Modern Man Meets Primeval Man

By Whipp Livingston

Published on Apr 20, 2011


Modern Man Meets Primitive Man Part 2 By: Whipp Livingston

From part 1

When morning came, Luke decided it was time to head back to the future. His adventure to the past prehistoric lands filled him with more excitement and fun than he had expected. He didn't want to leave but he knew he had to. The two primal cave men went with him to the place where Luke had arrived.

Once there, a realization came to Luke. He couldn't go back; there was nothing there to take him back to the future. He had become trapped in a time sixty five million years in the past with two ravenous primal cave men with quite an enormous sexual appetite.

Part 2

Realizing he could not return to the future where he belonged, Luke made his home with the two primal cave men. Here he did not have to worry about money or deal with any financial difficulty. Back home there was no one to answer to. He had no family, scarcely had any friends, but would terribly miss those that he was close to.

In a few short months Luke had adjusted to the ways of living in Primeval Time. He worked the land as he made a home with his two cave man friends. It was hard work, but hard work didn't bother Luke. He knew all about hard work and in fact he enjoyed it.

With the everyday living of hard work his stature had changed. His 5'9 frame became broader, stronger, and more muscular than when he had arrived. His once shoulder length dirty blond hair grew longer in length, draping down over his back. His eyes were the color of the deep blue sea and made a nice contrast to his dirty blond hair and his now full beard. His tanned skin became darker from the sun and tight like leather. He was built like a Greek god.

The cave men became adjusted to this 'new man' that was living with them and enjoyed Luke's presence both physically and sexually. They were quick to learn everything they could from this new man that had made his home with them.

They communicated rather well as the cave men learned rather quickly from Luke with hand gestures and choices of words. And much to Luke's surprise, they began to speak more plainly as they understood each other. Luke also provided names for the cave men to make things easier for all them to communicate at a better level.

The older cave man, the bigger and the stronger of the two was named Roc. The name fit him rather well with his huge stature. Roc was immensely thick with muscle and stood almost at seven foot. His arms were grossly immense and could snap a full grown tree in half with its bare hands and his legs were just as thick as his arms.

And then there was Zor, the smaller of the cave men and the one that brought Luke to the cavern that first day he arrived and fucked Luke raw and hard, taking his cherry ass and filled him with his primal cum.

Zor wasn't as big as his older primitive brother. He stood at six foot seven inches but his built wasn't that much of a difference to Roc. They both were rock solid with protruding muscles on every ounce of their hairy bodies.

Their faces were almost human-like with very fine hair covering their face. They had deep set brown eyes with thick eye brows. Their mouth and nose weren't that much different than a regular normal person. From there neck to their ankles the hair was thicker and more dense. Their feet were bare with fine hairs. Their cocks and balls were enormous and covered with a fine layer of hair.

It was a beautiful day in the land of prehistoric time. The sun was shining bright high up in the clear blue sky and Luke was busy making tools and crafts and showing Roc and Zor what they were and how there were to be used. Luke had even made an axe out of stone. It wasn't the best made axe, but it chopped the wood rather well he thought as he showed the cave men how it was to be done.

"Me show you how Roc does it," Roc explained to Luke slowly in his primal tongue.

Roc went over to a huge oak tree and began to shake the tree with his mighty hands till it was swaying back and forth and the roots came loose from the ground and fell over with a loud and earth shaking thud as it hit the ground.

"Roc did very well," Luke said smiling proudly at his cave man friend.

Zor became jealous of the pride that was shown to Roc as he went to another tree and did the same thing as another tree made another earth shaking thud as it hit the ground.

"Very good, Zor," Luke smiled at him. "Well done."

Zor was well pleased with himself and smiled proudly and then glared at his older brother, causing Luke to notice.

Luke knew the competition the two cave men had over him as they wanted to please him more and more each time. But Luke loved both of them equally never showing partiality between the two primates as they fought over which one was the strongest and favored more.

"Ok guys, time to eat," Luke shouted to the both of them as he made his way towards the cave with Roc and Zor following behind.

