Mixing Business and Pleasure

By David

Published on Nov 22, 2021


This is a work of fiction, well mostly. Names have been changed to protect the guilty and any resemblance to people living or dead is purely intentional. If this gets you hard, drop me an email. If it gets you off, definitely drop me an email. More chapters in the works. Would love to hear any ideas you have for the story or the scene. gh_lovr (at) yahoo (dot) com.

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Now, on to the fun part...

Mixing Business and Pleasure 08

For a number of years, I did a lot of travelling for work. Projects could last from a few months to several years, and conferences and business development also took me out of town. I decided early on in my career that business should be balanced against pleasure, and that while out of town for work meant long days it could also mean long nights. Nights jerking off to a laptop screen or an iPhone screen, and as often as possible sucking off as many guys as I could manage. Here are some memories of mixing business and pleasure.

My cock was starting to soften a bit too. I get off servicing cock, but don't always want to cum at the same time as my buddy, or buddies in this case. I would enjoy the memory when I got back to my hotel room and then blast my load all over my body before playing with it and eating it.

The three of us caught our breath and started to pull apart and put on clothes, well Carl and I did. Ted wasn't going anywhere so he just stood there in nothing but his jock and white socks while we chatted and got ready to go. I suddenly realized that we hadn't even made it further into the house than the entry foyer.

Sometimes when you are super horned, its all about the animal rut. It certainly was that time.

My cock stayed semi-hard on the walk back to the hotel. That was an amazing scene. Two very different guys with one common objective – use my mouth and feed me loads of cum. The added benefit was they got to watch the other guy getting sucked off and I got to be watched by both of them. Sometimes the stars align.

Stripping down I jumped into bed. I could still smell and taste the two of them. I love that. I logged back into the app and sent them each a hot message and gave them each a scorching hot recommendation. There had been a few other messages while I was out playing, but nothing as hot as the scene I had just had.

I surfed and stroked for a while, checking out the hot profile pics, some hot encounter stories and a couple of videos. My cock was throbbing as I stayed as close to the edge as I could. I love that feeling of almost cumming, of having your cock so hard and sensitive you know that one wrong move will send you cascading over the edge. As horny as I was, and as much as I was enjoying riding that edge, I felt sleep coming on, and grudgingly gave in and logged off, turned out the light and went to sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night with a raging hard on and the vague memory of an incredible sexy dream. It was a fantasy very similar to what I hope the guys had planned for the post conference party. I had been the center of attention and was surrounded by hot, hard, dripping cocks and was almost completely glazed in cum. I could still smell the two guys, along with my own funk as I rolled over and went back to sleep.

Stopping myself from stroking off in bed when the alarm went off, and in the shower, I dressed for the day's conference sessions. Monday always starts with a plenary session and getting there early allows you to pick a seat with a good view. A view of some of the hunky guys at the conference and hopefully some of the hotel staff. Watching the staff do a great job of serving breakfast was often more interesting than the speakers, and certainly led to more hotel-based fantasies.

As if I needed any help on that front. On more than one occasion I had provided as much "room service" as I had received, but I digress.

The day's sessions flew by, along with several social breaks, lunch and pre-dinner cocktails. Always keep the group well fed, and well-watered. Keep the social lubricant coming – leads to other things cumming. My business dinner that night also flew by, but there wasn't much hope of activity. I was waiting for the post-trade show fun to start the next night.

Somehow, I refrained from blowing my load that night. Not that I didn't watch some hot porn and surf around looking for a fuck buddy, it just wasn't the night for it. It's amazing that sometimes you have to beat them off with a stick (although a mouth or hand is better), and other times nothing clicks. I think I was also anticipating the fun tomorrow night, and a day or so of cum denial would definitely get me into major cocksucker mode.

Tuesday morning brought a continental breakfast at the opening of the trade show. I was hoping to augment that with some hot sausage during the course of the day. The show looked completely different than it had when I went on the tour. All the cardboard and packing material was gone. Booths were functional and carpet along the aisles made it look less makeshift than I knew it was.

