M/M Cop/Forced

By SMT69

Published on Jul 10, 1997




The night it happened I was 18. I had recently graduated from High School, and was looking to find myself, or at least something worth dreaming about.

I had questioned my sexuality many times in the past, especially in the gym locker room, where I would always find a way to dress as slowly as possible, so I could stare at all of these naked cocks.

Anyway, I had put myself in positions where I could've had sex with another man, but somehow I always lost my balls, and usually scurried home with a hard-on so stiff it hurt.

This night was no different. I had cruised a local beach area, where it was rumored that "homosexuals" hang-out. As I drove the strip, I wasn't disappointed, as I saw some of God's best creations walking down the street arm in arm. Paranoid that someone would recognize me, I must've cruised that strip for 2 hours before I had the nerve to pull over and stop.

I got out of the car, and walked over to a bench directly beside a man that I had only seen in my wettest dreams. He was tall, dark-skinned, and had the whitest smile I had ever seen. He was wearing a pair of Speedos, and they were packed as tightly as could be. As I was watching his crotch, he caught me, and stared back. I felt a warm nervous tingle in my gut, as well as a burning twinge in my pants.

"You looking for fun tonight?", he said in a practiced way. Shit, I thought! This guys a whore. A fucking prostitute! A fucking prostitute with a firm body and a nice piece of meat. I gave him back a half-hearted smile.

"Uh...no. I, ah....well...I don't know what I'm looking for exactly.". What an idiot I thought. I got up, and started walking back to my car. I threw myself down on the seat, and I heard the passenger side door open. As I looked over, I saw that famous Speedo crotch my mouth was just watering over. He popped his head in the door.

"Can I get in?", he asked. "Ya, whatever.", I said.

We drove for about five minutes before either one of us spoke. "I'm Steven.", he said. "Dave", I came back. "So, David...Is it safe to assume that you have never had a man's face buried in your crotch before?"

Pegged, I couldn't lie. "Well, no. Not really." I told him about a few touching incidents I had with some boys back home. I remember feeling very nervous that I looked like a virgin, but for Christsake, I was!

"Pull over in that clearing, and I will show you what it feels like."

Suddenly, my tongue felt three times it's size, and I couldn't speak., but I knew he was offering something I was looking for.

As I pulled in the clearing, I saw another car parked there. "What's going on?", I asked.

"My friend wants to show you a good time, that's all.", he said, with an innocent smile. Still, though I was afraid, I was equally turned on. I wondered if his friend was so bad looking that Steve had to cruise for him, or if this was set-up, and I was gonna get mugged.

We pulled in the path, and Steve told me to get out, have fun, and that this one was on him.

I slowly got out of the car, closed the door, and walked towards the car in the bushes. As I got closer, I realized that it wasn't just a car...it was a police cruiser. I turned around and started walking quickly back to my car. I couldn't believe my fucking luck!

"Hold it!", I heard him shout. "Come back here son!". Busted, I thought!

I made my way sheepishly back to his car, figuring I was going to get a lecture on prostitution. As I saw his face, I panicked. He was at least 6' 6" tall, and his shaved head shined from the moonlight that was our only light.

"Come here pretty boy.", he whispered. As I stood there in front of this obviously pumped-up cop, I saw in full-length how huge this man was. The was no fucking around with him.

I tried to explain to him what happened, but I couldn't get the words out.

I stared down his chest, to his gun, then my eyes came upon the biggest bulge I had ever seen. "What are you looking at faggot?", he said, as he reached into his pocket and grabbed a cigar. He stood there, inches away from me, and lit a short fat stogie. He drew in a puff of smoke, and blew it into my face. It burnt my eyes, but I didn't dare flinch.

"You wanna piece of this meat son, don't you?", he said as he squeezed the mountain- sized lump in his drawers. "I've seen little faggoty-assed boys like you on the strip. You're looking for some fun? You asked for it, and now...your ass is gonna get what it's been looking for!".

He grabbed me by the shirt collar, and brought my face even closer to his. His forehead was sweating. His hands were huge. "Now boy, remember one thing...whatever happens here tonight stays here, or I will find your sorry ass, and kill it! UNDERSTAND?!", he said in a louder voice. "Yes sir, I came back.". I wasn't sure if I was more scared, or turned-on. Either way, I was anticipating what was coming next.

He grabbed me by the shoulders, spun me around, and threw me into the trunk of the cruiser. My legs were shaking so bad, I couldn't even tell if they were touching the ground. He reached around and ripped open my pants, and they fell to the ground. My dick was so hard that it was sticking out of my underwear. As it was pressed against the cold steel of the car, I remember wondering if this was my night...would I loose my virginity like this, in the woods? And what was he going to do with me when he was done? Were they going to find me here the next day, or would he let me walk away.

Then I heard it. When he unzipped his pants, I could tell that the zipper was bursting at the seams. He was hung. As I waited for him to stick his shaft in my ass, he spun me around again. I looked and saw the largest cock I'd ever laid eyes upon...in real-life, or in magazines. His huge head was encased in a sleeve of meat, that was dripping with pre- cum.

