Mixing Business and Pleasure

By David

Published on Jan 11, 2021


This is a work of fiction, well mostly. Names have been changed to protect the guilty and any resemblance to people living or dead is purely intentional. If this gets you hard, drop me an email. If it gets you off, definitely drop me an email. More chapters in the works. Would love to hear any ideas you have for the story or the scene. gh_lovr (at) yahoo (dot) com.

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Now, on to the fun part...

Mixing Business and Pleasure 06

For a number of years, I did a lot of travelling for work. Projects could last from a few months to several years, and conferences and business development also took me out of town. I decided early on in my career that business should be balanced against pleasure, and that while out of town for work meant long days it could also mean long nights. Nights jerking off to a laptop screen or an iPhone screen, and as often as possible sucking off as many guys as I could manage. Here are some memories of mixing business and pleasure.

"Nice ass by the way," Mark said.

I turned to face him. I hadn't thought getting fucked was even an option.

"You never know," he said. Obviously in reply to the look on my face.

"Cool." Pulling on my t-shirt and shorts, which tented out pretty obscenely, I put my sneakers back on and headed out. While I wanted to go to the gym for a workout, my hard cock was screaming for attention. Routine won out and I bypassed the 4th floor on the way down to the gym on the mezzanine level.

With any luck I wouldn't be the only one in the gym... or the steam room.

The gym was on the mezzanine level right near the stairs outside my room and Mark's room. Heading down my semi hard cock was flopping around in my shorts. That was such a hot scene. I love rimming a hot ass before being fed a hot load of cum. This was turning into a great conference, and it hadn't even started yet.

The gym was empty. Well, it was still pretty early on a Sunday morning. I grabbed a towel from the locker room and headed out to the work out area. The gym wasn't the largest I'd seen in a hotel but had everything you'd need for a good workout.

As I headed to the warmup area, I noticed that the gym extended around the corner, wrapping around the locker rooms. It was bigger than I thought. And I wasn't alone. There were two guys doing some free weights at the far end of the room. The guy who was standing had great shoulders tapering to a tight waist, a great ass filling out his shorts and hairy well-muscled legs. In profile his pecs filled out the t-shirt nicely. The other guy was on his back getting ready to bench press. He looked similar to the first guy, with muscular hairy legs, a slim torso filling out his t-shirt nicely and a pair of strong arms holding the weight bar.

They were both in profile and hadn't heard me come in, or seen me yet, and were very unselfconsciously going through their workout routine.

I had decided on a short general circuit for this morning. I just needed to loosen everything up and get the blood circulating before the day of committee meetings, board meetings and food started. As I warmed up the guy on the bench finished his set and stood up for his buddy to have a turn. He had been standing very close the of the head of the guy lifting. I imagined that I was on the bench and could see up the leg of the shorts of the guy doing the spotting, imagined that he was free balling in his shorts like I was, and standing as close as he was to show off. My cock started to react to the view, my brain running through several possible ways this would evolve if it were a porn flick.

My imagination often looked for ways to transform ordinary interactions into porn set ups, but this was very close to a scene I had watched the other day. My stretching was definitely focused on keeping my eyes pointed at the two guys working out.

When the guy stood up to trade places, I could see that they were very similar looking. It almost looked like they could be related. Could that be it? Brothers? Cousins? Might be father and son too.

My cock was at full mast now. The two were not twins, but the resemblance was very strong. Same body type, same head of dark curly hair, same workout clothes.

The spotter stood close to his buddy's head. Again, I imagined him looking up the shorts to see his partner's cock and balls under the flimsy shorts. If it were me, I'd be tempted to reach up into those shorts and caress his balls, maybe gently stroke the sensitive spot right behind his ball sac and watch to see if his cock started to get hard, tenting out the shorts and improving the view.

I stood up to move on to one of the stationary bikes, and noticed my own shorts tenting out. Just as I reached to adjust my cock the guy doing the spotting turned my way. From the quick smile on his face I'm sure he noticed not just me, but my cock tenting out my shorts.

