Modern Family

By Vox Veritas

Published on Apr 18, 2012


Disclaimer: This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. "Modern Family" and the characters Luke and Dylan are copyright and/or trademark of Lloyd-Levitan Productions and 20th Century Fox Television. Dylan is played by Reid Ewing and Luke is played by Nolan Gould.

The next day Luke Dunphy had found the video camera that Dylan had returned on the front porch. All day he sat in school thinking about it, far surpassing the usual amount of attention deficit he usually had.

Meanwhile, Dylan had the habit of checking his phone every hour waiting for Haley's response, which seemed to never come. He thought to himself about how she might send something back in return, or maybe the video simply wasn't good enough.

By the time that school was out Luke got home as fast as he could and took the video camera from his underwear drawer. He just stared at it and didn't know if now was even the right time to watch it. That thought only lasted as second as he realized he was locking his door and plugging it into his computer. He copied over the digital file and quickly opened it.

Seeing Dylan on it gave him flutters in his stomach as he saw the image of the teen guy touch himself seductively for the camera. Within seconds Luke had a stiff prick in his pants while he watched the tape of Dylan tenting out his boxers.

Luke quickly unbuttoned his pants and took his hardness out, slightly stroking it as he never took his eyes off of the video. Within seconds of stroking he began to orgasm as he stroked. His vision went sparkly from the powerful orgasm it and the sight of Dylan was all too much to hold it back any longer.

Even after his orgasm had subsided, Luke continued to watch the video, even to the point where his dick got hard again. Thoughts filled his mind about what he could even do with this tape. He felt a twinge of guilt over tricking Dylan into it, but also knew he would never have enough self-control to delete the videos he had of Dylan. They were his prized possessions.

"God, I don't know what is wrong with her!" Dylan whined to his band mates. "I've done everything for her."

They knew his dedication and tried to say something encouraging, but it was of no use. Dylan had put himself out there and given Haley a sex tape and now she hadn't even responded. He took a swig on his forty before they played the next song. Within three hours he sat at his house alone. His band was gone and Haley wasn't around. He drank even more realizing that she might never talk to him again.

"Halleyyyy," Dylan grumbled as he drunkenly stepped near the Dunphy house. Luke recoiled in horror as he saw the boy coming towards the house. It was almost 1 o'clock and god only knows what Dylan was doing there. He peaked out the door quickly and checked if anyone was up. Sneaking down the stairs he unlocked the door slowly and quickly ran over to Dylan.

"Dude, shut aren't supposed to be here," Luke said in a loud whisper.

"Heyyyyy buddyy, it's all right ok? I wanna see Haley," Dylan slurred.

"She'll be mad that you're drunk. You need to sober up first," Luke said as he grabbed Dylan by the shoulder.

Dylan followed as Luke brought the teenager inside, making sure to keep his noise levels down. This largely failed.

Luke pushed Dylan into his room and shut the door.

"You have to be quiet okay! If you wake everyone up Haley will never forgive you."

"Yer right," Dylan said with a hint of sadness.

His expression changed slightly.

"She hates me..."

"Dylan, she doesn't, but you need to talk to her in the morning. In the morning she will love to see you."

Luke was very unsure this was true but hoped Dylan wouldn't cause a terrible scene. At this point he just had to contain him so things didn't get out of control.

"Here you can sleep here on my floor for the night and nobody will have to know," Luke said confidently as he put down a pillow.

"No, I ...I cann't," Dylan said as he started to get up.

"If you get in trouble for drinking you'll get arrested okay?" Luke replied in a stern tone.

Dylan realized that this could be true.

"Okay, sssleep for like 3 hours and then I'll surprise Haley," he said.

Luke cringed at the horrible idea but said nothing as Dylan took off his leather jacket. Luke stood there quietly as Dylan's muscular teenage body was evident as he wore only a white t-shirt. Dylan sort of stood up awkwardly but then turned around and crawled into Luke's bed.

"Just lemme sleep for like 20 minutes," Dylan said as his face touched the pillow. Luke rolled his eyes at the idiot who was in his bed but couldn't help but love how this situation had turned out. Luke quickly took off his pants and was already bulging as he sort of crawled near Dylan on the bed but made sure not to wake him up.

His excitement kept him up as he just enjoyed being next to Dylan. Dylan, on the other hand, smelled like beer and was half asleep.

Luke touched Dylan's back with his hand and the teenage guy turned over but barely woke up.

"Hmmmhmmm, let's fuck," Dylan said.

Luke practically died at the words but didn't know what to do. He didn't know the first thing about fucking.

"What do you want?" he whispered into Dylan's ear.

"Stroke my dick baby," Dylan mumbled back.

Luke reached over carefully and opened up Dylan's pants. He lowered the underwear and reached Dylan's half hard cock. Luke noticed it was half hard but took it into his hand. He stroked it slightly and realized how huge it was compared to his down.

He had stroked it until it was fully hard and Dylan barely made a sound until he quietly moved his head.

"Mmmhmmm," Dylan said as he kept his eyes closed.

Luke stroked the teenage boy's cock until he decided that he would take things one step further. He took the hard dick into both hands and stroked. By this time Dylan had precum forming on the head of his hard cock.

Luke took one of his blankets and brought it up over Dylan's waist while still stroking his large member. He went under the covers and continued stroking but this time put his mouth around the head of Dylan's member. Luke tasted the salty precum and stroked with his other hand as he felt a flood of cum enter his mouth. Dylan's cockhead throbbed between Luke's lips as he swallowed the warm cum, stroking the shaft of the teen as he continued to cum.

Luke slowed his strokes as the cum stopped and he looked up, realizing Dylan had fallen asleep. He stroked his own dick quickly as he lay next to Dylan, smelling his musk and admiring his body as he was naked from the waist down. Luke came quickly and then pulled up his pants, curling up next to Dylan. Throughout the night Luke woke up periodically and was being held by Dylan's strong arms.

Dylan opened his eyes slowly as his head throbbed in pain. He looked around the room very slowly.

"What the fuck...?" he said to himself.

He began to get up but realized there was something stopping him. Next to him was Luke Dunphy and Dylan quickly realized where he was.

"Oh man, what the hell am I doing here?" Dylan said as Luke began to wake up.

"It's okay, you were drunk and crashed in my bed," Luke said comfortably as he realized it wasn't even sunrise yet.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry," Dylan said.

"It's okay, but you can't let my parents know," Luke replied.

"I won't, I won' have to promise we won't talk about it with anyone okay?" Dylan said.

Luke rolled his eyes.

"I'm serious!" Dylan said.

"Okay, okay, I won't tell anyone this happened," Luke said.

Dylan quickly put on his jean jacket and began to tiptoe out, opening Luke's door carefully and closing it behind him.

Luke laid his bed with his eyes closed and smelled his pillow, realizing it smelled just like Dylan.

Only one question circled his mind as he drifted asleep.

"Did Dylan know?"

To be continued? Comments welcome.

Next: Chapter 4

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