Modern Man Meets Primeval Man

By Whipp Livingston

Published on May 2, 2011


Modern Man


Primeval Man

By: Whipp Livingston

From Part 2

Finally, Roc and Zor pulled their cocks free and Tony felt odd at the strange feeling of emptiness. He breathed hard as his lungs filled back up with air.

"Awww fuck," Tony panted in an exhausted state and in a hoarse voice, his throat sore and raw from the massive oral fuck Roc gave him.

"Roc, can you take him down now please?" Luke asked.

Roc and Zor went to Tony and untied him and carried him over to the soft bed of moss and gently laid him down and instantly Tony fell asleep from exhaustion.

Part 3

The next morning, Luke and the cave men were eating breakfast when Tony finally stirred from a sound sleep. When he rose from the bed of moss, he stumbled some as every muscle in his body ached and he could hardly walk. The cave men had given him quite the work out the night before as they fucked and ravaged his body.

"Well, you've finally awake. Thought you were going to sleep all day," Luke chimed in with a big smile.

Luke rubbed his behind as he made his way to them and yawned as he was becoming fully awake now.

"Ah shut the fuck up," Tony shot back. "You always this perky in the morning?"

"What's a matter Tony did we wear you out last night?" Luke grinned.

"Damn fucking straight. My whole fucking body aches," he grumbled.

"Awe," Luke said, still grinning at the sight of a disheveled Tony. "Don't worry it will get easier as you get used to it."

"No wonder you didn't want to come back to the future, besides why would you want to when you have these two big fucking brutes to fuck around with."

Tony then turned his attention to Roc and Zor. "By the way, you two are awesome big fuckers. Never would I imagine having sex with a man let alone two ape men would be such an enjoyment and gratifying."

"Yeah, they are pretty awesome," Luke smiled at the two cave men.

Roc smiled and leaned over and gave Luke a kiss and slipped him a little tongue in the process.

"Mmmm, tasty kiss," Luke said as he tasted banana and coconut on his lips.

"Gooda," Roc smiled and gave him another kiss.

Zor leaned across and kissed Tony, shocking the hell out of him. Zor held Tony's head in both hands as he shoved his tongue into Tony's mouth causing Tony to moan with delight as Zor took his breath away.

"Damn," Tony said as their lips parted as he caught his breath. "They even kiss great too."

"Oh yeah," Luke smiled at Roc and Zor. "Stick out your tongues," Luke told them as he stuck out his own.

Roc and Zor stuck out their tongues. They were longer but not by much but could be felt in the back of the throat when kissing.

A little while later, Roc and Zor went to do their daily chores, leaving Luke and Tony to talk.

"So what are we going to do today?" Tony asked.

Luke shrugged his shoulders. "We normally work the land till late afternoon. It's a lot of hard work and lifting. How do you think I got all these thick muscles?"

"I know," Tony said as he gave Luke the once over. "You got huge. I never thought I would see muscles like this on you. You should be on the cover of Muscleman Magazine or Body Builders. You look awesome."

"Thanks Tone," Luke smiled contentedly. Then Luke thought of Annabelle, Tony's wife. "Tony, does Annabelle know where you are?"

"Actually, Belle and I separated months ago."

"Awe, Tony. I'm so sorry," Luke was sorry to hear they had separated. They had seemed to be the perfect couple, at least that's what Luke thought. "What happened?"

"I found out she was cheating on me and I threw her out. I even caught her with the guy she was cheating on with."

Luke was shocked and the look showed on his face. "Oh wow. I never would have thought."

"Hey, don't worry about it. After a month or two past, I was looking for you. I needed someone to talk to and you were nowhere to be found. Then I got worried and let myself into your house and seen the time machine and seen you had must have gotten it to work. So I tried it out and landed here."

"Are you sorry you came after what we did to you last night?" Luke asked almost hesitantly, not sure if he even wanted to hear the answer, fearing it would be something he didn't want to hear.

"Oh hell no. In fact I am glad I came," Tony said giving Luke a smile. "I think I really needed last night to happen. I've been really stressed and had a lot of tension and that build up was quite a release last night."

"Yeah I agree. You came a lot and I swallowed a lot," as they both laughed at that statement.

