Modern Family

By Vox Veritas

Published on Feb 22, 2013


Disclaimer: This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. "Modern Family" and the characters Luke and Dylan are copyright and/or trademark of Lloyd-Levitan Productions and 20th Century Fox Television. Dylan is played by Reid Ewing and Luke is played by Nolan Gould.

"Sit back down Dylan," Luke said as he patted the bed.

Dylan shifted nervously but decided to sit down, and Luke moved a few inches closer to the teenager.

"How big are you anyway?" Luke asked.

"Ummm...I guess I've never measured," Dylan said back.

Luke's own boner was beginning to grow as he knew where the conversation would go.

"Take it out," Luke said without any hesitation.

Dylan stared at Luke without much expression, still attempting to process what Luke had said.

"C'mon don't worry," Luke reassured.

Luke put his hand onto Dylan's chest and pushed him very lightly. Dylan succumbed to the pressure and he leaned back on the bed, his elbows holding him up. Luke pulled up slightly on Dylan's shirt and exposed his treasure trail, also exposing the hard dick poking up under the waistband of his boxers.

Luke reached out and touched the head of Dylan's hardened dick, feeling its warmth, while with his other hand he unbuttoned the top of the teenager's tight jeans.

"Wow dude you're huge, just let me look," Luke said.

"Okay," Dylan replied back with less hesitation than before.

He was less anxious as he watched Luke unzip his pants slowly. Dylan the tingling sensation as Luke's hand slowly rubbed the head of his cock. Luke pulled the zipper all the way down and opened up the pants fully, with the outline of Dylan's shaft visible in the boxers. He put his hands on the shaft and gripped it slightly, feeling its size.

Luke's own erection was now stiffly pressing against his pants. He looked over to Dylan and saw that his eyes were closed. Luke put his fingers under the waistband of Dylan's boxers and pulled it down slightly.

Dylan's large member was now fully visible as Luke gripped it and began to stroke it, noticing a small amount of pre-cum forming at the tip. Luke leaned over and put the head in his mouth, sucking the hard dick as he stroked it with his hand. His tongue circled the large head as he tasted the salty pre-cum, with Dylan being caught off guard by the new contact.

"Luke...we shouldn't do this," Dylan said.

Luke took his mouth off of Dylan's member and looked up at him.

"Lay all the way back."

Dylan realized that Luke was ignoring his comments entirely. Reluctantly, he lowered his elbows down and lay down fully in the bed with his hands at his sides. Luke took both sides of Dylan's boxers and pants and brought them down so that they were now around his thighs. Dylan's dick tingled as he felt the cool air touch it, and he felt exposed in full view since his pants and underwear were down around his legs.

Luke loved the sight of Dylan's balls and hard dick just waiting for him. With one hand he grabbed Dylan's sac and massaged it while also putting head of his dick back in his mouth. Dylan hadn't shaved at all, and the sight of his full pubes turned Luke on.

Luke massaged lower beneath his balls and reached his perineum, rubbing it slightly as he continued sucking Dylan's cock.

While Luke expertly tongued the head of his dick, Dylan's thoughts raced as he began to enjoy the sensation of the younger teen's warm mouth on his member. Without consciously trying, he realized his hips were thrusting upward slightly as he felt his dick go in and out of Luke's mouth. Luke bobbed up and down on the dick, letting Dylan's thrust match his movements.

Using his hand he stroked the shaft up and down the length, still massaging underneath Dylan's sac with his other hand. Dylan felt as it migrated back towards his hole but not quite reaching it. He was unfamiliar with the sensation at first but it made his whole body tingle as he felt Luke's fingers near his most sensitive of areas.

He put his hand on Luke's head, feeling the teen's hair as his hard dick touched Luke's tongue. Luke felt Dylan touch his head knew the older boy was now fully invested into it. He took his mouth off of Dylan's member and came up slightly.

Dylan opened his eyes, and looked over at Luke who was now halfway off the bed. He then looked down and saw his stiff dick shining slightly from Luke's spit still on it as it sat in the cool air. Luke opened his top drawer of his dresser and took out the pair of underwear he had obtained from Dylan earlier in the week. With it, he took out a small videotape that Dylan instantly recognized as the one he had made -- the one with him masturbating for Haley.

"If you want this videotape back you're going to have to follow my instructions."

He set the videotape down on his dresser. Dylan began to put his hands back onto his boxers to raise them up when Luke stopped him.

"Leave them down, and turn over."

Dylan didn't respond to the command and Luke knew he had to show Dylan how this would work. In a quick motion he slapped Dylan's sac with an open hand.

"Hey!" Dylan said as he gripped his balls in pain.

"You belong to me now. Get used to it. Now, do what I told you --- and don't question it again," Luke said sternly.

Dylan cupped his balls for a few seconds as he slowly turned on the bed, letting Luke see his butt, his pants remaining around his thighs. Luke put the pair of underwear on the bed in front of Dylan's face.

"I hope you showered that day, Dylan. Take a big whiff!" Luke said with a grin as he looked down at Dylan.

Dylan looked at the underwear and smelled them slightly, trying not to take too deep of a breath. He could tell they had been worn but the smell wasn't as awful as he expected. Luke got out a small band of cloth from his pocket and began to tie it around Dylan's head as a blindfold.

"Good boy," Luke said with the same tone he would have treated a pet.

Dylan was so embarrassed by the whole situation he couldn't believe it. He had his pants around his legs, ass exposed to Luke, a blindfold on, his old underwear in front of his face, and his balls still slightly aching from Luke's hand. He could feel himself blush as he realized he also had a raging boner the whole time.

