Mixing Business and Pleasure

By David

Published on Feb 26, 2023


Mixing Business and Pleasure 13

This is a work of fiction, well mostly. Names have been changed to protect the guilty and any resemblance to people living or dead is purely intentional. If this gets you hard, drop me an email. If it gets you off, definitely drop me an email. More chapters in the works. Would love to hear any ideas you have for the story or the scene. gh_lovr (at) yahoo (dot) com.

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Now, on to the fun part...

= = =

For a number of years, I did a lot of travelling for work. Projects could last from a few months to several years, and conferences and business development also took me out of town. I decided early on in my career that business should be balanced against pleasure, and that while out of town for work meant long days it could also mean long nights. Nights jerking off to a laptop screen or an iPhone screen, and as often as possible sucking off as many guys as I could manage. Here are some memories of mixing business and pleasure.

The scene slowed down as frantic licking and stroking gradually became more intimate and gentle. Everyone took turns kissing and caressing each other the loads of cum so mingled that it all tasted like one big load. Gobs of cum on our bodies were licked or wiped up and fed to the guys so that not a single drop was wasted.

We all sat down on the lower bench, knee to knee all the way around. Totally spent yet still checking each other out wondering about combinations that hadn't happened and the possibility of future sessions.

"You guys certainly know how to have fun," I said. We were almost too tired to laugh, but did.

= = =

After catching our breath and coming down from the orgasmic high, Rich again led the action by motioning to the door and leading us all out to the showers. This time there was still lots of looking and watching but we were all pretty intimate with each other now, and the looking was more of admiration and solidifying details for future reference.

Drying off and getting dressed turned into a bit of horseplay, primarily because I don't think anyone really wanted to get dressed. I know I was fine with being naked with all of these guys.

"We should get a move on guys," Ari said, "we're meeting up with the others and they are expecting us very shortly."

There are more guys in this group?' I shouted in my head, how fucking many guys are there in total?'

"Did Rory confirm his gang?" asked Jeff, "I haven't seen him since graduation."

"Yeah," Rich said, "he and Tony are bringing along a friend named Xander, and he ran into Brad and Stu and invited them as well. Should be the five of them and us, so 16 for dinner.

I couldn't resist, "So is that the whole group then? I mean the whole group of you guys that fuck around together?"

"The core group," Ari said, "there are a few that join in now and then, and of course our out-of-town friends like Jeff and Jim. And you of course. Anyone is free to bring along a hot friend, particularly if they can take a pounding as well as you did."

"Cool," I said, "glad to be in such esteemed company."

We finished getting dressed, reluctantly, and headed out together. On the way out I didn't see any sign closing the faculty locker room, so there was a chance that anyone with access could have stumbled on our orgy. The thought made my cock chub up a bit. Well, that and watching Rich and Ari walking in front of me. Rich had an awesome ass, and Ari's was almost as nice.

Heading across campus, we headed to the alumni building. Rich had arranged for one of the smaller private dining rooms to be done up for the event. No wonder we could be so casual, there was no one else around to care about how we dressed. The space was great, set up as a series of standing tables and a buffet laid out along the wall next to the open bar. We arrived a few minutes after the other guys. They were partway through their first round of drinks, and Caleb, our hunky bartender, got the rest of us started to catch up.

Most of the buffet had already been set out, at least the cold items. A few minutes after we arrived two wait staff rolled in a large cart with the rest of the food. They were both dressed in the obligatory black pants and shoes and white shirts. I noticed, as did most of my new buddies that they wore those pants very well, and the shirts were tightly tailored. Turns out the two wait staff and the bartender were on one of the school teams and this was part of the condition of their scholarships. Well, not the suggestive clothes, but the working in the alumni center.

"Anything else Mr. Martin?" asked one of the wait staff, "this was everything Chef said needed to come up to the room."

"Looks right, Justin," Rich said, "see you later."

Justin and his equally buff and hot co-worker left and the party got underway. There was some good ambient music. Not exactly electronic house, and not so loud that it stifled conversation, but just enough to fill the background and energize the space. Jim and I were introduced the five new guys who hadn't been able to join us for the steam room fun. They all knew what had gone on and the initial joking and innuendo turned into serious probing (pun intended) about the scene and how things played out. This early in the party we were all in a big circle, sort of around two of the standup tables, but just in a loose circle.

