Mixing Business and Pleasure

By David

Published on Dec 17, 2020


This is a work of fiction, well mostly. Names have been changed to protect the guilty and any resemblance to people living or dead is purely intentional. If this gets you hard, drop me an email. If it gets you off, definitely drop me an email. More chapters in the works. Would love to hear any ideas you have for the story or the scene. gh_lovr (at) yahoo (dot) com.

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Now, on to the fun part...

Mixing Business and Pleasure 05

For a number of years, I did a lot of travelling for work. Projects could last from a few months to several years, and conferences and business development also took me out of town. I decided early on in my career that business should be balanced against pleasure, and that while out of town for work meant long days it could also mean long nights. Nights jerking off to a laptop screen or an iPhone screen, and as often as possible sucking off as many guys as I could manage. Here are some memories of mixing business and pleasure.

"Fucking awesome dude," I heard Jim say.

"Abso-fucking-lutely," Gary added.

I pulled back so that I just had the head of his cock in my mouth and turned first towards Jim's hole then Gary's. They were both looking at me through the hole.

Mark was going to tell them that one of the strippers had a girlfriend sucking cock in the booths. I don't know If they believed it when they left the club or when they first got into the booths, but now there was no doubting that a guy had just sucked them off.

Mark finally pulled me off his cock. As he leaned down to pull up his pants he said "Room 601. Be there at 6:00 tomorrow morning."

I sat back amazed as he pulled up his pants disappeared along with the other guys.

I sat there for a few minutes, the smell of sex, sweat, cum permeating the booth. Sweating profusely and stroking my cock with one hand I found myself totally blissed out. That was such a fucking hot scene. I'd hoped that Mark would want me to suck him and that Jim and Gary wouldn't go for his plan. I'd never imagined I'd get to suck all of them off, never mind at the same time.

My tokens ran out and the booth went dark. The deep blue glow of the screen providing just enough light for me to gather my senses and clothes and head out. There was no way to top that scene, so I left on a high note and walked back to the hotel. "Room 601. Be there at 6:00 tomorrow morning." Ran through me head over and over. Not only had Mark enjoyed getting sucked off and enjoyed watching his buddies get sucked off but he wanted to do it again. He wanted me in his room for a repeat performance.

Cock starting to bulge and strain the denim of my jeans I ran several scenarios from a simple blowjob to him wanting to be rimmed before being sucked to him wanting to fuck my ass. As I rounded the corner, I realized I was almost back at the hotel. Conference logistics kicked in and my cock deflated enough to allow me to enter the hotel and head for my room.

Surfing and answering some emails and chat requests kept me horned up for a while, but it was the thoughts of Room 601 that burned in my brain.

Crashing a short while later led me to a night of dream filled sleep. Reenacting the gloryhole booth scene, playing out scenarios for the morning and various other fantasies and experiences kept me tossing and turning. The cum denial earlier didn't help, but I've always found it can enhance my sensations when used in moderation. The thought of long-term cum denial never appealed to me, but a day or two to build up for an anticipated encounter added a little something-something to the mix.

The alarm went off at 5:00. I wasn't going to shower or anything but wanted to be presentable for any number of scenarios. After getting ready I pulled on my running shorts and an old t-shirt and sneakers, grabbed my room key and headed out. A trip to the gym was in order after my visit to Room 601.

As I was in Room 402, it was a very short trip up two flights of stairs to Mark's room.

Exiting the stairwell on the sixth floor I could see the door to Room 601. In this particular hotel the room doors were set back from the wall of the hallway, so no one but the person in 602 or me could see that the door was just slightly open, with the arm of the security lock keeping it from closing completely.

With an invitation like that there was no real need to knock.

A flicker of blue light interrupted the dark sliver visible between the door and door jamb. Mark must be watching something on TV or on his computer. I pushed the door open and slid inside letting the door close behind me. It was the computer. He was sitting in the chair at the desk, facing the door. Wearing nothing but socks he was focused more on me than on the flickering image on the screen. I toed off my running shoes as I peeled off my t-shirt, then stripped down my shorts. We were both in nothing but socks.

I walked over to him and dropped to my knees. His eyes followed mine and as I knelt in front of him, he causally gestured to his cock. I didn't come for conversation and didn't need any further encouragement.

Leaning forward I took the head of his hardening cock in my mouth. It still tasted of the spit and cum from last night combined with his amazing body odour. He obviously hadn't taken a shower last night or this morning either. As I took more and more of his cock on each stroke, he got harder and harder. By the time I took the whole thing down my throat it was starting to throb, and I knew his sweet, slick precum would start to flow.

One hand ran up and down his hard, hairy thigh, while the other worked its way under his shaved balls. He seemed to like where this was going and shifted slightly forward on the chair to give me greater access. Knees spread wider as my hand moved further back, letting me know I could go further.

