Model Bondage

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 4, 2023


Jim had to stay at his shoot a little later than he had planned, so he couldn't work out with Matt that day. They had spoken in mid afternoon, and Jim was going to catch up with him later: he'd finish the shoot, and then after he got home, they'd decide what to do for dinner. Everything seemed to be fine.

He wondered about the apartment door being opened when he got home, but in the past, Matt had left the door open when he was busy doing something - or - as Jim hoped now - he was encouraging Jim to get in early for a little love making. Jim licked his lips.

He opened the door, and the apartment was a wreck. It looked like it had been trashed - broken lamps, tables upturned, papers everywhere. And he heard muffled sounds coming from one of the rooms further back in the apartment.

"Mattie? Mattie? You ok?" He didn't see anything but heard "MMMMPH!!! MMMPH! " Then he could have sworn he heard someone snap "SHUT UP" He went further into the apartment and he saw Matt, tied to a chair, gagged, face red. There was a small bruise at his temple. "MATT!!!! WHAT THE FUCK? " Jim dashed toward his lover, while Matt frantically shook his head "NO!"

"GOT HIM" Jim heard a voice behind him and then he felt a bear hug close around him tightly. "WHAT THE FUCK??" He began squirming and fighting. His foot landed on the foot of his attacker, and he heard the guy yell "SHIT." He was close to getting out of the grip, when a second man came out from the bathroom. He had a large knife in his hand, and he came up behind Matt, and held it to his throat. "Calm down, Hammer, or your boy loses it." Matt looked scared. He had clearly already taken a beating. These guys looked like they meant business. "Ok. Ok. " Jim stopped struggling. "What do you guys want?" "We already have it Hammer? " Still holding the knife to Matt's throat , he ordered the other guy "TIE HIM UP. Use lots of rope. And gag him too." "How we gonna get them out of the building boss? " The guy asked, as he finished up a very thorough job of tying Jim's wrists. "Remember that coke I bought the doorman? He'll be out like a light. " He put away the knife and grabbed Matt by the arm. "STAND UP HANDSOME. We're all going for a little ride." The two goons pulled Matt and Jim out of the apartment back entrance. A van was waiting. Someone opened the back door. "GET IN BOYS. NOW." Matt and Jim were shoved into the back of the van. It took a minute for their eyes to adjust. Then they saw that they weren't alone. There were four other guys in the van, tied up, and the guy who had opened the door. He held a small firearm, and he looked mean. "Let's get you guys on the benches, and then... " He pulled Jim first, and sat him on one bench with two guys, and then Matt over to the other one. He called up front. "READY." As Matt and Jim looked around, they saw four guys who had clearly fought, and lost. All were gagged, and all showed signs of a struggle. They were all big guys, around 35-45. "Gonna be a GREAT auction tonight." the guy laughed. He saw the puzzled look on Matt's face. "Pretty boy, by this time tomorrow, you'll be servicing some wealthy guy with a thing for guys with dark blond hair. Yeah, you're all going on the auction block tonight. SEX SLAVES HAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Jim fought at his ropes. A few weeks ago, one of his colleagues had mentioned that there was a rumor that a sex slave ring operated out of the city. Law enforcement hadn't spent too much time working on it, because the victims were men, and older men at that. There wasn't any pattern to the disappearances that followed. And there wouldn't be any for tonight, because the one detective that had been assigned to the case, was in that van, tied up with the rest. In addition to Matt and Jim, Officer Steve Johnson sat there, helpless. He had gone plain clothes, trying to get a lead on what the ring was planning and had wound up their prisoner. When he was searched, they found his police ID. A second guy in a ratty blue t shirt and stained jeans, knew all about the ring. Bob King had been kidnapped 4 years before, as he was coming out of one of the rougher fetish bars in the city. He escaped from his owner, a long haul truck driver, when they had stopped for food one night, and Bob had asked to use the bathroom. The goons who had done the kidnapping didn't know his history, but the ringleader did, and he had already gotten in touch with the truckdriver. He was waiting at the site of the auction. Craig Valentino was in the back too. A banker, who sometimes stepped out of his straight laced life to get some action at the gay bars was tied up , his glasses broken, and his tie askew. And finally, Tony Delmare, a handsome Italian guy with very wavy hair, and a penchant for Western wear, who worked as a high school phys ed teacher. Different types, for different clientele. "Hey you two are a couple ain't ya?" The guard asked Jim and Matt. When they didn't answer, he pointed the gun. Jim shook his head yes. "Well, I hope you had great sex last night, cause you're probably not gonna see each other again. NO ONE buys a pair of slaves. Too expensive. " Jim and Matt looked at each other. Their situation just got worse and worse.