As the review of our performances were put out there for the newcomers, I could see Chris blushing a little. It kind of surprised me as I thought he had been part of the group for a while. Later I found out that he had only been seeing Clay for three weeks, and this was his first time with more than just Clay and one of the others.

Jeff was keeping an eye on Jim, but he was holding his own. His personality and the royal fucking he had received earlier made him very talkative, and he was definitely capturing the attention of some of the guys. He was something of a known quantity, as Jeff had given them some idea of what he was like, while fucking and in other situations, and more of the attention was on comparing him to Jeff. That was something they got a lot, and enjoyed immensely.

As the `new meat' at the event I got my share of attention. The conversation started out about general topics and background info and quickly moved on to innuendo and double entendre before sliding right down into the gutter by the end of the third round of drinks.

"You always pick up strange men in hotels when you travel?" Brad asked.

"As often as I can," I replied.

"And do you have any tips for those of us who are not quite as... forward... as you are?"

"Like you need tips," Stu added. He had been with Brad for years and knew that he was the consummate cruiser and had picked up more than his share of hot ass.

"Being an out-of-towner certainly helps," I said.

"Fresh meat," quipped Brian, "always a valuable commodity."

"It certainly helps. Being up front about wanting to just fuck around and being discreet also help."

"No muss, no fuss, just wham, bam, thank you my man," Eric added. "We've done that while on vacation. Definitely has gotten us a number of hot fuck buddies hasn't it, Brian?"

"A few good pics helps too," Tarek added.

"Only if they match the profile. No use stating you're a `dom top looking to bang ass' and then only posting coy pictures of your ass in your Calvin Klein's," said Rory.

"Nothing more disappointing that chatting up a hot guy who wants to fuck you senseless, and then sends you pics of his ass," said Tony. "We had that happen last year when we were at Rory's family reunion. After a long day with the family, we headed into the city to our hotel and logged in to chat up a guy who had sent us messages before our trip. Kept going on about how much he enjoyed fucking ass and his fantasy was to tag team an ass. Sounded good to us."

"So, we messaged him, and invited him over," said Rory.

"I was really looking forward to it," Tony added.

"But as soon as his pants came off his helium heels inflated and he wanted us to use him."

"Not quite what we had in mind, but Rory did rise to the occasion and fucked us both while we 69'd."

The conversation carried on like this, with the group breaking up into smaller groups to catch up and swap conquest stories. I realized that I needed to take a piss and headed out into the corridor to find the washroom. Rory came up behind me and said, "looking for something?"


"Over here," he said pointing down the corridor, "halfway down. Follow me."

We walked down the corridor and into the washroom. It was a good size as it served all of the function rooms on this floor. There were a row of sinks running the length of the wall and then some stalls perpendicular to that. Rory walked on ahead and turned the corner. I followed, and as I turned, I could see him turn to his right again. Making that turn I could see a row of six urinals backing onto the wall of mirror above the sinks. This was an awesome setup as you had lots of warning of someone coming in and plenty of time to recover before they could see any potential action at the urinals.

Rory was standing at one of the urinals and had opened his fly, but was facing me rather than the porcelain. "I saw your reaction when Tony and I told that story about fucking that supposed top guy," he said.

"Sounds like you managed to salvage the situation nicely though," I said with a grin on my face as I walked closer and opened the fly of my jeans.

"Your ad says `submissive bottom looking to take loads' though, doesn't it? Truth in advertising?"

"Oh yeah. Honesty is the best policy – at least when it comes to cruising online."

"Jeff called and told me about you. I was curious so I looked online and found you."

"You did?"

"Yeah. Jeff and I have the same tastes. We often end up comparing notes and finding that we have fucked the same guys."

I dropped to my knees in front of his now totally erect cock.

"He said that he and Jim had given you a good ride the other day."

I nodded my head as I wrapped my lips around the head of his cock.

"That's it. Good to see they didn't wear you out in the steam room," Rory said.

Pulling off his cock, I said, "takes more than a hot orgy to wear me out."

"Good. I've been thinking about this all day and wanted to be there but got caught up in some work drama. Fuck that feels good."

