Mitch's Awakening

By David Lee

Published on Oct 18, 2021



Mitchell's Awakening © 2021

By David Lee

Mitchell McPherson had been blessed with a creative mind. At least that's what his parents and teachers told him. He had a number of talents but had chosen to use them as avocations instead of for his profession. For that, he decided to follow in his father's footsteps and become an insurance agent.

He didn't have an evil bone in his body. However, he did have a wicked sense of humor. In his early teens, a friend had introduced him to limericks. With those, he had created rhymes about difficult situations and people who rubbed him the wrong way.

His friend had taught his several off-color ones like, "There was an old hermit named Dave, who kept a whore in a cave...." They had made up similar ones about teachers and had felt very naughty for doing it.

Having found no words which sounded like "Mitchell," he would use his nickname because there were several rhyming ones when he went down the alphabet.

That sense of humor had helped him recover from the breakup with his college sweetheart after she did him wrong. When he caught her cheating on him, she acted as if he were an old prude. She had reminded him that many guys played around. If women were to be equal, they deserved the same freedom as their male counterparts.

Her attitude shocked him because he'd grown up assuming that lovers were faithful, and he'd had never seriously looked at another female once they'd gone together for a year. Initially, he'd been devastated. Yet, after a few months, he had begun to recover. Part of that was reflected in a poem he composed about his situation:

There was a young student named, Mitch

Whose girlfriend turned into a bitch.

When he finally found

She'd been screwing around,

He manned up and gave her the pitch!

Okay, it wasn't fine art, but it gave him a different perspective on the experience - one that he could laugh about. Perhaps he was better off finding out about Amy before they'd gone to the altar. His family seemed to think so. They encouraged him to take time off from the dating scene. Well, all of them other than his younger brother, Doug, who said he should play the field and get all the pussy he could while he was single.

Instead of chasing girls, Mitch had thrown himself into his studies. After graduating with honor from UNI, he'd gone on to earn his MBA and had joined his father's agency to learn the ropes.

Now, at 25, he had his own branch of the business, Mitchell's State Farm Insurance. He could have used his surname in the title. However, he didn't want it confused with his father's place of business which had McPherson as part of its name.

In buying the agency from Fred Garvey, he had inherited a number of clients. Most of those were older people who had stuck with Fred during his declining years. Mitch hoped to build the business up by attracting younger people. His father was helping him by hosting an open-house on the coming Monday.

The business operated out of the first floor of an older building which was located on the main avenue of town, about 10 blocks from the center of the city. The original owner had operated a shop which sold vacuum cleaners and small appliances in the lower story and had lived in a two-bedroom apartment above it. Convenience and low-overhead were attractive features. It might not be as fancy as his father's agency, but the commute of 14 steps was certainly a short one!

Saturday was his first day in the office. Looking around his humble digs, he felt very fortunate to have his own agency while still in his 20's. He'd counted up the number of State Farm agents in the metropolitan area, and he was number 14. That sounded luckier than 13! Agent 14. It almost sounded like the title for a spy.

His only scheduled appointment that day was with Ms. Parsons who had been one of his teachers and was a longtime client of Fred's. Mitch was hoping she'd be open to suggestions he had for making her portfolio more profitable.

At 9:30, Ms. Parsons called to say she'd have to miss their 10:00 o'clock meeting due to a medical emergency involving her mother. Would Tuesday work? It was spring break, so she could come any day the following week without missing school. After they'd agreed on a time, Mitch didn't have a lot to occupy his morning. He'd planned to close at noon on Saturdays anyway. He could check out some investment prospectuses to fill the time.

Years ago, when his father was first starting out, State Farm had primarily dealt in insurance policies. However, things had changed, and in recent years, they did a lot of financial planning for clients. That was where the real money was.

Mitch hadn't expected any walk-ins, but around 10:30, a young man came in. He was a good-looking dude with dark hair and blue eyes. Mitch felt like he should know him.

"Hi, I don't know if you remember me. I'm Drake Vanous. We had a language arts class together at Kennedy a few years ago."

"Yes! I thought you looked familiar," Mitch exclaimed, rising to shake the hand of his old classmate. "What brings you my way?"

"I need some financial advice. I know it's early to think about retirement, but I'd like to feel secure in my `golden years' instead of having to take a menial job to supplement my pension and social security."

"You're smart to plan ahead. My father has some couples who started investing at your age, and now, in their retirement, they're millionaires. It's a lot better to begin planning at 25 than 50, like lots of people do."