The cave was spacious and went deep into the side of a mountain of stone. And at the far end of the long and spacious cave was another entrance into their dwelling in which Luke kept blocked from unwelcomed creatures of the prehistoric land.

After eating, Zor left the cave to do more work and remained gone for the night. Zor sometimes did that as he knew Luke would be protected by Roc. Zor cleared more of the land at night than during the day and built walls with trees and mud to keep them safe. The only time they were ever in any danger of dinosaurs was when they came onto their land, which was very seldom. They found the cave to be their safe haven from unlikely creatures.

That same evening, Luke was cleaning up from after their meal. Zor had left for the night and Roc had gone further into the cave. Once Luke had finished, he followed far behind Roc and ventured deeper into the cave.

Soon Roc became aware Luke was following him but he kept going further inside the deep cave. Roc was hoping Luke would follow.

"Roc, where are you going?" Luke asked.

"Come, Luka. Me will show you," Roc said as he extended his hand and Luke took it as Roc guided him further inside.

The sound of water trickling down the walls of the cave was becoming more defined as they went another ten feet and into a wide opening. Upon entering a shocked gasp came from Luke as he stared wide eyed, never setting his eyes on what was in front of him and it was simply breathtaking.

He had realized they were in the heart of the cave. The cave was lit up with burning torches of flame in every corner and there in the center of this more luxurious part of the cave was a sparkling pool of water that was perfectly rounded into a basin of stone. The water came from a spring from inside the cave and flowed freely into the stone basin and would empty out through a channel at the other end.

Luke was just amazed at this sight and he stepped closer to the water. He knelt down and touched the water as his fingers swirled through it. The water was hot to the touch but comfortable and realized it could be used as a hot tub. He inched is way into the water till he was standing waist deep and slowly went down and submerged himself as he sat down and enjoyed the heat of the water. Luke closed his eyes and laid his back, basking with delight.

"Luka like?" Roc spoke up.

"Luka loves," Luke smiled and opened his eyes to Roc. He reached up and took Roc's hand into his and pulled Roc towards him as Roc stepped in to the water and sat down next to Luke.

Luke just smiled contentedly at Roc. "Thank you for bringing me here Roc. I never knew this existed."

"Hot, feela gooda," Roc says.

"Yes it does feel good," Luke agreed.

Roc turned and sat in the center and pulled Luke into him and kissed him passionately.

Luke kissed Roc back with even more passion as their kiss deepened. Roc held onto Luke's waist and pulled him closer to him as Luke straddled his legs on either side of Roc and they were chest to chest. Luke could feel the growing hardness beneath him as Roc's monster cock began to grow. At full hardness, Roc's cock stood at fifteen inches and thick with a girth of eight inches in circumference.

Luke raised himself on his knees and leaned forward as the head of Roc's cock touched his pucker ring and pushed as Roc's cock inched inside and began stretching his hole.

"Oh Roc," Luke whispered against his primal lips and inched more of it into his ass.

He moved slow as Roc's cock was spreading him wide open. Inch by inch it went further into him. Roc, the primitive cave man that he was, had no patience. He wrapped his hands around Luke's waist and pulled him down onto his lap as the entirety of its cock was buried deep inside Luke.

"AHHHHHH! Ugh, oh Roc!"

Luke was used to this forceful treatment as he knew it was the primal way of pleasuring each other. He wrapped his arms around Roc's neck as he began to move his hips back and forth as he felt the fullness of cock in his bowels.

Roc wanted more, needed to have more as he pulled Luke into an embrace and lifted him out of the water. With Roc's cock still embedded in his ass, Roc carried him to a thick bed of moss and gently laid him down fucking mercilessly as he pistoned in and out of Luke's ass.

"Ahh fuck, oh Roc, yeah fuck me," Luke urged.

Luke threw his head back, moaning his pleasure as he could feel the immense and strong thrusts Roc gave as his ass stretched open and felt every inch of Roc's monster cock inside him.

Roc was strong and powerful and didn't know his own strength as he hovered over Luke and pounded his ass. His thrusts were quick and hard.

