Model Bondage

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 16, 2023


With jared returned back to "the mother ship" as he called it, and gary released from his bedroom, Soderquist began to plan his next foray. His goal was to "staff" the brothel - because that's what it was - with 10-12 models, of different types. He presumed not all of them would be working every night, and that was fine. That would leave plenty of choice for himself, and of course, if he invited friends.... He had four, and if the day's "hunt" were successful, he would have six - unless he took up Terex' offer and sold jared. He was disinclined to do so, especially since he had not had opportunity to try out jared yet. He would do so when he got back. From what he understood from Terex, and from what he had seen, jared fought hard. He smiled. "A perfect date."

jim and matt were sitting in the main room, drinking coffee with gary and jared. None of them had any idea what time it was. Bentley had confiscated every watch, pacer, cell phone, etc. They were explaining to gary and jared how the place operated. jim told them about the history he and matt had with Soderquist. "EVERY BIT OF THIS IS FUCKED" yelled jared. jim laughed "So were you. So were we. It's the way it is. We have to deal with it. " "WELL I'M NOT DEALING WITH IT." jared got up, upsetting his coffee, and ran for the front door. No one was around: no one needed to be around. As he got closer to the door, jared thought he heard a faint buzzing. When he got to the door, a charge went through him, like a bolt of lightning. It was so strong he fell over. "FUCK. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" matt got closer and helped him up with jim. "It's the collars jared. The house is wired. I didn't do real well in physics, but from what I understand, if you get too close to something wired opposite the collar, you'll set off an electric charge. That's why he doesn't need guards. It's very high tech stuff. "FUCK. Am I burned?" jim laughed. "Maybe rugburn on your ass, but that would be it. None of the technology causes any marks. We're too valuable to him for us to be marred. " gary was sitting there very quietly. "First time, huh big fella?" jim put his hand on gary's shoulder, and gary just broke. "I'm not even gay and now...." "Easy gary, easy. You really didn't have any choice." "But... but... I asked him. I BEGGED him to do it." jim smiled. "he's good at getting what he wants. Knowing your weak spots... that's not a question of you being gay, or straight. He found them, didn't he? Just got you so excited, so desperate for it..." "That's exactly what happened." "IT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN TO ME" jared yelled again, trying, unsuccessfully, to get the collar off. They heard the van pulling up. "It's him. We better clean up the coffee." They saw Soderquist come out of the van, leading a tough looking guy with salt and pepper hair by a chain around his neck. He had a smaller guy, red haired, on his shoulder. It looked like the red head had passed out. Then they saw Bentley open the trunk and pull out a guy in a highway patrol uniform. It fit tight on his torso, and he struggled, but he had been bound with his own handcuffs, and gagged. It looked like he had a bruise on the side of his face. "GOOD DAY GENTLEMEN. I hope you had opportunity to sleep. Permit me to introduce rusty..." he put the small red head in a chair, and shook him until he woke up. "And our Anderson Cooper look alike gus . " the grey haired guy squirmed, and fought, but he was going nowhere. "Also, a little bit of a surprise. We were stopped along the way, by Carlos. Unfortunately he could not be persuaded to relent, so... we will decide what to do with him. " He handed gary and jared new collars. "Kindly do the honors gentlemen.' "FUCK YOU" yelled jared, and he got another charge from Soderquist, who held the button down, until jared started yelling "STOOOOOOOOP. STOP. OK OK I'LL SO IT." "I am going to have such a good time with you tonight, jared. I'm going to have to disappoint Mr. Terex, who has already requested you for the evening. In fact...." He looked at his computer screeen. "My goodness. We will have a full house tonight. " For the time being, he was letting the models see only one client a night, and once that spot was taken, it was not possible to book that model. Soderquist had blocked jared's time, as he planned on having him that night. "So we will all be busy. But first... gary... why don't you introduce gus to the collar? You may remove his gag when you do." "yes sir." gary gulped, and did what he was told. When gus continued to squirm, and to fight, Soderquist looked at him. "THIS is what happens to trouble makers." He buzzed gus' collar and all saw the big man writhe in pain. "jared, you will collar rusty, or you will find out what these collars feel like when applied to your penis." He huffed, and pouted, but jared hastily put a collar on rusty, who was looking around. "Dudes, what the hell is this place." "Did you learn the word brothel in school, rusty?" Soderquist asked him "WHA?" "Ha ha. The ignorance of the young. Sweet but annoying. How about whore house?" "Yeah, I know that one. " "You are now a part of one, and young man, you are a whore. " rusty smiled. "I AM? COOL. Can I post to social media?" matt turned away to laugh . Even Soderquist smiled. "I am afraid not rusty. He turned to a very frightened looking carlos. "You prove to be a dilemma carlos. You are beautiful, and a Latino model would be more than welcome here. However, the risk of being caught with an official, is a risk that I am not willing to take. Bentley, please bring him to the cell downstairs. He must NOT be allowed to mingle with the others. I will see about finding a buyer for him. Then he smiled. "When Bentley comes back, he will see to the appointments. For now, I would suggest that you all dress for the evening. jared, I would like you in a black shirt and tight jeans. DO NOT CROSS ME." matt whispered "don't. You have no idea the pain he can cause."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx greg's "date" was the first one to arrive that evening. Bentley came to the library, where they were all waiting, to get him. His date, who's name was Sam, hadn't made any specific requests, so greg had stuck to classics: white button down oxford and jeans. greg was nervous, but he smiled a good "model smile" when he met Sam in the office. Sam was all of about 28, geeky and nervous. "Oh. WOW. You're even more handsome than on the web page." greg smiled. "Thank you Mr. Sam. You're very kind. What can I do for you tonight?" "Uh... can we talk about that in private? " "Of course. You're the boss tonight, Sir." Sam smiled. "Yeah. I guess I am. " He grabbed greg's hand, and greg smiled. The guy was just a kid, and he was sweet. Awkward, and sweet (and, as greg found out, extremely hung, but Sam was all about the oral stuff. greg gave his second blow job ever that night).

