Feet & Shoes fetish story

By MiKa

Published on Sep 22, 1996



Organization: Odyssee Internet


This story contains explicit sexual material that is intended for adults only. It also refers to male/male encounters and fetishes. If you think that such a story can offend you in any way, please DON'T READ IT...

A note from the author...

This is my first attempt at writing a short story so, if you have a minute, please E-Mail me and tell me what you think of it. By the way, you'll have to excuse my English, I'm originally a French Canadian so... You may distribute this story as long as you DON'T ALTER IT in any way and that you DON'T CROSS-POST IT in any newsgroups where it doesn't belong. If this little piece of work pleases someone, then my goal is reached...

The story introduces a young man who's just about to satisfy one of his long time fantasy about men's shoes and feet. Since I'm a romantic guy, I chose the train to be the backdrop of this fantasy adventure. Please note that, unfortunately, the situations and characters in this story are pure fiction.



Ticket to the Ecstasy Express




Sitting on a green leather couch in the first class lounge, Yan looked at his watch. It was 11:32. Another 15 minutes before he could board the train. He had been waiting in this stiff lounge for about an hour now and decided to go for a walk in the station's hall. As he was near the glass door, he caught his reflection from the mirror wall. For a 26 year old guy, he still looked boyish with his blond hair and green eyes. His body, firm and well defined, reminded him of his college roommate. God, he wished something more had happened with Kevin.

In a flash, Yan remembered that year when he discovered he really had to do something about his obsession with men's feet.

Kevin was probably the sexiest guy on the campus. He was very good looking, funny, intelligent and definitely into bodily contacts. Yan considered himself blessed by the Gods since he was sharing a room with this guy. And one night, after one of those beer-bust party at the frat-house, it just happened.

Kevin was always wearing athletic shoes and white socks. And that afternoon, he had bought a brand new pair of white hightops. Of course Yan noticed them during the party since he was always looking at guy's feet, fantasizing about what it would be like to take their shoes off and smell those feet.

The two boys were alone now. Kevin was lying on the couch still sipping a beer and Yan was sitting just in front of him. He couldn't take his eyes away from Kevin's hightops like if they were magnets. As he was contemplating this scene, he started remembering what new athletic shoes smell like after being worn. Instinctively, he started to take a deep breath, just in case he would catch a hint of that aroma in the air.

Just as he felt a twitch in is groin he heard this familiar voice shouting. "Hey! What the hell...". Yan jumped on his seat and thought "Ho God! He noticed". He looked at Kevin who now had a strange smile on his face.

"You're not thinking of stealing those from me are you? I just bought them this afternoon. Genuine leather and all, what do you think?"

Yan felt relieved, he tried to smile back as naturally as possible and hoped his roommate didn't notice the redness on his cheeks.

"There cool, I couldn't help noticing them. I wish I could afford some of these." Then he thought that, after this much beer, Kevin probably didn't see anything. Or did he?

"You're kidding me, your father is so rich I'm sure he can buy you some sneakers. Anyway, you want to try them? It's like walking on a cloud."

Ho boy, Yan became very excited and tried his best to hide it. Kevin was going to remove his shoes right in front of him. And best of all, Yan would feel the warmth of this young guy's feet while both their scent would mix together. This was too much. Yan felt his cock getting hard and crossed his legs to hide the bulge that was forming in his jeans.

There it was, the perfect situation and yet, the most critical one. He thought "If I say yes, I may not be able to hide the overwhelming pleasure I'm going to get out of this... But if I say no, then... then... I'm the biggest fool there is. I've been waiting for something like this for too long now."

That last thought combined with the foggy effect of alcohol did it, and Yan said "Yeah, sure! And give me another beer please."

While Kevin turned away to grab a can from the cooler behind the couch, Yan took advantage of the instant to reach into his jeans and adjust his cock upward so his hard-on wouldn't show. He felt a burst in his stomach as he quickly grabbed his penis through his underwear. Kevin turned back and gave Yan his beer. He bent his left leg on the couch and started to untie the shoe.

For some reason, he was taking his time. Was it because of the alcohol? While loosening the black lace, he looked at Yan with this strange smile again. Yan almost freaked out, did Kevin know that he was secretly enjoying this? Finally, Kevin removed the hightop, freeing his foot and showing his damped sock.

Again, Yan felt that burst in his lower body. His roommate trough the shoe at him and said "Look inside, the sole is even molded for each toe. This is really high-tech man."

Yan caught the athletic shoe and started to examine it. To see inside, he had to bring it closer to his face. Ho joy! While looking inside, he felt the warmth coming out from the shoe and discreetly took a deep breath to catch the scent of his friend's feet. A mix of leather, rubber and man's foot perspiration rushed through his lungs. Yan felt dizzy from that much sensations in his brain. Nothing he had ever experienced was that powerful. Sure he had smelled his own shoes while masturbating but this was very different.