"Awe fuck, I'm cumming Roc!" Luke squealed as the friction between them was too much and his cock erupted, sending think streams of cum between their slick wet bodies.

Roc felt the muscles in Luke's ass grip his cock which sent him over his edge and came copiously, filling Luke's ass with his hot primal seed.

"Awe Roc, oh yeah," Luke chanted, "fill my ass with your hot seed."

Roc heavily fell forward as Luke wrapped his arms around his hairy body. Their lips found their way to each other and they kissed fervently as their tongues dueled for dominance.

They tossed and turned, leaving Luke on top of the strong and burly Roc with his cock still deep inside him. Luke sat up, straddling Roc and impaling his ass on the full length of the massive cock inside him and feeling it all the way up in to his stomach. He began to slowly ride on Roc's massive cock, feeling the muscles in his ass stretching more.

Roc held onto Luke's waist and moved his hips along with Luke's pushing upward, sending it all the way back inside. He loved the feel of the tightness of Luke's ass and what it did to him.

"Oh Roc, your cock fills me. I love it," Luke chanted as Roc met his down thrust and was about to cum.

"Ah fuck! Fuck! I'm cumming again, Roc!" Luke exclaimed and he stroked his cock as he came, shooting his cum all over Roc's hard and hairy body.

Roc gave more push and once again his cock erupted deep inside Luke's ass, producing more of its hot primal seed causing Luke to feel it all the way into his stomach.

Luke smiled, looking down into the brown eyes of Roc, as his fingers caressed the hard, strong hairy primal body.

Roc pulled himself up, holding onto Luke's waist and then slowly around to his back. His brown eyes never left Luke's blue ones as his hands traveled up Luke's back and then pulled him in for a long, deep, fiery kiss.

After some time passed, they cleaned themselves up with the hot water they were in earlier and then made their way back to front of the cave. They laid down on the bed of moss and drifted into a sound sleep in each other's arms.

The next morning they found Zor sitting in the entrance of the cave.

"Zor, something wrong?" Luke asked.

He shook his head no. "Just sittin," he said as he was watching the sun come up over the horizon.

"Hungry?" Luke asked, kneeling down to him and gently placing a gentle hand on his face.

Again he shook his head no and picked up banana peels and empty coconut shells to show him. Then he handed Luke an armful of fruits for his and Roc's breakfast.

"Thank you," Luke smiled.

Zor smiled back and leaned in and kissed Luke and then hugged him.

They stood up and made their way inside the cave.

Roc was awake when they entered and Luke went to make him and Roc breakfast. Once they had eaten, they all went outside for the day. They did some hard work around their home and then roamed the land most of the day as Roc and Zor showed Luke around, showing him the many different things. They even had seen dinosaurs in the river drinking or playing. The dinosaurs would turn and look there way and then back to what they were doing. They didn't seem to bother and kept to their selves. It just seemed the animals and the cave men were just cohabitating and living together in peace and harmony without the wars of fighting and killing each other.

For Luke, it was just amazing for him. He loved the surroundings and realized he could live their forever. Roc and Zor made him happy and after months of having raw primitive hard sex, he had dutifully and happily accepted his role with Roc and Zor. More than several times a day he would have his ass filled with primal cum and every time would feel satisfied and complete.

Roc and Zor were great hunters and always returned with more than enough food and it would last for several days. And as a daily routine, they would hand it over to Luke to prepare. Luke enjoyed cooking over an open fire for the three of them and enjoyed taking care of the two primitive cave men.

As evening came and the sun was setting they set out for the cave. Once inside, Luke prepared a light meal for them and they ate heartily till they were full and satisfied.

"Oh, I am stuffed. I can't eat another bite," Luke said, patting his hard stomach.

It would be another hour or so before darkness fell upon the earth and all three of them went back outside for a small leisurely walk around the cave and then back inside again. Luke thought about his home in the future and missed the simple pleasures of his modern time and the things he would be doing at home. But now, he knew he would never have that again and made the best of what he had.