Smiling back, I tried to make a more general movement that looked more like adjusting the waist band of my shorts rather than trying to get my cock to behave. Not sure he bought it, but then who the fuck really cared. I was in a hotel gym and would never see these guys again.

Moving on the bikes, I selected one with a relatively unobstructed view of the weight area. The guys wouldn't stay at the bench press for long, so I wanted to get a good view of their whole circuit area. As I sat down on the bike, I realized that the mirrors on the wall were very strategically placed, allowing everyone to watch everyone else working out. Well, more likely to allow people working out to check their form or watch themselves but watching each other was a secondary benefit.

Then I noticed that I could see the two guys reflected in a mirror. It was a double reflection, but it meant that the guy doing the spotting could likely have seen me earlier than I thought. And the mirror at the foot of the bench also meant he could see part way up the shorts of the guy working out.

The two guys took turns lifting while I cycled away. They then moved on to do separate chest exercises, meaning that I had to keep moving my eyes back and forth to watch them. The older of the two had moved to the pull-down machine to work his triceps, which put him in a stance that pointed his ass right at me. I could see the muscles in his upper arms flex with each rep and was really enjoying the view. The position and motion showed off his powerful body beautifully.

When he finished his set, my eyes moved back to his buddy who had finished his set and was staring directly at me.

Caught! Red handed. No getting around it, I had obviously been staring at his buddy and he knew it.

"Just looking," I said to myself, "no harm in that. Guys watch each other work out all the time." I was rationalizing. My stare had nothing to do with admiring the work out technique of his buddy, I was sure there was pure lust in my eyes.

They swapped machines and said a few words to each other before they started up their next sets. I couldn't hear what was said, but thought it was likely about me. I watched the guy that had caught me staring take his turn showing off at the pulldown machine. As he finished, I turned to his buddy who had obviously been watching me watching his buddy.

Caught again!

The two guys wiped down the machines and headed towards me. Well, they had to go past to get to the exit of the locker room.

"Like what you see?" the older one asked.

"Hey. Yeah. Looking good. You both must work out regularly."

"We do," said the younger guy, "feels good and keeps us both in shape for our favourite activities."

"You're both in good shape, for sure," I said, "what do you play?"

"Pretty much anything," said the younger guy, "but hiking, climbing and biking mainly."

"Working upper body here before we head out for a big hike later," the older guy added.

"Sounds like a good balance," I said, "got to keep the program well rounded and work out all the muscles evenly."

"Agreed," the older guy said, "we like to work out all our muscles as often as possible." Was there an emphasis on the word "all" or was I reading something into the situation?

"Are you just here visiting then? Not here for the conference?" I asked.

"No. Not here for a conference. A frat buddy is getting married this week and we are here a few days early to check out the university campus for Jim. He's thinking of doing his Masters here. Thought we would do both on one trip."

"Hey Jim," I said, "What are you studying?"

"Kinesiology. Looking to get into sports medicine when I finish school," Jim replied.

"My nephew got the brains in the family," the older guy added.

"Come on Uncle Jeff, you did pretty good at college."

Hmmm. Uncle and nephew, sweet.

"What do you do now Jeff?" I asked.

"Manage the Rec Center back home and coach a few of the local teams."

"Sounds like more than a full-time job," I said.

"Keeps me busy, that's for sure," Jeff said.

"And gives you lots of time to work out from the look of it," I added, giving me another excuse to drink in his body.

He looked down at his body and used both hands to rub his stomach and lift his shirt a few inches giving me a clear view of hairy, flat abs and a hot treasure trail disappearing into his shorts.

When I stopped ogling his abs and obvious cock bulge, I looked up and met his eyes. He had been watching me while I was staring at him.

"Join us in the steam room and we can compare exercise routines," Jeff said, with a mischievous smile.

"Yeah," Jim added, "looks like you have a pretty good regimen going too."

They were both grinning at me in the lewd way that I knew meant that we would be comparing something, but not workout routines.

