Mitchells New Home

By Eric S

Published on Feb 13, 2001


Ok usual disclaimer. If you can't, don't want to, or really don't care to, then don't read my story. If you do want to read it...well read it. Hope you enjoy. This is my third attempt at writing a story...hopes it's better then the first two.

Mitchell hated it when his parents told him that they had to move. Why did his dad have to have a stupid job that made him move every three years? Mitchell had just turned fifteen and was about to start his freshman year of high school. He didn't want to leave now...just when he was beginning to make friends.

Finally the week came when they were to move, Mitchell still didn't like it, and he let his parents know it. "Dad this is the stupidest thing, you could get a job somewhere else. If things go like the usually go, I'll have to move again during my senior year. Oh that would be grand wouldn't it pop." "Now Mitchell, I've had enough, shut up about it, I'm not getting another job and we are going to move that's the end of it, understood?" "Yes, sir." He was happy in Pensacola, he just hated the idea of moving, what little friends he had made during his time there he knew he was going to miss. Now they had to move up north to Cleveland. He hated big cities, there were just to many people and he hated the idea of having to learn to drive in a busy city. His dad had gone a couple weeks earlier to find a good house he sent pictures of house after house home for his mother to look at, finally after the 16th house they decided on one. A nice two story home with a large swimming pool in the back. It was down the street from a high school that had a very good reputation, they claimed it was the deciding element. So, the day finally came the car was packed and the moving truck had left the day before. Mitchell made sure he had bought plenty of batteries to last his CD player the length of the trip, he really didn't want to listen to his parents talk. The trip was endless, with countless bathroom stops for his mother, the agonizing motel room in Tennessee, and the horrible food all along the way. Finally after 3 days in the damn car the arrived in Cleveland. Mitchell was never so happy to be out of the crammed up back seat in his life. His father looked at him and said, "there are 3 bedrooms on the bottom floor and our bedroom in on the top floor, you can go and pick out which room you want, the other two will be used for offices for your mother and I." "Alright dad," Mitchell replied walking into the house. All three rooms were about the same size, but one really stood out to Mitchell. It was near the back of the house it was a little bigger then the other two and had 1 window in it and two walk in closets, but best of all it was at the back of his house away from the living room. He could have the most amount of privacy here. His dad came in behind him and asked, "so have you decided yet?" "Yeah I want this one."