Looking up at him I took my mouth off his cock and dipped down to lick his smooth nut sac. The hand roaming over his thigh grabbed his cock and stroked it, pulling it away from my face so I could really get in and work over his nuts. We didn't get a chance to get this far last night as he was trapped in his jeans and couldn't spread his legs this far.

His hand rested on the top of my head and directed me to work from side to side, licking and sucking each ball in turn, getting them and the smooth sac totally wet. My other hand was still underneath the hot, wet sac, middle finger rubbing around on his taint. The gentle tantric move had him moaning slightly.

Looking up across his broad chest I could see his head thrown back as he enjoyed the sensations.

I pushed my luck further and started to work my tongue into that very sensitive area between his thigh and scrotum, sticking my tongue out as far as possible and probing further and further back.

Again, he shifted his weight from hip to hip and rocked forward. Diving in I started working under his balls and now used both hands to stroke his cock and balls so I could work my tongue under and behind. He spread his knees further, urging me on. My tongue licked and caressed him, and the magnificent smell urged me on even further.

Before I had a chance to urge him to give me more access, he lifted his left foot and put it up on the desk. I dove in even further, working my way to that musky, dusky, dark pink hole. I knew I loved to be rimmed and while some straightish guys don't always feel comfortable with a tongue up their ass, Mark did not appear to be one of those guys.

A good rim job is part of a good blow job in my opinion. I love playing with all erogenous zones and loved to make him as happy as I could.

Working closer and closer to his puckered hole I continued to stroke his cock and he continued to urge me on with not so subtle pressure on the back of my head.

Before I could get there though, I pulled back to get his nut sac good and wet again, and then licked up his shaft like a big lollipop, wrapping my lips around the head and sucking his whole cock into my mouth. The change in direction caught him off guard and I felt a little spurt of precum on the second stroke. Just enough to lube up my mouth.

After a few more mouth and hand combo strokes on his cock I worked back down the shaft and nuzzled his balls out of the way with my nose and tongue.

My hands were now on the undersides of his thighs, helping give me better access for the ultimate prize. Taking the hand off my head he lifted his right leg and held it up, revealing his pink rosebud. I licked and nuzzled my way all around, getting closer and closer on each lap.

"Fuck yeah," he said, "that's it."

I worked closer and closer enjoying the musky smell and taste. Thank goodness he didn't shower this morning. I love a natural-scented man.

Stopping just short of contact, my tongue could feel the heat coming form him and as I moved my tongue around and breathed in and out a few times I could sense he was dying to have me take the next step. He wanted my tongue up his ass almost as badly as I did.

After a moment's pause, I extended my tongue and made gentle contact with his sphincter. The taste and texture is so different than any other part of the body.

"Ahhhhhh... yeah... yeah... just like that," he moaned, "fuck yeah. Eat my ass."

I didn't need to be told twice, or even once for that matter. It as like a dam had broken. I dove in and ran my tongue and lips and nose all over his ass, pressing against the tight ring of muscle and knowing it would soon relax and open for me.

My hands worked the backs of his thighs, helping keep his legs in the air, helping me get better access and dive in even further. He tried to pull his leg further back to give me better access too.

My tongue probed and poked, caressed and rimmed, moving all over and thrusting to find the weak spot in the armour, the way to penetrate and really get inside him.

Suddenly he relaxed and my tongue pushed through.

"Arghhhhh... fuck yeah... fuck yeah," he said, "eat my ass. Fuck that feels so good."

I loved that he was becoming so vocal. The moans, groans and grunts punctuated with encouraging words drove me forward.

Worming my tongue in as far as I could, I tried to dig in deep. I pressed on like a wild animal, an animal trying to get to some unknown prize.

Pulling back a bit I licked at his now tightened nut sac. Rock hard muscle with a nut pulled up on either side, I licked up the shaft and back down, and back in his hole. Repeating the run, I went further up his cock shaft and then all the way back down. I wanted him fully engaged in fucking my throat, fully aroused and riding that white-hot edge of orgasm.

His laboured breathing, and his moans told me he was getting close.

After one thrust that was so strong it threatened to tip over the chair, I went back up his cock shaft and enveloped the head. He followed right along lowering both legs to the floor and shoving his throbbing cock down my throat.

Both hands were now on the back of my head. He didn't want me to stop.

His cock humping up into my mouth was met by my driving my face down on his cock, trying to get every inch as deeply embedded in me as possible.

Both of my hands were caressing his cock shaft and balls and ass as we fucked face. It was hard to tell whether he was fucking up or I was fucking down, but our tempo matched, and my throat was being assaulted by his huge throbbing cock.

"Fuck yeah... here is comes," he said, "take it, take my cock. Fuck yeah."

I managed to wrap one hand firmly around his cock shaft just as he hit the crest. Giving him the feeling of being fully down my throat while my tongue could still work his cock head and I'd be able to taste the hot cum load that was already burning its way up the cum tube and into my mouth.

Three or four hard volleys of cum shot into my mouth. He bucked on each one, clenching ass muscles to drive his load as far into me as he could.