"I've got a few more minutes here on the bike, but I'll be right in." They gave me a half wave and headed towards the locker room.

"Fuck this," I said out loud. I'd rather watch them strip down than finish the last two minutes of cycling. I hit the stop button and ended the ride. Grabbing my towel, I gave the machine a quick swipe and headed into the locker room right behind the two great asses I watched head in the same direction just a moment ago.

The sound of the door caught Jim's attention. With a nearly silent chuckle he nudged Jeff, who looked up and grinned, then peeled off his t-shirt exposing a fantastic torso. Broad shoulders, well developed pecs covered in wiry black hair. Well-formed abs covered in the same black hair, thickening into a hot treasure trail disappearing into his shorts. As Jeff stood there with his shirt in his hands Jim repeated the motion. His body looked very similar. Same shape, same toned torso and a similar but not quite as developed pelt of fur covered his chest and stomach. When he had finished, he stood with his shirt in the opposite hand, the two of them forming a living set of bookends.

The two of them were virtually the same height, weight and build. It was hard to tell how much younger Jim was, but it couldn't be more than 8-10 years.

Realizing they were waiting for me to go next, I reached for the hem of my shirt and pulled it up and over my head. When it cleared my head, they were both clearly pleased with what they saw. I'd been taking pretty good care of my body over the years, and while a few years older than they were, was definitely still in their league.

The small locker room had a bench on either side of a single aisle that led to the wet area in the back. I stood on one side while Jeff and Jim were on the other. I went next, lifting first one foot and then the other up on to the bench to untie my runners and sliding my socks and shoes off. They both followed and we paused briefly, wearing only flimsy gym shorts.

Since I hadn't put on any underwear or a jock earlier, mine were starting to tent out. I grabbed my cock and gave it a good tug before slipping my thumbs in the waistband and shucking the shorts down over my hips and ass. When the waistband was below knee level, I dropped the shorts letting them fall to my ankles, and stepped out of them, hiking them up with one foot to grab them with one hand.

My half hard cock pointing at the two of them. My beating pulse giving my cock a slight bouncing action. The two guys mirrored my actions and soon all three throbbing cocks were pointing to the center of the small space between us.

Their cocks were as similar as the rest of their bodies. Both curved up slightly, the one-eyed trouser snakes staring at me. We all grabbed our cocks and stroked a few times, confirming that we were all hard and ready for some fun.

I motioned for them to lead the way to the wet area. Somewhat surprisingly, there was a small open shower room with four heads along one wall and the steam room and sauna doors on the other side. Whoever designed this place certainly had sex, or at least exhibitionism, in mind. You almost never see open showers anymore, everyone has their own shower stall, which has other benefits, but I digress.

The doorway to the wet area concealed the showers and the two doors, so when you entered you would have no idea if guys were stroking their cocks in the shower or playing in either the steam or the sauna.

The sauna was closer to the locker room, but Jeff bypassed that door and opened the steam room door. The three of us entered and as the door closed, we became almost invisible. There was no overhead light in the steam room, but the glass door and adjacent glass panel let in enough light to see. Both guys stepped up on the first level bench and turned to face me, Jim's cock almost slapping me in the face.

I didn't need to be asked twice and wrapped one hand around each cock, urging them to turn slightly towards each other, bringing their cock heads almost together. Licking first one and then the other I pulled back and spit on first one cock and then the other, my saliva adding to the sweat and steam in the room. Jeff stepped slightly closer, so they were hip to hip and cock tip to cock tip. Working both cock heads into my mouth I began to lick and slurp and tongue their cocks in concert with my hand strokes.

My hand let go of Jeff's cock and cupped his hairy balls. At the same time, I deep throated his cock while continuing to stroke Jim's cock.

"Talented cocksucker," Jeff whispered. The sound of his whisper and my sucking and cock stroking action sounded loud in the small tiled space. The lewd sounds getting all of us hornier.

