Modern Family

By Vox Veritas

Published on Feb 16, 2013


Disclaimer: This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. "Modern Family" and the characters Luke and Dylan are copyright and/or trademark of Lloyd-Levitan Productions and 20th Century Fox Television. Dylan is played by Reid Ewing and Luke is played by Nolan Gould.

Luke took out his phone and scrolled through his contacts. "D Toy" was the label he had chosen for Dylan, just in case anyone went through his phone and became too curious.

< be in my room at 4 pm >

He hit the send button and then seconds later deleted it from his outbox, just to be extra careful. Luke stood against his locker and looked around for Manny. They were supposed to meet at lunch but it had been fifteen minutes now and was beginning to wonder what was causing the delay.

"Luke!" Manny whispered from a few feet away.

"Hey how come you took so..." Luke began

"This is a bad idea," Manny interrupted.

"Come on, nobody will know," Luke said.

Manny reached into his pocket and took out a small container.

"Jay is going to notice that they're gone, and then I'll be in deep trouble," Manny said.

"He won't know, trust me," Luke reassured him.

He took the container from Manny and opened it up, holding it inside his locker so nobody could see. Looking inside he saw three blue pills.

"Perfect," Luke said.

"Luke, Viagra pills are meant for adults," Manny said.

"Don't worry about that," Luke replied.

"At this point I don't even want to know the details," Manny said with a sigh and quickly walked away.

Luke took out his phone and checked if there was any reply from Dylan. Nothing yet. He quickly put the container that Manny gave him in his locker and shut it, looking at the clock.

As Luke entered his classroom and sat down he waited patiently for the day to pass. Once school was out, he would be on his way to finding out if Dylan would show up as planned.

Dylan knocked on Luke's door quietly and waited. He peeked quickly into Haley and Alex's room just to see if they were home. Empty.

Luke didn't answer the door. Dylan paused for a moment and then touched the handle, twisting it slowly and opening the door just a crack. Looking in, it was now after 4 p.m. and Luke was not in his room. Dylan stepped in and closed the door behind him. He wondered what Luke was up to, not realizing that the teen was downstairs.

It was only minutes after Luke arrived home from school when he was looking through the kitchen cupboards, taking a wooden spoon and a small bowl with him to the living room. He fished out the container from his backpack and opened it carefully, taking out one of the pills and putting it into the small bowl. Using the spoon he crushed it carefully, leaving behind a fine dust powder.

He quickly went over to his parent's liquor cabinet and took out some rum and poured a little, mixing the white powder in. Luke then took some orange juice from the refrigerator and mixed it in.

He put his backpack on and put the drink under his shirt, walking upstairs carefully. By the time he got up the stairs he took out his cellphone and took a look, realizing it was already past four o'clock.

He opened his door and saw Dylan sitting on his bed.

"Good, you're here," Luke said as he handed Dylan the drink.

"What is it?" Dylan said taking the cup into his hand.

"It's a screwdriver. Kind of a 'stiff' drink, but I'm sure you can handle it," Luke said.

Dylan took a sip.

"Not bad."

Luke took the cup back from Dylan and took a very small drink from it. He put the cup back out in front of Dylan.

"Come on, finish it before anyone comes home," Luke said.

"Okay," Dylan said before taking a large swig of the drink, finishing it off.

"Whew," he said as he recoiled from the strength.

Luke set down his backpack and grabbed his computer chair, setting it in front of his door.

"Nothing we say here can leave the room, promise?" Luke said.

"Dude, you're not going to take my underwear again are you?" Dylan said.

"No, but we are going to talk about sex," Luke replied.

"Alright," Dylan said as he began to feel the buzz from the drink.

"I have to learn how to kiss a girl," Luke said.

He sat down on the bed next to the older teen.

"And you're going to teach me."

Dylan scratched his head and shifted his legs.

"Um, I don't know I guess you just sort of close your eyes and then, um..." Dylan began.

"Why do you close your eyes?" Luke asked.

"You just do. And then once your lips touch you just kind of do it," Dylan said.

The anticipation in Luke's stomach grew.

"How many girls have you kissed?" Luke asked.

"Well, I guess...a lot," Dylan replied.

The older teen was looking down and fidgeting with his hands nervously.

"Do you get a boner when you kiss someone?" Luke asked.

"Well yeah usually. You get hard when you kiss someone if you want to have sex with them," Dylan said.

"So it's like a test then. If you get a boner when you kiss a guy that means you're gay right?"

Dylan was unsure of the answer.

"Are you gay?" Luke asked.

"No, I'm not gay!" Dylan said defensively.

Luke put his legs up on the bed and faced Dylan, getting closer to him.

"Close your eyes then and teach me how," Luke said.

"Dude, I can't do that. That's messed up."

"It's the only way. You said yourself it's not like you're going to pop a hard one, so come on. Remember what we talked about yesterday? You have to do what I tell you," Luke stated.

Dylan thought about it for a moment and couldn't figure out whether Luke was being gay with him or not.

"First you take my underwear and now you want to kiss me," Dylan complained.

"Do it or else," Luke threatened.

"God, this is bad," Dylan said as he wiped his lips.

Luke leaned in and was only a few inches from Dylan's face.

"Okay close your eyes now, and don't force it," Dylan said.

Luke followed instructions and closed his eyes. He waited quietly until he heard Dylan breathing close to him.

Dylan closed his eyes and touched his lips against Luke's, feeling the boy's mouth. Luke felt the touch of Dylan's mouth against his own and immediately began getting an erection. He put one of his hands down to cover it. He leaned in a few inches and touched Dylan's face with his other hand and held the kiss as Dylan began to pull back.

"That's how you do it," Dylan said as he opened his eyes.

"Okay let me try now," Luke said.

He didn't wait for Dylan to reply back and kissed Dylan again on the mouth, this time opening his mouth and slipping Dylan tongue. Before Dylan could react Luke put his hand downwards to the teen's pants and touched Dylan's cock through his jeans.

"Woah," Dylan said as he pulled away from the kiss and leaned back. Luke's hand still remained there as Dylan looked down in shock. He felt the blood rushing to his cock as his heart raced. His hardening cock was bulging in his pants as the effects of the drink were taking hold. Luke squeezed Dylan's dick slightly, pretending to casually feel his bulge.

"You're getting a boner from this?" Luke said with a disgusted face.

"Hey" Dylan stammered.

"It's okay. That just means you're gay," Luke said, thoroughly mind-fucking Dylan with his deception.

"But I'm not though," Dylan replied back, still unsure of what was going on.

"Listen, maybe it's just a coincidence. Do you want to wait until it goes down?" Luke asked.

"I think we should stop this."

Dylan moved to get up from Luke's bed and looked down at his fully hard dick bulging through his pants. He was embarrassed that Luke could see his erection from the kiss, and felt like leaving.

"Don't leave yet Dylan. If my Dad sees you leaving my room with a huge boner he's going to know what happened," Luke said.

Dylan sat back down and re-adjusted his erection upwards so it was less visible.

"Okay just give me a few seconds, but after my boner goes down I'm going to go okay?"

"Deal," Luke said with a smile, knowing that Dylan's attempts were doomed to failure...

To be continued? Comments welcome.

Next: Chapter 6

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