
By Davey R

Published on Sep 3, 2000


This a highly fictional story based on the characters in the Australian soap opera Home and Away. Home and Away is copyright of Network 7 productions, Australia.

Lifting weights in his living room, Vinnie checked out his reflection in the full-length mirror. Man, was he proud of himself. His body was as fantastic as any of those other stripper guys he loved to fuck. Ogling his own huge arms and big chest, he almost wished he could fuck himself.

Tom was in the shower upstairs. He decided to join him.

That was kind of dangerous, because Tom had never given any indication that he wanted Vinnie to fuck him.

Nevertheless, when Vinnie was seized by a hot idea, nothing could stop him. Anyway, the worst thing that could happen was Tom telling other people about it. And Vinnie was prepared for that. He'd say that Tom was a liar, that he must be crazy. No one would expect something like that from dumb straight Vinnie. And no one would believe it had happened. Vinnie's whole personality was an act he'd been working on for years, and it would be easy for him to act shocked and like he didn't know what Tom was talking about.

He looked at himself in the mirror. Boy, was he fit. How could Tom resist this? How could he resist once those big muscled arms were wrapped around him? How could he resist when he was pressed against that huge chest?

Vinnie grinned, getting turned on by himself, and headed for the bathroom. The door wasn't locked because, as it happened, the lock had been mysteriously broken for a few days. A bit of sabotage on Vinnie's part. So the two guys had agreed not to enter when the other was taking a shower.

When Vinnie was forbidden to do something, the only course of action open to him was to go ahead and do it.

He went into the bathroom. Tom's lovely long muscled body was opaque behind the shower curtain. He was washing his hair or something and didn't seem to notice anything.

Vinnie smirked and went forward. He moved the curtain aside gently and crept in while Tom shampooed his hair. Tom's eyes were scrunched shut as the foam ran down his face. Vinnie's bare feet splashed into the thin puddle of water at the bottom of the cubicle. He shut the curtain quietly behind him. And Tom's body was then right in front of his. Tom was facing away from him and his lovely pert buttocks were only inches away from Vinnie's huge dick. And still he hadn't noticed anything.

Vinnie reached out and put his hand on Tom's wet shoulder. Tom turned around suddenly, opening his eyes but then closing them again because of the stinging of the soap. "What-" he exclaimed, half-seeing Vinnie. Vinnie pushed Tom against the wall. Not very forcefully, but he pressed against him to keep him from moving or lashing out in panic. "Tom", he growled into his ear. "I'm going to fuck you if you want it, and we're going to have so much fun if you want it. Can you feel this body against you Tom? Can you feel how sexy it is? You and me, Tom. Our bodies together now. You want it, don't you?" Tom struggled to open his eyes, rubbing them, rubbing the soap out. Vinnie's face was right in front of his. The real Vinnie's face, with the cunning and the burning passion he hid from everyone except the men he wanted. Tom gasped, taken aback by the face, by the voice, by the fact that Vinnie's body was pressed against his. He heard his wide, open mouth say "Yes" Vinnie grinned, holding Tom by the back of his head and kissing him greedily. His giant cock prodded Tom's stomach. Tom simply allowed it for a few moments. But as he felt Vinnie's hands on his body and Vinnie's hot breath in his mouth, he quickly became massively turned on, and he started to grope back at Vinnie. He felt at his big strong arms and his chest, realising now that he'd always wanted to feel them, that whenever he'd seen Vinnie's body exposed he'd wanted to know what it felt like to the touch, just how firm it really was. The muscles in Vinnie's arms were rock hard, and Tom became giddy with excitement as he imagined how easily Vinnie could have overpowered him and raped him if he'd wanted. Half his body stayed pressed against the cold wall because that was where Vinnie wanted it, and he was enjoying himself so much he didn't think to move. His legs became intertwined with Tom's, their thighs tight against each other, their cocks side by side, each pressed against each other's stomach.