A few of the guys who had been obviously checking me out on the tour were plying their wares, but always found time to give me a nod on my way past. Gary was with his team, but as he was the senior guy, he seemed to have a little more time to chat.

"So," he asked, "enjoying the show?"

I glanced down at his crotch and licked my lips as I scanned back up his body. "Most definitely."

"Good. I've seen a few of the guys watching you walk around. From what I hear they all like what they see. Mark and Jim have been talking to some of the guys and they are all looking forward to tonight."

"I haven't thought about much else myself," I added, grinning from ear to ear.

Gary flashed his wrist at me. He had two blue plastic bands around it. "Show passes for the crew."

"So, anyone with a blue wristband could be attending tonight?"

"Anyone with two blue bands. All the vendors and staff have one to get them in and out of the show, and the post-show party people have a second one to let them into the party."

"I'll keep that in mind as I circulate."

"And if they are wearing two of them on the same wrist, they are advertising that they will be enjoying tonight's festivities... just to help you get an idea of what you are up against."

"Hmmmmm. I noticed a few guys with two earlier but had no idea why. That certainly explains some of the hungry looks I got."

"That would be why."

"Better let you get back to business while I circulate... or should I say advertise."

We both laughed.

"Enjoy both," Gary added.

He stepped away to say hello to a customer and I took that as my cue to move on as well. My brain was now buzzing as I scanned every guy in the immediate area for the telltale wrist bands. Mark was at the end of the aisle having an animated conversation and as he held his arms out to emphasize his point, I could see the two wrist bands at the cuff of his shirt. He was facing towards me and must have seen Gary's move. He gave me a wave, acknowledging that he knew what I knew and that he loved the secret system that allowed some of the guys to cruise below the radar unknown to most of the people in the room.

I nodded and winked as he gave me his knowing look, which got me a big grin. Fuck this was a good trade show.

Walking down the aisle and past Mark, he kept glancing at me, all the while maintaining his conversation with two other delegates. As I passed, he held up his wrist, the way Gary had. That stopped the conversation, and both the guys he was talking to stopped and turned to see what he was looking at. Smirks crossed their faces as they both discretely let me see that they each had on two wristbands too.

"Gentlemen," Mark said, "tonight's event will be incredible. Your entertainment committee have outdone themselves."

The two guys laughed as they all but undressed me with their eyes.

I had stopped when Mark held up his arm, and now moved a few steps closer. Holding out my hand I said, "Hey there. Nice to meet you Cary, Don," as I shook both of their hands, and read their names off their badges. Anyone walking by would think this was just run of the mill networking – it was anything but. "Enjoying the show so far?"

"I am now," Cary said, causing the three of them to laugh.

I wondered how many of the potential event participants knew, or wanted to know, that it would be me behind the gloryhole. Obviously, a few of them were heteroflexible enough to want to know. It made me wonder if the double wristband was for all of the attendees, or only those who were open enough to want to know who I was. Either way it was getting hard to control the stiffening cock in my pants. Both Cary and Don were well built and looked like they had been involved in athletics in college. Cary was more of a football/soccer build, whereas Don was more tennis/swimming. All good to me.

After a few minutes of innuendo-laden banter and some good double entendres, I made my exit. I had only seen a small part of the show and now had a good reason to explore the whole thing.

A few more guys in the next aisle were sporting the double wristband but were either too busy working or not in on the whole scene. Mentally adding up the guys as I circulated, I counted more than a dozen before I got to the central food area.

Joining a couple of colleagues for a coffee before continuing on my rounds, I noticed that several of the guys working the show were wandering in and out through one of the draped curtains at the far end of the show. While the show was big, it didn't fill the whole hall, and I guess that is where the back-of-house materials and supplies were held. Trying to concentrate on the discussion at the table was challenging as I was trying to watch for blue wrist bands, note who was going behind the curtain and keeping up my end of the conversation.

Duty called and we all got up from the table to continue with the trade show. I continued up and down the aisles, noting the number of potential cocks to suck while maintaining at least some interest in the show. As I rounded the corner to start down the second last aisle, I could see Cary and Don standing halfway along the aisle. Cary caught my eye and tilted his head towards the right, and then the two of them turned and headed through the draped curtains into the back-of-house area.