"Still feeling a little sore?" Luke asked concerned, gazing at him.

"A little," Tony replied. "It's just getting used to is all. I'm Italian, I can take it."

"Come on, I'll take you somewhere where you'll feel a lot better," Luke said as they stood up and brushed the dirt off their own behinds.

They were making their way deep into the cave as Tony noticed they were pretty far from the 'living' quarters.

"Where are you taking me?" Tony asked.

Luke stopped and turned to him.

"Tony, do you trust me?" Luke asked, looking him in the eyes.

"Yes," he stated as a fact, their eyes meeting.

"Then don't question my judgment. I would never put you in harm's way."

"You're right. I'm sorry."

"Forget about it, now let's go."

They went a little further till they entered the area where the 'hot tub' was.

"Holy fucking shit!" Tony exclaimed as he seen the steaming 'hot tub' basin as he was taken by surprise. "This is fucking awesome man."

He stepped into the deep basin and submerged himself in the hot water followed by Luke as they both enjoyed the heat from the water.

"Oh man," Tony sighed, as he leaned back in comfort and closed his eyes. "This feels awesome."

Luke stared at him. "Do you know any other word than awesome?"

Tony lifted his head to Luke. "Do you know how much I missed you?"

"Huh?" Luke stared at him confused, wondering where this was coming from. They were straight men at least they were before arriving in prehistoric time and they never were close to being intimate with each other until now.

"I missed you, Luke. I missed talking to you. Luke, you're my best friend. You don't know the thoughts I had when I thought you went missing. I've had feelings for you for a long time but I chose to hide them because I thought I was in love with Belle. She was my wife and to find out what she did just gave me all the reason to divorce her. And then when I thought you went missing, I was just scared that I was losing everyone that I care about."

"And you thought by coming to look for me would make you feel better and put things back into perspective again? I understand now Tony and I am sorry you went through all that alone. I don't ever want you to think my friendship with you would ever change because it won't."

"Thanks Luke," Tony said giving a half smile.

"Come here," Luke said softly, pulling him into him.

The water splashed some as Tony moved closer to Luke. He pressed his back against Luke's hard chest and tilted his head onto his shoulder as Luke held him to him.

"Everything is going to be ok," Luke whispered at Tony's ear. His hands caressed Tony's hairy chest. "I'm here now and I always will be."

Tony turned in Luke's arms and their eyes met and they felt the love they had for each other. Tony caressed Luke's face and then leaned in and kissed him tenderly.

The kiss grew more passionate as they pawed at each other and Tony inched his way between Luke's legs and forced his hard cock into Luke's ass.

"Ughhh, ugh fuck Tony," Luke shouted out.

Water splashed everywhere as they cavorted in the 'hot tub'.

"Mmmm, my cock loves your ass Luke," Tony panted, his dark blue eyes just mere inches from Luke's.

"And my ass loves your cock," Luke smiled and slightly leaned in as they shared a kiss.

They began to make love in the 'hot tub' as Tony slowly moved in and out of Luke's ass. The soft touch of their fingers slowly caressed each other and they kissed as first time lovers with soft pecks on the face and neck.

"Let's get out and go over," Luke gestured with his head as he directed their gaze to a large, thick cushiony bed of soft moss not far from them.

They stepped out of the water and went to lie on the bed of moss. Tony positioned himself on top of Luke and with his knees, pushed Luke's legs open. He positioned his cock at Luke's puckered anal ring and with one quick thrust he instantly bottomed, causing them to burst with pleasurable moans.

Tony fucked Luke hard, slamming his cock in and out causing Luke to cry out.

"Aw fuck Tony, yeah fuck my ass baby," Luke urged him.

Luke wrapped his legs around Tony's waist and moved with him, feeling every inch of the Italian piece of man meat deep in his ass. The soft black hairs on Tony's chest tickled Luke's smooth one and also causing some friction to his hard cock between them.

"I've waited so long for this Luke," whispered Tony in a soft tone. "I've wanted you for so long. Tell me you like my cock inside you."

"Mmmm, ohhh Tony, I love how you love me. I love feeling your thick, hard cock deep inside my ass. Fuck me my love."