"Alright when the truck gets here make sure they put your stuff in there." Mitchell nodded and said, "Hey dad I think I'm gonna go walking around the neighborhood. Is that alright?" "Yeah it's fine by me, just make sure you let your mother know." He let his mother know and was quickly out of the house. He started walking; he didn't know where anything was because he wasn't paying any attention when they pulled into the neighborhood. He seemed to remember some kind of park near the entrance. He recalled as much as he thought he could and in a little while found the park. It wasn't very big, but it was big enough. It had a small basketball court and tennis court. He had a good amount of benches and picnic tables and a whole lot of trees. There were some small kid things, like seesaw, swings, etc. Mitchell walked over to a tree and sat down in the shade, he put his headphones on, and started thinking about his new home, his old home, his old friends, and if he was going to be able to make any new ones here before his dad decided to move again. He must have gotten too comfortable because he fell asleep under the tree. He woke up to someone removing his headphones and trying to get to his wallet. He opened his eyes and saw someone under a mask, the mugger saw that he was awake and backhanded him so hard it knocked him over. The man then jumped on Mitchell and punched him repeatedly. The mugger took his CD player and his wallet and left Mitchell there bleeding. He passed out. He was awoken to the sounds of people talking over him. He didn't know where he was or what happened. He slowly opened his eyes and saw that he was in a white room lying on a bed. He still wasn't sure where he was. When his eyes began to focus he saw his parents talking to some guy in a white coat. "Great," Mitchell thought, "I'm in the hospital. I hate hospitals." His mom noticed that he had awakened and quickly ran over to him giving him a kiss and asked the usual mom question "Honey are you alright?" Mitchell replied, "Yeah I'm fine." "What happened?" His father asked "I don't remember. How did I get here." "Someone found you in the park and called 911. He noticed it was the person who had just moved in so after the ambulance took you he came down to our house and got us." "So who is this person that I owe thanks to?" "He left he said he would stop in later and see how you were doing." "Ok. I'm tired now so I'm going back to sleep." "Alright honey," his mom started, "we are going to head back to the house. The doctor said that your injuries weren't bad. You had a couple cracked ribs, but that was it. He said you will be able to come home tomorrow, they just want to keep you over night for observation." His mother went over to the bed and kissed him on the forehead and left followed by his father. Mitchell quickly fell back asleep. He started to dream. It started off with him walking in his old neighborhood. He was on his way to meet some of his friends, he wasn't quite sure where he was going, and he only knew which direction to walk in. Finally he got to a tall abandoned. He didn't remember that ever being there. He didn't think much more about it and he walked in. He was completely terrified when he saw what was in there. All of his friends were in there with knives cutting each other. Blood was everywhere they kept laughing and cutting each other. Faces were slashed and eyes were gouged out. He started screaming and turned to run. But the door was locked and he could get out. They all looked over at him and started laughing. They kept chanting, "We're all dead to you. We're all dead to you." He didn't know what it meant it only frightened him even more. Then they began to walk towards him. Their grotesque faces getting closer and closer. Then one of them raised his hand and brought it down to Mitchell. Mitchell sat up in his bed and let out a small scream. Not loud enough to be heard down the hall, but loud enough to wake the visitor that was in his room. The strange person looked over at Mitchell and said, "I'm glad to see your awake. Have a nightmare did you?" "Yeah, a pretty fucked up one at that. Who are you?" "Me? I'm the person who found you and called 911." "Thanks. I'm in your debt." "No need for all of that. Just being a Good Samaritan." Mitchell finally looked at the person closely. He was young 17 or 18. Tall and skinny, with short brown hair, he couldn't really see what color eyes he had because it was dark in the room, he guessed brown. Average looking guy. "I'm Mitchell, in case you haven't already found out. What's your name?" "Shawn." "Nice to meet you." "Likewise. Just make sure that next time not to fall asleep out in public. This isn't the best city to do that in." "Tell me about it." "So you just moved here huh? I take it you'll be going to Green High when the new school year starts?" "Yeah, I'll be a freshman." "Always the worst year of high school. I go to the same school. I'm going to be a senior. Take my advice; make sure you do your homework. You don't want to end up like me taking night classes just to graduate on time. Sucks big time. Especially sitting through 3 hours of math. Man I really suck at math." "Yeah, my friend back home was in the same boat. Gave me the same advice." "Good advice. So you have a girl back home?" "I did. I broke it off when I found out I was going to be moving. I don't do the long distance things." "Yeah those can be a pain in the ass." "What about you?" "Not at the moment." "Oh." "So did the doctors say when you were getting out?" "Yeah if everything goes alright, I'll be getting out of here tomorrow night." "That's good. I hate the hospital. Well I should be getting home. I got to be up early to work tomorrow. Here I'll give ya my number in case you want to do something when you get out. I can show you around the city." "Alright. That'd be cool." So Shawn gave him his number and left. Mitchell stayed awake for most of the rest of the night. He finally dosed off around five in the morning. He awoke again around noon and noticed that no one was in the room. He was expecting his parents or somebody. He just wanted to get out of here. He reached over to the table next to his bed and grabbed the TV remote. As he was flipping through the channels someone knocked on his door. He looked up and saw his dad standing in the doorway. "Hey, you ready to go home," his father asked. "Am I ever. When can I leave, Dad?"

"Right now. The doctors said everything is ok and you can be released." "Great did you bring me some clothes." His father smiled and put the clothes on the bed and said, "I'll leave you alone while you dress. The doctors removed all the wires and tubes while you were asleep this morning. Come on out when your ready." Mitchell quickly dressed and soon they were on their way home. He was never so glad to get out of one place. He felt that he'd been there for weeks. He got home and went straight to his room. To his surprise his bed, dresser, and shelves were already put up in his room. He had his boxes all in one corner. He didn't think the moving people would be there until the next day. He laid down on his bed and fell right asleep. He was only asleep for about half an hour when he woke up and decided he had slept enough for the past couple days. He got up and went over to the pile of boxes and started to empty them. Within the space of 2 hours he had all of his boxes unpacked and his room arranged exactly the way he wanted it. Mitchell soon got bored with sitting around the house and since the movers had already came his bike was here. He told his parents he was leaving and they made sure to say, "Make sure you don't fall asleep this time." "Yeah don't worry. I've had enough sleep the past two days to last a whole month." His parents nodded and he quickly left the house. He decided just to ride around the neighborhood. He was fairly large so he knew it would take a little while. He was in no hurry to get back home. He had been riding for about half an hour when he came up to the park again.