When I got to the middle of the aisle where they had been standing, I couldn't see anything through the drapes, but I was curious if there was only storage back there, or something more interesting. I discretely moved towards the curtain and just walked through.

No one at the show seemed to notice or care. I've found that if you look like you belong, act like you know where you are going, and just walk in somewhere no one will question it.

On the other side of the curtain there was indeed quite a stack of materials to support the show, but Cary and Don were nowhere to be seen. I wandered around a bit when I noticed that there was a washroom at the far end of the hall. It wasn't publicly accessible, but the show guys must use it. Wandering through the area, I didn't see Cary or Don, or anyone for that matter, so I wondered if they had gone outside.

Entering the washroom, my question was answered. They were both at the urinals, just standing there. I must have made enough noise on my approach that they both looked over as I came around the privacy screen at the door and they came into view. Evil grins appeared on both of their faces when they recognized me. I gave an equally evil grin back and as I approached, they both turned away from the urinals to show me the hard cocks sticking out of their pants.

"We hoped you might follow," Cary said.

"Well, the nod was pretty obvious, but I'm glad I did," I said as I reached out and took one hard cock in each hand. Each placed a hand on one my shoulders, gently but clearly signaling that I no longer need to be talking. Sinking to my knees I was faced with the two hard cocks still in my grip and ready for action.

"Suck," said Don, halfway between a command and a hopeful statement.

I pulled the head of Don's cock into my mouth as I continued to stroke Cary's. Running my tongue under the head of his cock, Don moaned and rocked forward shoving another inch or two into my mouth. I was expecting this and pulled back a bit so that he didn't get as much cock buried in my mouth as he obviously wanted. I love teasing a guy that way, taking some control and setting the pace, at least to start the action. Cary was also thrusting into my hand, trying to get his cock closer to my mouth.

Cary shifted so that he was hip-to-hip with Don but turned on enough of an angle that the two cockheads were close together. I pulled off Don's cock and took Cary's in my mouth. They were very similar in girth, but Don's was a little longer. I wasn't really comparing. I was more interested in the taste and size of their cum loads.

Cary tried the same trick, thrusting forward, trying to bury his hard cock in my hot, wet mouth. I wasn't as successful in keeping just the head in my mouth this time as Don had a hand on the back of my head which prevented me from moving back.

`So that's the game,' I thought. I was good with that.

Relaxing my throat and letting them run the show Cary's cock slid in about halfway. He stopped there and held in position for a few seconds.

"Cocksucker has talent."

"That's what Mark told me at breakfast this morning."

"He does have a knack of finding the biggest cock hounds, doesn't he?"

"Certainly seems to. You going to talk about it all morning or are we gonna test drive?"

They both laughed. From the position we were currently in, a test drive seemed the more likely plan of action.

Rocking his hips back and then forward again, Cary slid half his cock in and out of my mouth. Don's hands didn't really need to hold my head in place, but it added to their control of the scene, keeping my mouth still for Cary to fuck.

Cary rocked slightly back and forth on each stroke, shoving his cock in at a slightly different angle as if testing to see how I would react. I just kept breathing in on one stroke and out on the next.

Don had moved closer, and I could feel his thigh against my shoulder and his cock against my neck. I reached up with one hand to stroke him while my other hand reached to open Cary's belt. I wanted more than just a cock sticking out of his fly. I wanted to get right down into his crotch and work his balls too.

Cary leaned back to give me access to get his belt undone and pop the button on his pants. He pulled all the way out of my mouth and bent over as he shucked his pants down to his knees. As he stood back up, I could see his strong hairy legs and low hanging hairy balls. Definitely a rugby or football player.

Running my hand up the front of his hairy thigh I guided my mouth back to his wet cock. With his pants out of the way we could get into some serious cock sucking.

Don continued to pump his cock in my hand while holding my head in position for Cary to use.

I released Don's cock so that both hands could stroke Cary's hairy thighs. Running them around the back his taut, hairy ass flexed with each stroke in my mouth. I could hear Don unbuckling and unzipping and then shoving his pants down.