As I sucked his cock, he pulled his pants down a little further, giving me great access to his hard cock and round, heavy balls. I wondered if he was concerned about us being interrupted in here, but figured that I love scenes like this and if we got caught it wouldn't be a problem for me.

As if reading my mind Rory said, "Don't worry about getting caught. The building is pretty quiet tonight, so it's unlikely anyone is going to come in here." I didn't need to be told twice.

Rory put a hand on the back of my head and guided me down on his cock. I had almost all of it down my throat, except the last inch. His cock was fantastic, definitely the biggest of the group.

"Come on cock sucker. Take it... take it all," he said.

He let up the pressure and I pulled back about half way and dove down again. This time I got all the way down and he held my head against his crotch, fucking his cock up into my mouth. This guy really knew what he was doing. My cock was throbbing as he continued to fuck my face.

Rory didn't let up until I was almost out of air. He could feel me struggling against his hand, trying to get far enough back to take a breath. He wasn't letting me pull back until he was ready.

He finally let go and I pulled off and gasped for air. He was grinning down at me as I wiped the tears from my eyes and licked my lips.

"Fucking loved it, didn't you?" I nodded.

He motioned to his cock again and I dove back down on it, getting it good and slobbery. Once it was good and slick, I pulled off and went for his big full balls. I wanted get them ready to feed me a nice big load. I licked around and under them, stroking his cock at the same time. His head was thrown back with his mouth open, obviously enjoying my blowjob.

With his balls good and wet, I went back to his cock, working just the head with my lips and tongue. One hand was caressing his balls while the other stroked his shaft. His cock felt so hard and hot in my hand and his nuts were pulling up a bit. I could feel the sac tightening.

I heard a noise just as I was about to slide my lips down his shaft. It was the sound of the door being pushed open. It didn't creak as much as the inner washroom door in the library washroom, but it still made enough noise to be heard over my cock sucking. I looked up at Rory while I held the head of his cock in my mouth. He gave me the `all ok' sign, so I kept going.

"Well, what have we here?" a voice said behind me. Instinctively I pulled off his cock and went to hide my hard cock, but it was only a half-hearted effort as I had been caught on my knees.

"What does it look like, Justin?" Rory said.

"Looks like a lot of fun. How is he?" Justin said.

"Pretty damn good. You guys want to see for yourselves?"

`Guys'? There was more than one guy standing behind me?

Rory kept me focused on his cock, placing one hand on each side of my head. They acted like blinders as well as turning my mouth back towards his still rock-hard cock. No turning back now. I wrapped my lips around his cock head and deep throated him, this time with an audience, which was always a great way to get and give a blowjob in my books.

I could hear two belt buckles and then two zippers being opened. In my minds eye I could picture Justin hauling out his cock. His pants showed off a nice bulge when he was walking around the function room. I still had no idea who was with him, but was hoping it was his wait staff buddy. He was a little beefier than Justin and had been showing off an even bigger package.

Continuing to suck Rory's cock I turned my head from side to side on each stroke trying to see how close Justin and the third guy were. Suddenly there was a cock staring at me as I looked to the left. On the next stroke I could see the third cock on the right. Pulling back so that all I had in my mouth was Rory's cock head I swiveled back and forth to confirm that it was Justin and his wait staff buddy and they were both pointing their hard cocks at my mouth. Almost instinctually, one hand went up to the base of each cock, cupping their balls and then wrapping around each cock shaft.

The guys turned their bodies and my hands turned their cocks so that they were both pointed at my mouth. I continued to work the head of Rory's cock, trying to decide who I should suck next. Rory made the decision for me, motioning me off his cock and pointing the cock on my left.

"Suck Seamus," Rory said. I turned my head slightly and leaned forward and stuck my tongue out, providing a wet landing strip for his cock as it entered my mouth. Gently wrapping my lips around his cock, I took the head and first inch or so in my mouth. My tongue worked overtime coating the whole head with saliva. After pulling back slightly to wet my lips I slid down further filling my mouth with about half of his thick cock.

Seamus moaned as my mouth skid down his cock. "Fuck that feels good," he said, "oh yeah... that's it. Take my cock buddy. Make it feel good."