"Cool! I know my teaching pension won't be bad if I stay in the profession. Sometimes, I'm not sure I want to. High school kids aren't like they were when you and I went to school. Some of us had cell phones but we didn't misuse them like they do now. There are days when I feel like it's a losing battle competing with electronic devices."

"What's your major?"

"Math, and I went on to get my MBA before I started teaching."

"You could get into a business like mine. No doubt, you can deal with actuary tables and all that suff."

"Hmm... I've never considered that. Perhaps I could.

"Anyway, I need to do whatever it takes to plan for the distant future as well. After my divorce, I've come to realize that few things are certain besides death and taxes."

"I'm sure you can spare $50 per paycheck to invest without feeling like you're strapped, unless you have a huge alimony to pay."

"Nope, I don't have any! We didn't have any children and she made more than I did, so I got off easy, I guess -- other than the emotional toll."

"I can empathize.

"Let me show you some things I was looking at before you came in."

For the next hour, the two young men discussed investment opportunities. Mitch warmed to the subject and before long had come up with something which Drake felt was ideal.

It was great to be able to spend quality time for this kind of thing. It was also nice to have the opportunity to be with an old acquaintance. When they rose to say their goodbyes, neither was eager to have their meeting to end.

As Mitch went to turn the sign in the window to "closed," Drake apologized monopolizing his morning.

Mitch countered that he'd had nothing better to do and was pleased to have company. Then, he suggested that they go together for lunch. He had a fund for entertaining clients and Drake could be the first to take advantage of it.

Over their meal, they reminisced about high school. They agreed that it might be fun to attend the upcoming class reunion in the fall. It had been postponed due to the pandemic, the five-year celebration would actually be more like seven or eight. Perhaps they could go together so they'd have someone to hang out with.

Another thing they discussed was physical fitness. Drake complained that he was too sedentary and had gone a bit soft around the middle. He asked Mitch how he managed to keep his body in such good shape.

Mitch talked about the gym where he worked out. The owners were fanatical about keeping the place germ-free so it would be safe for their clients. All of the trainers had been vaccinated, and, while they didn't fine customers for not having their shots, they did give discounts to those who had. Given that reward, most members were safe to be around.

"I'll tell you what, if you're free this afternoon, we could go over and talk to Rob about signing you up. Dad and I advertise with him, so he gives our customers a special rate."

"Wow! You're like a one-stop shopping place. Do you give spiritual advice as well?"

"I don't push religion on anyone, but I do go to a very inclusive church right in the heart of the city. You're welcome to go with me if you like."

"Cool! I might try it sometime."

Drake showed up at the open-house for Mitch's agency on Monday. Mitch had urged him to come and help eat some of the food his mother had planned. He was fairly sure that he wouldn't have a huge crowd.

"Hey Drake, I'm pleased that you made it. As you can see, this isn't exactly like the social event of the season."

"Thanks for inviting me. Getting a free lunch will save me money that you can invest so I won't starve in my old age," he joked.

"By the way, I was hoping you'd be at the gym this morning."

"I full-well intended to be. The problem is that my receptionist quit before she started. I didn't dare leave the phone unanswered when I'm trying to build up my business. I'm hoping to find a replacement before the week is out."

"Hmmm... Perhaps I could help while I'm on spring break. I don't have a lot going on."

"So, you're not going somewhere warm to lie in the sun?"

"Nah, it would be expensive to fly to Florida or Texas, and it's a tiring drive for a person alone. Besides, when I got to the beach, it would be packed with half-drunk teenagers who are barely older than the ones I teach. What kind of break would that be?"

"Well, you must have family to see or something better to do than to hang around here with me."

"Actually, I don't. My parents sort of disowned me after my divorce. Megan was my mother's pick for me because her mother was a sorority sister and you know how that goes. It was almost like an arranged marriage.

(What Drake told was true, but he didn't go into all the details. Megan had come home early from a business trip and discovered Drake masturbating while watching porn on his computer. That wouldn't have upset her had it not been a video of two guys rubbing off on each other. Seeing that it was gay material, she flew into a rage and quickly called her mother, who in turn, told his mother. The only reason it didn't go further was that his mother was concerned about the family's reputation in the community.)

"I can set up an automated system with a virtual receptionist who can respond and screen the calls for you, so there's practically no waste of time. It can put a client on hold if you're on another line, and it can take care of simple questions like what your hours are and all that stuff. You might be able to hire an assistant who functions at a higher level and is more productive than a secretary."

"Wow! That would be great. I know a lot about investing but not so much about technology."

The two young men agreed to work out at the gym the next day early enough so Mitch could be back in time to open and Drake could start setting up the answering system. Mitch promised to make breakfast before their workday began.