Tony looked down into Luke's eyes and the love was shining out from them like sunlight from the skies. He lowered himself down, pressing his weight on top of Luke and they kissed passionately, holding each other tightly in each other's arms.

Luke wrapped his arms around Tony, raking his fingers over the muscular, strong, back. He felt the deep hard thrusts of the thick foot long cock massage his prostate moving in and out with a steady rhythm. He felt the heat in his body rising as the friction between them caressed his cock and it was becoming stronger and more breathtaking. He knew he wouldn't last much longer.

"Oh Tony, I feel it coming. I'm gonna cum," he panted through breaths. "Harder baby, fuck me harder!"

Tony pushed himself up with his arms, locking his elbows in place on each side of Luke's shoulders and began to move in and out with quicker harder strokes as felt his own orgasm coming with a fury.

"Oh! Oh! Oh my fucking gawd! Here it cums! Fuck me Tony! Oh fuck!" Luke shouted out just as his cock shot out its creamy load between them.

Tony felt each spasm as the muscles in Luke's ass constricted around his cock causing him to fall over the edge as his body shook and shuddered and he cried out.

"Oh baby, I'm gonna shoot! I'm going to fill your ass."

Luke tightened his legs around Tony's waist and moved with him and felt not one, not two, but six rounds of hot cum shooting off inside him coating his insides as Tony filled him with his hot seed and then falling on top of Luke.

They were so caught up in their passion of their lovemaking that they never knew they had two pairs of eyes watching them. Roc and Zor had been watching them for a short time. They had come running from the living quarters of the cave when they heard Luke crying out. Upon entering, they seen what was going on and they pulled back, watching Tony fuck Luke with vigor and strength and it angered Roc.

He went to go after them, but Zor had pulled him back. Zor shook his head at Roc and whispered low and as they devised a plan for their sexual desires and needs on an unsuspecting Tony. They listened closely, hearing the cries of passion bursting from both Tony and Luke and they began to stroke their primal cocks and watching with desire.

Roc and Zor looked at each other, signaling each other that it was time for them to teach Tony a lesson or so they thought. Quickly, both cave men had soon caught both men's eyes as Roc immediately went to them and pulled Tony off of Luke, causing Tony's cock to withdraw from Luke's wet and satiated hole and tossing Tony onto his back.

"Hey, what the fuck?" Tony replied in an angry tone. Immediately, Roc pointed his hard monstrous cock at his hole and gave a hard push as his monstrous cock entered Tony, causing Tony to throw his head back and scream out. "AWW FUCK!"

Roc kept pushing more and more of his cock into Tony opening him wide till he had bottomed. Roc hovered over Tony, holding his legs up as he spread them wide and began thrusting in and out with sharp quick jabs.

"Ugh fuck man, you're not easy to take ya know," Tony bellowed out.

"It's their own primal way Tony. You just have to get used to it," Luke suggested. "And I think he is angry that you and I were together and he thinks he is teaching you a lesson on who the fucker is and who the fuckee is."

"Yeah well, I think he's made his point," Tony seethed through his teeth as Roc gave a harder thrust for his answer. "Ughhhhh! Ugh fuck!"

Roc then leaned down and pulled Tony into his thick arms and rolled them over, leaving Tony on top and keeping his arms locked around him as Zor quickly dropped to his knees and began pushing his cock into Tony as well, catching both Tony and Luke off guard as Luke gave a surprised expression.

"Oh fucking shit!" Tony yelled out, his eyes wide in sheer surprisement. "I can't take both of them," he seethed through his teeth feeling his ass opening even further as another cock was entering his ass.

"You can do this, Tony," Luke encouraged. "If I can take both so can you."

"Grrrrrrrrr! Ughhhhhh! Fucking-A man," Tony panted, seething through his teeth, feeling more of Zor's cock pushing and stretching into him along with his brother's. With two thick hard primal cocks inside him, Tony's head went side to side. His eyes were tightly shut, feeling every muscle in his ass stretched to its widest extent and then he began to feel them both moving in and out as they fucked in unison and stretching Tony's ass even wider with each hard thrust.

"Oh fucking shit. I got two fucking cock's in my ass, Luke," Tony screamed out in passion.