"Ahhh, Tom. You've wanted me to fuck you for ages, haven't you? Haven't you?" Tom agreed, sobbing because he'd never realised it before, never admitted it to himself. Vinnie grinned triumphantly. "You're weak, Tom, that's why you went to live with that policewoman. You need someone to control you. You pretend to resent it, but you need it, don't you?" Tom nodded gently, shivering with desire as Vinnie sucked on his neck. Vinnie brought his mouth right to Tom's ear and wrapped his huge arms around him tightly. "I'm what you need, Tom. You need a big man to tell you what to do". His cock was like steel as he felt Tom's submissive body in his arms. "You need a big strong man to own you, don't you?"

Tom's cock leaked precum as he felt Vinnie's body wrapped around his. "Yes", he whispered, "Yes, please..."

Not that Vinnie had any intention owning Tom, but he'd get a few hot fucks out of it, and he was going to ram it up this ass right now. He flipped Tom round, and Tom pressed his hands against the cold tiled wall. Annoyed by the spray from the shower, Vinnie turned it off, and then proceeded to guide his big stiff penis into Tom's fresh and never-before-fucked hole.

"Whoah, fucking first-class!" he yelled as the head went in. He grunted as he thrusted up. "Relax, Tom. Don't fight against it" - but Tom was fantasising that he was being raped, and he wanted to pretend to fight against it, to feel himself taken by force. Vinnie stretched his arms so that they covered Tom's and their fingers interlocked against the wall. "Oh yes!!" Vinnie growled as he forced against the clenched passage and felt himself begin to cum, "Oh yeah, you're just as hot as Mitch! Geez, I love young guys!" "Mitch?" Tom gasped quietly. Then he wailed with ecstasy as the cock filled him and he felt heat, liquid heat, flooding out of it and up inside him.

"Uhh yeah, big strong man" Vinnie said to himself afterwards, as he flexed his arms and looked at himself in the mirror. "Geez, I look great. If I saw a guy who looked like me I'd take huge fucking pleasure in making him mine and dominating him. Don't you think that would be fun, Tom?" "Huh?" "Doing what you want with a big guy like me. Wouldn't that be great?" Tom didn't answer, thinking it might be a trick question. And Vinnie wasn't quit sure why he'd asked it either. He chuckled and went to his bedroom. "'Night, Tom"

Sitting on the edge of his bed, Vinnie started running his hands over his own smooth hard biceps and chest. He tried to imagine he was another guy, or that he was feeling another guy. He was getting excited, getting a boner again, but he didn't know what to do about it, or how he could satisfy this new itch. He went to the mirror and looked himself in the eyes. He imagined what he looked like to the men he fucked. "Kneel, Vinnie" he hissed, and then got down on his knees, as if before someone. He found he was turning himself on with this fantasy. That big strong guy in the mirror kneeling down to suck an imaginary cock.

He shook his head, not quite liking how much he enjoyed this new feeling. He went to bed, and the next night he picked up a guy stripper and fucked his brains out to forget about it.

But about a week later it was on his mind again, as he sat with his girlfriend watching TV. Some crime show was on, and he started having a fantasy about what would happen if a couple of guys were to break into his house right now. He imagined himself fighting them off, and then beating them into submission, fucking them. He imagined telling them 'give me a blow job or I'll call the police'. The thought was getting him horny, and yet suddenly he started imagining what would happen if he couldn't fight them. What if they overpowered him? He imagined them tying him up and stripping him. He imagined himself at their mercy, his big strong body at the mercy of a couple of punks. Trying to struggle, but unable to move, unable to do anything as they... No! He'd beat them, he'd... But what if he didn't? What if he couldn't beat them? What if he was trapped, tied up, and couldn't move, couldn't do anything to stop them? "Wow, Vinnie" said his girlfriend, "Are you enjoying this show or are you just pleased to see me?" "Sure am, babe" he lied, and he ended up fucking her. But as he came, he found he was still imagining the two guys.

Vinnie had a set of handcuffs stowed away in one of his drawers. Sometimes the guys he fucked liked to be restrained, and he'd kept this set as a souvenir. The next afternoon he fondled them, watched them glisten in the sunlight, started thinking about how someone might get themselves out of those cuffs, how he could escape them if he ever found himself in them.

But there's no escape, Vinnie. He heard a voice saying that in his head. No escape for you Vinnie, you have to submit.

Vinnie shoved them back in the drawer and slammed it shut. He'd never thought like this before, never thought of himself as helpless.