When Ms. Parsons came in for her meeting with Mitch, she was delighted to see Drake there as well. He had been another of the students whom she had always been happy to have in class. The three of them got caught up briefly before Mitch and she got down to serious business.

She was pleased with the investment opportunities Mitch presented, and she said she would encourage other staff members to use his services.

At noon, the guys lunched on leftovers from the open-house. Drake felt guilty about sponging, but Mitch insisted that it was his duty to help consume the food before it went bad.

"Ya know, Drake, you would be a natural in this job. You have the math skills and the people skills it takes to be successful. I'm not saying your talents are wasted on high school students, but I believe you could make a lot more money with a lot less stress by changing professions. We would just need to get you certified and bonded. It would take a little studying on your part, but it wouldn't be difficult."

"You're urging me to become part of the competition?"

"Nope, I'm encouraging you to get the additional training so you could join me in my operation."

"Wow! But, you don't know me well enough to predict if we would be compatible working together day to day. I'm a lot different from what I was in high school."

"I like everything about you now, so I don't foresee any problem."

Drake smiled wanly, wondering if that would remain the case when Mitch discovered his secret.

During the next weeks, the connection between the two men strengthened as they continued to work out together at the gym several times per week. Of course, their schedules didn't allow that to happen every day. However, it was often enough to please them.

Their togetherness increased following a sad incident in which another fairly young State Farm agent died in his sleep following a bad bout with Covid-19. When no one showed an interest in buying his business, the higher-ups of the company split it up and encouraged clients to seek other nearby agencies to take care of their needs. As a result, Mitch was suddenly up to his butt in new customers.

Not all of the added clients needed lengthy appointments, but some did. Others simply wanted to touch base with the agency to see if they would be comfortable doing business there. Mitch reached out to Drake to see if he could spare time some evenings for helping with the overflow of people. He would pay him the going rate and it would provide more experience for him to decide if he wanted to make a career change.

Drake was thrilled. Moonlighting wouldn't add enough to his workload to stress him out during the last part of the term. Unlike some of his colleagues, he had no coaching duties and he didn't sponsor a club or other activity. Five of the six sections he taught were upper-level with all seniors. He would be coasting the last past of the semester when the seniors would be gone and he'd have only one set of finals to grade.

The other thing which appealed to Drake about the extra job was the time he'd be spending with Mitch. Though he assumed their relationship could never be what he'd like it to be, he could still enjoy the camaraderie. He would have to be very careful not to cross the line. Having to keep his thoughts in check wasn't ideal, but it beat feeling like he had no one.

On one especially busy evening, Mitch's mother, Martha brought them a home-cooked meal for the men to enjoy during their short dinner break. She enlisted Doug to help carry things since her husband was away at a conference.

While Doug and Martha were setting up the food in the downstairs break room alone, Doug made a comment which he assumed would remain between the two of them. They didn't realize Mitch had accidentally turned on the intercom.

"You know, Mom, those two are so alike it's too bad one of them isn't a girl."

"Huh," she responded.

"Well, duh! If one of them were female, they could get married and live happily ever after. I think Drake has a crush on my brother."

"'Well, duh,' to use your phrase, same-sex marriage has been legal in this country for most your young life. They could get married anyway."

"You mean you wouldn't be offended if one of us got hooked up with another guy?"

"Douglas, I thought you knew me well enough to know that I want whatever makes my sons happy. I hope you'd feel the same if Mitch did wed another man. If what you think is true about Drake's feelings, I could live with that. He's a terrific guy!"

"Yeah, I guess it wouldn't actually bother me either. I have a couple of gay friends at school who are out. They're still my buds."

Mitchell hadn't intended to eavesdrop on his family members. Their conversation made him stop to think. Did Drake have a thing for him? Was the guy gay or bi or curious? Did his own affection for Drake go deeper than the desire for a close friendship? Would his family be as comfortable as they seemed if he were to actually have a relationship with another male? It appeared that he might have more options in his love life than he'd ever imagined. He would have to tread lightly, though. Once a person came out as being different from the norm, it was impossible to go back into the closet.

As luck would have it, their work-load slowed down about the time Drake had more time to devote to the job. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing because it gave him more free time to work on gaining the credentials he'd need to be a full-fledged agent. The more he thought about it, the more appealing it sounded. He had asked the school system for a leave of absence before the term had ended. Mitch had counseled him to do that rather than resign completely. It would give him an option in the event that things didn't work out.

Making a major career move was scary, but he was young and wasn't responsible for anyone but himself. It wasn't like he was leaving a comfortable retirement plan because he didn't have a lot of years invested in the teaching profession.