"How you feel?" Luke asked as he watched.

"Feels ? ughhhh ? awww fuck ? I feel fucking wide open," Tony panted through moans as he spoke. "Ya know it actually feels kinda good though."

Tony's cock was rock hard once again and dripping profusely as the two primal cocks moved swiftly and anxiously in and out of his man hole. He was soon grateful when Roc loosened his tight hold from him and was able to move. The feeling of two primal cocks in his ass excited him and he began to move with them.

"Oh fuck, yeah, two cocks. Ohhh fuck yeah! Fuck me!" Tony exclaimed in a state of passion and came hard as his cock erupted between him and Roc.

Luke stroked his hard cock as he watched Tony being double fucked. He went over, placing each foot on either side of Roc's head and shook his hard cock at Tony. Tony lifted his head and smiled as Luke's cock was right in front of him and he gladly opened his mouth and let it slide in. Instantly Tony began sucking and licking, milking Luke's hard cock.

Luke took a firm hold onto Tony's head and pushed his cock all the way into Tony's mouth, burying it inside the hot moist cavity as his pubes tickled Tony's nose. In and out went Luke's cock as it hit the back of Tony's throat and going a little bit further every time, causing his gag reflex to react and his saliva coated Luke's cock and his spit ran down the corners of his mouth.

Tony's muffled moans increased as he felt his ass and his mouth being fucked. His body was filled with total exquisite ecstasy. He thought it couldn't get any better than this as he was enjoying the pleasure that was being brought to his sweaty, hot body.

Roc and Zor both plowed Tony's ass with quick hard jabs to his prostate. The feeling of his ass being stretched wide open gave Tony an intoxicating feeling of desire as it turned him on even more. He moved with their thrusts as he concentrated sucking on Luke's cock. He felt both cocks thicken inside him and knew what was about to happen.

Roc thrust harder, lifting his hips and moaned as he came deep inside, causing Zor to erupt in the process. The cave men moaned their pleasures as they both filled Tony with their hot steamy seed.

Tony felt each blast of cum as it heated his insides and made him light headed with hot fiery passion. The feeling of being filled with both their primal seed together sent him over the edge again for the third time and came hard between him and Roc as his cum smeared in with their hairy sweaty bodies.

Roc and Zor kept a steady pace as they continued to fuck his ass as their cocks continued to empty into him. Tony just kept sucking away on Luke's cock as his ass was overflowing with primal cum.

"Aw fuck!" Luke cried out. "I'm gonna shoot."

Tony sucked harder as Luke firmly held his head to the root of his cock. Luke came so quickly it filled Tony's mouth as Tony swallowed the sweet tasting nectar as load after load of hot cum shot down his throat and into his belly. He was able to swallow the majority of it with the occasion of some trickling down the corners of his mouth.

After returning from their sexual high they cleaned themselves up and began trudging back towards the main part of the cave.

"God, Luke. I still can't believe I took both their cocks up my ass at the same time," Tony smiled as they were walking back feeling the primitive seed seeping from his gaping hole as it ran down the insides of his legs. To him, it was an awesome feeling as he tried to squeeze his hole shut and hold the remaining cum in his ass.

"It's an amazing feeling isn't it?" Luke smiled in returned.

"Oh my God, it was fucking amazing."

"Would you do it again?" Luke asked in wonderment.

"In a fucking heartbeat I would," smiled Tony. "Feeling both of them cum inside me at the same time was just hot, plain fucking hot."

Luke beamed with aspiration. "Just make sure I get both of them in me every once in awhile."

When they got back to the living quarters of the cave, Tony spotted the remote control that would lead them back to the future. He picked it up into his hand and stared at it. In his heart he knew he wanted to stay with Luke and the voracious sexually hungry cave men. Then a thought occurred to him as he contemplated a decision in his mind.

"What's wrong Tony?" Luke asked walking over and standing directly in front of him just merely inches away and reaching out to him.

"Just contemplating something," Tony said, deep in thought.

"You're wondering if you want to go back to the future aren't you?"

"Yeah I am. I really like being here with you and the ape men."

"Who says you even have to go back? You don't have to."