"Looks hot buddy," Justin said, "love watching you get sucked off."

"And I love showing you," Seamus replied. His hand had now replaced Rory's and was setting the pace as this thick cock slid in and out of my mouth. I kept my lips tightly pressed to the steel-hard shaft, pulling the velvety skin along with the drag of my lips. My tongue caressed the underside of his cock, focusing on the frenulum just under the head, and testing to see if his cum tube was starting to swell up.

Sometimes if hard to tell with these university guys if they have the staying power or have very short fuses and pop their loads quickly. I'm not complaining either way as both ways have their own appeal, although I must admit a group of guys with hair trigger cocks makes for a lot more cum before your jaw gets tired.

My hands were stroking Rory and Justin while I sucked Seamus. The strokes got harder and faster with Seamus setting a fast pace. I could feel his balls had pulled up tight as my lower lip started touching them at the bottom of each stroke. Suddenly he pulled me off, and I could see his cock twitch. He had definitely been riding the edge and was trying not to cum yet.

"My turn," said Justin, grabbing my hair and turning me towards his cock. I shifted my knees as he lined up his cock. Holding my head still he slid in the first few inches and just held it there. I could feel his cock trembling, almost as if he was on the very of spewing cum in my mouth. He must have been really enjoying watching me suck his buddy.

With a growl and a thrust, he shoved the rest of his cock in my mouth and started to cum. The first volley went right down my throat, and I could feel it was a big gob from the way the cum tube along the bottom of his cock throbbed against my tongue. I pulled back to get the rest of his load in my mouth. I wanted to taste and savour his load. He shot three more good blasts in my mouth, followed by a few smaller eruptions. Keeping my lips tight around his cock I slid up and down, coaxing as much of his cum out as I could.

As his cock started to deflate, I continued to nurse it. The taste and texture of a cum-coated cock that is starting to soften is amazing and I always try to give my cum donors the complete treatment and suck them as long as they are willing to let me. I caressed his balls and held his cock in my hand as I pulled off. Stroking his cock, I saw the last pearl of cum appear in his piss slit, and leaned back in to lick it with the tip of my tongue.

"Fuck dude," Seamus said, "that was so hot. I'm gonna cum!"

I swiveled and took his cock in my mouth. Justin's cum load was still in my mouth and the silky smooth feeling of the cum and saliva lube in my mouth was enough to send Seamus over the edge. After just a few strokes along his thick shaft I could feel the head swell. Pulling back to hold just the head in my mouth, my tongue went into overdrive licking his cockhead.

My hand was rubbing his balls, which were pulled up almost beside his cock shaft. I knew blast off was imminent. Sure enough his legs started to tremble and Rory grabbed him to steady him as the first shot spurt into my mouth. Shot after shot followed, mixing his cum load with Justin's, filling my mouth. I swallowed some, which set off another eruption.

Rory put his hand on the back of my head and pushed. I willingly slid down Seamus' cock, trying not to let any cum spurt out the corners of my lips. Unlike Justin's cock, Seamus stayed hard. Fuck this guy would be great in my bed.

I continued to suck Seamus while my hands moved to Rory. He had been watching me suck off the two hot young guys, and he was dripping precum when I reached for his cock. The slickness and the smell of sex that surrounded us had him pretty close to the edge too.

I'm sure he usually had more control and would use a cock sucker more thoroughly before shooting his load, but he wanted to add his load on top of theirs. The pressure of his hand relaxed and I went to town. Twisting my head from side to side on each stroke, putting pressure on the underside of his cock with my tongue and using both hands to work his balls was keeping him hard and getting him closer to the edge.

"Look at that cum hound go," Justin said, "love watching him suck, and watching you guys shoot your loads."

"You want to see it?" Rory asked.

"Fuck yeah," Justin exclaimed, "I do."

"I do too," Seamus said, "love to see the cock sucker's face covered in cum."

"Ok... here... it... cums."

Rory's legs started to tremble too. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and used the cum lube to stroke his cock, pointing it right at my open mouth.

"Tilt down. Stick out your tongue." The first blast shot out of his cock just as I stuck my tongue out. The first blast hit my tongue, upper lip and cheek, the second splashed across my forehead and down the bridge of my nose. The next painted my other cheek white too. I couldn't resist any longer, and leaned in to get the last few spasms directly in my mouth.

