Mmm Mike

By Random Individual

Published on May 18, 2022


Well of course this is a work of fiction because no one would really do these things right? ...damn I wish I was this boy... Enjoy.

As I roll up toward the house I am again impressed by the perfectly manicured landscaping surrounding the house. But as my interests include forestry, landscaping, anything outdoorsy, that kind of stuff stands out to me. I think I want to become an architect but, considering my "family support", landscaping will more likely be my future. Or maybe I'll hit the lottery and run an off-road park. Anyway this place is better than the average in this upscale neighborhood. Not pretentious, but really nice.

Mike and I have hooking up for about a year now. He's past 19 now and I'm just 17 and still in school.

"I wonder what the neighbors would think..." and I snicker as the thought trails and I reach for the remote. Blue button, Green button. I have announced my arrival to anyone inside as well as having started the garage door on it's upward crawl.

I slip my Jeep into the open slot on the right, next to the Scrambler sitting in the middle of the 3 car garage. I'd love to have one of those. They're rare. Made well before I was born. But seeing his Scrambler always reminds me about how we came to be ...involved... But I'm a little anxious, like always, so I break my daydream, and close the garage door, realizing that his Dads car is gone. In my mind the thought runs... "Cool. That means there should only be the two of us here..." as I open the door that leads into the utility room.

As I enter the house, all is quiet with the exception of music coming from somewhere. I follow the sound through the house, down the staircase and approach the open door to a totally disheveled bedroom. Although... it's more like a suite, with it's own bathroom with a shower as well as a small hot tub. It has a huge walk-in closet and a door opens into a separate sort of studio or office space which is just used for storage of gear in his case.

But as usual there are game consoles, controllers, keyboards, wires, discs, and stuff strewn all over the floor, tables, and beanbags, in front of a 55" TV. Various clothing is scattered under, on, and throughout the mess. A couple of T shirts, a pair of dirty jeans in a wad in the middle of the floor and another pair near the bed, next to a couple pairs of dirty socks, a pair of his leather work boots and some Chuck Taylor's, all adding to the "atmosphere". One that I always enjoy immensely.

Mike lies still on the bed face down. Actually a little sideways on the bed with his feet over toward the middle of the room and his head in the corner. I enter the room and take in the odor of armpits, dirty socks, and man-musk which hangs in the air. I stroll over to turn the music down just a little, then over near the bed where I kneel on the floor. In my head I hear myself think, "'re always kneeling in front of him..." and kinda laugh to myself.

I pick up the socks laying closest to the boots by the bed and hold them up with the toes about 3" from my face, sampling the air for the aroma of sweaty feet and well-worn leather boots. My dick twitches at the barest odor of days-old sweat and leather, which for whatever reason, always makes me horny as hell. I slowly bring the socks closer to my face, the smell increasing as I barely breathe in and out, as if to not remove all the smell from the cotton.

Holding them about an inch away I close my eyes now as I lower them downward and inhale ever so slowly... there's a little different smell along the sole... I reach the heel pocket, but as is often the case, the aroma is weaker than at the toe.

I open my eyes and hold them out a little, looking close at the distinct outline of his foot on the socks, created by wearing them days in a row. The dirty outline of his foot on the white cotton somehow increases my lust. I picture Mike's feet in my mind and shudder involuntarily as I'm visualizing the bottoms of each of his toes where they touched the sock and each made a little dark spot, then the print of it behind the toes and arch leaving a white space on one side, the dark heel... staring at the grey I realize I'm caressing his foot in my mind... The scent, the scene, it all overwhelms me slightly and I make a little groaning noise...

Mike stirs a bit on the bed and a foot pokes out from under the covers. Maybe on purpose?