"I know," Tony replied softly, gazing into Luke's eyes. "What about you, don't you want to go back at all?"

"When I got here, I realized that I really don't have anything to return to. I have no family and its cheaper living," Luke grinned. "Don't have to pay for a single thing."

Tony gave a curt smile. "Yeah, you sure as hell got that right."

Tony was deep in thought and came up with something brilliant for the both of them.

"You know what? I think I am going back."

"What? Why?" Luke said in confusement, not wanting him to leave.

Tony pulled Luke into him and held him by the waist and kissed him tenderly on the lips.

"I'm coming back to you my love. I have a plan that I think just might work. It will take me a couple days but I will be back."

"Tony, what are you going to do?"

"Don't worry love, I'm going to take care of everything. I'll be back," he repeated more as a fact than a statement.

He leaned in and kissed Luke with every fiber of his being, kissing him with a fiery passion he had felt for him for so long. Then he stood back, pressed the return button on the remote and vanished into thin air as he traveled back into the future.

When Tony made it back to Luke's basement slash laboratory he quickly put into motion what he had planned. First he took his navy blue SUV, his most prize possession and drove it over a cliff and watched as it crashed into a deep ravine and exploded into a fiery inferno.

After watching the black smoke and the flames, he began to walk back to Luke's house. He was careful not to be noticed, wanting those who knew him think he was dead.

When he got back to Luke's house, it was late and dark and he called it a night and went to sleep in Luke's bed. The following morning he packed up the time machine into the back of Luke's truck and took it to an old run down hunting cabin that was secluded deep in the mountains. No one but him knew about the old place being there and knew it would be safe and out of harm's way.

He drove back to Luke's house, an old style Victorian that sat alone on fifty acres of land with several out buildings that had never been in use. He took an old radio and made a make shift bomb and set in the middle of the house and set the timer. Then he drove down the dirt driveway that led to the house and stopped, stepping out of the vehicle and watched the place explode into a million pieces.

He got back into the truck and drove quite a distance till he came to a small motel and rented a room and paying for it in cash only which he had taken from Luke's dresser. He turned the television on, keeping it on the local news channel waiting to hear if the explosions would be on the news.

It wasn't until the next morning when there was a report about the explosions. News got around through television, radio, and the newspaper that he had been tragically killed in a car accident and that no body had been found and thought to have incinerated from the intense heat from the fiery explosion and that Luke met the same demise in a house fire explosion.

Satisfied with the outcome, Tony went back to the run down cabin in the mountains to the time machine. The time was reset back to the original setting it had been. He stepped back inside the glass dome and headed back to prehistoric time sixty five million years into the past.

He had been away for three days and wanted so much to see his lover's face. He was walking into the cave when he heard the sounds of pleasurable moans. Roc and Zor had both of their primal cocks embedded deep into Luke's ass and was fucking him mercilessly. He stood and watched instantly becoming hard and smiling broadly as he remembered finding Luke in that same position when he went looking for him weeks ago.

"Hey, you think I could get some of that too?" Tony smiled at Luke.

"Tony!" Luke exclaimed at the sight of his best friend and caught up in the sexual frenzy of the cave men at the same time. At that moment, Roc and Zor both came with a powerful orgasm and deposited their seed deep into Luke, causing Luke to cry out.

"Awwwwww fuuuuck, I'm gonna cum!" Luke screamed.

Quickly, Tony ran to Luke, taking his cock into his mouth just in time to feel a thick blast of hot tasty cum hit the back of his throat. Tony swallowed every bit of cum hungrily and sucked Luke dry.

Once they were calmed from their sexual high, and were spent, Luke turned his attention to Tony.

"I thought you were never coming back," he panted.

"I went back to do something for the both of us," Tony replied.

"What did you do?" Luke asked, confused.

"I made it look like we were both killed in fiery explosions. That was before I loaded up the time machine into your truck and took it to a secluded area in the mountains. I took it to my old hunting cabin that is never used. I did that in case we ever wanted to go back. But for now we are dead to the people back in the future. We can live here with the ape men and live happily ever after. Isn't that what they say in the fairy tales?"

Luke beamed with pride. "Yes it does. I am so glad you came back," and hugged him, happy that Tony had returned.