I held on as the thrusts became less intense and each spurt of cum became a little smaller. He had definitely emptied his balls into my mouth last night and recharged to feed me again this morning.

I continued to gently suck his cock, looking up at him to see his reaction. No longer with his head thrown back, he was looking right at me now.

"Good job. Almost better than last night. Of course, the rim job certainly added to it."

I winked and gave him a thumb's up, not wanting to let his softening cock slip out of my mouth before it absolutely had to.

"I've got another proposition for you, if you are up for it," he said. He had slid his cock gently out of my mouth and had sat back up in the chair. He looked so hot sitting there it would be hard to say no.

"The guys went for your idea last night," I said, "I wasn't sure they would believe it was a woman in the gloryhole booth."

"That's just what I told you," Mark said, "what I told them was that you were a faggot cocksucker and would be there waiting to suck the three of us off."

I was shocked. "Really," I said.

"Yeah. You went for it and so did they. Everyone wins."


"Thinking with your little head and not your big head."

I laughed. "Yeah. I guess so."

"So, are you interested in hearing my proposition?"

"Sure. Sounds like you have me figured out already, so you think I'll jump at the idea."

"Probably," he said, "These convention trade shows are a real bitch. A lot of set up time, a compressed open, and then tear it all down again. Appears easy and seamless to the customers coming through, but it takes a lot of energy and enticement to make it all happen."

"Enticement?" I asked.

"Yeah. Need to promise the guys a good time when it is all over. We usually get together after the Tuesday dinner and throw a good time for the guys."

"And how do I fit into that plan?"

"I'm heading up the entertainment committee. Jim and Gary are helping me. We were scouting talent last night and won the jackpot with you."

"You guys are all bi?"

"Hetero-flexible is the preferred term. Any port in a storm kind of thing. Gary likes to think that it's not cheating cause he isn't fucking a woman or some such bullshit rationalization. At any rate, we were scouting for some entertainment for the afterparty party.'"

"And what would this involve?" I asked. I had to admit I was curious, but not quite ready to commit. Mark might be okay with this "hetero-flexible" stuff but were the other guys?

"We have a two-bedroom suite booked at the hotel next door. Keeps casual visitors away if you know what I mean. Convention guys might tag along with someone who mentions a party in the hotel but tend to lose interest if they have to leave and go somewhere else."

I was listening intently running scenarios in my head. Two-bedroom suite? Would there be enough guys interested in me that anything would happen?

"Every once in a while, we rig up a gloryhole in one of the bedrooms and get some slut in there for the evening. Gets some of the guys really hot. Porn and a hooker in the other bedroom and the bar and poker setup are in the main room. Guys like to blow off some steam after the show."

"So, I would be in the gloryhole room?"

"Yeah. We always keep it good and dark and who the fuck knows who is back there, sucking cock. The guys just know that the darker the room the less they should pay attention to any of the details and just focus on getting their cocks wet and shooting a load."

My cock had been hard since just after I got to the room and flagged a bit after I stopped sucking Mark's cock, but it was hard as a rock again. Unconsciously I reached down to stroke it.

"Looks like your mind is made up," Mark said, "or at least you little head has made a choice."

I blushed a bit and nodded. "Yeah, I guess he has."

"Look. We've done this a few times before, and everyone has had a good time. Some of the guys are just here for the camaraderie, others for the open bar or the poker. Some want to take things further, but they are all big boys and know what their own boundaries are."

"Sounds like it could be fun. How many guys to you get at the party?"

"Usually around 30 or 40, but you're not going to get to suck all their cocks. About half usually check out one bedroom or the other, and who knows what happens. I don't keep count I just want everyone involved to have a good time."

"Okay. Count me in."

"Excellent. We will need you at the room around 9:30. Jim is getting things ready, so you can drop by before the banquet to see how the setup works. Guys usually start arriving around 10, depends when the banquet ends. Last year we wrapped up around 2:00, but again not a hard and fast rule. Just depends on the energy and how many guys are in a party mood."


"Jim will call you and give you the details later today or tomorrow."

My cock was still hard and the discussion about how this would work were not helping my raging hormones. I could tell from Mark's demeanour that he was ready to get on with his day – he had gotten his rocks off. Standing up I walked over to my clothes.

"Nice ass by the way," Mark said.

I turned to face him. I hadn't thought getting fucked was even an option.

"You never know," he said. Obviously in reply to the look on my face.

"Cool." Pulling on my t-shirt and shorts, which tented out pretty obscenely, I put my sneakers back on and headed out. While I wanted to go to the gym for a workout, my hard cock was screaming for attention. Routine won out and I bypassed the 4th floor on the way down to the gym on the mezzanine level.

With any luck I wouldn't be the only one in the gym... or the steam room.

Trade show – hotties working a few of the vendor booths

Let loose after the trade show – and know how to have fun

Next: Chapter 6

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