I remain on my knees and lift the socks again so the toes are ever closer to my mouth and nose. Shivering a little, I drink in that more pungent odor again and visualize Mike's long, sinewy, damp feet as he peeled these socks off them and I cannot stop myself. I turn them inside out, dragging the socks over my face, pursing my lips somewhat, heating them up with my hot breath. Wiping the rough cotton sole of the socks, where his feet have been touching them, over the inside of my lips, I begin licking the soles of the socks lightly, drinking in...well... more like tasting, the aroma. I'm so fucking twisted. I just love his smell. An odd, almost sweet smell... putting the toe box of the socks in my mouth, dampening them and then wiping myself with them...

As I continue to tend my need with Mike's socks, I'm staring at that exposed foot momentarily. Then I lean in towards it, dropping the soggy socks and pulling in a slow breath as my nose nearly touches its sole. I move to within a half an inch with my nose and chin, then open my mouth slightly while drawing a breath, to take in the smell before sticking my tongue out to lightly touch his foot. He twitches. His foot smells stronger than the socks... I smile a little and again I shudder and the dry skin comes back to life, sticky at the light touch of my damp tongue and I actually start to drool a little as I begin just touching the ball of his foot with my tongue, and then kinda drag it along the bottom, flat tonguing across the bottoms of each toe of that awesome, stinking, size 11. Then licking them with the tip of my tongue as he wiggles first one then the other.

As I wet my tongue a little and start licking up his sole, he jumps a little more and growls out with a giggle, "Jeez I thought you were gonna cum with my socks in your mouth. But if you're gonna fuck with my feet, then get BUSY with it so it doesn't fuckin' tickle!"

"Fuck you", I laugh, and sit back away from my obsession. Already the dopamine of lust is hitting my brain and I already feel good even as I reach for the pinchhitter and tray on the table beside the bed. His stuff is always superb. But when it's part of your personal day as well as a little side money, one tends to pursue only good stuff.

"My friends deserve the best but mostly I do." as he says, not really joking.

I light up and inhale deeply, tap it clean & pack it again. Exhaling, I start to massage his foot while catching my breath. He moans slightly. I take up the hitter and fire it up again drawing deeply until it's cooked.

I drop the works back into the tray and return to my previous quarry, massaging that beautiful left foot and rubbing his slightly hairy leg as I exhale. I examine that foot oh so closely, staring at every square inch, as I massage it. I'm mesmerized as the weed creeps over me... examining and tracing the pronounced tendons with my tongue. Examining the "prints" on his toes... "ridges and valleys like a topo map... I wonder if cops could use toe prints for identification..." My mind wanders while I take in these masculine, long, and lean feet, nicely muscled... which makes sense as they match the rest of him. I'm totally out of it now and bend his knee a little, leaning forward to again suckle Mike's toes and foot. I'm totally aroused while I rub my face into his foot, splitting the toes with the bridge of my nose while taking in the scent between each of them. I start to work cleaning between Mikes toes with my tongue, turning it sideways to get between them and get a stronger taste of the smell I've been savoring. I suck on each of those fucking beautiful toes as if each were a little pecker and swirling my tongue around first one toe and then the next... I move across his foot, massaging, sucking. licking...I'm completely lost in my passion.

I realize that I'm essentially making out with his foot as I'm staring up that long, muscled leg, and the thought crosses my mind that I am totally in love with this guy. We've got SO much in common and he's just great in most every way. He's kind, considerate, yet erotically nasty in private, a bit rowdy and rough-edged on the streets. People that know him casually or meet him out on the trails, would NEVER guess that he has hooked up with another guy. Exceedingly handsome, strong, rugged, I guess he's "the All-American boy", until we're alone that is, and then he becomes very focused on our shared interest in male genitalia and he's acquiring some distinct perversions.

I withdraw from my reverie, and his throbbing toes, and take the pinchhitter and fire up another hit. "This is great tasting shit", I think to myself.. or did I say it out loud?...

"Give me that," he says and throws the covers back a bit. He rolls over on his side as I pack one for him and hand it over.

"And you're right, this IS good shit so that's enough you fuck monkey." and with that he gently pushes me backward with his foot on my forehead.