He found some old photographs of himself and started doodling on them. He found one where his wrists were close together and drew some cuffs on that. His cock swelled, his cock swelled when the picture appeared to show him restrained. It was kind of like he wanted to fuck that guy. But he couldn't, because he WAS that guy.

"Do as you're told, Vinnie" he heard himself saying. He grunted it like a command. Then he scared himself, shook off his erection, and went out for the afternoon to forget about it.

He didn't forget about it. He kept having dreams, and once woke up to find a puddle of his own cum in the bed. That hadn't happened to him for years.

After a couple more weeks, when no one was in the house, he decided he was going to do something about all this confusion. He set a video camera up in the living room and, making sure it was pointed in the right direction and that he was getting everything in shot, he stripped off in front of it. Then he put the handcuffs on his own wrists, not looking them, just closing them. They were tight and cold. They were so small on his huge body, and yet they had the power to make it helpless.

He was going to videotape himself like this and then use the tape for his own pleasure. He was going to be the only one ever to know what it would be like to have Vinnie as his sex slave, to have Vinnie captured. He was going to watch this tape of himself and he was going to jerk off.

He took the cuffs off again and wondered how best to do this. With quite a bit of work, he rigged something up with an old entrance to a loft. He got an old length of pipe, affixed it firmly to the roof using the hatch, and then draped the cuffs over the pipe, in such a way that they'd have to be slid upwards a foot or two to be released - which wouldn't be possible to someone who was locked into them. Then it was just a matter of putting his hands into the cuffs, and making sure that they did not become properly locked. It had to seem real; he had to be able to imagine the reality of it so that he could put this whole thing behind him.

Tomorrow. He'd spent so long preparing the thing that someone was sure to be coming home soon now.

That night, he found himself unable to sleep. He was that excited about the next day, about the idea of seeing himself made helpless, the idea of feeling it. And then suddenly, at four in the morning, he sat upright and decided he was going to do it. He was going do it after all. Submit.

It would have to be someone like him. Someone who wanted guys as greedily and possessively as he did.

He called Will and asked him to take the afternoon off school and come over to his house. He told him to ask Mitch to come too. He told them that it was really important and that it would be worth their while. Will sounded bemused, but Vinnie knew that when he mentioned it to Mitch, Mitch would be curious. They'd come.

And so Vinnie cuffed his wrists together above his head, clicked them locked and dropped the key onto the floor. Now he had no choice. Now he was helpless. He tugged at his restraint, strained to walk away. He couldn't. It was real now. He couldn't leave this spot. He struggled more, but the restraint was rigid and he couldn't escape. He'd put the mirror on the other side of the room so that he could watch himself. And he saw himself. He saw himself strung up like some kind of prisoner in a dungeon, and he'd done it to himself.

He suddenly felt frightened, really frightened. He looked at the key on the floor, wondering if he had made a mistake. He tried to reach it with his foot but he couldn't. And even if he'd been able to, he wouldn't have been able to do anything with it.

And so he looked at the clock and waited for the two guys to arrive. His stomach tightened. They'd be coming. They would find him like this, naked and chained up. He couldn't change that now.

He looked at his great meaty body strung up for the pleasure of a couple of teenagers.

The time went so slowly, and finally he heard the back door. A couple of knocks. "Vinnie? Are you there?" Will said. He gulped. His heart was absolutely pounding. He couldn't move, he was naked and he couldn't move. He'd never felt vulnerable like this before, ever. "Come in!" he called. And Will and Mitch entered. They were both in school uniforms. They closed the door behind them and walked into the living room.

Vinnie could turn a little. He faced them. Will just looked baffled. Not even excited, just baffled. "What's going on?" he asked.

Vinnie thought. "I want you to abuse my body". He was shocked he'd said it. "Huh?" "I want you to treat my body like a plaything, I want you to tease me and use me and do anything you like with me" Will suspected a trick or some kind of demented joke. He went over and tugged at one of Vinnie's arms to see if the restraint would come away. But Vinnie really was tied up.

Then Will took a step back and took the scene in properly. Mitch's mouth was wide open. He didn't know what to think.

