
By Davey R

Published on Aug 12, 2000


This a sweet sexy summertime story that's completely fictional. It's also based on the characters in the Australian soap opera Home and Away. Home and Away is copyright of Network 7 Productions, Australia. It's not showing here in the UK at the moment, so I thought I'd keep the Mitch fires burning..

"Mitch!" Vinnie irritably called into the bathroom as the boy showered. "Sorry babe, but you're going to have to get your clothes on and go. My girlfriend just called and she wants me to go pick her up from the bus station. Don't worry, I already scrubbed up the mess downstairs. I'll be about twenty minutes, so let yourself out before I get back" He paused. "You are fucking gorgeous, Mitch. We'll do this again soon".


The local police officer Joel Nash pulled up outside of Vinnie and Tom's house. It had been a long day and he was dying to get home, but he just needed to pay a quick visit to his son first. There was yet another family squabble to iron out. The truth was that he took each and every one of them less seriously than the one before, and so was almost completely disinterested in whatever this particular argument was about. He planned just to apologise to Tom for belittling him or not taking him seriously or whatever, and then everything would be as right as rain.

The main reason he was so desperate to get home was because he wanted to lie down on his bed and indulge in a nice protracted jerk-off. Long hot days at work always left him feeling desperate for sexual release, and no good opportunities for that had came along since his wife had left.

Not many of them had came along when he'd been with her, to be honest. He was rarely interested in her sexually, and had only managed to conceive the kids thanks to a couple of afternoons spent flicking through boy magazines.

Before he left the car he even had to try and force down an erection. He still had a dick like a teenager, really. It could spring up in any situation, no matter how inappropriate it was.

He sat there for about five minutes, waiting for it to go down. Finally the bulge flattened a little and he decided it was safe to leave the car. He still had to exert a bit of willpower as he headed towards the back door of the house, but thought that he could probably control it.

He went in through the kitchen door, which was open as always, and headed straight into the living room. "You home, Tom?" he was calling out, but the question faded in his mouth.

Tom wasn't there; wasn't in the living room, at least. That kid was there instead, Mitch. He was standing in the centre of the room, apparently having just come out of the shower. His wet body was covered only by a smallish blue towel wrapped loosely around his waist. It was wrapped so loosely that it had slid a little way down his hips, more so on one side than the other, so that it was actually below the waist, and Joel could see his abdomen, and a tiny dark little hint of the pubic hair below. Mitch was a muscular boy, but his body was also tender and youthful. And it was small, by almost anyone's standards. Small and cute. You forget how pretty he looks when you haven't seen him for a while. It's always a bit of a surprise. Especially with his skin all moist and his rich brown hair glistening wet. He looked surprised; his pretty lips parting, his blue eyes wide. He looked like every sexy young boy you've ever wanted to touch and take care of and have in your bed forever. Tom's cock was instantly stiff, and hugely obvious.

Mitch grabbed at the towel, seemingly oblivious. Maybe being polite. In a sudden shocking moment, Joel wondered what would happen if Mitch told everyone about this. 'It was disgusting', he pictured him saying, 'He had a hard on'. "Uh, hi... er... Mr Nash. My, um, my shower's not working and Vinnie said I could, er, use..." He was quite a fast thinker, but you could hear that it was a lie. "That's okay, um, Mitch. I was just looking for Tom. Is he..."? Panicking, he hurried towards the hallway, thinking that he should hide the erection as soon as possible. Maybe Mitch hadn't seen it after all. As he went past, his arm brushed against Mitch's. And for a moment the pretty boy's body was right next to his, like a lover's. He was standing at a ridiculous awkward angle, attempting to hide his excitement. "Tom's not home, Mr Nash" Mitch said with almost exaggerated helpfulness. "He's gone out for the night" "Oh. Oh, well I guess I'll just- Where's Vinnie?" "Gone to pick up his girlfriend from the bus station" "Okay, I guess I'll just..." He had to walk past Mitch again to be able to leave the house. He brushed past him again, except this time, almost without thinking of the consequences, he let his fingertips brush fleetingly against Mitch's waist. He felt a kind of sadness. What a gorgeous boy. How fantastic it would be to explore that beautiful body. But it couldn't happen.

He did another stupid thing. He wanted a nice clear image in his head for when he got home and started masturbating. He glanced back.

Mitch let his arms fall by his sides. Open, welcoming. "It's okay, Mr Nash", he said gently. "You can touch me if you want. I want you to" He stopped dead in his tracks for a moment, thinking he'd misheard. But Mitch was looking at him invitingly. His body was so young, and so attractive.