The three cum loads tasted great.

Rory pulled out of my mouth and used his cock to paint my lips with his load. Justin and Seamus stepped closer and used their cocks to rub Rory's load around on my forehead and cheeks.

These three guys loved getting sucked off, being watched getting sucked off and watching their buddies. I could spend hours with them.

"We'd better get back to the party," Rory said.

"Yeah. And we'd better get back to the kitchen or Chef will be pissed."

"Don't worry about Chef," Rory said, "he knows where you are."

The guys tucked their cocks back in their pants and straightened up their shirts. I got up and packed my still hard cock into my jeans and tucked in my shirt.

"Ok let's go," said Rory.

"Let me clean up a bit," I said.

"No. You're good."

We headed back to the function room where all the guys were paying rapt attention to Brad as he regaled them with stories of a recent visit to his favourite sex club. He had gone with an old friend and had managed to get them thrown out of the club.

"What the fuck were you doing that they threw you out?" asked Rory.

"Laughing. Which the manager said wasn't conducive to the mood they were trying to create," Brad responded turning to see us standing in the doorway.

While everyone wanted more details on the story, they were more immediately interested in why I had cum all over my face and tussled hair. Can't blame them really. I must have looked quite a sight, but as I was with Rory, nothing really surprised them.

"Somebody's been having a good time I see," said Stu.

"Oh yeah," I said, "and those two cater-waiter guys are hung and tasty." That broke everyone up.

As Rory and I rejoined the group, and everyone seemed to be contemplating what exactly I meant by `hung,' the lights dimmed and the music was turned up slightly.

Chris had a quizzical look on his face and Brian pointed towards the bar and smiled as Caleb, our bartender, and Seamus and Justin our wait staff, came in with the desserts. All three of them had changed out of their dress shirts and were now wearing a bow tie and cuffs, showing off their impressive upper bodies. No one was really paying any attention to the desserts.

Standing with their backs to the empty table and each holding a dessert platter in their hands, they turned in unison and bent at the waist to place the platters onto the table. Their gorgeous backs and assess on full display as they bent forward. There was no need for them to make such an exaggerated display of bringing out the dessert, but none of us were objecting to the presentation.

As if on cue, the music changed and they stood back up and then turned to face us again. After posing as if at attention, with chests puffed out and abs fully taut, each hooked their thumbs into the tops of their pants pockets and splayed their fingers out across their thighs, framing the fantastic bulges in their just too tight pants.

I wasn't sure if this was some form of horny ROTC formation or whether it had been choreographed by our hosts to show off the many talents of the local staff, but it was certainly effective. All three of the staff had great tans to match their hot bodies.

The music had a much stronger rhythm to it, and the three guys started to move in step with the beat. They had different moves, but they all seemed to compliment each other. All the conversation had stopped and all eyes were glued on the three hot men swaying and gyrating to the music. I had no idea where this was going, but was definitely enjoying the show. Having sucked off Seamus and Justin I knew what was behind the taut black fabric and was focused on Caleb, hoping to find out exactly how much cock he was packing.

I glanced around and saw a few tell-tale bulges and a few guys rubbing their crotches or stomachs.

Caleb came towards me and motioned that I should join him and the wait staff. Once I stepped forward, Justin motioned to Chris and Seamus motioned to Jim. The three newest members of the group we now in front with the three hunky waiters.

Never one to be a shy wall flower, I got into the rhythm with Caleb. I was certainly ready to get my hands all over his awesome body and to see if I could get him out of those tight black pants. He seemed ready to go along with my plan and flexed his body to match my wandering hands, going as far as to grind his crotch into my hand every time it wandered below his waist. Stepping even closer as my hands slowly moved up his sides to the wonderful armpits he was showing off, my bulging crotch touched his and he pushed forward letting me know this was definitely what I had hoped it would be.

Jim was also getting into it and Seamus was pulling at his shirt trying to get Jim to take it off. I had no idea if Jeff had given him any idea that this would happen or if the horny young man was just going along with it as an extension of the fun, we had in the sauna a short while ago. With Jim's shirt open and falling off his shoulders, Seamus grabbed him in a bear hug and turned him around so the group could see them in profile. They mirrored each other's actions as soon as Jim's shirt hit the floor, both showing strong exhibitionist tendencies, which in this case would only amp up the action.