"I'm looking for my bitch. The one called matt." A deep voice came out of the office and Bentley smiled. "Just one minute Mr. Cross" matt's client was a big black man, probably at leat 6'4" with muscles that had muscles. He was in full leather. He HAD in fact made a request. "Jock strap. Preferably worn before tonight," but no other requests. matt found one in the laundry, and then dressed in pale green and browns. "Mr Cross how do you." "SHUT UP BITCH. YOU SPEAK WHEN YOU'RE SPOKEN TO!" matt put his hands behind his back and lowered his head. He knew this routine from the first time . "TURN AROUND AND LET ME SEE YOUR ASS, BITCH" Without saying a word, matt turned around. "That is FINE. PRIME WHITE BOI ASS. MINE TONIGHT. ALL 11 INCHES OF ME. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" jim heard a little of this from the library and was concerned about matt. He had found one of matt's dildos once, and it was more thick than long. He didn't think matt could handle 11 inches. As "Mr Cross" was tying matt's wrists behind him, he was getting hard. REALLY hard. matt had never slept with a black man before, and had never had 11 inches. He was scared, and then also excited. Finally, there was a call for jim. Since his client had specified nothing, he had essentially copied greg. He went to the office, and met someone who was pudgy, but looked like he was used to being in control.

jim had been told that his name was Harold. "Good evening Mr. Harold. I'm jim. I hope I can please you tonight." Harold looked him over. "I think you can please me very easily jim. " "This way, please," and then jim was gone. The two newbies, rusty and gus, were watching this in another room: Soderquist did not want non participants to be in the room with the working models. jared was there too. While he thought about more defiance, he remembered what had happened that afternoon, and put on a tight black shirt, and jeans. He thought about wearing white, but knew that they would show leakage right away, and in spite of himself, he was excited. "AH, jared. Your colleagues are at work, so we can begin. Come with me please." jared hesitated, and when he saw Soderquist move to the wrist controls, he got up. "I'm here. I'm coming. " "When you walk with me, jared, your hands go behind your back. ALWAYS." jared sighed, and when he didn't say "yes sir," he received a short burst of charge. "I can see we will need more work with you than the others. I look forward to it. "