When they made it back to the cave, Luke went alone to the heated water basin deep in the cave where Roc had taken him the day before. Roc watched as Luke went ahead. He had noticed Luke wasn't himself and knew where he was going and decided to stay with Zor and let Luke on his own, knowing he would be safe.

Once Luke was at the heated water basin, he carefully stepped in and submerged himself in the hot water. It was large and wide enough for a small group of people. He basked in comfort of the hot water that relaxed every muscle in his body. The water was deep and covered him completely up to his neck. He slightly bent his legs at the knees and leaned back and let his head sink under the water and then back up again. He sifted his fingers through his long hair. It was much longer now and more luxurious and thick as it covered the length of his back. He kept it pulled back in a ponytail with a thick piece of vine taken from a tree but had taken the vine and laid it aside and raked his fingers through his long hair to wash thoroughly in the hot water.

While Luke was in enjoying his bath, Roc and Zor resting on the bed of moss when Roc turned to Zor and kissed him with a fiery passion. Roc was so turned on that he had climbed on top of Zor and threw his legs over his shoulders and sent his cock right into Zor's ass without stopping and bottomed instantly. Then Roc began to fuck Zor rough and wild as they kissed.

Roc moved in and out of Zor's ass with speed and force as they moaned their pleasure. They were going at it for quite some time till Roc deposited a hefty load of his hot thick seed into his primal brother.

They tossed and turned till Zor was on top. He kissed his brother passionately as he centered himself between Roc's legs. He pointed his cock at Roc's hole and with one push he buried his own cock into Roc's ass just like Roc did to him. Zor fucked Roc hard and just as fast causing Roc to moan with delight as they held each other tightly.

Luke was coming back into the main living quarters of the cave when he seen Zor fucking Roc. He stayed back and watched them, stroking his cock at the awesome sight of two primitive cave men having sex. Zor was fucking Roc madly. The sight of them was breathtaking and Luke found it incredibly hot. He heard them both cry out and knew they were cumming together at the same time. That did it for Luke as he shot several streams of cum onto the dirt cave floor.

Roc heard Luke gasp and watched as Luke shot a load of cum. Roc smiled as he knew Luke had been watching them. He noticed Luke had kept his hair down so it could dry and the long length of it matched the colors of his eyes. His dark tanned muscled body made quite a contrast to his dirty blonde hair, making him strikingly gorgeous.

Luke stretched out on the large moss bed between the two cave men. Zor reached out and began to fondle Luke's growing cock and then leaned down and began licking it. He took the head of Luke's cock into his mouth and began sucking on it and Zor loved the sheer taste of it as he began taking it into his mouth until he had it all down his throat and began sucking on it causing a burst of moans issuing from Luke's throat.

Zor sucked happily on Luke's cock. His head bobbed up and down, licking and sucking on it like it was an ice cream cone and then engulfing it down his throat.

Roc just sat back and relaxed, stroking his hard cock and watching his cave man brother sucking on Luke's cock and could tell he was enjoying it. He knew he wasn't ready just yet to make his move but he watched to see what else they would do.

Luke was in sheer bliss as Zor sucked on his cock and knew he wouldn't last much longer as his breathing increased with his moans.

"Awe fuck Zor, I'm gonna cum," Luke panted. He held Zor's head firmly as he shot his load into Zor's mouth.

Zor just kept on sucking and felt the hot blast of cum hit the back of his throat. He greedily sucked Luke's cock dry till there was no more to give.

Luke was no slouch in the cock department. His cock was thick in girth and was ten inches long. In one quick move, Luke had Zor on his back. He had decided it was time to change things around. He guided his cock to Zor's puckering hole and gave a push as the head of his cock entered Zor's ass and immediately bottomed.

Luke began a steady rhythm as he fucked Zor, feeling the tight muscles in his ass squeeze his cock and stroke it as he began sliding in and out.

"Awww fuck, Zor, you got nice ass," Luke panted, catching his breath from the feeling of his cock inside this primitive cave man. Luke picked up his pace and began slamming in and out causing Zor to shout out.