Joel went over to Mitch slowly. Mitch nodded, looking him right in the eye to show that he meant it. Joel put his hands around his waist. He became lightheaded with lust as he realised that this body, this young body, had really and truly just been offered to him. "Mitch" he whispered, because it was the only thing he could think of to say. Oh, the boy was so much shorter than he was, so much younger too. That face. He craned his head forward to kiss him. They brushed lips only momentarily at first, but then he went in again, and this time his mouth became locked to the boy's. Ah yes, the feel of this body in his hands and this mouth joining up with his, this was all that mattered. Oh yeah, he could feel the inside of Mitch's mouth, he was inside a teenage boy's mouth for the first time since he'd been a teenager himself. Oh yes, this boy, this heartbreaking little tough guy was letting him do it.

His hands ran up Mitch's ribs, and pressed against his chest, rubbing his small hard nipples as he thrust his salivating tongue into the wet, pliant mouth. He felt his way down Mitch's arms, and then back to his hips again, gently pulling at the rolled-up edge of the towel until it fell easily away. Joel, still fully clothed, still in his police uniform, was now caressing an entirely naked boy. He held Mitch's firm buttocks in his hands as he kissed him passionately. His cock was absolutely on fire, Sweet, sweet fire. This boy was going to be his.

Rather than pull away for even a moment, he let his tongue roll around over Mitch's face, pressing his mouth against the boy's ear and murmuring, "When will Vinnie be back?" "Uhhh... about fifteen minutes, I think..." Mitch whispered, as he pulled at Joel's zipper and unbuckled his belt. "Come on, we'll go somewhere private. One of the caravans" "...okay.." Mitch agreed. "Afterwards" "...What do you mean, afterwards?" Mitch laughed gently. "I doubt it's gonna take you fifteen minutes to cum. Do it in me now, do it in any hole you like" "Ahh, Mitch" He fondled at the teen boy's body, "Mitch, you're such a gorgeous boy" He could feel a deep throbbing all through his body as he felt at every part of Mitch, found his balls and his dick and stroked them, then stuck his finger in the hot spot between his balls and his hole. Mitch's hands freed Joel's cock and rubbed maddeningly softly against the head. Oh yeah, Mitch's hands, oh yeah, his face oh yeah yes yes yesyesyes...

His cum shot all over Mitch's stomach and chest. He pressed Mitch right against him as he came, so the cum was all over his shirt too, and he kissed at the face again and again. "Uh... Mitch..." he said, refusing to let go of this body, holding Mitch's face in his hands. "Too soon..." "It's okay", said Mitch's voice as he kissed back. "It's not over yet, Mr Nash"

He didn't leave Mitch's side as the boy dressed, and he kept his hand on him the whole time, either to hold him by the wrist or too feel his hair or his shoulder or the back of his neck. His cock was painfully erect already, and three minutes later he felt ready to cum again.

Mitch dressed simply in a blue T-shirt and those three-quarter pants that he probably wore to look taller. The kind of clothes only a kid can wear. Joel had thought he'd never get his hands on another teen boy again.

They went to Joel's car and set off along the coast road. As Joel drove, he couldn't stop looking over at the passenger seat. He couldn't quite believe his luck when he saw Mitch there. And less than a minute later, he'd find himself looking again. Mitch was like some of the guys he'd wanted when he was at school, twenty years ago. But as much as he'd always wanted to, he'd never had a boy before. Not until now. Not until soon.

"Let's go down there," Mitch said, pointing out a small secluded cove. Golden sand, sparkling blue water. Joel didn't need to think about it for long, parking the car at the side of the road and holding Mitch's hand as they climbed down. When they got to the bottom, Mitch took off his clothes and teasingly ran into the water. Joel laughed, did the same, and chased him. He swam after him through the warm rippling waters, seeing his back and his butt bobbing up and down in the water, and feeling like he was floating along on his own stiff cock as he went after him.

Pounding through the ocean, he reached out and caught hold of Mitch's ankle, surging forward and kissing it, and kissing the calves and the thighs and the buttocks as Mitch floated on the water. "Oh yes", Mitch gasped, "Oh please yes", and Joel dragged him towards him, closing his manly arm around the boy's chest and stomach and pressing Mitch against his own chest as his cock made its way through to the water to Mitch's ass. He kissed Mitch's head through the glistening brown hair as he drove into him, felt the inside of Mitch around his dick, felt this beautiful boy's flesh tight against him. They stayed afloat because of his thrusting alone, because he was thrusting with all his might into this boy, holding this boy tight against him because he was so perfect and he wanted him so much.

And then he came, grunting as Mitch gasped, "Yess! Yes! Unnngh!", feeling the orgasm rip through him everywhere like it was spreading through the water.

For a long long time he didn't let go of Mitch. When he finally did, the water swirled into the space between them. They'd been pressed so tightly together that there'd been no room for it. His arms and chest actually hurt from holding Mitch so tight, and Mitch had red marks across his chest and stomach. He turned Mitch round and kissed him, and Mitch kissed back, and when they finally went to the shore, they lay naked on the sand and kissed each other until the sun went down.

Next: Chapter 4

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