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx In his rooms, Soderquist signaled for jared to sit. He offered him a drink, which jared refused. Then Soderquist came and sat down next to him. He put his hand on jared's right thigh. "jared, you very much remind me of myself when I was a younger man and modeling. SO arrogant. And then Vlad broke me. He broke me so easily it wasn't funny. And he did it, by immediately figuring out... .my weaknesses. My Achilles' heels, so to speak." Soderquist grabbed jared's hair and pulled. Rather than crying in pain, jared moaned. "As you can see, I can find them very easily. " He put his thumb and one finger on jared's left nipple, and traced it through his shirt. "OH SHIT NOT THAT." "Hahahahahahaha. See what I mean jared. I'm two for two. And I'm about to go three for three. " Soderquist's perfect teeth found one of jared's earlobes, and nibbled. "OH.... OOOOOH. No one knows about that.... OOOOOH" Soderquist whispered. "I'm afraid that is not true. Please lean back on the bed. " jared's cock was hard, and he knew that Soderquist was in control, so he did what he was told. Soderquist climbed on top of him. "Everyone has a favorite model jared.' He kissed the man's neck. "You have been mine... for a while. He ran a finger around jared's lips, and jared moaned again, as his mouth almost involuntarily flew open as if to beg for a cock, a dildo, a gag, something. "Not yet, jared Not yet. We begin this way..." jared saw a dark purple rope at the corner of the bed, and then he saw it wrapped around his right wrist. Then another cord tied down his left wrist. "HEY. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" He felt Soderquist's hand gripping his balls. "Taking possession of what belongs to me." He opened jared's shirt. "It is a beautiful shirt on you jared. I may require you to wear nothing but black. We shall see." He began licking at jared's nipples, and jared's hips began to thrust up. "AH. You are too excited jared. But that is ok..." He opened jared's jeans and pulled them off. jared hadn't worn any underwear, and Soderquist seemed pleased. "I am going to use a more convoluted system of bondage for you jared. I think it is required." He looped the dark purple rope around the mid portion of each of jared's thighs. Then he pulled those ropes up, so that jared's thighs were secured at about the same place that his wrists were. jared was limber enough that it didn't hurt. Soderquist smiled. "Almost like a frog tie. Now... I DO have something special planned for you, so..." He took even more rope, and looped it around each of jared's ankles, and now he secured these, to a lower point on the bed. jared had been tied up less than five times in his life. Soderquist's voice, his use of the "hot spots," and the intricate tying, had raised jared's libido. His cock was rigid.