Still on my knees, I topple over, laughing and said somewhat to myself, "I guess I said it out loud" as I exhale.

After being lost in making love to Mikes foot, I just now realize as I'm rolling over to sit up again, that my dick has been leaking like a bitch and the slime has soaked the inside of my pants. I'm liking that stimulation on my dick. The head is all slick and slipping around in my pants as I move around. I crawl over the discarded clothes and get a little closer to the bed where Mike stretches over for another go at the hitter.

I pick up the jeans laying close and push the inside crotch of them to my face and sniff. Sniff, sniff, "...shit..." I mutter. He's just slowly shaking his head, looking at me like I was crazy... looking at me and toking. Disappointed that they don't smell stronger and knowing he will soon be done with the pipe I pull my shirt up and over my head, then bend over to tug at the laces on my boots...

"Wait!" Mike strains to say while holding his breath and holding his hand up, "Strip for me while I finish this." and smiles nodding his head as I stand up.

I kinda look at him thinking ...with my shirt off it won't be much of a striptease... but he's looking at me intently. Why is he looking at me like that? Somehow I get the feeling that he's TELLING me to strip, not so much asking, his slow nodding at me saying DO IT!... so I begin to rub my hands slowly all over my firm chest, massaging my tits, raising my arms, exposing my pits, posing and gyrating a bit to the music. I may be a cock whore but I'm no dancer so he laughs at me. I give him a look, but he waves his hand to indicate I should keep going and giggles as he takes another hit. I tweak my nipples hard and flick them, tracing circles around them as I tease him. He takes the foot I've been making out with and starts to rub it against my crotch, while I dance around, hardening my cock fully.

Mike extends his other leg out to my face and the stinking scent is refreshed as is that slightly salty taste, as I start working his right foot. I continue to dance around some while leaning forward, Mike keeping that fresh foot planted against my face. I'm caressing his leg, rubbing my hands up and down the length, feeling my lust rise as I make out with his foot. Meanwhile Mike is rubbing and picking at my crotch with his other foot with those long toes, squeezing my dick between his toes, pushing it around and massaging my balls as best he can with my pants still on.

I'm gooing up my jeans but good as I suckle the smell from his foot and rub the length of his lower leg, giving way to the smoother skin covering his muscled thighs. Then leaning in, I work my way up, massaging him, advancing slowly JUST until my fingers almost touch his balls, then I begin to move my hands away. Back down over the soft flesh of his thighs, then over the knee into the hair forest that lives on his legs above the ankles. Massaging his calves, I stare at the dusky hair along the length of those lanky legs. I'm getting so hot sucking, staring, licking, tasting, and examining the tendons and musculature of him. I love how the veins at the top of his legs are pronounced as they run up over his hips and over his loins toward his middle. It makes me tremble a little, zoning out over his taut form and taking care of that foot like a suckling. And in the trembling I feel my dick pulse a couple of times pumping a little more precum out into my jeans which are now obviously wet on the front...

I cannot be bound any longer. Mike pulls his feet back as I start to unbuckle my belt and he half rolls over to see better, now exposing himself completely naked on the bed. I rub my cock hard through the front of my pants a few times as I begin to unbutton my jeans. They fall to the floor around my boots and my dick jumps out. Commando is the only way to go. I kick off my boots and step out of my pants, standing now only in my white cotton socks with my seeping shiny boy-dick standing hard at 60 degrees.

I'm watching Mike's eyes as I finish stripping in front of him. He is engrossed. I don't know why. I mean, I guess I look pretty good, I am active and trim, I think I've got a nice ass, some build in my arms and upper body, but I'm just average, 5' 7" and only about 5-6" under the belt. And he's so... well, I don't know why he likes ME. If he wanted he could have about anyone. But what can a guy do? I've always just tried to have fun with what I've got. The internet has been a thorough teacher. Annnd...I'm more a bottom so... but I honestly haven't had any complaints to this point when he lets me top him. He seems to like it although he teases me about being bigger than I am. Not just his dick, but he's taller and well stronger too with those wide shoulders, narrow hips...