Chris as the shyest of the three of us, and likely of the whole group, so Justin had to work a little harder. He was gyrating and flexing for Chris, reaching out to caress Chris' chest through his shirt and trying to get his hands around Chris' waist to pull them closer together.

The catcalls had started and once Chris saw that Clay was enjoying the action, and was urging him on he started to react more to Justin's advances. He started to move in time with Justin's moves and let the hot waiter get his hands around his waist and pull their crotches together.

The three couples up front were moving to the music and the movements quickly moved from dancing through dirty dancing' to gyrating to pole dancing.' Jim and Seamus pulled apart just long enough to get their pants open and had hands shoved down the other guy's pants. Not one to be outdone, I stopped for a moment, kicked off my shoes and stripped my pants off. My shirt followed as Caleb undid his pants and stripped them off too.

It was no surprise to most of the guys that I was going commando, and was now naked at the front of the room with Caleb in his black jock. The rest of the guys that had joined us at dinner applauded.

"Where did you find this guy Jeff?" Stu asked, "He fits right in with the group."

"I didn't. He found us," Jeff said, "cruised us in the hotel gym and followed us to the locker room."

"And then we both fucked him," Jim said, pulling Seamus' head in for a sloppy kiss.

Breaking off the kiss both Jim and Seamus stripped down as quickly as they could. Justin showed off his black jock for a few moments before ceremoniously bending at the waist and sliding the waist band across his hot ass and down his legs to the floor. Stepping out of it he kicked it up in the air. Jim caught it and brought the pouch to his nose and took a good deep sniff.

"What's the verdict?" Jeff asked.

"Fucking awesome," Jim replied.

I knelt down to get a good look at Caleb's jock, before burying my nose into the pouch. "This one is just as fucking awesome, too" I replied. Looking up at Caleb's face, I reached for the waistband and slowly pulled it out and down, letting his stiffening cock come slowly into view. His cock swung free of the jock and slapped against my cheek. The fleshy tube felt awesome and pulling down his jock released even more of the wonderful smells of this hot man.

I slid the jock down his legs, marvelling at the muscles and hair along the way. His thighs and calves were very well developed, from years of soccer I would later learn. Caleb put his hands on his hips and swivelled them slightly, swinging his cock back in forth in front of me. Sticking my tongue out I tried to get a good swipe each time his cock swung past.

His movements slowed slightly and I took advantage to move in and take the head of his now fully hard cock into my mouth. As soon as my lips wrapped around his cock head, he stopped swivelling and pushed his hips forward, burying about half his cock in my mouth. My hands had slid back up his legs after dropping his jock at the floor and were now wrapped around his impressive thighs. I was using them to hold him in place. Now that I had his cock in my mouth he wasn't going anywhere.

I was so focused on Caleb that I didn't see that Chris was now sucking Justin and Jim was sucking Seamus. The erotic tension in the room was building and in my mind's eye I could see the guys watching us all grabbing their stiffening cocks through their pants.

As I took more and more of Caleb's cock on each stroke he slowly started to turn. I realized he wanted us in profile so the guys could watch. Seamus had turned the other way and was facing Caleb and Justin so I had my back to Chris' back. Justin and Caleb were taking the lead and shoving their cocks into our mouths. This forced Chris to back up a bit as he was struggling to take all of Justin's cock. I was holding my own with Caleb but started to feel Chris' ass against mine, then his lower back. As he pushed into my back, I reached behind me to run my hand down his flank. It felt so awesome to have him mirroring my sucking action in front of the rest of the guys.

Chris pressed against my back and soon our shoulders and the backs of our heads were touching. Justin and Caleb were close enough to grab each others chests, and erect nipples, and run their hands over the other's shoulders and arms when they weren't holding our heads in place. As neither of us could move the two of them took over, shoving their cocks down our throats in unison and then pulling back so that just the heads of their cocks remained in our mouths.