"Me too," Tony said as he stared at the cave men with lust and desire.

"Hey guys, you want a piece of this?" he asked as he turned to show them his ass and looking over his shoulder.

Roc was the first to acknowledge Tony's sexual advances and grinned as he pulled Tony on top of him. Tony stood over Roc and eased himself down onto Roc's erect cock as it stood like a giant oak; tall, mighty and proud. The head was enormous as Tony felt the monstrous primitive cock touch his puckered anal ring. He winced from the pressure as the primitive cock began its journey into the tight cavity and then feeling the increment stretching of his hole as it opened up to the enormous cock that made its way inside.

"Ohhhhhh yeahhhhh. I missed this," Tony sighed low and throatily, smiling contentedly. He arched his neck bearing his Adam's apple as he moaned heavily as the cock was sliding into him and spreading his hole and moving further, deeper into him.

Tony took his time as he inched downward feeling the primitive cock filling him up. He had only half of the primal cock inside him when the cave man gripped his waist and thrust his hips upward burying the sixteen inch cock all the way deep inside.

"Awwww fuck yeah," Tony screamed out in passion. "Fuck yeah. Oh it feels so fucking good."

He firmly set his weight down onto the cave man beneath him, feeling the immense intrusion in his ass. In this position, the cock felt longer and thicker as it was embedded deep into his ass. Slowly he began to bounce up and down, moving with a steady rhythm, feeling the mighty cock massage his prostate and beyond it. Beads of sweat begin to appear on his face and body, causing his tanned Italian body to glisten in the dim light of the cave. The dark hair on his chest and stomach clung to his sweaty skin.

"Oh yeah, oh fuck yeah," Tony repeated over and over in a low, deep raspy voice, his head turning side to side as he bounced up and down. His pace quickened as he braced himself and bounced harder with quicker strokes. He thought he could feel the primal cock growing inside him as he thought he was feeling it moving into his stomach. The feeling was intense and he loved every sensation that the primitive cock gave him.

Tony wiped the heavy sweat from his brow with his arm, as he proceeded to bounce up and down on Roc's immense cock. He reached for the cave man's hands and moves them over his sweaty body as Roc got the idea what to do and caressed Tony's body and tweaked his hard nipples, giving them a squeeze and causing a pleasurable moan to issue from Tony's throat.

Zor and Luke were making out beside them as they were in the same position. Tony and Luke both were riding the cave men like there was no tomorrow. The cave men moved right along with them. As the modern men moved down, the primitive cave men moved their hips up, winding the modern men up into a sexual frenzy of passion, lust and desire and the sexual tension inside the cave was extremely hot and intense.

Roc moaned as he felt his primal orgasm overtake him. He gripped Tony's waist and began driving deeper into him with harder and deeper thrusts. Tony felt the primal cock inside him thicken. He knew the cave man was about to breed his ass and within a matter of seconds he felt a hot blast of cum erupt inside him.

"Oh fuck yeah! Fill my ass with your hot cum," Tony roared. He could feel his insides being coated with blast after blast of primitive seed flowing deep into him nonstop. He pumped the primal cock with his ass muscles, milking it for all its worth. He moaned with exquisite pleasure feeling the hot cum enter into his stomach as the cock kept spewing its primal cum deep into him and it sent him over the edge.

"Fuck!" Tony screamed out, "I'm gonna fucking blow."

The climax was intense for him and he shook vehemently as he came across the cave man's hirsute thick body. He came hard and long, feeling the orgasm take over his entire being.

"Ughhhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuck!" Tony roared.

It wasn't long till Luke chimed out he was coming too as Zor filled his ass with its primal seed at the same time. They fell forward onto the cave men as they were enveloped into their arms. Simultaneously, they rolled the modern men onto their backs, threw their legs over their shoulders and continued to fuck them mercilessly as orgasm after orgasm overtook them as they bred them with their seed throughout the night.

As the years went on in prehistoric time, Luke and Tony lived out their days with the cave men. Every night they were bred by the cave men and the cave men were bred by them and they also bred each other. They lived a long life filled with raw, hard, primal sex. They couldn't have been more happier or more contented than they had ever been.

The End.

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Next: Chapter 4

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