The van began to slow down, and their guard was laughing. "You know, each of us get a take for what the auction brings in. I hope the bidding is high, and HOT." The two guys who had captured Jim and Matt came around and joined the guard. "LET'S GO LADIES. DON'T MAKE US HURT YOU." The guard had the gun pointed, and the men got out, as best as they could. One of the captors stopped Steve. "You're the cop huh? Well, cops get SPECIAL TREATMENT" and he put a knee into Steve's gut. Jim moved forward, and Matt blocked him. He gave him the "Don't be a hero" look.

The six of them were marched into a warehouse. The ropes came off, as did the gags, so that the group of about 15 well dressed, well heeled men could "inspect" them. Yes, there were 15 well dressed men, and a 16th one. The truckdriver who had owned Bob. He saw him right away, tucked his hands in his pockets, and began walking over, smiling. Bob was about 6'4" and towered over the trucker. Still, as Sam got closer, he put his hands behind his back, and dropped his head. "Got anything to say to me bob?" Sam kind of shouted in Bob's face, as he held up his chin. "NO Sir. Nothing." "OPEN YOUR MOUTH BITCH" "Yes sir." Bob did, and Sam launched a huge wad of spit into his mouth. "I can't even get a fucking discount to get you back. Not sure I want ya. Let's see how the bidding goes." "Oh, look at THIS handsome specimen. You look just like a catalog model. " A short, fat, balding man came up to Matt, and began circling him. "In fact, you ARE a catalog model. I remember you. You're Matt Windsor. Son of a gun. Small world." "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM" Jim stepped forward, and got a whack to the back of his head from the guard's gun. "OH... This must be the boyfriend. Hmmm. Light or dark? What will it be tonight? Let's see. Unless..." He walked over to the Detective. "Well, aren't you just the hottest thing on this planet? " He grabbed the Detective's balls, and squeezed. "Nice. Good breeding stock there. "