This time there were a few people in it. Mitchell parked his bike near the basketball courts and sat on a bench. He started watching the few people in the park. There was a couple walking hand-in-hand; couple kids play basketball, and a kid sitting all alone under a tree reading a book. He was probably no more than 5'3, he had long blonde hair and blue eyes. He looked like a typical skater, but Mitchell had never met a skater who read. He noticed that walking towards the kid was a tall, heavyset guy. He watched this scene with increased curiosity. He was to far away to hear any conversation, but the kid sitting down stood up and started walking away with a kind of worried look on his face. He tall guy walked behind him and gave him a hard shove. Not expecting it, the smaller kid tumbled to the ground. Mitchell quickly ran over there and said to the tall guy, "Hey what do you think your doing?" "I'm trying to kick his ass what do you think I'm doing, and unless you want some to I suggest you walk away." "Well now I just can't do that. I don't like big smelly people picking on people half their size." Mitchell was of course half his size too, standing only 5'5 with short blonde hair, blue eyes, and he wasn't built very big either. Luckily his dad suggested that he start taking karate classes about 6 years ago, and he had become very good at it. The tall kid took a swing at Mitchell. He saw it coming and he quickly ducked and jabbed the tall kid in the kidney, and at the same time did a sweep kick and knocked him on his back. The tall kid looked shocked and quickly got up. He ran at Mitchell, but not being very agile was tripped up when the small kid on the ground stuck his foot out. Mitchell took this opportunity to lay a couple kicks into the side of the guy. The small kid got up and started wailing on the guy on the ground. Mitchell had never seen someone so angry before. The kid kept cursing and hitting the guy. Finally Mitchell had enough and pulled him off. The guy on the ground just moaned and stayed where he was fearing another onslaught from the two. Mitchell lead the smaller kid toward his bike and told him to follow him home. They didn't say a word to each other until they got into Mitchell's room. Mitchell looked at the kid questionably and said, "So what's your name?"

"Billy. You?" "Mitchell. Why was that guy messing with you, and who was he." "That was David. He is the biggest bully at my school. He thinks because he is so big that he can mess with everyone, and he just doesn't like me." "Why doesn't he like you?" "I don't know, but thanks for helping me back there Mitchell. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't have showed up." "It was nothing. I was just doing the right thing. I don't like seeing people picking on people smaller then them. It just isn't right." "Hey you just moved here right? I saw the moving truck here yesterday. I live right across the street." "Really? That's cool. Yeah we just moved here from Florida."

"Oh that must have been nice?" "Yeah I really liked it. I wish I could go back there. I miss it a lot. I hate it when I have to move. My dad has a job to where they move him every three or four years." "I've never had to move before so I am counting myself lucky. I have lived in the same house all my life. So where did you learn to fight like that?" "My dad started me in karate when I was nine. I've been at it ever since. You know you were pretty good yourself when you jumped on top of him." "Oh that was nothing. I just had a lot of built up anger that I was finally able to let out. It felt really good to make him feel like a weakling for once." "Well you still wooped his ass pretty good."

"Ha. Thanks. Hey you want to stay over at my house tonight? I'm going to the movies with some of my friends tonight. It will give you a chance to meet more people." "Yeah that sounds like fun. Hang on let me ask real quick." He left the room and returned a few minutes later. "Great my parents said 'yes'." "Excellent."

To be continued...

Well this is my third attempt at writing a story. I think that his is my favorite by far. I didn't jump into sex or anything like that. So I'm all proud of myself n' stuff. Anywayz send me some email. I LOVE EMAIL. Tell me what you think of the story. Good, bad, whatever.

Next: Chapter 2

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