"Take it in your mouth boy!", he insisted. I got down on my knees (who knows how), and stared into that big snake. I didn't know how I was going to fit it in my mouth. I paused just long enough to piss him off. "Eat my DICK!", he shouted. As my lips opened, he shoved his dick so far down my throat that I almost passed out. Soonafter though, I found the rhythm, and I was sucking this officer off. He grabbed me by the hair, and showed me how fast or how slow he wanted that meat sucked. Surprisingly, his cock was completely buried in my throat when in between moans he said, "That's it boy, now open your mouth. Stick out your tongue.". I followed my orders. He stroked his cock on my hungry tongue for a few minutes. Then, he started shooting a small load on my tongue. His huge fist squeezed his cock so that only a drop would kiss my tongue. I remember hungering for more than just that tease. I gulped for more, begging to let me swallow his whole load, but he swore at me, and threw me back. This guy was strong. I realized now, if not before, that whatever he wanted, he was going to get.

He pulled me up by the shirt collar, lifting my feet directly off the ground, took a huge drag off his cigar, and pulled my face to his. Our lips met, and he blew his smoke into my mouth. Just as his tongue danced with mine, my feet were back on the ground, and he bit my lip. Jesus that hurt! He let loose, and I reached up to see if I was bleeding. He caught my hand in midair, and twisted it around my back, and just like in the movies. In one sweep, he threw me again to the trunk, pulled up my other arm, and handcuffed me...all in a matter of seconds. My face smashed back onto the cold trunk.

I felt my underwear rip around the legs as he pulled them off. My dick sprung as the jail that was caging it was unlocked.

He grabbed the back of my hair, and I felt a sharp thrust into my ass. I thought I was going to die. I had never in my life felt that kind of pain. Just as I thought it was subsiding, he took that mammoth cock, and jerked it all the way into my asshole. I was surprised it wasn't popping right through the other side of me. I never thought it would hurt that much!

"Judging by the size of your hole boy, this is your first time, ah?", he snidely whispered into my ear. "Too bad I'm so rough, huh?". Then he started his motion.

The car shook with each in and out of my ass. I could hear my dick squeaking on the trunk, as he had obviously started my own juices flowing.

Just as I was getting into the rhythm, he began moving faster, and all efforts to keep up with him were impossible. So, I stood there, and gave him the best hole to come in. I whispered, "Come in me sir!", and he picked the pace up again. He flailed, and grabbed me by the neck with both hands. Cutting off my air, I started to panic, and fight him. This made him more excited. He bucked a few times, and just as I felt I was going to pass-out, he stuck his horse cock deep inside my ass, and shot his load.

As it landed in my ass, I felt how hot he was inside too. He squeezed his every last drop out, then stuck me a few more strokes.

His muscular body went somewhat limp, and I suddenly got brave.

I bucked him out of my ass, spun around and looked him in the face. "Nice load pig! But not as big as the load I'm going to shoot at you!", and I spit in his face. Then I thought to myself...'What the FUCK am I doing?'. This was either going to work, or kill me.

The man that had taken me over so easily, now was willing to be my slave.

"Uncuff me you son-of-a-bitch!". He did.

I grabbed his cock, which was still dripping. "That was nothing! NOTHING!", I laughed! "Kneel down pig!". He did.

I reached down and grabbed my underwear, which now looked like a torn-up rag. I walked around him, and bound his hands together with it.

"Now...suck my cock.". He obeyed. As he slipped my dick in his sweet mouth, I remember looking at my meat. I had never seen it this big. But, I had never had sex like this before!

His lips engrossed my cock-head, and he began sucking on it. For someone as hot as he, I don't think he'd sucked off many men. He wasn't doing me well enough.

"I said suck me!", as I threw my dick into his mouth, he gagged, and a tear spilled from his eye. This turned me on, and before I knew it, I was pumping my dick into his mouth, just like he was pumping my ass.

As I was ready to cum, I grabbed the back of his head with both of my hands, and threw my meat all the way down his throat. I pumped my snake dry, and he gagged as each spurt landed against the back of his mouth. But...he swallowed every drop.

As I stood there, now limp myself, I fell back onto the hood, then slid down to the ground, until we were staring at each other...speechless.

We looked at each other, studying each others bodies, then in a moments flash, we started chuckling. Laughing. Suddenly, I didn't feel so meek, and he, not so tough.

With no words exchanged, we both dressed ourselves, and I began walking back to my car. I paused, and turned around to take one more look at him. He was leaning back on the trunk where he broke-in my virgin ass, with his huge arms folded, and was watching me. He had a sheepish smirk on his face. He reached down to the ground, picked up his cigar butt, relighted it, took a drag, and released the smoke into the air, almost in celebration. I remember thinking that I was lucky, but probably the first person to ever give him any shit back.

I threw him a wink, and said, "Later!". I turned back around, and headed toward my car again. I heard him say softly under his voice "Hope so.........I hope so!".

I got to my car, and Steve was staring at me with his eyes wide-open. He'd obviously been watching. I hopped in, and he shimmied over towards the door, afraid.

"Thanks Steve! I owe you one.".

"That's....that's O.K. friend.", he said nervously.

"No..." I said, cockily. "I mean it. I owe you one.........Now get out of the car."

He looked at me surprised, but following orders, shut the door behind him. I remember feeling VERY powerful.

I pulled out of the woods, feeling like I had just become king of the mountain.

I stopped at a donut shop to get a soda. I was so hot. As I walked in, I was sure that my demeanor had changed. I wondered if anyone could tell that I had just been fucked by a cop, then had a cop swallow my load. They probably couldn't tell....but that didn't matter. I knew.

Now, every time I see a cruiser, or those flashing blue lights, I remember my first time. This officer of the law change the way I had sex. I don't always like it rough, but when I do, I feel the same rush. I wouldn't change a thing if I could. That night in the woods...

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