"My turn," Jim stated, pulling my head of his uncle's cock and directing my mouth towards his cock. I love a guy who takes control and lets me know what he wants. Maybe I'd lucked out and found two. They were so similar in other ways, I was sure they would both be as demanding, which was more than fine with me.

The steam room was not super hot, but I'm sure it was pretty hot if you were standing on the bench with your head up near the ceiling. After being used by the two of them for several minutes, having my mouth passed back and forth while I stroked the other cock, they both pulled back.

"Gotta cool down," Jeff said.

"Agreed. It's fucking hot in here," Jim added.

We all stepped out and they turned on two of the shower heads. Rather than going to my own separate shower head, I dropped to my knees between them and reached out to stroke their cocks.

"Knows his place," Jeff said.

"Certainly does," Jim added, "I just love a talented and service minded cocksucker."

I'd never had conversations like this with any of my uncles or nephews, never mind being naked with them sharing a cock sucker in a hotel locker room.

After cooling down a bit they both shut the water off at the same time and headed back into the steam room. I followed them back in for round two. Instead of stepping up on the bench, they both sat down, legs spread wide, and motioned me into position. I got down on my hands and knees to get to Jim's cock. The room was small, so my ass was pressed against the glass panel. Anyone coming into the wet area might not see the three of us in the dark, but my ass pressed against the glass would definitely give us away.

I started running my hands all over their bodies while going back and forth between their two slick cocks. Amazing thing about sex in the steam room is that a cocksucker's mouth almost feels cool given how hot the room is. They were both enjoying the attention and semi-public action.

They were both getting more urgent in their demands that I suck their cocks. I'd barely get a rhythm going on one when I was pulled onto the other. Not that I minded, but it didn't really give me a chance to get either of them close to cumming. Maybe that was part of the plan.

Pulling back and sitting on my haunches, while stroking both cocks, I said, "I've got an idea." I motioned for them to move apart on the bench and turned myself sideways. With both hands and one knee on the bench and the other foot on the floor, I added, "two holes, no waiting."

They both laughed out loud. "I like the way you think," Jeff said as he slid his cock in my mouth. "You get him opened up for me," he said to Jim, who already had two hands on my hips and was obviously lining his cock up with my hole.

Jim's cock was good and slick from my spit and the sweat, but he bent over and pulled my ass cheeks apart before spitting on my hole. Using his hands to massage my ass and work the spit all around, he moved forward and pressed the head of his cock against my hole. His put his knee and calf on the bench and pressed against the inside of leg as he pushed forward. I pushed back to meet his pressure and could feel my ass ring relaxing to let his cock in.

So far on this trip all the action had been oral. My ass was hungry for cock too and was ready for this hot stud. Ready for a hard cock to shove its way in and fill my ass with a load of white-hot cum.

Jim kept up a steady pressure slowly sliding his cock all the way in. Jeff was watching and letting me set the pace on his cock. The twitching of his cock and the precum he was leaking letting me know that he was enjoying the sight of me being spit roasted.

One last push and Jim was completely buried up my ass. His wiry pubic hair grinding against my ass. He pulled back on my hips at the same time making sure I was fully impaled. Jeff leaned in at the same time shoving his cock all the way down my throat.

How many guys had they done this to before me? Certainly seemed like they had done this more than once.

After a brief pause Jim pulled back about halfway and slid in slightly harder, banging is body against mine and driving me down on Jeff's cock. Pulling back again, he paused at the top of the stroke, almost hesitating to throw me off balance. Sliding in again he drove me down on Jeff's cock as he tried to shove his cock even further up my ass.

"Nice rhythm Jim, and I love the way you're driving him down on my cock. Almost don't have to even move."

"Looks good from here too. Love watching him swallow your cock when I ram his ass."

I wanted to agree with both of them but was busy sucking cock and trying to keep my balance.

Jim continued to pound my ass, varying his strokes in depth, intensity and angle. He was churning me up pretty good. Jeff grabbed hold of my hair to make sure I never lost contact with his cock. The added stability let me move my hand to caress his hairy balls. They were slick in the steam heat and felt fantastic rolling around in my hand.

