Modern Day Conquistador

By Leif Soy

Published on Nov 16, 2022



Mateo had been coming into the café for a about a month and since the beginning I felt like I belonged to him. He always came around 2:30 and ordered a coffee and a side of fruit and some type of bread. I got into the habit of just giving it to him for free no one would notice it was gone and it was usually our slow time of day, and I was the only person working.

His clothes weren't too flashy, but I could tell they were expensive. He had dark hair and eyes, but white skin and I had overheard him speaking Spanish. His features were delicate yet still masculine. He looked to be towards his late 20's. I always addressed him as Sir even though I saw his name was Mateo on his debit card the first day he came in. Like a schoolgirl with a crush, I tried to look him up online but didn't really find much. After about 5 days I started to give him his meal for free and told him

"It's on the house, Sir"

After 3 days of free meals, he stopped coming to the counter to order and would just take his seat and I would bring it out to him. Mateo would still thank me when I put his food down but that was pretty much our whole conversation. After about two weeks I was putting his items down but instead of his customary thank you he replied with,

"I like my coffee placed down near my right hand not my left"

I was kind of taken aback but just laughed it off and told him I would keep that in mind and walked off. Halfway back to the counter he said calmly,

"I did not excuse you" I turned to face him and even though I heard him I asked

"What" he told me to come back and I did walk back to his table and he repeated that I was not excused and he likes his coffee near his right hand. I told him again I was sorry and kept my eyes to ground when he snapped his fingers.

"Fix it" he said calmly yet sternly, and I moved his coffee so it was near his right hand.

I told him "Sorry sir" and waited there for what felt like forever but could only have been 15 seconds. After he took a sip of his coffee, I repeated that I was sorry and started to walk away again and he said

"Still not excused" I stopped where I was standing, and tears started to well up in my eyes. I felt stupid for even wanting to cry. I was a manager here I've delt with rude customers before, but this was such a shift I was taken by surprise, and I felt that I was in the wrong. I plastered the fakest smile on my face and asked

"How may I help you Sir" Mateo holds up his fingers and starts counting off.

  1. When you apologize it should be specific.

  2. What is not a proper way to address me.

  3. I have taught you a lesson on how I want my coffee and how to address me I should be thanked.

I wanted to yell at him tell him to fuck off and get out, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. So, I said "Sorry for saying what Sir, I'm sorry for placing your coffee wrong and thank you for teaching me. Also, I'm sorry for walking off without permission" he didn't correct me on that last thing but I wanted to cover all my bases and get this over with. He waved me off with his hand and I hid in the back and cried until he left. I felt pathetic.

The next day was Saturday, so I was off and dreaded seeing him again on Monday. When Monday came, he walked in like normal, and I brought his coffee and food out to him. I thought of charging him, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. He said thank you and with a head nod I took it as my dismissal.

Everything was back to normal for about 2 weeks, and I chalked it up to him having a bad day that day. Then one Friday I brought out his food and instead of his regular thank you he started to speak to me in Spanish. It took me off guard and I said,

"Sorry Sir my Spanish is not that good"

he smiled and told me to have a seat and join him for a few minutes. Sitting down I could get a closer look at his face and the freckles on his nose, his long lashes and almost perfect skin. My heart was beating so fast from being this close to him and from fear. I am a little chubby and the button up work shirt just made it look much worse. Around the chest it pushed my tits closer together making them look bigger. My weight just went to my chest and hips giving me a more feminine look.

Mateo was first to speak and said

"So you speak Spanish"

I told him not well, but my parents spoke it at home. And he asked where they were from, and I told him Mexico. The smile on his face turned into a frown almost a look of disgust.

"You have such light skin I thought maybe you were from Spain" he said almost to himself.

I just laughed and said noooo not really knowing what to say. He asked if I knew my heritage and I said just that I'm Mexican and without missing a beat he said

"A mutt"

I never been called a mutt before, but it stung. I didn't know what to do so I told him I should get back to work but didn't make any movements to leave.

"I should have known you were a mutt on how obedient you are. Spaniards have more pride. When we conquered Mexico, we made you mutts a little too obedient. You have some Spanish blood in you I can tell by how light your skin is but now looking at you closely I am seeing some of those less desirable features. But I'm sure your perky tits and ass were caused by your other breeding."

I sat there shocked on what I was hearing. He thought he was better than me just because he was a Spaniard, and I was a Mexican.

He continued "I also assume you are a fag on how you swish your hips when you walk around. Also, on how you look at me when you think I'm not looking and giving me free food. How old are you and how many guys have fucked your pussy"

22 I squeaked out my voice cracking trying to hold back the tears.

"Is that your age or how many men you have allowed to fuck you like the cheap Mexican whore you are" Mateo spoke these words in a matter of fact manner as if he was asking me what the weather was like.

"Age Sir" I didn't know why I was going along with this. I wanted him to dismiss me so I could go hide

"And how many guys have fucked you bitch"

"None sir, I've blown 2 guys but I have never let them fuck"

Mateo smiles and said, "I bet that pussy was made for me" he passed a napkin to me and told me to write down my address. With shaking hands, I do, knowing by doing so I am agreeing to let him fuck me even though he has been nonstop insulting me. Mateo grabs the napkin and gets up, stands next to me and grabs my chin and tells me to open my mouth I do, and he spits in my mouth just as the door chimes letting me know there is another customer. Mateo leaves and I return to work.