These guys didn't fool around. Well, actually they did, they were just no-nonsense about it. I was a bit surprised they would pull their pants down standing out in the open by the urinals. Maybe they knew the other guys were busy with the trade show, or maybe they didn't care and hoped that anyone who came in would join the fun.

I was hoping for the latter but was perfectly content to be fed these two hard cocks.

"Stop hogging the cocksucker, Cary."

"Feels so good though. I don't want to stop."

"Watching him suck me turns you on too, so here. My turn."

Don stepped closer to Cary, bringing them hip to hip, then pulled my head off his cock and pointed at his own.

Don's cock was slightly slimmer but slightly longer. He was definitely more of a swimmer's build and his paler skin and fair body hair looked hot next to his buddy.

He knew I was warmed up, or didn't care, and fed me his whole cock in one swift stroke. I wasn't caught completely off guard but did try to back up a bit as he bottomed out in my throat.

"No buddy. That's not the way I like it," Don said, gripping my head and then ramming back in again. He liked to pull almost all the way out and then slide full length in, shoving his cock down my throat and burying my face in his trimmed pubes. Every fourth or fifth stroke he held me firmly against his body, I guess trying to see if he could get me to gag or cough.

I've played that game before and knew I could take it. Don tried holding me for longer each time, but I knew how to breath around a cock I was sucking and while tears were welling up in my eyes, I didn't stop him. In fact, I love the way he used me. Nothing but a hole for his cock, somewhere to get it wet and get off while he enjoyed himself. Fine with me, I loved it.

"Fuck. He's good," Cary said.

"Sweet mouth and deep throat. You know how I like that combo," said Don.

After holding me down on his cock for what seemed like a minute, he pulled back and popped his cock out of my mouth. It actually sounded like a pop as my lips were tightly around the shaft as he pulled it out.

"Your turn buddy," he said as he turned my head towards Cary's cock.

I could see a drop of sweet precum on the tip. Reaching out with my tongue I licked it off, savouring the taste.

Cary was more insistent this time. He shoved his cock all the way in, looking to use my mouth and get off quickly. I guess they needed to get back to the show, so I was fine with some quick action. Would that take the edge off so they could enjoy a leisurely round two? I fucking hoped so. I hoped they would want to play together later tonight.

Don's cock was right by my lips. He was getting pretty insistent too. Grabbing his cock with one hand and Cary's ass with the other I sucked Cary a few more times and pulled back to get Don's cock wet and hot again. Back and forth every few strokes was getting them both close to the edge.

"You getting close buddy? I'm getting there. Want to see you blast when I do."

"Getting there. Love seeing your cock slide into that wet hole. Gonna add my load to yours and slide my cock around in our mixed loads."

"Fuck yeah. Love to feel that cum sliding all over my cock."


The conversation was over as they both concentrated on getting their cock into my mouth.

Cary got there first just as I slammed down on his cock. He gripped my head and rammed in again. He fucked each volley of cum into my mouth, some of it straight down my throat, the rest coating my mouth and his cock.

As he came down from the six-shot load, Don pulled me off Cary's cock sunk all the way in.

"Fucking great load there, buddy. Feels great coating my cock."

After about three strokes he tensed up and started shooting his load. He slid his cock in and out, but concentrated on the middle half of the shaft, which let all of his load fill up my mouth.

I held still on his cock, tongue slowly moving around along the underside, teasing his sensitive cock.

"My turn," said Cary, pulling me back to his still half hard cock. I licked the last drop of cum hanging off the end as he slid in to feel the two loads mingling and coating his cock, just like his buddy's.

"Whew," said Don, "that was amazing. Tonight is gonna be fun."

"Agreed," added Cary, "he has the talent, let's just hope he has the stamina."

"Lots of interest for sure. So, cocksucker, you ready for some fun times tonight?"

"Sure am," I said, "any idea how many guys will be there and joining the fun?"

"Hard to tell most times, but as of this morning there were about 25 confirmed."

"Wow. More than I thought but sounds like I better be ready."

They both laughed.

"Yeah," said Don.

"Ready for anything."

Next: Chapter 9

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