Will grinned, realising suddenly. "You know about me and Mitch, don't you?" "Sure do", Vinnie answered. "And I've fucked him" "You what?" Will asked, looking at Mitch and then at Vinnie again. "Oh yeah, I've fucked him good and hard. I've done things to him he's probably never let you do" Will looked at Mitch again, and then at Vinnie. Then at Mitch. "He's fucked you?" Mitch shrugged affirmatively.

Will looked at Vinnie again. Vinnie saw anger and jealousy on his face and his cock suddenly got hard. What if Will wanted to punch him in the stomach, and he couldn't stop him? His cock shot up. He belonged to Will suddenly. He, Vinnie, belonged to this kid.

But Will grinned again as he saw Vinnie's cock rising. Now he saw what was on Vinnie's mind and knew what to do.

"But you can't fuck Mitch now, can you?" he asked, and he took Mitch's hand and pulled him over to him. Then he held Mitch's body in front of his own, feeling at his shoulders and his waist through the white school shirt. He looked at Vinnie, letting Vinnie watch as he fondled Mitch's body tentatively through the clothing. "Mitch isn't yours, see Vinnie? He's mine. Ohhh yeahh, that body feels good. Uh, I can feel Mitch's lovely hard ripply stomach through this shirt. Damn, it feels good" And Vinnie watched as Will's spread over Mitch's stomach. Will kissed at Mitch's head through his thick brown hair, looking up at Vinnie as he did so. "Oh yeah, why don't you try to touch him now Vinnie? Why don't you try to get your hands on this body?" Vinnie's cock got harder as he struggled. He really couldn't get free, really couldn't move. He hadn't considered that it would hurt his wrists and his arms but it was beginning to. He could see Will's hands running over Mitch's body, and wished they were his hands. "Ah, those big muscles in those huge arms of yours" Will said to Vinnie. "Can't help you now, can they?" And he reached round for the knot in Mitch's school tie, unravelling it slowly. "I'm going to strip all these clothes off your body and then I'm going to fuck you, Mitch. You want that don't you?" Mitch gasped. Mitch loved it. "Yeah" "I fuck you better than Vinnie, don't I?" "Uh-huh..." Mitch muttered quietly, "Oh yes, Will, you are the best"

Will smiled at Vinnie again, and Vinnie didn't know whether Mitch meant it or not. He struggled, but he was trapped. He wanted to break free, and yet it excited him hugely that he couldn't.

"Oh yeah, Vinnie, yeah. Struggle" Will growled. "I'll expect a damn good struggle when I come over there and fuck you next. It'll make it so much more fun" Oh yeah, this was turning out just as Vinnie had wanted. His cock was painfully hard. Will was going to take him. It was going to be like a rape. Yes, and Will was delicately removing Mitch's school tie. He wandered slowly over to Vinnie with it, gritting his teeth violently as he stretched it out and threw it around the back of Vinnie's head. He tied it around Vinnie's neck, a little more tightly than he had to, and he let his fingertips touch Vinnie's throat as he tied it. "There we go, Vinnie. Nice and tight for you? That's the closest you're going to get to Mitch today, that tie". Then he put his hands on Vinnie's face and held it. "Oh yes, you really can't resist, can you? You can't stop me" Vinnie gasped as he felt Will's fingers on his face. He'd never been handled by another guy like this before. Will went back to Mitch, got behind him again and started unbuttoning his shirt. "Yeahhh... Mitch loves me to unwrap him. He loves it when I peel all his clothes off him and give him what he needs". He was halfway down. He pulled the top of the shirt open and showed Vinnie Mitch's chest, his small nipples. He ran his fingertips over one of the nipples and kissed at Mitch's pretty face as his head tipped back with pleasure. "You love that, don't you, Mitch? When I play with these little boy nipples of yours?" Mitch's eyes were closed as he enjoyed it. He nodded happily. He loved that both these guys wanted him. He loved that Will was using him to torture Vinnie. Oh yeah, they wanted him this much, both of them.

Then Will violently tore open the remaining buttons of the shirt. Mitch had a taut washboard stomach and Will fondled it roughly with his fingers, giving each bump a proper squeeze and pinch. "Uhhh yeah, I bet you'd give anything to feel this stomach of Mitch's, wouldn't you Vinnie?"