"Fucka me-a," Zor shouted and moaned with pleasure.

Luke just pounded away, showing no mercy as they had done to him. The pressure was building up and the sweat just poured off his body as it glistened in the dimly torch-lit cave.

"Awww fuck Zor, its cumming. I'm gonna give you my load."

Luke held is cock in place and shot forth a long steady stream of cum as it entered Zor's hole and then collapsed on top of him.

Roc then pulled Luke into his arms and centered Luke between his legs. He wanted Luke to fuck him too. Luke took aim and slid his cock into Roc and began to fuck him until he came again, filling Roc's ass with his cum.

Once Luke was spent and rested between the two cave men, Zor and Roc decided it was their turn with Luke and pulled him to his feet.

Once again, Luke was sandwiched between the two cave men. Luke place one arm over Roc's shoulder and the other over Zor's shoulder. They both aimed their cocks at Luke's hole and entered him as Luke slid down on their cocks.

They let Luke slide up and down on both cocks. In this position, Luke felt the increment stretching and the widening of his bowels opening further.

"Aww fuck guys, you really got me going now," Luke panted through breaths.

Zor and Roc were loving this as they helped Luke move on their cocks and with each slide down, it would ratchet Luke up a few more notches as both cocks filled him and stretched him wide. He took turns kissing them both as they ravaged his ass.

The pressure was building up immensely and Luke could no longer hold back the urge he tried so hard to. And then it happened. He felt them cumming inside him, causing his own orgasm to erupt.

"Awwwwww, its cummmming!" he shouted as his voice echoed loudly through the cavern. He shot load after load of hot sticky cum all over them.

After coming back from their most high of orgasm, they put Luke back on his feet and were heading back to the bed of moss when a voice entered the cave.

"What the hell is going on in here?"

Luke turned immediately to see someone he knew from the future, a close friend of his. Immediately, Roc and Zor went into their protective mode and was ready to fight this uninvited quest but drew back when Luke was talking to this man.

"Tony, is that you? What did you?how did you??" Luke was totally confused to see a modern day friend standing right in front of him from the future.

"Well you weren't answering your phone calls or your door so I went snooping around and was able to get into your house and found that time machine you were working on. I seen the year you typed in. Thought I would try it out viola, I'm here."

"I can see that," Luke said as he was staring at Tony's nude body and liking what he saw.

Tony Balino's Italian swarthy good looks were just hot. His eyes were dark blue. His chest, stomach, and arms were covered with dark hair and his body was muscular and taut and his skin was tanned. He was just stunning, absolutely gorgeous.

"Don't look at me like that," Tony scoffed.

"Like what?" Luke asked.

"Like you want me or something," Luke answered.

"I'm sorry Tony, it's just that I never expected this. I tried to get back home but I don't have anything on this side to get me there."

"That is why I brought this," Tony said holding up a remote that would take them back to the future. "Seems you were too excited to be on your journey that you forgot something."

"So what happened? You decided to be a nice guy and bring it to me?"

"I figured you would be in some kind of trouble, but when I came in here it looked far different than that. Cavorting with the ape men are you?" Tony says sarcastically. "Yeah I saw the whole fucking thing."

"Fuck you Tony."

"And look at you, your hair got long, very long. And you got muscles I never seen on you before. And not only that, your cock is stiff as a board and you smell like sex."

"Like I said, I thought I was . . . whoa are you checking me out?"

"No I am not checking you out," Tony said even though it was quite evident he was and found himself getting hard at seeing Luke like this and had dreamed about having sex with him.

"Then why is your cock getting all hard there buddy?"

Tony looked down as if he didn't notice his hard cock. "I, uh, well. Hey now don't change the subject. I came to help you out because you left this handy dandy remote back home when I knew you were going to need it for us to get back home. And now that I found you, let's go home. I don't like the way those two ape men are looking at me."

"Roc and Zor are not going to hurt you. They're just very protective of me is all."

"Roc and Zor? They got names? What the fuck, Luke?"

Tony reached out and grabbed Luke's arm and Roc instantly stepped in.