But right now, he's in dreamy-boy land... The buzz, some foot-play, his hormones, and my striptease all have him quite horny. And he's watching me intently like I was the hottest guy on earth. The fleeting thought runs through my mind... that's ironic since he's the hottest guy on earth... that oh so perfect bulging cock is almost fully extended, although he's not leaking quite as much as I am ...but he will...

In just my socks now, standing there, swaying, slowly moving and rubbing myself, I watch his eyes as he looks up now from my crotch, to my abs, and up to finally meet my gaze and our eyes lock. He smiles at me, ...that beautiful fucking smile... as he reaches out and grabs my hand, pulling me down onto the bed. "Come here you little fuck monkey," and I hit the mattress and roll toward him. As we embrace, he hooks the top of my sock with a toe and peels it off without a hitch. And again on the other side.

Both of us totally naked now, I roll toward him and look into those very deep-set green eyes peering back at me from under a thick bush of dark dishwater blonde eyebrows. His eyes are so deep-set he looks like he's wearing eye-makeup in certain light. I shudder a little as he stares at me and I once again have the pleasure of taking in the sights and smells of this handsome stud. I'm looking at his face, touching it, wiping his hair back... "I wonder what nationality his mom was?"...runs through my mind as I'm examining every little thing in my closeup of that face, I'm totally engrossed in him and he seems also engrossed in me, and we lie there together, rubbing against each other, face to face... he's smiling, touching me and rubbing me. I'm completely consumed, stroking this beautiful fucker with my eyes...

He suddenly reaches around and gets the tray and rolls one up real quick while I continue to minister to him. He fires it up and turns it around, giving me a shotgun. I return the favor after a minute while he touches me... Just really lightly... On my nipples, then down and again stroking ever so slightly on the underside of my penis ...oh SHIT that tickled... and I lose what I'm holding and pass him the joint. Again as the weed sets my mind wandering the thought crosses that I guess I really DO understand why my sister won't have anything to do with me anymore since I know she feels like I stole Mike from her. Losing him, THIS guy, as gorgeous as he is, had to be a hell of a blow. But losing him to her little brother had to be a self-esteem-shattering experience after being with him for almost 2 years. One she will just have to get over I suppose.

But what Mike was coming to realize and what she never will, is that some guys just prefer a guy and he had, inadvertently perhaps, got the attention of someone who wouldn't stop until he'd helped him sort that out. And I didn't "steal him". But she'll always blame me because I just happened to have been lucky enough to be nice looking and more than just a little brazen. I mean, can I help it if he thinks I'm cute and fun to be with? I suppose I could have helped it, by not fooling him into thinking it was her sucking his dick that night a little over a year ago. But I had lusted after him since I was 14 and he started dating my sister. Hell, he had to know it wasn't her when I started deepthroating that cock. No way she could suck a dick like I could, even though I was only 16 at the time. She was only a little over a year older than me. Did he think she'd just suddenly become a first rate cocksucker overnight? I'd had plenty of practice by then, more than she had I'm sure. I've ALWAYS loved sucking dick. I sucked 4 different boys in the neighborhood when I was 11 and 12 and was always looking for another one. She did it only because guys wanted it or only if she thought she had to because she wanted him. I did it because I wanted the DICK. His dick at that point. So when she opened the door to the office in our garage where I had lured Mike and turned on the lights JUST as I had him moaning about what a fucking great blow job this was, how he never had one feel so good, and how he was going to cum so hard, and how she had never sucked him so good, and hold on, here it comes, and oh fuck, I'm almost there, suck me, suck that dick, oh fuck baby I'm cumming, oh fuck baby! oh fuck!... and suddenly the room was lit up and he looked down to see my eyes roll up to meet his, and realized in a moment of shock that it was ME looking back up at him, yet he never broke stride at all! Just that look of surprise, and then melting into a look of gratitude as he came hard down my throat, fucking my face like crazy and holding my head now while it bobbed up and down, up and down swallowing that load, spray after spray.. him exclaiming, "you're the best!, you're the fucking best!..." she ran out of the room screaming "fucking fags!" and that was the end of a boyfriend for her.