Vinnie clenched his teeth. He wanted to go feel Mitch, to push Will out of the way and have Mitch all for himself, but he couldn't. And he loved it. He loved that Will had this power over him. He struggled, getting more and more turned on with the struggle.

"Yeah, go on you fucking bitch!" Will hissed, "You just try to break free! You try as hard as you can while I have some fun with Mitch here. In fact-" He went searching through the drawers and then found what he was looking for. He tore off a piece of black tape and forced it over Vinnie's mouth. "In case you get the idea you can tell us what to do" He looked at the tape covering Vinnie's mouth. "You've surrendered to me, Vinnie, and now I'm in charge. Go on, try to say something" Vinnie tried to speak but couldn't. He couldn't! He made a muffled yelling noise. He squirmed, but he couldn't do anything. Oh yeah, Will was taking him just like he'd wanted. Vinnie humiliated by this kid. He was dribbling precum now, but he couldn't touch his cock. It just flexed and twitched in front of him.

Will returned to Mitch again, pulling the shirt right off him and running the palms of his hands down his arms as he kissed his neck. He felt his stomach and his chest as he kissed him passionately. "Oh yeah, Mitch, you're mine, you're mine. Oh yeah..." He reached round and unbuttoned Mitch's pants. He pulled them a little way and they fell down. Mitch stepped out of them and his shoes and was standing only in his underwear, in a pair of black briefs. Vinnie watched helplessly as Will's hand stroked Mitch's buttocks through the pants, and teasingly pulled at the waistband. "Uhh, Will, fuck me" Mitch whispered, like he did when they were alone, like Vinnie wasn't there. Will continued to run his hands over Mitch's body. "Oh, I'm going to, I'm going to, but when?" He looked over at Vinnie. "I could just feel you and feel you for hours on end, Mitch, see how our prisoner likes that. How'd you like that, Vinnie? Just to watch me feel Mitch? Or how about I blindfold you and you don't see anything at all? How about I leave you in the darkness and you just wait and wait, never knowing when I'm going to come over there and put this cock of mine up your asshole?" Vinnie's eyes widened and he tried to say something but he couldn't. But Will was only teasing. He wanted Vinnie to see. "Sorry, Vinnie? I didn't catch that, you're going to have to speak up" Then he tore Mitch's briefs off, held him by the back of the neck and bent him over. "Oh yeah, fuck me" Mitch repeated. "Mmmm, Look at that gorgeous arse" Will said to Vinnie, and Vinnie stared at Mitch's ass. "Ohh yeah, it's going to be so great to get inside that. You can watch me do it, Vinnie, seeing as how you can't do it yourself. You can watch me fuck Mitch like a wildcat"

Will took off his own clothes gleefully. "But first-" He sat in the armchair and got Mitch to get on his hands and knees on the floor in front of him, so that Mitch's ass faced him. And he stretched out his legs and felt at Mitch's buttocks with the soles of his feet, feeling around the inside with his toes, nudging his big toe inside the hole. Mitch gasped and swallowed, his erection flat against his stomach. "Uuh... Will... don't tease me, I can't take it, fuck me please..." "Just a moment, Mitch" Will said, stroking his hair as he walked past him and headed for Vinnie. He picked up Mitch's belt. Vinnie looked frightened now. But Will laughed. "Don't worry, Vinnie, it's not what you think. It's just I think your legs have a bit too much freedom. This should bind them together nicely". He wrapped the belt tightly around Vinnie's smooth naked thighs, and fastened it. He put his hand on Vinnie's ass as he did so.