Zor had wandered off but was back quickly with several tight vines.

"Get your damn fucking hands off me," Tony scoffed at Roc and shoved him.

This pissed Roc off and he grabbed Tony and threw him onto the ground and onto his stomach and pulled his arms back. Then he and Zor tied his hands together behind his back. Then they bent his legs back and tied his ankles to his wrists. They had one long tighter vine left and Roc threw it up over a stone rafter and pulled Tony up off the ground and then tied another thicker knot. And there displayed before them, was Tony, hogtied and swinging horizontally back and forth.

"What the hell?.Luke?don't let them do this to me," Tony screamed as they were tying him up.

"You did it Tony when you took hold of my arm. I told you they are very protective of me and what you did to Roc pissed him off and that wasn't a very good thing and now you are hogtied and hanging from a stone rafter from above."

"Come on, please Luke get me down from here," Tony pleaded.

"Relax Tony you're not going to be hanging there much longer."

Luke turned to walk away as Roc and Zor followed not far behind. They went a little further into the cave so Tony couldn't hear them talking.

"He hurta you?" asked a worried Roc, whispering in his deep primal voice.

"No he didn't hurt me," Luke whispered back. "He is someone I know from my future. He just came to help me get back home. I think we need to make him welcome into our home." Luke whispered softly and grinning. "Now let's go have some fun with him. Roc, I think you should break him in."

"Luke, where you at?!" Tony yelled and his voice echoed inside the cave.

"We're right here," Luke said as they walked back out into the opening where Tony was strung up. "I want to know something, did you try out the remote control after you got here."

"Yes, and it took me back to your basement or lab, whatever the hell you want to call it. So I double checked to see if the calculation was right and when I gave it another try I ended up back here again. I arrived today and roamed the land all day. I seen some amazing things that was around and got caught up in all the surroundings. Then when I was coming closer towards here I heard noises and seen the cave and came inside, that's it."

"How'd you like the land so far?" Luke asked.

"I think it's awesome."

"That's really great. I'm glad you feel that way. When I arrived here I thought the same thing and then I met these two cave men and they treat me very well. I've been here for months and well I enjoy their company."

"As in the sex you enjoy?" Tony retorted.

"No. Not just the sex, but by being together and cohabitating and learning their way of life. It's much different than it is back home and you don't have to worry about finances and you live off the land."

"Well, now that you say it like that, it does make kinda sense." He felt the vines tighten around his wrists and ankles and becoming uncomfortable. "Would you please get me down from here?"

"Hmm, I don't know. What do you think Roc?" Luke suggests as he turned to him and grinned.

"We make him feel welcome, like you," Roc said deeply to Luke.

He went over to Tony and gave him a slight push.

"What are you doing to me?" Tony panicked as he swung freely as he swayed back and forth.

"Relax Tony, he is not going to hurt you" Luke laughed. "He's just playing."

"Then what are you going to do to me?"

Luke stood back as he stared at Tony. The picture he had before him was priceless as a naked Tony was hogtied and swinging from a vine. His cock hung straight down, pointing to the dirt floor.

"We," Luke grinned at him, "are just going to have some fun with you and welcome you to our home."

Roc smiled and then sniffed the air, smelling a sweet aroma and knowing where it was coming from.

"What is it Roc? What do you smell?" Luke asked, grinning.

"Sumting gooda, ripe and sweeta. Me take it now," Roc smiled happily. He went behind Tony and before Tony knew what was going to happen, Roc had already begun sinking his cock into Tony's ass.

"Awwww fuck! Stop, make it stop," Tony yelled.

Roc pushed more into Tony, stretching his hole even further.

"Ahh shit," Tony gritted his teeth as felt his ass being stretched wide open as Roc kept pushing more and more of his cock deep inside until he completely bottomed.

"Ughhhh fuuuuck!" Tony shouted out.

Tony's ass was stretched wide and full of fifteen inches of hard primal cock and Roc began to fuck his ass with a steady rhythm.