"Have you ever heard of the pinwheel, jared? I believe I may have to use it on you frequently." Soderquist pulled out a metal tool that looked like a very small pizza cutter. "Let us begin with the feet." He ran it along one of jared's soles, and jared jumped "FUCK!" it wasn't quite a tickle and it wasn't quite pain, but it WAS extremely stimulating. And after he had rotated it over each of jared's feet, he moved to his upper arms, which were very sensitive, and did more of it. "OH GOD. PLEASE SIR NO MORE NO MORE." "AH. We are only starting jared. I guess I will have to..." He turned to his side and showed jared a ball gag. A small red ball at the center of a leather strap. Soon, it was in jared's mouth and he was moaning incoherently and drooling. "Now, what should I do? Should I fuck you myself, or should I fuck you with this toy? " He pulled out a dildo and measured it against jared's cock. They were almost identical, and Soderquist smiled. "A man with a cock the size of yours, ought to be able to take such a cock. " jared had used dildos before, but he had never seen one like this: black, with a stand that had three holes in it. Soderquist ran yet more rope through one of the holes. He lubed the dildo and then, without much patience, he shoved it into jared's ass "MMPHMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!" " Then, Soderquist snuck a rope behind jared, just about at mid torso. He brought that rope around, and led it down to jared's balls which he roped off, and then ran two circles of rope around his hard cock. He attached that rope to the dildo. "Now, jared... If I do say so myself, this is ingenious. As I pull the dildo back and forth, your balls will move with it. Sooooooooo, if you want to avoid TOO much pain.. you'll have to move with it. " The once arrogant jared was now moaning, and pleading with his eyes, as Soderquist did in fact play with the dildo, before changing back to the pinwheel. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." "OH, How could I forget? " Soderquist reached over, and had a pair of nipple clamps in his hand. "I'm going to take out your gag, because you're going to help me jared." "No, no. Please. Anything you want. ANYTHING. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH." Soderquist smiled as he attached the clamps. He brought the chain linking them up to jared's mouth. "Open. take this and pull." There were tears at the corner of jared's eyes, but he did it. He screamed again, perhaps because of the clamps, perhaps because of the dildo which Soderquist was sliding back and forth, driving jared's balls and cock into a rage. "Now, you see jared. This is what Vlad did to me on my first night. You will understand why I surrendered immediately, will you not? " jared shook his head yes, and regretted it immediately, as his head pulled the clamps with him. "I am only asking for the simplest of things jared. As I have said, you have been my favorite model for a long time, and you will be a big favorite of the clients - if I permit it. And I will - unless you promise me today, you will submit to my authority . You will STOP this nonsense that you are engaged in. Keeping in mind, of course , that I will do this anytime I wish, and if you promise me something and do not keep your promise, it shall not go well for you. " He smiled, and played with the clamps. "Do we have a deal? " When jared didn't give any sign, Soderquist twisted the clamps. "Do we have a deal, handsome jared?" Broken, jared shook his head yes. Even though he knew it would hurt. Soderquist smiled, and removed the chain from his mouth. "I wish to hear it from you." Gasping, jared moaned out. "I submit. I submit Sir Soderquist. I am your slave." "Ha ha. Yes, indeed you are. And your ass has taken significant punishment over two days, so all you will get... tonight... is a cum bath." Soderquist straddled him and began masturbating. "I do have to admit to a weakness for long hair, jared. I had intended for you to be my lead blond escort; however, given how strongly I feel about you, I believe I will have to find another model. " Then he became quiet, as his cock reached closer and closer to climax. Soderquist had trained himself not to yell at the end of an orgasm, and he did not here. jared heard a sound not unlike a snake hissing, as Soderquist deposited semen on jared's face, chin, upper chest and torso. He smiled when he was finished. "I believe you have learned your place jared. Have you not?" "Yes sir." "Where is that place?" "It's where ever Master Soderquist tells me to be." "That is correct. You will spend the evening in my bed, jared. I will release the ropes, however, I will retie you so that you are securely bound . I may want you again tonight. " As the other clients finished up and left, Bentley began to close up the house. He checked Carlos down in the basement. "Please let me go. PLEASE.." Bentley smiled. They had posted a head shot of Carlos, offering him for sale. The offers were substantial. So far, the most interesting one, was from a Japanese brothel, which had offered 300,000 and the phrase. "Please advise if higher offers arrive. We are authorized by our client to go to 500,000 if necessary. We will, however, not pay if we are lied to." He would have Soderquist answer that email in the morning. He had also investigated, and had found two additional models that met the search criteria which Soderquist had given him: a younger blond model, short hair, "with a far superior ass." A porn model, named "Cassidy" was in town, and he seemed appropriate. The other was more challenging: a VERY big, hyper muscular man, preferably with short hair or bald, with an older demeanor. " Bentley had searched hard for that one, and found a model named Arun, who was not in town on a job, but was visiting his family for a graduation. The graduation would be over on Tuesday. Bentley would make some calls if Soderquist approved. They would take Arun at the airport.

Next: Chapter 13

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