The two of them looked very similar, but I was waiting to feel Jim's cock in my mouth and Jeff's in my ass before reaching any kind of conclusion on how identical they were. I must have been thinking very loudly because no sooner had I finished that thought when Jeff said, "How's that ass? My turn?"

"Sure, opened up and ready for you" Jim said, pulling out and leaving me feel very empty. Jeff pulled out of my mouth ready to switch ends. I was getting a little stiff from being in that one position and was glad to change it up. I spun around and as soon as I was in position, they both slid their cocks into my wet and open holes.

Jeff's cock was slightly thicker, and I could feel it opening my ass a little bit more. Jim's was a little longer and reached a deeper spot in my throat. These two definitely knew what they were doing.

I was breathing in on one stroke and out on the next. A pattern that had served me well before and let me go for as long as I wanted. Jim was a little more aggressive and grabbed my hair with both hands to pump my face up and down on his cock. The motion let Jeff stand almost still as I was pulled partway off his cock and then impaled on the downstroke.

On about the third or fourth stroke, Jeff shifted slightly and bingo, his cock raked across my prostate, causing my already throbbing cock to spit out a little more precum. I reached to stroke my cock with my free hand and gathered up the slick precum. After a couple of strokes of my cock I reached up and smeared the rest of the precum on Jim's already wet balls. He moaned when he felt my slick hand, and said, "Cock sucker just smeared his nut juice all over my balls."

"Horny pig, isn't he?" Jeff asked. The two of them talking like I wasn't really there.

"Definitely wants both our cum loads," Jim said. "The way he is suctioning down my cock he's gonna get a mouthful very soon."

I pulled off Jim's cock, "Fuck both your loads up my ass!"

"You go it buddy," Jeff said, gripping my hips and starting to pound. The rhythm they had originally established fell a bit out of synch as they stopped focusing on each other and were more intent on getting their own nut. I had to work to keep myself balanced, although with two big cocks spit roasting me, I knew I wasn't going anywhere.

They both stated pounding my holes harder. If felt like they were trying to get their cocks to touch each other somewhere deep in my gut. My hard cock was still churning out precum and I could feel it on my thigh. Again, I reach to scoop some up, wanting desperately to stroke my own cock and shoot, but not wanting this hot scene to end.

I slathered more of my precum all over Jim's balls, adding to their slickness. I wrapped my fingers around them and tugged a bit, feeling them slip a bit in my grip. Tilting my head slightly I pushed up on his cock shaft with my tongue, making sure that the top of his cock head pushed against the roof of my mouth. My tongue moved back and forth on each stroke as well, teasing the cum tube and getting it warmed up to shoot a nice hot load.

Jim's balls were starting to pull up tight, and I could no longer feel Jeff's hairy balls slapping my ass on each stroke.

They both pounded a few more times then pulled out.

"Ungh," I uttered without thinking, "fuck that feels good."

"Fuck yeah. Too good," Jeff added.

"Spin him around again, Jeff," Jim said, "I'm about ready to blast a nut and I want it deep up his ass."

I stood up to see the horny, lust-driven looks on their faces. I pulled Jeff in for a kiss, and then Jim, stroking both their cocks at the same time. "You guys are so fucking hot. I hope you are going to be around for a few days."

We swapped spit for another minute or so, hands roaming over sweat soaked bodies, tweaking, rubbing and grabbing. All three of us obviously close to blowing our wads.

"I need that hot ass of yours again," Jim said as he used his hands to turn me to face towards Jeff.

Both feet flat on the floor this time, Jim pushed between my shoulder blades with one hand, gripped a hip with the other and rammed his dripping cock all the way back up may ass. Jeff grabbed my head on the way forward and directed it at his throbbing and dripping cock. Jim's other hand grabbed my other hip and rammed his cock in as hard as he could.

I wrapped my hands around Jeff's waist, one hand sliding down his hairy ass cheek and unconsciously heading for his ass hole. He was glistening all over and my middle finger found very little resistance when I found his hole.