In June, Mitch hired a new person who had worked for the agency which had closed due to the death of its owner. Cheri Donner was knowledgeable as well as attractive. Although her hair was the color of pale silk, she didn't fit the "dumb blonde" stereotype. She felt this was a good fit for her since Mitch treated her more as an equal than an underling. He was single and only about two year younger than she. The thought of being under him in bed wasn't an unpleasant one either.

Drake was also handsome. Either of them would be considered a good catch.

Adding Cheri to the agency changed the whole feeling-tone. She tended to flirt with the guys but did it in a subtle way which wasn't intended to make them uncomfortable. Neither man appeared to be offended. It was kind of like teasing with an older sibling. However, it made Drake feel that he definitely had no hope of ever being closer to Mitch than he was at present. He would have to be very careful with his heart if he didn't want to end up hurting.

Drake's impression of Cheri changed for the better when she offered to tutor him before the upcoming test in his quest for certification. She did flirt with him a bit, but he decided it was just a part of her personality. It seemed fairly harmless. Oh well, she was probably saving the serious stuff to use on Mitch.

Early in July, Mitch invited Drake to spend the 4th with his family and him. Drake was surprised that Cheri wasn't included; that is, until he found out that she was visiting her parents in Wisconsin for the long weekend. For a few minutes, he'd felt like he had a special place in Mitch's life before he decided it was only wishful thinking on his part.

Drake enjoyed being with Mitch and his family. They treated him cordially. Even Doug acted friendly despite having a girlfriend who demanded a lot of his attention.

The city's celebration of the national holiday was much more festive than it had been at the height of the pandemic. People behaved a lot like students who had been confined indoors due to the weather. Once they were free, they went a little wild. A lot of them had given up masks and social distancing. Mitch's family were among the exceptions. They continued to follow the recommended health protocols as much as they could.

The fireworks display at the end of the evening seemed all the more spectacular since they'd been cancelled the year before.

Mitch invited Drake to his apartment for a nightcap following the festivities. Drake was happy for an excuse to extend their time together. One margarita led to another, and both were feeling pretty mellow by 11:00.

"Um, I'd probably better call a cab," Drake said as he stood up to leave. "I think I'm in control, but I'd hate to chance it."

"Why don't you stay over? I have a guest room that's not been occupied since I bought the place. You could be the first."

"That's kind of you, but I shouldn't impose."

"It's no imposition. I'd enjoy the company."

"I don't know. I don't have anything to sleep in or anything clean to put on in the morning."

"Who sleeps in anything? I can loan you clean underwear for tomorrow, if wearing something of mine doesn't offend you. You can even have first crack at the shower if you like, and I make a pretty good breakfast."

"Okay, you've convinced me."

Drake went to sleep enjoying the invitation to stay in Mitch's apartment. It made him feel like they were best buds.

Cheri came back from her short stay in Wisconsin in a bubbly mood. She had reconnected with an old classmate who was in the military and he was interested in dating her. It looked like things could become serious. Mitch wondered if he would need to search for a replacement. Of course, it was early days. The infatuation might not last. Then too, Drake would soon be ready to step in.

Early in August, Drake received his certification. He could now sell insurance policies and begin working more closely with clients. He hoped the experiences would be positive and keep him from missing his students when school opened in a few weeks.

He was also hoping to make enough in commissions to keep the wolf from the doorstep. He had pared down his living expenses as much as possible to keep from dipping into his savings when his paychecks from the school would end. If things didn't pick up, he wouldn't renew his lease on the furnished apartment he'd occupied since his divorce. He would have to find something cheaper. There were some options for people living below the poverty line. Of course, he wouldn't be eligible until his money ran out. Some of the neighborhoods with less expensive housing weren't entire safe to live in. There was a lot to consider.

Before Drake got completely stressed out over his finances, Mitch came up with a proposition.

"Drake, I've been thinking of ways to help you maintain your standard of living while you're waiting to make it big. I kind of pushed you into the career change and I feel responsible. When your lease is up, why don't you move in here with me? It could be a benefit that wouldn't be subject to taxation."

"Oh man, that's a very generous offer. I'm not sure if it's wise on your part, but it certainly is kind of you to think of me."

"I think it would work out fine. We have a lot of common interests and you know we're compatible. Plan to stay over this weekend for a trial run and we can discuss it further. In fact, bring some clothes with you on Friday and we'll have a long weekend with only Saturday morning to break it up. We could go biking as well as to the gym. I could make a special dinner to convince you."

Drake felt guilty about taking Mitchell up on the deal. He should be straight with him, but he hated to do something that could queer the deal. Drake smiled at the irony in the unintended puns swirling around in his head.