I waited that night for Mateo to arrive at my apartment door, but he never does. Saturday morning and night I wait all day just staring at the door. Could he have changed his mind? Then finally around 8 P.M a knock on my door. I pause I wanted him to show but now I am frozen by fear. Then again, a louder knock. I rush to the door opening it without even looking who it is. Standing there is a tough looking Mexican dark skin beard and mustache. He's wearing a tight fitting dark blue shirt and jeans with tattoo's poking out of his sleeves. He's holding a white bouquet of flowers in one hand and a white box with a red ribbon in the other. I just look at him in surprise until he starts speaking.

"Jefe told me to drop these off for you. I assume you're his fag"

No one had called me a fag since elementary school and now it seems to be my new nickname.

"Uh-yeah Jefe, your boss, Mateo?"

The guy looked annoyed

"Are you the maricon or not?"

"Uh yes"

"Yes what"

This guy couldn't be serious, he wanted me to say it.

"Yes, I'm Mateo's fag."

He hands me the flowers and as soon as I grab them, he makes his way into the apartment. He walks past me and places the box on the coffee table and takes a seat on the couch putting his feet up on the coffee table.

"I don't know what's going on, but I got some stuff to do so now is not the best time for you to be here" I say trying to get him to leave.

He ignores what I am saying and just responds,

"Go get a vase for the flowers Gordito"

I look at him deciding my best course of action and I decide to just go along with it to get it over with. As I am looking under the sink in my kitchen for a vase or something similar to put the flowers in, I hear him call out.

"My names Zapato. You're chubbier than I thought you would be, but Jefe is right you are all tits and ass. Don't get me wrong you don't have the nicest rack, but I can see your nipples through your shirt. God must have known you'd be a fag to give you those chi-chis"

I leave the flowers on the counter can't believe what this guy is saying to me but at the same time kind of flattered Mateo told him about me. And go back to the living room to tell him off.

"I don't know what Mateo told you, but I'm not doing anything with you. So, you need to leave now."

Zapato just laughs and rubs his beard.

"If Jefe wanted you to suck my dick, trust me you'd be on your knees right now. I'm just here to make sure the clothes fit" he says nudging the box on the table with his feet. I grab the box and he stops me pulling out his phone recording me.

"Go ahead Jefe wanted me to get it on camera for him"

I take off the ribbon and start opening the box. On top of the clothes these is a card which I start reading to myself and Zapato tells me to read it out loud.

"To my virgin mutt,

I chose this outfit for you to wear on our date tomorrow. Try it on while Zapato is there and let him know your shoe size so I can pick some out before tomorrow. Remember to be good and obedient. See you tomorrow at 10 A.M."


"Well put it on" Zapato says giving me the hand signal to hurry up. I grab the box to take it in the other room and he stops me.

"Jefe wants this documented, so you need to get undressed and dressed here and now"

In the box there is white pants, white lace panties, knee high socks and a white sweater. I get undressed looking down while Zapato makes crude comments. I dress as fast as I can finally able to look up I say,

"There all done, thank you Sir for the gifts" I say to the camera. "And thank you Zapato for dropping it off."

Zapato tells me to twirl around, and I do as he whistles. He comes towards me propping the phone on the coffee table and pinches my nipples and squeezes my ass getting it on video. He also pushes down on my stomach and tells me to open my mouth. I expect him to spit in it, but he sticks his finger in there examining my teeth.

He tells me to undress again, and I do down to my underwear, he examines me checking under my armpits and rotating my arms. He then tells me to bend over, and I hesitate.

"Don't worry Gordito, Jefe gets first dibs I just need to make sure you are healthy"

I bend over and he tells me to grab my ankles he runs his hands down my spine and a few more physical exams. The phone is propped up recording everything and I don't know how I let it get this far Mateo is hot, but this is so different than anything I ever expected.

Zapato tells me I need to take off my underwear and spread my cheeks. He tells me to stick a finger in my hole.

"Either you do it or I have to do it, we just need to make sure you are a virgin" After I do it, he tells me to taste it and I do. Then tells me describe the taste but then starts laughing and says the taste part is not part of it.

Zapato leads me to the restroom, and I am told to shave. The only body hair allowed is my eyebrows and even those are needed to be groomed.

While I'm doing this thankfully he is no longer recording. I try and make conversation asking what does he do for Mateo and he says, "everything" I learn from Zapato that Mateo was born into a rich family and they had farms all over Spain, Mexico, and now the Untied States. Mateo moved here about a month ago when he started appearing in the café. He tells me that he lives and works on Mateo's home farm and part of his job was checking the livestock that were purchased. When I ask him if he in a relationship with Mateo he says

"Not like you, I'm not a fag like you that gives it up that easy. He says you just accept that you're a mutt and have no pride for the raza."

He seems to be getting annoyed with my questions, so I stop asking them. When we finish, he finally leaves and I thank him.

I didn't really agree that I was a mutt but going along with all this I guess says that I do believe it or am willing to accept it on some level. I toss and turn that night rereading Mateo's handwritten note trying to look for clues. Besides the panties nothing is really saying he is just using me for sex. Yet he again calls me a mutt but on the other hand he says we are going on a date. Why do all this if Mateo just wants to fuck? He could have already accomplished that if he wanted to. All white flowers and clothes must be in reference to my virginity did he get off on taking virginities is that what this was all about? I know I should call off the date but I have no way to reach him and I already accepted the clothes might as well go on one date and let him know I'm not cool with the whole race aspect of it and him calling me names. I must have a little respect for myself.

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