no remorse. By this time, Luke had cum twice and his belly jiggled in the process as it was still full of piss from Thorn and Maks.

"Uggghhh! Uggghhh! Fuck yeahhhh! I'm gonna blow!" Jaks roared as he fucked Luke's hole at a rapid pace.

He slammed his hips forward and a torrent of cum exploded deep inside Luke, dumping an oversized load of his seed in Luke's gut. Luke could feel the big cock inside him pulsing and twitching inside him, filling him with another copious amount of cum.

"Aarrrggghhh!" cried Storm. "Fuck yeah ! I'm gonna . . . ," Storm couldn't even finish his words till he flooded Luke's throat with his seed.

Luke's nose was buried in Storm's groin as he shoved his cock all the way in and held it there. Luke felt his cock pulse and throb in his achingly stretched throat, then he felt the first spurt of cum shoot directly down his throat. A second spurt followed, then a third. He was gasping for breath as he lost count after the sixth or seventh shot of cum shooting down into his gullet.

Jaks and Storm kept their cocks locked in place as they emptied there seed into Luke. Within a matter of minutes and without warning, they both let out a torrent of piss as it flooded Luke's insides. Surprisingly enough the piss had nowhere to go but into Luke's already full stomach; Jaks pissing into his ass and Storm down his throat.

"Ahhhhhh!" Jaks sighed, feeling the relief of his bladder. "Yeah it feels so good letting it all out."

"Fuck yeah it does," Storm agreed as he also let out a deep sigh.

"Guys, look at his belly, it's getting bigger," Thorn announced. "That is so fucking awesome watching it getting bigger like that."

Jaks and Storm pulled their cocks out of Luke and they all watched as Luke's belly had ballooned up holding an even larger amount of piss from the four young men. They even poked his belly and watched it wiggle back and forth, laughing at what a sight they saw.

Poor Luke lies their motionless, moaning and groaning from the erotic torture his body took and the fullness he felt in his gut. He couldn't move and knew if he did it would take every ounce of will to do so but little did he know the large amount of piss inside him was acting as a sleeping potion that began to put him to sleep.

"Dad, you okay?" Thorn asked in a concerned tone.

Luke gave a slight grin and sleepily mumbled his words. "Yeah I'm okay son, just tired, you guys just fucking wore me out."

"Yeah," Storm laughed. "And you're also full of fucking piss, Dad."

"You just lie still for a while and rest," Thorn softly said.

And before long Luke was fast asleep. Thorn walked away from him to talk to his brothers and overheard Maks saying he had to piss again and there was only one place he wanted to go and that was inside Luke again.

"Dad's out like a light so there is no chance in hell that's gonna happen. We wore him out big time. Let's just go and come back later when he's awake," Thorn suggested.

"Yeah I agree, let's come back later," Storm agreed with his brother.

All four young men went off leaving Luke to his slumber. They left the cave and wandered down to the water's edge where they heard Roc and Tony still going at it and heard there sounds of pleasure and they heard Tony screaming. "Fill me with your seed you ape man."

The four young modern cavemen watched with excitement as Roc was fucking Tony and only imagining what a copious amount of primal seed he was producing. Soon they joined in with Roc and Tony as they formed another orgy. All except Maks, he was becoming more and more antsy as his bladder felt like it was going to explode if he didn't empty it soon. Keeping his eye on his three brothers with both of his dads, he slowly backed away till he knew he couldn't be seen and then quickly moved towards the back entrance of the cave. When he got there, to the back entrance, he slowly walked in seeing Luke still lying on the thick bed of moss on the cave floor soundly sleeping.

He quietly lowered himself down hovering over Luke and parted his legs and settled between them and slowly pushed his cock into him, causing Luke to stir. Maks stopped and waited till he drifted back to sleep and then pushed more of his cock into him, stretching Luke's hole wide open. Every time Luke stirred in his sleep, Maks would stop and wait till he had his cock completely embedded inside him. Once he was in all the way, he relaxed and a slow steady stream of piss was filling Luke's gut.

Maks hovered above Luke, holding his weight onto his arms. He lowered his head, watching between them as Luke's belly grew even larger in size. Every now and then he would lift his head and watch the back entrance of the cave opening in case anyone decided to come in. He wanted to be as discreet as possible without waking up a sleeping Luke. It took him several minutes till he had completely emptied his bladder into Luke's gut.

Maks cock began to thicken becoming even harder inside Luke and he couldn't help but to start fucking him slowly. He pulled the sleeping Luke into him, hugging him tightly to his burly muscular furry body and moved to his back, pulling Luke with him. He bent his strong legs at the knees and braced Luke up between his legs and held him by the elbows with his mighty hands and began to move his hips, bouncing Luke up and down on his cock.

Maks groaned with anticipation as the heat inside him began to rise as he moved with quicker strides while the whole time Luke remained unconscious during his sleep. He growled deeply knowing he wasn't going to last and he slammed his hips up and sent an ample supply of his seed into Luke's ass once again and his seedlings made a mad dash to its commanding post deep inside to its victory.

Little did Maks know the reason for the deep unconscious state that Luke was in and why he could not be awakened. It was all due to the time Luke had spent at the Pool of Life a while back ago and now four separate swimmers had already been on the attack and was succeeding triumphantly while several more were on their way and creating life once again.

This time, the affect only happened to Luke. Between he and Tony, he was the youngest of the modern men by fifteen years. Tony was only able to carry Jaks and Maks. He did however become pregnant twice after that but had miscarried two other sets of twins each time. Luke on the other hand hadn't been able to reproduce until now since having Storm and Thorn.

It wasn't until almost a few weeks after the orgy did Luke realize the symptoms he was having and knew he was expecting once again and he was not happy at all. As the weeks passed the bigger he got, and he was becoming more and more uncomfortable and he couldn't wait till the day he could take the bawling brats out.

When the time came for him to deliver he had been in labor for hours. Roc remembered all too well what he had to do. He grasped the ridges from the lowest part of the abdomen and pulled them apart. Then Roc made each of the four young men help deliver them and encouraged Luke to push. Then one baby came, then another, and another, and then a fourth, then a fifth. Just as they thought it was all over, Luke screamed in pain again and the last child came, bring the total of infants to six boys. Three of those boys belonged to Maks while the other three belonged to each one of the other modern cavemen. These six male infants were less primal and more modern. Not a stitch of hair was on their bodies except for a head full of hair and all weighed at a nice hefty size. And Luke made it through delivering the six boys without much a problem.

Well guys, what do you think? I hope you're enjoying the story? Email me at Thanks, Whipp Livingston.

Next: Chapter 6

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