When Drake arrived at work on Friday morning, he left his overnight bag in the trunk of his car. Seeing Cheri's vehicle already parked in the small lot, he didn't want to bring his bag in when she was there and might figure out what was going on. It wasn't that she would be jealous since she had a new boyfriend, but he felt it was no one's business. Mitch raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner when he saw that Drake was empty-handed, and Drake smiled and nodded to let him know that plans were on.

"Um, this isn't a special dinner," Mitch claimed, as they sat down to eat that evening. "I'm doing that tomorrow night when I have more time."

"It looks good to me!" Drake insisted. "Cooking for myself is never this elaborate."

"I eat on the run sometimes too. Most of this comes partially prepared. I just have to heat it up and serve. I figured if I opened a bottle of wine to complement it, I could get away with it."

The men ate in companionable silence, occasionally discussing something work-related. They didn't talk about Drake's moving in and he kind of wondered if Mitch had changed his mind.

After watching a movie on TV, the two said goodnight and retired to their respective rooms. Drake looked around his bedroom, observing it more carefully than he had back in July. He mentally arranged the few pieces of furniture he owned. His chest of drawers would be perfect in the space if Mitch would be willing to put the current one in the storage room. His comfortable La-Z-Boy recliner would go okay with the furniture in the living room without looking out of place, or he could squeeze it into the bedroom if necessary.

Saturday morning wasn't busy, but Drake did manage to sell an insurance policy which netted him a decent commission. It made him feel hopeful that his financial situation would be okay even if Mitch didn't carry through with his offer.

Because Mitch didn't have any appointments after 10:00, he used the time to go to the supermarket for a few additional items for dinner. He wanted it to be a romantic occasion, but worried that he might be overdoing it. He finally decided to throw caution to the wind and let things play out as they might.

After lunch, the men went biking for a while. Mitch had to watch the time so he could get the prime rib roast in the oven at the appropriate time.

Drake asked if he could help with dinner, but Mitch said he wanted it to be a surprise. There wasn't any way for Drake to be too far from the kitchen, so he went downstairs to finish some paperwork.

When he came back up to the apartment, the aroma was incredible and the atmosphere was perfect. The kitchen table was covered with a cloth and matching napkins. Instead of the harsh overhead light, the area was illuminated by the undercounter lights and candles.

"Wow! This is beautiful!"

"I hoped you'd be impressed. Don't expect this every night. However, I think we could have special meals at least once a month. This should let you know how much I want you here."

Mitch had made Yorkshire pudding to go with the roast. As a nod to a healthy diet, he had included green beans and a big salad. It was all done to perfection.

Drake had wanted to come clean with Mitch but hadn't wanted to spoil their lovely dinner. He was still hesitant to open his mouth after they finished and cleaned the area up.

Mitch also seemed a bit antsy. After clearing his throat, he launched into his speech.

"Drake, I'm going to ask you a personal question. I hope it won't make you uncomfortable. Be honest with me. Do you have a crush on me?"

The color drained from Drake's face as he tried to find the right words."

"Um, uh..."

"I sincerely hope so because I've developed major feelings for you," Mitch confessed as he moved toward his friend. "Please say you do!"

Drake melted into his embrace and they kissed for the first time. Neither had ever experienced the surge of electricity that ran through their bodies. Drake answered as soon as he caught his breath.


"Please sleep with me tonight," Mitch requested.

"Okay, but you'll be disappointed. I don't know much about man-to-man sex other than viewing it on my laptop. I'll bet some of my students are better informed."

"I don't have any experience either. We can learn together. Most of all, I want to hold you in my arms all night long. Maybe we could act out a scene from something you've watched, as long as it doesn't involve a lot of pain. I'm a virgin in that area. What do you have in mind?"

"Um, there was an awesome video of two 20-something studs doing frottage. It's the one that precipitated the end of my marriage. It could be a good way to start a new relationship."

"So, what's the scenario like?"

"It begins with the two of them sharing a shower. They use a lot of gel on their washcloths to make their bodies slick. Then, they hump together with their dicks trapped between them."

"You've got my attention, as you can see," Mitch grinned, guiding Drake's hand to the bulge in his jeans. "Does it have a happy ending?"

"Yes, one overflowing with lots of joy!"


A State Farm agent name Mitch

Had a love-life exceedingly rich,

After he went on the make

With his boyfriend, Drake,

And decided to make the switch.

Author's notes: Thanks for reading this story. If you enjoyed it, please feel free to contact me a and let me know. Your emails are the only reward I receive for writing.

Thanks to David S for editing. He finds the typos and missing words!

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