Luke looked around his room and saw a ruler on his messy floor next to his math book. Picking it up, he looked over and saw Dylan's cute ass, his muscles flexing slightly as Dylan was slightly rubbing his erection against the top of the bed sheets.

Luke reached to Dylan's legs and pulled them.

"I want you to bend over the bed," he said as he set them in place.

Dylan's torso was now on the bed with his legs off, his ass in full view. Luke took Dylan's arms and moved them so they were on the bed.

"You're still hard aren't you?" Luke asked.

"Ye..Yes..." Dylan stammered.

"Does this turn you on?" Luke asked.

Dylan tried to comprehend why Luke was humiliating him like this but couldn't come up with anything. Luke slapped the ruler across Dylan's butt hard and he grunted in pain.

"Answer me!" Luke demanded as he hit him once more.

Dylan's butt stung with pain as he struggled to answer Luke.

"I don't know!" Dylan said.

"Well your big dick is hard as a rock isn't it?" Luke asked.

"It's not my fault!" Dylan replied.

Luke slapped the ruler against Dylan's butt once more. He stepped a few feet away and took the bottle of lotion from his dresser and pumped out a glob into his hand. He put the ruler and the bottle down next to the bed as he rubbed the lotion on one of his fingers and slowly put it to Dylan's crack. He pushed between Dylan's ass cheeks and found the teen's hole, putting his finger to it.

"That's cold...!" Dylan said.

Luke ignored Dylan and pushed his finger in, feeling the tightness of it squeeze his finger. He could see Dylan's balls hang low while his dick was pressed against the bed he was bent over.

Luke pressed his finger all the way in and Dylan felt it stretch his ass. He then cupped Dylan's balls as he felt around and brought Dylan's cock so that it was pointing down. Both of his hands were covered in lotion at this point and he stroked Dylan's shaft as he thrust his finger in and out of the teen's tight hole.

"Oh god," Dylan said as he felt Luke hit his prostate.

His dick began to leak pre-cum as Luke stroked it up and down, the finger hitting the spot inside him every time Luke pushed in.

Luke looked around the room again quickly and continued stroking and thrusting as Dylan began to make more noise.

"Ah...oh," Dylan said as Luke pushed two fingers inside.

Dylan felt the odd sensation of Luke's fingers going in and out of being inside of him, not believing how much his cock was leaking pre-cum into Luke's hand as he stroked it. He could feel the slick sensation of Luke's hand as it gently stroked the head of his penis.

"Mmmm..." Dylan said as he felt his orgasm come.

Luke's hand was suddenly covered with Dylan's cum, the white liquid covering his sheets as Dylan's cock throbbed. Luke continued stroking, the cum lubricating the shaft more and more as the slippery liquid coated Dylan's large member.

Luke took out his fingers and stopped stroking Dylan, who now wondered what was going on after feeling the slightly empty sensation of Luke's fingers missing.

Luke unbuttoned his own pants and dropped them, also pulling off the white briefs he was wearing. He decided to go completely naked and took off his shirt as well, leaving him standing in his room completely naked except for a 5 inch erection sticking out. He got up on the bed and kneeled in front of Dylan's face.

"Open your mouth," he commanded to Dylan.

Dylan opened his mouth and Luke put his stiff member into it. Dylan had never sucked cock before but put his tongue around the head and put it into his mouth. Luke thrust in and out quickly, repeating his thrusts as Dylan still lay bent over the bed.

"Do you like sucking my dick?" Luke taunted.

Dylan pulled his lips off of the shaft and head and tried to answer.

"I didn't say stop," Luke said as he lightly slapped Dylan's cheek.

He put Luke's cock back in his mouth and resumes sucking while Luke ran his hands through Dylan's messy hair. He felt his orgasm approaching quickly.

"Open up your mouth," Luke said again.

Dylan complied, opening his mouth, unsure of what to expect. Luke grunted slightly as he stroked his own cock faster and faster. He knew he was close. Massaging the head he lined up his dick in front of Dylan's lips and began to orgasm.

A few squirts of cum came out of Luke's dick and onto Dylan's tongue. Luke's stroking slowed while orgasm finished, making sure to get every drop into Dylan's mouth.

"Go ahead, taste it," Luke said as he touched the side of Dylan's face.

Dylan closed his mouth and tasted the cum, unable to pinpoint what it tasted like.

Luke picked up his pair of white briefs from the floor. He lifted Dylan's legs slightly took off Dylan's underwear and jeans. He put his small sized briefs onto the Dylan as he still leaned over the bed. Luke struggled to pull them up all the way but managed to tuck Dylan's still-hard erection into them.

He gave Dylan's butt a small pat and reached over to take off the blindfold. When he did, Dylan's eyes squinted to adjust to the light. Grabbing the tape, Luke made direct eye contact with Dylan.

"You were good today -- here's the videotape. Wear my underwear for three days and don't take them off -- or else."

Dylan felt the wetness of the cum on his dick soak into Luke's unfitting underwear as he got up and put his jeans back on, looking down at Luke's floor in slight embarrassment. He took the small videotape in his hand and put it in his back pocket, feeling his hole still slightly sore from Luke's fingers.

"If I wear the you promise not to tell anyone that this happened?" Dylan asked sheepishly.

"I promise," Luke replied back.

As Dylan left the room, Luke waited a few seconds until Dylan closed the door. Reaching into the pocket of his pants still on the floor he took out a small remote control and pointed it towards his closet door. It was only open a crack; he pressed the stop button on the remote.

"Way too easy," Luke said to himself as he opened up the door, revealing the video camera inside -- red light now off -- pointing directly at his bed.

To be continued? Comments welcome.

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