"GENTLEMEN GENTLEMEN. I suggest you get yourselves a drink and relax for a few minutes. This is the first I've seen of the talent tonight, and I'd like to take a look myself." A taller man, all in black, with very fine blonde hair had come out. Clearly, he was the host of the auction. Grant Soderquist had been running these auctions for about 20 years. He had done well by them, and this was his "swan song." No more auctions. Too risky. He had made his money. Time to settle down. He looked at the "merchandise." He saw Jim and Matt, and began thinking "Well, well, look at those two. Been ogling them for years. And now... in my power. Hmmm. What's the fundamental rule of marketing: limited supply, unlimited demand, price goes up." He laughed. "Carl," he called to one of the guards. "Bring those two to me, backstage." "MOVE GIRLS. MOVE" Jim and Matt got hurried to the back. Grant wasn't there yet. "Any idea what's happening?" Matt whispered to Jim "Not a clue" came the answer. "Gentlemen! Quite a change from modeling, I'd say" Grant was smiling. "Please , let us go." Matt begged. "We didn't do anything." "Ah, but you did. You were born beautiful. Both of you. That makes you quite valuable in my circles. And.... frankly, you're MUCH more valuable individually, than as a set." He grinned . He LOVED seeing his captives frightened, and helpless. "However, I have something in mind. No, I am not setting you free. That will not happen; however, I am willing to keep you together, as a set." They looked at each other. It was the first good thing they had heard that night. "As MY slaves. You will belong to me. I captured you and I can do anything I want. You'll have to earn it though. And here is the proposal." He paused and smiled. "The one of you who you decide gives the better blow job, is going to blow me tonight. The other one, is going to blow the first one. And it's all going to happen on stage. If the blowjob pleases me, and my audience approves of the show, you're off the auction block. If either criterion is not satisfied... " He grinned. "Take a last, long look at each other." "I want to go and talk to the potential buyers. I will be back." He walked off, in a cloud of musk cologne. Jim and Matt looked at each other. "Is there really a choice?" Jim asked "I can't see one. Do we trust him?" Matt answered. "No, but what choice do we have? The 'police' are out there, about to be sold, probably to that guy in the Middle Eastern robe. We have to hope that he keeps his word. It's the only chance we have" was Jim's answer. Matt shook his head in despair. "You always say I give great head." Jim tried to laugh. "And you always say I use too much tooth." "WELL GENTLEMEN, HAVE YOU ACCEPTED MY PROPOSAL?" "We have" Jim answered. "Matt gives a damn good blowjob. He'll suck you. And I'll suck him." "SO BE IT. But let's entertain the crowd a bit more. Strip down to your jocks. And then, since you won't need your hands, they'll be tied. And so, Jim and Matt were paraded out, bound again, and stripped. There was wild applause for the show that was about to begin. Positioning the three of them was a little tricky, but it worked. Matt began sucking. At first, Grant looked totally bored. "Ho hum. Another amateur. One of you will have to 'train ' him," but then Matt's technique set in. "OH, MY..." came out of Grant's mouth. Meanwhile, someone had come up behind Jim and had begun paddling him as he sucked Matt. Jim tried, as hard as he could, NOT to let his teeth scrape Matt, but from Matt's face, he knew he was. "OH YES. MY. You are very talented Matthew." Grant began cooing. He laced fingers into Matt's thick hair, and pushed his face forward. He thought he would be able to choke off Matt's air and spoil the show, but Matt's gag reflex was very controlled. "Impressive..." Grant cooed. "FUCKING IMPRESSIVE." As he shot a wad down Matt's throat. He looked at Jim and Matt. "Anyone want to see these two finish each other off?" "HELL YEAH." yelled Sam the cowboy. He had bob by the back of the neck. "You paying attention shit stain?" "Yes sir. I am. " The guards positioned Jim and Matt in a 69 position, and the buyers formed a circle. The models heard zippers opening, and then, after less than 3 minutes, the first drops of jizz hit Matt. Then Jim. Soon, they were covered with the cum of the horny would be purchasers. "ENOUGH. They're slaves. They don't need to be pleasured." The guards pulled Jim and Matt up. Both were hard. "Congratulations. You have earned respite. You will not be a part of the auction; however, you will now belong to me. BOTH of you I'll be having you loaded into MY van. My driver will bring you to my home. I will be back after the auction. You will be washed, given fresh clothes, and then bound. " He made a sick grin. "Auctions always leave me horny for ass." For the second time that night, Jim and Matt found themselves bound in the back of a van. This one was much cleaner, and much more pleasant. Where were they going? What was to happen? They had no clue. After another 2 hours, the last of the four remaining prisoners was sold. It was bob. Cowboy Sam put up his truck as collateral to pay for him, and announced he'd be whoring out bob until he paid back what he had just paid to get him back. The Arab did get the detective. Craig wound up with a wealthy industrialist who lived four states away. And Tony found himself the property of a brothel owner, who had a brothel in one of the boroughs of Manhattan. Once Tony's name was changed, though, no one would ever know about his past. He became the most popular bottom at that brothel.

Next: Chapter 3

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