Jim and Seamus had stopped to watch as well. Watching Chris and I take the two big cocks we were being fed. Jim turned to face me, which really put his face right at ass height. He leaned forward to lick Caleb's ass on each stroke and soon started to move in time with Caleb's hip thrusts so that his tongue was in constant contact with the hot ass in front of him.

Seamus moved over to my left shoulder, so that he could stroke his buddies' bodies while they continued to feed Chris and me their slick and very hard cocks. I caught his movement out of the corner of my eye when Caleb had only the head of his cock in my mouth. Taking my hand off of Chris, I reached out and stroked up the inside of Seamus's thigh, stopping when my fingers touched his bouncing nut sack. He was obviously stroking his cock based on the movement.

From our earlier experience in the men's room, I knew he had a great cock and would love to suck another load from him if I could. This second load would likely take longer too and I could enjoy working him over for longer.

Caleb knew how to use a cocksucker. He was varying the pace and the angle slightly, making me work for it. He had started to leak precum and it slicked up my mouth, and tasted amazing. With my back and head pressed against Chris, and Caleb holding my head and feeding me his cock I was in pig heaven. I had no idea what the rest of the guys were doing, but I know if I was watching a live scene like this I would definitely have my cock out and be stroking it.

Seamus grabbed my hand and moved it up to his dick, letting me take over the stroking action. It was good and slick. I felt a big gob of spit land on my hand. He must like it good and slick.

Justin stepped back a bit and pulled Chris' head forward and down so that he could fuck his cock up into Chris' open mouth. Our bodies were getting a good sheen of sweat from the action and it was harder and harder to keep in position against Chris' back. While holding Chris down on his cock, Justin took a half step sideways, pulling Chris along so that we were just touching at the hips and shoulders.

Once we were in a more side by side position, Justin and Caleb pushed forward so that we were not right next to each other. To a few of the guys watching it almost appeared that there was only one head being fed cocks from both sides.

Now that Chris wasn't pressed against me, he pulled back a bit and Justin let him stroke his wet cock while he dove down to lick and suck his nut sack. Justin urged him on, obviously enjoying the combination stroke and lick action.

Caleb pulled back and had me mirror Chris. I eagerly dove in behind his nuts and licked and sucked at his magnificent crotch while stroking his rock-hard cock.

I was still stroking Seamus, who moved over to stand beside Caleb, giving me easier hand access to both of their cocks. Jim continued to rim Caleb as he stood still and let me suck on his nuts and stroke his cock.

Caleb pulled me off his cock and turned my head towards Seamus. Of course, Seamus shoved in and sunk his cock down my throat. He knew what a great cock sucker I was, but didn't have nearly as big an audience when I had sucked him off in the washroom a short while ago. The motion must have caught Justin's attention, and he stopped fucking Chris' face long enough to see what was happening.

Chris took a moment to catch his breathe, and turned his head to see what Justin was watching. "Fuck," he said, "looks fucking hot."

"Absolutely does," Justin said, "he is one talented cock sucker." There was general agreement in the room, and my cock throbbed just a little harder knowing that my talents were appreciated and that I was now the center of attention in the room.

Jim had stopped rimming Caleb and poked his head around the side of Caleb's exceptional ass, to see me working the two cocks.

"I wonder just how good he is," Jim said, "Jeff and I got to enjoy using his mouth together, but I'd like to see how he does with all of us."

I almost shot my load wondering if he meant the five guys who were naked and hard around me or if he meant everyone in the room. I was up for either, but was so busy focusing on the two cocks right in front of me I couldn't see what was happening in the room.

The guys who had been watching were all rock hard and either rubbing their cocks through their pants, or had pulled out their cocks and were stroking them. Considering the action that we had had in the locker room it was amazing to see so many hard cocks.

Jim stood up and moved over so that he was at Seamus' other hip. The three of them now had their cocks pointed at my mouth. I licked and slobbered, trying to get all three in one swipe and suck the heads of their cocks into my mouth at once. It wasn't going to work, but it was fun trying.

Justin and Chris were now standing behind me, stroking each others cocks while they watched me work on their three friends. After I had deepthroated Seamus's cock he turned my head slightly towards Justin who was standing against his right hip. As I turned, I saw that Chris was to his left, so now the five naked guys were all standing hip to hip to hip in a semi-circle in front of me and facing the rest of the guys.