He wasn't really happy once the endorphin rush peaked. He put his dick away, and looked at me all pissed off ..."Man... what the FUCK..." was all he said as he walked out. I let it go at that moment, but I wouldn't let it go. I wanted this guy. I wanted his dick for sure, but I wanted him too. I called him every day, left messages... And of course my sister didn't want to have ANYTHING to do with either of us now. And she apparently didn't want anyone to know it was ME taking him from her I guess, because she basically walked away from the whole thing. I don't know what she told her skank friends and don't' care. If she said anything at all to me it was to curse me. Nothing new. Bitch. I'd rather she just fucked off somewhere and got knocked up so she'd move out. I can't believe Mike hasn't got her knocked up. She must be on the pill. Our mom sure as hell isn't gonna pay for any baby shit. We barely keep the rent paid. I think she fucks the landlord for the rent personally. And I could care less as long as the door is unlocked when I need it to be. I hate her and my sister both and cannot WAIT to get out of that place. My family such that it is sucks. (figuratively in this case).

But I knew I had him when he finally did answer the phone a week or so later. He complained how fucked up what I did was. Then I offered how he obviously liked it, thought it felt good ... and I kept working on him a little at a time, reminding him of HIS words... I mean... "I'm "the best" right?"... and as I worked on him over a couple of calls, he had to concede that he loved the blowjob SO fucking much. "How the hell did you learn to suck dick like that dude?"... and on about he knew the chicks that blew him didn't want to... never thought about someone who sucks dick because they WANT to... how it did feel AWESOME, and after a good bit of conversation, the truth was obvious and he finally admitted to me what I already knew. That he had been finding himself more interested in guys than girls for a few years. He had always gotten horny watching the guys in the showers at school, liked to discreetly watch the guys at swim meets, shirtless guys working, etc. but even by 18 he had not yet admitted to himself completely that he was gay. Or that he actually wanted to have sex with a guy. He told me he really had no idea how to "be gay". My intuition had been absolutely correct. He just needed someone to give him a push. I had showed him that only somebody who HAS a dick knows how to treat a dick. And he wanted more.

And he's gotten quite adventuresome actually. It's been a little over a year now for us to be together and he is quite the excellent playmate. He has become a good ass licker I know that. And he can fuck one just as well. I let him do whatever he wants. He's so caring for being a ruffian, shows appreciation a lot of ways, such as the Jeep I drove over here today.

After we hooked up he wanted to give me his old Jeep to drive so that I would have wheels. He told me after fucking my butt good one night that the CJ was basically mine if I would be his buddy and keep it "discreet". Maybe I could work for him sometimes and over the summer. He didn't want to be "out" yet... with a "boyfriend" and all that. He wanted to know if I would mind that... for now... that we just have fun together and not really let anyone know.

Are you fucking kidding me? It was a no-brainer for me as he was out of school already and my few friends didn't really know him. His friends didn't really know me, so I get a CJ, an awesome guy, and a full time fuck buddy for whenever I want it!. Or should I say whenever "HE" wants it. Hell I ALWAYS want it...

Damn that weed was good. My mind had wandered somewhat in the middle of our play. But refocusing now on the subject of my desires...

"You are so fucking hot," I say breathing hard, baked like a cake at this point, finding myself lost deep in those eyes... "so fucking hot..." I trail off...

"Yeah and you're about to find out just how hot my little fuck monkey", he says with a slightly raspy voice and a grin... and I smile.

Next: Chapter 2

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