Then he went back to Mitch, getting him to drape himself over the back of the couch. He swung his big cock into his asshole suddenly. "Ahhhh! Yeeaahh!" he yelled, holding onto Mitch's waist as he thrust up and down inside him. Mitch's face lay against the cushion of the chair, and he looked beatifically happy as Will skewered him. "Uhhh, Mitch, you fantastic boy! You love all this cock! You love all the guys wanting you! Uhh! I love how you love it, Mitch! You're my own sexy pussy boy, Mitch! I fucking love you!" "Ohhh, Will, yes! Yes! You're the best, Will!" "Ahh, yeah!" he porked him wildly, turned on both by Mitch and by the sight of Vinnie, and by the thought of what he was going to do to Vinnie afterwards. He licked and kissed at Mitch's back as he fucked him, he sucked on Mitch's back and shoulders. "Yeah, you're mine, Mitch! No one else's! You'll always come back to me, won't you?" "...yes..." Mitch strained as he felt Will's cock prod deep inside him, as the pleasure starting surging through him, all spreading out from that one place, that one place inside him that felt so hot and so good. Mitch wailed, and his cum flooded out onto the couch. Will then wrapped his arm around his neck and drew him up close. "Yeah!" he shouted, "Oh yeah! Yeah!" His hot dick exploded up inside Mitch, he felt his cum pour into the body of the sexiest boy he knew. His boy. His. They slid onto the couch and Will held Mitch close and kissed deep into his mouth. Mitch's cum smeared on both their bodies as they kissed. "Oh", said Will, "Oh- yeah- Yeah! It's happening again!" And he raised his abdomen up from Mitch and suddenly shot a second load all over his stomach, all over that sexy stomach of Mitch's. Mitch rubbed his fingers over the cum and then stuck his fingers in his mouth to taste it. "Ah, yeah. The best cum you've ever known, huh Mitch?" Mitch agreed happily as he swallowed it.

"And now", Will said, standing up and looking at Vinnie. "Time for you to get some of my fantastic cum up inside that chunky body of yours" He approached Vinnie excitedly. His cock was instantly hard again, because the helpless Vinnie was such a fucking great sight. He groaned as he felt properly at Vinnie's body for the first time. He felt at his stomach and his ribs and his big broad chest. He felt at his armpits, and then at his big hard biceps. "I am going to fuck you, Vinnie. And I'm going to fucking love it. Yeah, these muscles of yours are so big. He squeezed them in his hands. "Yeah!" He gestured for Mitch. "Come on, Mitch. You like cock, Come and suck on Vinnie's cock. We'll show him that I don't care who else's cock you get, 'cause I know that I'm your first and I'm your favourite. You want Mitch to suck on your big dick while you get mine up your ass, don't you Vinnie?" He nodded, his reply muffled. "Yeah, I think you deserve a treat. Come on, Mitch" Mitch went over, eager to start sucking. He sank to his knees, wrapping his arms around Vinnie's legs, and licked at the big purple head of the cock, licked at the salty precum, the precum dribbling down the neck, licked it all up and swallowed it. Will kneaded Vinnie's buttocks, pulling them apart, pushing them back together again, then squeezing them together tightly. Simply showing Vinnie that he could do whatever he liked with them. Vinnie's cock throbbed, and Mitch took the head into his mouth, into his lovely sensual mouth. Vinnie came almost immediately, turned on by Will's play with his ass. He shot a gigantic load down Mitch's throat, a load that would not stop. Will entered Vinnie as Vinnie came, reaching out and feeling his shoulders and biceps as he forced his way into him. Vinnie's cock stayed erect as this new pleasure started, as he looked in the mirror and saw himself, Vinnie, getting fucked. And Mitch kept his mouth around the cock, sucking lovingly, rolling his tongue against it and around it. He reached up for Vinnie's buttocks and pulled them apart. "Thanks, Mitch..." Will grunted, absolutely loving fucking Vinnie, and knowing that because he'd only just came inside Mitch, it would be ages before he came again.

Finally, after forty minutes of thrusting and feeling, he felt the cum welling up at last. And he reached round for the tape on Vinnie's mouth and pulled it off as he shot into him, and Vinnie cried out, "YYYYESSSSS!" cumming into Mitch's mouth once more. He gasped and panted as Will pulled out of him finally. Then, exhausted, Will removed the belt from Vinnie's legs, picked the key up off the floor and freed him. Vinnie stretched his arms slowly, rubbing them because they were sore and stiff. "Will, you did well" he gasped. He was so dazed that he headed straight for bed.

"This is just between us three, okay?" he called back groggily as he left the room. "Sure" said Will. But while Vinnie slept, he stole the videotape, made a copy, and then returned it. He and Mitch watched it in bed together that night.

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