I turned slightly to be able to suck Justin and start stroking Chris and Seamus, which gave the guys a great view of my back and ass. While I couldn't see them, I could feel them staring lustfully at the group of us.

Being too busy to dwell on what they guys were thinking, the cock pig in me kicked into high gear and I used my hands and mouth to work three cocks at a time. The guys were helping each other out, so that no cock was left unattended. To help me out a bit the semi-circle tightened around me. They made sure that the whole group could see what was going on, but made sure that my mouth was never too far from their cocks.

Showing off like this had us all turned on, and as I went from cock to cock to cock, I did my best to keep them all on edge. A few times the guys swapped places in the line-up so that each took turns close to the end where the guys watching had a better view of the action, and close to the center where they got more attention from me.

It was a good thing that I couldn't reach my cock as I'm sure I would have blasted my load as soon as I touched it.

Their breathing changed and the guys were getting more impatient. The stroking and sucking became more erratic and I could tell that they were getting close.

"Blast your loads all over that hot fucking cock sucker!" Bradley called out.

"Fuck yeah," Stu chimed in, "let's see you coat his face with cum."

There were moans of agreement from the guys standing with them, and the guys shoving their cocks at me.

Chris was the first to shot. At first, I wasn't sure that he was really into this scene, but the cock lust in him took over and he was now showing off. "I'm gonna shoot," Chris said, giving me a chance to turn my face towards him. Tilting my head back and sticking out my tongue just in time, I saw and then felt the first blast across my lips and cheek. He had grabbed his cock and the next two shots sprayed all over, hitting me and several of the other guys.

As often happens once the first guy shoots, the others follow close behind.

"My turn," Seamus called out. He had his cock gripped at the base and was making short strokes on the shaft while aiming directly at me. His first shot when right into my mouth and splashed against the back of my throat. Reflexively closing my mouth, the second blast hit my nose and lips. I opened up for the rest of his load and just as he last shot hit my chin another hot load hit my cheek.

"Fuck yeah!" shouted Justin, as I turned tor try and get some of his load directly in my mouth. He shot four or five big gobs before coming down off the edge and leaking a final big gob. I leaned in to lick it off his cock head.

"Beautiful guys," Jim said, "my turn now."

He turned my head and held it with my lips an inch from his cock. "Open up and take the head in your mouth," he ordered. I obeyed and just as my lips latched onto the flaring cock head, I could feel it surge and blast after blast shot right into my mouth. The guys watching could see his cock spasm as blast after blast of white hot cum shot into my hole.

I took over stroking his cock and milked out the last of his load. My lips didn't let a drop spill out, which was amazing considering the size of his load. I finally pulled off and opened my mouth to show everyone the cum filling my mouth.

"Swallow and get ready," Caleb said. He was the only one who I hadn't already sucked off and I really wanted this to be special.

I gulped down the loads in my mouth and we turned to be in perfect profile for everyone. The big gang furiously stroking to my left and the four naked guys with dripping cocks on my right.

"Open up!"

I opened my mouth and tilted my head back.

"Tongue out cock sucker!"

I stuck my tongue out just as the fist blast show out and stroked up my tongue, into my mouth and over my upper lip. His aim was perfect and I head a few of the guys moan as his huge cock spit out blast after blast of cum. Most of it hit my mouth and lips, but he sprayed some onto my cheeks and one blast onto my forehead.

As soon as ho stopped shooting, he leaned forward and used his cock to wipe the load on my face towards my mouth. I licked at the cum and his cock, desperately wanting to suck on it some more. He obviously like that idea and slid his cock back into my mouth as soon as he had wiped most of his load into my mouth.

I nursed his cock for as long as he would let me. I fucking love to continue to suck on a cock after a guy shoots. The texture changes completely and sometimes their cocks get so sensitive that a gently movement sends spasms through them and spits out a small extra bit of cum.

Caleb relaxed. He rested back down on his heels and the tension drained out of his body. He finally relaxed enough that he bowed his head, and as he did that the room erupted in applause.

"Fucking awesome show," Rich said, "You guys want to join us on our honeymoon and put on a show like that every day?"

Everyone cracked up, breaking the tension and snapping me back to reality. Fuck I'm a cock pig.

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