Zor and Luke watched with much delight and began stroking there cocks. Then slowly Zor walked up to Tony pointing his own fourteen inch cock into Tony's face. Tony's eyes widened at the size of the cave man's cock that was pointing right at his face.

Zor waited for the right moment as he watched Roc fuck Tony. Roc pulled almost all the way out and then shoved it all back inside causing Tony to scream out as he felt it hit his prostate hard.

"Ughhhh fuck!" shouted Tony again and instantly Zor shoved his cock inside Tony's gaping mouth and down his throat causing him to choke and gag on Zor's monster cock.

"Suck his cock Tony," Luke shouted at him as he walked over to the trio and knelt down at Tony's side staring at his profile with his mouth stretched open with a primal cock in his mouth.

"Relax Tony and enjoy it," Luke whispered in his ear and then stuck his tongue in his ear causing Tony to moan.

Once Tony let his body relax, he began to find pleasure in what he was receiving and started to get into it more. He hungrily sucked at Zor's cock and felt his ass being stretched open and fucked by Roc's monstrous cock.

Luke crawled underneath Tony's swinging body and gripped his hardened dripping cock and noticed Tony was hung like a horse. It had to be at least ten inches long and thick too. Luke leaned back and opened his mouth and took Tony's cock into his mouth and began sucking on it,

Not only was Tony being fucked by Roc, and sucking on Zor's cock, his own cock was being serviced by Luke. Tony thought it couldn't get any better than this as he had totally given into the pleasure and enjoying every minute of it.

Roc was the first to announce his coming. "Me a cumma, me a cumma."

He flooded Tony's insides with his seed and kept on fucking him, causing Tony to moan with pleasure as he felt his insides become full of primal cum. This excited him much and he unloaded his cock into Luke's waiting mouth.

Luke was sucking and milking Tony's cock when Zor let loose his seed into Tony's mouth. He pulled some of his cock out to allow Tony to taste his cum and surprisingly Tony slurped the cum hungrily as he found it tasty and plentiful.

Then Roc and Zor switched places. With one quick push, Zor was deep inside Tony's already cum filled ass and began thrusting in and out.

Roc lifted Tony's head and pointed his cock at Tony's mouth.

"Fuck, that thing is huge. I can't believe I had that up my ass," Tony thought. Hesitantly, he opened his mouth as Roc began to push it in.

Tony began to suck on the head of the monstrous cock as he couldn't take his eyes off it. It was so long and thick and knew he couldn't take any more of it into his mouth.

Roc took a firm hold onto Tony's head and began pushing his cock into his mouth. Tony watched as the hairy cock began sliding in more as it was filling his mouth and then he felt it hit the back of his throat and he moaned as Roc kept pushing more of it in, causing him to choke and gag, but Roc didn't care, he just kept pushing till he had it all in Tony's mouth and down his throat.

There was Tony, mouth open as wide as could be and stuffed like a hog at a pig roast at both ends and being used for the cave men's pleasure. Soon Roc found Zor's rhythm and began fucking Tony's mouth, only pulling several inches out and then shoving it back in.

Tony moaned as his body was on fire. He couldn't take the pressure any longer as they fucked him ravenously and mercilessly at both ends. He felt Luke's tongue and mouth sucking on his sensitive cock and it drove him over the edge and came hard and long as Luke milked his cock dry.

Roc and Zor were close and fucked both orifices hard and fast till they exploded deep inside, sending Tony through a whirlwind of passion as he felt the heat of their seed flowing through him as it filled his gut with hot milky liquid.

Finally, Roc and Zor pulled their cocks free and Tony felt odd at the strange feeling of emptiness. He breathed hard as his lungs filled back up with air.

"Awww fuck," Tony panted in an exhausted state and in a hoarse voice, his throat sore and raw from the massive fuck Roc gave him.

"Roc, can you take him down now please?" Luke asked.

Roc and Zor went to Tony and untied him and carried him over to the soft bed of moss and gently laid him down and instantly, Tony fell asleep from exhaustion.

Well guys, let me know what you think @

Next: Chapter 3

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