"Fuck yeah," Jeff exclaimed, "fuck that feels good." I was gripping him by the ass and using it as leverage to keep his cock buried down my throat.

Jim was starting to tense up. I could feel his leg muscles going rigid and starting to shake.

"Fuck! Load up his ass," Jeff said. He obviously knew the signs and well and urged his nephew to plow me hard and breed me deep.

A deep guttural sound came out of Jim's mouth. A deep rumble starting somewhere behind his balls and emerging out his mouth. One last thrust and he held me tightly against him. I could feel his cock throbbing, spewing jobs of hot cum up my ass. He started to bounce on the balls of his feet in time to the thrusts, wanting that last fraction of an inch of cock buried up my ass.

After several big spasms, he started to slow down and release some of the tension. He wasn't letting go of my hips yet though. He wanted to churn that cum load around first. "Fucking hot ass Jeff. Took my cock and load with no complaints," Jim said.

"I wondered when I first saw him in the gym whether he would be up for playing around. Guess I have my answer," Jeff said, as he spat-patted my cheek and continued to slide his cock in and out of my mouth. "My turn," he said as he pulled out of my mouth and pulled mw away from Jim's still hard cock.

I spun around and bent over again, grabbing Jim's hips to hold me steady for the pounding I knew Jeff was ready to deliver. No sooner were my hands in place than Jeff grabbed my hips and rammed his cock home. I could hear the squishing sound as Jim's load lubed his entry.

"Nice creamy mess you left me," Jeff said, "which is good `cuz you know I love sloppy seconds." The two of them laughed as Jeff stroked his cock in my hole a few more times.

Jim's cock was still flagging in my face and I took it in my mouth. I could taste his cum mixed in with the taste of the precum I had tasted earlier.

"Little pig is sucking my cock again," Jim said.

"Looks good doing it too," Jeff added.

Now that I was held in place by their cocks and my grip on Jim's waist, Jeff amped up the action. Varying the stroke depth and angle on each thrust, making sure he probed my whole ass. Soon he hit my prostate on one of the strokes and my muscles contracted. Combined with my moan, he knew he had hit gold. He had found the groove now and concentrated each stroke on hitting or massaging my ass nut.

I would tell that he was getting close. His strokes were more and more jerky, and each time he hit bottom he gripped my hips even more tightly. He started to rise up on the balls of his feet and the muscles in his legs began to tremble.

With a guttural moan very similar to his nephew he pounded me one last time as his cock expanded more and the first jet of cum blasted up my ass.

He thrashed around for the next few spurts, and then began to slow down a little bit. He kept sliding his cock in and out enjoying the feel of both cum loads swirling around his cock.

Jim's cock had not gone soft and I continued sucking it, but I knew I wasn't going to get a second load of cum. I was a little disappointed, but still had two hot loads up my ass.

When Jeff finally pulled out, I turned around and took his cock in my mouth. I wanted to see if their cum loads were as similar as everything else about them. To my delight there was a slight difference in taste and texture, but still pretty similar.

I sat down on my haunches with Jeff's cock still in my mouth and Jim's resting on my shoulder. The two were kissing passionately with me pressed between their crotches. They pulled apart and pulled me up to join them. The three of us started kissing. I wrapped my arms around their necks, pulling them closer.

As we continued to kiss, I felt one hand on each flank, rubbing and circling lower and lower. It had to be one of Jim's hands and one of Jeff's hands. First one and then the other started massaging my ass, circling closer in. Their fingers met and both hands worked closer to my well used hole.

One finger entered, and pulled out as another went in. Each probing, feeling my swollen ass lips and likely getting covered in some of their mixed cum loads.

I moaned as they continued to kiss and work my ass. Fuck these two horny guys just couldn't seem to get enough. One hand came up to my face and I licked the cum covered finger. It returned to my ass to be replaced with the other one, and I licked that off too.

They continued this, with one, two or all three of us licking up the cum.

Next: Chapter 7

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