He could feel his cock, hard as a rock now, and wondered if his friend could see it. That last thought brought him back to reality. He had to let go before this became suspicious. He looked at Kevin and mumbled "Wow! These soles are really cool."

Still aroused by all this, he proceeded to untie his own sneakers while Kevin was about to remove his other shoe. Again, he watched this striptease very carefully. He took off his left sneaker and recognized his own foot scent floating in the air. He slipped his white socked foot into Kevin's hightop and a vision formed in his mind.

He imagined Kevin, stretched on his bed, sniffing his new shoes and socks while stroking his hard dripping cock. At his side, Yan wearing nothing but a jockstrap and white socks, bending over to lick a newly formed drop of pre-cum on the tip of his horny partner's cock.

In a second, Yan snapped out of this vision and felt a sticky sensation in his underwear. He thought "God! I have to stop this. This is getting to deep." He glanced at Kevin to make sure that his roommate wasn't aware of what was going on in his mind, and slipped his right foot into the other hightop. "Boy, they sure feel comfortable!" he said.

Kevin, who was now lying on the couch, said with a laughing voice "Yeah! Too bad they don't fit you well." Yan looked at his feet and realized that these shoes were much too large for him. He agreed smiling, took them off and gave them back to Kevin without standing up.

That night, Yan waited until Kevin fell asleep and satisfied his needs. He placed one of his sneaker on the pillow, took off his underwear and began stroking his cock while sniffing his shoe. Bringing back the images and sensations he had in his head an hour ago. It didn't take long before he reached the climax. He experienced what seemed to be the biggest orgasm he had ever had in his life. After putting back the sneaker on the floor, he fell asleep. Not knowing that Kevin, on the other bed, was watching him with a big grin on his face.

Once in the station's hall, he took a deep breath and looked around. First class lounge were definitely not for him. "Much too serious in there." he thought. He started walking, looking around for something interesting. He was just about to enter a small magazine shop when he spotted what he was unconsciously looking for. Sitting on a bench near the shop, there was the cutest guy reading a book. He was wearing a T-shirt with something written on it, a tight jeans and a worn pair of Nike shoes. Yan looked at his watch and sat on a near bench to study this scene a little further.

From where he was sitting, he could see those medium muscled harms and strong legs. Judging by his heavenly face, he was probably in his early twenties. Yan noticed a backpack beside him and wondered if they were both waiting for the same train. If so and if he could meet this guy, the trip would be much more exciting. As he was fantasizing about that last thought, he heard the infamous announcement through the speakers. "You're attention please. Passengers for train number..." That was it.

It was time to board the train now. Still staring at the handsome man, he saw him close his book and grab his backpack. He thought "Is that possible? Yesss, he is taking this train!". Yan got up and started walking toward the boarding gate. As he passed the angel face, the man looked at him for a second and nodded with a faint smile. God! Yan's heart skipped a beat. This was too good to be true. He nodded back, hoping he wasn't blushing. He kept walking, wondering what to do next. For one of the rare time in his life, he was too shy to do anything.

As he arrived to the boarding gate, he felt the presence of the young man in his back. He handed his ticket to the agent who said "Fourth car on your right sir, thank you for traveling with us." Yan turned right, not looking back, and heard the agent say "Good morning sir. Second car on your left please.". They got separated and Yan started breathing again. For the first time, he regretted not traveling in the coach section.

To be continued...


Here are some excerpts from chapter 2

<<<They heard the train's horn once again. Yan looked at him and said "Well, I'll tell you what. I have a cabin for the night. You know, just like in the movies. So if you don't feel like sleeping on a chair, you could bunk-in with me. I'm sure there is plenty of room for both of us. Besides, I've never slept in one of those train cabin before and this is an occasion I'd like to share with someone else. What do you think?"

David smiled and stared into Yan's eyes for a moment. "This is a sudden proposition." he thought. "Let's say that he's gay. Am I ready for this now? I've always been curious about man to man relationships but..." Realizing he was still staring at Yan, he quickly answered "That's a very tempting offer. But I would feel like imposing on you. So, thanks anyway."

Yan, wondering if he should insist or not, took a chance and said "Ah, Come on! This wouldn't be imposing. This would be fun! So what do you say?" David smiled again and said yes to the intriguing offer.>>>

<<<While Yan was enjoying the smell of David's worn sneaker, David inserted one of his foot into Yan's underwear, reaching for this huge bulge hiding behind the cotton fabric. The response was immediate, Yan moaned with pleasure as the damped sock touched his burning cock.>>>

End of transmission... For now...

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